EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(EMF logo flashes over the screen, as we go into the Saturday Shockwave video. Once we end the pyrotechnics blasts on the stage. Once it ends the lights turn on as fans yell, and wave their signs.)

JR-Welcome to Satuardy Shockwave, I’m good ol’ JR along side Jerry “the King” Lawler and Kris “KG” Gaffney

King-Yeah, yeah…let’s just get this over with


(The lights go off, suddenly a single light from a cigarette lights up, suddenly music starts to play as the lights start to do a strobe light effect in the arena, as AN ARKIE is rocking back and forth saying “Logan….Logan…Logan”.

King-How come AN ARKIE gets the cool entrance?

Kris Gaffney- Because AN ARKIE’s entrance is somewhat amusing

JR-AN ARKIE was a college shooting team….needless to say he was kicked off it due to the fact he could never hit anything.

“Divorce” blasts on the PA system as Logan Frost comes to the ring with Lola trailing behind , and then Logan goes into the ring.)

JR-Logan Frost had a very impressive debut last week against Lance Sologub

Kris Gaffney-Although Frost still isn’t as real as Lance is…

King-That’s because no one is…Lance’s overall realness is too high for the normal person to comprehend.

[The bell rings, as Logan trying to do some simple wrestling moves. He decides to lock up with AN ARKIE, but it would seem that he’s still very green as far as wrestling holds as the lock up isn’t exactly correct. This gives the more experienced AN ARKIE the chance to put Logan in a head lock, AN ARKIE puts on as much pressure. But Logan is able to turn into AN ARKIE, and hit a few knee lifts into the gut breaking the head lock and then AN ARKIE stumbles back and then Logan hits a fists to the face of AN ARKIE as AN ARKIE stumbles back to the ropes. Logan tries to whip AN ARKIE to the ropes, and does AN ARKIE bounces off the ropes and then as AN ARKIE comes off the ropes, Logan goes for a clothesline. But it’s ducked under by AN ARKIE, and AN ARKIE goes to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes and then Logan turns around and then hits a high kick to the face that drops AN ARKIE on the mat. AN ARKIE stumbles up to his feet, Logan charges at AN ARKIE and hits a running forearm shot. AN ARKIE stumbles up to his feet and then Logan throws what seems to be very sloppy knife edge chops to the chest of AN ARKIE. Logan whips AN ARKIE off the ropes, and AN ARKIE bounces off the ropes. Logan tries to hip toss, but it’s blocked and AN ARKIE floats over to try to counter the move. But typical to every jobber in the EMF, Logan blocks it and then takes a few moments for it to get to AN ARKIE to think about it. Then Logan then levels AN ARKIE with a diving short arm clothesline that puts AN ARKIE down on the mat. Logan actually goes for the cover this time as he knows better this time and the ref makes the count. 1……………..2……….AN ARKIE rolls up the shoulder, Logan hits a few stomps on the downed AN ARKIE. AN ARKIE stumbles up to his feet as he is really dazed AN ARKIE is near the corner and then Logan Frost takes AN ARKIE and pushes him the rest of the way into the corner and then Logan is able to hit a few kicks into the gut of AN ARKIE. Logan Frost. Logan whips AN ARKIE to the other side of the ring, and then AN ARKIE is in the corner. Logan charges and then hits a big splash into the corner that AN ARKIE is in.]

JR-Well I can’t say that it’s very pretty folks, but Logan Frost has actually tried to wrestle this week.

King-Well…that’s kinda like you kind of try to a commentator….you just always suck at it!

Kris Gaffney-Hey did you realize that if I for whatever reason wanted to try at Lola, all I would have to compete with after getting rid of Logan is some guy named the “narrator”! I like those odds!

JR and King-…………

[Logan takes AN ARKIE in a head lock and then tries to go for a running bulldog head lock, but being that he is having a hard time hooking AN ARKIE. AN ARKIE is able to slide out the back and then AN ARKIE pushes Logan as he was air born and then Logan as Logan goes flying to the mat and then after the impact of the move AN ARKIE charges and hits a drop kick into the back of Logan AN ARKIE takes a few moments to rest and then hits a few stomps on the downed Logan, Logan gets up. AN ARKIE picks up Logan and hits a body slam on Logan. AN ARKIE then stumbles back and on to the ring ropes. AN ARKIE decides to go up to the top rope, AN ARKIE stands waiting for there as Logan Frost stumbles up to his feet, AN ARKIE leaps off and catches Logan Frost with a cross body block and then goes into the cover and gets the 1……………..2…………..kick out by Logan Frost. AN ARKIE looks like he’s getting pissed. AN ARKIE decides to roll out on the apron and climbs to the turnbuckle once again and stays waiting for Logan Frost to stumble up. Logan gets up, AN ARKIE leaps off the top rope, but Logan saw him coming as AN ARKIE flies through the air…Logan nails a thrust kick to the chin, then he falls down to the mat.]

JR-AN ARKIE was in control for a time there, but you had to know that couldn’t last for long.

King-Lucky for Logan he’s facing the SNIPER

*A gun shot comes from the ring, seems AN ARKIE took a shot at the commentators…but like always he missed. Kris Gaffney was the only one to duck.*

King-Yep, he’s still a rookie in many ways…

[AN ARKIE stumbles up, Logan nails AN ARKIE with an open hand strike and then AN ARKIE stumbles back, but AN ARKIE is bounced back hitting the ropes as Logan hits a round house kick that sends AN ARKIE down on the mat. Logan knowing what to do goes for the pin and then gets the 1………………2………….3]

JR-Once again, Logan Frost with an impressive showing

King-He’s getting better…

[Logan is about to roll out of the ring, but he sits in the apron and then gets a big micherviouse grin, he shrugs and rolls back into the ring. He then pulls out Ester (the fork), he then goes over to AN ARKIE who’s down and then sticks the fork in the arm of AN ARKIE. AN ARKIE yells in pain, and then Logan takes the fork out of AN ARKIE’s arm, wipes the blood off, he puts the fork back in his pocket and rolls out of the ring as Lola is standing there shaking her head in disproval.]

Kris Gaffney-um…..stick a fork in him, he’s done?

(JR and King job)

“Who I am” blasts on the PA system as Chyna walks to the ring, not before doing her usual pyro cannon entrance.

King-You know what I just thought of….if you take away the “who” from Chyna’s theme of horribleness…you get…AJ Styles theme!


“Eyes Like Yours” blasts on the PA system as Lola walks to the ring along with Logan Forst

JR-You have got to wonder if this young lady is over her head going against Chyna in her debut match.

King-Don’t worry, she was trained by the Boss!

Kris Gaffney-I wonder if she knew her father by that name…why you think he’s just known as the Boss?

King-I don’t know, maybe it’s like Prez Mike…he just doesn’t like his real name…I’m guessing it’s Mervin…

Kris Gaffney-Or Wes…

King-Your right….either one I would hide my name too…

[Chyna gets into the ring, Lola still seems very unsure with this as she is getting into the ring with someone as big and powerful as Chyna is. Chyna is able to get Lola to lock up, but as to be expected Chyna wins this easily as Chyna pushes Lola into the corner with no problem at all. The ref calls for the clean break up as he uses the count, slowly Chyna moves away. But then Chyna goes for a fist, but using her quickiness advantage. Lola ducks out of the way, and Chyna is in the corner. Lola fires a way quickly with a few fists to the face, that seem to have a little effect on Chyna. But it would seem not too much, as she basically pushes Lola, Lola goes flying back and falls down to the mat. Lola stumbles to her feet and then Chyna charges at Lola. But having learned some basics before the match on wrestling, Lola is able to counter the charge for what was probably a clothesline with a drop toe hold. Chyna goes face first into the mat, and Lola is able to put Chyna in a side head lock on the mat, Lola puts as much pressure on Chyna in the hold as possible. Chyna is able to get up as Lola puts as much pressure on Chyna as possible. But then being much bigger and stronger, Chyna is able to step to the side of Lola and then drops Lola for a high angle slam. Chyna takes a few moments to recover, but she gets up as Lola is in the sitting position. Lola falls down to the mat, and then Lola gets up on all fours and then Chyna kicks her in the gut and Lola rolls into the corner and then Chyna backs up. Lola stumbles into the corner and then Lola starts to kick from the corner, trying to kick almost for her life. Chyna catches one of the kicks and then throws her leg down to the mat leaving Lola open for a few hard forearms to the face of Lola. Finally the ref makes Chyna break, then goes into the corner and then whips Lola to the opposite side of the ring and then Lola crashes into the corner and Chyna does a hand spring elbow from a cartwheels into a few back flips and nails it. Chyna backs up, Lola stumbles out of the corner and then Chyna picks up Lola into a body press, and then drops her behind her for a body press slam. Chyna goes into the cover and gets the 1……………….2……………….kick out! Chyna can’t believe it, that move usually ends it all. She questions the ref, Lola is able to crawl away into the corner and then Chyna goes over and then whips Lola to the opposite side of the ring, Lola crashes into the corner and then Chyna goes for another cartwheel/handspring back elbow. But Lola moves out of the way, Chyna stumbles out of the corner and then Lola pulls herself up to the second rope, and leaps off the second rope hitting a second rope bulldog to Chyna.]

JR-So far I’m very impressed with Lola, she took a lot of impact moves that would have beaten many other women wrestlers.

King-Chyna hasn’t done the low blow yet though…

Kris Gaffney-Don’t worry, I’m sure that’s soon…

[Lola rolls into the corner and then Chyna soon stumbles to her feet, and then see’s where Lola is in the corner and charges at her. But as she charges Lola hits a low drop kick into the leg and Chyna’s face goes right into the top turnbuckle. Chyna bounces out of the corner and then Lola goes to the ropes and then bounces off, she then hits a running clothesline that only stumbles Chyna a few steps back, Lola determined to get her off her feet goes to the ropes and bounces off the ropes and then goes for a running shoulder block that only stumbles Chyna. Lola decides what to do next, so she goes to the outside and then climbs to the top rope. Lola measures as Chyna is stumbling around and Lola goes for a cross body block, but it’s caught by Chyna. Chyna holds Lola in her arms, and then tries to transfer Lola on to her shoulder, but Lola is able to shake free and grab Chyna’s head and drives her face into the mat and then goes into the cover. The ref goes down to make the count, 1……………………2………………kick out by Chyna that sends Lola flying. Not that it bothers her as she goes right back on the attack. Chyna stumbles to her feet and into the corner. Lola hits a few stomps on the gut and then Lola pulls Chyna out of the corner and then Lola tries to whip Chyna to the ropes, but it’s reversed. Lola bounces off the ropes, Chyna tries to pick up Lola, but she’s soon able to get out and slide out the back of Chyna. Chyna turns around, and Lola goes for a clothesline. Chyna ducks it, then drops to her knee’s and goes for the low blow. Lola looks shocked for a second, then turns around and gives Chyna a weird look, she shrugs her shoulders. Lola kicks Chyna to the side of the head, Chyna is dazed on her knee’s, Lola backs up and then hits the Sueños Dulces that drops Chyna down to the mat]

King-She just had to go for it…

JR-One of these days Chyna will realize that move does not work on females.

Kris Gaffney-Wonder what Lola thought of that exchange….she’s new to this country after all, I’ll volunteer to ask her…

King-Your funeral, she’s staying at the Ikeda’s…which means Ashlee *vomits*

[Lola drags Chyna into position, and then goes up to the top rope. Lola then leaps off the turnbuckle and nails a corkscrew 450 splash. Lola lands right into the cover, and gets the 1………………..2…………….3]

(hopefully I did alright with Lola's fighting style, if there is anything I should edit...just tell me) “Strangehold” blasts on the PA system as Dewey Pond and Josh Hanley and Dewey Pond walk to the ring

JR-This tag team was formed due to mutual hate of the Edge/Cena group…

King-How could they hate EDGE?

*Kris Gaffney is listening to the song “Edge is well good” by Sam Coleman”*

“Cold as Ice” blasts on the PA the team of Cold as Ice walk to the ring

JR-Well, this team is back as a tag team

King-Well they weren’t good singles wrestlers, time to go back to being a great tag team!

Road Dogg and X-Pac- Like us?


*King throws a levet and X-Pac and Road Dogg fall into a bottomless pit with bullets on the bottom*

[Hanley come into the middle of the ring and he looks one way, being the heelish heel that he is hits Hanley while he is trying to gain some advice from his tag partner Dewey Pond. Hanley stumbles back, and then being much bigger than Josh Hanley, Hanley gets clubbed in the back by Duke Snyder. Hanley gets up after a moment, and then Duke Snyder hits a big head butt and Josh Hanley stumbles back and then grabs on the top rope and then Duke Snyder hits a few fists to the face and then whips Josh Hanley comes off the ropes and then Duke Snyder hits a back elbow that takes down Josh Hanley. Hanley holds his face and then, gets to his feet and then Duke Snyder hits a knee lift that sends Josh Hanley flies across the ring and then stumbles into the corner Duke Snyder hits a few fists into the corner and then Duke Snyders whips Josh Hanley into the opposite side corner and then Josh Hanley crashes into the corner and then Duke Snyder hits a clothesline in the corner and backs up grabbing Hanley by the hair and brings him over to the Colder than Ice corner and then tags in Frank Snow, Duke Snyder holds Josh Hanley open with his arm, and then Frank Snow hits a punch into the ribs. Josh Hanley stumbles back as Duke Snyder goes to the apron and Frank Snow goes on the attack as Frank Snow hits a few fists to the face of the Josh Hanley and then Frank Snow whips Josh Hanley off the ropes, Hanley bounces off the ropes and then Frank Snow lowers his head, and goes for a back body drop. But it’s countered with a kick to the face and then Frank Snow gets up and then looks back at Hanley who just stands there can’t believing that didn’t do very much and then Josh Hanley charges at Frank Snow and then Frank Snow goes for a clothesline, but it’s ducked under by Josh Hanley and Hanley goes to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes and then leaps for a cross body block. But it’s caught by Frank Snow, Snow tries to transfer Josh Hanley to his shoulder. But Josh Hanley is able to slide out the back of Frank Snow quickly and then dives into this corner before Frank Snow is able to turn around and stop him and he tags Dewey Pond.]

JR-Tag to Dewey Pond

King-Good, Hanley wasn’t doing much

Kris Gaffney- Well guess it’s ring rust…

[Dewey Pond comes into the ring as Frank Snow turns around and then gets knocked down with a running drop kick by Dewey Pond. Frank Snow goes down very surprised by the attack, and then gets up dazed and then Dewey Pond hits a few fists as Frank Snow stumbles back on the ropes. Dewey Pond calls in Josh Hanley, Hanley comes into the ring and then Dewey Pond and Hanley take turns hammering away at Frank Snow and then they double whip Frank Snow to the ropes, Frank Snow bounces off the ropes and they hit a double drop kick that sends Frank Snow stumbling back and then he gets hanged up in the ropes. Seeing that his partner needs help, Duke Snyder comes into the ring, and then tries to attack josh Hanley and Dewey Pond, but they counter this move with a double flap jack. Duke Snyder bounces off the mat and rolls out of the ring Hanley measures up as Dewey Pond starts to take a few shots to the face of the tied up Frank Snow. Duke Snyder stumbles up and then Josh Hanley charges and leaps through the ropes and nails a suicide dive on Duke Snyder that takes both wrestlers out. This just as Frank Snow finally gets free, and falls to the mat after getting pumbled while he was in the ropes. Dewey Pond goes to the outside and then waits for Frank Snow to get up, and then Frank Snow stumbles to where Dewey Pond is wanting him to go and then Dewey Pond leaps off the top rope and nails a flying clothesline on Frank Snow.]

JR-Dewey Pond finally got the big man off his feet.

King-Yeah, now he needs to figure out how to win

Kris Gaffney-Better said than done

[On the outside Duke Snyder tries to whip Hanley to the ropes, but it’s reversed and then Duke Snyder goes crashing into the steps. Snow somehow has on his shoulders as Hanley sides into the ring, Hanley grabs Dewey Pond by the foot and pulls him out behind Frank Snow. Snow turns around and then Hanley and Pond hit a double Dew Drop, into the a dog pile cover as Snow tries to get out of the cover 1……………..2…………..Snow fights, but can’t push the weight off before the 3]

JR-What great team work by the anti-Edge/Cena group

(OOC-I’ll be happy to change the ending of this ending Pond, I forgot if we had a planned ending for this match. This was the best one off the top of my head, so no big deal if you wanted it change…great effort by Pond for writing the RP’s he did!)

“Cold” blasts on the PA system as Devin Malis walks to the ring, he steps into the ring.

JR-This you wrestler sure has stepped out of the shadow of the CwL in a big way

King-That’s for sure, I bet Johnny Cash made appearance just to try to leach off Malis

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, probably.

“Crazy” by Mushroom head blasts on the PA system as Rage walks to the ring, he steps into the ring

JR-Rage is very young is his career, but with time who knows were he could be?

Kris Gaffney-We will see

King-That’s for sure.

(OOC-I don’t think I cleared the gimmick that was asked for here, but I’ll try to do what I can to edit the match so it fits. But I will not do this all the time)

[Rage and Malis on the opposite side of the ring from each other as the checks them for weapon and then they get in the middle of the ring up in each others face and then they lock up and Malis and Rage locks up and then Rage goes behind Malis and then hits a hammering blow to the back and then Rage stumbles forward, Rage is on the ropes and turns right to where Malis is ready to hammer Rage with a knife edge chop to the chest of Malis. The crowd chants “whooooooooooo” with everyone Rage hits and then Rage tries to go for a running clothesline on Malis. Malis ducks it and then he goes for a clothesline on Rage, Rage goes for what seems to a super kick. But Malis ducks, and then he celebrates too early. Rage grabs Malis by the hair and then throws him over the barbwire. Although Malis back connects with some of the barbwire. Rage gets on the top rope, and waits for Malis to get up to his feet. Rage leaps off the top rope, and then hits a double axe handle smash .Malis stumbles forward and then Malis falls across the Spanish announcing table. Rage then takes Malis’s head and smashes him across the announcers table and Rage stumbles up and then Malis gets his hair grabbed from behind and Rage takes Malis by the hair and then throws him hard into the steps. Malis hits into the steel steps back first and then Rage goes over to Malis and then hits a few stomps on the downed Malis while he’s in the sitting position and then Rage takes a moment as the ref yells a few things at Rage and then Rage starts to choke Rage with his boot, the ref gives his 5 count and then Rage breaks on the 4 count so he doesn’t get DQed. Then ref tells Rage to get Malis into the ring and then Rage grabs Malis and rolls him into the ring under the ropes and then Rage jumps on the apron and then he climbs to the apron and then climbs up to the top rope and then Rage waits for for Malis to get up and then Rage leaps off the top rope and then catches him with a flying body press on them charging Rage with a flying body press and then goes into the cover and gets the 1……………………..2……………kick out. Rage looks at the ref and then shakes his head thinking that he should have gotten the 3. He shrugs his shoulders and then Rage, while this is going on. Malis is getting up, Rage charges at Malis. But it would seem that Malis had the same idea as Rage did and Malis and Rage hit a double clothesline.]

JR-Rage was in control, but now it’s anyone’s ball game

King-So….are we going to learn where Rage and Malis played college football?

Kris Gaffney-I’m sure JR won’t take too long

[Rage and Malis are only rolling around in pain on the mat after being hit with the move and then the ref gets to 7. Finally Rage and Malis get to their feet, and then Rage takes a wild swing at Malis that connects. Rage hits a few fists to the face and then Malis back up to the Barbwire, and then Rage tries to clothesline Malis into the barbwire. But it’s ducked under by Malis and then Malis hits a few hard fists that knock down Rage down with every shot that Malis hits on Rage. Rage stumbles up to his feet and then Malsi hits an inverted atomic drop and then Rage stumbles back and then Malis backs to up and then hits a flying forearm shot to the face of Rage that takes him down. Rage stumbles up and then Malis kicks Rage in the gut, and sets him up, and hooks him. Then Malis takes Rage over with a fishermans suplex with a bridge trying to get the win quickly while he still has the advantage. The ref goes down, and makes the count and gets the 1…………………2…………..kick out by Rage and then Malis shrugs his shoulders and then Rage stumbles up to his feet and then Rage hits a few forearm shots to the face that get Rage into the corner and then Malis drives Rage into the corner and then hits a few shoulder blocks into the gut in the corner and then the ref warns Malis and then whips Rage into the corner. Then whips Malis whips Rage into the corner and then Rage stumbles out of the corner and Devin Malis lowers his head and hits a back body drop and Rage lands hard down on the mat and then Malis waits for Rage to get up and then Rage gets picked up and then hits a body slam. Malis goes to the nearest turnbuckle and then drops a second rope leg drop on Rage. Rage goes into the he cover and gets the 1……………..2…………kick out by Rage, Malis wonders what he will take to defeat the rookie.]

JR-What a match by the two up and comers

King-Anymore of this, and both of them aren’t going to have the bright future that they think…

[Malis takes Rage, and then as Rage is being pulled up Rage hits a few fists to the face and then Malis is one punch away from falling into the barbwire. But before he can, Rage backs up and then tries to go for a clothesline. But Malis is luckly able to counter the running clothesline and then Rage goes back first into the barbwire. Rage in a lot of pain, as he rolls out of the barbwire. He gets up, and with the pain that the barbwire caused Rage, Malis is able to catch Rage with the Soul Catcher and goes into the cover and gets the 1……………..2………….3]

JR-Malis wins it, but not without going through hell and back with Rage.

King-Malis might like these matches JR.

(OOC-Rage did a good job RPing here, he's improving...but we felt that Malis was just too much for Rage here. Keep at it Rage!)

("Keys to the City" hits as Trish comes out onto the stage. She taunts but only gets booed. She rolls into the ring and seems not bothered by the crowds reaction.)

Finkle: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall. On her way to the ring.... Trish Stratus!"

(Rylee's theme hits and she makes her way out too. She gets a much better reception, and goes over to shake hands with a few fans before geting in the ring. The ref calls for the bell and they stare eachother down. Rylee lets her guard down for a split second and Trish takes advantage, grabbing her and hitting some slaps. She backs Rylee into a corner, and then she hits a Snapmere which takes Rylee away from the corner. She then steps up onto the first rope and locks her in a chin lock. The referee counts and gets to 4. Then Trish releases the hold nd hits a dropkick off the rope to Rylee's head. She hooks the leg for a quick cover and gets the 1... 2.... kick out. Trish doesn't look shocked as she picks her up and throws her hard into the corner. Rylee hits it and then Trish gets behind her and hits a belly-to-back suplex into a bridge for the 1.... 2... kick out.Trish again picks her up and hits some shots to the midsection.)

J.R: "Rylee not getting a look in early on here...."

King: "This is a focused and determined Trish... I know what i'm focused on...."

Kris:"So does everyone else I think..."

(Trish goes for another slap, but Rylee catches it and hits her with an armbar takedown. She puts Trish in the armbar, and she's in the very middle of the ring. Trish looks to be in pain and Rylee keeps the hold locked in for a bit, and then releases it. Rylee then hits some shot to Trish's weakened arm, and then picks her up and hits a suplex of her own. Rylee picks up Trish and throws her against the rope but Trish throws a foot up as she goes for a move and kicks Rylee to the head. Trish backs up and goes for a clothesline but Rylee grabs the arm and then whips her out of the ring on the other side. Trish gets up on the apron but Rylee clotheslines her and she goes flying to the floor below. The referee begins to count her out. Trish gets up and tries to get back into the ring but Rylee hits her with a baseball slide. Rylee rolls out of the ring and throws Trish back in. She then climbs the apron and walks across it and climbs the turnbuckle. Trish staggers up but Rylee flies off and hits a flying axe-handle off the top. Rylee covers and gets the 1.... 2.... kick out.)

J.R: "Rylee coming back into this strongly...."

King: "Yea... Trish is flying around everywhere... looks so good..."

(Rylee picks her up and hits her with a DDT. Trish looks in trouble as Rylee picks her up and takes her to the centre of the ring. She goes for a High Rise... but Trish pushes her away. Trish throws Rylee into the ropes and as she comes back hits her with a Spinebuster.Trish drops into a cover and gets the 1... 2... kick out again. Trish looks annoyed now, and she stomps away at a downed Rylee. She picks her up and throws her hard into a turnbuckle. She runs to clothesline her into the corner but Rylee counters and whips Trish hard into the same corner. She then gets a school boy as Trish backs up for the 1.... 2... kick out. Trish stumbles up and Rylee hits her with a shot to the midsection followed by a DDT. She covers and gets a 1.... 2... another kick out. Rylee signals the end is near and the crowd roar.)

J.R: "A lot of near falls here... but no victory yet....)

King: "but Rylee has Trish right where she wants her... shame I don't...."

(Rylee picks Trish up and goes for a High Rise. Again Trish pushes her away and then backs up and grabs the rope to get some breath back. Rylee runs at her with a clothesline, but Trish pulls the referee into her way and Rylee knocks him over the ropes. Rylee looks shocked and turns into a Chick Kick! Trish covers but there is no one to make the count. Trish goes over to try and wake the referee up. This takes a while and Rylee is able to get up using the ropes. The fans roar as Rylee is up. Trish turns and sees this. She leaves the ref and rolls into the ring and hits some shots on Rylee. Rylee counters one, and then finally nails a High Rise. The ref is stiring but still outside the ring. Christy Hemme rolls into the ring, and Rylee turns and gets a kick to the gut followed by a Whiplash DDT! Hemme laughs and rolls out of the ring, throwing the referee back in. Trish has just about recovered enough to throw an arm over Rylee. The ref makes a slow count... 1.... 2... 3! The bells rings and Trish has got it. Trish slowly makes her way to her feet and celebrates the win before leaving up the ramp. She gets about halfway up it when Jackie appears through the crowd. Jackie gets in the ring and checks on Rylee. Rylee comes round a bit and Jackie takes a mirophone and addresses Trish on the ramp.)

Jackie: "Trish... you think you got us here tonight.. but it will be you that loses the war come Whiplash. You see... because we beat you last week, I get to chose the match. So i'm not gonig to pick something where you can steal a win over me like you did here tonight. Oh no... because to beat me at Whiplash... you're gonna hav to make me QUIT! That's right Trish... we did the cage... but now it's time to go to a different level. Miss Jackie vs Trish Stratus in the fist ever female... I QUIT MATCH!"

(Jackie drops the microphone and the fans chant her name. Trish looks pissed as she walks up the ramp. Jackie and Rylee exit the ring together and head up the ramp.)

(OOC-Hard call either way, we debated this match for a long time. First off Rylee did have two RP's, but all together they were roughly the same size as Trish's one. This is what the entire staff did agree on, but since it was close, we had the ending have a run in. That was not by design, that was to make Rylee look better in defeat, because it was so close. Good job to both of you.)

“Burn It Down” blasts on the PA system as Matt Dragon walks to the ring with the Money in the bank brief case. Melina soon follows as they make their way to the ring

King-Aw man…

Kris Gaffney-What?

King-Oh, I heard a rumor that they were going to put pictures from Mr. E’s stash on that

Kris Gaffney-Oh great…now I’m disappointed..

“Everyone Like Me” blasts on the PA system as CM Punk walks to the ring with the Extreme title.

JR-Despite him being extreme champion, this match is not for the extreme championship

*King starts glowing*

King-And I even wore my glowing shirt for nothing..

Kris Gaffney-How is glowing Xtreme?

King-I don’t know, but the Hardyz said it was…

Kris Gaffney-Oh, that explains EVERYTHING!

[Matt Dragon and CM Punk face off for a moment, and then they decide to start to throw fists. They trade first for a few moments. It would seem that CM Punk is gaining the advantage and then Matt Dragon is able to hit a knee into then Matt Dragon goes for a fist to take the advantage. But CM Punk ducks it and Matt Dragon is on the ropes now, and then CM Punk hits a few fists the face. Dragon tries to whip and sends CM Punk to the ropes, CM Punk bounces off the ropes and then comes off the ropes and Dragon hits a spinning back elbow that floors CM Punk. CM Punk stumbles to his feet, Dragon hits a big fist to the face that knocks down CM Punk to the mat. CM Punk stumbles into the corner and then Dragon sets up and then hits a few knife edge chops to the chest of the Extreme Champion CM Punk that echo through out the arena. Dragon then whips CM Punk hard into the corner, so hard that once he hits the turnbuckle he falls down right on his face, CM Punk gets up on his knee’s and Matt Dragon follows up with a drop kick into the face of CM Punk that takes down CM Punk to the mat. Dragon decides that he’s not ready to go for the pin, so he decides to hit a few stomps on the downed CM Punk. CM Punk uses the ropes to get, so Matt Dragon who wants to keep the pain coming while he still has the advantage. So he starts to choke CM Punk with the ropes, and the ref uses his 5 count, the ref gets to 4 before he DQ’s him, Matt Dragon lets go of the choke hold. Dragon makes sure that he doesn’t move out of the way and then Matt Dragon goes to the ropes and bounces off the ropes. Dragon leaps in the air and comes down across the back of CM Punk making the ropes drive into his throat. CM Punk bounces up, dazed on his feet Dragon hits a short arm clothesline that almost turns CM Punk inside out and CM Punk. CM Punk slowly gets to his feet, and then CM Punk gets to his feet as Dragon stands ready. Dragon kicks CM Punk in the gut that doubles over CM Punk in the gut and then Dragon double hooks up, and lifts up CM Punk and then drives him down with a underhook sitdown power bomb into a pin and gets the 1………………2……………kick out by CM Punk]

JR-Almost three there

Kris Gaffney-You think Dragon wins the belt, he’s going to call it the “people’s belt”.

King-I doubt it, if he does that he might kill himself before he gets to use the Money in the Bank

[Dragon argues with the ref on whether that was 3 or not, this allows CM Punk to get up and then Dragon takes CM Punk with a double leg take down. Dragon aims CM Punk to the other side of the ring and then goes for a catapault and then does it. CM Punk goes flying to the top rope, but CM Punk lands on the second turnbuckle CM Punk turns around just as Dragon gets up and notices that the move didn’t’ work as he wanted and Dragon charges at CM Punk who is there and then CM Punk jumps over Dragon and then hits a double foot stomp and Dragon falls on the top rope, as CM Punk backs up and then hits a running splash into the corner. Dragon stumbles out of the corner and then CM Punk kicks Dragon in the gut and then hits a DDT on Dragon. CM Punk takes a few moments to rest after this and then after a few moments Dragon stumbles up to his feet and then CM Punk hits a running clothesline and then Dragon falls down. Dragon stumbles to his feet and then CM Punk front face locks Dragon, and then hits a few knee’s into the face area. Then Dragon stumbles back after CM Punk let him go and then Dragon goes on the rope and then CM Punk hits a few fists the face. CM Punk whips Dragon to the ropes, and then Dragon bounces off the ropes. CM Punk tries to hit a hip toss, and Dragon tries to counter it with a hiptoss of his own. It’s blocked, and countered by CM Punk so fast that Dragon can’t fight the black side that it’s turned into. CM Punk gets the 1……………….2………….kickout by Dragon. Dragon gets up and then kicked into the gut by CM Punk and hits a DDT.]

JR-What a match by CM Punk and Matt Dragon

King-Too bad this wasn’t for the title

Kris Gaffney-Hhhhmmm….good suggestion *makes a call*

[Dragon stumbles to his feet, and CM Punk kicks Dragon and hooks him up for the Pepsi Plunge. But Dragon takes CM Punk down with a double leg take down and then Dragon points CM Punk into the corner and then tries to hit a catapult. But CM Punk is able to land on the second turnbuckle and then, Dragon gets up fast…so CM Punk tries to hit a cross body block from there. But Dragon, ducks under and CM Punk takes down the ref. Punk is stunned at what he did, then he turns around and then Dragon hits a kick and a DDT. Punk goes down to the mat in pain and then Dragon smiles. Dragon rolls out of the ring, and then looks under the ring. Then Dragon pulls out a sledge hammer, Dragon rolls back into the ring and then measures up Punk who is getting up. Lifts Dragon goes for a shot on Punk, but Punk ducks under it. Punk grabs the handle of it and stands up, Punk kicks Dragon off and now Punk has the hammer as Dragon stumbles back. Dragon goes back, and Punk uses the hammer and hits Dragon. Suddenly the bell goes off, the ref had seen CM Punk.]

JR-What a bad break for Punk

King-But if anything, he sent a message JR

(Punk holds the hammer up as we go into to commercial and come back

(OOC-I had problems with this call due to the reasons I e-mailed the RPers with (and they agreed not to give me a hard time). We recognized that Punk had focus advantage. Lucky I was able to talk to all my staff members on this one, and we determined the advantage focus wasn’t that big (OOC-after checking over again...it's not even as big as I first thought), and we liked Dragon’s quality, along with other things in the RP. So since the whole staff agreed on this decision, and because we need to move on this match, we just went with it. The ending shouldn’t make anyone look really bad, and sets up the rematch. So hopefully regardless of the outcome, it shouldn’t matter that much on who won and who lost, which was by design as agreed on by the RPers before this match.)

(OOC-Also, I used the reverse of what Tony suggested for the ending of this match…hopefully that’s ok. I thought it was a good ending.)

“Dertah theme” blasts on the PA system as Dertah walks to the ring, he looks behind him and then a masked man walks out as well. Dertah walks to the ring with the Masked Man follow behind him

King-Oh great not another masked man...

(Dertah grabs a microphone)

Dertah-Hello, Pittsburgh...I would like to invite you, one and all, to the destruction of a boy named Mark and the redemption of a man named dertaH. But, before we get to all that, you may be wondering who these two men with me are. You've seen them a couple of times in the past few weeks, and if I must say so myself, they've made quite an impact...May I introduce you to...

(The larger man pulls off his ski mask, revealing green braids sticking into the air and a sneering face)

Ill-Fated! And behind invisible curtain number two...

(The smaller man pulls off his mask, revealing an almost jester-like look and closely buzzed hair with multi-color spots)

Z-Dead! Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you the epitomy of evil, the destructive duo, the men called KOMATOZE!!! And now, for a word fro...

“Marc Mead’s theme” blasts on the PA system

King-You know, I heard that Marc Mead doesn’t like coffee shop employee’s.

Kris Gaffney-If he loses, we better quickly go, he’ll want to take his aggression on someone


[Dertah and Marc Mead face off and take trash, it would seem that Dertah has pissed Marc Mead enough. He then takes a swing Marc Mead, but Mead ducks out of the way and then hits a few fists to the face. Dertah stumbles back to the ropes and then Dertah tries to whip Marc Mead to the ropes, but it’s reversed by Dertah. Marc Mead goes to the ropes, and bounces off the ropes and then Dertah goes for a clothesline that Marc Mead ducks under and Dertah continues to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes. Marc Mead turns around and Dertah takes Marc down with a running clothesline that sends Marc falling hard on the mat. Dertah waits for Marc to stumble up to his feet, and then he gets knocked down with a running forearm shot to the face and then Marc goes down to the mat and then Marc Mead stumbles up to his feet and then he stumbles back into the corner and then Dertah goes into the corner and hits a few knife edge chops to the chest that echo’s through out the arena and then Dertah backs up at the ref’s request and then he goes back into the corner and pulls Marc Mead out of the corner and then hits a few forearm shots to the face, and then whips Marc Mead to the ropes and then Dertah bounces off the ropes and then Marc Mead bounces off the ropes. Dertah lowers his head and nails a back body drop on Mead Mead, Mead hits hard into the mat and then Dertah stumbles up to his feet. Marc Mead dazed as he stumbles backs to the ropes trying to find something to keep hi up. Dertah charges and then Mead counters the charges with a back body drop of his own. But then Dertah is able to land on the apron and then Dertah hits a shoulder block into the gut and then Marc Mead stumbles forward and then stumbles back towards Dertah who hits another shoulder block into the gut. Marc Mead stumbles into the arms of the waiting Dertah who picks up Marc Mead lifts him over the ropes and suplexs him to the outside and then Marc Mead falls to the mat and then Dertah goes to inside of the ring and then measures up on Marc Mead after climbing to the top rope as Marc Mead is stumbling up to his feet and then Dertah leaps off the top rope. But Marc Mead moves out of the way and it would seem that Dertah was over shooting him and hitting his face on the barcade]

JR-Dertah crashed and burned there

King-I don’t know, maybe he enjoyed it…

Kris Gaffney-No, that would only happen if the barcade was made of glass…I think it should be Dertah and Barbwire Chris in a tag team.

[Marc Mead crawls into the steps, Dertah soon is able to get over the fact that he smashed into the barcade and then charges at Mead trying to get the match under control. But Mead is able to counter this with a drop toe hold that sends Dertah into the steel steps. Mead’s head bounces off of the steps and then Mead takes a few moments to rest and then Marc Mead rolls Dertah in the ring and then gets up to the apron and then takes a few moments to rest as he waits for Dertah to get where he wants. Dertah stumbles to his feet, Marc Mead spring boards to the top rope and leaps off the top rope as Dertah is getting up and then Marc Mead hits a flying sit down clothesline on Dertah. Mead takes his time getting up, Dertah is up faster than expected. Dertah takes a swing at Marc Mead. Mead ducks the move, and then Mead drops Dertah with a sleeper slam. Marc Mead goes into the cover and gets the 1……………..2……………kick out by Dertah. Marc Mead didn’t expect to really get Dertah, but knew he had to try it there. Marc Mead puts Dertah into a chin lock, the ref checks it to make sure that it’s not a choke, not wanting to be in this hold for too long. Dertah gets to his feet and then Mead tries to put pressure into the hold. But Dertah is able to hit a few elbows into the gut, then hits another elbow into the gut and then tries to run to the ropes, and does as Mead is stunned and then he comes off the ropes. Mead goes for a clothesline, but it’s ducked under by Dertah. Dertah bounces off the opposide side of the ring and then Mead hits a flying back elbow on Dertah as he bounces off. Dertah goes down to the mat and then Mead turns around and hits a standing moonsault on Dertah and goes into the cover and gets the 1………………..2…………..kick out by Dertah.]

JR-Marc Mead is doing everything to make sure that he wins this match

King-Including allowing his girlfriend and sister to run off anyone that comes to the ring (OOC-This comment is edited from it's original form. Because there were misunderstands of what the original one meant...but this is all it meant. Which is true of the character Marc Mead)

Kris Gaffney-hhhhmmm, when you say it like that…..

[Marc Mead looks up and then he gets up to yell about at the ref, he notices that Dertah is on his knee’s and then Marc Mead goes for the Mead Kick. But Dertah ducks under, and then Dertah goes for a school boy and then gets the 1…………….2………………..kick out by Marc Mead. Marc Mead gets up and then charges at Dertah, Dertah hits the (monu)Mental on Marc Mead. Dertah goes into the cover and gets the 1…………………….2…………….3]

JR-Dertah has regained full control of the Television

King-I better go get to the coffee shop, before Mead gets there

Kris Gaffney-Right behind you…

(King and Kris run to the nearest coffee shop before Mead can go crazy, as Dertah is being handed the TV belt.)

(OOC-If I forgot any small detail that I was suppose to add, then be sure tell me and I’ll add it.)