EMF: Saturday Shockwave

The Shockwave video starts as it goes through the whole video as it ends we go into the darken arena as pyrotechnics blasts off on the stage and then once it’s through, the lights turn off and takes a few sweeps of the crowd as they yell excitedly and wave their signs. Some say "PETA fears Angelus and Nash", "Get help Fyre", and "

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, what a show we have for you tonight. I'm good ol' JR along side Jerry "The King" Lawler and Kris "KG" Gaffney.

King-Yeah! We didn't get phased out

Kris Gaffney-You paid him off…didn't you?

King-Yeah…he didn't come cheap.

Kris Gaffney-Well….that's good…but don't you realize that you plunged yourself further into debt?

King-But….DAMN IT!

("Just Close You Eyes" blasts on the PA system as Christian is in the ring along with the rest of the Peeps show set.)

.::Christian::.-Welcome to the Peeps show, the only show by the Peeps…for the Peeps. The show that MxMxPunk's nerdy friend calls "ober awesome". I know that all my Peeps are wondering exactly why I am here tonight. Well the answer is very simple, you see last week myself and the Masterpiece took on the team that proves that dropping your baby is a bad thing. That's right, we faced against Devin Malis and TTT. You know, you two are the reason that we have shows asking the immortal question "Are you smarter than a fifth grader". Because neither of you are even close to that level. I could go on and on, and on about the stuff that Devin Malis alone does. But then again, I would be getting repetitive…like him. Because it's the same story promo, after promo. So I will get to the point, you see after Masters and I destroyed team brainless, and made them do the smartest thing they ever thought of doing…and that's run from us. But it would seem that my guest tonight on the Peeps show is not going to let you off so easy, so I'd like to welcome my guest on the Peeps show tonight…the IC champion…"the Masterpiece" Chris Masters!

(Chris Masters's theme plays as he walks out holding the IC Title. He poses with the belt to a mixed reaction from the crowd. Masters slowly makes his way down to the ring, but eventually gets in and takes the microphone that is offered to him.)

.::Christian::.-First off Chris, I'd like to thank you for being a guest on the Peeps show.

Masters: "It's not a problem... i'm glad to be out here to tell all the Peeps exactly whats going on! It's a great show... so much better than the "Highlight Reel" crap they used to force down peoples throats..."

.::Christian::.-Yeah...the Peeps show is 100 times better than the Highlight Reel. All it's missing is a hot girl.....is Maria avaliable? Jackie won't return any of my calls.

Masters: "Well.. i'm sure we can get one... any girl would be mad not to want to be in the ring with a Masterpiece! But..... Maria? Well I can't say she's not hot... yea she would do just fine!"

.::Christian::.-Yeah...that's exactly what I meant. Anyways let's get down to business...a little more than a half a year ago, you had invited a wrestler into your stable that you felt had promise, correct?

Masters: "Yes that's correct... Devin Malis... well.. he showed all the normal signs of promise.. but it just didn't happen the way I planned."

.::Christian::.-Yeah, exactly. Just as I was saying, he does have physical talent, just not much up here *points to his head*. I know that there are some doubters out there that you gave up on Malis too quickly, so what exactly was your thought process behind kicking Malis out of Revolution...which lead him to leave the EMF for a few months.

Masters: "It's rather simple Christian. I am the Masterpiece. I am better than most people in this company... ok so i don't have World Titles and whatever.. I could have themmm If I wanted them. When I started Revolution it was about one thing.. me being able to pass my knowledge on to other, younger wrestlers. Malis never listened. He thought he was good enough without me. That's fine... but it jus twasn't going to work out, particularly when you consider he isn't actually that talented in the first place..."

.::Christian::.-We all know that, and if there is any doubt....last week I can personally say that for a fact. So you were able to dump Malis finally, he jobbed to Tomko a few times and left. Did you ever think he would be back and what were your thoughts on his sudden return?

Masters: "I knew we'd not seen the last of him... we'd never be so lucky. Malis will keep coming back because, to be honest.. he has nothing else to do with himself. If he's not wrestling... there's not much else he can do. Not many jobs will take you if you have the brains of a 6 year old and can't even pronounce 5 letter words properly..."

.::Christian::.-Since then, he's been somewhat a thorn. So my final question is what do you plan on doing about it?

Masters: "Well... we will see wont we. I'm not gonig to go into too much detail here... but I will say this. Malis crossed me.. he could have come back quietly.. he didn't. He attacked me.... and when you cross the Masterpiece... you pay for it. So be warned Malis... I will get my revenge... and when I do you will know that Revolution.... just passed you by!"

.::Christian::.-Alright, maybe you can beat some sense into him. But I'd like to once again thank you for appear on the Peeps show.

Masters: "It was a pleasure. And remember Christian... if your ever looking for a stable to join well... Revolution.. is your solution!"

.::Christian::.-I'll keep that in mind, as long as the jacket comes with it.....

(Masters walks away)

.::Christian::.-AND A HOT GIRL TOO...DAMN IT! I knew I should have asked for the girl first!

(Christian tries to run after Masters trying to get the girl put in the deal. We go into commercial and come back)

[CJ Lethal’s Theme blasts as he walks down to the ring]

J.R- Lethal just hates people

King- Mainly announcers

*Josh matthews runs*

[“Rage” blasts over the pa system as he walks to the ring]

King- Hes never on shockwave

J.R- he is now

[The two square off in the middle of the ring. CJ Lethal seems to intimidate Rage. He backs Rage into a corner and tries to hit with a hard fist, Rage ducks under it and hits a few fists of his own. CJ Lethal shoves him off and Rage lands on his back in the center of the ring but gets up and quickly runs back to Lethal. This time Lethal gets out of the way and then grabs Rage and hits him with a huge suplex. Wanting to get the quick win, Lethal goes for the pin 1…2…KICKOUT. Lethal thinks it should have been 3, so he goes over and argues. Rage quickly gets up and kicks Lethal to his knees. Rage runs from behind and hits the swinging neckbreaker. Rage goes to the top rope and waits for Lethal to get up. He is going to go for the missile dropkick. Rage launches himself at Lethal but Lethal catches him in mid air. He threw holds Rage and hits a huge fall away slam. Rage is actually able to land on his feet, he runs off the ropes and ducks under CJ Lethal from behind. He hits the running DDT on Lethal and goes for the pin 1..2…KICKOUT. Rage goes right back on the attack kicking Lethal in the neck while he is down. Lethal is able to fight his way back up. Rage seeing this goes behind Lethal and jumps onto his back trying to choke Lethal. Lethal falls backwards crushing Rage underneath him. He goes for the pin. 1..2…KICKOUT. He then goes to rage and starts to choking him. The ref counts before he has to break it. CJ Lethal uses 4 of the 5 seconds but is careful not to be DQed. CJ Lethal then lifts Rage up and takes him to the turnbuckle. He sets Rage up for the superplex. Rage tries to block it and they are both fighting up there. They knock each other off to the outside of the ring. The referee starts to count 1…2…..3….4….5….6. The men are starting to get up 7…8. Lethal looks like he is less hurt and tries to get on the apron. 9. Rage seeing he wont be able to get up in time holds CJ Lethal down as the referee counts 10.]

J.R- Double Countout!

("Fyre's theme" blasts on the PA system as Fyre walks to the ring, and slides into the ring)

JR-This is a….very strange girl

King-Meh…strange or not, she still looks like Amy Jericho.

Kris Gaffney-And that's a good thing

("Rylee's theme" blasts on the PA system as Rylee walks to the ring.)

JR-It's been a while since we seen Rylee

King-Think she's going to be rusty?

Kris Gaffney-Maybe…that's why she's facing Fyre…

[Fyre and Rylee pace around the ring, they lock up. Rylee goes behind Fyre turning the lock up into a hammer lock. Fyre looks for a way out of the hold, Fyre is able to trip up Rylee and Rylee pushes Fyre off of her free foot and Fyre goes to the ropes and comes off the ropes. Rylee stays down and Fyre drops down and then Rylee stays down and then Fyre goes to the opposite side of the ring and the ring and Rylee gets up. Fyre then hits a arm drag take down. Rylee holds Fyre down with an arm drag and puts the pressure on Fyre. Fyre refuses to give up, especially in such a basic hold. Fyre gets to her feet and then looks for a way out of the hold, Fyre backs up Rylee to the ropes and whips Rylee to the ropes. Rylee comes off of the ropes and then she hits a running shoulder block on Fyre. Fyre goes down to the mat, and then Rylee goes to the ropes and then comes off of the ropes as Fyre gets up and gets knocked down by a clothesline. Fyre goes down to the mat and Rylee hits a few stomps on the downed Fyre. Ryre gets up in the corner trying to buy herself sometime. But Rylee hits a few fists to the face, and then she hip tosses her out of the corner. Fyre goes flying and soon gets up stunned. Rylee kicks Fyre in the gut and then hooks up Fyre and hits a snap suplex on Fyre and floats into the cover and gets the 1……………….2………kick out by Fyre. Rylee hits a few stomps on the downed Fyre. Fyre gets up to her feet and Rylee kicks Fyre in the gut and goes for a vertical suplex. But this time it's countered by Fyre who lands on the other side of Rylee. Fyre pushes Rylee to the ropes and Rylee bounces off the ropes and Fyre lowers her head for body drop. But it's countered by Rylee who kicks Fyre in the face, Fyre stumbles back and then Rylee hits a drop kick that sends Fyre to the outside.]

King-She's out of the ring.

JR-I guess David Stern won't be happy.

Kris Gaffney-Na…Fyre lives in San Antonio (not seriously), so it's ok. If it was Duane Gates, then she would be in trouble.

[Rylee goes to the outside, and pulls up Fyre by the hair. Rylee hits a knee into the gut and tries to whip Fyre into the steps. But it's reversed by Fyre, Rylee goes crashing into the steel steps. Fyre has to take sometime to recover, Fyre once she has goes back on the attack as Rylee is trying to get to her feet Fyre takes Rylee's head and smashes it into the steps once again to stun Rylee. Fyre takes the stunned Rylee and then throws her into the ring and steps on the apron and waits for Rylee to get up to her feet. Rylee stumbles to her feet and then Fyre leaps off of the top rope and catches Rylee with a cross body into the cover and gets the 1……………2……kick out by Rylee. Rylee tries to roll away, she gets up and getting knocked down with a diving clothesline by Fyre. Fyre enraged hits a few stomps on the downed Rylee. Rylee tries to climb up the ropes, but Fyre takes Rylee's by the legs and pulls her off of the ropes and Rylee crashes on the mat.Rylee is on her knee's and then Fyre backs up and hits a drop kick to Rylee which brings her down to the mat the rest of the way. Rylee gets up to her feet after Fyre backs off a little bit to p and then Fyre hits a few forearm shots to the face. This stuns Rylee into the corner and then Rylee gets whipped into the corner and crashes into the corner. Fyre charges into the corner and then hits a clothesline into the corner. Rylee stumbles out of the corner and goes for a clothesline. But it's ducked under by Fyre, who hits the Ring of Fyre on Rylee.]

JR-It looks like Fyre might be trying to put this match away here.

King-Well…one step at a time Fyre, one step at a time..

[Fyre turns Rylee on her back, and goes up to the top rope and leaps off for a moonsault. But Rylee gets her knee's up and drives them into the gut of Fyre. Fyre is in pain. Fyre stumbles up and tries to go over to Rylee, but Rylee surprises her by small packaging her and gets the 1…………….2………..3]

("Generic Theme" hits to a massive pop from the crowd. The Women's Champion, Miss Jackie, emerges from behind the curtain and the crowd chant her name. She poses with her belt, and takes in the atmosphere. She walks down the ramp slowly, shaking hands with a few fans. She seems delighted to be back, but as soon as she enters the ring and "Million Dollar Theme" Plays she gets a serious look on her face.)

J.R: "It's good to have Jackie back... but she'll be all about business tonight with Natasha Jones in the ring with her..."

King: "But you know Cena and Masters aren't going to let this go down well for Jackie..."

Kris: "Yea... plus Natasha's undefeated for a reason!"

(Natasha Jones steps onto the ramp to boos from the crowd. However, these get a lot stronger when John Cena is seen jumping over the barricade, having run through the crowd, and getting into the ring behind Jackie. The referee tries to remove Cena but Cena just hits him and he falls to the floor. Cena grabs Jackie and spins her round and hits the FU! Cena mocks Jackie and calls for Nat to get in the ring.)

J.R: "Cena layed out Jackie before this match begun... Nat's going to steal ANOTHER win over her..."

King: "Oh well.... you win some... you lose some..."

Kris: "You just lose them all though King..."

(Natasha starts to walk down the ramp slowly to boos from the crowd. Just then Jackie begins to stir. Nat looks at Cena, who just laughs. Cena goes to Jackie's legs and applies then puts her in the STFU! Jackie lets out a scream of pain... and struggles against the hold. After a few moments.. she appears to have passed out. However, Cena keeps the hold in, whilst Natasha mocks Jackie. Nat walks to the bottom of the ramp and is about to get into the ring when the crowd boo even harder. Nat turns round and sees the new Intercontinental Champion Chris Masters on the ramp. Nat laughs and motions Chris forward.)

J.R: "Oh come on... enough is enough!"

King: "He was given the title... on condition he made Jackie's return a bad one...."

Kris: "How could it get any worse...."

(Masters walks past Nat and rolls into the ring. Cena notices him and breaks the hold. Cena lifts Jackie up and throws her at Chris, seemingly calling for the Masterlock. Masters taunts as if going for it. He takes the IC Title Belt off his shoulder, and holds it high, to more boos. He then motions for Cena to hold it whilst he finishes the job. Cena takes hold of the belt... but before Masters releases his grip, Masters slams the belt into Cena's face. The crowd roar as Cena falls to the floor. He looks a bit dazed but attempts to get to his feet. As he stumbles up, Masters applies the Masterlock on him! Cena struggles for a few moments, and Masters releases it when he apparantly passes out. Masters rushes over to check on the fallen Jackie. He helps her to her feet, and Jackie appears to not understand whats happening. Masters puts Jackie's arm over his neck so he can help walk her out of the arena. Natasha looks on stunned, and they walk past her up the ramp. She runs in to check on Cena, who stumbles up, apparantly having not passed out to the Masterlock. He shakes a little bit, apparantly not knowing what hit him. He looks up, and sees Masters on the ramp, posing with the IC Title belt and carrying Jackie out of the arena. He begins yelling something angrily after the two of them as they disappear from view.)

("Bad, Bad Man" blasts on the PA system as John Cena walks down with Natasha Jones. "Down with the Sickness" blasts on the PA system as the world champion Angelus Archer walks down.)

JR-You have got to wonder how these two are going to co-exist

King-Well…it worked for Devin Malis and TTT?

Kris Gaffney-But TTT didn't just take his title

King-Good point…

("Problem Solver" blasts on the PA system as Tyson Tomko and Ken Kennedy walk to the ring.)

JR-Tyson Tomko is the #1 contender for the world title.

King-He'll want to set the tone with this match

Kris Gaffney-Just like most winners of PPV matches do…

("For whom the bell tolls" blasts on the PA system as Rad Hazard and Rex stands on the top of the stage.)

JR-Looks like the #1 contenders for the tag team titles are going to scout the competition.

Kris Gaffney-Hey King…as far as this anti-Cena thing…what exactly did Cena do?

King-Eeeerrr…screwed Rex out of a chance for the title is what I make out of it.

Kris Gaffney-Oh, ok…wasn't aware there was a reason for mentioning that their anti-Cena all the time.

[John Cena and Tyson Tomko start out, there is a stare down, John Cena hits an eye rake Tyson TOmko is stunned. John Cena hits a few hard fists to the face of Tyson Tomko, Tyson Tomko stumbles back and then John Cena tries to whip Tyson Tomko to the ropes and then Tyson Tomko reverses the whip, and sends to John Cena to the ropes and John Cena comes off of the ropes and then Tyson Tomko tries to pick up John Cena over his shoulder, but John Cena is able to get free quickly and then backs to the ropes and comes off the ropes. John Can comes off of the ropes and goes for a clothesline on Tyson Tomko. But Tomko is able to turn around in time and hits a clothesline to knock down John Cena. John Cena stumbles up and gets knocked down with a another running clothesline. John Cena is stunned as he stumbles into the corner and then Tyson Tomko hits a few fists to the face of John Cena who tries to cover himself with his hands. Buit obviousy Tyson Tomko being the power house that he is getting through to some point and then Tyson Tomko whips John Cena to the opposite side of the ring and then Tyson Tomko follows in and hits a clothesline to John Cena in the corner. This corner is in corner of Kennedy and Tomko so Tyson Tomko holds John Cena and then tags in Ken Kennedy. Ken Kennedy comes into the ring and then Tyson Tomko holds John Cena open and he hits a punch into the rib and Kennedy hits it. John Cena stumbles on his feet in pain. Ken Kennedy whips John Cena to the ropes and then Ken Kennedy tries to hit a clothesline as Tyson Tomko comes off of the ropes. But John Cena ducks under the clothesline and continues to the other side of the ring. Rad Hazard tries to fake like he's going to trip him. But doesn't do it, Cena looks annoyed, and turns around and John Cena gets hit with a spinebuster. Ken Kennedy goes off of the ropes and hits a diving forearm smash, and goes into the cover and gets the 1……………..2………kick out.]

JR-Almost three, but give the devil his due…you are not going to beat John Cena that easy.

King-Kennedy is going to have to do a lot more.

Kris Gaffney-Better say his name three times then…

[Ken Kennedy picks up John Cena and whips him to the ropes. John Cena bounces of the ropes. But Angelus Archer makes a blindside tag to the back of John Cena. John Cena turns around seemly untrusting and angry. But Ken Kennedy isn't going to let them go at each other. So John Cena move out of the way, and then Angelus expecting this to happen is able to turn this move into a hang man on the top rope. Ken Kennedy stumbles back, and Angelus Archer comes into the ring and then hits a t-bone suplex on Ken Kennedy. Angelus waits on Ken Kennedy to get up. Ken Kennedy stumbles to his feet and then Angelus Archer hits a few fists to the face of Ken Kennedy and he stumbles back to the ropes and Ken Kennedy reels to the ropes. Angelus Archer whips Ken Kennedy to the ropes, and he bounces off of the ropes. Angelus Archer hits a spinning back elbow to the face of Ken Kennedy that takes down Ken Kennedy. Ken Kennedy gets up after a time, and gets to his feet. Angelus Archer kicks Ken Kennedy in the gut and throws him into the corner and then hits a few knife edge chops to the chest. Angelus Archer backs off Ken Kennedy as the ref makes him. Angelus Archer takes this moment to back off, and run into the corner and hits a running clothesline on Ken Kennedy. Angelus Archer hits a clothesline into the corner. Ken Kennedy looks like he's almost out on his feet as he stumbles forward. Angelus Archer gets under Ken Kennedy and lifts him to the top rope and hits a few fists to the face of Ken Kennedy as he goes up to the top rope, hooks Ken Kennedy and hits a super plex. Both wrestlers go crashing to the mat. Angelus Archer rolls into the cover, and gets the 1……………2………..Tyson Tomko breaks up the cover. Angelus Archer ignores the break up, and pulls up Ken Kennedy to his feet. He hooks up Ken Kennedy up and lifts him for what seems to be a vertical suplex. But Ken Kennedy is able to shift is weight and end up behind Angelus. Ken Kennedy pushes Angelus Archer forward right into the ref. ]

JR-The ref is down.

King-Well…he seems conscious at least…

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, that's a positive.

[Ken Kennedy waits for the champion, but suddenly John Cena comes from behind and hits a low blow on Ken Kennedy and lifts him up for an F-U. Suddenly Rex and Rad jump on the apron. John Cena drops Kennedy and goes after Rex and Rad who jump down. John Cena turns around and gets the big boot by Tyson Tomko. John Cena is down, and seemly out. Ken Kennedy is put on top of Cena. The ref shakes off the effects off the effects, but remembers who was the legal man, and doesn't count. This gets an argument from Tyson Tomko. Suddenly Tomko is drop kicked to the outside by Angelus. Ken Kennedy who is still stunned by the low blow stumbles up and gets rolled up by Angelus who maybe grabs some tights and gets the 1…………..2…………..3]

JR-Angelus emerged through all the chaos, and picked up the scraps…but I think he might have had the tights


[Suddenly Rex and Rad jump on the tag champions attacking them. They keep them down for a little bit. Rex seems to be getting more damage on Cena than Rad is Angelus. Angelus soon gets up, and fires back with fists. Soon Cena is able to recover enough to start fighting back. We go off the air with that.]

(OOC-think the ending was suppose to have Rex and Rad attacking Angelus as well, if I got that wrong Rex, I'll edit if you tell me nicely.)