EMF: Saturday Shockwave

[Shockwave kicks off as fans go crazy, holding up signs, chanting, and raving for their favorite EMF superstars. The Camera then goes to JR and King sitting at there commentary table.]

JR: Welcome everyone to Shockwave! We are coming to you live straight off a great PPV, Whiplash!

King: Actually it wasn't all that great...

JR: Shut up King! If you actually stayed awake for some of the matches you would know. Wait a second I hear someone is just now arriving, lets head out to the parking lot.

[A black stretch escalade then pulls up with a white one behind it, and another black one behind it. A bunch of security guards then pile out of the black escalade as they surround the back door of the white escalade, one of the security guards then proceeds to open up the door as out steps The Rock accepting many boos and "Rocky Sucks" chants. Rock then checks out the parking lot of the arena.]

Rock: Just as The Rock thought...Another hell hole! Well boys lets get this over with.

[Rock then proceeds inside with his swarm of security guards.]

*"The Resident Jobbers Theme" blares as their representatives Madman Mark and Road Van Toad come out and walk down to the ring. The girls whistle for R-V-T as he does the thumbpoint.*

*"The Jahobber's Witnesses music" plays as Brick Lesnar and The Big Bossman come out ready to fight. They get to the ring and get ready.

*"Music for The Job Squad" is heard as the leaders The Brooklyn Brawler and Gillberg come out. Gillberg screams BLAH and they get into the ring.*

*"Just 2 Badd" plays loudly and the fans start chearing The Badd Boy and Degenerate come out holding their tag team championships. They make their way to the ring and get in.*

King: Why did these two great champions agree to do this?

JR: They didn't, they were forced to by Interm Jobber President Gorrilla Monsoon. If there would have been another team of just jobbers then noone would win, because, they would all be jobbers, so they needed one real team.

King: You could have quit after they were forced to.

JR: Anyways what a match up folks, I can't wait for the excitement.

King: What excitement?

JR: Trust me, this will be more entertaining than any other of the matches tonight. Almost as much fun as it is to stare at my Barbeque sauce bottle for hours on end.

King: .............

[The bell rings and Brawler pulls a baseball out of his pocket and starts tossing it up in the air. Mad Man Mark watches on, his eyes just follow the ball. Brawler throws it as far as he can. He makes it all the way through the entrance curtain. Mad Man Mark quickly runs out of the ring and chases after the ball screaming SEVENTY FOUR! The Badd Boy and Degenerate stand poised ready to fight but not one of the Jobbers looked at them rather they attacked each other. The Badd Boy and Degenerate sat in the corner. Gillberg spears Brick Lesnar only to knock himself out. The Boss man lays down and Brick sets Gillberg on top of him in an attempt to help his teammate job ...1...2...RVT interrupts the count not allowing the job. The Badd Boy pulls a deck of cards out of his pocket and starts dealing to Degenerate, they take some time to play poker. The Big Bossman gets up and attacks The Brooklyn Brawler. Bossman hits the Big Job Slam and then pulls Brawler over himself and tries of the ...1...2...Lesnar whom had picked up Gillberg dropped him and he landed right on Brawler breaking the count. NO JOB! The Badd Boy rolls out from under the ropes and jumps the guardrail, he heads up the steps and disappears. RVT goes for a spinning heel kick on Brick Lesnar and connects across the face. Brick looks confused.]

RVT: Dude, fall down.

[Brick falls over. The Badd Boy re-emerges coming down the aisle way. He steps back over the guard rail and steps back into the ring and goes to sit next to Degenerate. He brought with him from the concession stand two sodas and a couple of things of Nachos. They eat them. Brawler puts the sleeper OF DOOM on Road Van Toad, soon RVT is asleep. Both RVT and Lesnar are out cold. The Big Boss Man pulls out his night stick and throws it, but clobbers himself in the back of the head taking him down too. Brawler pulls RVT on him and gets the ...1...2...Gillberg breaks the count then pulls RVT onto him. He gets the ...1...2...Brawler breaks it, two close calls, but no job. The Badd Boy and Degenerate finished their meal and stand in the corner watching the melee. The Badd Boy pushes Degenerate.]

The Badd Boy: D! GET THE TABLE!

[Degenerate rolls out of the ring and pulls a green table with white markings on it out and slides it uner the ropes. The Badd Boy grabs it and sets it up. Degenerate also pulls out from under the ring a bucket and rolls in the ring with it. He pulls out of the bucket a net and he sets it up on the table then pulls out two paddles and a ping pong ball. He tosses a paddle to Badd Boy and the two play ping pong. Bossman gets back up and clotheslines Gillberg then hits the Leg Drop OF DOOM! Bossman pulls Gillberg on top of him, but Lesnar back into it rolls over and hits Gillberg stopping the job. RVT gets to his feet and hits a hurricanrana on Brawler then hits the ropes and delivers the ROLLING CHUNDER! RVT pulls Brawler on top of him, ...1...2...Bossman elbow drops Brawler stopping the job. Gillberg grabs Brick Lesnar's head and goes for the jack hammer, but like a girl can't lift him up. Lesnar picks up Gillberg and gives him the F5 through Badd Boy & Degenerate's Ping Pong Table interrupting the game. Double B and D get upset. The Badd Boy hits the Full Nelson Suplex on Brick Lesnar followed by D giving the D-Slam also known as the Burning Hammer to The Big Boss Man. RVT climbs the ropes and leaps off with the 1 star toad splash on Gillberg but as usual hurts himself more than anyone. Degenerate grabs Brawler and puts him up on his shoulders as The Badd Boy climbs the ropes and hits the DOOMsday device for this not only called The Badd Day. The Badd Boy pulls Brawler and Gillberg and Brick Lesnar together as Degenerate pulls RVT and The Big Bossman together. The Badd Boy and Degenerate pin all five of the men in the ring and get the ...1...2...3! They successfully retain their tag team championships. The screen lights up showing Mad Man Mark chasing the rolling baseball through the hallway into a training center. He picks it up.]

Madman: I GOT IT!

[Madman Mark looks up at the monitor seeing the other five already jobbed.]

Madman: D@MN IT!

[Madman grabs a baseball bat and swings at the punching bag making it explode.]


[The Badd Boy and Degenerate take their championships and leave with them. The five men in the ring get up and start shoving each other.]

Brawler: We so got the job!

RVT: No dude, nobody jobbed like Road Van Toad.

Gillberg: BLAH!

Brick Lesnar: RAAAAAAAAR!

[Gillberg collapses unconscious. Paul Heyman appears out of nowhere.]

Heyman: No please say our night isn't ruined. Please say the next big thing wants to play....er...I mean will want to fight other guys later um...yeah!

Bossman: I know for a fact that my team got the job tonight, if you don't like it I'll put you in the jobber penetentary! The five men start fighting over who got the job as Officials come down and seperate the jobbers before they hurt each other they hurt themselves.

JR: What a match King, what a match. See I told you, King...King???

King: *Waking up* huh what? Match yeah great match I love to watch Steelhart.

JR: You weren't paying attention where you?

King: JR, shut up, how dare you accuse me of that.

[JR attacks King, King Jobs.]

[Rock sits in his luxary box of the arena, as there is then a knock at the door. Security then swarms the door as one of the men then open it as in steps Prez Mike.] Prez Mike: Woah! Woah! BOYS!...Take it easy! Geez...So how you doing Rock, liking the luxary box? I get everything you asked for?

Rock: Yeah, for the most part theres only one problem...That I have to look out of this box and see these jackasses! But, nevermind that...Did you happen to find a man to lead my security team?

Prez Mike: Yes, my secretary found the perfect man for the job, he should be here any minute.

Rock: Well he better be damn good if he is late.

Prez Mike: Oh if its anything like my secretary told me..he is damn good!

Rock: Good, Good...Well have you got ahold of X-Cold yet?

Prez Mike: Well we haven't had the best of luck getting ahold of X-Cold.

Rock: Well then, you need to get him on the phone. Cause believe The Rock he aint gonna want to miss this by no means!

Prez Mike: Alright I'll see what I can do.

[Prez Mike leaves the box as Rock sits back in his sofa, setting his legs on a coffee table.]

Rock: Yo Jabroni...Pull that glass closed from those fans, The Rock can actually smell the stinch from the pieces of trash.

[Camera fades back to the ring.]

*The arena goes dark, and the EMF-tron comes to life, boldly displaying the symbol of the Dark Circle, and the words "Darkness Has Fallen". As the words and the logo begin to fade, the stage explodes into flames, and thick smoke fills the air, as the P.A system comes to life with the words "Ahna-Nathrak Ahna-Khunt Ahna-Khed", quickly followed by the beginning of the Insane Clown Posse's "Echo Side". The crowd gives a reaction of shock and hatred as Jarred walks onto the stage, Victor Van Nuys following close behind him. Jarred steps up to the edge of the stage and looks around the arena for a few seconds, and as he stops he throws his arms and head up and back, screaming something undecipherable, and as he does the ring bursts into flames that quickly engulf it, and then disappear just as quick. Jarred smiles and begins to walk down the aisle, Victor following close as Jarred walks up the stairs and steps through the ropes into the ring. Victor stops at ring side, and stands facing the entrance way as Jarred grabs a microphone from the time keeper, and motions for the music to be cut off.....*

Jarred:"And you all thought that you had gotten over this nightmare. Well, I have news for each of you, the nightmare has just begun, and in this go 'round, I'm the dream master. Now, as you all know, there have been some changes in the Dark Circle just recently. Changes that don't bode well for those who stand to oppose us here in the EMF. But I didn't come out here to spout warnings to all you imbeciles in the locker room. No, I came out here to address a certain few people who seem to want to run their mouths off about shit. Now, its true that last week I made my return in a World Title match against Punisher, and its true that I managed to lose the match after having it well in hand. But, I seem to remember that Punisher couldn't beat me on his own. No, I recall him laying on the mat, prone for me to nail him with the Legendary End, but his little friend, the self professed "God of Gorecore" decided to interject himself, thus saving Pun's title. But thats all fine and good, because things have changed in my life, and soon things are going to change here in the EMF. Punisher, I stand here now, not as a man who wants revenge, but as a man who wants nothing less than to take back what is rightfully his, and to utterly destroy the man who took it from him, a long with the man who is responsible for helping you. Punisher, I stand before you, and the world, a changed man. I no longer stand here as Jarred. I no longer stand here, merely as the CEO of this company. No, I now stand here a heartless, ruthless, and souless agent of darkness. Punisher, Barbedwire Chris, I stand here now, a man hell bent on making you feel the burn of Hell's Fires. I stand here now as.........."Demon Chylde"!!!! Punisher, the next pay per view is in need of a main event that will shake the EMF down to its very foundations. It needs a main event that will forever change the course of the company. And Punisher, I know just the match that the pay per view is looking for. The pay per view is looking for a match for the EMF World Heavyweight Championship. A match between Punisher and "Demon Chylde" Jarred Carthallion. But, this isn't just any match. No, Punisher, the pay per view is looking for the most viciously brutal match ever known to man. Punisher, its......I'M looking for a......DEATH CELL!!! And as for you Chris, don't worry, you haven't been forgotten, for you'll get yours as well. It may be tonight, it may be next week. But its coming boy, and you have no idea when, or who is going to strike you down. So boys and girls, watch your backs, and becarefull where you tread, for the Death Bringer has returned to finish what he started!"

*Jarred tosses the mic out of the ring, in the direction of the time keeper as his music begins to play again.But instead of climbing out of the ring, Victor Van Nuys climbs into the ring and stands next to Jarred, as the crowd boos and begins to throw things at the two of them, but suddenly the ring bursts into flames again, and this time, when the smoke clears, both men are gone......*

[Another knock is then heard at the door as Rock jumps up from his seat and walks to the door.]

Rock: Finally the jackass made it, he better be a good head of security too...

[Rock opens the door as there stands Duane Gill (Better known as Gillberg) with a big grin on his face. Rock just stands there with a blank stare right at Gillberg.]

Rock: Excuse The Rock a second...

[Rock shuts the door back and walks around his box for awhile trying to think. Rock then proceeds back to the door as he re-opens the door and there still stands Gillberg with the same big grin on his face.]

Rock: ..Who in the blue hell are you?

Gill: Duane Gill sir, head of security. [points at his shirt which has "head of security" written on it which seems to be in magic marker.]

Rock: Ahhh The Rock can see the shirt, and The Rock can see you standing here with that shit eating grin of yours. The only thing The Rock wants to know is what kinda sick joke is this? I mean what kind of security are you. The Rock means what do you weigh? A buck 25 soak and wet?

Gill: 185 sir...

Rock: Dont 185 sir me..[Rock throws his hand back to slap Gill.] The Rock should just slap the taste out of your bald monkey ass for talking back. So you wanna be head of my security huh?

Gill: More then anything sir! I am a huge fan of yours...I mean wrestling and movies.

Rock: [claps hands] Well that just makes my day jabroni to know you are a big fan of mine. And tell ya what, to show that The Rock has a heart I am gonna let you be my head of security. But, I am telling you right now the first slip up and your ass is gone. Understood?

Gill: I totally got you Rock...[Gill then makes his way inside the room as he goes to sit down on the couch.]

Rock: Woah! Woah!..WOAH! Who do you think you are?! You just dont sit on The Rock's couch you sit in the floor!

[Duane Gill then takes his seat in the floor infront of the coffee table. Rock then takes his seat back on the couch, as he then notices Duane Gill's hand reach up for a piece of fruit on Rock's fruit platter. Rock then quickly reaches over and slaps Gill's hand very hard.]

Rock: One mistake jabroni...just one...

[camera goes back to the ring.]

“Steelhart theme” blasts on the PA system as Steelhart walks to the ring

King-Oh great, here comes the sleep….zzzzzzzz


“Hard Rockin’ Renegade theme” blasts on the PA system as Shane walks to the ring

JR-Shane is looking to get his stable on the right track


[Steelhart paces around into the corner, Shane sees this and then charges at Steelhart, Steelhart side steps him and then throws him into the corner. Steelhart hits a few body shots on Shane, Shane does his best to cover it up. But he can’t cover much from this, Steelhart then is asked to step back. He does and then Steelhart goes back into the corner and then nails a few forearm shots to Shane to stun him a bit more and then sets him up and then whips him to the opposite side of the ring and then Shane goes crashing back first. With this impact Shane stumbles out of the corner with enough momentum to back body drop him. Shane goes crashing to the mat back first and then Shane gets up holding his back and then Steelhart then hits a drop kick that knocks Shane down to the mat and then Steelhart goes to the rope and then hits a high knee drop on the face of Shane. Steelhart then goes into the cover and gets a 1…………..2….kick out. Steelhart then puts on a chin lock. Shane looks for a way out of this as he’s on the mat, but he can’t so Shane slowly makes it to his feet and then hits a few elbows in to the gut to loosen Steelhart’s grip a bit. Shane is able to get to the side of Steelhart and goes for a high angle back drop. But Steelhart is able to roll off into the back of Shane . Steelhart then puts a sleeper on Shane. Shane stuggles a bit and even goes to one knee. But goes back up and then charges at the ropes with Steelhart still holding on to the hold and then ducks and Steelhart goes flying over the top rope, but some how Steelhart is able to grab on to the top rope to prevent himself from falling over the top rope. Steelhart then pulls himself up on the apron as Shane finally sees him after stumbling away trying to recover a bit. Shane charges at Steelhart, but Steelhart is able to counter with a shoulder block between the gut that make Shane drop to his knees. Shane stumbles up and then Steelhart sets him up for a suplex over the top rope. But Shane is able to use his weight to get out of it and land feet first on to the apron. Holding on to the top rope with one hand and hitting some punches with the other Shane tries to stun Steelhart, but Steelhart is able to come back with a knee lift in to the gut of Shane. Steelhart then sets up Shane then goes for a one handed face crusher on Shane that sends him flying into the announcers desk face first. This draws a bit of a “holy shit” chant, Shane laying motionless on the announcers desk. Steelhart decides to climb to the top rope and then measures up Shane then leaps off the top for a top rope leg drop into the announcers desk where Shane is lying, but at the last second Shane moves out of the way and then Steelhart goes crashing into the table and totally destroys the table.]

JR-Good thing Shane moved, that could have been a DQ

King-wrestlers now a days…they just don’t know how to cheat!

[Steelhart isn’t moving in what was an announcing table. Shane is only starting to move right now, but can’t back to his feet due to the beating he has received so far. It takes sometime, but Shane is able to pull himself up and then roll into the ring and break up the count. Steelhart at this point is showing some signs of life. He starts to climb to the ring, Steelhart grabs the ropes and then pulls himself up. Shane stumbles up and then Steelhart once again hits a shoulder block that stun Shane some more. Shane stumbles back and then Steelhart times himself and then leaps in the air and then goes for a hurricanarana into a pin, but it’s blocked into a sit down power bomb and gets a 1…………..2………..kick out by Steelhart who is barely able to raise his shoulder off the mat after that last move! Shane stumbles up as does Steelhart, Steelhart goes for a wild punch that is blocked and retuned by Shane, then Shane after a few moments hits a few more and then backs up Steelhart to the ropes. Then Shane whips Steelhart off the ropes and then plants him with a spine buster.]

JR-Shane has taken control of the match

King-aw the finisher should be coming soon

[Shane then calls for the Shady tree, then waits for Steelhart to get up. Steelhart stumbles up to his feet and then Shane hits the Shady tree on Steelhart. Shane goes into the cover and gets the 1…………………2………………3]

[The Rock is then seen playing his guitar on one of the storage boxes, as from one of the entrances walks in Widow. Rock notices her as he places is guitar down.]

Rock: The Rock knows baby...he knows!

Widow: [Widow drops her bags and walks over to Rock.] And what would that be Rock.

Rock: The Rock knows why the sad face...I mean not only did you lose you title at Whiplash, but you are jealous it wasnt The Rock hitting on you at Whiplash.

Widow: Well dont you just have me figured out Rock.

Rock: Oh yeah baby, The Rock has got you covered...I've been noticing how you been gawking at The Rock. And The Rock knows you the crazy-freaky girl round here. But, thats cool Rock is into the handcuffs and the whips... Tell ya what The Rock could use a little late night excitement tonight so tell you what The Rock is gonna give you The Rock's hotel key and will see if Rock could do something for the sad face of yours alright?

[Widow just stares at Rock as if he were a idiot, Rock still sits there on the storage box smiling as he then nudges Gill who is beside him with his arms crossed trying to act like a bad ass.]

Rock: Check her out Gill...She is speechless...

Widow: You know you are a real.....

Rock: What? Greek God? Sexual Beast? Save it honey The Rock knows...just remember room 247 and try to be there around 1 or 2. Security take this girl away I think she is gonna faint with all of this excitement she is experiencing!

[Security just walk Widow away as she just continues to stare at The Rock as a moron. Rock then notices Raptor sitting at a table nearby reading a newspaper, his nostrals flare and he begins to get angry The Rock then storms over to Raptor.]

Rock: HEY! The Rock has been searching for you all night!

Raptor: haha..Is that right?!

Rock: Yeah, I just wanted to come over here and say what you said at Whiplash just wasn't cool... [fans cheer] No, It was just awesome! haha...And I thought this place had no hope, I like your style man. Hey, you dont know where I could get a cup of coffee do ya?

[A familiar voice is then heard after the Rock ask his question.]

Voice: I tell ya why you can't get a cup of coffee.

[Rock and Raptor then turn their attentions over to the hallway as up walks Teddy Long.]

Long: Its cause your black! Oh sure the white man can get a cup of coffee but, wheres the coffee whenever a black man needs it? No where to be seen thats where...

Raptor: [Stands up from where he is sitting] You know I totally agree with you.

Long: Uhhhh...Really?

Raptor: Mmmmmm...No.

[Raptor then tosses Teddy Long into a wall leaving a huge hole. Raptor then turns his attention to The Rock who has a big grin on his face.]

Rock: Like I said, I like your style.

[Rock pats Raptor on his back as Raptor looks at Rock's hand as to say get the fuck away from me. Rock then tosses his hands up to say he dont want no trouble as he backs off and Raptor takes his seat back and begins reading the newspaper again.]

“Oh Hell Yeah” blasts on the PA system as Wes walks to the ring

JR-It would seem that Wes is a bit angry these days

King-Yeah well if I was named “Wes” I would be angry too

“Barbedwire Chris theme” blasts on the PA system as Chris walks to the ring. Suddenly the light change to a weird color and then a "P" flashes over the EMF tron and then after a few moments it goes back to normal.

JR-This is a match straight from the mind of Chris….so this should be sick and twisted

King-Well at least he’s creative

[Wes and Chris pace around the cage looking around the specially built cage for a few moments. Chris charges in and then comes in firing fists at Wes, Wes blocks it with his arms as well as he can then he turns the tide by blocking one and then hitting a upper cut and then hits a few straight punches into the corner. Wes hits a few forearm shots to face of Chris. Wes then whips Chris to the turnbuckle, but Chris reverses the whip and then Wes goes hard into the turnbuckle. Chris then starts to grab a weed eater from the side of the cage. But Wes stumbles and then drops down and hits a low blow to stop that. Wes takes a few moments to recover and then pulls up Chris up and then sets up and then hits a sitdown piledriver. Wes then gets back to his feet and then pulls up Chris and then charges with him and then throws him into the barbedwire ropes, Chris twists in mid air and then goes back first into the barbedwire ropes, Chris screams in pain as the barbedwire tears at his flesh. Chris falls forward, the camera shows that Chris has a few small cuts on his back. Wes then waits for Chris to get up, Chris stumbles up and right into Wes and then Wes picks up Chris and then plants him in the middle of the ring with a side walk slam on Chris. Wes then goes into the cover and gets a 1……………2………..kick out. Wes gets up and then waits for Chris to get up, once he does Wes kicks Chris into the gut and then goes for a gut wretch power bomb, Wes is able to get him up. But Chris is able to turn it into a hurricanarana into a pin and gets the 1……………..2…………kick out, Chris then gets up and then grabs a weed eater. Then holds it and then waits for Wes to stumble up, Wes does and then Chris then smacks Wes cross the face with the weed eater. Wes goes down and then Chris holds up the weed eater and then starts it up. Chris has some problems with this, but finally gets it to start. Though this gave Wes sometime to recover, Chris then tries to use the weed eater on the face of Wes. But Wes’s arm shoots up just in time to stop any type of damage on Wes, Wes slides from under the weed eater and then gets up still holding it away from his face. Wes then fights the weed eater away from Chris and then then jabs the handle into the gut of Chris. Chris goes down to one knee and then Wes then measures up Chris and then smashes the handle of the weed eater into the back of Chris. Chris goes down and then Wes starts to choke Chris with the handle, then after a while Wes think he’s out. So he backs off and the ref starts the standing 10 count 1………………2…………….3……Chris starts to move……….4……………5…..Chris crawls over to the corner……………..6…………7…………..8……….9…..Chris gets back to his feet.]

King-This is extreme….anything extreme runs in a BINGO HALL!!

JR-Well at least he hasn’t found out that Paul Heyman works here

King-WHAT! The King of the Bingo Halls works here? AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH

[Chris stumbles up and then Wes measures up Chris, Wes then charges at Chris. But Chris counters and then Wes goes almost face first into the barbedwire that is only stopped by his hands going up. Wes is now very cut on the forearm and is bleeding fairly bad. Chris grabs the weed eater again and then starts it up, then inches it near and then uses it on Wes’s upper arm. Flesh goes flying as Wes screams and jerks around in pain (I would like to say that it’s only like a surface cut, so no whole arms or anything ) and then Chris tries to use it again. But Wes is able to quickly knock it out of his hands with a side kick. Wes goes down as he’s now bleeding worse from the arm. Chris waits for Wes to stumble up and then Wes does and then stumbles right into Chris and then sets up and then nails a arm breaker on Wes on the arm that’s bleeding like crazy right now. Then Chris goes into the cover and gets a 1………………..2………….kick out. Chris can’t believe that he didn’t get the 3 on that one. So he goes into the cover and gets a 1………………2……………..kick out. Wes gets up and then surprises Chris with inverted atomic drop. Wes in pain backs up and with his good arm he clotheslines Chris with his good arm. Then Wes starts up the weed eater and then starts chopping off flesh from Chris arm as blood gashes out of it]

JR-oh god *pukes*

King-This doesn’t bother me, I seen sicker things like…Ashlee *starts puking with JR*

[Chris is now bleeding like hell, Wes throws down the weed eater and then waits for Chris and then locks him in a full nelson Wes gets Chris up. But before he can slam him down. Chris twists in mid air right into a set up for a vertical suplex, Chris then in the same motion gets Wes up and hits the Brain buster! Both wrestlers are down as pools of blood form around them from the various cuts on their bodies. The ref starts the standing 10 count 1………………….2…………………..3……………………4………Chris starts to move up …………..5………………..6……………7………………8……Chris starts to stumble to his feet……………9…………….Chris gets to his feet right before the ref counts 10 and declares Chris the winner………The ref raises his arm he falls back down]

[The sounds of a organ are then heard as the EMF tron then lights up with a helicopter scanning a city. Everyone begins to stand with most fans booing and some die hard fans cheering as they know The Rock is about to make his way out. The music then hits in as out walks The Rock with a huge smile on his face. Rock strolls down the ramp very slowly receiving alot of boos from this Boston crowd. Rock then spots a very attractive young lady out in the audience as Rock then adjustes his Bull belt buckle as he gives her a little wink and makes a hand gesture of a phone. Rock then climbs the steps and very quickly makes his way to the corner to raise his arm to the people. The Rock then gets one leg up on the ring rope and then shakes his head no, Rock then mouths "Na" and walks in the ring recieving even more boos for the lack of respect. Rock then takes the mic.]


[Crowd begins to boo as one of the stage hands walk in the ring and whisper something in the Rock's ear.]

Rock: Boston...Chicago..Whats the difference! Ladies and gentlemen its what you've all been waiting all night long! The Rock knows it was that weedwacker match just a second ago. No its time for The Rock Special! And tonight The Rock has a special treat for the millions.. [Rock waits for the crowd to go millions.] The Rock said millions! Ahh forget all you Chicago bitches! You see The Rock is here tonight, in the lousy town of chicago errr boston to debut a new show!

JR: We have a new show? I've not anything about it.

King: Probably cause they dont want you ruining it like you do to Shockwave.

Rock: Everyone it seems as of late loves reality shows, and The Rock being the entertainer he is decided to listen to you jackasses and produce a show. And you know one of the big shows around takes you inside the home of your favorite celebrities like The Rock for example. But, dont you pieces of trash get all excited cause The Rock wouldn't dare let you look at his house..Oh No! You dont deserve to look at The Rock's house, but dont get all sad on The Rock now, cause he found someone for the very first episode of EMF Cribs!

King: Wow! EMF Cribs..Whose house will it be?!

Rock: Yeah The Rock has seen how you monkey asses love X-Cold and The Rock has been calling out the jabroni but, yet I haven't heard NOTHING! So The Rock decided to get a camera crew and see just what is X-Cold up to since retiring from EMF and running away with his tail between his legs from The Rock. So here it is ladies and gentlemen...I give you the very first edition of EMF Cribs!

[A graphic is then played flashing EMF Cribs as it then shows a limo driving through what seems to be a desert. The limo then stops as out walks The Rock.]

Rock: Shew! This better not take long The Rock cant be here in this dump!

[Rock then walks up to the house as its a very small trailer in very poor condition, Rock then knocks on the door and as he does the door falls down.]

Rock: Man I knew EMF paid bad but, The Rock wouldn't have guessed it be this bad.

[A man with a mullet and supporting a Rock shirt then walks up to the broken door as he yells out.]

X-Cold: OH MY GOD ITS YOU!! Do you realize how much of a dream this is to meet you sir!

Rock: Yeah I get that alot, you know The Rock was just passing along and you know The Rock has been calling you out man, why arent you responding.

X-Cold: Well geez Rock, reason I didnt respond is because I mean there is no way I could beat you I mean look at you and look at me. I mean you are the great one, the most electricfying man in sports today!

[Fans begin to boo at fake X-Cold, as most are pissed from not getting to see the real X-Cold.]

Rock: Don't forget about hollywood either...But, you know The Rock does see it now, there is just no way you could hang with me man. The Rock means look at you...Beer gut, out of shape, you look like hell man. But, man that mullet man its working for ya!

X-Cold: Really you think so? Well before you leave Rock, you just gotta say hello to Stephanie.

Rock: Alright I'll say hello to that beast...Where she at?

X-Cold: Honey!..Honey!..Come in here The Rock is in our living room! Hurry honey!...

Rock: Yeah it sure is gonna be fun seeing the battle axe again.

[A really fat woman then walks in as Rock stumbles back a bit by the site of this woman.]

Rock: Woah baby!..Steph, have you lost weight? The Rock has never seen you looking so better, have you lost weight?

Steph: Well I do sometimes get up to get the clicker.

Rock: Shew well you look amazing from the last time The Rock saw you. Hows all them STDs you got from the WWE boys coming along.

Steph: They are just great Rock, I am only down to like 2 or 3.

[The fake X-Cold then whispers something into the ear of the fake Steph.]

Steph: Well...4

Rock: Thats great..Thats great! Well you know The Rock has devolped this new show called EMF Cribs but, after taking a look at this place. Its in a bigger wreck then both of you, I mean look at this place... Stains in the carpet, holes in the furniture...

[Fake X-Cold then stomps on a nearby bug on the ground as he rubs the remains in the carpet.]

Rock: Look at that bugs crawling around...The Rock cant be dealing with all this filth. You know what boys get your stuff packed up and lets get the hell out of here!

Steph: Wait..Wait..You just gotta meet our children!

X-Cold: Yeah, please my son just absolutely idolizes you.

Rock: Big surprise, The Rock would think it be your fat monkey ass he be idolizing...Well hurry the hell up and get the little shits down here. And hurry The Rock is a busy man!

[Fake X-Cold then dashes for a room as he walks out with his little girl and boy.]

Rock: Hurry it up you lil' jabroni get your ass over here!

[The kids then stand infront of X-Cold as Rock begins to shake the little girls hand.]

Rock: Whats your name little darlin?

Catherine: My name is Catherine..I cant count to 10.

Rock: Beating your daddy's record of 5...Now beat it, wash ya ass get out of here!

[Rock then turns his attention to the little boy, Rock begins to shake his hand as Rock stares into the boy's face. Rock just continues to stand there looking at the kid and thinking.]

Rock: You know as The Rock looks at this little kid, he looks just like Triple H.

[Fake X-Cold then begins to look at the kid, and begins to think to himself. The fake Stephanie stands in the background with her finger up to her mouth looking at Rock as to say please shut up.]

X-Cold: You know, I never really notice...

Rock: Yeah man..The Rock has never seen a nose like that before except for Triple H.

Steph: Ohh its getting late..I think you should really leave now.

Rock: With pleasure!

[The clips then end as Rock stands holding himself up by the top rope trying not to fall over from laughing so hard. The boston crowd just begins to loudly boo as then the lights go out and the fans begin to cheer hoping to see X-Cold. A video then plays of X-Cold with showcasing some of his classic matches then tape then reaches its end with the words "X-Cold Returns Next Shockwave!" Fans begin to go nuts as Rock sits there with a very worried look on his face and begins talking to himself.]

JR: UH OH!! You did it now big boy! You wanted X-Cold you got em!

King: uhh..The Rock aint scared JR! The Rock is the greatest of all time why worry about X-Cold? I mean you seen him on that tape he looked in awful shape!

Rock: ummm..

JR: Look at him he is speechless he knows X-Cold is gonna rip him limb from limb!

[Fans cheer and begin to taunt The Rock as Rock just paces back in forth as he seems worried.]

Rock: Ahh shut your mouths you pieces of trash! [In Rock's mocking voice] Oh HURRAY X-COLD IS COMING BACK!! YEEAH!! [Rock runs around the ring clapping his hands] X-Cold! You think you are gonna scare The Rock, Well oh no not today..Cause you see The Rock aint scared of NO-BODY! You see X-Cold come next shockwave The Rock will be on top...Just like The Rock is on top of wrestling, just like The Rock is on top in Hollywood, and just like Stephanie was on top of every man in that locker room.

JR: Keep talking Rock...X-Cold is listening to every bit of this!

Rock: You see come next shockwave, The Rock will show everyone who truly is the greatest of all time! And X-Cold that is the jabroni beating!, [Rock does pattern tongue thing] pie eatin!, trail blazin! Eyebrow raising! Stronger then a bear...Faster then a buck! Best thing to ever hit Boston cause the celtics SUCK! [Crowd with a VERY loud boo.]

Rock: IF YA SMELLOWLOWAHH...What The Rock..[Crowd: Is Cookin', Rock waves his finger as to say "no no"] Is Cookin!

[Rock's theme then hits as Shockwave fades out.]