EMF: Saturday Shockwave

The EMF shockwave video starts, once it ends we go into the arena where the lights are already turned on and there is no pyrotechnics for this show

King-Small shows suck

JR-We haven’t even started and your already going to insult the show

King-well it stopped you from doing the

“bring me to life” blasts on the PA system as Widow walks to the ring as the insane yell of Austin Powers can be heard from the back as the song he hates plays

King-She must not like that back stage worker

JR-seems so King

“The Game” blasts on the PA system as Ashlee walks to the ring, somewhere in another part of the world SCSA shutters

King-I wonder if Stonecold is still bitter about Ashlee using his theme

JR-probably is.

[Ashlee starts out the match with a charge and spear to Widow. Ashlee hits a few fists to the side of the head of Widow as Widow does her best to block the blows. Ashlee pulls up Widow and then whips her off the ropes. Widow bounces off the ropes and then Ashlee lowers her head for a back body drop. But it’s counted by Widow grabbing Ashlee by the hair and then yanking her to the mat by her hair. Widow stumbles back and then grabs the ropes and then trys to recover for a second. Then once she has, Widow notices that Ashlee has gotten up to all fours. So Widow hits a hard stiff kick into the gut of Ashlee. Ashlee goes flying to the other side of the ring. Ashlee slowly gets to her feet as Widow moves in. Then Widow chokes Ashlee with the ring rope, the ref counts her and Widow lets up and then backs off Ashlee gets up stunned on the ropes. Widow hits a fist or two and then whips Ashlee to the rope. Ashlee bounces off the ropes and then Widow kicks Ashlee in the gut and then doubles over Ashlee and then runs to the ropes and hits a spinning neck breaker on Ashlee. Widow then goes into the cover, Widow gets a 1……………..2……….kick out on Ashlee. Widow stares up at the ref and yells “that was 3!” Widow then pulls up Ashlee and then sets up Ashlee and then puts her up in a vertical suplex and then drops her on the top rope. Widow then kneels down and hits a jab to the face that sends Ashlee on the apron. Widow waits for Ashlee to get up. Once she does Widow then goes for a suplex back into the ring. But Ashlee is able to shift her weight and then she falls on to the ground on her feet. Ashlee the pushes Widow to the ropes and then trys to roll her up. Ashlee rolls to the middle of the ring, Widow fakes as if she’s going for a clothesline. But then stops half way, this draws Ashlee to try a clothesline. But Widow ducks it and then sets up Widow and then nails a front Russian leg sweep. Widow goes into the cover and gets the 1……………..2…………..kick out.]

JR-Widow is controlling this match

King-Ashlee must be confused right now, she’s not use to laying flat on her back

[Widow then goes to the outside and then goes to the top rope. Widow then waits for Ashlee to get up, once Ashlee does. Widow waits for the right moment. But this doesn’t happen before Ashlee stumbles and runs against the ropes to shake them and Widow falls on top rope and then Ashlee then has to recover for a few seconds and then climbs to the top rope. Ashlee then hooks Widow and hits a super plex. Both women are down and the ref starts to use his standing 10 count 1…………….2…………….3…………..4……Ashlee is slowly able to start turning over……..5………..6………..Ashlee goes into the cover and gets a 1………….2………..kick out. Widow rolls to the ropes and Ashlee is there to get up. Widow gets up using the ropes. Ashlee is slow to get up due to the beating she has received. Trying to gain the advantage back, Widow charges at Ashlee and trys to knock her down with a clothesline. But Ashlee ducks it and then waits until Widow turns around and hits a few hard fists to the face. Ashlee whips Widow off the ropes, Widow bounces off the ropes and Ashlee goes for a clothesline. But Ashlee ducks it and then Widow continues to the other side of the ring. Ashlee then runs to the opposite side of the ring where Widow is. Ashlee bounces off the ropes as Widow does and meets Widow with a flying forearm to the face that puts Widow down. Ashlee tells Widow to get up, Widow gets up and then gets hit with a front spinebuster. Ashlee then goes into the cover and gets a 1……………………..2…………….kick out]

King-oh god…if Ashlee is champion…aww shit I just looked at her *pukes*


[Widow slides out of the ring, Ashlee follows. Ashlee trys to whip Widow to the steel steps. But Widow reverses it and Ashlee goes crashing into the steel steps, Widow rolls Ashlee into the ring and then brings in a steel chair and then waits until Ashlee gets up. But the ref trys to get it from her, Widow puts it up near her face making sure the ref doesn’t get it, suddenly Ashlee drop kicks it into Widow’s face. Ashlee then goes to the top rope as Widow is seemly out, Ashlee then goes for a moonsault. But at the last second Widow moves out of the way and Ashlee goes crashing into the mat. Both women are down, Widow grabs the chair with her back turned to the ref and Ashlee hiding it as she knows that she doesn’t have much more time. So with her last burst of energy as Ashlee gets up, Widow smacks Ashlee over the head with the chair. Ashlee is out cold!]

[Widow then pulls up the out cold Ashlee and picks up the dead weight Ashlee and nails the Widow’s peak. Stevie Richards materializes out of no where to scream at Ashlee “She showed you!!!”]

“The Ladies man theme” blasts on the PA system as the Ladies man walks to the ring

King-Hey JR it’s the Ladies man, you know what that means *King grows an afro*


“Barbedwire Chris theme” blasts on the PA system as Chris walks to the ring

JR-They all played college football!

*King hits JR in the back of the head*

King-JR were in the EMF, we don’t have to suck anymore as announcers

JR-oh right…

[Ladies man and Chris lock up, Ladies man puts on a waist lock on Chris. But Chris hits a back elbow to break up that. Chris then runs to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes. Ladies man trys to leap frog, but Chris puts on the breaks and then hits a punch to the face that floors the Ladies man. Chris hits a few stomps on the downed Ladies man, then Chris pulls up the Ladies man then trys to whip him to the ropes. But Ladies man reverses and sends him off the ropes. Chris bounces off the ropes and then leaps in the air and then catcges Ladies man with a cross body blcok. Chris rolls off and away from the ladies man who gets up and charges at Chris, Chris then hits a release arm drag take down that sends the Ladies man to the outside. Chris then waisting no time slides out of the ring and then pulls up the Ladies man and then sets him up and then throws him right into the steel steps. Ladies man crashes into the steps and screams in pain as Chris slowly waits for him to get up. Ladies man slowly stumbles to his feet holding his shoulder and then Chris picks him up and then drops him on the barcade and then the Ladies man stumbles up from the shot and then Chris rolls Ladies man into the ring. Chris then hops up on the apron and then goes to the top rope and waits for Ladies man to get up. Once he does he leaps off the top rope and hits a missile drop kick. Chris goes into the cover after taking a little time to get into the cover and gets a 1………….2……….kick out! Chris hits the mat a bit fustrated that move didn’t finish off Ladies man. Chris then puts on a arm bar and hits a few knee drops into the arm and then puts the Ladies man into the arm bar once again and Ladies man looks for a way out. Ladies man then slowly gets to his feet and then backs Chris the ropes and then trys to whip him off the arm bar. But Chris holds on and then twists Ladies man arm and then sets him up and hits a Russian leg sweep on Ladies man. Chris then slowly backs up and then taking his time, not really showing much regard goes for a high leg drop. But the Ladies man moves out of the way as the camera gets a zoomed in at Chris’s pain expression]

JR-Chris might have taken this newbie too lightly

King-Well the Ladies man told me to announce this “Ladies if your rich and I don’t win tonight…..meet me at the nacho cart”

[Chris then gets up in pain, Ladies man gets up as well. Chris then swings wildy with a fist but it’s blocked and then returned by the Ladies man, Ladies man is able to follow it up with a few hard fists and back up Chris to the ropes. Chris is reeling on the ropes and then the Ladies man whips him off the ropes and then Chris bounces off the ropes and the Ladies man hits the back body drop. Chris goes crashing into the mat and then the Ladies man waits for Chris to get up. Chris stumbles up holding his back, the Ladies man then scoops up Chris and his a body slam. Ladies man then goes to the nearest turnbuckle and then leaps off the second rope and nails Chris with a flying fist drop on Chris. The Ladies man goes for the cover and gets the 1………….2………kick out. The Ladies man waits until Chris gets up, Chris stumbles near the turnbuckle and then Ladies man hits a big splash in the corner. Chris stumbles out a few steps and then falls to the mat in the sitting position against the turnbuckle. The Ladies man then chokes Chris with his boot. The Ladies man then backs off and then charges and nails Chris with a front drop kick. The Ladies man then pulls up Chris and then puts him up on his shoulders and then walks to the center of the ring and then plants Chris with a death valley driver. Chris then goes into the cover and gets the 1…………..2………kick out]


King-I knew all a long the Ladies man would win!

[Ladies man climbs to the top rope and Chris gets up, Ladies man leaps off for a double ax handle. But in mid air Chris hits a kick into the gut in mid air that doubles over Ladies man, Chris then sets Ladies man up and then lifts him up and drops him on his head for the 1…………..2……………3] “Dark Circle theme” blasts on the PA system as Nash and Ravage walks to the ring

JR-they better not take this newbies lightly

King-Like they care…wait a minute you already said that…AAAWW newbies everywhere!

“Dirty D’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Dirty D and Shane walks to the ring.

JR-Winning here would help Dirty D’s career

King-Well he needs to win, beating the Ladies man in a dark match isn’t that impressive

[Shane and Nash start out, Shane and Nash lock up. But Nash pushes Shane to the corner of the ring. Shane just looks at Nash in the corner as Nash paces around the ring, Shane then gets up and paces as well. Nash and Shane lock up, then Shane goes behind Nash. Nash trys to counter with a back elbow, but Shane then ducks and Nash is in position for a northern lights suplex. Nash grabs the ropes to prevent that from even happening and then Nash hits a knee to the gut and then stuns Shane. Shane stumbles a little bit and then Nash hits a few forearms and then whips Shane to the ropes and then Shane bounces off the ropes and then Nash nails Shane with a hard shoulder block. Nash then waits as Shane crawls towards the ropes and then Nash chokes Shane the ref counts and makes Nash break up the move. Nash then runs to the ropes ropes and then comes crashing down on Shane’s upper back. Shane gets up in pain and then stumbles right into Nash who then puts Shane in a bear hug. Shane looks for a way out, but can’t find it because he’s in pain. Slowly Shane starts to fade away, the ref checks and when he sees that he’s seemly out he starts to check the arm of Shane once…………..twice…….before it can go up a third time Shane then raises his arm and slowly comes to life. Once he does Shane hits a few a shots to the side of the head and then Shane nails Nash with a few fists and then Nash backs to the ropes and then Shane trys to whip Nash to the ropes. But Nash reverses the move and then sends Shane to the ropes. Shane bounces off the ropes, Nash catches Shane while he’s bouncing off the ropes and then drives him into the mat with his pattern side walk slam. Nash goes into the cover and gets a 1………………2………..kick out. Shane stumbles up and into the corner, Nash then hits a few hard back elbows into the corner and then Nash uses his boot to choke Shane. Nash then whips Shane to the ropes and then charges in with him and then nails Shane with a hard clothesline in the corner. Shane stumbles out as Nash takes his time and then trys to whip Shane to the ropes, but Shane makes a dead stop and doesn’t let go of Nash’s hand. Then he pulls Nash towards him and catches Nash with a spinebuster in the middle of the ring. Both wrestlers are down.]

JR-What a spine buster!

King-man JR were not even simming this match and your talking like an idiot. *channeling smark opinion* That spine buster sucked, even Triple H does a better spine buster and he is satan of the wrestling world! Don’t mind the fact all these opinions are based on everything that is excepted in my community on the internet and I’m a mindless zombie *un channels smark opinion* But in the real world you still suck JR!

Both men lay there after the Devastating spine buster. Both men struggle to get to their respectivecorners where Dirty D and Ravage are both Reaching for Tags. Shane crawls over and tags in Dirty D, asDirty D gets in the ring Nash goes to tag Ravage but D grabs Nash’s leg only toget a make shift enzuguri and Nash makes a diving leap towards his cornertagging Ravage. Ravage climbs in thering and hits D with a clothesline, and again when D gets up. Ravage goes for another clothesline and Dsensing a pattern ducks it and hits a spinning back kick, taking both mendown. The Ref starts the 10 count…

Jim Ross- Looks like both men are down.

Jerry The King Lawler- You’re kidding right?

The Ref continues his count.. (5.) (6.), both men stir and get up,both exchanging right hands. As D bounces off the ropes and takes Ravage downwith a cross body. D gets back up and calls for Shane to get in for the doubleteam. They pick up Ravage and hit adouble suplex.. Shane keeps the Refdistracted while D chokes Ravage. Onceorder is restored both men are back up fighting once again. D throws Ravage tothe ropes and Ravage holds on as D attempts a dropkick and misses, Ravage walksover and takes advantage locking in an STF. The Ref checks for D to Tap, Drefuses and inches his way to the ropes…. He reaches out and grabs the bottomrope and Ravage breaks the hold.. D stands up favoring his left leg, and asRavage comes over, D punches him a couple times and hits the ropes then slidesunder, between Ravage’s legs and hits a facecrusher from behind.

Coach- Dare I say he is making the CLA. CLA. CLA. CLASSICCOMEBACK.

King- Where the hell did you come from?

Both men continue the battle as D comes over to continue theattack and Ravage out of desperation hits a low blow..

Coach- That one was in the NETHER REGIONS.

King- *gets up and pile drives Coach through the Announce Table*There take that.

Jim Ross- Thanks for taking care of him King, but look at ourTable.

King- What are you so happy about…I still HATE YOU JR

*King hits a piledriver on JR*

D lays on the ground in pain as Ravage moves over and Tags inNash. Nash pulls up Dirty D and then whips him to the ropes and then Nash lowers his head and then Dirty D counters this with a small package and is able to hold him for the 1…………2………..3 as Shane nails Ravage with a fist that knocks him off the apron. Nash gets up pissed and then Shane and Dirty D get out of the ring and run up the ramp holding their hands up in victory as Shockwave goes off the air]