EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(EMF Shockwave starts with it’s usual video and then it goes into the arena that is already has the lights on with the Highlight Reel in set in the ring, with Amy Dumas in the ring in her wheel chair, she’s smiling as a huge “Lita!! Lita!! Lita!!” chant goes up and then she lets it claim down and she speaks.)

.::Amy Dumas::.-Ladies and Gentlemen I would like to introduce to you, the NEW RWA/EMF HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION and the host of the Highlight Reel…..Chris Jericho!!

(The camera goes to the EMF tron as a count down starts “Y5J…..Y4J…..Y3J…..Y2J”, “break the walls down” blasts on the PA system as pyrotechnics blasts off. Suddenly it shows Chris Jericho in the isle way holding his hands out with both the RWA-WWF Hardcore championship and the EMF/RWA World Championship. Jericho spins around and then puts both titles on his shoulder as the crowd gives a huge cheer for Jericho as he walks down the ramp way. He then slowly walks up the steps and then goes on to the isle way and then raises the titles on the apron. Jericho steps inside of the ring, Jericho gives a look to Amy who has a huge smile and is clapping as Jericho goes to the ropes and slowly raises both titles in the air. Jericho then puts both titles over his shoulders and then gets handed a microphone from a ring worker as the music stops, suddenly a big “Y2J!! Y2J!! Y2J!!” chant goes up. Jericho lets it die down.)

OOC-I was hoping to write something better than this, but haven't been feeling great...so hopefully you won't hold it against me

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-Before I begin, I would like to announce that X-Cold’s ban here in the EMF has been lifted. So with the balance of power shifting back to Prez Mike, hopefully the EMF’s going back to where it was before Triple H came back. Anyways at first glace, someone that was totally unware of Triple H’s and myself history would look at the card and think that our match was about a world championship, but that couldn’t have been anything farther from the truth. Last Sunday, two men entered the ring in the main event…not to really win a world championship. But to make sure that history did not repeat itself, they gave everything they had knowing what type of hell they were trying to avoid, and at the end of the night the winner would be signified by holding up the RWA/EMF championship….the world championship that everyone in the back all goes for now holds a different meaning, instead of being meaning that you are the best in the RWA or the EMF…it now means that the winner avoided having everything taken away from them once again. You know going into that match at Whiplash, I had a lot of issues with Triple H that could not just have gone unresolved. You see since 2001, I had asked myself the question over and over in my head, “had it not been for Triple H…could I have done something to help the RWA still live.” It’s one of the bigger issues that pressed me to invade the EMF along with Amy here, because I knew sooner or later he would have to show his face. Then I could get revenge, you see having this title over my shoulder…it’s great…don’t get me wrong. But there was so much more I wanted to accomplish than just get this title over my shoulder, I know it’s like a broken record right now. But at Whiplash it was the setting of an event that shouldn’t have happen, the closing of the RWA. I needed to go into the ring at this point I knew that defeating Triple H was the only way to get rid of my demons of the past. To defeat Triple H…I could finally get rid of all the anger I held against him and all living federations. Because even before the RWA-WWF died, the issues between us had to be resolved, they didn’t get a chance to be resolved until last Sunday. To a point it was about winning this championship as well, not just so I can run around here week after week, like some jackasses might if they became RWA or EMF champion. But just like everything else, it was more of a personal mission for me, because in the RWA I truly believed that it was my destiny to be a world champion, and I think I by walking out of the winner I have done all that and more. I have defeated the demons, killed the anger, resolved the feud, and finally living my destiny…MY DREAM! Also as much as I didn’t want it to be, this also had to do with the present it would seem. Because of what happen at the contract signing, I could not just allow what happen to just stand. After that happened, Triple H could have cut off my arms…cut off my legs, and I still would have found a way to get to the ring and give him the biggest Y2J beating that has ever…and I mean EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EVER been given out. I wasn’t going to let him and that jackass Orton get away with harming Amy like that, so if he thought that it would have improved his chances at Whiplash…well he soon found out he had another thing coming. Because he soon found out after that…it wouldn’t have mattered my condition. You see, all that and a hell of a lot more was finally settled at Whiplash with the encouragement of the lovely Amy Dumas, I nipped out of a puddle of my own blood and nailed the Lion sault to defeat the legend…the icon…the game..Triple H, I did something that people have been trying to do for a half of year..and that’s put an end to Evolution/Ministry power. Hell I think maybe there was even some respect between myself and Triple H after that match.

(Jericho pauses as another “Y2J!!! Y2J” chant starts Jericho smiles and shakes his head and lets it go for a few seconds and continues)

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-But regardless of that….it’s over…it’s finally over. Thanks to the fact that I always had a stable behind me, there was always a question if I really was the “Slayer of Careers”. But now the doubters of me having that title have finally been silence, because of not only did I kill the career of one of the greatest legends ever in the EMF, but I did it with no stables, no tag alongs looking for a name, with the deck stacked, everything to lose…everything to gain. So for those who want to doubt that I am the “Slayer of Careers” can SHUT…..THE HELL….UP. For the people that doubted my talents within the RWA/EMF have been proven wrong as well, because for the time being I stand here the Real Wrestling Alliance and Extreme Measures Federation World Heavyweight Champion!!

(Crowd cheers, as the camera focus’ on Amy who has a huge smile)

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-Now there is a few questions to be answered, first off just where does the Other World go from here? Well I know this week has been a lot of fun celebrating my title win with Amy….*suddenly the crowd stops cheering and starts mumbling about something *…damn it what are you all talking about…oh well whatever. So we will probably be around like normal, maybe host a Highlight Reel here and there, make sure that Amy is walking around as soon as possible. But rest assured, the Other World is going NO WHERE! *crowd cheers * Now the question that everyone has asked, just will I live up to my word. Well I hope that everyone now understands that I did this for my own personal issues go, not for personal gain…not for the fame that goes with being the world champion, hell not even for the money. Because thanks for Vince McMahon of the RWA signing to me to a huge contract before the RWA died, I probably don’t have to worry about money at all. So now that I have done everything I wanted, I really don’t need this championship anymore. The fact of the matter even if I wanted to keep it, I’m sure that all of you knew I shouldn’t have even been in that match at Whiplash, and if I were to go on I would be risking my health. While she understood why I risked it at Whiplash…because she was a RWA worker as well. Amy has told me even she’s a bit worried about me…not sure why though, but regardless if that was the case then it would be selfish of me to continue to hold this title and make her worry about something like that. So with that said I will release this title back to the EMF alone to anyone in the EMF who wants to chase a dream of being world champion. To make sure that it just doesn’t get handed to anyone, I’m going to release it under these terms. That at Dark Horizon a battle royal of everyone in the EMF that has interest of being in it, but it doesn’t end there. Because the final six wrestlers in the battle royal will then be proclaimed the winners of the battle royal, and go on to Survival of the Fitest to battle in an Elimination Chamber match to determined the new world champion!!

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-Now that’s out of the way, let’s get to my first guest on the Highlight Reel in a long time. Everyone please welcome a man that recently made his return here in the EMF…some know him as a Total Attitude Wrestling legend, some know him as the best damn technical wrestler today…Jerichohalics please welcome….Chris Benoit!!!!

("Whatever" by Our Lady Peace blasts on the PA system as Benoit walks to the ring, he climbs into the ring and then raises his arms to a huge cheer from the crowd)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-First off Chris, welcome to the Highlight Reel.

Chris Benoit: Thanks Jericho, it's an honor to be the guest of Highlight Reel. I have to say, it was a most unexpected invatation.

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-You know Benoit, it's been a long time since you last stepped into a ring...the only question is what brings you back to the EMF?

Chris Benoit: Well you know Jericho, I'm sure you can relate when I say that a wrestler has to be well conditioned to perform at his best. In my previous run with EMF I think I was a bit premature. I was in a company where there were alot of wrestlers I had never heard of, alot of younger more youthful talent. I should of scouted them like I did this time around. Had I done that I think I would of won more matches than I did. So why did I come back? To prove a point. To prove I'm still the Rabid Wolverine, to Prove I'm still the Canadian Crippler, and for others to Prove me Wrong! I've returned to EMF to ensure my title as the best Technical Wrestler alive today.

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-You know Benoit, I know for a fact you have a long storied career, believe me I know a lot about you. But if you haven't noticed...the EMF has changed since you last stepped into this ring Chris...there is a new generation of EMF superstars on the rise. So please tell them just exactly who Chris Benoit is.

Chris Benoit: Well Jericho, I can list the titles I've held but I'm not one to say that gold should reflect who a wrestler is. I am a 3 time TAW Champion, I've held the TAW Tag titles on multiple occasions, and yes, even a TAW Hardcore Champion. At one point I was even CEO of TAW. But to me that is only a fraction of who Chris Benoit is. TAW has closed it's door and it's time to further the Benoit legacy. When I parted ways with TAW I started my own wrestling school. Sean O'Haire was one of my first students and he made great strides when I took him to TAW. He was a three time TAW Tag Champion and first person in TAW to hold two titles at once. Seems my teaching paid off. So with the success of Sean I'd like to extend an invatation to anyone out there who'd like to become a wrestler, my school can give you the best training there is. But you know, as much as I love training, I miss the ring, so here I am, ready to take on the EMF and it's new generation.

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.--There were so many times you could have picked to come back Chris...for weeks, you have sent messages about your return at Whiplash...so I have to ask you...why Whiplash. I mean so much could have been different after that night, I mean the EMF might be run by Triple H. Hell Amy and I might not be here talking to you, so why pick that night where so much could have changed in the EMF?

Chris Benoit: Well, I guess you could say I'm going with the pattern Jericho. As you said, it was a night where so much could change. Well, I wanted to be part of that change. Chris Benoit will change this roster forever. I'm here to go the distance with these guys and Whiplash seemed like the perfect time to start doing so. Not only that, but as I said earlier I wanted to be in peak condition. So for the past month I've been training my ass off in my ring at home. Meanwhile those messages were perparing everyone for what was yet to come. I don't think many people knew it was me to tell you the truth, and that's a good thing because it teaches these other guys they need to watch their backs a bit more. There will always be someone out there watching.

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Ok...well guess there is only one thing to ask you then...now that you are here...what are your goals?

Chris Benoit: Well Jericho, for starters, I'd like to be the first to throw my hat in the ring to contend for your World Title. That is my ultimate goal while I'm here. But of course there is a time and a place for everything. I have much on my agenda even though it's only been a week since I arrived. Tournament or not, I want to hold one of those tag titles. My most recent concern and short term goal though. ASSASSIN! I helped him win that TV title for one reason, for me to wrestle him for it. Assassin and I have had a rivalry ever since TAW and now it begins again. If theres anyone here I'd want to wrestle for a title I would choose him. So at Whiplash I ensured my investment by doing just that. So as you can see, I have many goals, and the chances of my holding a title at this point seem very optimistic. Don't get me wrong, I know this won't be a piece of cake, I'll work hard like always, and you know as much as anyone I'm my worst critic when it comes to my matches. But with my intensity, I plan on nothing stopping me from getting what I want win or lose.

(Suddenly Assassin’s theme blasts on the PA system as Assassin walks to the ring with a pissed off look on his face with the TV title over his shoulder. Assassin gets into the ring and then pushes Benoit in the corner and pulls out a microphone)

Assassin-You.....put....investment in me?!

(Benoit gets up to his face with his microphone)

Chris Benoit-Yeah, you got a problem with that? YOU... ME...TV TITLE!!!!

(Suddenly the two throw down their microphones. Jericho grabs one and then tries to claim them down. But suddenly they start to push)

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-There is no need for this you know!

(Suddenly Jericho gets pushed back and then, quickly Amy wheels over to the ropes and grabs a microphone as Benoit and Assassin really starting to fight, both getting their finishing holds on each other the Crippler Cross face and Assassinator and yells)

.::Amy Dumas::.-Security!!

(Suddenly people run down to the ring and break up the mess, Jericho’s up off the mat and then talking to Amy as EMF goes to commercial)

*"Biohazard's theme" is heard as he walks out and Freddy Krueger walks out behind him. The two men go down to the ring and prepare themselves for their opponents.*

JR: These are two people that just seem to fit together.

King: ZzZzZzZz.

JR: Don't do that! It's Freddy!

*"Benoit's Theme" is playing as he comes out from the back. Taz walks out behind him and they go down to the ring.*

JR: Do you feel hated?

King: Not anymore.

[The Bell sounds. Benoit paces a little bit, Freddy not really thinking this through charges at Benoit. Benoit counters with a punch that sends Freddy down to the mat. Freddy gets up and charges again and Benoit knocks him down with another punch that stuns Freddy, Benoit whips Freddy off the ropes. Freddy bounces off the ropes and Benoit hits a flap jack on Freddy, Freddy slowly gets up stunned and then stumbles by turn buckle and then Benoit hits a splash in the corner and then hits a few knife edge chops to Freddy. Benoit tags in Taz and then whips Freddy off the ropes as Taz climbs to the top rope, Freddy bounces off the ropes and then hits a spine buster in position for Taz who leaps off the top rope and hits a flying elbow drop on Freddy. Taz goes for the cover and gets a 1…………..2………..kick out, Taz pulls up Freddy and then hits a few forearm shots and then trys to whip Freddy to the ropes. But Freddy reverses the whip and sends Taz to the ropes. Taz then hits a flying forearm that knocks Freddy to the ropes. Taz measures up as Freddy stumbles up and then once he’s up to his feet Taz charges and knocks Freddy over the top rope and sends Freddy flying to the arena floor. Taz then plays to the crowd a little bit, then Benoit then comes into the ring and then tells Taz something, Freddy is making his way up. Benoit sets up at the ropes. Taz runs to the ropes, Taz runs at Benoit and Benoit hits a back body drop on Taz that sends him flying over the ropes and on to Freddy!]

[Both wrestlers are down as Benoit goes back to his corner. Taz stumbles to his feet and then recovers after that high risk move by Taz. Taz then pulls up Freddy and then whips him to the steps and then Freddy goes flying to the stairs shoulder first Freddy is in a lot of pain. Taz then rolls Freddy to the ring and then climbs to the top rope and waits for Freddy to get up. Freddy stumbles to his feet, Taz then times his leap and then leaps off the top rope and nails Freddy with a missile drop kick. It takes a few moments to get up and go in to the cover, but he’s able to do it and hook the leg and gets a 1……………..2………..Biohazard Biohazard comes into the ring and then breaks up the count. Biohazard then starts to nail Taz with a few fists and then whips Taz off the ropes and then nails Taz with a spinebuster. Benoit has had enough of this, so he comes into the ring while Biohazard Biohazard is talking trash to the fallen Taz and then nails Biohazard with a few fists that back him up. Then Benoit nails Biohazard with a clothesline over the top rope!]

[Both wrestlers are down and start looking for a tag, Biohazard a little shaken up has gotten into his corner and reaching for the tag as Benoit has returned to his corner after the ref makes him. Benoit reaches for the tag as Taz gets closer. But Freddy is closer to Biohazard and is able to tag him first. Taz is able to get to his corner, but Biohazard grabs on to Tazs leg and drags him to the center of the ring. Biohazard then grabs Tazs other leg and then sets him up for a caultpault and hits it. Tazs goes flying into one of the turnbuckle. But lands on the second turnbuckle feet first. Tazs really weak is able to turn himself around but seemly not much more. Biohazard just realizes this and then charges at Taz, but Taz gets his foot up and then goes crashing into the boot of Taz. Biohazard goes to one knee for a moment and then gets up stunned. Tazs then hooks Biohazard and then hits a tornado DDT. Taz falls near his corner, but still can’t make it before Biohazard stumbles to his feet. Taz makes the tag and Benoit comes into the ring and Biohazard stumbles towards him and then Benoit nails him with a fist and knocks him. Biohazard stumbles up and then gets hit a few forarms and then whips him to the rope. Biohazard bounces off the ropes and Benoit nails a fall through side walk slam. Biohazard rolls to the outside and then Benoit looks to go after him, but the ref makes him back off bit.]

[While Benoit isn’t looking Freddy comes into the ring and trys to attack Benoit from behind, Benoit somehow senses it and sides steps Freddy putting him in a full nelson and hits an arabian face buster. Benoit goes into the cover and the ref reminds him that Biohazard is the legal man. Biohazard comes into the ring and then pounds on Benoit with a few fists and then pulls him up and then whips him to the ropes. Benoit ducks under the boot by Biohazard as he returns and then sets him and nails a german suplex, Taz knocks off Freddy and then Benoit goes into the cover and gets the 1………………2……………….3. Benoit celebrates.]

*“Tyrant’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Tyrant and Tomko walks to the ring.*

JR-Winning here would help Tyrant’s career

King-Well it wouldn't hurt Tomko's either.

*"You think you know me" is playing when Edge comes out from the back with Rey Mysterio following close behind. The two men run down to the ring and get in. The bell sounds.*

[Tomko and Rey start out, Tomko and Rey lock up. But Rey pushes Tomko to the corner of the ring. Tomko just looks at Rey in the corner as Rey paces around the ring, Tomko then gets up and paces as well. Rey and Tomko lock up, then Tomko goes behind Rey. Rey trys to counter with a back elbow, but Tomko then ducks and Rey is in position for a northern lights suplex. Rey grabs the ropes to prevent that from even happening and then Rey hits a knee to the gut and then stuns Tomko. Tomko stumbles a little bit and then Rey hits a few forearms and then whips Tomko to the ropes and then Tomko bounces off the ropes and then Rey nails Tomko with a hard shoulder block. Rey then waits as Tomko crawls towards the ropes and then Rey chokes Tomko the ref counts and makes Rey break up the move. Rey then runs to the ropes ropes and then comes crashing down on Tomko’s upper back. Tomko gets up in pain and then stumbles right into Rey who then puts Tomko in a bear hug. Tomko looks for a way out, but can’t find it because he’s in pain. Slowly Tomko starts to fade away, the ref checks and when he sees that he’s seemly out he starts to check the arm of Tomko once…………..twice…….before it can go up a third time Tomko then raises his arm and slowly comes to life.]

King: When was the last time you've seen that work?

JR: I honostly can't say.

[Once he does Tomko hits a few a shots to the side of the head and then Tomko nails Rey with a few fists and then Rey backs to the ropes and then Tomko trys to whip Rey to the ropes. But Rey reverses the move and then sends Tomko to the ropes. Tomko bounces off the ropes, Rey catches Tomko while he’s bouncing off the ropes and then drives him into the mat with his pattern side walk slam. Rey goes into the cover and gets a 1………………2………..kick out. Tomko stumbles up and into the corner, Rey then hits a few hard back elbows into the corner and then Rey uses his boot to choke Tomko. Rey then whips Tomko to the ropes and then charges in with him and then nails Tomko with a hard clothesline in the corner. Tomko stumbles out as Rey takes his time and then trys to whip Tomko to the ropes, but Tomko makes a dead stop and doesn’t let go of Rey’s hand. Then he pulls Rey towards him and catches Rey with a spinebuster in the middle of the ring. Both wrestlers are down.]

JR: Spinebuster's never feel good.

King: Probably because it busts your spine?

JR: What an observation King.

[Both men lay there after the Devastating spine buster. Both men struggle to get to their respectivecorners where Tyrant and Edge are both Reaching for Tags. Tomko crawls over and tags in Tyrant, asTyrant gets in the ring Rey goes to tag Edge but D grabs Rey's leg only toget a make shift enzuguri and Rey makes a diving leap towards his cornertagging Edge. Edge climbs in thering and hits D with a clothesline, and again when D gets up. Edge goes for another clothesline and Dsensing a pattern ducks it and hits a spinning back kick, taking both mendown. The Ref starts the 10 count. The Ref continues his count.. (5.) (6.), both men stir and get up,both exchanging right hands. As D bounces off the ropes and takes Edge downwith a cross body. D gets back up and calls for Tomko to get in for the doubleteam. They pick up Edge and hit adouble suplex.. Tomko keeps the Refdistracted while D chokes Edge. Onceorder is restored both men are back up fighting once again. D throws Edge tothe ropes and Edge holds on as D attempts a dropkick and misses, Edge walksover and takes advantage locking in an STF. The Ref checks for D to Tap, Drefuses and inches his way to the ropes. He reaches out and grabs the bottomrope and Edge breaks the hold.. D stands up favoring his left leg, and asEdge comes over, D punches him a couple times and hits the ropes then slides under, between Edge's legs and hits a facecrusher from behind.]

King: I hope this one is over soon JR.

JR: King this is a slobberknocker. This is a great match.

King: Where's a Badd Boy promo when you need to get to sleep in a hurry?

[D lays on the ground in pain as Edge moves over and Tags inRey. Rey pulls up Tyrant and then whips him to the ropes and then Rey lowers his head and then Tyrant counters this with a small package and is able to hold him for the 1…………2………..3 as Tomko nails Edge with a fist that knocks him off the apron. Rey gets up pissed and then Tomko and Tyrant get out of the ring and run up the ramp holding their hands up in victory.]

“the old Alliance theme” blasts on the PA system as Impact and Messiah walk to the ring

JR-You have got to wonder what the odds are that a team that once knew each other was picked randomly

King-You’re not saying that Prez Mike fixed it…are you?

“Cena’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Cena and Punk walk out

King-Why are they walking out together?

JR-Because the writer just wants to get this match written


[Impact and Punk lock up, Impact then hits a firemans carry and then puts Punk into a leg scissors. Impact tries to nip out of it, but can't and then tries to look for a way out of the hold and then moves up and then flips into a pin cover and gets a 1..........2.....kick out on Punk and then Punk using leg strength gets up and then tries to turn it into a back slide, but then Impact unhooks it and turns the attempt into short arm clothesline. But Punk ducks it and then goes for a germen suplex, but then Impact hits a few hard elbows that breaks the grip of Punk and then he quickly goes behind and then nails a quick release germen suplex on Punk. Punk stumbles up and then Impact picks up Punk and then hits a body slam and then hits a few stomps and then backs to the ropes and then once he bounces off he quickly drops the fist drop on Punk and then Impact picks up Punk and then twists his arm and then brings him to the corner and then with his free hand Impact tags in Messiah and then puts him in a Russian leg sweep attempt and then Messiah climbs to the top rope and then nails a front drop kick that sends Punk into the russian leg sweep. Messiah quickly goes into the cover and see's if he can get the win now, he gets a 1............2.....kick out. Then Messiah gets up and then starts to choke Punk and then the ref makes him break it up, and then Messiah pulls up Punk up and then nails a few hard knife edge chops and then he tries to whip him to the ropes and he does. Punk bounces off the ropes, Messiah goes for clothesline. But he ducks under the move and then Punk bounces off the ropes and then once he does, Messiah turns around and gets met with a flying clothesline by Punk, Punk goes down to the mat and then they both slowly make it to their corners as their partners in their respective corners reach out for the tag and then Messiah makes the tag to Impact, and then Punk is able to make it to Cena]

JR-Here comes Cena

King-Wow….that’s interesting

[Impact and Cena comes running in ring, Impact goes for a wild punch. But Cena ducks it and then hits a few hard fists and then quickly Impact backs to the ropes stunned and then Cena whips Impact to the ropes, Impact bounces off the ropes and then Cena lowers his head and nails a back body drop. Impact stumbles up and then gets clothesline over the top rope by Cena, though before he can go and attack Impact somemore Messiah comes over and then clubs him from the back, suddenly Punk comes from behind and starts to gets Messiah off of Cena. Cena and Punk take turns smashing Messiah against the ropes with fists and then Punk and Cena whip Messiah off the ropes and then they catch him for a double flap jack and then Punk returns to his side of the ring and then Cena throws Messiah over the top rope and then on to the floor. But what he doesn’t see as he’s taunting Messiah on the arena floor is Impact on the other side, Cena turns around and then gets hit with a missile drop kick by Impact. Impact then pulls up Cena and then hits a few hard fists and then back him up to the ropes and then whips Cena to the ropes. As Cena bounces off the ropes, Punk makes the quick blindside tag and then climbs to the top rope. Impact lowers his head and then Cena kicks him in the face and then kicks him in the gut to double him over. Cena runs to the back of Impact, bounces off the ropes and nails the throw back. The ref then pushes Cena out not knowing he’s been tag out, Punk takes his time showing off for the crowd and then goes for a big leg drop off the top rope. But somehow Impact is able to move out of the way!!]


King-Now you know for sure these teams were randomly picked

JR-That might be the case, might not be

[Punk stumbles towards his corner in pain, Impact is able to crawl and make the tag and then Cena gets one. Messiah runs into the ring and then gets kicked into the gut and then Cena gets him up for the F-U. But then Messiah gets out of the back and pushes him forward and knocks into Punk. Punk falls off of the apron. Impact is then able to hit a few hard fists and then tries to whip Cena to the ropes, Cena reverses and sends Messiah to the ropes. Messiah bounces off the ropes and then Cena goes for a clothesline, Messiah ducks and continues to the other side and then Punk clubs Messiah in the back and then Messiah stumbles forward in pain and Cena hits a kick to the gut and then gets Messiah up for the F-U. Punk runs into the ring and knocks Impact off the apron and Cena nails the F-U and goes into the cover and gets a 1…………..2…….3]

“Just 2 Badd” blasts on the PA system as Badd Boy and Wes walks to the ring

King-Oh remember how I was talking about old news at Whiplash…well speaking of that here comes Badd Boy and…that one guy with a bad name…hey that would be a good tag name for them “the Badd names”


“Kane/Rollin’” combination starts as Taker and Kane walk to the ring

King-Man Hobo isn’t going to be happy

JR-That’s true, but he’s not around now is he?

King-You never know…god all these newbies need to learn, first off Ashlee is not a slut….no one other than maybe Badd Boy can even get to her close without puking, so there isn’t any way she could be a slut..and I believe that Badd Boy might suffer from some sort of eye problems, because Ashlee is *vomits *

[ Badd Boy and Kane lock up, Badd Boy then clubs him to the back and then goes down to one knee and then hits a few elbows into the back of the neck and then takes down Kane and then hits a few stomps on the downed Kane and then nails a stomps on the downed Kane and then pulls him up to his feet and then Badd Boy hits a few hard fists and then Kane backs to the ropes and then Freddy bounces off the ropes and then nails a back elbow on Kane. Badd Boy then quickly pulls up Kane and then twists Kane’s arm in a arm bar and then pulls Kane to the corner and then makes the tag and then Wes climbs to the top rope, and then tries to hit a double axe handle off the top rope. But with his free hand Kane grabs Badd Boy by the throat and then Kane hits a few knee’s to the gut of Badd Boy to knock him down to the mat and then Kane then lifts up Wes and then nails a choke slam and then goes into the cover and gets a 1…………2…….Badd Boy comes into the picture and breaks up the count. Kane stumbles up and then Badd Boy hits a few fists and then Badd Boy goes back and then goes for a clothesline, but then Kane counters with a back body drop over the top rope. Badd Boy goes crashing to the outside and then Wes stumbles up and then Kane hits a few hard fists and then picks up Wes over his shoulder trying to hit a running powerslam from the corner. But then Wes hooks the top rope, Kane then runs in the middle of the ring and realizes that he no longer has Wes, turns around and charges at Wes who is sitting at the top rope and then Kane charges at Wes and then Kane charges at Wes and then Wes counters with a boot to the face and then Kane stumbles back and then charges again and gets hit with another boot. Wes hooks Kane up and then nails a tornado DDT, Wes then quickly gets up and then backs up to the ropes and nails a big leg drop and then goes into the cover and gets a 1…………….2………..kick out. Wes then puts on a chin lock and then Kane is able to get to his feet fairly fast. Badd Boy who’s recovered comes into the ring and then hits a quick chop block and brings Kane back to his knee’s and then slowly starts to fade away the ref checks Kane’s arms once……twice….Kane raises his arm on the third time]

King-Well that hasn’t happened in a while…eeerrr I’ll let it go

JR-About time..

King-But he better not make the tag…

[Kane slowly gets to his feet with Wes on his back and then backs up to the turnbuckle and then smashes Wes into the corner a few times until he is in the corner and then Wes lets go and then Kane hits a few hard elbows into the corner and then Kane whips Wes to the opposite side of the ring and then charges in with him, once he quickly crashes into the corner. Wes moves out of the way and then Kane crashes into the corner and then Wes runs to the ropes as Kane stumbles out of the corner and then bounces off and nail a double clothesline both wrestlers are down. Slowly both make it close to their corners and then tag in their partners. Badd Boy and the Undertaker run into the ring and then Badd Boy goes for a fist, but the Taker ducks under and then hits a few hard fists and then tries to whip Badd Boy to the ropes. But Badd Boy reverses and sends Taker and then he goes to the ropes and then Taker leaps up and hits a kind of flipping clothesline, Badd Boy then stumbles up and then Taker grabs Badd Boy by the throat and then throws him into the corner and then Taker hits a few body shots and then Taker runs to the ropes and then nails a running big boot. Then Taker puts his arm up and then Wes runs into the ring, but then Taker just grabs him by the hair and chucks Wes clear over the top rope. Though while he does this, Badd Boy is able to hit a quick full nelson slam and then falls to the mat.]

King-Want to bet Wes blames the writers for that

JR-It’s possible…

King-What you mean, I was just messing around…wrestling isn’t fake..is it?


[Badd Boy slowly crawls into the cover and gets a 1……………….2………….kick out. Suddenly Badd Boy gets up and then see Barbwire Chris has run down the ramp and then is attacking Wes. Badd Boy gets out of the ring and then Chris backs up as Badd Boy takes chase…the ref has obviously stopped the match and given the match to BB and Wes. Chris backs up and then runs through the curtain as BB gives chase. Suddenly we go to in the ramp way, suddenly Chris goes running through the tunnel and then gets caught off guard like Wes did by fire by Abdullah the Butcher Chris then smashes Badd Boy and then they both stomp the downed Badd Boy and then takes Badd Boy and then Abdullah and Chris throws Badd Boy through a window. Suddenly see that Badd Boy’s been taken out, so they start walking back out, to ring side. Taker and Kane are gone, Wes is still stumbling to his feet. Chris nails him with a chair shot and then Wes goes down and then Chris smashes Wes into the steps. Abdullah has a table set up and then Chris puts Wes on it. Chris then rolls into the ring and then quickly sets up the ladder still holding the chair that he had before. Then he goes to the top of the ladder as Abdullah is holding Wes in place, Chris with a sick look in his face then leaps off the ladder and places the chair under him as he falls all the way from the top of the ladder into the floor smashing Wes through the table the fans chant “holy shit!! Holy shit!!”

JR-Seems that Gorecore has made it’s return in the EMF

King-Oh come on JR…that was just a sample *King holds up a weed wacker and starts laughing like a mad man *

(Saturday Shockwave goes off the air with Chris sitting up with a sick look on his face, and Wes moving around in a lot of pain)

OOC-I wasn’t really into the Wes RP’s, I didn’t think the focused too much on the Taker or Kane. I thought though together with BB’s RP that focused soley on them got them over the top. But not by as much as you would think, what I thought did you in Kane you put a lot of effort, but you really need to keep focus. I liked the storyline, just what I mean by focus is at a lot of the RP was focused on something else other than the match or something in or around the match, the issue changed a lot. Taker you do need to work on your match talk a little bit, but that’s kind of why I made a DQ win. So you two could say it really wasn’t a defeat (good enough for the Ikeda’s to move on, but nothing more than that) Plus I think Chris requested something this week, since I held off his real return last week. (lol hopefully that’s right, if not I’ll change it) I know he wanted something sick, that’s the best I can come up with…if it sucks, I blame it on rust!!)