EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The EMF logo shows up on the screen and the Shockwave video starts, once it ends we go into the arena as pyro blasts on the stage. Fan scream their lungs out as the Shockwave theme plays, the lights turn on and the camera starts to search around the crowd and finally goes to JR and the King.)

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, I'm good ol' JR along with the Jerry "the King" Lawler

King-Damn it JR, every show it's the same old line *pegs JR with his crown*

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at ?? pounds,, Homeboy!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Homeboy comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at ??? pounds,, Booker T!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Booker T walks to the ring. Charles Robinson is the referee for this contest. Booker T gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Homeboy. Booker T checks out the ring. (ding, ding, ding) Homeboy grabs Booker T by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. Booker T slaps Homeboy. Booker T gouges Homeboy's eyes out. Flying Tomahawk by Homeboy sends Booker T down to the mat. Homeboy executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Booker T. Homeboy climbs to his feet. Booker T is up again. Booker T hits a power slam on Homeboy. Booker T moves back to his feet. Booker T hooks Homeboy in an armlock leglock submission. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... Homeboy is fighting the hold. ... Booker T breaks the hold. Booker T sends Homeboy to ringside. Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) Homeboy gets up. (..2) Homeboy hiptosses Booker T. (...3) Homeboy gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. (....4) Homeboy rakes his fingers across Booker T's back. (.....5) Booker T takes Homeboy into the ring. Booker T hiptosses Homeboy. ]

JR - Homeboy takes a hiptoss.

[Booker T walks to the ring. Charles Robinson is the referee for this contest. Homeboy checks his boots. Booker T places Homeboy on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (the bell rings) Homeboy goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on Booker T. Homeboy stands up. Homeboy kicks Booker T on the mat. Homeboy rolls onto Booker T connecting with a knee. Booker T is up again. Homeboy short-arm clotheslines Booker T to the mat. Homeboy executes a corkscrew legdrop on Booker T. Homeboy climbs to his feet. Homeboy goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Booker T. Homeboy is back on his feet. Booker T gets up. Booker T gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Booker T gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Homeboy. Homeboy climbs to his feet. Booker T picks up Homeboy and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker. Booker T apllies the camel clutch on Homeboy. The referee is checking the situation. ... Booker T tightens the hold. ... Homeboy is fighting the hold. ... Booker T breaks the hold. Booker T hits a frog splash on Homeboy. Booker T is up again. Homeboy gets back to his feet. Booker T and Homeboy go to the floor Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) Homeboy gets elbowed to his midsection by Homeboy. Booker T legsweeps Homeboy. Booker T chants start. Homeboy is up again. Booker T and Homeboy move back into the ring. Homeboy gets hit with a running powerslam by Booker T Booker T kicks Homeboy in the stomach.


[Booker T rolls onto Homeboy connecting with a knee. Booker T measures Homeboy up and drops a closed fist. Booker T executes a corkscrew legdrop on Homeboy. Booker T stands up. Homeboy moves back to his feet. Homeboy hits the Scorpion Death Drop on Booker T! ]

JR - If Homeboy keeps using moves like that Scorpion Death Drop he could win the match!

[Booker T jumps from the top and nails Homeboy with a flying axhandle smash. Booker T jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Homeboy. Booker T stands up. Homeboy gets up. Homeboy hits Booker T with the spinebuster slam. Homeboy chants start. Homeboy is up again. Booker T gets hit with the shooting star press from Homeboy. Referee Charles Robinson makes the count. ...1 ...2 Booker T kicks out. ]

King - Homeboy was so close!!

[Booker T is up again. Homeboy rakes the face of Booker T in attempt to make a come back. Homeboy executes a headlock takedown. Booker T gets up. Booker T hits Homeboy with a Baba chop. Homeboy gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Booker T. Booker T hits Homeboy with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Booker T hits Homeboy with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Booker T goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Homeboy. Booker T gets back to his feet. Booker T takes Homeboy down with a full nelson faceslam. Booker T is back on his feet. Booker T trys for a moonsault but Homeboy avoids it. Booker T locks the figure-four Leglock on Homeboy. Charles Robinson asks Homeboy if he quits. ... Booker T tightens the hold. ... Booker T tightens the hold. Homeboy escapes. Booker T stomps Homeboy. Homeboy is back on his feet. Homeboy nails Booker T with a belly-to-back suplex. Booker T stands up. Homeboy hits a flying karate chop right to Booker T's neck. Booker T goes for a running lariat but Homeboy dodges the attack. Booker T drags Homeboy to the floor. Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) Homeboy executes the German suplex on Booker T. Homeboy is up again. (..2) Homeboy swings a Steel chair and hits Booker T. Booker T is bleeding as a result. ]

JR - Blood is all over ringside.
[Now Booker T standing. Homeboy jumps from the top rope and hits Booker T with a flying armdrag. Homeboy stands up. Homeboy hits a frog splash on Booker T. Homeboy chants start. Homeboy climbs to his feet. Homeboy jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Booker T. Homeboy gets up. Booker T punches Homeboy repeatedly. Booker T executes an over the shoulder stomachbreaker on Homeboy. Booker T uses a legsweep faceslam to bring Homeboy down. Homeboy gets hit with a kick to the gut, Booker goes to the ropes. but homeboy surprises Booker T with a small package . Referee Charles Robinson makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

King - We've got ourselves a winner!

JR - The winner of this match, Homeboy!!!

"Ashlee's theme" blasts on the PA system as Ashlee walks to the ring

King-eeerrrr..too many confusing Ashlee promo's

JR-aw well, we will see if she can beat Fyre

"Fyre's theme" blasts on the PA system as Fyre runs to the ring

King-well I'm enjoying this at least

JR-Ashlee will have her hands full with this new comer

[Ashlee pushes fyre, Fyre pushes Ashlee back and then hits a kick to the gut. Ashlee doubles over and Fyre hits a chop the face of Ashlee that brings Ashlee up once again. Fyre hits a few knife edge chops that knock Ashlee back to the ropes, Fyre trys to whip Ashlee off the ropes. But Ashlee reverses the whip, Fyre goes off the ropes and comes back. Ashlee is ready to do something, but Fyre runs her down with a hard clothesline. Ashlee gets up dazed, Frye comes charging and hits Ashlee with a running forearm to the face that knocks Ashlee again with that. Ashlee gets up even more dazed to be met with a fist to the face, Ashlee stumbles into Fyre who is able to hold Ashlee up. Fyre then sets up Ashlee and hits a snap suplex, Fyre then holds on to the snap set up after Ashlee gets hit with it and then gets up, Fyre lifts her only a quater of the way for a vertical suplex and then drops Ashlee into a sit down face buster. Fyre then goes into the cover and gets a 1.....2.......kick out by Ashlee. Fyre pulls Ashlee to the sitting position and puts her in a chin lock, Ashlee is seemly out as the ref goes to check, but Ashlee is able to get up with a little problem (well wouldn't you if your air was being cut off...) Ashlee then gets up to both feet and looks for a way out of the hold that is now a sleeper. Ashlee hits a few back elbows into the gut, but Fyre won't let go. Ashlee side steps her and is able to hit a belly to back suplex. Both are down due to the move as the ref counts 1.......2.......3.......4.......5......6.......7...both Fyre and Ashlee are able to make it to their feet around the same time. Fyre goes for a forearm, but Ashlee is able to block it and hit a few a few forearms to the face of Fyre. Ashlee then whips Fyre to the ropes, Ashlee charges at Fyre as she is bouncing off the ropes and takes her down with a double leg take down, Ashlee then starts to bash Fyres head against the mat several times. Ashlee then pulls up Fyre and then knocks her down with a short arm clothesline. Ashlee backs into the corner and measures up Fyre as the crowd boo's her (well she was a heel last time I checked...then again I wrote the match on Wednesday, Ashlee has now completely confused me!), Ashlee then measures up Fyre and hits a running knee drop to the throat of Fyre.]

JR-Ashlee has gotten control after a match that has been controled by Fyre

King-and your point being....

[Ashlee starts to choke Fyre as the ref counts to 5 and Ashlee lets go of Fyre. Fyre gets up and Ashlee hits a few hard upper kicks to Fyre that rock her into the corner. Ashlee starts to hit a few shoulder blocks into the gut of Fyre. Fyre is able to jump up after a while and roll off Ashlee's back and put Ashlee into a sunset flip. Ashlee quickly grabs the ropes to avoid the count. Fyre pulls Ashlee back up, but Ashlee hits a eye rake to Fyre. Fyre blinded steps back to the ropes, Ashlee whips Fyre off the ropes. Fyre bounces off the ropes and Ashlee stands ready for her. Fyre then hits a leg scissors hurricanarana (so that's not orinigal..), Fyre waits for Ashlee to get up. Fyre kicks Ashlee in the gut, Fyre then hooks Ashlee and takes her over for a russian leg sweep. Fyre goes into the cover and gets the 1......2....kick out. Fyre pulls up Ashlee and whips her to the ropes. Ashlee bounces off the ropes, Fyre goes for a kick to the gut. But Ashlee is able to catch Fyres leg and hit a dragon screw. Ashlee then holds on to Fyres leg and then sets her up and puts her into a figure four leg lock (figure four...whhhhhhhhhhooooooooooo). The ref asks if Fyre wants to give up, but Fyre refuses. Fyres shoulders go down and the ref counts 1.......2....Fyre pull herself up and then slowly starts to turn the figure four around. Fyre has to attempt this a few times, finally Fyre is able to get Ashlee over and the pressures is now on Ashlee. Before the ref can even ask, Ashlee breaks the hold. Ashlee comes out limping and goes into the corner in a lot of pain. Fyre follows and hits a few fists to the face of Ashlee. Fyre then takes one of Ashlee's legs and puts it on the second rope, Fyre then starts to kick at it over and over again. Ashlee's leg finally gets free, Ashlee stumbles out of the corner. Fyre from there whips Ashlee and Ashless goes back first into the turnbuckle]

JR-Ashlee is in trouble

King-quick Ashlee cheat to win!

[Ashlee stumbles of corner as Fyre (can you tell I'm bored yet), Fyre bounces off the ropes. But Ashlee is able to catch Fyre in the Ashlee slam. Ashlee goes into the cover and gets the 1.......2......3 ]

JR-Ashlee has won this match

"n......W......o Sexy boy" blasts on the PA system as HBK walks to the ring

King-Hey JR I just thought of something...if HBK is old at 35, I wonder what we are considered

JR-You probably don't want to know that King

King-Aw shit you mean I've been wasting my life sitting next to you. Damn it I'm too young to be old!

"Smells like teen spirt" blasts on the PA system as the TV champion Toby walks to the ring

*King starts to smell*

JR-What the hell are you doing

King-I'm trying to smell the teen spirt, but I don't smell anything

"HCT theme" blasts on the PA system as HCT walks to the ring

King-Everything is jobbed when your H....C....T

[Toby and Timmay trade fists as HBK stands back and watches. Timmay gets upper hand and hits fists backing up Toby to the ropes. Timmay backs up and hits a clothesline Toby over the top rope, HBK then blindsides Timmay with a few fists and then turns them into jabs. Timmay stumbles and HBK then whips Timmay to the ropes. Timmay bounces off the ropes and HBK hits a back body drop on Timmay. Timmay gets up in a lot of pain. HBK then hits a arm drag release, Timmay gets up dazed at the ropes and HBK hits a clothesline over the top rope sending Timmay and HBK over. But HBK holds on to the top rope and then pulls himself into the ring. HBK goes to the nearest turnbuckle and then climbs to the top rope. HBK leaps off as Toby and Timmay get up and HBK knocks both of them down once again with a flying cross body block. All three wrestlers are down, HBK hurt the least of them rolls into the ring and rolls back out. HBK takes Toby and pulls him up, HBK then whips Toby to the steel steps. Toby goes flying into the steps back first. Toby gets pulled up by Michaels and then rolled into the ring. Timmay gets pulled up by HBK and then also he trys to do the same thing to Timmay. But Timmay reverses the move and HBK goes flying into the steps. Timmay gets on the apron as Toby is up, Timmay slingshots himself on the top rope and goes for a hurricanarana. But Toby blocks it and it's turned into a sitdown powerbomb for a 1......2...kick out, Timmay gets up fast but very dazed as Toby hits a few forearms to the face of Timmay. Timmay rocks back, Toby whips Timmay to the ropes. Timmay bounces off the ropes and Toby goes for a clothesline and Toby goes for a clothesline. But Timmay ducks it and continues to the other side, Toby is able to hit a high flipping drop kick that drops Timmay. Timmay gets up backed up near the tumblebuckle, Toby hits a few kicks into the gut of Timmay and then follows it up with a hard spin kick that floors Timmay.]

JR-So far it's been down to a one on one match, whether it's been HBK/Timmay or Toby/Timmay

King-Well HBK is in no rush to get up now is he...

[Toby pulls up Timmay and whips him to the oppsite side turnbuckle. When Timmay runs up the turnbuckles to the top as Toby comes charging in with Timmay, Timmay is able to hit a cork screw moonsault on Toby. Timmay gets up somewhat hurt himself, HBK is perched on the top rope and leaps off for a double ax handle. But Timmay is able to counter this with a drop kick to HBK as he is flying in the air. HBK goes down hard, Timmay has to take a few moments from his fight with Toby. Timmay then is able to get back up and pull up HBK with him. Timmay hits a few upper cuts to HBK. HBK reels back to the ropes. Timmay whips HBK to the ropes, HBK bounces off the ropes and Timmay goes for a clothesline. But HBK ducks it and HBK continues to the other side of the ring. HBK bounces off the ropes and leaps in the air with a flying cross body block. But Timmay is able to catch HBK while he's in mid air. Timmay then hits a quick fall away slam on HBK, Timmay turns around and then walks right into a set up and gets hit with a sit down reverse jaw breaker by Toby. Timmay stays on his feet holding his jaw and stumbling around. Toby gets up, measures up Timmay kicks him into the gut and sets up for a piledriver. Timmay trys to lift him up once, but can't quiet get him up, but at the second time Toby is able to lift up Toby and then drives him down into mat with the piledriver. Timmay goes into the cover and gets the 1......2...HBK breaks up the cover with a diving forearm to the back of the head of Timmay. Timmay gets up slighty stunned. HBK catches Timmay and hits a back breaker on Timmay, HBK goes outside and climbs to the top rope. HBK leaps off for a flying elbow drop from the top rope. But Timmay rolls out of the way, Toby is able to roll into the cover and get the 1........2.....kick out]

JR-almost a three

King-Well at least Toby can say he got a 2 3/4 on HBK

[Toby pulls up HBK and whips him to the rope, HBK bounces off the ropes and leaps in the air and knocks Toby down with a forearm to the face. HBK notices Timmay slowly getting up, HBK goes to the cover and starts to stomp the corner Timmay turns around and gets blasted with the sweet chin music. Toby gets up and goes for a clothesline, HBK ducks and waits for Toby to spin around he also gets blasted with Sweet chin music. HBK then pins Timmay and gets the 1.......2.....3]

"to the end with you" blasts on the PA system asDef Metal walks to the ring with Scott Mann

JR-This is going to be a slobber knocker

King-I hate you JR

"feels so numb" blasts on the PA system as Raptor walks to the ring

*King submerges JR in water*

[Raptor and Def Metal exchange blows, Def Metal is able to block one of Raptors fists and hit a head butt that stumbles to the ropes. Raptor gets hit with a few fists and then gets whiped to the ropes. Def Metal then charges at Raptor and knocks him down with a running shoulder block. Def Metal runs to the ropes himself and bounces off the ropes as Raptor is able to get up and is able to hit a release arm drag take down on Def Metal. Def gets up a little angry more than hurt and charges at Raptor who hits another arm drag take down into an arm bar. Def Metal then does a summersault on to his knees and gets back up as Raptor holds the arm bar. Raptor holds it, Def Metal gets up and looks for a way out of the arm bar. Def Metal then hits a firemans carry and puts on a arm bar on Raptor. Raptor gets up and then backs of Def Metal to the ropes and whips him to the ropes. Def Metal bounces off the ropes and Raptor goes for a clothesline, but Def Metal ducks it and continues to the other side of the ring as Raptor spins around as Def bounces off the ropes. Raptor uses Def's momentum to throw him into the air, but Def Metal is able to use this and land a hurricanarana! Raptor gets up very dazed by the ropes, Def Metal charges in. But Raptor is able to counter it with a back body drop over the top rope. But Def Metal is able to land on his feet on the apron, Raptor spins around to see Def on the apron. But gets a shoulder block into the gut by Def Metal. Def Metal then goes for a suplex to the outside of the ring. But Raptor blocks it and trys to suplex Def Metal back into the ring, which he is somewhat able to accomplish. But Def Metal slides out in back as he is up in the air. Def Metal then hooks Raptor and hits a germen suplex and hits it with a bridge for the 1.....2...kick out. Def Metal gets up and hits a quick elbow drop on Raptor. Def Metal then grabs Raptors leg and hits a few elbow drops into the inner part of it. Def then holds on to that and turns him over into a half boston crab. Raptor screams in pain, the ref asks Raptor if he wants to give it up. But Raptor refuses to. Raptor slowly starts to crawl towards the ropes, Raptor gets close to the ropes but can't quite get there. The ref asks him again if he wants to give it up, Raptor refuses again and then trys for the ropes one more time and finally is able to get to the ropes.]

JR-Def Metal might have put this one away early with that half boston crab

King-It will take more than that to stop Raptor!

[Raptor gets up holding his back, Raptor holds on to the ropes. But Def Metal hits a forearm shots to the back of Raptor. Raptor spins around hurt on the ropes. Def Metal hits a few fists, Def Metal then whips Raptor off the ropes. Raptor bounces off the ropes and Def Metal goes for a tirlerwhirl side walk slam. But Raptor lands on his feet, Def Metal goes for a short arm clothesline which Raptor ducks. Raptor is now behind Def Metal, Raptor hooks and hits a reverse DDT on Def Metal. Both wrestlers are down as the ref uses his standing 10 count. 1............2...........3..........4..........5..........6, both wrestlers get up at about the same time. Def Metal goes for a fist first, but it's easly blocked by Raptor. Raptor follows it up with a few more fists and backs up Def Metal to the ropes. Raptor whips Def Metal off the ropes, Def Metal bounces off the ropes. Def Metal goes for a clothesline, but Raptor ducks it and Def Metal continues to run to the other side. Def Metal bounces off the ropes and Raptor is able to catch Def Metal for a spine buster. Raptor goes into the cover and gets a 1.......2...kick out. Raptor gets up fast and waits for Def Metal to get up, Def gets up only to be meant with a kick to the gut that doubles over Def. Raptor a little bit cocky doesn't go to the ropes really fast. Raptor bounces off and goes for a swing neck breaker, but Def Metal counters with a drop toe hold. Raptor gets up holding his face as Def Metal is only up to one knee. Raptor goes to attack Def Metal, but Def surprises Raptor with a reverse atomic drop that makes Raptor stand in a lot of pain. Def Metal backs to the ropes and then hits a spear and then follows it up with a bunch of fists to the head of Raptor. Def Metal then pulls up Raptor up and puts him into a hammer lock and then hits a hammer lock body slam. Def Metal walks to the nearest turnbuckle and climbs to the second rope. Def Metal measures up Raptor and drops a flying fists drop on Raptor. Def Metal covers Raptor and gets the 1...........2......kick out.] JR-This match has all of a sudden gone in Def Metal's favor King-Well Raptor knows I got money on him, so he'll win! [Def Metal pulls up Raptor and then backs him to the turnbuckle and then sets him on the top rope. Def Metal climbs to the top rope, Def Metal hooks Raptor and hits the super plex. Def Metal hits the super plex, but as he hits it Raptor is able to roll of Def Metal after the impact and get the 1.......2......3]

King-thanks for being EMF Attitude world champion Scott...I mean Def Metal!

JR-Take nothing away from Def Metal, he gave it his all

King-well that's just 2 Mannnnnnnnnnnnnn....un..yeah

(really it was hard, I had a vote and one went to Raptor and one went to Def Metal. I had to sleep on it to come up with Raptor winning. But it was hard to choice, both of you did great RPing. I only liked Raptors RP's slightly more (and I mean just slightly) So Def don't take it bad, it was hard to choice, both of your very good and creative.)

*Shockwave goes off the air with that)