EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(Shockwave comes on the air in the parking lot as a limo pulls up. We see Shane McMahon and Edge__ waiting for the limo. The limo goes to a stop, quickly Shane runs up and opens the door and out steps.......Jericho. Shane seems all disapointed.)

Jericho-Why you look so damn disappointed.

Shane-Well I thought you were Triple H.....

(The camera zooms on Jericho as he is getting pissed

Jericho-Triple H huh, well what's so special about Triple H anyways. I mean does he really deserve all this treatment, because he can't decide which side he's on. I mean the guy can't make some simple choice as it is. I mean why the hell do we need Triple H, Triple H was a never was. He's a nobody compared to the larger than life, living legend Chris Jericho..

(All of a sudden Triple H and Stacey walk behind Jericho)

Jericho-I mean who the hell does the guy think he is, he can't even make a no brainer choice. Triple H is an idiot just like most of these EMF fans, he doesn't even deserve to be in the same ring with an athlete such as Chris Jericho.....DAMN IT I'M A LIVING LEGEND AND THE RWA-WWF HARCORE CHAMPION I WILL BE TREATED WITH RESPECT!!!

(Shane and Edge__ are coughing. Jericho looks confused, Edge__ points over his shoulder. Jericho turns around to come face to face with Triple H. They stare down for a few seconds. Triple H smiles and enters the arena)

[Show starts off with alot of pyro as the old Saturday Shockwave banners are up and fans are going crazy for the event they are about to see tonight.]

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave along with Jerry "the King" Lawler

King-Hey that was a great PPV, the wWo should lock down more often...but only if there is a stable like the bWo. Whoo-ah no more bWo *King does a backflip*

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Black Widow!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Black Widow comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Mercedes!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Mercedes walks to the ring. Charles Robinson is the referee for this contest. Black Widow places Mercedes on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. Mercedes executes a pumphandle suplex on Black Widow. (ring, ring, ring) Mercedes is hit with a backward kick. Mercedes stands up. Mercedes gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Black Widow. Black Widow neck snaps Mercedes. Mercedes picks up Black Widow and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker. Mercedes chants start. ]

King - That shoulderbreaker was very good.

[Mercedes and Black Widow go to the floor Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) Mercedes hits the handspring moonsault on Black Widow. Now Mercedes standing. They fight into the aisle. (..2) Mercedes climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Black Widow. Mercedes goes off the top nailing Black Widow with a flying elbow drop to the gut. Mercedes is up again. Mercedes and Black Widow move back to ringside. Mercedes and Black Widow move back into the ring. Mercedes goes off the turnbuckle with a flying sommersault splash. Mercedes moves back to his feet. Black Widow is back on his feet. Mercedes grabs Black Widow's leg and takes him down. Mercedes with the Flying Elbowdrop on Black Widow! Black Widow gets hit with the shooting star press from Mercedes. But Black Widow moves out of the way] Widow gets up as does Mercedes. Black Widow executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Mercedes. Black Widow executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Mercedes. ]

King - flying knee drop!

[Black Widow gets back to his feet. Mercedes climbs to his feet. Mercedes throws Black Widow off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. Mercedes executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Black Widow. Mercedes stands up. Black Widow gets up. Mercedes punches Black Widow in the gut. Black Widow hits Mercedes with a running powerbomb on to the mat. Black Widow and Mercedes go to the floor Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) Mercedes is up again. (..2) Mercedes rakes the face of Black Widow in attempt to make a come back. (...3) Mercedes does a cartwheel and kicks Black Widow in the face. (....4) Black Widow superkicks Mercedes. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Mercedes and Black Widow move back to ringside. They head back into the ring. Black Widow gets hit with a dragon scerw from Mercedes. Mercedes moves back to his feet. Mercedes puts Black Widow in an arm grapevine submission. Now Black Widow standing. Black Widow hits Mercedes with the belly-to-belly suplex. Black Widow executes the sleeperhold on Mercedes. Charles Robinson is checking for a tap out. ... ... Mercedes trys to escape. ... ... Black Widow breaks the hold. Black Widow drags Mercedes to the floor. Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) Black Widow climbs to the top and moonsaults on to Mercedes. Black Widow executes a corkscrew legdrop on Mercedes. Mercedes and Black Widow move back into the ring. Mercedes clotheslines Black Widow. Mercedes executes an airplane spin on Black Widow. Mercedes is up again.]

Mercedes uses a snap mare takeover on Black Widow. Mercedes jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Black Widow. Mercedes climbs to his feet. Mercedes goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Black Widow. Mercedes gets back to his feet. Mercedes executes a corkscrew legdrop on Black Widow. Black Widow gets knocked on the ground and Mercedes flips onto him. ]

JR - Black Widow takes a flip.

[Mercedes climbs to his feet. Black Widow moves back to his feet. Black Widow goes for a standing piledriver but Mercedes dodges the attack. Black Widow hits Mercedes with a headbutt to the mid-section. Mercedes slaps Black Widow. ]

King - Black Widow takes a slap.

[Mercedes gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Flying Tomahawk by Mercedes sends Black Widow down to the mat. Black Widow is back on his feet. Black Widow gouges Mercedes's eyes out. Black Widow hits Mercedes with the spinebuster slam. ]

JR - That spinebuster was very good.

[Black Widow gets up. Black Widow sends Mercedes to ringside. Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) Black Widow goes for a piledriver but Mercedes dodges the attack. (..2) Black Widow places Mercedes on the turnbuckle and executes the belly-to-back superplex. Black Widow chants start. Black Widow is up again. (...3) (....4) Black Widow puts Mercedes in an arm grapevine submission. Mercedes climbs to his feet. (.....5) Mercedes takes Black Widow into the ring. Mercedes short lariats Black Widow. Black Widow gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Mercedes. Now Mercedes standing. Black Widow gets up. Black Widow is bounced off the ropes and hit with the rocker dropper. Black Widow executes a gut-wrench powerbomb on Mercedes. Indian deathlock applied by Black Widow. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... Mercedes is fighting the hold. ... Black Widow breaks the hold. Black Widow kicks Mercedes on the mat. Black Widow hits an electrifying flying sommersault headbutt on Mercedes. Mercedes clotheslines Black Widow. Mercedes with an impressive flying spinning leg lariat on Black Widow. Mercedes gets up. Mercedes uses a legsweep faceslam to bring Black Widow down.Mercedes goes to the outside and climbs to the top as Widow stumbles up and Mercedes hits the Mercedes go around. The ref counts the 1......2....3]

JR-Mercedes has scored the win!


(Mercedes stands over Black Widow, Mercedes helps Black Widow up and shakes her hand. Mercedes goes to the back as Widow looks confused)

JR-Maybe Mercedes is putting her differences behind her

King-Or she getting ready for a smooth sneak attack!!

"Hardcore Timmay's theme" blasts on the PA system as HCT walks to the ring

JR-We will never know if he could beat Badd boy for the world title thanks to the wWo

King-aw well look on the bright side, no more bWo

"Sexy boy" blasts on the PA system as Shawn Michaels walks to the ring, HBK goes into the ring and does his HBK pose as pyro blasts off in the back

JR-This is the first nWo member to wrestle, we will see if they still have what it takes

King-Of course they do

[Hardcore Timmay charges at HBK, HBK takes Timmay over with a arm drag take down. Timmay gets up and gets hit with with a few jabs to the face of Timmay. Timmay rocks to the ropes, HBK whips Timmay off the ropes and waits for Timmay to get back. HBK then hits a back body drop, Timmay bounces up holding his back. HBK hits a body slam and then drops a elbow for a 1.......2....kick out. HBK puts a arm bar on Timmay and puts it on the mat. HBK then hits a few elbows into the arm of Timmay and then keeps Timmay in a arm bar. Timmay then gets up and looks for a way out of the hold, Timmay hits a few kicks into the gut of HBK. Timmay then hits a spinning heel kick into the gut of HBK that doubles him over and Timmay uses it to hit a russian leg sweep. Timmay rolls away and has to take sometime to recover. Timmay then picks up HBK and throw him outside, Timmay uses this time to recover some more as HBK has to get to his feet. Timmay runs to the ropes as he sees HBK stumble up to his feet. Timmay then jumps over the top rope and hits a suicide dive on HBK.Timmay gets up after staying down for a little while, Timmay pulls HBK with him to the smash HBK's face into the steps. But HBK blocks it and hits a elbow into the gut of Timmay and smashes his face into the steel steps. HBK rolls Timmay in and rolls into the ring just in the nick of time to beat the count out. Timmay goes to the corner, HBK hits a few forearms and then trys to whip him to the oppsite side of the ring to the other side turnbuckle. But Timmay reverses and HBK does that weird ass flip he does and lands on the apron. Timmay goes for a clothesline to knock HBK off, but HBK ducks. Timmay goes for a back hand to try to do the same thing. But HBK ducks that too, HBK then hits a hang man on Timmay that sends him to the mat holding his neck. HBK quickly gets back up on the apron and then climbs to the top rope. HBK then waits for Timmay to get back to his feet and when he does HBK leaps off and hits a cross body block that knocks down Timmay into the pin and gets a 1........2.....kick out. HBK then quickly puts on a sleeper hold while Timmay is down, Timmay can't put up much of a fight and then the ref goes to check his arm once....twice...Timmay just raises his feet. Timmay hits a few elbows into the gut of HBK. Timmay then side steps HBK and goes for a high angle belly to back suplex. But HBK rolls through it and hits a belly to back suplex]

JR-Both of these wrestlers like to use speed and high risk moves

King-I hate both...just as much as I hate you JR!

[Both HBK and Timmay are down, HBK is the first to get to his feet. Timmay goes for a few fists, but HBK blocks them and then follows up with a few fists of his own. HBK goes for a clothesline as Timmay bounces off the ropes. Timmay ducks it and continues to the the other side of the ring and bounces off the others of the rings ropes. Timmay then leaps in the air and hits a diving flying forearm to HBK. Timmay gets up as HBK gets up dazed. Timmay kicks HBK in the gut and sets him up, Timmay then hits a power bomb and falls into the pin on HBK. Timmay then gets a 1......2....kick out by HBK, Timmay a little fustrated pulls up HBK and twists his arm and hits a kick to the face of HBK. Timmay then runs to the ropes and goes for a senton splash, but HBK moves out of the way. HBK goes into the corner as he goes for sweet chin music, as Timmay gets up. HBK goes for it, but Timmay catches it and spins HBK around in a full circle hitting a kick to the gut and hits a DDT.Timmay gets up and waits for HBK to get back up. Once HBK has gotten to his knee's. Timmay sling shots himself up to the top rope.HBK is final up, Timmay jumps and goes for a hurricanarana. HBK blocks it and hits a sit down power bomb and gets a 1........2....kick out. HBK sees Timmay in the corner, HBK hits a few stinging fists and then whips him to the oppsite side turnbuckle. But Timmay reverses the whip and charges in while HBK is going to the turnbuckle. But HBK then jumps on the turnbuckle and then uses it to hit a flying back elbow on Timmay that sends him down. HBK then goes into the cover and gets a 1.....2....kick out. Timmay rolls to the ropes, Timmay gets up stumbling holding the ropes to keep him up. HBK runs to the ropes and hits a clothesline that sends Timmay and himself over the top rope. Timmay goes flying to the arena floor while HBK hangs on the top rope and then pulls himself up.]

JR-HBK does have the experience factor in his favor

King-Well if you don't shut up, you'll have the crown in face factor!

[HBK quickly climbs to the top rope and waits for Timmay to get back up, once he does HBK knocks Timmay down with a moonsault. The fans chant "holy shit", HBK slowly gets to his feet and up and rolls Timmay to the ring. HBK notices that Timmay is still down when he gets on the apron and goes up on the top rope and hits a flying elbow from the top on Timmay. HBK then goes into the corner and starts to stomp the ground and waits for Timmay to get up, once he does HBK blasts Timmay with Sweet chin music. Timmay falls and HBK falls into the cover and gets the 1.......2.....3]

King-Hey JR do we now have two number one contenders or just one

JR-Not sure King

(backstage Shane McMahon is going towards Triple H's lock room. Shane knocks on the door)

Shane-Triple H you need to show your true colors and join the nWo!

(Triple H opens the door)

Shane-How about I come in and talk business

(Shane goes to walk into the room. But Triple H slams the door into his face)
JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at ??? pounds,, Angelus!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Angelus comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at ??? pounds,, Knight!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Knight walks to the ring. Charles Robinson is the referee for this contest. Angelus drops Knight with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Knight checks his boots. (ring, ring, ring) Angelus hits Knight with the back of his elbow. Knight slaps Angelus. Angelus executes the jumping sidekick on Knight. Knight is back on his feet. Angelus gets hit with a flying forearm right to the face. Knight hits Angelus with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Knight is up again. Knight kicks Angelus on the mat. Angelus moves back to his feet. Knight with an illegal chokehold on Angelus. Angelus gets hit with the shooting star press from Knight. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Angelus escapes. ]

JR - Knight should have known better than to try for a shooting star press at this point in the match.

[Now Angelus standing. Angelus with a headscissors takeover on Knight. Angelus gets up. Knight gets hit with the shooting star press from Angelus. Charles Robinson counts. ...1 ...2 Knight escapes. ]

King - We almost had a winner.

[Now Knight standing. Kneelock submission applied by Angelus. Referee Charles Robinson is checking for a tap out. ... Knight is fighting the hold. ... Angelus tightens the hold. ... Knight escapes. Angelus tackles Knight. Angelus jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Knight. Angelus moves back to his feet. Knight climbs to his feet. Knight nails Angelus with a double underhook suplex. Angelus gets up. Knight and Angelus go to the floor Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) (..2) Knight comes from behind and bulldogs Angelus. Knight gets back to his feet. (...3) Knight gets elbowed to his midsection by Knight. (....4) Knight gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Angelus. ]

JR - Angelus executes a boot choke.

[(.....5) Knight and Angelus move back into the ring. Knight pins Angelus against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. ]

King - Knight with a forearm choke.

[Knight bounces Angelus off the ropes and hits him with a jumping clothesline. Knight slingshot elbow drops Angelus. ]

JR - Knight with a slingshot elbow drop.

[Knight puts Angelus in the cobra clutch. Charles Robinson is checking for a tap out. ... ... Knight tightens the hold. ... ... Knight breaks the hold. Knight hits Angelus with an atomic drop. Knight with a falling splash on Angelus. Angelus gets back to his feet. Angelus and Knight go to the floor Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) Angelus picks up Knight and front slams him on the floor. Angelus jumps off of the turnbuckle nailing Knight with an Asai Moonsault. Angelus gets back to his feet. (..2) Angelus fist drops Knight on the floor. Angelus chants start. Angelus moves back to his feet. Knight gets up. Knight gets hit with a flying forearm right to the face. (...3) Angelus climbs to the top rope and nails Knight with a reverse flying elbow drop. Angelus applies an arm wrench to Knight. Knight climbs to his feet. (....4) Knight gets hit with a dragon scerw from Angelus. Knight moves back to his feet. Angelus throws Knight off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block. Angelus climbs to his feet. Knight climbs to his feet. (.....5) Angelus hits a dragon suplex on Knight. Knight gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Angelus. Angelus gets up. Now Knight standing. (......6) Angelus takes Knight down with an Arabian Facebuster. Now Angelus standing. Angelus climbs to the second turnbuckle and moonsaults onto Knight. Angelus chants start. Angelus climbs to his feet. (.......7) Angelus hits a frog splash on Knight. Angelus gets up. Angelus falls head first into Knight. Angelus chants start. Angelus gets back to his feet. Knight gets up. (........8) Knight gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Angelus. Angelus kicks Knight on the floor. Angelus goes to the ring. (.........9)Knight moves toward (...........10). ]

King - Angelus has won the match!

JR - The winner of this match, Angelus!!!

"the end with you" blasts on the PA system as Def Metal walks to the ring with Scott Mann

King-thanks for trying to win the Attitude world title Scott Mann

*JR rolls his eyes*

"feels so numb" blasts on the PA system and Raptor walks to the ring

JR-Well they didn't get their whole plan to work, but the wWo did take out the bWo

King-and that's all that counts!

[Raptor and Def Metal lock up, Raptor goes behind and takes Def Metal's legs from under him and puts on a side head lock on Def Metal. Def Metal looks for a way out and slowly starts to force the head lock into a high wrist lock. Def Metal holds that for a little bit as Raptor looks a way out of it, Raptor then grabs Def Metal's hair and then yanks him down. Raptor then puts him a arm bar as Def Metal gets up once again and slowly starts to back up Raptor and whips him out of the arm bar to the ropes. Raptor bounces off the ropes, Def lowers his head for a back body drop and hits it. Raptor gets up holding his back and gets up. Raptor gets nailed with a few fists. Def Metal then whips Raptor, but holds on and twists his arm as he goes by and bulls Raptor back for a perfect sets up. Def Metal lifts and hits the shin breaker on Raptor. Raptor goes down. Def Metal holds up Raptors leg and hits a few elbow drops into the inner leg. Then Def puts a single leg lock on Raptor. Raptor screams in pain, the ref asks if he wants to give it up. But Raptor refuses to give up and gets up and slowly pushes Def Metals head down to the mat. When he does, Raptor uses his free leg to bash Def Metal's face with and is able to finally is able to get back up. Raptor is limping a little bit. Raptor pulls up Def Metal up and whips him to the ropes, Def Metal bounces off the ropes and gets knocked down with a spinning back elbow by Raptor. Def Metal goes down, Raptor pulls up Def Metal and goes for a surf board strentch. But he uses it to drop knee's into the back of Def Metal over and over again. Raptor then takes his elbow and hits a it into Def Metal's face. Def Metal goes down, knowing that won't finish off Def Metal. Raptor pulls up Def Metal and slowly sets up Def Metal and hits a snap suplex. Raptor quickly gets back up and pulls himself to the second rope and hits a quick flying elbow smash off the second rope. Raptor goes for the pin and gets a 1.......2....kick out, Raptor looks over at the deep freeze and remembers this is deep freeze match so you can't pin. Raptor puts Def Metal in a chin lock, Def Metal doesn't do anything for a little while still hurt from the elbow drop. But Def Metal is able to finally get to his feet. Def Metal hits a few elbows into the gut of Raptor and then side steps Raptor after he won't release the hold and then hits a high angle slam. Def Metal hurt himself on this move, but Def is able to pull himself up with help by the ropes. Raptor gets up as well, Raptor charges at Def Metal. But counters it with a drop toe hold that sends Raptor's neck into the second rope. Def Metal runs to the ropes and then baseball slides out of the ring and then hits a jab to the face. Raptor is too out of it to really move, so Def gets up on the second turnbuckle and hits a flying leg drop on Raptor that sends Raptor out of the ring threw the ropes due to the impact of the move. Def Metal rolls into the ring and waits for Raptor to get up, Def then sling shots himself over the top rope and hits a flying over and hits a cross body block. Def Metal gets up and pulls Raptor and rolls Raptor into the ring. Def Metal rolls himself into the ring and drags Raptor into the deep freeze and throws him into the deep freeze. They try to close the door, but Raptors hand shoots up and shops the lid from being shut.]

JR-We were that close to having a new Attitude world champion

King-That wouldn't be good for the wWo....they already have things to worry about with the nWo

[Raptor gets up and rakes the eyes on Def Metal, Def Metal is blinded and stumbles towards Raptor who is now up on the apron. Raptor then trys to suplex him from the ring to the deep freeze. But Def Metal blocks it and trys to hit a suplex from the apron into the ring, but as Def Metal has him up. Raptor fall behind Def Metal un hurt and goes for a german suplex. But Def Metal hooks the ropes and Raptor can't get him over. Def Metal then hits a low blow, Raptor goes down very very hurt (no you think...). Def Metal then goes to the outside and climbs to the top rope and wait for Raptor to get to his feet. Once he does Def Metal gets up for a ax handle. But as he is flying through the air, Raptor hits a fist into the gut before Def Metal can hits the ax handle. Def Metal doubles over, Raptor then sets up Def Metal and hits a t bone suplex. Raptor gets up very slowly still in pain. Raptor pulls up Def Metal and then whips him to the ropes. Def Metal bounces off the ropes and Raptor puts him into a sleeper hold, Def Metal goes to one knee. But gets up and pushes off Raptor to the ropes. Raptor bounces off the ropes and Def Metal goes and trys for a running knee lift, but Raptor then jumps in the air and is able to hit a flying cross body block. Def Metal gets up very stunned. Raptor kicks, Def Metal in the gut and hits a flowing DDT. Raptor then pulls Def Metal and whips him into the ropes. Def Metal bounces off the ropes and Raptor goes for a back body drop over the top rope to the deep freeze. But Def Metal drops down and hits a chop to the throat of Raptor. Raptor does go down, but holds on to the ropes to keep himself up. Def Metal hits a few punches to Raptor that backs him into the corner. Def Metal hits a few fists to the face of Raptor, Def Metal then trys to whip Raptor to the oppsite side turnbuckle. But Raptor reverses it, Raptor charges in and goes for the clothesline in the corner. But Def Metal is able to get a boot up that stuns Raptor a little bit, Def Metal climbs out of the ring and goes to the top rope, but before Def Metal can hit any type of move. Raptor falls on the top rope causes the rope to shake and Def Metal to fall on the top of the turnbuckle. Raptor climbs up the turnbuckle and hooks Raptor and hits the super plex.]

JR-It might be over for Def Metal

King-I knew Raptor would win

[Raptor and Def Metal are on the mat, both can't do anything after all this is a hell freeze over match. Raptor gets up and pulls up Def Metal. Raptor then trys to whip Def Metal off the ropes, but Def Metal reverse. Def Metal lowers his head and hits a back body drop over the top rope and into the freezer. Def Metal quickly climbs to the top rope and then measures up Raptor, who still doesn't seem to be ready to lose it. Def Metal leaps off the top rope and hits a flying elbow drop into Raptor and then dives out of the freezer as the lid closes]

JR-Def Metal has done it!!

King-I knew Raptor was going to lose...

[Mann and Def Metal celebrates as the "TAW theme" blasts on the PA system. they look at each other as the stage erupts into flames and fireworks and out walks Firestorm. Have Firestorm walk down to the ring with a mean look on his face, get into the ring and stare down Def. Then have them shake hands, Firestorm raises Def's hand as he points to them. Scott Mann grabs a microphone]

Scott Mann-'TAW's lives wWo, your days in the EMF are numbered'

Before we fade out, it show Chris Benoit on the stage. Benoit nods and smiles at Mann. Then before Shockwave goes off the air it shows Triple H going into a limo. Shane comes running out of no where and jumps on the top of the roof of the limo and falls through the sun roof the door of the limo opens and Shane goes flying out as the limo goes off and Saturday Shockwave goes off the air.