EMF: Saturday Shockwave

The Saturday Shockwave video starts as the Shockwave theme does as well, when it ends the picture goes into the arena as fireworks blast off on the stage. The lights come back on as the camera searches around the crowd as they hold up there signs.

The Saturday Shockwave video starts as the Shockwave theme does as well, when it ends the picture goes into the arena as fireworks blast off on the stage. The lights come back on as the camera searches around the crowd as they hold up there signs.

JR-Welcome to Staturday Shockwave, I’m good ol’ JR along side Jerry “the King” Lawler” King-wow back to the boring old entrance…what happen? JR-Oh we had to change it around King-Can we get Triple H back JR-NO King-damn it…

“Rey’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Rey does his usual entrance and then Edge follows behind him

JR-This is a young tag team, that has the talent go to far


“Rollin’” blasts on the PA system as Taker walks to the ring as Kane follows behind him

King-Oh great here comes the disgrace to Limp Bizket…though I’ve heard just having Limp Bizket song as a theme song is disgrace itself

JR-….you been watching too much TV


[Taker then hits a few fists to Rey, Rey backs up and then Rey backs to the ropes. Taker whips Rey to the ropes, Rey bounces off the ropes and then Rey nails a low drop kick into the leg of Taker. Taker then goes to one knee, and then gets up and then gets up and then gets pissed and then goes for a clothesline, but Rey ducks it and then goes into the ropes and jumps on the second rope and tries to cross body block. But Taker the catches him and then drops Rey in a rib breaker and then Taker holds on to Rey and then throws him over his shoulder and then goes to the turnbuckle and then drops him on the top rope for snake eyes. Rey bounces off and then stumbles around and then Taker hits a big right and then knocks down Rey, Rey stumbles up and then Taker picks up Rey and then hits a body slam. Taker backs to the ropes and then hits a knee drop and then goes into the cover on Rey and gets the 1……………2……….kick out, Taker pulls up Rey and then backs him to the ropes and then whips him off the ropes, as he hits the ropes. Rey hooks the ropes and then taunts Taker, Taker pissed runs at Rey. Rey counters with a drop toe hold on Taker that sends him flying into the second rope. Rey then calls for the 619, runs to the ropes and then bounces off and nails the 619. Then Rey then gets ready on the apron as Taker stumbles backwards and then stumbles up. Taker then stumbles back and Rey sling shots himself on the top rope and then goes for the West Coast pop, but after Rey attempts it. Taker blocks it and then holds him in power bomb position. Rey hits a few fists and then is able to slip out the back of the Taker and then Rey goes for a sunset flip. Taker stumbles for a few seconds and then Taker is able to get his balance and then Taker grabs Rey by the throat and then takes him and then throws him into the turnbuckle like a rag doll and then Taker hits a few hard fists into the gut and then Taker takes Rey and then hip tosses him out of the corner and then Rey goes flying out of the corner and crashes down to the mat and then Rey stumbles up and then Taker goes running into the ropes and nails a running big boot. Taker then looks at the downed Rey and then runs to the ropes and then bounces off and nails a big leg drop on Rey. Taker then goes into the cover and gets a 1……………2……………kick out, Taker gets up and then pulls Rey up with him and then takes Rey’s arm and then twists his arm and then hits a few hard short arm shoulder blocks to Rey. Taker then backs to the ropes and then climbs to the top turnbuckle and then walks to the turnbuckle and then leaps off and nails old school on Rey.]

JR-Old school, Taker might be setting up to end this match right here

King-eeeeeeeeerrrrr wow this would be a record if he pins him here…but like everything it won’t happen.

[Taker then does his taunt and calls for the Tombstone, Taker then pulls up Rey and then says something to the crowd as the crowd seems kinda toren to really know who to cheer for. Taker then picks up Rey and tries to get in position for tombstone, but then Taker is paying too much attention to the crowd, and Rey is able to slide out the back and then Rey hits a low drop kick into the back. Taker stumbles forward and then makes Taker fall forward and crashes into ref and sends him crashing through the ropes and then Taker stumbles forward as Rey comes charging and then goes for a wheel barrel, and is able turn it into a bull dog and then knowing that the ref is down. Rey then runs to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes and then hits a low front drop kick into the face of Taker that sends him down Taker then stumbles up into the corner and then Rey hits a few hard fists into the face and then tries to whip Taker to the ropes, but Taker reverses and does a circle as Rey then uses his momentum and then jumps up and lands on the top rope and then Taker charges and then Rey jumps back wards and then lands on Taker’s shoulders and then spins around then nails a leg scissors hurricanarana.]

JR-What a move by Rey Mysterio!

King-Actually that’s not how you say his name..he wants to be called Misterio

JR-Ah hell, whatever

[Taker stumbles up and then Rey waits for him and then Rey hits another drop kick into the knee of Taker Taker stumbles down. But then Rey bounces off the ropes, Taker then gets his hand up and grabs Rey by the throat and then is able to set him up for a chokeslam, but then Taker gets him up, but then Rey is able to break free and then turns it into victory roll, but before he can roll all the way through Taker is able to trap Rey in the victory roll, Rey struggles to get out. But Taker’s weight is too much as a new ref slides into the ring just at that moment and then counts the 1…………………2…………..3]

JR-Taker stole one

King-That’s what Misterio gets for being short

(Taker slides out of the ring celebrating with Kane, suddenly “Kaedon’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Kaedon appears on the stage with a microphone)

Kaedon- Taker the time of your reckoning is near. You have been a stain, a stench on me that I can not clean off. He has told me you and I will fight once again. This time, however it is under my terms. No interference. No one to help you. Just thousands of insects to hear you scream. Undertaker, at Dark Horizon, we will fight in the most brutal match ever concieved. We will fight in Hell In A Cell

(We go into commercial and come back with Impact, Messiah coming to the ring with the rest of the wrestlers already in the ring)

JR-Were back

King-Wow that was fast, we didn’t even have to make stupid comments for everyone coming out


King-Though you had to make sure you got that it…

[Impact and Biohazard start it off trading fists, Impact seemly is getting the upper hand and then goes for a big shot to knock down Biohazard. But Biohazard blocks it and then hits a fist that knocks Impact to the mat. Impact gets up fast and then gets knocked down again with another hard fist and then Impact gets up more slowly and then Biohazard whips Impact off the ropes and then nails a back body drop. Impact stumbles up and then Biohazard hits a few hard forearms and then tries to whip Impact off the ropes. But Impact reverses it, while he is bouncing off the ropes Freddy makes a blindside tag and then comes into the ring and then while that is happening Impact has leap frog Biohazard as Freddy waits for him and then he turns around and then Biohazard bounces off the ropes. Impact lowers his head for a back body drop, but then Biohazard kicks Impact in the face, Impact stumbles up and turns around in pain and then Freddy waits as Impact stumbles around towards him and then before Impact can react, Freddy hits an inverted atomic drop and then Impact stumbles back in a lot pain. Then Freddy backs to the ropes and then bounces off and nails a hard clothesline that knocks down Impact. Freddy hits a few stomps on the downed Impact and then Impact stumbles up and then Freddy hits a few hard fists on Impact, Freddy then pushes Impact on the second rope and then puts his shin on the back of the neck of Impact as the ref uses his 5 count and then Freddy breaks up the choke and then Impact pulls himself up as Freddy is backed up and then Freddy hits a back rake as the fans chant “holy shit! Holy shit!” (lol that’s something for Assassin) Impact then is in the corner and then Freddy hits a few shoulders and then tries whip Freddy to the opposite side of the ring and then but Impact reverses it and then Freddy goes crashes into the opposite side turnbuckle and then Impact has to pause to recover and then charges. But Freddy is able to get a foot up and then Impact runs into it and then Impact stumbles back and then Freddy pulls himself up on the second turnbuckle and then Impact stumbles into the corner and then Freddy hooks him and then and goes for a Tornado DDT. But then Impact pushes him off and then Freddy falls to the middle of the ring, Freddy charges and then Impact counters with a drop toe hold that sends him face first into the second turnbuckle and then being near his partner anyways Impact makes the diving tag to Messiah!]

King-Wow! A tag before the second paragraph…that’s new, kinda


[Messiah comes into the ring and then hits a few hard fists and then goes for a kick, but Freddy catches it and then spins Messiah around and then he nails a spinning diving clothesline. Freddy stumbles back and then tags in Biohazard. Biohazard comes into the ring and charges at Messiah, Messiah knocks him down with a standing clothesline. Biohazard stumbles up and then gets knocked down with another fist and then stumbles back into Tyrant and then he tags in. Messiah stops as Tyrant and him lock up, Messiah gets Tyrant in a leg scissors. Tyrant then flips over into a bridge pin and then gets a 1……………..2……….Messiah then rolls his shoulder up, then starts to bridge out and then spins it around into a back slide. Though Messiah lets Tyrant get the advantage and then flips over and then turns it into a small page by Messiah and gets the 1……………..2……..kick out. Then Messiah charges at Tyrant and then hits a spinning elbow to knock down Messiah]

JR-Back and forth so far

King-Yeah, though the end’s coming soon…IT ALWAYS DOES!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!

[Suddenly some sort of weird music starts out, and Mordecai comes out holding a cross and then puts it into some of holding. Then slowly takes the hood off his robe and then holds out his hands. Biohazard and Freddy step off of the apron as Mordecai stands there and go up the ramp, suddenly before they get there Prophecy comes out of no where and smashes Biohazard suddenly a brawls starts. Though the ref pays attention to inside the ring, because Messiah and Tyrant are the legal ones. Tyrant is able to hit the Ragnarok and then goes into the cover and gets the 1………………..2…………..3]

JR-Well seems Tyrant and Tomko are lined up to face the winner of the tag tourney…but we still have a fight between Freddy and Biohazard and Mordecai and Prophecy out here


“Chris theme” blasts on the PA system as Chris and Punk walk to the ring

JR-This is certainly an interesting team…

King-HAHAHAHAH *holds up the weed wacker and then blows fire *

“Just 2 badd” blasts on the PA system as Badd Boy and Wes walk to the ring

King-How boring…2 xtremes

JR-You forgot King, it’s not the Ikeda boyz…it’s the Ikeda boys


[The match starts out with Chris and Punk nailing a few hard fists and then backing both Wes and Badd Boy to the ropes. Badd Boy and Wes bounces off the ropes at the same time and the Badd Boy and Wes get knocked down by a back elbow that sends them both down and then both Ikeda stumbles up and then get body slammed into the mat at about the same time by Chris and Punk. Wes and Badd Boy slides out of the ring and then try to regroup then Chris says something to Punk, Punk runs to the ropes and then bounces off and then Chris back drops Punk over the top rope and then with a back body drop over the top rope that Punk turns in mid air and turns into a cross body block on both Ikeda’s. But together they are able to catch Punk in mid air and then Punk struggles, Chris then backs up to the ropes and then leaps over the top rope and then does a summersault over the top rope and nails it on the Ikeda’s take them out as well as harming his own tag team partner as well. Chris gets up and then with his usual sick look pulls up Wes and then throws him against the steel steps and then Chris grabs a chair and then smashes over the back of Wes Punk then rolls in Badd Boy and then takes a little time to mock the crowd and then grabs a table and then tries to push it in the ring. But Badd Boy who hasn’t taken that many impactful moves by himself just yet is able to recover quickly and hits a quick baseball slide that sends the table into the face of Punk and then Badd Boy climbs to the top rope and then Punk stumbles off and then Badd Boy leaps off and nails a double ax handle that sends Punk down to the floor Badd Boy then goes over and then grabs a ladder and then waits for Punk to get up, once he does Punk stumbles up and then Badd Boy who has the ladder over his shoulder takes it and smashes Punk with the steel top of it and then Punk goes down and then Badd Boy takes the ladder and smashes it over Punks fallen body. On the other side Chris tries to whip Wes to the side of the ramp way, but it’s reversed and then Wes sends Chris to the ring ramp way and then Chris bounces back first and then stumbles back and then Wes caughts Chris and then hits an Arn Anderson spinning spinebuster and then goes into the cover, though the ref takes a little bit to get there and gets the 1………2.kick out]

JR-Not quite by Wes, though Chris has been taken it to the former world champion since the opening bell

King-Well this goes beyond just what Prez Mike has done lately, we know that they hate each other….plus his name is Wes, so that’s an automatic reason to kick his ass

[Badd Boy then hits a few fists on Punk, Punk stumbles back and then Badd Boy then slides the ladder into the ring and then Badd Boy puts it in the corner not set up and then Badd Boy notices that Punk is in the corner and then Badd Boy hits a few fists and then follows it up a few shoulder blocks into Punk and then Badd Boy tries to whip Punk into the ladder and then Punk reverses and then Badd Boy goes crashing shoulder first into the ladder . Badd Boy bounces off in a lot of pain, Punk then takes him down with a double leg take down and then positions Badd Boy and then sends him flying into the ladder once again in the corner and then Badd Boy stays there and then the ladder comes crashing down with him and then falls on mat. On the ramp way Wes hits a body slam on Chris and then holds his back in pain, Wes then drops the leg drop on Chris. Wes then slowly pulls up Chris and then suplex’s him on the steel ramp way and then pulls him up and then Wes takes Chris and then smashes him to the stage, Chris bounces off it and then Wes goes for a full nelson slam, but before he hit it. Chris reverse into a reverse fall away slam on the ramp way. Both wrestlers are down, in the ring Chris kicks Badd Boy in the gut and then goes for a DDT. But Badd Boy spins out of it and then Punk goes for a short arm clothesline. Badd Boy ducks it and then turns it into a full nelson slam on Punk! Badd Boy then falls away from Punk, but slowly Badd Boy crawls into the cover and then throws a hand over Punk and then gets the 1…………………..2………..kick out!]

JR-Almost three! Can’t say too many people have kicked out of the full nelson slam

King-eeerrrr….too badddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

[Wes is stomping the downed Chris, suddenly Abdullah comes from the back and cracks a steel chair over the back of Wes. Suddenly Abdullah hands a fork then Chris starts to rake is across the face of Wes, Wes moves around in pain. Inside of the ring Badd Boy hits a full nelson slam through a table, Badd Boy goes into the cover and then gets the 1………………….2………………3. Chris laughs like usually, then goes back to rake his face with the fork, not really caring. Though when Chris is backed off Wes is able to get to his knee’s, once Chris turns back Wes is able to hit a quick full nelson slam and after a little while Wes let’s go and then hits a few stomps on the downed Chris. Then Wes hits Abdullah with the chair. Abdullah goes down and then Wes is able to grab his ring.

*Wes then looks like he’s leaving, when Chris on a microphone says *

Chris-It ends, here and now Ikeda

(EMF goes to commercial with that)

“Break you” blasts on the PA system as Jarred walks to the ring

JR-Jarred seems to be in an up hill battle

King-Any match for Jarred is a up hill battle

“If you Smell what the Rock is cooking” blasts on the PA system as Rock walks down to the ring

King-It’s the Rock!

JR-Um…and you talk about me stating the obvious

“Superstar” blasts on the PA system as Prophecy walks to the ring

King-Wasabi must be smiling somewhere

JR-Why’s that

King-Because someone else used a Saliva song for their theme.

[Jarred stands in the ring with the Rock, the Rock and Jarred. Jarred then puts on a head lock and then Rock looks for a way out of the move and then pushes Jarred back to the ropes, and then is able to whip Jarred off the head lock. Jarred bounces off the ropes, and then caughtes the Rock off guard with a shoulder block. Rock gets up and then charges at Jarred, Jarred then turns it into a arm drag release and then Rock gets up and charges and then Jarred counters with another arm drag take down and then Rock stumbles up and then Jarred picks up Rock and then hits a body slam and then Jarred backs up a little bit and charges and nails a leaping knee drop into the face of the Rock and then Jarred hits a few hard kicks into the head and then Rock slowly gets to his feet and then Jarred backs up and then waits for Rock to get up. Once he does Jarred hits a few hard fists and then Jarred tries to whip Rock off the ropes, Rock then twists Jarred's arm and then brings him towards him and then nails a russian leg sweep and then Rock is still down from the beating he's been taking, but is able to pull himself up and then goes into his corner and then tags in Prophecy. Prophecy runs into the ring as Jarred is stumbling to his feet and then nails a few hard fists and then Jarred then goes for a wild fist, Prophecy ducks it and then sets up and nails a reverse back breaker and then Prophecy walks for Jarred to stumble up and then Prophecy hits a few hard fists and then Jarred reels to the ropes and then Prophecy whips Jarred off the ropes and then Jarred bounces off the ropes and then Jarred holds on to the ropes and then taunts Prophecy and then Prophecy then charges at Jarred and then goes for a clothesline. But then Jarred counters with a back body drop over the top rope rope. But then Prophecy lands on his feet and then waits for Jarred to turn around, once he does Jarred gets a shoulder into the gut and then Jarred stumbles back in pain. Prophecy then takes sometime and then goes to the ropes and then climbs up and then waits for Jarred. Jarred then jumps on the top rope shaking it and then Prophecy then falls on the top rope.]

JR-Big mistake, Prophecy still has some ring rust

King-His whole career has been filled with nothing but ring rust…

[Prophecy is in a lot of pain and then Jarred climbs to the top rope and then hooks up Prophecy and then Prophecy counters with a few hard fists and then pushes Jarred off. Prophecy then gets up and then waits for Jarred to get up after crashing hard to the mat. Then Jarred stumbles up and Prophecy leaps off and nails a missile drop kick on Jarred. Prophecy then goes into the cover and gets a 1………..2…………kick out by Jarred Prophecy pulls up Jarred and then hits a few hard fists and then whips Jarred off the ropes, Jarred bounces off the ropes and then Prophecy hits a back elbow sending Jarred down to the mat and then Jarred stumbles up and then Prophecy waits for Jarred and then Prophecy hits a back breaker on Jarred. Prophecy then goes over to his corner and then tags in the Rock. Jarred is stumbling up and then Jarred gets hit a few hard fists and then whipped to the rock, Jarred bounces off the ropes and then Rock lowers his head. But then Jarred is able to counter with a spinning neck breaker on the Rock. Both wrestlers are down and then slowly they get to their feet, Jarred is able to hit a few fists and then whips Rock off the ropes, Rock bounces off and leaps in the air and then nails a flying clothesline and then Rock nips up and then waits for Jarred, Jarred stumbles up and then nails a spinebuster and then Rock goes in position and then does the taunt, Rock then calls for the people’s elbow and then slowly takes his elbow pad and throws it to the crowd.]

JR-Here comes the most electrifying move in sports entertainment

King-whooooo the people’s elbow!

[Rock then runs to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes, then jumps over the body of Jarred and then continues to the other side and then Rock goes for the people’s elbow. But misses it as Jarred moves out of the way and then slowly Rock bounces up and then goes for the tag. Though suddenly he realizes that Prophecy isn’t there, the camera shows Prophecy looking up the ramp at a shadowly figure. Rock stumbles up yelling for Prophecy to get his head into the game, Rock turns right into a soul reaver by Jarred and then goes into the cover.]

(Shockwave goes off the air with Prophecy looking up the ramp)