EMF: Saturday Shockwave

The EMF Shockwave video starts, as it ends we go into an arena that is already lighted up with “CM Punk’s” blasting over the PA system as CM Punk is holding himself up with crutches.

.::CM Punk::.-Oh yeah, I bet you all think it was funny. You think that I finally got what was coming to me last Saturday Shockwave when Chris Jericho broke my leg…but I’m sure the hell are not laughing, because of it I have to retire from the ring.

(Crowd boo’s in respect, though some who just don’t like CM Punk cheer. But before CM Punk says another word in his going away speach, TwiLighT walks down the ramp and steps into the ring

TwiLighT: CM Punk, I really hate to see you go. Me and you have done some great things together. From the rivalry we had when we first met, to our run as tag team champions. We were the men who helped make the Ministry huge. Hell, we were the men who made The Alliance huge, Remember that? We were double champions longer than most tag teams can ever hope to be. However, with the good times came some bad. After all, it was your fault that Badd Boy has one little win over me. Granted I beat him five times, but because you got pinned in a tag match a while back, he has one over me. Further more, you were the weak link in The Alliance. Maybe that stable wouldn't have failed if you were able to beat Enforcer and get the IC title. But fuck all that, tonight isn't about what you didn't do. You are an amazing talent, someone who in my eyes deserves Hall of Fame treatment. Yes, tonight isn't about your short coming. Tonight is about........this........

*TwiLighT kicks CM Punk in the gut and drops him with the Lights Out. He picks up the microphone as he walks to the outside of the ring.*

TwiLighT: Tonight is about me sending you off on a high note.

*TwiLighT pulls a florecent light bulb out from under the ring and climbs back into the ring while CM Punk slowly gets to his feet.*

TwiLighT: Who's hardcore now, bitch?

*TwiLighT cracks CM Punk over the head with the florecent lightbulb. As Punk drops to the floor, TwiLighT jumps to the turnbuckle and leaps off, giving CM Punk the Darkness Falls. TwiLighT picks up the microphone as he gets up.*

TwiLighT: Happy retirement, posuer.

*TwiLighT toss the microphone down and hops out of the ring. He taunts on the way out as "Lava TwiLighT" starts to play and the camera zooms in on a bloody CM Punk. We go into commercial and go back *

JR-Everyone we were shocked to see what happen to CM Punk, but even more so with what happen during the commercial break

*the scene changes into CM Punk being helped out of the arena on a stretcher , suddenly the lights go out and there are loud crashes are heard. When the lights come back on, the EMT’s are looking around confused, then looks down in shock as CM Punk is on the arena floor through a table even more messed up than before *

King-Well guess that proves that stealing doesn’t pay

JR-Punk’s lucky to be alive..

“Never gonna stop” blasts on the PA system as Edge runs out and does his entrance.

Coach-Well at least this week he didn’t sing

JR-….do you ever shut up

Coach-Do you?

“Assassin’s theme” blasts on the PA system

King-You know Wasabi once asked if Assassin was a Sniper like AN ARKE, he never got back to him on that

Coach-Who knows we could be marked right now

JR-No…I’m not that lucky

[Edge and Assassin hammer away at each other, Edge is able to let Assassin get the advantage and then blocks one fist and then returns it for a fist that knocks down Assassin. Assassin gets up and then Edge hits a hard fists that knocks him down again and then Assassin crawls into the corner, Edge then hits a few hard stomps on the downed Assassin, who then pulls himself up in the corner and then Assassin hits a few hard fists and then Edge then sets up and then whips Assassin to the opposite side of the turnbuckle and then Assassin goes into the corner and then hits it hard and then stumbles out of the corner and then Assassin weaken then goes for a dazed clothesline, Edge ducks it and then nails a face plant. Edge then hits a few stomps on the downed Assassin who then Edge pulls up Assasin knowning that he can’t win this match pinning Assassin, Edge pulls up Assassin and then whips Assassin to the ropes, Assassin bounces off the ropes Edge then quickly hits a back elbow. Edge then backs to the ropes and then nails a big leg drop. Edge then goes to the corner and then takes off the turnbuckle covering and then Edge takes off the turnbuckle covering and then grabs the tag rope, Edge then takes the tag rope and then wraps it around Assassin’s throat and then legs go after a little bit. Edge knowing he will have to do more damage pulls up Assassin who is trying to gain back the oxygen that was cut off due to the tag rope and then Edge backs up Assassin to the turnbuckle and then Edge then hits a few hard knife edge chops and then whips Assassin to the ropes. Assassin bounces off the ropes, and Edge hits a spinning heel kick that knocks him down and then Assassin stumbles up and then Edge hits an inverted atomic drop and then Edge backs up and then hits a diving clothesline and then Edge then decides to go to the outside and then drags in a chair and then Edge slides into the ring with the chair and then Edge puts the chair between the second and third turnbuckle. Edge then picks up Assassin and then hits a body slam, and then waits for Assassin to get back to his feet in the corner and then Assassin stumbles up and then Edge charges and goes for a spear. But then Assassin jumps out of the way and then throws Edge and then smashes into the chair shoulder first.]

JR-That might cost Edge

Coach-Well I knew that Edge wasn’t always the smartest wrestler alive…

[Edge falls to the mat and then Assassin then grabs the chair and then waits for Edge to get up. Edge stumbles up and then Assassin gets ready as Edge turns around Edge gets a hard shot from Assassin with the steel chair. Edge falls to the mat, Assassin then hits a few stomps on the downed Edge, who then starts rolling and then falls out of the ring. Assassin then goes to his knee’s, then slowly gets to his feet and then climbs out of the ring and then see’s Edge is getting up. Assassin then hits a few punches and then picks up Edge and then drops him on his face on the announcers table. Edge bounces up and then Assassin grabs Edge by the hair and then throws him to the steel steps, Edge crashes into them back first and then Assassin pushes the base of the stairs off and then Assassin throws Edge on the base of the steps, Assassin then pulls up Edge who seems to be out of it and then picks up Edge and nails a sit down piledriver. Edge now seems to be out of it, Assassin then starts to drag him to the other side of the ring and into the isle way, though Edge starts to come to and then hits a few fists to stop from Assassin to drag him any further and then Edge gets up, Assassin comes back and then Edge kicks him in the gut and then sets him up and nails a snap suplex on the cement isle way. Edge then goes to his knee’s, still trying to recover. Edge stumbles up and then Assassin nails a low blow on Edge sending back on his knee’s in pain and then Assassin gets up and then drop kicks him back of the head]

JR-Assassin lost the advantage there for a few seconds, but he’s been able to get it back with a low blow..and that’s legal in this match

King-Wow, you figured that one out all by yourself

[Assassin then grabs Edge, and then throws him near the grave site. Edge starts to crawl away from Assassin who is trying to take his time, Edge then crawls up to top of the mount of dirt and then grabs a shovel, staying with his back turn to keep the shovel concealed, and then turns around to try to blast Assassin with the shovel, but Assassin ducks it and then drives Edge down into the Assassinator. Edge looks for a way out of the move, but can’t and starts tapping…even though it doesn’t count. Edge then looks for another way to break the hold. Edge the grabs a bit of dirt and then throws it into the face of Assassin. Breaking the hold and then blinding him, Assassin is stumbling around. Edge shoots up and then sets up Assassin and then nails the Edgucution on Assassin that sends him falling into the grave hole. Edge though is too messed up from the Assassinator to start to dig. Edge takes a few moments before getting to his feet, but suddenly he gets cracked from behind with the shovel by someone. The camera looks over to see who it is….it’s Tyson Tomko! Tomko then waits for Edge, Edge stumbles up and then Tomko hits a big boot that sends Edge flying into the grave. Assassin then jumps out of the grave and then rolls down the hill of dirt still effected by Edge’s finisher. Suddenly Rey Mysterio comes running out and then gets meted with a shovel shot to the gut and then Tomko loads up Mysterio, picks him up and then drops him with a power bomb into the grave. Tomko looks down and then backs up, and leaves to the back stage area. Assassin is fully recovered and then grabs the shovel noticing that Edge isn’t around, he sees that bodies are in the grave. Not asking any questions Assassin then starts to shove dirt, then finally he covers Edge and Mysterio and wins the match

JR-Assassin wins this match, he’s going to Whiplash to face the TV champion. But that’s not the story, it’s Tyson Tomko…what was he doing?

Coach-I guess Edge was a problem

King-Well sucks to be Edge and Rey

*Shockwave comes back from commercial and the ring is filled with furniture. There are two leather recliners, along with a TV screen. Suddenly, John Cena' music, and he comes out on to the stage. He gives the crowd the 'untouchables' sign, and heads to the ring. Once in the ring, he pulls out a microphone.*

Cena: "Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo. It's time for Palm Springs to make a little noise!" *Cena raises the microphone into the air as the crowd roars it's approval.*

Cena: "Welcome one and all to another visit to the Hip Hop Clinic. Tonight, we do a second check-up with the former husband of the lovely Nurse Mercedes. That's right, for the first time since I beat the hell out of him at Hell on Earth, Eric Bischoff will step foot into this ring tonight. Hopefully, we'll get a little more insight into the saddest man on the planet. But, before I relive my past glory, I would like to draw your attention to the Cena-tron, if you please. Roll the tape, fellas."

*The TV screen shows a clip from last week's Shockwave where John Cena F-U's Twilight through the announce table. It's shows the F-U from 3 different angles, the third in super slo-motion. Then it shows another clip, one of Twilight getting rolled back into the ring and pinning Cactus Jack.*

Cena: *Shaking his head in disgust.* "Watching that back just makes my simmer. Seeing that clown get the 1-2-3 when I was the obvious winner. I beat his sorry gothic ass all over the arena. Twilight now knows his worst nightmare come true is John Cena. The camera don't lie man, you know you can't beat me. You better light some more goth candles, cause you can't see me. *waves hand in front of face* We both lit each other up last week, I couldn't show all the picures -- But I got the final shot in -- just like Derek Fisher. Two weeks ago, Twilight got out-rapped and out-thought. I proved I'm better again last week when Twilight got out-fought. I'm the new rookie phenom, I'm the best of the young batch I'd take your title at the PPV, but you already got a match. You don't think for a second that John Cena would give up that easy Cause for your match at Whiplash, Twilight, I'm the special guest referee *Cena pauses for a moment as the crowd gets loud following his rap.*

Cena: "Chill, chill, chill. But, now, boys and girls, it's time for a little dose of the past, not the future. So, let me bring out the next visitor to the Hip-Hop Clinic, ERIC BISCHOFF!!'

*"I'm Back!" hits and Eric Bishcoff slowly walks to the ring. He doesn't have his usual smile on his face, his shoulders are slumped, and his head is looking down as he makes his way to the ring. He slowly gets in the ring.*

Cena: "That's right, Eric, come on in. The Hip-Hop Clinic does treat senior citizens, too."

*The crowd gets a good laugh out of Cena's joke and Bischoff gives him a very dirty look. The fans really let him have it as he gets in the ring and sits down on one of the couches. He pulls out a microphone from his back pocket.*

Bischoff: "This better be worth my damn time, Cena. I don't have the time to play kid's games or have a rhyming contest."

Cena: "Chill, old man. I hope you didn't throw your hip out sitting down on that fine leather sofa there. Now, I'm sure Palm Springs is dying to know how you're passing the time alone these days. I mean, how much Viagra do you really have left to use?"

Bischoff: "Is this what you really want, Cena? Did you call me out here to rub it in my face even more that I am as miserable as I've ever been?"

Cena: "Well, pretty much, yeah. Seeing you miserable brings a smile to my face."

Bischoff: "Very funny, Cena. You should be more careful of what you say to me. You do know that I am a very influential person in that locker room, especially when it comes to one Triple H. Now, I heard you saying something about wanting a title shot against Twilight, is that right? Well, if you keep up this little attitude of yours, and don't show me the proper respect, I can guarantee you that your little request will never even make it to the bargaining table. Do I make myself clear?"

Cena: "Maybe you don't remember what happened at the last PPV, but let me remind you that I'm not afraid of you. You and your little puppet Coach there got your asses handed to you by me, and don't think for a minute that if you step out of line that I won't do it again."

Bischoff: "Speaking of stepping out, where's your little nurse friend at tonight? Did she finally see you as the phony you are? Did she 'forget' you, like she did me? Or did she jus--"

*Suddenly, music starts and Mercedes makes her way towards the ring. She is not in the nurses outfit she usually wears for the clinic, blue jeans, a white top and a leather jacket. She has an envelope in her hands as she makes her way into the ring. She calls for a microphone.*

Mer: "Boys, boys, I've seen you fight over me once, and i think that's all i can stomach. But I didn't come out here to break up a fight, I came out here to finally set the record straight....."

Mer: "You see, I've spent the past couple weeks doing a lot of soul searching, and a lot of looking at old photos, books, articles, anything that could give me a clearer picture of what I was, hoping to figure out what it is I really want. And, I think I've finally got it right"

Mer *turns to face Cena* "John, I can't thank you enough for everything you've done. without your help these past few weeks, I wouldn't have had all this time to get my head clear, and for that, I can never repay you. You will always mean something special to me."

*Mer gives Cena a hug, then turns to Bischoff....*

Mer: "Eric, I know that we haven't seen eye to eye recently, but I've come to realize that you did have my best interests in mind with what you did, and for that, I thank you. I also, have something you need to look at"

*She hands Bischoff the envelope, and he pulls out the papers. Bischoff quicky scans them.*

Bisch: "What the hell are you doing? Why did you bring these out here? These are our divorce papers I signed weeks ago. Why do you still have them?"

Mer: "Take a closer look, Eric. I think you'll find your answer here."

*Mer flips the papers to the last page, and points to the bottom. Bischoff gets a stunned look on his face, then he turns to look at Mer. Mer nods her head, then smiles at him.

Mer :"That's right, honey. Since I haven't signed the papers, and the legal timeline has passed, techincally, we are still married. See, I've figured out that no matter what I've heard these people say, you've always been there when I needed you. We had everything I wanted before my accident, and it's clear to me now that while a few minor things have changed, I can have everything I used to have, and that includes you. I still love you, Eric."

*Bischoff and Mer embrace, while Cena stands in disbelief. Bischoff gives Cena a very smug look while the couple embraces. She pulls away, and Bischoff turns to Cena, handing him the papers to look at. As Cena reads them over, Bischoff's evil grin returns. Then Mer places her hands on Bischoff's face and turns his head toward hers. Suddenly, Mer reaches back her right hand and slaps Bischoff across the face, nearly knocking him over. He glares at her as she begins to speak.*

Mer: "That's for that little incident with the waitress from Shooters. Oh, yeah, I know all about it."

*Bischoff looks at Mer with a stunned look as Cena begins to laugh at him for getting slapped. Bischoff begins to try to explain himself, but just then Mer grabs Bischoff's face and plants a deep kiss on his lips. When she pulls back, Bischoff has a crazy look in his eyes, and takes Mer by the hand. They both smile, and leave the ring together, leaving Cena standing there, jaw hanging wide open in shock, as the camera fades out."

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Undertaker!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[Undertaker comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Kaedon!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Kaedon walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Kaedon gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Undertaker. Kaedon executes a pumphandle suplex on Undertaker. (ring, ring, ring) Kaedon gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Kaedon is up again. Kaedon executes a swinging bulldog on Undertaker driving Undertaker's face into the mat. Kaedon stands up. Undertaker climbs to his feet. Kaedon uses a lariat on Undertaker. Kaedon executes a corkscrew legdrop on Undertaker. Kaedon stands up. Undertaker is up again. Undertaker executes an airplane spin on Kaedon. Undertaker climbs to his feet. Kaedon gets hit with the shooting star press from Undertaker. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Kaedon escapes. Now Kaedon standing. ]

The King - editting the commentator is good

Undertaker drops Kaedon with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Kaedon places Undertaker on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (ring, ring, ring) Undertaker drives a forearm into Kaedon. Kaedon kicks Undertaker in the groin. Undertaker uses a snap mare takeover on Kaedon. Kaedon is up again. Undertaker hits Kaedon with a rolling elbow smash to the face. ]

The King - Kaedon takes a rolling elbow smash.

[Kaedon climbs to his feet. Kaedon hits Undertaker with a single arm DDT. Kaedon moves back to his feet. Kaedon hits Undertaker with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Kaedon climbs to his feet. Kaedon fist drops Undertaker on the mat. Kaedon gets back to his feet. Undertaker is back on his feet. Undertaker hits Kaedon with the back of his elbow. Kaedon gets tiger suplexed by Undertaker. Undertaker climbs to his feet. Undertaker stomps Kaedon's head. Undertaker fist drops Kaedon on the mat. Undertaker gets back to his feet. Kaedon gets back to his feet. Kaedon trys for a t-bone suplex but Undertaker avoids it. Kaedon drags Undertaker to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Kaedon executes a huge gutbuster on Undertaker. Undertaker gets up. (...3) Undertaker uses a lariat on Kaedon. Kaedon moves back to his feet. (....4) Kaedon punches Undertaker in the gut. (.....5) Kaedon takes Undertaker into the ring. Kaedon double underhook faceslams Undertaker hard to the Undertaker. Kaedon rolls onto Undertaker connecting with a knee. Undertaker climbs to his feet. Kaedon bites Undertaker's arm out of desparation. Kaedon gouges Undertaker's eyes out. Undertaker hits a dragon suplex on Kaedon. Undertaker moves back to his feet. Undertaker locks him in the arm hammerlock submission. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... (AHHHH!) ... Kaedon escapes. Undertaker executes a corkscrew legdrop on Kaedon. Undertaker is back on his feet. Kaedon chops Undertaker. Undertaker gives Kaedon a reverse neckbreaker. Now Undertaker standing. Kaedon stands up. Kaedon picks up Undertaker and hits him with a Back Suplex. Kaedon is back on his feet. Kaedon and Undertaker go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Undertaker gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Kaedon. Kaedon is back on his feet. (...3) Kaedon grabs Undertaker and applies an arm wrench. Now Undertaker standing. Undertaker executs the slingshot facebuster, slamming Kaedon's face to the floor. Undertaker is up again. They fight into the aisle. (....4) Undertaker swings a Steel chair and hits Kaedon. Kaedon is bleeding as a result. (.....5) Undertaker and Kaedon move back to ringside. Undertaker and Kaedon move back into the ring. Undertaker hits Kaedon with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. ]

JR - elbowdrop!

[Undertaker is back on his feet. Kaedon gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Undertaker. Undertaker is back on his feet. Kaedon grabs Undertaker by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. Kaedon is hit with a backward kick. Kaedon stands up. Undertaker hits a running forearm smash on Kaedon's face. Undertaker hits Kaedon with a baba chop. Undertaker knocks Kaedon out with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam. Undertaker and Kaedon go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Undertaker knee drops Kaedon. Undertaker stands up. Undertaker with a falling splash on Kaedon. Undertaker moves back to his feet. (..2) Undertaker executes a piledriver on Kaedon. Undertaker climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Kaedon. (...3) Undertaker hits a frog splash on Kaedon. Undertaker chants start. Undertaker is up again. Undertaker puts Kaedon in an arm grapevine submission. (....4) Undertaker runs in and leg drops Kaedon. Undertaker chants start. Undertaker grabs Kaedon and applies an arm wrench. (.....5) Undertaker executes a huge gutbuster on Kaedon. Undertaker knees Kaedon and rolls back to his feet. (......6) Undertaker kicks Kaedon on the floor. Undertaker puts Kaedon in an arm grapevine submission. Kaedon stands up. (.......7) Undertaker uses a belly-to-belly suplex. Kaedon is down.Undertaker throws Kaedon off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block. Now Kaedon standing. Undertaker puts Kaedon in the double reverse chinlock. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... Undertaker tightens the hold. ... Kaedon escapes. Undertaker drags Kaedon to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Undertaker throws a chair at Kaedon. Kaedon get whipped into the corner and Undertaker follows himin with an avalanche. Undertaker chants start. (..2) Undertaker uses the verticle facebuster on Kaedon. Undertaker slingshot elbow drops Kaedon. Undertaker chants start. Kaedon moves back to his feet. (...3) Undertaker hiptosses Kaedon. Undertaker hits the handspring moonsault on Kaedon. Undertaker gets back to his feet. (....4) Undertaker applies an arm wrench to Kaedon. Undertaker executes a corkscrew legdrop on Kaedon. Undertaker climbs to his feet. (.....5) Undertaker puts Kaedon in an arm grapevine submission. Undertaker kicks Kaedon on the floor. (......6) Kaedon gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Undertaker. Undertaker uses a cradle suplex on Kaedon. Undertaker chants start. Undertaker gets up. (.......7) Undertaker measures Kaedon up and drops a closed fist. Undertaker rolls onto Kaedon connecting with a knee. (........8) ]

The King - They'll be counted out if they don't return to the ring.

[Undertaker dives head first into Kaedon. Undertaker is back on his feet. Undertaker hits Kaedon with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Undertaker is back on his feet. Undertaker now caring about the count, seems to want to go for the last ride on the floor, but then before he can hit it Kaedon counters out of it with a back body drop 9..... Taker gets up fast and then Kaedon and Taker start to hammer away at each other and then the ref calls for the bell. But Taker and Kaedon are still brawling] JR-Someone needs to stop this... [Suddenly there are a bunch of officials pour out the back and then separate Kaedon and the Taker. Both yell at each other, and try to get at each other again. Though suddenly the lights go out.]

*"Break You" begins to blast throughout the arena causing a majority of the fans to get up on their feet begin to cheer, while others try to drown them out with a chorus of boos. Jarred steps through the curtain, a very stern and serious look on his face. He walks to the edge of the stage, standing there and looking around the arena for a few moments, before finally making his way down the ramp. Once Jarred reaches the ringside area, he makes his way around to the ring steps, and climbs up them. He walks a few steps across the ring apron, and then steps into the ring between the top and middle ropes. Jarred walks across to the opposite side of the ring, reaching through the ropes and grabbing a microphone from Howard Finkel and then turning back and making his way towards the center of the ring, motioning for his music to come to an end.*

Jarred:"You know, last week I came out here and I gave Wes Ikeda two weeks to give me a reason as for why I should get back in this ring with him for one last match. And well, where as it would usually take Wes the full two weeks to think of something seeing as how those Ikedas are a little slow up stairs, it only took him a couple of days to give me his reason. Wes, you came out and you told the whole world that my downfall wasn't because of The Other World. My downfall wasn't caused by that group of freaks that now call themselves The Ministry. Hell, it wasn't even caused by Victor Van Nuys. IT WAS CAUSED BY YOU, YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!Wes, you went on television and you popped off at the mouth taking all the credit for ruining me. Well, you did a hell of a job didn't you boy? Hell, you did so great of a job that I'm still staning here in the EMF. You did such a great job that you practically begged me for one more match, because you know that you didn't get the job done right the last time. I admit, you played a huge fucking role in it all. You played a much bigger role than anybody else did, but you didn't play that role on your own. You the EMF's resident whore right next to you, and for once I'm talking about Kat and not Ashlee. It was Kat who won that cage match for you Wes. It was Kat that deserves all the credit for you winning the greatest match of your career you sorry bastard. Thats alright though, thats just fine boy. Becuase this coming Sunday at Whiplash, Kat won't be there to help you out. She won't be there to slam the cage door in my face this time. Tony won't be there to sneak up behind me and hit me with a full nelson slam to help you win, and Ashlee won't be able to low blow me from behind for you either. And do you know why Wes? Do you have any idea why none of your family is going to be able to help you this time? Its because we're going to be suspended fifty feet above the ring on a small wooden platform Wes."

*Jarred points over his head and looks up towards the rafters. The camera pans up and wooden scaffolding is seen hanging from the ceiling.*

"Thats right Wes, this time will be the last time. Because this time boy, its going to be you and me, one on one in one of the most historically dangerous matches that the world of professional wrestling has ever seen. Wes, you and I are going to face off in the match that made both the Rock 'N' Roll Express and the Midnight Express famous. Its the match that broke Jim Cornette's hip boy. Not that your old enough to remember any of that shit. Wes, come this Sunday night at Whiplash, you and I will settle this once and for all in a Scaffold Match. The only way you win is to either grab the flag that represents your opponent, or to throw your opponent off the scaffolding, down to the ring below, but not just any ring below. No Wes, its a ring that is full of tables that are stacked, one on top another, so when you fall, you go through good ten tables on your way down, possibly breaking every bone in your body. I hope your ready for the match of your life boy, because this time, unlike every other time, you'll have to beat me on your own Wes. Oh, and just one more thing before I'm done, I've got a message for this "Little Birdy", you better watch yourself, or you just might find yourself with the initials J.C carved into your chest right below where Angelus carved his own initials boy. If you really want to bring back the "Gorecore", then by all means do so, but I'm warning you, I'll skin you alive son! And one last thing. A warning to the winner of the Taz, Tyrant match for the Intercontinental Championship match, keep my title nice and warm because I'm coming for it after Whiplash boys!"

*Jarred tosses the mic out of the ring as his music begins to play again. He climbs out of the ring, and begins to make his way back around the ring towards the ramp as the EMF cuts to a quick commercial break.*

“if you smell…what the Rock is cooking” the Rock comes walking down to the ramp

King-It’s the Rock!

Coach-Man…and you give JR problems for being stupid

“Slow Chemical” blasts on the PA system as Kane walks to the ring

JR-Well don’t think we will see Rey Mysterio anytime soon

Coach-aw…you know he’ll rise from the dead


[Kane and the Rock exchange blows, Rock is starting to get the upper hand. Then he spits on the last punch to knock down Kane, but Kane counters with an upper cut that gets the upper hand and then Rock stumbles back and then walks into a hard right hand by Kane who knocks down the Rock, the Rock stumbles up and then corner. Kane then nails an upper cut in the corner and then hits a few fists after that. Kane whips the Rock into the corner, then delays as Rock goes into the opposite side of the ring. Kane runs into the corner, but Rock counters with a back elbow into the face of Rock, Kane stumbles back and then Rock tries to come out of the corner with a clothesline, but Kane beats him to the punch and nails a clothesline and then knocks down the Rock. The Rock sits up looking up, Kane then hits a stomp in the back of Rock and then the Rock goes down Kane backs up and then nails a quick knee drop across the face and then Kane then waits for the Rock to get up, the Rock stumbles up and then Kane picks up the Rock and then drops him on the top turnbuckle for snake eyes. The Rock stumbles backwards right into the arms of Kane who picks up the Rock and drops him for a side walk slam, Kane then pulls up the Rock and then hits a few over hand fists and then Kane tries to whip the Rock to the ropes, but the Rock reverses Kane goes to the ropes and then Rock is able to knock down Kane with a back spinning elbow. The Rock then grabs on to the nearest turnbuckle after that move, because the Rock’s feeling the effects of Kane’s attack. Kane stumbles up, Rock seeing this hits a few hard fists and then spits on the last one, that knocks down Kane. Then he waits for Kane to get up for the Rock bottom, Kane stumbles up and then Rock sets up Kane for the Rock bottom. Kane hits a few back elbows that makes Rock stumble backwards and then back towards Kane, then he grabs Rock by the throat, lifts him up and…..nails the chokeslam, Kane goes into the cover on the Rock]

JR-Too bad this isn’t a regular match, or the Rock might be done

King-No shit JR

Coach-Remind me why Amy Dumas hired Cole back again, he’s just a JR clone..he proved that in Kane’s promo’s

[Kane gets up, he looks on in disbelief as the Rock slowly pulls himself up to his feet and then Kane waits for Rock to get up. Rock stumbles up and then Kane hits a few fists and then whips Rock off the ropes, Rock bounces off the ropes. Kane goes for a standing clothesline. But Rock ducks it and continues to the other side and then bounces off the side of the ring, Kane turns around and then Rock goes air born nailing a flying clothesline. Rock gets up fast and then Rock hits a quick DDT on Kane and then nips up fast and mocks Kane. Rock then hits his pattern stomps on the downed Kane, Kane stumbles up and then Rock hits a few quick hard fists, then Rock tries to whip Kane to the ropes. But Kane reverses, and sends the Rock to the ropes, Rock bounces off the ropes. Kane lowers his head and then goes for a back body drop, but then Rock grabs Kane by the head and then drives him into the mat. Rock then waits for Kane to stumble up, Rock then hits a few fists and then tries to whip Kane. But Kane reverses the whip and then sends the Rock to the ropes ropes. Kane then puts up his boot and then Rock gets hit with a big boot, wanting to get out of this match Kane signals for the Tombstone. Rock slowly stumbles up, Kane goes for a kick on Rock to stun him, but then Rock is able to counter it by catching the kick attempt and then hits a dragon screw on Kane, and then the Rock puts the Sharpshooter on Kane. Kane screams in pain, though then slowly crawls to the ropes, but then remember no one is there to break the hold, so Kane takes out the support leg sending Rock on his face. The Rock has to release the hold, the Rock waits for Kane to stumble up, Kane stumbles up Rock tries to go back on the attack, but Kane rakes the eyes. Rock stumbles back and then Kane hits a few fists and then whips Rock off the ropes, but Rock verses and then Kane bounces off the ropes and then Rock hits a spine buster. Rock then goes into the set up for the People’s elbow. Then does the taunt and then runs to the ropes, bounces off and then jumps over the downed Kane, bounces off the ropes and then nails the people’s elbow.]

JR-All the Rock has to do is push Kane into the fire

King-Well this will be like some other time in Kane’s life

Coach-That’s true King.

[Rock has problems getting to his feet, Kane is able to recover after the people elbow while the Rocks getting up by the ropes near the fire. Kane knowing this is a perfect chance to knock Rock over the top rope into the fire. Kane charges with all he has, but Rock counters with a back body drop over the top rope that sends Kane clear over the fire, Rock seeing this climbs to the top rope, Kane stumbles up on the outside and then Rock leaps over the fire and goes for a double axe handle, but then Kane counters the move with a punch to the gut to the flying Rock. Rock goes down to the floor, and then Kane and the Rock recover, Rock crawls towards the fire as Kane gets up and then Kane hits a few fists, that slowly get Rock nearer, and nearer to the fire. Rock is about one step away from the fire now, Kane goes for big fist to knock him in the fire. But Rock ducks it, and Kane’s arm goes into the fire. Kane’s arm is on fire, the bell rings, Rock has won this match.]

JR-The Rock wins it

Coach-Seems Kane beat himself..

OOC-I really was questioning who should win this one going to read the Rock’s 3rd RP…but then I decided that was probably the most solid RP out of all that Kane and Rock wrote, so that’s what made me rule in his favor. Kane, your on the right track…I would work on what exactly your storyline is about. I kind of question your focus sometimes, but certainly was not the easiest decision. So you’re improving, but there is a lot of room for more improvement.

(the EMF tron lights up with the message “In 7 Days... The Wolverine hunts again...” the camera focus’ on the message and then Shockwave fades out with that)

“Evolution” blasts on the PA system as Randy Orton in a suit walks out to the top of the ramp, suddenly a fountain of pyro starts falling behind him, once it stops. Orton walks down to the ring, Orton steps into the ring and then jumps on the turnbuckle and then does his turnbuckle taunt. Orton jumps down and then is handed a microphone, as the music stops and a big “Randy sucks!! Randy sucks!” chant starts.

JR-Orton sure hasn’t made many friends in the EMF it would seem

King-Oh well, their all jealous

Coach-I agree

JR-How much did you two pay off each other to say that

Coach and King-Too much….

OOC-Just playing a role, not to piss anyone off, and not looking for a feud so you know. I really don’t know if I’m keeping the character, thus is why I have made my future for RPing as Orton open ended.

.::Randy Orton::.-Now I know why Hunter would rather do movies, than compete in front of you pieces of trash *crowd boo’s *. Now before I get to the real important stuff, I would like to come out here and said last week I made a mistake. Oh yeah, I’m sure that each and everyone of you in the back didn’t think I could admit when I do make a mistake. Hell when your Randy Orton, “the Legend Killer”, a man that can, and when the time is right, WILL dominate the sport of professional wrestling. But of course I need to wait for that time, because none of those so called superstars impress me one bit. From the veterans, to the rookies, none have a future brighter than the man standing in the ring right now. But anyways to my one mistake, now I’m sure you think it was insulting the locker room…but it really was actually giving one man the honor of having his named mentioned by me *crowd boo’s *. Oh yeah, you see it just goes to show you that Randy Orton is human as well. But I won’t make that same mistake twice, because he quite frankly he doesn’t deserve it, but I will do something…that I might even make one other mistake, and answer that mans question. What exactly has Randy Orton done….seems that someone wasn’t listening, along with Hunter I did something you couldn’t do. We destroyed the Other World, because Hunter and myself…that bitch Amy Dumas is in a hospital bed with a broken leg, and at her bed side is her “boyfriend” Chris Jericho who is just one shot to the head away from being a vegetable. Which of course was something you couldn’t even come close to doing. Now let me make something clear to everyone, even though I did make the mistake of singling out one person…it was not to focus on that person. No when I was talking about him, I just wasn’t talking about him. Because if you take a look at the tape I said “for example”, which meant I was not just talking about that one man. Rather I was talking about everyone in the back that is not in Evolution, or the Ministry. It’s those type of people that are just like that bitch Amy Dumas and Chris Jericho, who cheated to win the match at Hell on Earth. The only worth while people in this federation are in Evolution, and the Ministry, the rest are 45% Twilight rip offs and 45% Randy Orton wanna be’s…and the last 10% are tired old veterans that think they are worth a damn, because they had nothing better to do than to hang around a federation, but I’m here right now to tell them they are not. I’m also here to say that I am much higher than them, don’t believe me…does it get any higher than the fact that I’m the acting half owner. I know some of you are deaf to that fact, but let me make it perfectly clear to you. I can fire each and everyone of you if I wanted to, so I would be showing me a little respect, and you will speak when you are spoken to. *crowd starts to chant “Asshole!! Asshole!! * Don’t like what I’m saying, can’t put up with me? Well as soon as our business at Whiplash is done, you won’t have to. God knows I need it, after having to put up with those son of bitches back in the locker room. Because after Hunter puts away Jericho once and for all, Evolution and the Ministry will get the one thing that we have always wanted..and that’s full control of the Extreme Measures Federation. I will be gone from the EMF for a time, maybe once something impressive comes along I might show up…but like I said, not just one…all that are not in Evolution and the Ministry…they just ain’t worth getting the honor of stepping in the ring with Randy Orton.

*The crowd boo’s Orton, as Orton smiles *

.::Randy Orton::.-Now that is out of the way, the real reason is that as you guys can see we now have a question mark with the tag team titles. Twilight came up to me, and said he wanted to put the titles up for a tournament, being the giving man that I am, and knowing that there would have been no other way that the tag titles would have come off the waist of Twilight, had the dead weight CM Punk didn’t allow that handicap to be Chris Jericho break his leg. So I’m going to granted his wish, and before I leave the EMF after Whiplash I will post the brackets before the main events. Not that the result is in question, we all know that Jericho can’t hold Triple H’s jock strap.

*There is an “Y2J!! Y2J!! Y2J!!” chant going *

.::Randy Orton::.-Chant it all you want, because he’s not going to come out here. He’s too busy sitting by his “girlfriends” hospital bed, and along with Hunter, the man responsible for their injuries stands in front of you. You know I said that I wouldn’t say anyone by name, but you see Jericho’s different. For some odd reason Prez Mike actually decided to put the fate of his side of the company in the hands of Chris Jericho, a man who has never been RWA world champion like Triple H has, hell from what I hear in the RWA that Chris Jericho was is that pathetic title he still carries around to this day…the hardcore championship. But he could never get anything higher, Jericho for years you have been the fly that has followed Hunter around. But at Whiplash, you get squashed once and for all at Madison Square Garden at Whiplash. Which is where your Dad played hockey from what I understand, and wasn’t too bad. But Chris it’s too bad for your old man…well if the old bag is still alive that is. That he has to see that tradition of great athletes come to an end thanks to you Chris, because once Triple H beats you…you will not only be a failure to your family, but in EMF history…you will be known as forever the biggest mistake the EMF has ever made when they put everything on you. But Chris, at least take some confront in the knowledge that you were simply passed by a fact of life, Evolution….it is always happening Chris, and at Whiplash the whole world see’s that once and for all…it has passed you by.

“Evolution” blasts on the PA system as Randy Orton throws down the microphone and leaves the ring

“From the inside” blasts on the PA system as Cactus Jack and Tyrant walk to the ring

JR-Tyrant certainly have stepped up recently

King-Tyrant…who the hell is that

Coach-Guess we will find out..

“Degenerate theme” blasts on the PA system as Degenerate and Carnage walk to the ring

King-I agree with Biohazard…these guys are still here..they just job, job and job some more

Coach-Their like the new aged Resident Jobbers

“Biohazard theme” blasts on the PA system as Freddy and Biohazard walks to the ring

JR-Anyone wants to tell Biohazard that Nemesis was in the EMF one time

King-I sure don’t

Coach-I’m sure he’ll find out…after he looks at the tape of Shockwave

*King and JR gulp *

[Biohazard and Cactus start hammering away at each other. Degenerate whips Tyrant off the ropes, then Degenerate bounces off the ropes and then Degenerate leaps in the air and then hits a flying back elbow. Tyrant goes down and then gets back up and then Degenerate picks up Tyrant and then drops him into body slam. Then Degenerate waits for Tyrant to get up, once he does Degenerate grabs Tyrant by the hair and then throws him into the arena floor and then Degenerate slides on the outside and then Degenerate slowly pulls up Tyrant and then smashes his face against the announcers table and then Tyrant stumbles back and then Degenerate throws Tyrant into the steps shoulder first and then in the ring. Carnage is waiting in the corner as Cactus has Biohazard in the corner sitting, Cactus then charges at Biohazard and then Cactus hits a running knees into the face Biohazard. Carnage then hits a hard clothesline to Freddy, Cactus turns around and then gets a running big boot. Carnage hits a few stomps on the downed Cactus Jack, Jack stumbles up and then Carnage grabs him by the throat and then Carnage picks him up and then nails the chokeslam. Carnage then looks at Biohazard who is getting up in the corner and then takes him and then nails a hip toss that sends him flying to the other side of the ring, Carnage then slowly makes his way towards where Biohazard is and then Biohazard slowly backs up to the corner and then Carnage goes over and then Carnage then Carnage hits a few knee’s into the gut and then Carnage chokes Biohazard with his boot. On the outside Degenerate has Tyrant down, Degenerate is looking under the ring and then pulls out a table and then sets it up on the outside. Degenerate then makes signal for his finisher, but then suddenly someone comes down to ring side and then hits a low blow. Degenerate spins around pain and then the camera shows it’s Impact, Impact puts Degenerate on the table and then sets him up. Then Impact lifts him up and then nails the Impact Icer through the table, Carnage and Degenerate are gone from the tag team tables match. Impact pulls himself from the wreck and then back up, as the camera gets a shot of Impact going back to the back. Van Man is on the top of the ramp…why is that important, because he has Brandshaw’s hat on]

JR-What is Impact doing here

King-Whatever he’s doing here…he sure…made an Impact

Coach-When is Van Man going to give back Brandshaw’s hat? THAT’S A THOUSAND DOLLAR HAT!!

[Cactus gets up and then Biohazard is stumbling around and then Cactus hits a few fists and then whips Biohazard to the ropes and then Biohazard bounces off the ropes, and then Cactus lowers his head for a back body drop. But then Biohazard kicks him in the face, though Biohazard can’t follow up and then has to grab the top rope just to stay up. Cactus not really affected by the move charges at Biohazard thinking he can go for the Cactus Jack clothesline. But then Biohazard is able to counter with a back body drop and then sends him flying to the outside. Biohazard who really wasn’t as hurt as once thought then looks to the turnbuckle and then goes on to the top rope. Cactus is slowly getting up, Biohazard wants time his jump perfectly, Biohazard leaps off for an ax handle. But then Cactus Jack pulls out a fire estinisher and then sprays Biohazard in mid flight, and sends Biohazard crashing to the ground blinded. Cactus slides into the ring and then watches as Biohazard stumbles up and then blindly looks for Cactus, Cactus runs to the ropes and then slides out of the ring and then nails a swinging neck breaker on the outside on Biohazard. Cactus then points to the nearest turnbuckle and then climbs to the second rope and then raises his arm and then leaps off the second rope and then Biohazard quickly moves out of the way and then Jack goes crashing into the ground. Inside the ring Tyrant is laid out on a table in the corner. Freddy is in the corner backed up and then runs and then goes for a big splash on Tyrant. But Tyrant moves out of the way and Freddy goes crashing into the table]

King-Freddy went through a table, is Tyrant a winner?!

JR-No, it has to be an offensive move

Coach-Oh great, this match is brutal!

[Freddy rolls to the outside as Biohazard throws Jack into the ring and then pushes a table in the ring as well. Jack limp just lies there while Biohazard sets up the table, Biohazard then picks up Jack on his shoulders and starts stepping up the turnbuckle. But on the other side of the screen Tyrant is climbing up to the top rope and Freddy is on a table on the outside. Biohazard starts the Bio-Terror just a few seconds after Tyrant leaps off for a big splash on Freddy, both connect….but…………………Biohazard was first. Freddy and Biohazard win the match. Biohazard then hits a few fists the downed Cactus and then starts to stomp the hell out of him. Biohazard then goes to the outside and grabs a chair. He waits for Cactus to stumble up, but before he can Tyrant pulls him out of the ring. Tyrant starts to back peddle on the ramp as Saturday Shockwave goes off the air.]

(OOC-Like I told you Tyrant, good RP..but I thought that the combo of Freddy/Biohazard was too much to over come by yourself. Though that’s why I made it close, and you were not the one put through the table.)