EMF: Saturday Shockwave

[Shockwave starts off as it shows a man's legs who is wearing leather pants. The camera then rises up as there stands The Rock as he goes over and grabs a bottle water and sticks a piece of gum in his mouth. Rock walks through the hallway as he then sees Lizzy Borden and Barbwire Chris standing in a door way.]

Rock: Whats up little momma, hey man enjoyed that flaming, barbwire, weed wacker match. Yea, good stuff...

[Rock continues his way down the hallway as he comes near his dressing room. Rock then begins to sing a song to himself.]

Rock: "Another Saturday night and the Great One is happy, He saw X-Cold and he whooped him good, He tried running away but didn’t get nowhere ....The Rock beat him good."

[Miami fans cheer as they love their hometown boy, The Rock.]

[Rock walks in his locker room, as he opens up the door with the camera man following. Rock then stumbles back shocked to see something as he stumbles back and almost hits the camera man. Rock then proceeds in the locker room as the camera man then goes inside and gets a shot of Jonathon Coachmen, "The Coach" sitting on Rock's couch with his feet up on Rock's coffee table. Rock then slowly gets behind Coach as he begins to chew his gum loudly. Coach still sits right in his spot as he is singing to himself a bit and tapping his feet a little on the coffee table. Rock then interrupts Coach's little happy time.]

Rock: Comfortable?

[Coach shoots up from his seat as he gets a distance away from The Rock.]

Rock: Have you lost your mind Coach?..Oh no don't sit there like I didn't do nothing Rock! The Rock saw you! You just gonna barg in The Rock's locker room and sit on The Great One's couch? You been smoking them funny cigarettes again, Coach?

Coach: Rock, I'm truly sorry...I mean I knocked at the door and no one answered so I thought I just come in and wait for you.

Rock: Well The Rock is the one sorry...Sorry that he is gonna have to plant his size 16 up your Bryant Gumble look-alikeass!

[Gillberg then walks in with a plate full of pastre with stains all over his personal security shirt, which appear to be in jelly.]

Rock: And speaking of worthless, look at you..The Rock pays you to keep these kinda of jackasses away from The Rock, and look at you! You are to damn busy getting strudel?

[Gillberg looks down, kinda sadden he aint doing a good job as he looks down with jelly stains around his mouth.]

Gillberg: .....I like strudel.

Rock: Just as The Rock thought, but dont worry your not alone..The Rock means look at this jackass.

[Coach just sits there still leaning away from The Rock, scared of what he may do.]

Coach: I just wanted a interview Rock...

Rock: [In Rock's mocking voice] I just wanted a interview Rock... [/mocking voice]

Coach: Ahh come on, I'll never get anywhere here if I dont get a huge interview.

Rock: Thats a laugh, there only one huge interview in this dump and your looking at em'.

Coach: So does that mean you'll do it.

Rock: No.

[Coach tosses up his hands frustrated as then walks in a attractive woman.]

Woman: Dwayne, I just got off the phone with a big celebrity's agent and he told me to tell you that you will be getting a huge hollywood vistor tonight.

Rock: Is that so, [Rock slaps the woman's ass] Thank ya honey your dismissed.

[Coach runs up and throws the mic infront of Rock's face as Rock has to bend back a bit not to be hit with the mic.]

Coach: Who is the hollywood vistor, Rock? Huh? Huh?

Rock: You like holding that mic, Coach?

Coach: Oh yeah, I guess

Rock: Well you best get it out of The Rock's face, before he shoves it in your ass! The Rock dont know who it is, it could be anybody...Hollywood loves The Rock!

Coach: EWWW..EWWW...Maybe its..its Tom Cruise.

Rock: Please The Rock don't hang out with midgets.

[Gillberg then says something but its a bit muffled as he is stuffing his face with strudel.]

Rock: What did you just say?

Gillberg: [Finishes swallowing] I said maybe its Kirk Cameron!

Rock: Who in the blue hell is that?

Gillberg: You know Mike Seaver...Growing Pains...The kid with the curly hair! You know the theme song that went. "Show me that smile again...[Gillberg in girl's voice.] Ahh show me that smile!

Rock: Sweet Cream on a ice cream samich, Stop Singing! You know what infact sit in the floor and don't open your mouth for the rest of the night!

[Gillberg then sits his plate down on the table, and sits very sadly in the floor.]

Gillberg: ....Can I atleast eat my strudel?

Rock: Stuff as many studels down your throat as far as The Rock cares! If it shuts you up go for it! Wait, a second The Rock just realized who its was!

[Coach shoves his mic right back infront of Rock's face.]

Coach: WHO?! WHO?!

Rock: Did you just totally forget about the whole diggin' out the mic out of your ass thing?

Coach: Sorry Rock...

Rock: The person coming here tonight to see The Rock is no other then...Jennifer Lopez!

King: OHHH YES!!..YES!!..The Shockwave I've waited so long for!

Rock: Yeah, The Rock knows its Jennifer, The Rock went down to a movie premiere the other night and you should've seen how many times she was checking out The Rock. She definately aint happy with that Ben whatever guy!

Coach: Ohh this is so awesome, I can't wait to meet her. [Coach dances around]

Rock: You a big Tom Cruise fan?...

Coach: Oh I am the biggest Tom Cruise fan, I mean I got about every movie he has made!

Rock: Yeah, Yeah thats great...How bout you Cruise your ass out The Rock's dressing room!

[Rock shoves Coach out the door, as he then stands their collecting his thoughts.]

Rock: Jennifer Lopez...[Rock then looks down and points.] You have still got it!

“Rhyno’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Rhyno walks to the ring

King-man JR, we better get over time for announcing this match

JR-I am your not

“Chris theme” blasts on the PA system as Chris walks to the ring with Lizzy

King-WHAT? I hate you JR

JR-….aw well it’s worth it now

[Rhyno and Chris pound on each other and then Chris is able to get the upper hand and then Rhyno is able to stop the momentum by hitting a knee into the gut of Chris, Chris stumbles back and then Rhyno hits a few club blows to Chris. Rhyno then pulls up Chris all the way up, Rhyno then whips Chris to the ropes and then Chris bounces off the ropes and then Rhyno nails a powerslam. Rhyno then runs to the ropes and then nails a fist drop. Rhyno then gets up and then calls for the gore, then Rhyno gets ready and screams for Chris to get up. Rhyno waits as Chris stumbles up, Rhyno goes for the gore. Rhyno charges at Chris. But Chris moves out of the way and then charges at Rhyno with a clothesline, but then Rhyno ducks it and Chris continues to the other side of the ring. Chris bounces off the ropes and then runs right into a spinebuster. Rhyno goes into the cover and gets the 1……………..2………..kick out. Rhyno then puts Chris in a chin lock and the ref asks Chris if he wants to give it up, Chris refuses and slowly gets up to his feet and then hits a few hard elbows into the gut. But Rhyno doesn’t let go of the hold, Chris then slowly backs Rhyno to the ropes and then whips Rhyno off the ropes out of the hold. Rhyno bounces off the ropes and then nails Chris with a stiff shoulder block. Chris stumbles up and then Rhyno takes Chris down with a arm drag take down, Chris gets up and then gets taken down with another one more. Chris stumbles up as Rhyno goes for a hip toss, but it’s blocked and then Rhyno counters this with a hard diving clothesline that flattens Chris. Then Rhyno gets up and then pulls up Chris, Rhyno slowly sets him and then nails a snap suplex and then goes into the cover and gets the 1……………..2…………..kick out. Rhyno gets up and then nails him with a few hard kicks to the fallen Chris. Rhyno then pulls up Chris and then pushes him into the corner of the ring and then nails a few shoulder blocks into the gut of Chris in the corner. Rhyno then puts Chris on the top rope and then goes up with him and goes for his super piledriver, but Chris is able to knock Rhyno off the top rope. Rhyno gets off and stumbles backs as Chris recovers a little from the beating he has gotten so far. Rhyno then charges at Chris and Chris then puts his boot up and then Rhyno goes face first into Chris’s boot. Chris then hooks up Rhyno and then goes for a tornado DDT. But Rhyno pushes Chris off of it and then he lands on his feet around the middle of the ring, Rhyno stumbles around, Chris then charges at Rhyno, but Rhyno counters it with a drop toe hold that sends him into the turnbuckle face first.]

JR-What a move!

King-Damn it JR, were actually trying this match. Stop talking like were in sim mode.

JR-Well I’m not use to it…

[Rhyno gets ready as Chris uses the corner ropes to pull himself up. Chris turns around and the Rhyno charges full steam at Chris for a gore in the corner, Chris moves out at the last second and Rhyno goes crashing into the ring post shoulder first. Rhyno slowly slides out of the corner in pain and turns around to get a few hard fist by Chris in the corner and then. Chris then whips Rhyno to the outside of the ring and then charges in with Rhyno and Chris hits a clothesline in the corner. Chris then backs up and then waits for Rhyno to stumble out. Rhyno stumbles out of the corner and then Chris picks Rhyno into a shoulder breaker and then nails a shoulder breaker. Chris the gets up and then waits for Rhyno to get up and then Rhyno stumbles up and then Chris hits an arm breaker on Rhyno. Chris then taunts the crowd for a second and then goes back to work on Rhyno hitting a few stomps into the shoulder area, then Chris goes for an arm extension. Rhyno tries to fight it. But Chris is able to hit a few kicks to the face of Rhyno to get him to go into the hold and then Rhyno is in pain.]

JR-Chris might be looking to soften Rhyno up to go in for the kill

King-He better do something

[Rhyno screams in pain and can’t get out of the hold, Chris holds him in the hold for a while. But can’t get the submit. So Chris lets go and then pulls him up, Chris then puts Rhyno in place and then lifts him up in the brain buster and nails the brain buster on Rhyno. Chris then goes into the cover and gets the 1……………2…………..3]

[Rock stands infront of a mirror, fixing his leather vest a bit as he keeps praising his self.]

Rock: "Shew...Nobody does it better,
Makes me feel sad for the rest.
Nobody does it half as good as me,
Cause Baby, I'm the best. "

[The door is then heard to be opening as Rock hurrys and tries to get in order. The door then opens and in walks Vin Diesel!]

Vin Diesel: Whats up Rock?!

Rock: Not much man, you must be Jennifer's bodyguard...Its cool man, everything is cool..No crazy freaks here! Well cept this one...

[Rock points at Gillberg, as he still sits in the floor, chomping down on some strudel.]

Vin Diesel: Very funny Rock, you know I am the one here to see you.

Rock: This a joke or something? Who in the hell are you?

Vin Diesel: You serious?

Rock: Oh The Rock is very serious...

Vin Diesel: Ummm..I am a big hollywood actor my name is, Vin Di...

Rock: Ahh it doesn't matter what your name is!! You aint Jennifer Lopez! Wait a second, your Vin Diesel...

Vin Diesel: Yeah, thats what I've been trying to tell you.

Rock: Yeah, The Rock knows you my man...Vin Diesel, Fast and Furious..Vroom Vroom, toot toot, whatever... You are the chump everyone is saying I am competing with? Well The Rock sees no...AND THE ROCK MEANS [Miami Crowd: NO] NO...Competition in you...

Vin Diesel: haha is that so?

Rock: Yeah, thats so look at you! Your just a..just a..Rock-wannabe. With your Rock-wannabe hair and Rock-wannabe tattoos! You know what, The Rock doesnt even wanna look at a waste of skin like you, Gillberg make yourself useful and show this piece of trash out. Hollywood friend..My ass!

Vin Diesel: Oh I never came here as a friend, I came here face to face to tell you that movie with Jack Nicholson you are set to do?

Rock: The Rock knows this...

Vin Diesel: Well does The Rock know he is no longer need?! Does The Rock know he has been replaced?

Rock: Replaced? Who can replace The Rock..No one thats who!

Vin Diesel: Me...Thats who!

[Rock jumps up from his seat and goes to attack Vin, security for Vin then swarm Rock and push him back on the couch.]

Vin Diesel: Looks like you ain't the only one with security...Catch ya later Rock.

[Vin Diesel walks out of the room as Rock looks absolutely shocked of what he just heard.]

Rock: The Rock can't believe it...just can't believe it.

Gillberg: Ahh I am real sorry Rock...You are still number one with me though.

[Gillberg softly punches Rock in the arm getting jelly stains on Rock's arm. Rock stares at the mess Gillberg left on him, as Gillberg tries to clean it off with his shirt getting more stains on The Rock.]

Rock: You know your the load your mom should've swallowed, you know that right? Listen just stop..Stop dammit! Just go get The Rock a coffee alright, can you do that?

Gillberg: Yes sir, right away sir!

[Gillberg then slowly walks out for the door as Rock still sits in disbelief.]

Rock: Vin Diesel?...Vin Diesel isn't right for that part!

[Gillberg opens the door back up and responds.]

Gillberg: Yea, you right Rock..Kirk Cameron would've been great for that part!

[Rock loses it on that comment as he quickly grabs a water bottle of the table infront of him and launches at the door, Gillberg stood at. Gillberg quickly closes the door to reflect the bottle as it slams off the door. Camera goes back to the ring.]

[‘Wes’ theme’ plays as the younger Ikeda brother himself walks out from behind the curtain, to a mixed reaction from the crowd. He doesn’t pay much attention to the crowd, as he walks straight down to the ring.]

Howard Finkle: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Coming to the ring at this time. Wes Ikeda!!!!

[Wes jumps into the ring and looks up to the rampway, as ‘Keil Hardy’s Theme’ starts blaring through the arena. Kiel walks out from behind the curtain, and watches Wes the whole way down the ramp]

King: Wow… I think I discovered something even MORE exciting than this match, JR!

JR: What’s that, king?

King: Badd Boy’s new book- ‘Badd Boy Promos- Volumes 1 through 763’ *King looks to his right, where a crate with all the BB promos are sitting* Better get reading, eh?

[King dies of boredom as Kiel walks into the ring. He turns around to hand his jacket to the stage manager, and Wes immediately attacks him with a huge thump to the neck. Kiel stumbles onto the ropes, then falls down to the ground. Wes starts stomping a mudhole in him. But Kiel grabs Wes’ foot and trips him over. Kiel jumps on top of Wes starts punching Kiel and pumbling him with fists. Kiel then turns the table and then Kiel tries to bite Wes. (Matt I know what you were doing here, I know you were trying to make sure everyone was reading. LOL to be honest I missed it before Tony IMed me about it. So only reason I changed it because I'm sure Ashlee or Christina would want their characters seemly kissing like that. Hope you understand. Luckily Wes rolled over in time, and jumped back up, as Kiel smiles an evil smile. Kiel jumps up, and runs straight at Wes. Wes dodges, and throws Kiel into the turnbuckle. Kiel reels (hey, that rhymes!) and as he stumbles, Wes grabs him and hits a neckbreaker.]

JR: Err… Oh… my god. What a… err… slobberknocker.

King: Yeah, that’s it JR. Say it with feeling.

JR: Even I can’t pretend I’m entertained by these two.

[Kiel screams in pain as Wes starts working on his dodgy neck. Wes picks Kiel up, and starts smashing his head against the turnbuckle, and then hits yet another neckbreaker! Kiel starts wailing in pain, and Wes starts kicking him in the neck. Wes then picks him up, and goes for the piledriver! He puts Kiel in between his legs (again, sounds very homoerotic) and signals… But Kiel, in a last ditch effort to save himself, flips Wes over!]

JR: Looks like Kiel is using every last ounce of energy to try save his neck from being re-injured.

King: For once, I like what Wes’ is doing. If we get rid of Kiel, that’s one less jerk that wastes our time!

JR: Hmmmmm…

King: Raptor will sue you if you say that again.

[Wes jumps right back up and kicks Kiel in the gut, again, going for the piledriver! And this time he gets it! Kiel’s head goes snap against the canvas! And Wes picks Kiel up again, and gives him a 2nd piledriver! Kiel no longer screams in pain, but just lies there, still. The referee ends the match, as Wes walks off laughing.]

JR: Somebody get some damn EMTs!

[The EMTs come running out with a stretcher, as they slowly start putting a neck brace on Kiel]

JR: Oh my god… He’s lucky Wes didn’t kill him.

[“Leave You Far Behind” suddenly hits as Raptor walks out from behind the curtain, as the audience start booing their brains out. Drinks and other objects are thrown at the ramp, but all of them miss Raptor, as he just laughs at what a crap shot they all are. Raptor jumps straight into the ring, right next to Kiel, who is still laying there, still being attended by the EMTs.]

JR: This guy has no respect for this serious situation.

King: Are you kidding JR? This guy doesn’t have respect for anything!

[Raptor just looks at Kiel and laughs as he is handed a microphone.]

Raptor: Hah… Tough luck there, dickhead.

[Raptor then proceeds to spit out his gum on Kiel.]

Raptor: I’m out here cause I need to get a few things of my chest. First of all… This place is still a shithole. There’s a piece of shit roster, full of wannabes and has-beens. Where all we ever hear each week are 2 hour long speeches, either about love, happiness, and other flowery, happy Ikeda fun, or murdering, spleen chopping, and more hilarious wannabe Carthallion and crew jokes that are meant to be scary. This place is a dump! It’s a shell of its former self.

Honestly, am I supposed to care that Demon Clyde is back again? It’s like a freakin light globe, on off, on off… Oh no, he’s Demon Clyde! Oh wait, no he’s not. Wait! Now he’s the Demon again! Hah! Hah! Aaaaaaaahahahahah!!!!!

And all the meanwhile, Jarred Catholicism is going *In his best whiney Jarred voice:* “Stop laughing! I really am satanic this time! I really am! Why aren’t you being scared!?”

Please. He acts like I’m supposed to give a shit. He thinks he can beat Punisher next week at Dark Horizon. Jarred, you’re delusional, get back on your medication man, because I’ve never seen so much methane come out of someone’s mouth. He talks about how the Dark Circle Jerkers are supposed to run this place? Bullshit! They couldn’t run a lemonade stall! Look at them, there’s less wrestling talent in that group than there is in a bowl of ice cream.

And Badd Boy and Ashlee. Aww… Ash is going to have a baby? Wow. Now SHE’ll be the one that’s puking. And of course, there are all the other usual losers. Degenerate, he thinks he’s funny, but I’ve laughed harder at a stone than him. Barbwire Chris- He’d love to be sleeping with Angelus.

And the new Attitude Commissioner, Smitty. The guy has his head so far up Badd Boy’s ass we can’t tell where Badd Boy ends and where Smitty begins. Let me ask you, Smitty. How much did Tony pay for that Icon Report? Honestly, someone may as well take a picture of your body, and stick Ashlee’s face on it, cause we all know you love Badd Boy like a husband.

Punisher. The proverbial absentee. He wins the world title, comes home from Vanuatu every month to defend the title, and leaves again. Now that’s what I call a true champion. Someone who is Camera Shy shouldn’t be at the top of the ladder!

Oh, and then we move on to X-Cold. Oh yes. The legendary grandpa. Let’s all celebrate, the legend is back. And what the hell has he done that’s so legendary this time, eh? Nothing! He’s been beaten down, week after week, by me. He can’t hack today’s standards. The legends of yesterday are the jobbers of today. That’s how the business works.

This place needs a kick up the ass! It needs a fire lit under it. Because with all you jack offs backstage, this place will die. If it wasn’t for me, right now, holding this place together, it’d be down the toilet. This place-

[Suddenly, the arena lights turn off, and all that can be seen is lightning on the titantron. The lightning suddenly warps into a big P, glowing on the screen, as thunder claps across the arena. The lights turn back on, and we see Raptor, pissed off, looking at the camera]

Raptor: Hey! You cockheads in the production truck. I know you can see me. Never…. EVER, interrupt me, ever again. You hear me?! You’re lucky I’m finished anyway… Fuck you, EMF. You don’t deserve having me around. Fuck you all.

[He chucks down the microphone and walks to the back, as “leave you far behind” plays]

“the Dark Circle theme” blasts on the PA system as Jarred and Angelus walks to the ring

King-Hey JR, I didn’t know we were going to have a jobber wars main event

JR-you I’m surprised you haven’t angered anyone

King-Aw who cares, what is Jarred going to do…hit me with the BIG JOB!

“just 2 badd” blasts on the PA system as Badd Boy and Degenerate walk to the ring

JR-This match is not about the tag titles

King-your point?

[Jarred and Degenerate start out and then pace around the ring, as not willing to think things out Jarred charges at Degenerate and Degenerate uses this to throw him in the air and Jarred lands face first into the turn buckle, Jarred is stunned and turns around as Degeneration nails Jarred with a few hard punches and then tries to put Jarred on the top rope which he does, but Jarred is able to counter it with a few punches to the face of Degenerate and then Jarred is able to make Degenerate stumble off and then Jarred is able to step backwards on to the top rope and then waits for Degenerate, when Degenerate turns around. Jarred flies through the air and nails a double axe handle on Degenerate to knock him down to the mat. Jarred gets up and then waits for Degenerate to get up, Degenerate stumbles up right into Jarred who picks him up and hits a body slam on Degenerate. Jarred backs to the ropes and comes off and nails a big leg drop on Degenerate. Jarred goes into the cover and gets a 1………………2……….kick out. Jarred pulls up Degenerate and then sets him up and then hits a snap suplex, Jarred then goes to the second rope and then goes for a second rope splash. But at the last second Degenerate moves out of the way and Jarred goes crashing into the mat. Jarred gets up holding his mid section and the Degenerate shakes off the beating he’s gotten so far and then runs to the ropes. Degenerate then hits a shoulder block that stumbles Jarred to one knee. Degenerate the runs to the ropes and bounces off them, as this is happen Jarred gets to his feet. Jarred goes for a standing clothesline as Degenerate is charging at him. But Degenerate ducks it and continues to the other side of the ring. Degenerate bounces off the ropes and then Jarred is able to hit a tilterwhirl fall through side walk slam on Degenerate. Degenerate moves around in pain and crawls towards the corner and then Jarred takes his time cockly moving in slowly and then hits a few hard shoulder blocks on Degenerate in the corner and then Jarred hits a few forearm shots and the ref comes over and makes him back off and then Jarred then moves back into the corner and then whips him to the other side of the ring and Degenerate goes crashing hard back first into the Degenerate stumbles out of the corner stunned from the impact and then Jarred runs to the other side of the ring and then bounces on the ropes behind Degenerate and then nails a one handed face crusher. Then Jarred gets up and then waits for Degenerate to get up, before he can Jarred calls for the soul reaver as Degenerate stumbles to his feet. Jarred goes for it, but it’s broken up by Degenerate and then turned into a release northern lights suplex on Jarred!]

King-Oh wow…..Degenerate turned the tide of the match after getting his ass kicked….how orinigal.


[Degenerate slowly starts to crawl to his corner, Jarred stumbles up and sees this and tries to dive and stop this. But Degenerate is able to do a dive of his own and then tags in Badd Boy, Badd Boy comes into the ring and then nails Jarred with a few punches that stumble Jarred to the ropes, as Jarred is on the ropes. Angelus makes the blindside tag. Badd Boy then whips Jarred to the ropes, Jarred bounces off the ropes and then Badd Boy lowers his head and then hits a big back body drop on Jarred. Angelus waits for Badd Boy to turn around to charge at him. Once he does, he thinks he has the advantage, so he charges at Badd Boy and then goes for a shoulder block. But thinking quickly Badd Boy hits a flap jack, Jarred stumbles around and then Badd Boy puts him into a full nelson and then nails Jarred with a full nelson slam. Badd Boy goes into the cover and the ref tells him that he’s not legal. Angelus gets up and then hits a few stomps to Badd Boy. Though Degenerate rushes the ring, then and nails Angelus with a few hard fists and then whips Angelus to the ropes, Angelus bounces off the ropes and then Degenerate takes Angelus down with a drop kick. Degenerate notices Jarred getting up near the ropes, Degenerate then measures him up and then charges at Jarred and then nails Jarred with a clothesline over the top rope. Degenerate then goes to the top rope and waits for Jarred to get up, Jarred stumbles up and then Degenerate takes him out with a flying cross body block on Jarred.]

JR-Jarred has been taken out

King-Aw it’s not like he’s ever a factor anyways

[Angelus who has gotten up and made his way to the top rope stands waiting for Badd Boy to turn his attention to him. Once Badd Boy turns around Angelus flies off the top rope and goes for a double ax handle, then Badd Boy side steps it and then sets Angelus up and then nails him with a full nelson slam. Badd Boy goes into the cover as he gets the 1……………….2……………..3]

[Rock is then shown sitting on his couch, with his hands in his hands still furious about what happened earlier. Rock then brings his face from out his hands and then gets a idea.]

Rock: The Rock needs something to cheer him up...To smooth his soul baby!

[Rock grabs his guitar spining it around a bit, as he then plays the familiar melody Rock plays. Rock sits and thanks a bit as he then sings.]

Rock: "Now The Rock is Huge star, even bigger then Tom Hanks
but still he has to deal with these E..M..F skanks.
(Rock leans back in his seat and chuckles)
He'll whip X-Cold's ass, you know... br> and he'll make the jabroni feel the wrath of the people's elbow....I said feel the wrath..."

[Rock's song is then interrupted with Rock's secretary walking back in the room and saying.]

Secretary: Umm..Excuse me, Rock! I hate to bother you but, I just got off the phone with a woman who said she was just dying to meet you. Said she was a very special friend, said to meet her in the parking lot.

[Rock's face lights up like a christmas tree as he quickly stands from his seat tossing his guitar aside.]

Rock: Jennifer! The Rock knew she couldn't resist...He know it...Out my way honey The Rock is gonna go get some of that mexican pie, baby!

[Rock quickly walks out to the parking lot, strolling by many different he then sees Barbwire Chris and he says while still walking fast.]

Rock: Hey man, that whole lawnmower, inferno, cage match...good stuff.

[Rock then makes it out to parking lot as their sits a limo right infront of the exit.]

Rock: J-Lo! Here comes The Rock baby, get ready!

[Rock knocks on the door of the car, as Rock stands their waiting a bit.]

Rock: Hurry up now honey...The Rock is a very busy man!

[The back windown of the limo then slowly comes down as the face of Stephanie McMahon-Walker is then shown.]

Rock: Wait a second, you aint no J-Lo? The Rock sees some jello though, from that belly but, no J-Lo!

Steph: Cute Rock, but you see I didn't come here to see you.

Rock: Ahh is that a fact well who did?

Steph: He did...[Stephanie points behind Rock's shoulder.]

[Rock turns around to see X-Cold standing their with his arms crossed, with a huge bandage from the shot he took from Rock's guitar last week. X-Cold then charges at Rock spearing him up against the limo door. X-Cold then delievers some furious kicks into Rock as Rock tries to get away. X-Cold then grabs him by the leather vest and turns him around straight into a punch. X-Cold then takes Rock's head and slams it off the front of the car as Rock rolls up on the car. X-Cold follows up as he then picks Rock and tosses up top of the limo. X-Cold then picks Rock's fallen body up and begins to taunt Rock a bit.]

X-Cold: Come on Rock get yourself together man, I mean you gotta look good for hollywood.

[X-Cold fixes Rock's vest a bit as Rock just stumbles around on top of the limo a bit and X-Cold just says what the hell and gives him a chiller on top of the limo. Rock goes shooting off the limo top as he goes to the ground below. X-Cold then slides down the backend of the car as he picks up Rock.]

X-Cold: Oh I'm sorry man, here let me help you up.

[X-Cold picks Rock up as he then sends him through a window, near the entrance. X-Cold just looks at Rock's beaten body as he then spits on Rock.]

X-Cold: Will see you at Dark Horizon, Rock!

[Rock crimson mask and all tries to pick himself up from his back but, is having no luck.]

JR: Ohh The Rock has one helluva bad night!

[Rock still tries to get up, as then Raptor walks by Rock's body.]

Raptor: What the hell happened to you?!

[Rock tries to answer as he just falls back and closes his eyes to much in pain to answer. Raptor just shrugs his shoulder and walks off as Shockwave fades to black.]