EMF: Saturday Shockwave

*CJ Lethal awaits Jimmy Vance to come to the ring. His music plays and CJ looks waiting, Jimmy comes from the crowd and attacks Lethal throwing him to the outside and throwing him shoulder first against the steel stairs. He then throws Lethal into the ring and the bell sounds. Jimmy then quickly goes for the cover 1..2..KICKOUT. Vance then quickly picks up CJ and throws him to the corner and runs at him. Lethal counters with an elbow and then takes Jimmy down with a hard chop to the back on the leg. Lethal then taunts and picks up Jimmy Vance, Vance then throws off Lethal’s hands and then hits a few fists to the face, Lethal stumbles back and Vance goes for awhip. But it’s reversed by Lethal, Jimmy Vance goes to the ropes. Jimmy Vance bounces off the ropes, and then comes off the ropes as Lethal goes for a clothesline. But Jimmy Vance ducks under and then goes to the ropes on the opposite side of the ring and comes off the ropes as CJ Lethal turns around Jimmy Vance leaps in the air and then hits a flying shoulder block that takes down CJ Lethal. CJ Lethal goes dowsn and then CJ Lethal stumbles up, and then Jimmy Vance backs up and then hits a running clothesline. CJ Lethal stumbles up, and then Jimmy Vance hits a scoop body slam and then Jimmy Vance goes to the ropes and hits a jumping knee lift into the face on CJ Lethal. Jimmy Vance goes into the cover, and gets the 1………………….2…………..kick out. Jimmy Vance pulls up CJ Lethal, and then tries to whip CJ Lethal to the ropes, and bounces off the ropes. Jimmy Vance lowers his head, and CJ Lethal is able to counter with a running DDT

King: OW

Lethal the picks up Vance and hits him with a hard standing dropkick. It looks like Vance is going to stay down, but does for a school boy out of nowhere 1..2..KICKOUT. CJ Lethal then puts on a chin lock and the ref asks Jimmy Vance if he wants to give it up and then obviously Jimmy Vance refuses and gets to his feet and looks for a way out of the hold. Then he hits a few fists to the gut as he is able to turn into CJ Lethal, and Jimmy Vance goes to the ropes and bounces off. The ropes and goes for a flying forearm, but it’s ducked under by CJ Lethal. And Jimmy Vance goes flying. Jimmy Vance stumbles up to his feet, Jimmy Vance kicks CJ Lethal in the gut and sets him up. Jimmy Vance lifts him up, and names a fisherman’s buster! Jimmy Vance goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………………..2…………..kick out by Jimmy Vance.

J.R. nice move

Lethal then gets up and starts to take control again with swinging huge right hand after right. Then hitting a huge powerbomb. He then looks like hes going to get a chair, but while trying Vance hits a baseball slide. He tosses Lethal back into the ring and hits him with a DDT and tosses him into the corner and begings the 10 punches on Lethal, but it looks like Lethal is going to counter with the Lethal Bomb, but Vance rolls a hurricanerona.


King: YUP

They both get up and run at each other but get closelined! Vance gets up 1st and goes for moonsualt off the top, but Lethal dives on the top rope. Vance falls on the top rope, it looks like Lethal is going to attempt his finisher, but then he gets turned around and Lethal gets knocked down by Devin Malis who came into the ring, the ref signals for the bell.

JR-What’s Devin Malis doing here?

Kris Gaffney-No clue

Devin Malis continues the attack, as ref’s separate him

OOC-Vance’s RP was good, but there was one factor that made us go with a DQ ending for Lethal. Although, might have to do with the fact Vance’s RP was an introduction RP. This match doesn’t mean much. Other than your roster spot, which you win by RPing once, so you won it no matter the out come. That is what is really important in this match. Also Devin Malis did request this interference, I just forget if there was any specifics to it. If there were, then I will edit this match.)

(The EMF logo flashes over the screen, as we go through the Shockwave video. Once it ends we go into the darken arena as pyrotechnics go off on the stage. Once it ends the lights turn on as fans wave their signs, and scream their heads off)

JR-Welcome to Shockwave, I’m good ol’ JR along side Jerry “the King” Lawler and Kris Gaffney. What a show we have for you today.

King-Well, it’s more Pay Per View hype, mixed in with some matches so you don’t tell the difference

Kris Gaffney-You’re not suppose to tell them that

King-BLAH to them!

(We are backstage in the VP Office. Maria is sitting behind the desk. Suddernly Chris Masters runs into the room.)

Chris Masters: "Maria... I need your help."

Maria: "Chris... i'm glad you're here...."

Masters: "Maria... I need Cena in a match this week. Can you make it happen?"

Maria: "Chris i'm sorry... but that's impossable."

Masters: "What? why?"

Maria: "Look Chris... I was worried about you. You tried to decapitate your best friend with a hammer... and then you just collapsed. I've booked you some time off.... just to ensure that Cena doesn't give you hell."

Masters: "Oh please... he can't even pin Jackie... let alone me. This is gonna be nothing. Please Maria? I need my revenge."

Maria: "I'm sorry...."

Masters: "Maria... did I ever tell you how beautiful you are? I mean... everything about you is so...."

Maria: "Chris.. you're starting to sound just like him when he wants something!"

Chris: "Err... oh God... errr... i'm sorry Maria.... real sorry. Err.... yea, i'll be leaving now."

(Chris Masters leaves the VP office and walks towards the arena exit.)

“Rage’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Rage walks to the ring, he doesn’t look happy

JR-Rage looks angry, and for good reason

King-Yeah, he could have been the man that ended Devin Malis winning streak

Kris Gaffney-Should have, would have, could have…doesn’t mean anything, he didn’t get the job done….

King-Speaking of not getting the job done, how did the IBA’s Magic finish again

Kris Gaffney-……..shut up!

(“Erik Hasher’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Erik Hasher walks to the ring, followed by Jocey Camp. Hasher slides into the ring, as Jocey takes her place on the outside.)

King-The under age wrestlers keep coming out of no where

Kris Gaffney-AAAAAAHHHH, I think the under aged fans are going to attack me


[Rage and Hasher locks up, being the stronger of the two Rage is able to back Rage into the corner and then the ref starts to count, calling for a clean break and then Rage slowly backs out of the corner for the break and then Rage slowly backs up. But then Rage yells as he goes for a shot in the corner. But Hasher is able to duck under the move, and then Rage is now the one in the corner as Hasher hits a few stiff forearm shots to the face and then Hasher whips Rage to the opposite side of the ring. Rage crashes into the corner and then Hasher charges at Rage who is in the corner and then Hasher jumps up, and nails the monkey flip. Rage goes flying and crashes on his back. Rage stumbles up, holding his back. Rage turns and then gets knocked down by a fist by Erik Hasher. Rage goes down, and then stands back up. Only to be hit with a standing drop kick by Erik Hasher. Rage doesn’t go down, instead he just stumbles back and falls into the ropes. Rage then gets his hands hooked up on the ropes, and now can’t move. Erik Hasher wanting to take any advantage possible, then Erik Hasher hits a few fists to the face of Rage who can’t do anything about it. Erik Hasher backs up as the ref has to stand back for a few moments and then just yell at Hasher. Hasher charges and then hits a low front drop kick into the gut of Rage. The ref uses this chance, and then unhooks Rage, Rage is out of the ropes and then is really dazed. He stumbles around, wanting to try to see if he can get the pin at this point. Erik Hasher quickly takes Rage down with a double leg take down, and executes a jack knife pin on Rage. The ref counts 1………………2…………..kick out by Rage, Erik Hasher just shrugs his shoulders and gets back up to his feet. He pulls Rage up by his hair and knocks back Rage with a European upper cut. Rage stumbles back to the ropes and then Erik Hasher whips Rage off the ropes, Rage bounces off the ropes and then comes back at Erik Hasher. Erik goes for a clothesline, but it’s ducked by Rage. Rage goes to the ropes and comes to the opposite side of the ring, and Rage bounces off. Erik goes for a super kick, but it’s ducked under by Rage. Rage bounces off the original side of the ring where he came from. Erik turns around as Rage is coming too fast, and they knock down each other with a double clothesline.]

JR and King-Looks like they had the same idea

(King and JR look at each other pissed)

Kris Gaffney-Well look on the bright side, at least you both didn’t get the hell knocked out of you like Rage and Hasher

(Kris looks back and notices that JR and King are on the ground twitching)

[Both wrestlers are down as the ref uses his standing 10 count 1………………..2……………..3…………..4………….5……………6……….both wrestlers make their way to their way to their feet and then Erik Hasher wanting to try to maintain the advantage takes a careless fist that Rage ducks under, gets behind Erick Hasher and is able to use his lack of weight to his advantage as he is easily picked up, and dropped for a belly to back suplex. Both wrestlers are down, but it seems that Rage is the fresher now, as Erik Hasher stumbles into the corner. Rage charges and nails a running shoulder block into the corner (man, how many times do wrestlers actually hit that move? Not too many, usually the opponent moves and they go into the ring post…anyways). Rage gets up and then hits a few hard fist to the face, and then whips Erik Hasher into the corner. Rage goes to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes, and comes off the ropes behind and Rage hits a one handed bulldog landing on his knee’s. Rage goes into the cover and gets the 1……………2………..Erik Hasher not wanting to use the energy to kick out, and being close to the ropes. Erik just puts his foot on the ropes. Rage looks at the ref. Rage gets up, and then hits a few stomps on the downed Erik Hasher stumbles up to his feet and then Rage hits a few hard forearm shots to the face and whips him to the ropes. Then Erik Hasher bounces off the ropes. Rage goes for a clothesline, but it’s ducked under by Erik Hasher. Hasher goes to the other side of the ring. Rage turns around and then hits a tilter whirl back breaker on Eric Hasher. Rage goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………………..2…………..kick out by Eric Hasher.]

JR-Rage has the momentum on his side

King-I’m going to guess he’s setting himself up for his finisher

Kris Gaffney-I’m sure you weren’t just tipped off by the signal for his finisher, were you?

[Rage decides to call for his new finisher as Erik Hasher stumbles up. Rage lifts up Erik Hasher, but Hasher is able to struggle free and then Erik Hasher slides out of the back of Rage. Erik Hasher pushes Rage forward and he goes into the ref by mistake. The ref is down, Rage turns around and Erik Hasher goes for a clothesline, but it’s ducked under and Rage hits the Rage kick. Hasher goes down, as Rage goes into the cover, the ref is going to go into the cover 1………………2…………Jocey Camp from the outside pulls the weaken ref by the leg and drops him into the ring side area. So he doesn’t know what went on. Jocey goes to her socks, and then she pulls out a pipe and throws it to Erik. Erik is on the mat, as Rage is up, Jocey has jumped on the apron and is yelling at Rage. Rage walks by the downed Erik, and doesn’t notice he put the inner part of his legs, but he sure does notice after he quickly stands up. Erik throws the pipe away, as the ref is coming to and is coming back into the ring. Erik Hasher kicks Rage in the gut, and nails the Hasher, Erik goes into the cover and gets the 1……………..2………..3]

(We are agian in the VP office. This time it's John Cena that barges in.)


Maria: "Good evening to you too Mr Cena sir!"

Cena: "Where's Chris Masters? I want him in tah ring right now!"

Maria: "Not happening. I used my powers to give Masters some much needed time off. I don't know where he went... so I cannot help you. So if you don't mind..."

Cena: "Oh you're gonna regret this Maria... because later tonight,,, I may not be able to book Chris... but i'll book his ex-girlfriend Christy... and let her destroy YOU!"

(Cena leaves looking pissed off. The door slams behind him.)

“Just….Rick’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Just…Rick walks to the ring.

JR-It’s good to see Just….Rick back in action here in the EMF!

King-I’m wondering how long it’ll take Ken Kennedy and Just….Rick to team up, they both love the dramatic pause

Kris Gaffney-It would seem so, but I think if that were to happen….Kennedy would have to get out of Revolution. All those pauses would drive AJ crazy

“Ill-Fated’s theme” blast son the PA system, as Ill-Fated walks to the ring

JR-This is the first match for Ill-Fated here in the EMF

King-Yeah, and he better win….or Dertah might throw him on some glass or something

Kris Gaffney-Actually, knowing Dertah…that’s the reward IF he wins.

[Ill-Fated and Just…Rick face off in the middle of the ring, and then Ill-Fated pushes Just…Rick away. Just…Rick stumbles back, and Ill-Fated tries to use this chance while Just…Rick is on his back heels to attack Just….Rick with a fist. But it’s ducked under by Just…Rick, Ill-Fated turns around and then Just….Rick hits a few fists to the face of Ill-Fated. Just…Rick tries to whip Ill-Fated to the ropes, but it’s reversed by Ill-Fated. Just…..Rick bounces off the ropes, and then Just….Rick comes off the ropes and before Ill-fated can do whatever move he was planning. Ill-Fated hits a running forearm shot that takes Ill-Fated off his feet and he falls to the mat. Ill-Fated stumbles up to his feet and then Just…Rick hits a fist to the face that floors Ill-Fated. Ill-Fated gets up a lot more dazed now, Just….Rick picks up Ill-Fated and drops him for a body slam. Quickly followed up with a elbow drop into the chest of Ill-Fated. Just…Rick goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………2…………kick out by Ill-Fated. Just….Rick puts Ill-Fated into a chin lock, Ill-Fated looks a little beat down…but not enough to go out. Ill-Fated is looking for a way out of the hold and then Ill-Fated does what people normally do in this situation, and gets to his feet as Just….Rick who is about the same size as Ill-Fated, so there is no real leverage advantage. Ill-Fated, looks around for the many ways to get out this hold from the standing position, and finally Ill-Fated is back to back Just….Rick off the ropes and then Ill-Fated whips Just…Rick off the ropes out of the hold. Just….Rick bounces off the ropes, and then Ill-Fated who is still stunned gets taken down with a running shoulder block by Just….Rick. Ill-Fated is on the mat, so Just….Rick goes to the ropes. Just….Rick bounces off the ropes and then Ill-Fated is getting to his feet, at this point, but he see’s Just….Rick coming. So he goes down to the mat, and Just…Rick leaps over Ill-Fated, and continues to the other side of the ring and then comes off the ropes. Ill-Fated goes for a drop kick. But it’s blocked by Just….Rick, and now Just…Rick has a hold of Ill-Fated’s legs and then Just…Rick sets up Ill-Fated for a sharpshooter. But Ill-Fated struggles against the hold and then he grabs the ropes so Just…Rick has to break the hold.]

JR-Smart move by Ill-Fated

King-This might be his first match here in the Extreme Measures Federation, but I’m sure Dertah helped him get prepared

[Just…Rick hits a few elbow drops, and tries to pulls Ill-Fated away from the ropes. Ill-Fated tries to get up using the ropes. Just…Rick is able to yank Ill-Fated off the ropes, and sends Ill-Fated crashing into the mat and then from there Just…Rick sets up Ill-Fated due to the fact he still has his legs, locks it in, and turns the move for the sharpshooter!! Suddenly as this is going on Z-Dead comes out the stage. The ref asks Ill-Fated if he wants to give it up, Ill-Fated refuses even though he’s in the center of the ring. Ill-Fated looks for a way out of the hold, instead of going to the ropes. Ill-Fated is able to take out the supporting leg of Just….Rick, and reverse the hold…and locks in the sharpshooter. The ref asks Just…Rick if he quits, Just….Rick refuses….Just….Rick looks for a way out of the hold. Just…Rick seeing that he’s somewhat more close to the ropes than Ill-Fated was a few moments ago tries to crawl towards the ropes. It looks like Just…Rick might tap out, but he notices that Z-Dead has distracted the ref. So Just…Rick decides to hang on a little bit longer. Then Just…Rick grabs on to the ropes.

King-That wasn’t smart…

Kris Gaffney-Not at all

[ The ref counts, finally at 4 Ill-Fated lets go of the hold. Ill-Fated yells at his partner for screwing that up for him. Ill-Fated hits a elbow drop into the lower back of Just…Rick. Like a shark that smells blood, Ill-Fated hits a few stomps into the lower back. The ref asks Ill-Fated to back away, just to allow Just…Rick up, he does that. Ill-Fated whips Just…Rick to the ropes, Just…Rick bounces off the ropes. Ill-Fated lowers his head, and then Ill-Fated hits a back body drop. Just…Rick hits hard on the mat, you can see the pain go through his body as he gets up holding his back. Ill-Fated catches Just…Rick and picks him up, makes him think about it for a few moments. Then drops him for a back breaker, Ill-Fated goes into the cover and gets the 1…………………..2……………kick out!!]

JR-It would seem that Ill-Fated is pin pointing the back

King-Luckily the ref isn’t Earl Hebner, the match would have been over.

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, as soon as he see’s a sharpshooter…he needs to RING THE BELL!

[Just…Rick gets up, and stumbles into the turnbuckle. Ill-Fated tries to whip Just…Rick into the opposite side of the ring. But it’s reversed by Just….Rick, Ill-Fate goes into the corner, Just…Rick charges into the corner. But Ill-Fated hits a elbow into the face, Just…Rick turns around. Ill-Fated goes behind Just…Rick, and picks him up for a electric chair drop. But before he can hit it, Just…Rick answers with a few punches to the head of Ill-Fated, suddenly he surprises Ill-Fated with a victory roll! Just….Rick is able to hold Ill-Fated for the 1……………..2……….3]

("Walk Idiot Walk" by the Hives hits as Christy Hemme comes out onto the ramp. For once she is alone, but still recieves heavy booing from the crowd.)

Finkle: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall. On her way to the ring... Christy Hemme!"

(Maria's theme plays and she comes out. She looks nervous and a little angry as she rolls into the ring. Christy Hemme quickly kicks things off with some hard slaps and then a quick snap suplex. Hemme stomps on the downed Maria and then throws her hard into the corner. Maria staggers back, and Hemme gets a quick school-boy for the 1... 2... kick out. Maria tries to get up but Hemme kicks her hard in the head. Hemme picks her up and gives her another suplex. She then mocks Maria, and then gives her a drop-kick as she attempts to get up. Hemme gives her an elbow drop and then covers for the 1... 2... kick out again.)

J.R: "Christy Hemme is going to destroy Maria here tonight... just like Trish did not long ago...."

King: "This is hardly fair... a hot girl like Maria getting a beat down.. she's not even a wrestler!"

(Hemme picks up Maria. She kicks her in the gut and looks for a DDT. Maria hits some weak elbows and is able to throw Hemme off. She throws her off the ropes and then hits an arm drag. Hemme falls and Maria dropkicks her in the back of the head. Maria then applies a weak sleeper-hold. Christy seems to fade ever so slightly, but then battles up. Maria now takes her down and applies the hold harder. Hemme struggles but then makes it to the tope. Maria breaks the hold and then picks up a weak Hemme. She is able to hit a DDT and cover for the 1.... 2.... kick out.)

J.R: "Maria showing some basic knowledge of wrestlng holds... not sure if it will be enough here!"

King: "They should make this a "Wet N Wild match".... much more exciting!"

(Maria lifts Hemme. She hits a slap, and then hits more repeatedly. She goes a bit over the top hammering away.She then throws Hemme into the ropes. Hemme holds on. Maria runs at her and Hemme hits a big boot. Maria goes down and looks hurt. Hemme picks her up and calls for a Twist of fate! Maria pushes her off out of desperation. Hemme backs off the ropes and hits her with a clothesline. She then picks up Maria and hits her with a hard suplex into a bridge for 1.... 2.... kick out. Hemme picks her up and nails another suplex. She then climbs to the top rope.)

J.R: "This is new from Hemme.... we've seen matches won and lost from here...."

King: "Well.... isn't every match won and lost?"

*J.R is hear muttering about how he can't let King out-smart him again*

J.R: "My God... is that Amy from behind on the titantron..."

King: "WHERE???"

*King turns, sees the titantron is actually showing match footage, but stares into space anyway at the thought*

(Hemme goes to the top rope and does an Amy like taunt. She then does the Hardy Boy taunt and hits Maria with a top rope Leg Drop. Hemme taunts Amy again.Suddernly Trish comes running down the ramp. As she's Hemme's tag partner, Hemme smiles and covers Maria. The referee counts 1.... 2... but Trish then pulls him from the ring and throws him into the barricade. Trish rolls into the ring and Hemme stands up, asking her whats going on. Trish fakes that she wants to deal Maria more pain, then out of the blue, gives Hemme a chick kick. She throws Maria on top of her and walks away. The referee slowly rolls into the ring and counts 1.... 2... 3! Maria has won it!)

[ Shockwave comes back from a commercial and cuts to the backstage area. CM Punk is walking down the corridors looking angry and carrying a sledgehammer. His face still bears the bruising from when he was struck with it by Dragon in their extreme title match. Punk is pounding doors open. He walks around a corner and sees Melina from behind. He follows her until she gets back to the Team Dragon locker room, then sprints forward as she opens the door. ]

Melina: What the hell is this?

[ Melina is staring at Dragon and Victoria. Dragon is seated, taping up his wrists and Victoria is standing in front of him talking, but gets cut off midsentence by Melina. ]

Victoria: I’m telling you Dragon, I know who it is who’s after you, who wants you injured—

Matt Dragon: You’re a little late actually, I’ve already found out.

[ Dragon gets up and tries to calm Melina down because she’s going into hysterics. Dragon turns his back to the doorway and Victoria looks on smiling. CM Punk rushes into the room. ]

Victoria: Dragon, look out!

[ Dragon whirls around, but it’s too late and he takes a sledge hammer shot to the gut. CM Punk grins and drives the hammer in an arc, uppercutting Dragon and sending him to the floor. Punk leans over Dragon, taunting him. ]

CM Punk: It isn’t over between us, Dragon. You. Me. Dark Horizons. An extreme title match where I take back what’s mine. I'll see you there, you piece of trash!

[ Punk slaps Dragon across his face and leaves the room. Melina is crying, looking over Dragon to see if he’s alright. Dragon is unconscious, blood trickling from his lips. Victoria slips out of the room. The camera cuts to ringside. ]

JR: Bah god, King! Dragon is out cold and he’s got a match up right now! Can you believe what CM Punk did to him?

King: That was pretty hardcore…if Punk was around in the old days, he might have been a part of the HoRdE! *King rips off his shirt to reveal a Horde shirt.*

[ After a quick cut to commercial, Dude Nick and Marc Mead are already in the ring, and Mr.E is standing at ringside with an ugly looks on his face. ]

JR: I think Mr.E is plum outta luck tonight, it’s basically a handicapped match!

[ “Burn it Down” by Avenged Sevenfold plays over the PA system and Dragon doesn’t come out, to no one’s surprise. Mr.E steps up onto the apron and gets into the ring. ]

King: Whats that phrase you like to say, JR? He’s got more guts than brains?

[Mr. E and Marc Mead start off, knowing that he would lose a lock up if it came to strength. Marc Mead goes for a fist, but it's ducked under by Mr. E and Mr. E hits a knife edge chop, and follows it up with a few more. Marc Mead stumbles into the ropes, and then Mr. E whips Marc Mead to the ropes. Marc Mead bounces off the ropes. Marc Mead leaps in the air for a cross body block, but it's ducked under by Mr. E and Marc Mead goes flying for a flying body cross that does not connect. Marc Mead stumbles up and then Mr. E hits running clothesline that knocks down Marc Mead, Mead gets up and then stumbles backwards tagging in the bigger Dude Nick, Dude Nick shrugs knowing that was probably a smart move to try to stop the momentum of Mr. E. Mr. E. is trying to think of how to deal with the much bigger Dude Nick, Mr. E tries to get pass Dude Nick. But Dude Nick is able to stop him and push back Mr. E so much that he does back summer sault near the corner. Dude Nick stumbles up and then Dude Nick grabs Mr. E by his throat with two hands and lifts him up for a double handed choke. Dude Nick throws Mr. E into the corner, and then takes a bit too much time. Then Dude Nick throws a fist into the corner, that's easily ducked by Mr. E who is now out of the corner. Dude Nick is now in the corner, and Mr. E fires off fists into the corner on Dude Nick who is seemly just absorbing every punch that is being thrown his way. Dude Nick then pushes Mr. E back who goes flying due to the ridiculous mismatch as far as strength goes. Suddenly, the crowd gives a big pop as Matt Dragon walks down the ramp, somewhat gingerly as he’s obviously still feeling the affects of the attack from CM Punk. But Dragon climbs up into the corner and reaches out his hand. Dude Nick charges at Mr. E, Mr. E is getting to his feet as Dude Nick is charging and then Mr. E is able to counter this charge by out smarting Dude Nick and hits a drop toe hold that sends Dude Nick flying into the mat. Mr. E makes a dive and then Matt Dragon comes into the ring, slapping Mr.E with the tag to make it official and as Dude Nick is now on his knee's. Matt Dragon hits a kick to the side of the head that takes down Dude Nick. Suddenly Marc Mead spring boards off the ropes and then goes for what seems to be a seated seanton, but it's blocked and then Dragon drives Marc Mead into the mat with a power bomb. Dragon picks up Marc Mead, and whips him to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes. Dragon hits a spinning spinebuster on Marc Mead. Dragon gets up and turns around right into a big clothesline by Dragon.]

JR-Matt Dragon attention was turned for a bit too long, and he paid for it there

King-Don't you hate when the number game catches up with you?

Kris Gaffney-I know I do…

[Dude Nick hits a few stomps on the downed Matt Dragon and then Dragon goes into the corner and then Dude Nick hits a few fists. Mr. E tries is still in the ring, staring at Dragon in confusion and shock, but Mr.E is cut off by the ref, while this is going on, Marc Mead takes the tag rope and starts to choke Dragon with it as the ref's back is turned trying to get Mr. E out of the ring. Mr. E leaves the ring, and goes back into the corner as Marc Mead stops choking Matt Dragon with the tag rope while the ref is looking in their direction. Dude Nick takes a step back and then hits a knee lift into the gut doubling over Dragon and then Dude Nick hits a blow to the back of Matt Dragon goes down, and Dude Nick allows Matt Dragon to get up to his feet. Dragon stumbles to his feet as Dude Nick closes the gap between them and then he hits a few fists to the face and then Dude Nick tries to whip Dragon to the ropes, and does Dragon bounces off the ropes. Dude Nick goes for a big boot. But it's ducked under by Matt Dragon, Matt Dragon continues to the other side of the ring and comes off the ropes. Dude Nick turns around as Dragon comes at him, Dude Nick uses Matt Dragon's own momentum to throw him into the air. Dragon flies through the air and then comes crashing down on the mat. Dude Nick hits a few stomps on the downed Matt Dragon, and then goes to the ropes and comes off the ropes. Dude Nick then leaps in the air and nails a big leg drop on the downed Matt Dragon. Dude Nick goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………………2…………..kick out by Matt Dragon. Dude Nick hits a few stomps on the downed Matt Dragon who gets up near the ropes, and then Dude Nick pushes down on Matt Dragon as he tries to get up with help of the ropes, choking Matt Dragon. Dude Nick releases the choke hold, and both men get to their feet. Dragon is wobbling around on liquid knees, shakin his head trying to get his bearings. ]

JR: This isn’t good King, Dragon needs to think about his heath here. He might have a concussion and he could be worsening it’s affects by being in this match.

King: Everyone remembers Dragon being out on the shelf with injuries not too long ago for things like this JR, he just doesn’t give into them, whether that makes him stupid or brave, I don’t know.

[ Dude Nick, seeing Dragon’s weakened state, grins and runs him over with a clothesline. Dude Nick puts the boots to Dragon, feeling like he’s in total control now. Nick whips Dragon into his corner where Marc Mead gets in some cheap shots and chokeso nDragon as Nick talks to the ref. Mr.E steps into the ring but the ref forces him back and Nick goes over to double team shots on Dragon. Mr.E finally steps back to his corner as Dude Nick tags in Marc Mead. Dude Nick grabs Dragon in a full nelson and walks him to the center of the ring. Marc Mead goes up to the top turnbuckle and perches there gaining his balance. Mead leaps off the top turnbuckle and Dragon slips out of Nick’s grasp at the last minute, causing Mead to hit the missile drop kick right into Dude Nick’s face. Dude Nick stumbles around and falls out of the ring to the floor between the bottom ropes. ]

JR: Dragon needs to tag in his partner Mr.E if he wants to have any chance of winning this match!

[ Dragon stumbles over to his corner staring straight into Mr.E’s eyes as marc Mead looks over to Dude Nick. Dragon stops and doesn’t tag in Mr.E. Mead turns back to the ring and Dragon and runs at Dragon. ]

King: What is he doing, JR?

JR: I guess his brains are still scrambled from that sledge hammer, he can’t be thinking clearly.

[ Dragon turns just as Mead gets to him and ducks Mead’s clothesline, causing Mead to hit Mr.E and send him off the apron onto Dude Nick. Mead stumbles back, stunned and Dragon is able to use this opportunity for a kick into the gut and he hits the breath of fire. He goes into the cover, and gets the 1..........2......3]

JR: I don’t know how he did it, but Dragon managed to get the victory. What a strange match up. We should get EMTs out here, I don’t know if Dragon or Dude Nick are hurt.

[ Dude Nick gets to his feet, shoving Mr.E aside. He realizes what happened, seeing Dragon pulling himself up and Mead laying on the mat. Pissed off, Dude Nick grabs Mr.E and presses him over his head, tossing the former EMD presiden onto the guardrail. Nick waits for Mr.E to get back to his feet and gives him the big boot. ]

King: Uh oh, looks like Dude Nick isn’t taking this loss to well.

[ Dude Nick continues to pummel and stomp Mr.E, and Dragon just stands there watching it. ]

JR: Why the hell isn’t he doing anything, King? That’s Dragons best friend getting his ass beat like a government mule!

King: I stopped trying to figure out what the hell was going on around here a long time ago, JR.

[ Dragon steps down out of the ring and walks up to Dude Nick. Nick stands up and waits for Dragon to attack, but Dragon just turns and walks up the ramp. Dude Nick watches as he goes and Shockwave goes off the air. ]

(OOC-All in this match did a good job RPing, all were focus exactly the same. I thought it came down to text strength, and I thought that Dragon's was stronger here. So that's why me, and my staff member thought Dragon should get the nod here.)