EMF: Saturday Shockwave

[Shockwave opens up as the cameras go immediately to the backstage, as there sits The Rock and Gillberg on one of EMF's storage boxes. Rock sits there tuning his guitar as then walks in Ashlee and Badd Boy. Rock then sits there looking at them both as he chews his gum.]

Rock: Oh there they are! The happy couple...You know The Rock has been meaning to talk to the both of ya. The Rock just wanted to say congratulations on the new edition to your family and wish you the very best!

Badd Boy: Rock, what are you up to?

Rock: Whatchu mean what is The Rock up to?! Rock can't wish you luck?

Ashlee: You know what, lets just go to our locker room ok?

Badd Boy: Alright...Later Rock!

[Badd Boy and Ashlee then walk off down the hallway as Rock continues to praise them.]

Rock: Best of luck guys...Best of luck...[Rock then looks to see if they are gone.] Man thats gonna be one ugly ass kid...

[Gillberg just shakes his head at Rock as he will agree with anything Rock says. About that time in walks X-Cold as he enters through a side door of the arena, X-Cold then yells at Rock.]

X-Cold: Yo Rock, you wanna mess with my family you son of a bitch!!

[X-Cold then takes off from where he enters as he slings his bags down and charges at Rock. About the time he gets near a bunch of security then step infront of the two men as Rock just chuckles laughing at X-Cold trying to get a hold of him.]

Rock: Oh..Oh..Come on your about there! [Rock chuckles] You want The Rock you monkey's ass? The Rock don't think you can handle this baby...Tell you what, you want The Rock so much? Well The Rock is gonna give you a chance to get a piece, but fair warning jabroni...Your Candy ass is next!

[Rock walks off as X-Cold stands their pushing off Rock's security guards.]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, Angelus Archer!!! (crowd boos **)

[Angelus Archer comes to the ring. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - and his opponent, Jake Jeckyl!!!

[Jake Jeckyl walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Jake Jeckyl gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Angelus Archer. Angelus Archer gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Jake Jeckyl. (ding, ding, ding) Angelus Archer rakes his fingers across Jake Jeckyl's back. Angelus Archer executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Jake Jeckyl. Angelus Archer goes for a pin. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Jake Jeckyl escapes. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Angelus Archer should have known better than to try for a pin at this point in the match.

[Jake Jeckyl gets up. Jake Jeckyl double underhook faceslams Angelus Archer hard to the Angelus Archer. Now Angelus Archer standing. Jake Jeckyl gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Angelus Archer comes over and smashes Jake Jeckyl's head into it. Jake Jeckyl executes a swinging bulldog on Angelus Archer driving Angelus Archer's face into the mat. Now Angelus Archer standing. Jake Jeckyl gouges Angelus Archer's eyes out. Jake Jeckyl grabs Angelus Archer's head and hites him in the face. Flying lariat by Angelus Archer takes Jake Jeckyl down. Jake Jeckyl moves back to his feet. Angelus Archer goes for a dropkick but Jake Jeckyl dodges the attack. Jake Jeckyl with a huge fisherman buster on Angelus Archer. Jake Jeckyl moves back to his feet. Angelus Archer stands up. Angelus Archer gets locked in the painful STF. Earl Hebner asks Angelus Archer if he quits. ... Angelus Archer is fighting the hold. ... Angelus Archer escapes. Angelus Archer with an impressive flying spinning leg lariat on Jake Jeckyl. Angelus Archer climbs to his feet. Angelus Archer sends Jake Jeckyl to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Jake Jeckyl is up again. (..2) Angelus Archer gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Jake Jeckyl comes over and smashes Angelus Archer's head into it. (...3) Jake Jeckyl uses a snap mare takeover on Angelus Archer. Angelus Archer gets up. (....4) Jake Jeckyl hits Angelus Archer with the back of his elbow. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Angelus Archer chops Jake Jeckyl. Jake Jeckyl gets hit with a dragon scerw from Angelus Archer. Jake Jeckyl climbs to his feet. Jake Jeckyl executes the jumping sidekick on Angelus Archer. Angelus Archer is up again. Jake Jeckyl on the top rope, and Angelus Archer catches him in a reverse headlock, then drops down into a DDT. Angelus Archer covers Jake Jeckyl hooking the leg. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 Jake Jeckyl kicks out. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - The Extreme Measures Federation is the only place to find matches like this!

[Angelus Archer hits Jake Jeckyl with the back of his elbow. Jake Jeckyl gets elbowed to his midsection by Jake Jeckyl. Jake Jeckyl is hit with a backward kick. Angelus Archer measures Jake Jeckyl up and drops a closed fist. Angelus Archer knees Jake Jeckyl and rolls back to his feet. Jake Jeckyl gets up. Jake Jeckyl dropkicks Angelus Archer to the face. Jake Jeckyl gets back to his feet. Jake Jeckyl rolls onto Angelus Archer connecting with a knee. Jake Jeckyl gives Angelus Archer a reverse neckbreaker. Now Jake Jeckyl standing. Angelus Archer is back on his feet. Angelus Archer knifehand chops Jake Jeckyl. ]

Jim Ross - knifehand chop!

[Jake Jeckyl short clothslines Angelus Archer. Angelus Archer gets up. Angelus Archer hits Jake Jeckyl with the belly-to-belly suplex. Angelus Archer gets up. Angelus Archer jumps and elbow smashes the lying Jake Jeckyl. Angelus Archer moves back to his feet. Jake Jeckyl dazed and Angelus Archer on the top rope, Angelus Archer leaps off with a flying armdrag. Angelus Archer is back on his feet. Angelus Archer hits Jake Jeckyl with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Angelus Archer gets up. Angelus Archer goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Jake Jeckyl. Angelus Archer hits the slain! Angelus Archer covers Jake Jeckyl. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3

Jerry "The King" Lawler - The winner of this match, Angelus Archer!!!

“bring me to life” blasts on the PA system as Black Widow walks to the ring

Austin Powers-AAAHHHH…I can’t take it anymore *Powers bashes his head against JR and the King’s desk


King-What was that about

“Mercedes theme” blasts on the PA system as Mercedes walks to the ring not in her usual wrestling gear. Rather in street clothes pretty much

JR-You have got to wonder if Mercedes is ready for this match

King-man even I forgot her theme….THAT’S HOW LONG SHE’S BEEN GONE!!

[Widow and Mercedes lock up and then Mercedes puts on arm bar into a side head lock on Widow. Mercedes then holds her in the hold and puts as much pressure on it as she can, Widow looks for a way out of it, Widow slowly backs up Mercedes to the ropes and then whips her off the ropes. Mercedes bounces off the ropes and then Widow then hits a knee lift on Mercedes. Mercedes goes flying over near the ropes. Widow then goes over as Mercedes uses the ropes to get back up, Widow starts choking Mercedes with the ropes and screaming things at her and then finally lets go. Widow then just kind of let’s Mercedes hang there and then goes to the apron and then hits a leg drop on Mercedes’s head sending her neck driving into the middle rope. Mercedes stumbles back into the ring and then grabs her throat in pain. Widow then goes to the top rope, Widow then waits for Mercedes to get up and turn towards her. Once she does, Widow leaps off the top rope and then goes for a cross body block on Mercedes. Widow rolls off the pin, knowing that this is a ladder match and she can’t win like that. Widow then rolls out of the ring and then grabs the ladder from the isle and then brings it into the ring. Widow then slides into the ring bringing the ladder with her. Widow then grabs the ladder and then waits for Mercedes to get up.Widow then measures Mercedes up as Mercedes stumbles to her feet. Widow then jabs the ladder into the gut of Mercedes. Mercedes is now doubled over. Widow quickly drops the ladder in front of Mercedes and then sets up Mercedes and then nails a front Russian leg sweep on the ladder. Widow then sits on the mat and then looks up at the title belt hanging over the ring. Widow pushes Mercedes’s limp body off the ladder and then sets it up, though as she’s doing this Mercedes is starting to move. Widow gets the ladder in place so it’s directly under the title, Widow then starts to climb up the ladder slowly. Mercedes has stumbled to her feet as Widow is close to the title, Widow is touching it. Mercedes in a desperate push, pushes the ladder and makes it fall before Widow can grab the title. Widow goes crashing down on the top rope throat first. Mercedes is in extreme pain from the beating she has taken and not being able to fire back like she normally does due to being pregnant and stuff. Widow is down holding her neck, Mercedes pull herself up and then waits for Widow to get up. Mercedes then waits for Widow to get back up Mercedes then hits a few forearm shots to Widow to stun her back to the ropes and then Mercedes whips Widow off the ropes. Widow bounces off the ropes and then Mercedes lowers her head and then hits a back body drop. Widow screams in pain as Mercedes quickly goes to the ladder and then grabs the ladder and then sets up. Widow stumbles up to her feet, Mercedes charges with the ladder and then nails Widow with it!]

King-seems the crazyness didn’t help Widow’s brain

JR-Just not a good move by Widow

King-I bet Mer is on RVT’s shit list now

[Widow goes down in a heap, Mercedes then grabs the ladder and starts to choke Widow with the end of it. Mercedes then breaks the hold and then drops the ladder on Widow’s gut and then climbs to the second rope still in a lot of pain climbs to the second rope and then measures up Widow and then nails a double leg stomp on the ladder crushing Widow under it. Mercedes falls to her knee’s and then crawls to the ropes and then pulls herself up using the ropes. Mercedes knowing she should go for one more move before she tries to hit her finisher waits for Widow to stumble up. But Mercedes finally pulls Widow up and then sets her up and nails a snap suplex on Widow. Mercedes then signals for the Mercedes go round, Mercedes climbs to the top rope and stands ready for Widow. Widow takes a while, but finally stumbles up and then Mercedes leaps off and nails the Mercedes go round. Mercedes goes down as well, she slowly pulls herself up and then grabs the ladder and slowly sets it up. But as she is doing this, Widow grabs the bottom of the other side of the ladder and starts using it to get back up to her feet. Mercedes starts to climb up to get the title, about half way Widow begins to climb as well.]

JR-Mercedes is doing everything in her power to pull through this match and get the title

King-Her smoothness is kicking in

[Mercedes starts to grab on to the title, but Widow is able to meet her there and then nails her with a few punches. Widow then smashes Mercedes face into the top of the ladder and then Widow measures up and nails her with one hard punch that sends sliding to the bottom of the ladder unable to take anymore. Widow steps up one more step and grabs on to the title and un hooks and wins the match! Widow then goes down from the ladder as Mercedes lays on the mat. Widow stands over Mercedes and then says “it’s nothing personal” and then leaves with the title]

J.R:"Well King, it looks like Widow has regained her title, and in now she seems to be reassuring her sister that it was all business and nothing personal."

King:"I think your probably right J.R, but who in the hell is that woman who just slid in the ring behind WIdow?"

*A woman from the audiance slides into the ring with a chair and stands up behind Widow, slowly walking over to her and then driving the chair down hard into her back. The woman stands there, continueing to beat on Widow with the chair until its bent beyond a state of recongnition. The woman finally tosses the chair out of the ring and raises her head to show her face.....*

J.R:"BAH GAWD!!!!! Thats Amy Dumas!! Thats the killer!! Shes supposed to be in jail right now dammit!!"

King:"Looks like the cops fucked up againf!"

*Amy kneels down, grabbing Widow by the hair and screaming something about getting revenge and taking Jarred back before finally slapping Widow across the face. Amy pulls Widow to her feet and grabs a hand full of her long black hair, using it to toss her over the top rope to the floor. Amy continues screaming as she rolls out of the ring and begins to drag Widow up the ramp and to the stage. When they reach the stage, Amy throws Widow face first into the supports of the EMF Tron, busting Widow open and bringing a smile to Amy's face. Amy pulls Widow back to her feet and tosses her through the curtain that leads to the locker rooms. Amy looks back at the camera and smiles sadistically just before turning and following Widow. But as Amy steps through the curtain to the back, Widow nails her in the head with the Women's title that shes been wearing the whole time.*

J.R:"Good God people, get some damn security to break this up! Somebody get the cops over here to arrest that psycho bitch!"

King:"Thats right J.R, you tell 'em!"

*Widow pulls the Women's title off and tosses it aside, reaching down and pulls Amy back up. Widow grabs Amy by her hair and sends her head first towards the wall, but before she hits the wall, she takes out the camera man and the feed turns to static......*

J.R:"Ladies and gentlemen, we've lost our camera man who was following the fight and so I'm being told that we're moving on to our next match and that we'll cut back to them as soon as we get a camera man back there to follow them."

*Four thick glass tables are set up around the ring as "Rob Steelhart's theme" is blaring as the crowd begins to boo. He walks out from behind the curtain and walks down the rampway looking to the sides just giving dirty looks to the fans. He rolls into the ring and awaits his opponent.*

JR: Barbedwire Chris called for this match to be a hardcore glass table match-up.

King: Loser is the one who goes through the table. 10 bucks says Chris does it to himself.

JR: No bet anyways, Rob looks very focused on this match King.

King: No that's the look of a guy who is probably going to job.

JR: Job to Barbedwire Chris?

King: Hmmm, good point JR...

*"Barbedwire Chris' music" is playing as he walks out from behind the curtain with Lizzy Borden and the Extreme Championship. The fans continue to boo as he walks down the rampway and walks up the metal staircase. He steps through the middle rope and climbs in.*

JR: He just won that Extreme Championship, I don't think he plans on losing it so soon.

King: I may not be planning on kicking your butt, but it might just happen.

JR: .................

[The bell sounds as Barbedwire Chris runs in on Rob Steelhart and starts using right and left punches to the face. He keeps up on Steelhart and pushes him back into the corner. Steelhart becomes frustrated and grabs Chris by the throat, picks him up, and throws him into the corner then starts using a fury of right hands on Chris. Steelhart follows up with some knees to the stomach causing Chris to slowly sink down. Steelhart finishes with a roundhouse kick to the face and Chris stumbles out of the corner falling on his face. Steelhart picks up Chris and throws him over the ropes towards one of the tables, but Chris holds tight to the top rope and allows himself to fall onto the top of the ring apron rolling underneath back into the ring. Steelhart not looking on is surprised by a shoulder tackle to the back of the knee delivered by Chris. Chris is quick to follow up with an indian death lock as he applies every bit of pressure he can on the knee. Knowing he can't win this way Chris holds it for a period of time to inflict the damage, Steelhart reaches out towards the ropes but just falls short. As the pressure increases Steelhart lets out a scream as he pushes as hard as he can to grab the ropes. The referee forces Chris to let go. Chris Obliges then grabs Steelharts knee and smashes it into the mat. Chris then starts stomping on it, but Steelhart uses his other leg to sweep Chris' feet out from under him as he slams on his back hard onto the mat.]

King: I hope Chris doesn't plan on winning like he did last time.

JR: What do you mean?

King: He won by an in-ring 10 count on Wes in a match that wasn't a last man standing match. Since Chris was up he had to actually escape the cage and the referee was supposed to end the 10 count which is non existant in any type of cage.

JR: Good point, bad call by the referee and officials here in the EMF. Though Chris never was a bright one...Wasn't Gillberg the official? Who wants Barbeque sauce!?

[Rob Steelhart lifts his leg into the air and crashes it down across Barbedwire Chris' throat. Steelhart then gets to his feet and hits a quick elbow drop on Chris. Steelhart gets back up and lifts Chris up. Steelhart puts his arm around Chris' head then sets him up and delivers a hanging verticle suplex. Steelhart then walks over to the corner and climbs up to the top. He leaps off delivering a senton splash. Chris rolls over holding his stomach as Lizzy watches in horror on the outside. Steelhart in control picks Chris up and whips him into the ropes, upon his return Steelhart grabs him and falls backwards dropping Chris' neck right across the ropes. Chris bounces off and hits the mat hard. Steelhart helps Chris up and brings him towards the corner. Steelhart grabs Chris' head and climbs up onto the second turnbuckle. Steelhart leaps off spinning around for a tornado DDT, but Chris revearsed it by throwing Steelhart off as Steelhart landed on his back. Chris quickly jumped up onto the top of the turnbuckle and hit a moonassault onto Steelhart. Chris picked Steelhart up and threw him into the ropes, when Steelhart returned Chris threw Steelhart into the air and did the 3/4 turn neckbreaker. Steelhart starts to climb up to his feet as Chris bounces off the ropes and delivers a low dropkick to Steelhart's face putting him back down. Chris rolls out under the ropes to the outside. He goes over to the ring announcer and makes them move then steels their chair.]

JR: Wow this has been a match-up of titanic proportions King.

King: Oh just say it will you?

JR: Say what?

King: I'm not saying it, you know what I'm talking about.


King: Very good. *King hands JR a cookie.*

[Barbedwire Chris rolls back into the ring with the chair in hand and as Rob Steelhart starts to get up again Chris takes a swing clobbering Steelhart. Chris sets the chair up in sitting formation and sets it aside. Chris picks Steelhart up and whips him into the ropes. Chris hit Steelhart with a drop toe hold sending Steelhart's face into the chair. Blood started trickling out of Steelhart's nose. Chris grabbed Steelhart lifting him up and placed him into the turnbuckle. Chris then grabbed the chair and walked to the opposite turnbuckle. Chris charged in with the chair as Steelhart lifted his legs into the air kicking the chair back in Chris' face. Steelhart walked over and grabbed Chris' head and gave him a double arm DDT into the chair. Steelhart and Chris both back to their feet, Steelhart follows up with a russian leg sweep. Steelhart gets back up and hits a knee drop to the chest of Chris. Steelhart sets Chris up and delivers on him a pedigree. Steelhart picks Chris up and starts to carry him to the side of the ring, but Chris breaks free and drop kicks Steelhart who flies over the ropes. Steelhart bounces onto the ring apron then rolls right onto the thick glass table on the outside. Chris immediately jumps up into the top turnbuckle and throws his hands into the air looking around. He then leaps off with a shooting star press but Steelhart rolls off of the table and Chris crashes through the table. Shards of glass go everywhere ripping into the flesh. The referee calls for the bell as Steelhart climbs up to his feet. The referee rolls out and raises Steelhart's hand in victory then hands him the Extreme Championship. Lizzy runs over to Chris to check on him, but he's unconscious. Steelhart takes his championship and walks up the rampway.]

JR: This has been a very innovative match-up. You'll only find something like a hardcore glass table match here in the EMF.

King: Until next week when the WWE steals the idea!

J.R:"Folks I'm being told that we have another camera man following the vicious fight between Widow and Amy Dumas. And we're taking you to that right now."

King:"Damn, they're still fighting with each other!"

*Widow and Amy are following one another down a hall in the locker room area, trading blows with each other. Amy finally gets the upper hand and sends Kat face first into the wall. Amy laughs and screams at her as she grabs her by the back of the head and drags her down the hall, using her head to knock on each locker room door that they pass by. Amy finally stops and whips Kat through an open door and down a flight of steps. Amy follows her down into the darkness and as the camera man enters the room and as he starts down the stairs he looks at the sign on the door and it reads...."Boiler Room"..........*

J.R:"Good God, those two just went down to the boiler room. What the hell is Amy planning on doing to Widow?"

King:"Kill her you dumb ass! What else would a kidnapper and killer do to somebody?"

*Amy picks Kat up and drops her throat first across the railing to the steps that lead out of the boiler room. Kat grabs her throat with both hands and begins to gasp for air. Mean while, Amy finds a nice pipe laying on the ground and she picks it up, coming up behind Kat and nailing her in the back with it, sending her down to the hard concrete floor. Amy stands over her, screaming at her to get up, and as she does Amy swings wildly at her, hitting her in the stomach and knocking her back into the camera man who loses his balance and drops the camera.......*

J.R:"Well it seems that we have again lost our camera man and again I'm being told that we are going to continue with the show ladies and gentlemen. I'm hoping that we can maybe get somebody back there to help break those to up."

King:"Yeah, somebody needs to get Amy out of here. She might hurt Widow's gorgeous puppies!"

[Cameras go back to Rock's luxary locker room, as Rock sits on his leather couch as he sits there thinking. Gillberg is then shown sitting in the floor as he is not allowed to sit on The Rock's couch.]

Rock: Gillberg, come up here take a seat...

Gillberg: Uhhh...You mean it Rock.

Rock: You heard The Rock get your mini me whisker biscuit ass up here! Rock has a question to ask you!

Gillberg: Sure, you can ask me anything Rock!

Rock: Don't...Don't..Say it like that you make it sound perverted.

Gillberg: Sorry sir...

Rock: Gill..this question has been bothering The Rock all night, you ever wonder why we are here?

Gillberg: I know totally what you mean, I mean what is our purpose here in this earth...And just where is our place on this earth! I dont know man, but it keeps me up at nights...

[Gillberg just sits there on the couch rubbing his beard, looking off into space. As Rock just sits on the couch looking at Gillberg with a strange look.]

Rock: ......WHAT IN THE BLUE HELL ARE YOU BABBLING ABOUT?! The Rock wasn't talking about that you dumbass. The Rock was talking about why are we here in Indianapolis? What was all that deal about earth and stuff?

Gillberg: Ohhh Nothing...

Rock: Care to talk about it?...

Gillberg: No..No...I'm fine!

Rock: Sure? You aint gonna go all psycho like some of these people in the EMF are ya?

Gillberg: No, ahem..No sir!

Rock: The Rock is gonna go out, and whip X-Cold's ass all over Indy..Now are you coming or what? Or are you to busy trying to think of the meaning of life?

Gillberg: I'm ready...

[Rock has a big laugh over what Gillberg just said, as he walks still mocking Gillberg.]

Rock: [In his mocking voice.] It keeps me up at night, Rock...

Gillberg: Shut up...

Finkel:"Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the nights main event. The match is scheduled for one fall and is for the EMF Intercontinental Championship. Introducing first the challenger....Johnny Northern-Lights!"

*"Johnny's Theme" begins to play and he walks out onto the stage to a mixed reaction from the crowd. He ignores them for the most part and simply continues on his way to the ring. Once ring side he rolls under the bottom rope and stands up in the middle of the ring, backing into the corner and reaching behind his back......*

Finkel:"And now making his way to the ring, accompanied by his wife Ashlee, he comes to us from St. Louis, MS and is the reigning EMF Intercontinental Champion........Tony "Badd Boy" IIIIkeda!!!!"

*"Just 2 Badd" begins to play as Tony and Ashlee walk out onto the stage to an enormously positive fan reaction. The two of them walk to the edge of the stage where they stop. Tony leans down and whispers something in Ashlee's ear and then kisses her. Ashlee turns around and walks back through the entrance, leaving Tony by himself on the stage. Badd Boy takes the I.C Championship out from around his waist and drapes it over his shoulder as he walks down the ramp to the ring. When he gets ringside he slides into the ring, and as he gets up Johnny comes out of the corner and punches him with a pair of brass knuckles that he had pulled out of his trunks when he first got to the ring. Badd Boy falls to the mat, seemingly unconcious and the title falls to his side. Johnny falls into an immediate cover and Nick Patrick hurridly drops to the mat to make the count....1....2.......NO! Badd Boy just barely manages to get a shoulder up just in the knick of time. Northern-Lights jumps up enraged at the ref's slow count and begins to scream at him, shoving him back into a corner. But Nick Patrick doesn't take much and finally pushes him back, knocking him back into Badd Boy who manages to roll him up. Nick Patrick drops down for the count....1....2.....Johnny kicks out of the roll up and begins to stomp on Badd Boy before he can get up.*

J.R:"Well King, it looks like Johnny Norther-Lights had a William Regal style plan going into this match, but unfortunately for him, Regal seems to be the only one who has the power of the punch."

King:"Who cares about William Regal or the Power of the Punch? All I care about is the fact that Ashlee Ikeda went back to the locker room area where she belongs. Now I won't have to barf every few minutes."

*Johnny pulls the knucks out of his tights again and pulls them on his hand, clenching it into a tight fist, waiting for Badd Boy to get back up. Badd Boy finally manages to get back to his feet. As he stands up Johnny takes another swing at him, but Badd Boy saw it coming this time and blocks the punch, giving Johnny a punch of his own, followed by a few more which back him into the ropes, and Badd Boy finishes with a drop kick that sends Northern-Lights over the top rope to the floor. The crowd begins to cheer and Badd Boy reacts to it by following Johnny to the floor. Once outside, Badd Boy pulls Johnny to his feet and backs him into the ring apron, while delivering hard knife edge chops to his chest, once he has him against the ring apron, Badd Boy whips Johnny over intot he steel ring steps. Johnny hits the steps hard with his back and he bounces off, landing back on the floor clutching his back in pain. Tony reaches under the ring and pulls out a table, pulling it out and sliding it into the ring. Badd Boy slides into the ring behind the table and sets it up, giving Johnny time to get to his feet outside and slowly drag himself back into the ring. Badd Boy turns around after setting up the table and notices Johnny in the ring and he heads over towards him, but as he gets there Johnny delivers a low blow that drops Tony to his knees in pain.*

J.R:"Johnny Norther-Lights just delivered one of the great equalizers by giving Tony that low blow."

King:"I guess is a good thing that Ashlee is already pregnant then. Wait! What am I saying? That means theres gonna be another one of her running around!".....King turns to the side and pukes at the idea......

*Northern-Lights stands up and grabs Tony by the hair and dragging him into the corner. Johhny picks Badd Boy up and sets him on the top rope, delivering a few punches to his mid section and then climbing up on the middle turnbuckle. Johhny begins to set Badd Boy up for a superplex, but Tony begins to punch him in the stomach and chest, and Badd Boy is finally able to push him off after a few punches. Johnny hits the mat hard but bounces right back to his feet, and as he does Badd Boy comes flying off the top turnbuckle with a text book Missile Drop Kick. Badd Boy plays to the crowd for a second and then turns around to face Johnny again, motioning for him to stand up. After a little bit, Johnny does finally get to his feet, but in his dazed and confused state he backs into Tony, who locks him into a Full Nelson, picks him up and puts him through the table with a beautiful Full Nelson Slam. Badd Boy goes into a non chalant cover and Nick Patrick makes the count....1.....2......3!*

J.R:"Folks, I'm being told that we have another camera man in the boiler room with Widow and Amy and that theres somebody else down there as well now."

King:"Oh great, another psycho bitch as joined them."

*Widow is standing over Amy, who is laying on the cold concrete floor in a pool of blood, holding the pipe over her head and screaming at Amy. Widow begins to take another swing at Amy but about half way through it Jarred comes running down the steps and catches the pipe just before it landed into Amy's ribs again.........*

Jarred:"C'mon Kat, don't do this. Don't sink to her level. Your better than this pathetic bitch. C'mon, let me have the pipe, you've done enough already. You need medical attention Kat. C'mon, give me the pipe!"

*Reluctantly, Widow lets go of the pipe, allowing Jarred to have it. Jarred wraps an around Kat's shoulders and begins to lead her away. But as they make it to the stairs.......*


*Amy has managed to get up and is now running rull throttle at Jarred and Kat, swinging a large knife over her head. But before Amy can make it to them and do anything, Jarred instinctively spins around and delivers a devestating blow to Amy's head using the pipe. Amy's eyes roll into the back of her head as she drops the knife and falls to the floor. Jarred drops the pipe and wraps his arm back around Kat's shoulder's and starts to help her up the stair as the police finally come rushing down into the boiler room. As they make their way up the stairs, Jarred pushes the camera man out of the way and he leas Kat through the door back into the main building where the paramedics are waiting.......*

[The familiar sounds of organs then hit, as the people in Indianapolis begin to stand and cheer and boo. Rock's music then kicks in as he walks down the ramp with a huge grin on his face and carrying his guitar. Behind The Rock is his swarm of security led by Gillberg. Rock then climbs the ropes and salutes the crowd as the crowd gets a bit louder. Rock then takes a mic.]

Rock: Finally...[Girl in the crowd yells "I love you Rock"] Easy baby, I'll get to you after the show baby... Chill! Now...FINALLY...THE ROCK HAS COMEBACK TO IN...TO IN...TO END THIS SHIT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE SO THE ROCK CAN GET BACK TO HOLLYWOOD!!

[Crowd boos and chant "asshole".]

Rock: Easy, now The Rock aint got much time and the people all over the world wants to hear from The Rock, and not what your pieces of trash think! Now, The Rock is in such a good mood he thought he come out here and play a song...Who wants to hear the Rock sing a song?!

JR: I for one don't!

King: Shut up JR! Everyone wants to hear the Rock's sweet voice.

[X-Cold's theme then kicks in as Rock's then tosses the guitar down and gets set for X-Cold. Security makes a fence between the ring and the bottom of the entrance ramp.]

JR: I know here is one man that dont want to hear The Rock sing!

[Rock still stands ready in the ring, as up rips from the canvas X-Cold from under the ring.]


[X-Cold pulls himself up from the hole in the ring as he then turns around Rock and delivers some vicious punches. Rock goes stumbling as X-Cold continues to pound on The Rock, as he then floors him with a hard right hand. Security then dash inside the ring as they see whats going on as X-Cold takes out many of the security guards with some punches, kicks, and a couple of chillers. X-Cold then takes down the last security guard, as Gillberg then picks up the guitar and waits for X-Cold to turn around. X-Cold then turns as he catches Gillberg with the guitar over his head. Gillberg tries to do some beggin as X-Cold just kicks him in the gut and delivers the Chiller.]


King: STROKE!! Can you say that Jr, well you will be having one if you dont calm down!

[X-Cold then turns his attention to Rock, as he sits there on his butt scooting across the ring begging for mercy. About that time Raptor then comes dashing out from the crowd as he slides in and clubs X-Cold. Raptor then gives a couple rights and lefts into X-Cold as X-Cold then ducks under a punch and goes for a chiller. Raptor then shoves X-Cold towards Rock who is ready with the guitar as he clubs X-Cold with it.]


King: Stoke Jr, Stroke...

[Rock and Raptor stand in the ring as Rock spits on X-Cold's fallen body as Shockwave fades to black.]