EMF: Saturday Shockwave

The Shockwave video starts, then once it ends we go into a darken arena where fireworks blasts off on the stage. The lights go on as the camera shows the crowd

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, if you are wondering where Coach is. He’s in the ring to start off the battle rap

King-I wish he would stay there

“Basic Thuganomics” blasts on the PA system as Cena walks to the ring, Cena is in the ring as “Twilight’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Twilight walks to the ring. We go to the Coach who is standing in the ring

Coach-OK, this is obviously a battle rap. The two of you are going to get the chance to rap once and then when your both through, were going to let the audience decide who should win. We flipped a coin to see who would go first, and Twilight your up first.

(OOC-I was only able to get 2 of the judges that I had last time…and another one to break a tie. So it was not an easy task to find judges, and this is what they thought (I can’t be one, I know little to NOTHING about rap) Twilight- TwiLighT's back, he's on the attack
rest assure, Cena's gonna get smacked, whacked, motherfucking cracked,
your career has stopped, dropped, like a carrot got chopped,
I'm a knife, your balloon, fucka you're gonna get popped,
I'm a one man army, all about destruction, while you're just an obstruction,
your a disappointment, all about the suck-tion,
I'm gonna stomp you, womp you, cuz your a piece of shit,
I'm gonna fucking rape you like a priest that's Catholic,
Hail Mary, full of grace, watch me kick this fag in the face, watch me put him in his place,
and if he gets back up, he's getting displaced, his life will be erased,
no one can hear you scream, this is like deep space,
tonight you go down bleeding, tomorrow you're gone without a trace,
I beat you before, I'll beat you again, amen, you know I own you, don't try to pretend,
that you really belong here and not in a pig pen, you run around in circles like a fuckin plucked hen,
now you think you can out rap me, shit, think again,
I'm like fuckin karma, kill me, I come back times ten,
you make me sick, you fucking dick, I'mma burn you like a candle wick,
step on you like a tick, drop you quick, you gettin licked, popped like a zit,
you think you're slick, but I'mma beat you like a jobber named 'Brick',
you ain't the man, you just dumb, worth less than a plumb,
tomorrow, you'll be a fuckin bum, beaten like a drum, with a broken thumb, you greasy bag of scum,
go back to suckin Degena's dick and gargling his cum,
TwiLighT, my shit's all right, I'm always in the mood to fight,
with skills so tight, and awesome might, I bury bitches from day to night,
I've always had the Gods here on my side, always down with LighT to ride,
Cena you're going down when our words collide, and tossed away on tha outside,
I'mma smear you like gel, your head will ring like a bell, feel like you got tossed down a well, don't try to yell, you're just an empty shell, trapped in a cell,
I'm Osiris, motherfucker, I'll see you in Hell,
I'm a warrior of Danu, the highest Celtic Goddess,
And you, motherfucker, just stepped into a world of Darkness!!
1126 LIFE!!!!

*Cena grabs the microphone

Cena: "Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo. What's up Vegas?" *Crowd cheers loudly.*

Cena: "A couple weeks ago, Twilight called out all the new talent here in the EMF. I didn't answer him then, cause I had another agenda. But now that I have that matter taken care of, I can turn my attention to what he said."

*Cena clears his throat.*

I'm gonna make it simple Twilight, I'm not a hard man to find
I'll rhyme so many circles around you it'll straighten out your warped mind
Danu and Tuatha? You sound like you from another galaxy
You smokin the grass in that field if you think you can out battle me
You want to step to me and slap me in the face?
That would be your last mistake I'll spill your blood all over the place
You can't touch me with your weak ass 'Darkness Falls'
You're like a perfect inning on the mound, all outs and no balls
John Cena is the next big star, I'm rising like a tidal wave
How can you call me a posuer when you sleep in another man's grave
You talk about your Wiccan Warriors and your Dark Saturday Rule
Sounds like somebody's still watching saturday morning cartoons
Go back to your grassy field and gather up all your kin folk
They can pick up your remains after I splatter you like egg yolk
I'm creepin up in your nightmares, I'll make you sit up in a cold sweat
We in the gambling capitol of the world, and John Cena's your number one bet
It's put up or shut up time, Twililght, you stupid Gothic putz
Why don't you save your mouth for what you're best at and start sucking on my NUTS!!


Coach-So I guess it’s up to the crowd, do you like Twilight

(Twilight gets a pretty loud response

Coach-Do you like John Cena’s rap?

(Cena gets a somewhat louder response)

Coach-eeerrr I don’t know, but I think Cena has this one

“Basic thugonamics” blasts on the PA system as Cena slides out of the ring and does the “you can’t see me” taunt to Twilight as EMF goes to commercial.

Messiah’s theme hits and he comes out with Twilight right behind him to a mixed reaction from the crowd. Then we hear the sick sound of a drill signaling its Issac Yankem who’s coming out. Cactus Jack comes out behind him with a dumpster on wheels that has plenty of weapons in it. The crowd loves it. Before Issac can do anything, Messiah jumps over the top rope with a plancha aimed at Issac and Cactus. Issac catches him starts military pressing him and throws him into the dumpster. Issac then turns and beings playing to the crowd. When he isn’t looking, Messiah pops up out of the dumpster and smashes him in the back of the head with a steel chair he found in the dumpster. Issac falls face first into the steel stairs and then lands on his back. Messiah then stands on the rim of the dumpster, yells to the crowd, and then jumps, nailing Issac with a leg drop. He goes for a quick cover 1……….2………..kick out.

Messiah then quickly gets into the ring and bounces off the ropes and goes for a springboard senton but Issac moves and Messiah hits the ground hard. Issac picks him up and throws him head first into the dumpster making a loud THUD. Issac tosses him back into the ring and sends him into the ropes. Messiah ducks the first big boot but cant duck the second one. Issac picks up Messiah and throws him out of the ring, crashing into the dumpster again. On the other side of the ring, Cactus Jack and Twilight have started trading blows. Yankem sets up Messiah against the dumpster and grabs a chair. He swings at Messiah but misses. Messiah tries to give Issac a low blow but misses and Yankem grabs him by his throat and choke-slams him to the concrete floor. Twilight nails Cactus Jack with a running elbow, sending him into the steel stairs. On the other side of the ring, Issac Yankem is ready to polish off Messiah.

Yankem signals to the crowd and sets up Messiah for a power bomb. Just as he is about to life Messiah up, Twilight runs towards him. The ref jumps in the way and reminds him he’ll be booted if he interferes. From behind him comes Cactus Jack and slams the back of Twilights head to the ground. Messiah takes advantage of the distraction and DDT’s Issac Yankem. He goes for the cover, but the ref is late getting to him 1………2……….kick out. Messiah gets up and slides back into the ring with the ref. Cactus Jack comes over to check on Issac but the ref tells him to back off. Cactus doesn’t listen and the ref comes out of the ring to chastise him. Then from the other side comes Twilight. The ref turns to Cactus. From behind Cactus comes Messiah who dropkicks Cactus into the ref. When the ref gets up, he ejects Cactus from the ringside area for hitting him. The crowd boo’s and jeers. After he is gone, the ref slides back into the ring to get Issac off of Messiah. Twilight knows he has an advantage now. Issac tosses Messiah into the ropes and hits a clothesline. Issac then steps over the top rope and looks to the dumpster. He rummages through it and pulls out a 2x4 wrapped in barb wire. He then slides into the ring and takes aim at Messiah’s prone carcass. He winds up and swings but Messiah gets his foot up to block it, sending the 2x4 back into the face of Yankem.

Yankem falls down, clenching his eyes closed and holding his face while screaming in pain. Messiah gets up and quickly climbs to the top rope. He waits for his spot and nails Issac with a shooting star press. 1…………….2………………kick out. Messiah starts getting frustrated and takes Issac Yankem’s face and rubs it into the mat, smearing his bloody face on the mat. Twilight goes over to the dumpster and rummages through it. He pulls out a kitchen sink. He throws it into the ring when the ref isn’t looking. Messiah takes a look at it and ponders what he can do. Messiah then gets an idea and picks the sink up and lays it on the face of Issac. He then goes to the top rope and signals for the end. He jumps, going for a Spike Dudley stomp, but Issac moves out of the way and Messiah misses. Messiah goes for a leg drop but misses that as well. Issac gets up and hits a swinging neck breaker on Messiah. Issac Yankem grabs the sink and holds it over Messiah and drops it on his midsection. The crowd collectively winces in pain. The ref spins Issac around and yells at him for doing that, but Yankem just laughs because he knows the ref can’t do anything. The ref goes to check on Messiah while Twilight goes to grab a chair. He gets up on the apron behind Issac and gets ready to take his head off when….

*Word life, this is basic thuganomics* John Cena’s music hits and he comes to the ring and stops Twilight. Cena pulls Twilight off the apron and starts trading punches with him. (OOC-I’m a little iffy on this run in, because Luke didn’t really clear it, though I don't think it's a bad idea by any means…but if it’s a problem, I’ll take it out and it never happen…ok.)

[Messiah is distracted by this, and turns back and then Yankem grabs Messiah by the throat and then drive him down with a chokeslam. Yankem goes into the cover and gets a 1………………2……………3!]

*Suddenly the lights go out, as a lighting effect of a moon is shown as the same sound that we heard last week *

*suddenly the EMF tron lights up and a message that reads “"In 21 Days... The Wolverine hunts again...." *Then the lights go back to normal *

Coach-Man…we need to get those fixed

JR-I doubt this is a mistake Coach

King-Yeah, last time something like this happen the Other World debuted….oh shit, you think were going to get more people that hate us?



“Kaedon’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Kaedon walks to the ring

JR-Wonder who this is “him”

King-do I care?

Coach-Probably not

“Wilts theme” blasts on the PA system as Wilts walks to the ring

JR-Wilts a bit aged, but I think he could be still make a good impact in the EMF

King-You’re kidding…when your in your upper 20’s your old. Wilts is the EMF’s answer to Ric Flair

[Kaedon and Wilts size up each other, then Kaedon and Wilts lock up and then fight to gain control of the lock up…as the crowd has flash backs to Lesnar vs. Goldberg. Anyways no one wins it and then Kaedon puts his hand up for a test of strength and then Wilts accepts and then Wilts goes for that, and Wilts starts to win and puts Kaedon on his knee’s. Slowly Kaedon gets up and then Kaedon nails a knee to the gut and then hits a quick firemans carry, Kaedon shakes off the move and then Wilts gets up quick and then charges at Kaedon and then Kaedon is able to nail a big boot and then Wilts is now down on the mat. Kaedon shake off his waists and then see’s Wilts on the ropes and then Kaedon goes over and then hits a few fists and then whips him to the ropes, Wilts bounces off the ropes Kaedon then lowers his head for a back body drop. But Wilts kicks him in the face, Kaedon pops up, then Wilts delays and then runs into Kaedon, Kaedon is able to grab Wilts by the throat and sets up for a chokeslam, but Wilts hits a few elbows and then breaks up the attempt for a chokeslam with a few elbows to the head and then Kaedon stumbles back and then Wilts backs to the ropes and then hits a running shoulder block. Kaedon stumbles back, then Wilts backs to the ropes again and comes at Kaedon a little more harder and then Wilts nails a shoulder block and then Kaedon stumbles back and then falls through the ropes to the outside and then Wilts take a few moments to recover, though by this time before he can follow Kaedon. Kaedon outside. He see’s that Kaedon is getting up anyways, then Wilts hits a few fists in an attempt to knock Kaedon back to the outside and then it seems that Kaedon is stunned enough and then Wilts turns him around and then goes for a club on the chest of Kaedon. But Kaedon is able to counter with a hang man on the top rope, Wilts stumbles backwards and then comes back into the ring and then Wilts stumbles towards Kaedon and then Kaedon picks up Wilts and then takes him to the nearest corner and drops him for snake eyes. Wilts stumbles towards Kaedon and then Kaedon gets Wilts on his shoulders and quickly hits a Death Valley Driver, then goes into the cover and gets a 1…………….2………kick out by Wilts.]

JR-almost three

King-No shit JR!

Coach-Is he always like that?


Coach-No I was talking about you JR

[Kaedon then pulls up Wilts and then hits a body slam and then backs to the ropes and then goes for a big leg drop, but Wilts moves out of the way and then Kaedon goes crashing into the mat. Wilts stumbles up and then runs to the ropes and then hits a running boot on Kaedon who is sitting on the mat and the boot sends him down and then Wilts then grabs the ropes and then recovers and then Kaedon stumbles up and then Wilts hits a few fists and then backs up Kaedon and then Wilts whips Kaedon off the ropes, Kaedon bounces off the ropes and then Wilts catches Kaedon and drops him for a side walk slam and then Wilts hooks Kaedon’s leg and gets a 1…………..2………….kick out, then Wilts pulls up Kaedon and then pushes him into the corner and then hits a few elbows into the corner and then the ref makes him back off and then Wilts goes back into the corner and then starts to choke Kaedon’s with his boot and then the ref counts to 5 and Wilts breaks the choke. Then Wilts whips Kaedon to the opposite side of the ring and then nails a clothesline in the corner to Wilts. Wilts then waits for Kaedon to stumble out of the corner and then Wilts picks up Wilts and then puts him on the top rope]

JR-Looks like Wilts is going for a super plex

King-Well he’s an idiot!

[Wilts climbs to the top rope and then hooks Kaedon, but before he can hit it. Kaedon then hits a few shots the ribs and then stuns Wilts, Kaedon grabs Wilts throat and then drives him down with a top rope chokeslam! Kaedon, isn’t moving after that for a few moments and then slowly Kaedon goes into the cover on Wilts and Kaedon gets the 1……………..2………kick out. Kaedon who has already recovered enough waits for Wilts to stand up, Kaedon then hooks Wilts and then nails the Kaedon Krush and then goes into the cover and gets the 1…………………….2………………3!]

“Never gonna stop” blasts on the PA system as Edge runs out on the stage pumping up the crowd, and then walks down the ramp to the ring

King-Well it’s good that Edge has a song that goes with his entrance

Coach-Well unlike some federations, my boss Triple H actually pays royalities to Rob Zombie

JR-I guess that’s something positive to say about Triple H

“Freddy theme” blasts on the PA system as Freddy appears in the ring holding the TV champion

JR-He’s certainly one of the more…unique TV champions

King-Suppose you’re right, I guess…

“Assassin’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Assassin walks over to the announcers table

JR-What is he doing here?

King-Well looks like we have another person to call the match

Coach-Man I can’t carry another dead weight person

[Freddy and Edge lock up and then Freddy puts Edge in a hammer lock. Edge looks for a way out of the hold and then goes for a elbow and then nails Freddy on the face and then breaks up the hold, Edge then hits a few hard fists and then Edge whips Freddy off the ropes and then Freddy bounces off the ropes, and then Edge nails a quick back elbow and then Freddy goes down. Edge hits a few stomps on the downed Freddy and then Freddy stumbles up and then Edge hits a few punches to the face of Freddy and then one punch, Freddy blocks and then hits an upper cut to the jaw of Edge. Edge is a little stunned, though Edge is able to go for another fist, but Freddy ducks it and then he is able to get Edge on the ropes instead and then nails a few straight punches to Edge. Freddy then whips Edge to the ropes and then Edge bounces off the ropes and Edge leaps in the air and goes for a cross body block. Freddy then is able to catch Edge in the air and then backs up a little bit and then nails a fall way slam. Freddy then gets ready as Edge stumbles up and then Freddy charges and nails a clothesline over the top rope. Freddy not wasting time drops down and rolls to the outside and then pulls Edge up and then kicks him in the gut and then tries to get him up for a piledriver on the outside, but Edge blocks it before he can get him all the way up and then Edge then counters with a back body drop and then Edge falls to the paddling around the ring side and then Edge gets back up and then by that time Freddy has stumbled up as well. Edge hits a few hard fists and then tries to whip Freddy into the steal post. Freddy reverses it and then Edge’s head bounces off the steal post, the camera then gets a close up of Edge’s head and then shows that Edge is now bleeding a little bit, not having any mercy. Freddy pulls up Edge and then drops him on the guard rail and then Edge bounces off the guard rail and then Freddy rolls Edge into the ring, Freddy then goes on to the apron and then taunts the fans who boo him and then Freddy climbs to the top rope and then waits for Edge to get up, Edge stumbles up and then Freddy leaps off for a double axe handle, but Edge counters it with a drop kick to Freddy as he flies through the air]

JR-What a move

Assassin-Please, neither of these wrestlers have shown me anything

King-So critical..

Coach-um…don’t you think a 4 man announcing team is too much

King-You’re right *cuts Coaches cord to his head set *

[Edge and Freddy are down on the mat, slowly they both make their way to their feet. Trying to get tried feet and then Freddy goes for a fist, and lands it. Though Edge is somehow able to make a come back with a fist and then Freddy rocks back and then Edge whips Freddy to the ropes and then Freddy bounces off the ropes and then Edge nails a spinning heel kick and then Freddy goes down to the mat and then Freddy gets up fast and then goes for a fist, but then Edge ducks it and then nails a one handed face plant. Edge then goes into the cover and gets a 1……………..2……….kick out. Edge then slowly gets up and then yells for Freddy to get up as well, Freddy stumbles up and then nails a few fists and then back up Freddy to the ropes and then Edge tries to whip Freddy to the ropes, but Freddy reverses it and sends Edge to the ropes and then Edge bounces off the ropes and then Edge nails a flying forearm. Freddy stumbles up and then goes for a wild punch, Edge easily ducks it and then nails the Edge-o-matic on Freddy. Edge then goes into the cover and gets a 1……………..2…………kick out. Edge then rolls out of the ring and then climbs to the top rope and then waits for Freddy to get to his feet, Freddy stumbles up and then Edge hits a missile drop kick. Edge then calls for the Edgecution, Freddy soon stumbles up and then Edge kicks Freddy in the gut and then sets up for his finisher, but Freddy twists out of the move and then goes for a short arm clothesline. Edge ducks it and then goes for a germen suplex. But then Freddy ducks it and goes behind and then goes for a germen of his own. But Edge elbows out of the waist lock and then twists around in the waist lock and then hits a release northern lights suplex. Edge then goes into the cover and then calls for the spear, motioning for Freddy to get up]

JR-Edge is going for the kill

Coach-*yelling in King’s head set* you bastard! You cut my cord didn’t you!

King-I don’t hear you…

Assassin-No, it’s not going to happen like that *Assassin throws down his head set *

[Freddy stumbles up and then Edge nails the spear on Freddy, though suddenly Assassin comes into the ring with a chair and then nails Edge with the chair. Assassin see’s Freddy is down on the mat and then puts him in the Assassinator for a few moments and then releases the hold after a little while. Assassin grabs a microphone]

Assassin-I’m not going to stand by and watch this piece of shit (referring to Edge) gain the TV championship, when everyone knows that I’m the only true number one contender for the TV title. So Edge…you got two choices, you can either keep trying to have this match…and I can break it up each time and beat your ass like I did here, tonight or you can take me on in a match to find out the true #1 contender for the TV championship.

*We go live from Triple H’s house where it shows Jericho and Amy sitting on a coach together checking out the contact, as Triple H sitting opposite from the behind a table. We then go back to the arena *

“War Machine” blasts on the PA system as Taz walks to the ring with a towel over his head

*King shaves his head and puts on orange sunglasses, Coach tries to do the same *

Coach-Oh right…

“Break you” blasts on the PA system as Jarred walks to the ring

JR-Though Heyman put Jarred in this match to punish him…I think it’s a great opportunity to test himself against a champion

King-Wow…you figure that out by yourself..

Coach-Actually, no he didn’t…he was looking at my notes!

[Taz slides into the ring, and then Jarred and Taz start to trade fists. Taz starts to gain control and Jarred backs up, but Jarred then nails a knee into the gut of Taz. Taz is stunned and then Jarred nails a straight punch right into the face of Taz, Taz goes down and then Taz crawls into the corner and then and then Jarred goes over to the corner, then Taz hits a few kicks into the gut of Jarred as he goes into the corner and then Jarred goes for a wild swing, but Taz ducks under and then Jarred is now in the corner and then Taz hits a few fists and then Taz hits a few shoulder blocks into the corner to Jarred and then Taz whips Jarred out of the corner and then follows him in with a clothesline in the corner. Jarred stumbles out of the corner and then Taz waits as Jarred comes towards him and then Taz traps him in a Taz plex attempt, but then Jarred elbows out of the move. Taz moves backwards stunned and then charges at Jarred trying to get the advantage back and then gets a super kick by Taz. Jarred falls to the ground on his hands and knee’s and then Jarred then Jarred gets to his feet and then Taz is stumbling up and then Jarred then hits a few forearms to Taz, Jarred tries to whip Taz to the ropes, but Taz reverses it and then Jarred goes to the ropes bounces off and leaps in the air catching Taz with a flying forearm. Jarred is down as is Taz, Jarred nips up with a bit of a cocky grin. Taz stumbles up and then right into a body slam by Jarred, Jarrd then goes out of the ring and then climbs to the top rope, then leaps off and nails a flying elbow drop, all those moves shades of Jarred’s trainer for a brief time Shawn Michaels (eeerrr sorry, I’m listening to wrestling theme radio and “Sexy Boy” just came on). Jarred goes into the cover and then gets a 1…………2………..kick out by Taz. Jarred then puts on a chin lock on Taz, the ref checks to see if Taz is still conscious and then Taz slowly gets to his feet and then Taz turns into Jarred and then nails a few fists and then breaks the hold of Jarred. Taz hits a few more fists and then Taz is able to cause enough separation to run to the ropes and then bounces off, but Jarred is able to counter the charge with a knee to the gut.]

JR-That just killed what momentum that Taz had

King-Man…if Wasabi is watching, I wonder who he’s cheering for

Coach-Probably neither, he hates both of them…almost as much as Primetime

[Taz is on the mat and then Jarred pulls up Taz and then tries to whip him to the ropes, but he won’t go. Suddenly Taz pulls Jarred towards him and nails a Taz plex! Both wrestlers are down as the ref counts his standing 10 count1………….2……………….3………………..4……………5..Taz gets up by the ropes, Jarred gets up by the ropes and then Jarred see’s that Taz is still out of it, Jarred then goes for another super kick, but Taz ducks out of the way and then Jarred gets stuck on the ropes and then Taz moves the ropes up and down to make Jarred in more pain. Jarred then stumbles off the ropes right into Taz, who floors him with punch. Taz waits for Jarred to get up, Jarred stumbles up and then Taz gets behind him and then sets him up and nails a release germen suplex on Jarred that turns him inside, out! Then Taz goes into the cover and then gets a 1……………..2…………Jarred grabs the ropes to break up the count, Taz gets up pissed off at the ref saying that was “3”. Taz then stops yelling at the ref, and goes back to attacking Jarred. Jarred is on his knee’s and then Jarred goes for a few fists from this knee’s and then it looks like Taz is stunned, Jarred gets up. But then Taz is able to hit a knee into the gut to stop Jarred from taking over the match. Taz whips Jarred to the ropes, Jarred holds on to the ropes. Taz charges at Jarred. Though Jarred is able to turn the charge into a hot shot, then Taz stumbles back wards and then Jarred kicks Taz in the gut and nails a DDT. Jarred falls to his knee’s. Wanting to get to this match over with. Jarred gets up as fast he can and then climbs out the apron and then climbs to the top rope for the Legendary end, but as Jarred reaches the top. Taz gets up fast and then goes into the corner and then hits a few fists and then stuns Jarred and then climbs to the top where Jarred is and then sets up Jarred and nails a top rope super Taz plex!]

JR-What a move by the Human suplex machine

King-I thought he was the Human wreckin’ machine?

Coach-Only in his WWF days…

King-Figures that Vince would ruin it.

[Taz gets up and then waits for Jarred to get up, Taz gets ready as Jarred stumbles up to this feet and then Taz puts on the Tazmission, Jarred is fading looking for a way out of the hold. But after a few moments of trying to get to the ropes, Jarred falls down to one knee as Taz tries to hook the move in. With his last bit of strength Jarred goes over to the corner and then climbs the corner with his feet, then flips over and gets a 1………………2……………..3!]

JR-As quickly as that it’s over, but clearly Taz could have very well won this match

King-no cheating?…BORING!

JR-We are getting word that the contract signing for the main event at Whiplash is about to take place…so let’s go to the live feed from Triple H’s home.

(We go live from the home of Triple H, Triple H is sitting across from Jericho and Amy, who are sitting together going over the contract.)

.::Triple H::.-You two going to waste any more of my time, it really doesn’t matter what’s in that contract, because at Whiplash it’s going to be over.

*Jericho stands up *

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-I guess we will see, Triple H I have ended the careers of other wrestlers, what makes you think you won’t be the next on my list

.::Triple H::.-Because I’m not like any second rate wrestler, who’s career you ended. I have, and will always be the best wrestler to step into an EMF ring or an RWA ring for that matter...you both are just some left over RWA trash, now are you signing or you backing out, I wouldn’t blame you if you walk out now…if I were you, I wouldn’t want to face me either.

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-What you think Amy, that son of bitch sneak anything in the contract.

.::Amy Dumas::.-I’ve been over it a hundred times…it’s as we agreed to.

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-Then I’ll sign it, Triple H you can sit their and run your mouth about how you are the best. But you are going to realize that what I’ve done in the RWA, and in the EMF…it was no fluke. *Amy hands Jericho the contract * So you going to give me a pen to sign this, or what?

.::Triple H::.-Yeah I’ll give you a pen…*reaches into one of the pockets inside his suit *….oh that’s right, Jericho I forgot one thing

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-What’s that ass clown?

*Triple H pulls out a bottle of mase and then sprays it in the eyes of Jericho blinding him *

.::Triple H::.-I wasn’t planning on having you sign the contract by signing your name…

[Triple H pushes the table into Jericho’s gut and Jericho goes down to his knee’s, Amy rushes up and checks on Jericho. Though suddenly someone spins Amy around, and then Amy gets hit with an RKO!! The camera zooms in what is shown to be Randy Orton himself, who grins cockly. Jericho gets up, knowing something happen to Amy, though not knowing Orton is there too Jericho yells “you son of bitch, what you do to her, I’ll kill you I swear!” As Jericho swings wildly Orton cocky dodges the fists, Triple H comes from behind Jericho and then nails a low blow, Jericho in pain stumbles forward and then Orton nails the RKO on Jericho. Orton and Triple H hits a few stomps on the downed Jericho, Orton then pulls out some bass knuckles out of his pocket and puts them on as Jericho slowly pulls his way to his feet, Orton measures up Jericho and nails Jericho with the hardest shot he can with the bass knuckles. Jericho goes down in a heap, though Triple H says something to Orton, Orton pulls up the limp Jericho and then the camera shows that Triple H has a sledge hammer. Orton holds Jericho in place, Jericho is already a little bit busted open. Triple H nails a sledge hammer shot on Jericho. Jericho goes down without much life, Orton then goes over to Amy who is seemly coming to, Orton starts to stomp her in her back and then turns her around and grabs a the camera cord and starts to choke her. Seemly with his last little bit of consciousness, Jericho from the ground throws his body towards Orton in like a punch, that does land. But of course not effective, but does get Orton stopping choking Amy. Jericho is turned on his back and is now bleeding all over the place (were talking HBK here). Orton goes back to Jericho and then Triple H, and Orton start stomping the hell out of him. Orton then puts his hands up to stop.]

.::Randy Orton::.-Hey..hey Hunter, I got an idea.

[Orton leaves the camera view, Triple H then looks down and the camera shows that Amy has now tried to throw her body over Jericho. Triple H mouths “stupid bitch”, Triple H grabs her by the hair. Pulls her up and nails a pedigree on Amy!! Orton returns with a steal chair and then places it on the floor, Orton pulls up the body of Jericho.Triple H hooks Jericho and then drives Jericho’s face into the chair with a pedigree! Triple H then pulls up Jericho and then Triple H propts his on the table they were using to sign the contract for Whiplash. Triple H begins to yell.]

.::Triple H::.-I told you Jericho!! Your not signing in ink, your signing in your blood!

[Triple H then takes some blood from the crimson mask that is on Jericho’s face (which means it’s covered with blood…for all who don’t know) and then smugs some of it on the place where Jericho was suppose to sign. Jericho amazing seemly tries to get back to his feet, Orton shakes his head and then nails an RKO on the chair that was laided out for good measure (though ribs into the chair). Orton holds up Jericho’s body, Triple H grabs the world title and then yells]

.::Triple H::.-You see this Jericho, this is the closest your getting to my title!! It’s over! *Triple H then looks over at Amy who’s still out from the pedigree and Triple H smiles *…Randy, I think I found one more thing Jericho can hate as for

[Orton nods, knowing what he’s talking about. Orton pulls Amy up by the hair, Triple H grabs his sledgehammer and then measures up Amy…and nails a sledge hammer shot to her leg. Amy goes down, clearly in a lot of pain, most likely her leg’s broken. Then she just passes out from the pain. Triple H and Orton look down at Jericho and Amy, who are not moving at all. Triple H then throws Amy’s body over Jericho’s and then puts his boot in on her back raising the world title. Then Triple H takes his foot off Amy.]

.::Randy Orton::.-Looks like Evolution took care of those pieces of trash already, I doubt Jericho will even make it to Whiplash.

.::Triple H::.-Yeah, I doubt we will be seeing either one of the two EVER again.

(Suddenly in the background Stacy Helmsely walks in unnoticed, noticing all the blood and two lifeless bodies on the ground)

.::Stacy Helmsely::.-…..alright…..WHAT…..THE…FUCK

.::Triple H::.-Oh….right..Randy, these two pieces of crap out of my home

.::Randy Orton::.-With pleasure.

(Orton grabs Jericho and Amy, puts them over his shoulder and then goes to the outside and then tosses them on the lawn. Their limo driver comes running over, checking on them. Then taking out his cell phone to call for some help for Jericho and Amy..as Saturday Shockwave goes off the air.]

(OOC-Yeah…I might have went a little too far with the beat down. Again, I don’t have the go ahead from J, but I think that’s close to what was we talked about. So if he tells me to change it, expect a change)