EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(Shockwave starts out with the EMF logo flashing over the screen and then fades into the CEO office)

*Paul Heyman is seen sitting in his office, his feet propped up on his desk, and his cell phone glued to his ear. Nothing is known about who he is talking to, only that for some reason the coversation pleases Heyman a great deal. After a few moments, a door is heard opening and closing, and a shadow falls over Heyman's desk.*

Heyman:"Hey, I'll have to call you back. Yeah, sure. I'll talk to you later, buh bye."

*Heyman flips his phone shut and tosses it onto his desk, pulling his feet down and placing his hands on the desk.*

Heyman:"And just who in the hell do you think you are? You can't just barge into my office just any old time that you feel like it."

*The camera pans around the office and catches the smirking face of Jarred. He stands there, his hands on his hips, a smug and confident look on his face."

Jarred:"Heyman, I've come to collect on what is rightfully mine."

Heyman:"Oh, is that so? And just what exactly would that be Jarred old chap?"

Jarred:"I've come to collect on the Intercontinental Title shot that I earned by beating Taz a few weeks ago."

Heyman:"Oh, you must be joking. Jarred, you barged in here a month ago begging and demanding a scaffold match with Wes. I gave you said match, and what did you do? Instead of keeping your word and putting Wes out of action, you lost the match Jarred. So just why in the hell should I give you anything. Your nothing more than a god damned failure. Hell Jarred, your a bigger failure than my very own ECW was!"

Jarred:"You know Paulie, your right. I did beg you for that match against Wes. And yes, I lost that match. But whats done is done, and me losing to Wes doesn't change the fact that I defeated Taz, the man who you sent out to teach me a lesson. Not only did I beat Taz though, he was the Intercontinental Champion when I beat him, and you know damn well thats the reason as to why I deserve this title shot. So don't try and dick me around Heyman."

Heyman:"You come in here, your hands on your hips, demanding shit like I owe it to you or something. Well I've got news for you Jarred, I don't owe you a damn thing. But I tell you what I'm going to do for you. I'll give you a chance to earn your title shot at Dark Horizon. And I'll give you that chance next week on Shockwave."

Jarred:"Fine! You just tell me who I have to go through and you can consider it done Heyman."

Heyman:"Who indeed Jarred. Because you didn't let me finish. If you want to earn that title match so badly, then you'll go through not one wrestler, but you'll go through two wrestlers. Thats right, I'm going to book you into a handicap match next week on Shockwave Jarred. And if you manage to win, then I'll give you a match against Tyrant for the title at Dark Horizon, but if you lose, you don't get jack shit. Now, get the hell out of my office before I have security throw you out of the building. The sight of you makes me sick to my stomach."

*Jarred smirks as he turns to walk out of the office. But halfway out the door he stops and looks back.*

Jarred:"Oh, one last thing Paulie boy. You know that little royal rumble thats being held at Dark Horizon. Well, you can consider me the first official entrant. So Heyman, you might want to wath yourself, because history has proved that when I set my sights on that World Championship, I end up with it one way or the other. And trust me, you don't want to be on the wrong side of the EMF Champion."

*Jarred winks at Heyman and then walks out of the office, shutting the door behind him. Heyman picks his cell phone back up, and then tosses it across the room as the scene fades.*

“If you smell what the Rock is cooking” blasts on the PA system as Rock walks to the ring and does his usual entrance

JR-This should be interesting match

King-Are you sure JR?

JR-No clue

“Freddy’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Freddy appears in the ring

King-suppose that’s better than “demonic devil music”


(Suddenly Gravedigger theme blasts on the PA system as Gravedigger walks to the ramp way)

[Rock slides into the ring and then hits a few hard fists and back up Freddy to the corner and then Rock spits on his fist going for a big right hand. But then Freddy comes out of the corner by dodging the big right from the Rock and then the Rock is in the corner with the miss, Freddy then hits a few hard quick fist and then Freddy tries to whip him to the opposite side of the ring. Rock crashes into the opposite side and then Freddy delays and then charges into the corner and then Rock then explodes out of the corner and then Freddy goes down to the mat and then comes back up and then Rock hits a few hard fists and then Rock spits on his fist and then nails it Freddy goes flying over the top rope and then Freddy falls on the apron and then Rock then goes over and then pulls him into the ring and then Freddy smashes on the mat and then Freddy stumbles up and then Rock hits a few fists and then Rock then whips him off the ropes, Freddy bounces off the ropes and then Rock hits a spinning back elbow and then Rock then waits for Freddy to get up waiting to end it right now, once Freddy stumbles up. Freddy gets caught in a rock bottom attempt, but Freddy elbows out of it and then slides out of the ring knowing how close he almost came to using the match. Rock not wanting to wait comes out side of the ring and then Freddy is able to take advantage and hit a few fists before Rock is able to attack him. Freddy then takes the Rock and then smashes him on the ring post and then smashes the Rock’s face into the ring post and then Freddy takes Rock and then hits a Russian leg sweep on the outside. Then Freddy takes a few moments to recover and then gets back to his feet and then Rock then rolls around in pain holding the back of his neck and then Freddy pulls up Rock and then tries to whip Freddy to the steel steps, but then Rock reverses and then sends Freddy to the steel steps. Rock falls on his knee’s and then Freddy stumbles up and then right towards him Rock then picks up Freddy and then nails a quick back breaker and then Rock recovers and then slowly Rock pulls himself up by the ropes and then Rock rolls Freddy into the ring.]

JR-The Rock has remain in control of this match

King-The ref must be fearing for his life with Gravedigger down there

[Rock then plays to the crowd, Freddy gets up as Rock leaps on the apron. Rock then goes for a shoulder block. But Freddy then flips over the top rope and then flips into the ring side and then is able to tear off Freddy and then nails a power bomb on the apron and then Freddy throws in the Rock into the ring and then, Freddy leaps on the apron and then climbs to the top rope and waits for Freddy to get back to his feet and then once he does Rock then leaps off the top rope and then nails a double flying axe handle and then goes into the cover and gets a 1………….2……….kick out. Freddy then hits a few hard kicks to the face of the downed Rock, Rock then slowly gets to his feet and then Rock gets hit with a few hard fists by Freddy and then whips Rock off the ropes and then Rock bounces off the ropes and then Freddy is able to hit a quick spine buster on the Rock and then goes into the cover and gets a 1……………….2……….kick out.]

JR-He kicked out!

King-No shit JR!

[Rock slowly gets back to his feet and then Freddy hits a few hard fists. Freddy then tries to whip Rock off the ropes, but Rock reverses it. But Freddy reverses it as well, then Rock holds on and then pulls back him and then right into a rock bottom attempt. But Freddy hits another few elbows to the head and then goes into the corner and then Rock is in the corner, Freddy decides to go for a running shoulder. But Freddy moves out of the way and then Freddy smashes into the ring post. Freddy slowly pulls himself out of the ring post and then Rock gets ready as he waits, Freddy then stumbles right into the Rock and then the Rock hits the Rock bottom. Then the Rock goes into the cover and gets the 1…………..2……….3]

(Gravedigger nods and then turns to the back)

King-Who knows…too many mystery men now a days

JR-Seems he just wanted to do some scouting

King-We need more of that

(The EMF tron lights up with the camera that’s coming from Paul Heyman’s. Seems like pointing some sort of entrance of the arena. Suddenly someone walks towards the camera looking much like this…)

JR-Who the hell?

“Slow chemical” blasts on the PA system as Kane walks to the ring with the Taker walking behind him

JR-Kane is the former TV champion, it’s no doubt he would like to get on the winning track here

King-but he won’t…

“You think you know me” blasts on the PA system as Edge walks to the ring with Rey Misterio walking behind him

King-Hey I thought they were buried alive

JR-Actually that was another version of them


[Edge comes at Kane with fists, Edge is able to seemly stun Kane with the fists. But then Kane is able turn the tables with just one quick upper cut to the jaw and then Edge is stun enough for Kane to hit a fist and another to back Edge to the ropes. Kane then tries to whip Edge to the ropes, but Edge reverses it and then Kane runs to the ropes and then bounces off it and then Edge lowers his head. Kane then kicks Edge and then Edge comes up in pain and then Kane knocks him down with a hard clothesline. Edge stumbles into the corner and then Kane hits a few hard fists and then takes his boot and then starts to choke him with his boot and then Kane whips Edge out of the corner and then to the opposite side of the ring and then charges into the corner and then nails a clothesline. Kane backs out as Edge stumbles out of the corner and then Kane picks him up and then hits a side walk slam and then goes into the cover and gets the 1...................2......kick out. Kane gets up and then hits a few stomps on the downed Edge and then picks him up by the hair and then whips him off the ropes, Edge bounces off the ropes and Kane goes for a back body drop and then Edge tries to kick Kane in the face and follow it up with a clothesline. But then Kane is able to counter the attempt into a standing spine buster on Edge. Kane then takes a few moments to recover from the kick to the face and then runs to the ropes and then goes for a big elbow and then Edge moves out of the way and then crashing into the mat. Edge rolls towards the ropes and then uses the ropes to pull himself up that he needs to do because he is very weaken from the beating that Kane has given him and then is able to get up on his feet and then once he does, Kane sits up and quickly gets his feet and then charges at Edge for a clothesline over the top rope. But then Edge counters with a hot shot on Kane and then Kane bounces off and then Edge backs up and then nails a low drop kick into the leg. Edge knowing that won’t be enough then runs off the ropes and comes off the ropes and then nails a hard shoulder block and then Kane stumbles back and then Edge runs to the ropes, comes off the ropes trying for another shoulder block but the Kane counters with a big boot to the face and then Edge goes back down to the mat.]

JR-Just when you thought Edge might have turned the corner, Kane turns the match back in his favor

King-too much turning…this is making me dizzy

[Kane then laughs and then pulls up Edge. Determine to hit this move Kane whips Edge off the ropes, Edge bounces off the ropes as Kane lowers his head and then tries for the back body drop. But then Edge counters and then nails a face plant on Kane, Edge boucnes away from Kane and then the ref counts the two wrestlers down with a standing 10 count and then gets a 1...........2...........3..........4........5.........6.........7...both Kane and Edge stumbles to their feet. Kane gets up and then goes for a wild punch and then Edge ducks and then Kane spins around and then gets hit with a few hard fists and then whipped to the ropes and then Edge then nails a spinning heel kick on Kane that floors him, but quickly Kane sits up and then Edge hits a low front kick into the face and then sends him down and then Edge then hits a few stomps on the downed Kane who then pulls himself up and then Edge hits a few forearms and then whips Kane off the ropes, but then Kane reverses the whip and sends Edge off the ropes, Edge bounces off and then Kane goes for a clothesline. Edge ducks it and then Edge continues to the other side and then once he bounces off and then Kane turns around Edge hits a flying forearm on Kane that knocks him back and then Kane bounces off the ropes after the impact of the move and then Edge is up and ready as he kicks Kane in the gut and then nails a then nails the Edgeucution and then goes into the cover a then gets the 1…………..2………..Kane puts his foot on the ropes]

JR-Kane got lucky there

King-…wow…why do I even say it anymore

[Suddenly on the outside as Taker cheers on Kane, Kaedon comes out of no where and blindsides Taker and starts to attack him. Kaedon then takes Taker and then nails a suplex on the ramp way and then Kaedon gets up and then hits a quick leg drop. Edge then questions the ref, can’t believing that Kane got out of that one and then goes into the corner and then motions for Kane to get up, once he does Edge charges at Kane and goes for a spear, but Edge moves out of the way of it. Edge uses the corner to stop himself and then turns right into the waiting hand of Kane who then grabs Edge by the throat, lifts him up and then nails the chokeslam, Kane goes into the cover and gets the 1……….2……….3! Kane gets up as he stares in the ramp way where Kaedon is still stomping on the downed Taker. Then Kaedon gets up and slowly disappears into the back]

*EMF goes into commercial and comes back *

(“Iron Man” blasts over the PA system as Prez Mike walks to the ring, Prez Mike then goes to the bottom of the ramp and then looks around and then jumps under the ring rope and then rolls into the ring and then gets up and then looks around to a mixed reaction, then Prez Mike goes to the ring ropes and gets handed a microphone.)

Prez Mike-Yeah, I know what you are thinking…you are just wondering what the hell I am doing out here right? Well I’m here to announce that there is a time of transition of coming…a transition that will change the EMF as we know it. We have seen a lot of these transitions, a good example would be the transition where the EMF became comedy central with the wWo leading the way. Luckily of course, the new World order was around to put a stop at that. But that’s exactly where we are now, we are at a fork at the road. But I’ll tell you something else, we are not going to that 24 soap opera family channel we were just before the Triple H era started. Oh yeah, under the leadership of Wes and Badd Boy, I’m not sure if you realize this. But no one wants to see that, in fact no one gives a damn about the Ikeda name anymore. We don’t care about Billy Joe Ikeda cheating with Sue Ikeda or now many family members you got. But you see the reason I do not want an Ikeda to be a leader of a generation ever again, because they showed exactly what type of people they are when they have that gold. That little stunt you played at First Blood….funny…very funny, I’m not sure what type of message you were trying to send. But that didn’t matter, because the real message both sent is clear, that’s right Ikeda’s…you only proved one thing. That you both don’t deserve to even be considered to be world champion ever again, because you both are the biggest scum sucking, low life, cowardly bottom feeders I have ever seen in my life. Which brings me back to what you were really trying to prove, you think you were trying to hurt me? Hell you didn’t hurt me, because in the end the buy rates were great for First Blood 2003. The only thing you did was hurt yourselves. Because the fans now see you both are undeserving to hold a title that legends carried with pride at one time, that didn’t make this little plan to duck other challengers with their brother. In the WWE Mick Foley falls off a cage on to a table, was knocked out the first time ever in his career...and he still finished the match. Owen Hart, fought his own brother to become world champion and to step out of the shadow of his older brother. On the other side Bret hating to do it, still did it. There is no excuse why you shouldn't have wrestled, which both makes you disgraces to the profession!!! You both make me sick to my stomach…every time I have to hear that god damn last name Ikeda. That’s fine, because you Badd Boy….my friend, are getting exactly what you deserve. You see Badd Boy you may be a Hall of Famer, but I’ve enjoyed watch you career crumble slowly…hell if you break your neck tomorrow like your brother supposively did for real…I would personally stand over your limp body and laugh. But since Badd Boy is old news, I will let him go off into the sunset. So I will deal with the other Ikeda holding on to more than just a string. You know Wes, when I gave you the shot to be world champion. I thought I was rewarding someone deserving, but you clearly fooled me. Because we found out that you were not deserving, that you are nothing more than an ungrateful little puke. You didn’t just show you were a true champion…you just showed your true colors and as much as it pains me to stick up for Jarred. When you figured out that your old rival Jarred Carthallion was coming back, did you go up and challenge him like a man. No you just proved that you are nothing more than a pussy, you faked an injury so you could attack him from behind. So what, you beat Jarred at Whiplash…BIG DEAL…that doesn’t change the fact you have no balls Wes. Bet you were laughing at me after First Blood weren’t you, but Wes….that doesn’t top the last few months as I saw Triple H and his stables beat the living…CRAP out of you, and humiliate you at every turn. Oh yeah, you wonder why I didn’t decide to show my face during the Triple H era and stop it? Because to be quite honest, I was having too much fun watch a real champion beat the hell out of you. That’s exactly why I don’t want to see you on top again, oh I’m sure you just might be world champion again, because honestly I do realize talent…that’s one thing you do have and have always have. That’s why I took you out of that indy federation and made you what you are today, oh you want to use the old Hogan thing “I didn’t make Wes…the fans did”. But I wouldn’t be saying that, because these are the same people you stabbed in the back at First Blood 2003, it wasn’t me…it was each and everyone of these fans that might have even attempted to support you over the years that you stabbed in the back!! Because you sir stole hard earn money from them that they used because they wanted to see if Badd Boy could get the title back from you. I’m surprised you have anymore fans left Wes, I sure the hell know that your support has been cut in half since then. But the way you stole from them, you should be arrested, locked up, and the key should be thrown away. For a guy that gets mixed reactions most of his career, I think it’s safe to say that argument is invalid. You see Wes, while you did a great job in the ring. The guy who made you even worthy of holding that title is me. I’m the guy who gave you the opportunity to show case those talents, I was the one that gave you the chances to prove you could hold a title. I didn’t have to pick you out of that indy federation you know. You see Wes even though you didn’t hurt me in any way in the pocket book, you did angered me…and I think you should know some stuff about me that you might not know. I think in addition of being called the Iron Man of Professional Wrestling, I think you people should call me the God of professional wrestling as well. Figurely of course, I’m not going to float to the ring or anything like that. But think about it… basically Wes what you have to come to realize about me is that I’m a creator of careers, Oh your not the only one Primetime, Wasabi, Badd Boy…the list goes on and on. So many people have made their dreams come true because of me, things that wouldn’t have happen if I weren’t around. I am simply a creator in the wrestling world, but Wes what you do need to know…I’m also a destroyer. You see when I didn’t like the comedy era we were in with the wWo, I endorsed the new World order and watched them get buried. When I didn’t like Mick Foley, I personally lured him into a trap…took his girlfriend, his “King of the death match” title and I ended his career…and that’s only to name a few. But Wes if you really want me to put it in your terms, years ago when we were going through a similar era of “family entertainment” thanks to the “great” X-Cold and Stephanie. The only difference was that X-Cold and Stephanie never did those “cheating” storylines. But regardless, I have grown completely sick of it. So you know what did I do…I tell you what I did Wes, I created opportunity for others and I got rid of the old tired act through a plan known as Total…..Destruction. Now I know Wes is wondering just what Total Destruction was…well I’ll show you some footage from our EMF: One year show that can tell you a little bit about what my plan was..

(Prez Mike points to the EMF tron and we fade into the picture)

Tom Clorence: Total. Destruction. When those two words sounded throughout the arena, the crowd knew something big was about to happen.

[ The formation of Total Destruction is shown, as Matt Dragon gets the win over X-Cold with help from Road and the Destroyer. ]

Tom Clorence: Truly the most powerful force in EMF history, Total Destruction dominated practically ran the EMF in their time. At one time ,their ranks held all but two of the EMF championships. Quite a feat. Although Total Destruction was only formed for the sole purpose of taking out X-Cold once and for all, they were undoubtedly a force that no one man, or a group of men could handle.

[ Each of the members of Total Destruction is shown with their respective title belts. ]

(When we come back, Prez Mike has a sick smile on his face as a “TD! TD! TD!” chant starts)

Prez Mike-Wes regardless of what you been told by Triple H, it was me and my stable that inflicted the injuries on X-Cold that sent him into retirement. It was my genius brain that spawned a stable to clear out that old tired act and created the Hall of Fame careers of Matt Dragon and Road. Hell Road pretty much has me to thank, because of that he’s now a Hollywood actor...as well as a EMF legend. Not only am I a creator and a destroyer, but I’m a healer of the sick, as I did with the EMF. The EMF was a dying federation that no one wanted to be in, until I came along and single handly breathed new life into it. I did it by myself, with no help *crowd boo’s *…and each and everyone of you bottom feeders in the back, sitting in the arena and around the world have me to thank. So the name “God of professional wrestling” is fitting to me than anyone else. Yet I still get no respect, right? Wes you are going to learn to respect me, oh but Wes…you don’t have to worry. This does not mean Total Destruction version 2…no, because we all saw what happen when you meet up with the past, now did we…you get your ass run down and quite frankly your not worth that effort. You see Wes even though I hate your guts, I still won’t do anything to you….nor your family. I am simply here because I would like to announce that I endorse Barbwire Chris. Barbwire Chris is the man that I would enjoy seeing tear apart Wes Ikeda limb from limb. Because honestly that’s what we need here in the Extreme Measures Federation, we don’t need this family/soap opera bull shit. We need a man that cares about one thing, and one thing only and that’s how much pain, violets and destruction he can cause. What about censors you ask, well to be quite honest…THE CENSORS CAN FUCK THEMSELVES. Because that’s the kind of era I want in the EMF, now I don’t know whether or not he can beat Wes, but it’s not important. Because Wes the whole point of me running my mouth to you is that I don’t like you, hell I have never liked you ever since you found out that you might be worth a damn you decided to be the man we saw at First Blood. Now that’s something I can’t control, nor create…that’s the one thing you build on your own. Your ego Wes, but I sure the hell can destroy it any time I would like. The only reason I haven’t attempted to do it sooner….is that your friends Amy Dumas and Chris Jericho have used the Vice President’s office to keep me away from doing anything really impactful. Don’t worry Wes, I know for a fact that was not just for your own effort. Because it’s really kept me from doing other things I would like to change around here. Though thanks to Triple H, Amy Dumas has taken a leave of absence and took Chris Jericho with her. So even though I maybe a little unactive of my actions towards you Wes…rest assured my friend, I will make your life a living hell…and Barbwire Chris, I will aid you in any way possible.

(That draws a mixed reactions, though suddenly a “you suck” chant)

Prez Mike-It would seem that most of these people know what I’m talking about it, whether they want to admit it or not…as for the “you suck” chant. You know years ago, I probably would have gone through an army to get to this dump. But now you can all go straight to hell!! *crowd boo’s * Oh yeah you don’t like me, well I’ll tell you what…I don’t like a lot of things, but you see I was told to live with it. Though that doesn’t happen anymore, because if you haven’t realized I am Prez mother fucking Mike, and when I don’t like something…I simply get rid of it, you don’t believe me…why don’t you ask X-Cold.

*crowd boo's, Prez Mike grins as he paces a bit and begins to talk again*

Prez Mike-But you know what, I didn't just come here to talk about the Ikeda's....no I came to talk to an old friend of mine, I've come out here in front of you bottom feeders to talk about Jarred Carthallion. So Jarred it's been a long time hasn't it? But if I remember correctly, the last time I really did something to you it was a few years back. Now Jarred...I know what you are thinking, you are thinking I'm going to come out here and start a war against you as well as Wes. But that doesn't happen to be the case, I'm simply aiding Wes' opponent a little, not starting a war with him and as for you Jarred I don't even plan on doing that. No simply put, I'm just going to talk about you...because for the years I haven't been able to come out here, I really haven't had the opportunity to say. You see Jarred I have come to say "I told you so". Now for those who are confused, let's go back a few years. You see a few years ago Jarred had taken over nWo and made them into jokes, but what worried me was then Jarred's future wife to be...Amy Dumas. Oh no, I know what you are thinking, were not talking about the one that is running around Chris Jericho and is Vice President of the EMF. No for those who don't know, a theory called "the Other World theory" said that in federations everywhere there are alternate versions of most superstars. I knew full well this theory was true, because that's why I made a rule that made sure there wasn't any two versions of each EMF superstar. But then something happened, you see thanks to genius plan. Today's Chris Jericho was somehow able to sneak the RWA version of Amy Dumas into the EMF under the assumed name Angelica Boycott while Jarred's Amy Dumas was in the EMF...unnoticed, until they came up to me and revealed what they done! You see Jarred, the Other World then had me by the throat. That was around the time me and Merecedes attacked you and your Amy, because if only your Amy would leave the EMF. Then I could avoid having giving the Other World that little agreement that made him untouchable in the Summer of 2003! I tried, oh how I tried to get rid of your Amy...since she barely appeared I tried to fire her, you made sure she appeared now and then just enough to keep her job. Jarred what has happen to you...it could have all been avoided you know...if only you just let me fire your Amy. But you wouldn’t have that Jarred, now would you. No...why did you really need Amy around anyways? She barely did anything anyways, around that time she wasn’t really a manager, she wasn’t a wrestler…she was just there to say “baby” a thousand times and leave. But I know the answer....YOU NEEDED AMY! Oh no, I don't mean romantically..you needed her because you knew she was a loose cannon. You knew she was a little crazy, you needed her to grab at the last chance to get your ex-wife back! Pathetic Jarred, you risked the lives of many...and even killed your own daughter for a last chance with your ex-wife. Did you really believe people would think you were some sort of hero, after you let your future wife to be show what type of a psycho she was and kidnap Katrina? That's your major downfall Jarred, you don't learn from your own mistakes. Did people really accept you as a "hero" that you tried to paint yourself as when the nWo was here? Of course they didn't, did you rid the EMF of the nWo..hell no, you were just another person the nWo ran over and since you couldn't beat them...YOU JOINED THEM! So there is nothing that says after you tried everything to get your ex-wife back, that you wouldn't have made a plan to have her kidnapped. Whether or not if that's true isn't important, the fact of the matter is..you could have gotten your Amy away from the EMF...maybe some people will still be alive. You see around that time I wasn't trying to hurt you Jarred, I was trying to save my own skin and in the same process..help you avoid a terrible future. But since you didn't listen...I took a fall, but I wasn't the only one...now was I. Because I couldn't get rid of your Amy Dumas, I had to give Chris Jericho that agreement that made him untouchable, and that also saw the rise to power of the Other World Amy Dumas...after you killed your Amy Dumas, and what for Jarred? Did you really think that would have gotten your old wife back, well you found out that the only thing you did was cause your own doom. Because that was the time the Other World "showed their real face" and that face for Angelica Boycott was an alternate reality version of your dead future wife Amy Dumas! The things they gained because of you was used against you were they...and of course you knew the results. But that was alright, because you thought you were finally getting close to gaining back Katrina back...but the simple truth is while you were getting pounded by the Other World, it made you let your guard down...it made you easily fooled and after you thought the Other World was through killing your career, Wes and Katrina striked at the perfect time. The Other World destroyed you professional and Wes and Katrina destroyed you personally. That's exactly why you where you are, that's exactly why your now flying off of scaffolds. Because I'm not sure if you ever heard of domino effect, Jarred? When you refused to get rid of your Amy Dumas, you started one. One that made me use a lot of control over my very own company, Jarred be proud that you helped do that to me. But even though you hurt me, I do have one bit of comfort Jarred...is that while the fool that made that happen got away with it, I went down...but the domino effect brought him down with me, as well as your whole life Jarred and you know what, I laugh at your misfortunate, I laugh you job to people left and right now. I'm only one of a million to tell you this, but maybe if the owner of the company tells you this, than maybe it will be drilled through your thick skull...you are not a legend. You are a nothing, a nobody, a complete LOSER! Your titles and matches mean absolutely nothing, because in the end you always look foolish and if you somehow get voted into the Hall of Fame, it will be a dark mark. Because not only will we have one dark crazy guy with blood on his hands, but we will have a dark crazy guy with his own family's blood on his hands! So Jarred, like I said I don't plan to do anything to you...because you see, what you gone through...what you lost is just enough for me to feel we are even for your foolish choices, and know that I hope you never see happiness or anything above the mid card ever again!

(“Iron Man” blasts on the PA system as Prez Mike throws the microphone down and then walks to the back…)

“Tyrants theme” blasts on the PA system as Tyrant and Taker walk to the ring

King-I think Takers a bit confused with who he is

JR-Well regardless…Tyrant is on the rise

“Whatever” blasts on the PA system as Taz and Benoit walk to the ring

JR-From what we have seen, Benoit has been training with Chris Jericho…last holder of the world championship…let’s see if that’s help

King-…whatever *hits the swan dive head butt on JR *

OOC-lol I at first wrote this as Taker and Tyrant…so if I do something un Tomko like, it’s because it was orinigally the Taker I was writing for)

[Taz starts into the ring with the Tomko, Taz points at Tyrant wanting Tyrant to be tagged in due to the score he needs to settle with him. But Tomko just shakes it off and then Taz and Tomko pace around the ring and then Taz charges in a bit, Tomko goes for a fists. But Taz ducks it and then hits a few hard fists on Tomko that back him to the ropes. Then Taz tries to whip Tomko off the ropes and then Tomko reverses and sends Taz off the ropes and then Tomko goes for a clothesline. But Taz ducks it and then waits for Tomko behind him, Tomko turns around and then Taz traps Tomko in a Taz plex attempt but Tomko then Tomko hits a few hard elbows into the neck area of Taz. Taz stumbles out of the attempt and then Tomko is able to grab Taz by the throat and then tries to hit a chokeslam. But before he can hit it, Taz then hits a few hard fists into the gut of the Tomko stunning him and then turns the chokeslam attempt into a hip lock take over into the pin and gets the 1..........2........kick out! Tomko gets up and then nails a diving clothesline knocking down Taz. Tomko then hits a few hard stomps on the downed Taz and then picks up Taz off the mat and then puts him over his shoulder and then goes to the corner and then charges with him and then nails a running power slam. Tomko waits for Taz to stumble up, once he does Tomko hits an inverted atomic drop. Tomko then backs to the ropes and then bounces off and then catches Taz with a running big boot and Tomko then backs to the ropes and then hits a big leg drop and then Tomko goes for a pin and gets a 1.........2...kick out, Tomko hits a few fists to the face of Taz and then Tomko then grabs Taz's arm and then pulls him up and then twists Taz's arm and then hits a few short arm shoulder blocks and then takes Taz and then holds him over his head and then brings him back down and then Tomko twists Taz's arm some more and then backs up to the turnbuckle and then Tomko picks up Taz and then Tomko hits a few hard stomps in the tree of woe. Then he stands ready as the ref pulls Taz out of the tree of woe. Taz then slowly gets up and then once he does Tomko picks up Taz and then slowly tries to get him into position for the tombstone, but Taz struggles and then falls in back of Tomko and then Taz puts on the Taz-mission on Tomko (HA! And Wasabi said he couldn’t even get it on him…if he can get it on the Tomko then he can put the Taz mission on Wasabi!)]

JR-Taz mission!! It’s going to be over here!!

King-That’s impossible

JR-Says who…Wasabi?


[Tomko looks like he’s fading and then Tyrant comes in and hammers from Taz from behind! (as Wasabi celebrates) Tyrant holds his arms up, Taz then comes from behind and then puts on the Taz mission on him. Tomko recovers and then tries to smash Taz with a running avalanche in the corner, but Taz releases the hold and then Tomko smashes into Tyrant. Tomko looks pissed as he checks on his partner then turns to Taz, who then charges at Taz. But Taz is able to quickly peel off a Taz plex to put down the Tomko. Then once everyone is down Taz then looks across the ring where Benoit is with his arm out stretched trying to get the tag from Taz. Taz slowly crawls closer and then makes the tag to Benoit. Tomko is just getting to his feet and then Benoit comes running in and then hits a few knife edge chops and then backs up Tomko and then Benoit whips Tomko to the ropes, Tomko bounces off the ropes and Benoit charges at Tomko and then hits a running shoulder block. Suddenly Tyrant comes into the picture and tries a wild fist and then Benoit ducks and then nails a release germen suplex. Benoit then goes to the top rope and leaps off and hits the swan dive head butt off the top rope and then nails it. Benoit seems hurt, but stumbles up as Tomko is now up, Benoit then blows snot on Tyrant and then turns around and then goes into the waiting hand of Tomko. Tomko grabs Benoit by the throat and lifts him for the chokeslam, but Benoit counters right into the Crippler Crossface. Assassin comes over and asks Tomko if he wants to give it up. Tomko refuses, he looks for way out of it, but he can’t get to the ropes very easily, but Tomko tries to keep going without tapping. Suddenly Tyrant comes into the picture and then hits a few hard stomps and then finally breaks the hold. Tyrant then pulls up Benoit kicks him in the gut and then sets him up and then nails a double arm DDT. Benoit bounces up dazed and then Tyrant pulls up Benoit and throws him over the top rope]

JR-Benoit could have tapped out

King-Well it’s better than being CHOKED OUT!!!

[Benoit is on the mat and then Assassin helps him into the ring. Benoit slowly gets back up with help of the ropes and goes to the turnbuckle and then the ref check Benoit, though suddenly Tyrant gets ready and then goes for a big splash in the corner. But Benoit moves out of the way, but he smashes the ref, Tyrant stumbles backwards and then Benoit sets him and up and then back suplexs Tyrant over the top rope and sends him over the top. Suddenly Tomko comes out of no where and then picks up Benoit and hits a back breaker, though then Taz comes over and then knocks him down with a clothesline. Taz goes back on the apron, but suddenly Tyrant comes from behind him and yanks him off the apron sending him face first into the apron. Assassin slides into the ring and then tries to restore order. Tomko stumbles up and pushes Assassin and then yells at him, Then floors him with a fist, Assassin stumbles up. Tomko goes for another, but then Assassin catches his fist and then drives him down and then puts the Assassinator. Benoit then rolls to the apron and then Taz comes running into the ring, as Assassin lets go and Taz comes into the ring without a tag. Assassin then sees Benoit on the apron, Benoit yells at him and Assassin then hits him off the apron and then goes on the outside. Taz then waits for Tomko to stumble up, once he does Taz locks into the Taz mission, though he then see’s the ref is getting up. Taz then turns it into a germen suplex and then gets the 1………………2………….3]

King-Wait Taz didn’t tag in

JR-the ref was down, he must have forgot who was legal. Though the ref decision stands.

(OOC- Man do I hate when it’s really this close. Yeah you might be a little shocked if you look on it on the outside with Tomko/Tyrant. That’s why I held it back, it was too hard to pick by myself. Because I knew I could go either way, so I got one other part of my staff and we figured out something we noticed. He felt focusing on other teams in the tag tourney was not focused, I was on the fence on it. It all depends on how you look at it really…we thought Taz did well, I personally liked Benoit’s quality. So that’s why we went with, I can easily see people thinking different. Just know that it’s might be the way you see it, and when we figured it out that’s what we got hopefully you can understand that. As he said himself “though I wouldn’t be heart broken if Tomko/Tyrant won”. Also the request of Benoit and Assassin helped me make Tomko/Tyrant look a little better, it had no effect in the out come. But hopefully it helps taking the loss a little bit better.)

“Punk’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Cena and Punk walk to the ring

JR-You can tell that these two were not exactly on the same page, but Cena and Punk were able to work through that for the most part to advance here

King-This team is so random, that would be like me being on your tag team..I would make a heel turn..um…HARDCORE *suddenly a flash goes across the screen, and suddenly it looks like King got hit with a diamond cutter

“just too badd” blasts on the PA system as Badd Boy and Wes walks to the ring

JR-…the hell was that..

King-eeerrrrr….well might as well stay down here, look who’s there…good night…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

[Cena and Wes lock up, Cena and then Wes break up the lock up and then pace around the ring and then locks up. Cena and Wes lock up and then Cena takes Wes down with a hip lock take over. Wes gets up and then charges at Cena, Cena then counters with a drop toe take down and then Cena drops a elbow into the back of the neck and then Cena pulls up Wes and then tags him with a few hard forearms and then whips Wes off the ropes, Wes bounces off the ropes and then Cena lowers his head and then Wes kicks him in the face. Cena pops up and then Wes nails a clothesline and knocks down Cena, Wes then hits a few stomps on the downed Cena and then backs to the ropes and then hits a leg drop Wes then pulls up Cena and then hits a few fists and then backs him to the corner and then whips him to the opposite side of the ring Cena comes off the turnbuckle fast and then Wes is able to hit a back body drop. Cena stumbles up and then Wes hits a few stinging fists and then twists around and then nails a clothesline and then goes into the cover and gets a 1………….but then Punk comes into the ring and then breaks up the cover and then goes back to the corner as the ref warns him. Wes then twists Cena’s arm and brings him into the corner and then tags in Badd Boy who comes into the ring and then measures up Cena and nails a fist into the ribs of Cena. Cena goes down and then Badd Boy then starts to hits a few clubbing blows to the upper back of Cena. Then Badd Boy pulls up Cena and then whips him off the ropes, Cena bounces off the ropes and then Badd Boy catches him into a sleeper hold and then Cena looks for a way out of the hold, and before he can really fade away Cena is able to get to the side of Badd Boy and then hits a belly to back suplex on Badd Boy. Though Cena is too drained from the sleeper to able to get up and capitalize Cena then starts to crawl to his corner and then is almost there, but then Badd Boy is able to grab his foot and stop him from making the tag and then Badd Boy gets up and then drags him over to Wes and then Badd Boy grape vines Cena’s leg and tags in Wes. Wes comes into the ring and then hits a elbow drop to the back of the head.]

JR-Great team work from the Ikeda Boys

King-Don’t you mean Boyz?

JR-no I don’t

King-Man are they boring…oh yeah that’s right, were talking about Wes and Badd Boy.

[Wes then pulls up Cena and then hits a few hard fists and then whips Cena off the ropes. Cena comes off the ropes as Wes lowers his head and then Cena is able to counter with a swinging neck breaker off of the ropes and then Cena dives and makes the tag as Wes bounces up in pain after the swinging neck breaker and then Punk comes in a house of fire and then nails a hard clothesline that makes Wes do a flip in the air and then Punk comes into the corner and then nails a hard fist that knocks Badd Boy off the corner. Wes while Punk is too busy laughing at Badd Boy goes for a big splash in the corner to stop the momentum Punk has, But Punk sensing it moves out of the way and then Wes smashes into the corner and then Wes stumbles out of the corner and then Punk takes him down with a double leg take down and then quickly Punk positions Wes as Badd Boy is trying to pull himself back on the apron Punk hits a sling shot that sends Wes smashing into Badd Boy sending him flying and making his head bounce off the guard rail and then Wes stumbles back and then Punk rolls up Wes for a school boy and gets a 1……………..2…….kick out. Punk then lets Wes get up and then stumble towards him. Punk hits a few sting forearms to the face and then a boot and then drags him to the corner and then tags in Cena who comes into the ring and then Punk body slams Wes and then Cena backs to the ropes and then shakes off his shoulder as he comes off the ropes and then nails the 5 knuckles shuffle. Cena then tags in Punk, Punk goes to the top rope and then Wes stumbles up and then Punk leaps off and then nails a cross body block and then goes into the cover and gets the 1………..2…..kick out.]

JR-almost three, Punk and Cena might have been thrown together…but their working almost better than the Ikeda’s


[Punk then calls for the DDT, Punk then kicks Badd Boy in the gut and then goes for the DDT. But Badd Boy spins out of it for a full nelson attempt. But then Punk elbows a few times out of it and then Badd Boy is able to let go before he’s really stunned by it and then pushes Punk forward and then Punk smashes into Cena who flys off the apron and then Badd Boy rolls up Punk and is able to get the 1………………2………….3]

King-zzzzzzzzzzz…..oh good the match is over…so is the show.

(Suddenly Wes gets pulled off the apron smashing his face, Wes stumbles around the camera shows that it’s Barbwire Chris with what looks like a rotting pig’s head and then Chris smashes Wes with the rotting pig head.( that looks much like This. Click there and it's your own fault hahahahaha) Suddenly Badd Boy comes down and then starts to brawl with Chris and Abdullah, Wes is able to recover and then start brawling back and forth with Chris and Abdullah as well as Shockwave goes off the air.)

OOC-Luke…probably expected this to happen, but that’s what happens when it’s totally random. Wes and BB gave an alright effort, as did you. But the fact Punk didn’t get you much help was your downfall, believe me if I think that a RP is quality enough to beat a two RP I will pick it over the two RP’s. Don’t believe me ask Tony and Ashlee, just didn’t think you were quite at that standard. But still good effort.