EMF: Saturday Shockwave

Shockwave opens with the wWo pacing in their locker room.

Wasabi: Okay guys… This is a big day… Huge… Get ready; it’s going to be great! But we need to win these matches! It is absolutely imperitive, because if we lose, we’re screwed, it throws our entire big plan out of whack, so be prepared. Hobo, you’ve got Doink-wannabe?

Hobo: Yep! He’s going down!

Wasabi: Rachel, you’ve got Ashlee, right?

Rachel: Hell yeah! That dog is going down!

Wasabi: And Raptor, you’ve got grandpa past-his-primetime?

Raptor: The guys is past his use-by-date, should be a piece of cake!

Wasabi: Sweet. Well, This is how its going to be. Edge, you’ve got Hobo’s back. If anything goes wrong, give him a hand. Christian, you look after Rachel, and accompany her to ringside. I’ve got your back Raptor

Raptor: Thanks, but no thanks- It’s all good with me…

Wasabi: All the same, I’m here to help you, so I will. Then, we’ll reveal our surprise afterwards!

*The camera goes to the arena and shows where they are at and gets a few shots of the crowd

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, I'm good ol' JR along with Jerry "the King" Lawler

UnKnown's Theme Music

*"Without Me" blares throughout the arena as the fans rise up out of their seats to see who this mystery man is that has been calling himself the unknown. The man walks out from behind the curtain wearing a T-Shirt with a red Anarchy sign and jeans wearing the black ski mask he has been wearing during the past week. He walks down the ramp way and gets to the ring and slides in under the ropes.*

King: *Standing up revealing his HoRdE rules forever shirt!* IT'S HORDE IT'S HORDE FINALLY IT IS THE HORDE!

JR: Oh would you sit down and shut-up, we don't know who it is yet!

*The man walks to the side of the ring and requests a microphone as one is handed to him from a ringside technition. He walks back to the center of the ring. He rips off his mask and rips off his shirt. The shirt underneathe has a large green X on it and across the back is written "Degenerate".

JR: KING! It's Degenerate! He's back!

King: I thought we killed him off. Damn it!

***Degenerate***: Ah it feels good to be back. Wasabi, Raptor, I'm sorry I have to disappoint you. I'm not quite the sniper you were hoping I was. Maybe An Arkie will show his ugly head around sometime in the future, but not today boys. Let me be the first to apologize for the weird gimmicks this past week, but I wanted to be sure everyone would watch this week, and well if you are listening then so far so good. Now as for the fans I know you thought I was long gone and out after that brutal hell in a cell match where my neck was snapped like a twig. I have taken a lot of time to heal but rest assured I am back. Now as far as I am concerned this place has gotten a bit boring, it seems like everyone is trying to do their own thing and run in their own direction but truthfully y'all look like you are chickens running around with your heads cut off. As the song says "This looks like a job for me, so everybody just come follow me, we need a little controversy, it feels so empty without me!" I'm back, because I am one hundred percent healthy and I want to cause some trouble. I will also officially state that I am joining back with my old pals the B.W.O. The Best Wrestlers Organization alongside The Badd Boy, his girl Ashlee, my old compadre CaRnAgE or should I say CRAE? That's pretty d@mn funny. I heard we had a couple of new additions of Black Widow or Katrina whatever she calls herself now-a-days and Wesley Ikeda? The little bro has finally reared his little head? Poor sap. Well I won't waiste anymore of your time so everyone I shall go now, catch ya on the flip side, and if you're not down with that I've got two words for ya *crotch chop* suck it!

*Degenerate throws down the microphone as the fans cheer loudly. He steps back over the ropes and hops to the arena floor as "Without Me" hits once again. He walks back up the rampway and disappears behind the curtain.*

Top of Form 1 Bottom of Form 1 JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 155 pounds,, Ashlee!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Ashlee comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at ??? pounds,, Rachel!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Rachel walks to the ring. Charles Robinson is the referee for this contest. Ashlee drops Rachel with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Rachel places Ashlee on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (the bell rings) Ashlee takes Rachel down with a knee. Rachel stands up. Rachel forearm smashes Ashlee. Rachel executes a huge gutbuster on Ashlee. Ashlee is up again. Ashlee goes for a crotch slam but Rachel dodges the attack. Ashlee drags Rachel to the floor. Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) (..2) Ashlee hits Rachel with a rolling elbow smash to the face. (...3) Rachel gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Ashlee. Ashlee is back on his feet. Rachel is back on his feet. Ashlee goes for a neck scissors but Rachel dodges the attack. Ashlee takes Rachel into the ring. ]

King - It was a smart move to the ring. Rachel no longer has to watch out for weapons.

[Rachel gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Ashlee. Rachel checks his boots. (ring, ring, ring) Ashlee executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Rachel. Rachel gets hit with the shooting star press from Ashlee. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Rachel escapes. Rachel slaps the face of Ashlee. Rachel gets up. Ashlee applies the clawhold on Rachel. Ashlee puts Rachel on the top rope and executes a superplex. Now Rachel standing. Rachel with a powerful choke lift on Ashlee. Ashlee gets up. Rachel grabs Ashlee's arm, takes him down, and puts him in the armbar. Referee Charles Robinson is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... Rachel tightens the hold. ... Rachel breaks the hold. Ashlee hits a running sommersault legdrop on Rachel. Ashlee is trying to put Rachel away with a choke sleeper. Charles Robinson is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... Rachel trys to escape. ... Rachel trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) Rachel escapes. Rachel is up again. Rachel goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on Ashlee. Rachel kicks Ashlee on the mat. Ashlee gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Rachel. Ashlee gets hit with the shooting star press from Rachel. Charles Robinson counts. ...1 Ashlee escapes. ]

King - Rachel should have known better than to try for a shooting star press at this point in the match.

[Now Ashlee standing. Ashlee jumps from the top rope and hits Rachel with a flying armdrag. Ashlee gets up. Rachel is locked in the elbow submission by Ashlee. Charles Robinson asks Rachel if he quits. ... ... Rachel trys to escape. ... Ashlee tightens the hold. Ashlee breaks the hold. Rachel monkey flips Ashlee onto the mat. Rachel is up again. Rachel executes a corkscrew legdrop on Ashlee. Ashlee is up again. Ashlee throws Rachel off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. Rachel is back on his feet. Ashlee gets taken down with an armdrag takedown. Ashlee is back on his feet. Ashlee picks up Rachel and hits him with the Death Valley Driver. Ashlee is up again. Ashlee sends Rachel to ringside. Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) Rachel stands up. (..2) Flying Tomahawk by Rachel sends Ashlee down to the floor. Now Ashlee standing. Ashlee sends Rachel into Charles Robinson he goes down. Rachel gets elbowed to his midsection by Rachel. Ashlee throws Rachel off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block. Ashlee gets back to his feet.Rachel reverse DDT's Ashlee's head into the mat. ]

JR - That reverse DDT was very good.

[Rachel sends Ashlee to ringside. Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) Rachel chokes Ashlee with a microphone cable. ]

King - What an outstanding match!

[(..2) Rachel goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Ashlee. Rachel moves back to his feet. (...3) Rachel executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Ashlee. Now Rachel standing. (....4) Rachel fist drops Ashlee on the floor. Rachel climbs to his feet. Ashlee moves back to his feet. Rachel trys for a double arm DDT but Ashlee avoids it. Rachel and Ashlee move back into the ring. Rachel brings Ashlee down with a Mexican armdrag takedown. Rachel hits Ashlee with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Rachel applies an arm wrench to Ashlee. Now Ashlee standing. Rachel puts Ashlee on the turnbuckle and executes a belly-to-belly superplex. Now Rachel standing. ]

JR - I wish every match could be like this!

[Ashlee climbs to his feet. Ashlee hits Rachel with an earringer. Rachel sends Ashlee into Charles Robinson he goes down. Ashlee catches Rachel leg, but Rachel reverses it with an enzuigiri to Ashlee's head. Ashlee moves back to his feet. Rachel nails Ashlee with a huge slingshot sommersault splash. Rachel is back on his feet. Wasabi runs to the ring. Wasabi puts Ashlee in the achilles tendon hold. Wasabi moves back to his feet. Wasabi jumps off of the turnbuckle nailing Ashlee with an Asai Moonsault. Ashlee moves back to his feet. Ordered is restored. Charles Robinson gets up. Ashlee executes an airplane spin on Rachel. Ashlee hits the Scorpion Death Drop on Rachel! Ashlee gets back to his feet. Ashlee Choke Slams Rachel. Rachel looks to be out cold! Suddenly Wasabi runs out of no where as he thinks the refs back is turned and nails Ashlee with a stick of some sorts. Ashlee goes down, but the ref does see it and calls for the bell.]
JR - The winner of this match by DQ Ashlee!!!

[Badd boy starts to exchange fist with Wasabi, as they are fighting suddenly Mercedes climbs to the top rope as Rachel is getting up and Mercedes hits the Mercedes go round on Rachel. Ashlee slowly gets up, only to be kicked in the gut and hit with a DDT. Mercedes slides out of the ring and goes undetected by BB who is still fighting with Wasabi.]

"Jeckyl's theme" blasts on the PA system

JR-Jeckyl seemly wants to be taken seriously

King-well I guess that means no more juggling.....aw screw it *starts to juggle*

"Hobo's theme" blasts on the PA as Hobo walks to the ring with the TV title

King- damn Hobo, he makes the title picture out of wack. At least he isn't planet Stasiak!

JR-King....just stick to the juggling

King-ok *juggles more*

[Hobo and Jeckyl lock up, Jeckyl pushes Hobo to the ropes the ref counts and Jeckyl is told to let go. Jeckyl finally lets go, but Jeckyl hits a chop the chest of Hobo that stuns him. Jeckyl then measures up Hobo and hits Hobo with a knife edge chop. Hobo is let out of the ropes, Hobo stumbles right into the waiting Jeckyl who kicks Hobo in the gut that doubles him over. Jeckyl then sets up Hobo and hits a russian leg sweep. Jeckyl gets up fast and hits a few stomps and follows it up with a elbow drop. Hobo gets up stumbling right into the waiting arms of Jeckyl who sets up Hobo and hits a arm bar take down and hits it. Jeckyl goes into the cover and gets the 1......2...kick out, Jeckyl then pulls up Hobo and puts Hobo in a chin lock. Jeckyl hold him in that hold for a little while, but Hobo is able to get up and looks for a way out. Hobo hits a few elbows into the gut of Jeckyl, but Jeckyl still holds on to the hold. Hobo then hits a jaw breaker that finally breaks the hold, Hobo gets up as Jeckyl is stumbling around the ring. Hobo picks up Jeckyl and then hits a body slam, Hobo then drops the leg drop. Jeckyl then crawls to the ropes, Hobo then puts his knee on the back of Jeckyl's neck so that its' choking him. The ref counts to 5 and Hobo lets up Jeckyl, Hobo then lets Jeckyl up by the ropes and hits a few knife edge chops. Hobo then whips Jeckyl to the ropes, Jeckyl bounces off the ropes as Hobo charges at him and hits a flying forarm that knocks him down. Hobo pulls up Jeckyl and puts him in a head lock and hits a few fists to the top of his head. Then lets go and Jeckyl goes down, Hobo then climbs out of the ropes and to the apron. Hobo then climbs to the top rope and waits for Jeckyl to get to his feet, once he does hobo leaps off the top rope and trys to go for the Hobocanarana, but Jeckyl is able to catch Hobo and then drives him down for a power bomb. But instead of letting go, Jeckyl holds on to Hobo and then pulls him up once again and hits a sit down powerbomb and sits in for the cover and gets a 1.....2.....kick out. Jeckyl pulls up Hobo and then whips him into the corner, Jeckyl then charges and hits a clothesline in the corner.Jeckyl then climbs up and goes for a 10 punch combo and hits 1........2......3.......4......5.....6......7......8....9....10. Jeckyl climbs down and trys to whip Hobo to the turnbuckle, but Hobo reverses the whip and Jeckyl goes crashing back first into the turnbuckle. Jeckyl stumbles out of the back as Hobo waits and hits a double leg take down. Hobo then drags Jeckyl in the direction of the nearest turnbuckle and hits a catapult on the top rope.]

JR-Hobo seems a little out matched, but he's using every chance he gets to try to wear down Jeckyl.

King-Well he's poor.....well he's poor now. He's not rich anymore....damn it I was going to ask him for a loan damn it.

JR-Let me guess, for the gambling debt?

King-how you know?!

[Jeckyl stumbles out of the corner, Hobo kicks Jeckyl in the gut and sets him up. Hobo then lifts up Jeckyl and hits a brainbuster. Quickly Hobo is able to go into the cover and gets the 1.......2.....kick out. Hobo takes Jeckyl's arm and hits a few knee drops into the arm and then puts Jeckyl in a arm bar. Jeckyl is able to get up, Jeckyl back up to the ropes and is able to whip Hobo to the ropes out of the arm bar. Hobo bounces off the ropes and Hobo goes for a running clothesline, but Jeckyl ducks it and Hobo runs to the other side of the ring. Jeckyl seems to be dazed, Hobo is able to hit a shoulder block that knocks Jeckyl down. Hobo runs to the ropes and bounces off, Jeckyl isn't up yet. So Hobo jumps over him and continues to the other side. Jeckyl then gets up as Hobo bounces off the other sides ropes. Jeckyl then acts dazed, but as soon as he can is able to hit a belly to belly throw over suplex on Hobo. Jeckyl is a little slow to get up, but gets up as Jeckyl can make it to his feet. Hobo charges at him, but Jeckyl counters with a release arm drag take down. Hobo gets up fast only to be knocked down by a drop kick by Jeckyl that knocks Hobo out to the apron. Hobo gets up as Jeckyl trys to bring him into the ring, but Hobo hits a few shoulder blocks to the gut of Jeckyl. Jeckyl then sling shots himself under the rope and behind Jeckyl. Hobo then goes for a germen suplex. But Jeckyl holds on and the ref trys to break up the hold . Jeckyl uses this to get a blind low blow. (which means the ref didn't see it) Hobo goes down in a lot of pain (you think he would...wouldn't you). Jeckyl recovers for a few seconds and sees that Hobo is up in a lot of pain. (still) Hobo stumbles towards Jeckyl, Jeckyl kicks Hobo in the gut and sets him up and sets him up and hits a piledriver.]

JR-That could do it right there

King-come on Hobo

[Jeckyl quickly hooks Hobo and puts him in the final thought, Hobo is screaming in pain. Hobo can't find a way out. Jeckyl puts as much pressure he can on it, Hobo is about to tap out. But makes one final attempt and grabs on to the ropes. Jeckyl lets go as the ref counts to five, Jeckyl lets Hobo get up as he moves in. Hobo then slides out of the ring and walks away from the ring and gets counted out]

JR-Looks like Jeckyl is going to win it on a count out

King-well he's still champion right?!



postcard-Hey Jeckyl, I really actually didn't know who should win. But I was leaning towards you, but so I wouldn't mess up the main event for lock out anymore I decided to make it a count out win. I'll get you a rematch as soon as I get back from Iraq.

"Snap your fingers, Snap your neck" blasts on the PA system

JR-Primetime showed last week that he hasn't lost anything.

King-Well then why didn't he do it!



"Raptor's theme" blasts on the PA system as Raptor walks to the ring

King-Is Ashlee around anywhere

JR-no...why King

King-because I don't want anyone puking in my crown!

[Primetime and Raptor pace around the ring, Raptor charges at Primetime. But Raptor gets knocked down by a fist by Primetime. Raptor gets up, but gets knocked down by a arm drag release. Raptor gets up, only to be knocked out of the ring by a drop kick by Primetime. Raptor walks around the ring to try to rethink what he is going to do. Suddenly Primetime comes out of no where and hits a suicide dive on Raptor. Primetime is able to get to his feet pretty fast and leads Raptor to the steps and then trys to throw Raptors face into the steps . But Raptor blocks it and hits a elbow into the gut of Primetime. Then Raptor smashes Primetime's face into the steps. Primetime goes down, but Raptor pulls him up and hits a few fists that back him up by the ramp. Primetime stumbles up the ramp as Raptor measures up Primetime. Primetime spins around as Raptor is charging up after him and then catches him for a front spinebuster on the steel ramp. Primetime stays on one knee and then gets up, Primetime pulls up Raptor and hits a few forearms to the face that stumble Raptor back to the ring. When Raptor gets to the apron Primetime throws Raptor into the ring and then looks under the ring, Primetime then pulls out a table and sets it up on the outside of the ring. Primetime then jumps on the apron and waits for Raptor to get up, once he does Primetime spring shots himself on the top rope and knocks down Raptor with a spring board clothesline. Primetime gets up and measures up Raptor as he slowly gets up to his feet very stunned. Primetime kicks him in the gut and sets up Raptor for a russian leg sweep. But Primetime takes too long to hit the move and Raptor is able to hit a few back elbows that stuns Primetime. Raptor then counters the russian leg sweep into a sun set flip. Raptor is able to get Primetime over in the sun set flip. But can only get a one and Primetime is able to kick out. Trying to slow the pace down a little, Raptor puts Primetime in a chin lock. Primetime stays down, but only for a little bit and slowly starts to get back to his feet. Primetime hits a few back elbows into the gut of Raptor. Raptor lets go of the hold, Primetime runs to the ropes and leaps in the air for a hurricanarana attempt. But Raptor blocks it and turns it into a sit down powerbomb and gets a 1......2....kick out. Raptor gets up and goes to the outside and grabs a steel chair from the time keeper and folds it up. Raptor slides into the ring with the chair and then gets ready for Primetime to get up. Once Primetime is up, Raptor jabs the chair into the gut of Primetime that doubles him over. Raptor then swings the chair again across the back of Primetime that puts him down on the mat. Raptor then puts the chair on the face of Primetime and goes to the nearest turnbuckle and climbs to the second rope. Raptor then leaps off the turnbuckle and hits a flying leg drop on the chair that Primetime's face is under. Raptor is a little hurt after this move and gets up limping. But is able to go into the cover and gets the 1......2...kick out]

JR-Primetime thought that would have put Primetime away, but he's going to have to do a lot more

King-Well past weeks matches would say other wise JR!

[Raptor pulls up Primetime and throws him outside of the ring.Raptor steps outside the ring as well and steps out of the ring as well. Raptor looks over to the spanish announce table. Primetime stumbles towards Raptor, Raptor takes Primetime's head and then smashes it across the announcers table. Primetime goes down and Raptor then pulls off the cover on the table along with the monitors off it, Raptor pulls up Primetime and throws him on the table. Raptor follows Primetime on the table and slowly pull him up and sets him up for a piledriver. But Primetime drops down to one knee and hits a low blow. Primetime then uses this chance to set up Raptor and drive him throw the spanish announce table with a DDT. Both wrestlers are seemly un able to move as they landed on oppsite sides of the wreck that is the spanish announce table. So a pin can't be made, Primetime is the first to stumble to his feet and is able to pull Raptor up and roll him into the ring. But before Primetime can get back into the ring, Primetime has to take some time to recover from driving himself and Raptor through the table. While doing this Raptor gets up on the other side of the ring with the help of the ropes. Primetime is finally able to roll in the ring and gets to his feet in the ring. Primetime notices that Raptor is up, so Primetime charges at Raptor. But Raptor is able to counter with a back body drop over the top rope and Primetime goes flying right into the table he set up earlier. Primetime lay in the wreck as Raptor falls in the ring not able to hold himself up any longer. The ref looks around and decides to use his standing ten count 1..........2............3..........4.........5........6..........7.... Raptor is able to get up by using the ropes. Raptor then stumbles over to the other side of the ring an drops out of the bottom rope near where Primetime is. Primetime is moving a little as Raptor goes into the cover, but then remembers that the pin must be in the ring. (usually I have them pinned where ever in hardcore match, but I'm going to go with the idea that you have to be pinned in the ring for this match only. It will have no other effect other than what I'm about to write). Raptor gets up and throws Primetime in the ring and rolls into the ring himself. Raptor then goes for the pin and gets the 1.......2......Primetime puts his foot on the ropes. Raptor hits the mat in fustration.]

JR-It seemed that Raptor was so out of it that he forgot that this isn't a falls count anywhere match. You also got to remember that Primetime is still the man who held the title for almost six months losing it twice. Only to regain it the next event

King-But those are the glory days, like X-Cold and Salvatore. The only people that could make a return like that is Hardcore Barcyzkowski, Xtreme Deema........and maybe Slasher!!

[Raptor backs up Primetime and whips him to the ropes. Raptor leaves his head down for the back body drop. Primetime kicks Raptor in the face Raptor pops up that leavers him open for a kick in the gut and hits the Primetimer. Primetime goes into the cover and gets the 1......2.....3]

King-what...Primetime won again....what?!

JR-Primetime is the new Extreme champion!!

The Titantron lights up with Prez Mike sitting at his desk. We hear a knock at the door. Prez Mike yells “Who is it?” but no answer, so He walks cautiously towards the door. Opening it slowly, he looks surprised, then falls to the ground, limp, with a hand holding a cloth to his face…. Wasabi steps out into the room.

Wasabi: Sorry Mike, But this is more important than our friendship.

Raptor and Hobo walk in, and grab Prez Mike by the Arms. They drag him out, into the parking lot. There we see a crane lifting an unconscious destroyer, unconscious, into a big crate. Raptor picks up Prez, and throws him in there. No sounds come from either of the unconscious men. The crane then drops the lid on the Thing, and Wasabi sticks a big sticker on the side of the Crate, saying “Ship to Iraq, Postage Paid by EMF” and a truck hauls the Crate Away…

(the camera goes through the crowd as it focus on two people walking down the steps.)

JR-The Other World is here!!

King-oh...about time

JR-You got to wonder if they will try to distract the main event. But you have to remember, if they run into the ring they will be removed like any fan would that runs into the ring.

King-What I want to know is how they got ring side seats, damn it!!

(The camera shows two empty seats that Jericho and Tazz are making their way towards the seats.Jericho and Tazz take out their tickets and show the camera, they both are saying something to the camera. But only thing that can be made out is Tazz saying "look ma....I'm on Shockwave!". Jericho then sits back and holds his Hardcore championship over this shoulder and puts his feet on the barcade, while Tazz starts to eat popcorn.)

JR-There is no telling what the Other World is up to

King-Maybe they are just here to watch

JR-Wish it was that easy, but there is no telling what they are plotting

"Badd boy's theme" blasts on the PA system as Badd boy walks to the ring with the championship title

King-good Ashlee's not with him

JR-You listen to the wWo too much

King-yeah they are kind of cool....but they are no HoRdE damn it!

"Timmay's theme" blasts on the PA system as Timmay walks to the ring

JR-Timmay has a chance of a life time

King-I bet he was smoking all week to get ready...because he sure didn't cut a promo to get ready...

[Timmay stays on the apron and taughs Badd boy, Badd boy charges at Timmay. Timmay jumps on the second rope as Badd boy slides out of the ring. Timmay spring boards off it and hits a flying cross body block on Badd boy. Timmay gets up fast and throws Badd boy into the ring, Timmay jumps up on the apron and goes up to the top rope and waits for Badd boy to get up. Once he does, Timmay leaps off and hits a spinning wheel kick off of the top rope that knocks Badd boy down. Timmay gets ready as Badd boy gets up dazed and then sets him up and hits a northern lights suplex for the 1........2......kick out. Badd boy gets up fast as does Timmay. Timmay nails Badd boy with a few fists and trys to whip him off the ropes. But Badd boy is able to reverse the whip. Timmay bounces off the ropes, Timmay then leaps off the ropes and trys to hit a cross body block. But Badd boy catches Timmay in mid air and hits a fallaway slam that sends Timmay flying and rolls under the bottom rope. Timmay gets up from the apron, Badd boy grabs Timmay's head and leads to the ring post and then smashes Timmay's face into the ring post. Timmay goes down on the apron from this, but Badd boy is able to pull him back up from the apron and then sets up Timmay and hits a suplex from the apron into the ring on Timmay. Badd boy quickly goes into the cover after this and gets a 1.....2..kick out. Timmay gets up by the ropes, Badd boy whips Timmay to the ropes. Timmay bounces off the ropes. Badd boy goes down to let Timmay jump over to continue the run. Timmay continues to the other side of the ring as Badd boy waits for Timmay to return and then catches him and hits a spinebuster. Badd boy then gets up fast and then runs to the ropes and hits a fast diving elbow drop on Timmay. Badd boy then pulls up Timmay and hits a back breaker and then climbs to the second rope and then leaps off and hits a flying diving elbow drop. Badd boy quickly goes into the cover and gets the 1......2....kick out, quickly Badd boy pulls up Timmay and puts on a sleeper hold while Timmay is in the sitting position. Badd boy then hits a few fists into the neck area of Timmay. Then Badd boy hits a elbow into the face of Timmay to follow it upTimmay already pretty much beat down can't really fight back that much and seemly is now out. The ref then starts to check his arm, once.....twice....but Timmay raises his arm on the third time.]

JR-Timmay won't stay down, this is a chance he has dreamed about

King-yeah well if he stays down then we can make this match go more fast

[Timmay raises up as Badd boy holds on to the hold, Timmay hits a few elbows into the gut of Badd boy. Badd boy lets go of the hold and Timmay follows it up with a few fists that back up Timmay. Timmay then whips Badd boy off the ropes. Timmay backs up to the oppsite side ropes as Badd boy, Badd boy bounces off the ropes and Badd boy gets knocked down by a flying shoulder block. Timmay quickly goes to the outside and gets on the top rope as he waits for Badd boy to get up. Once he does, Timmay jumps off the top rope and hits a missile drop kick. Timmay quickly gets up and goes into the cover and gets the 1.....2...kick out, Timmay pulls up Badd boy and throws him into the corner. Timmay hits a few kicks into the mid section and then jumps up on the second rope and hits a kick straight into the face. Badd boy slumps down. But doesn't fall to the ground, due to his arms being hanged over the top rope. Timmay then whips Badd boy to the oppsite side turnbuckle. Badd boy goes crashing into the turnbuckle face first. Badd boy stumbles out back wards as Timmay runs to the ropes and then hits a running neck breaker on Badd boy. Timmay then runs to the ropes and hits a senton splash on Badd boy. Timmay goes into the cover and gets the 1..........2...Badd boy puts his foot on the rope. Timmay hits the mat in fustration, Badd boy gets up and gets hit with a few fists by Timmay. Timmay trys to whip Badd boy off the ropes, but Badd boy reverses the whip, Timmay bounces off the ropes and Badd boy is able to pick up Timmay and throw him down for a whiplash spinebuster. Badd boy goes down too as the ref uses his standing 10 count 1......2......3......4........5.......6.. Badd boy and Timmay get up at about the same time.Badd boy sees that Timmay is about around the top rope on the other side of the ring. Badd boy charges at Timmay, but as he is able to hit a clothesline over the top rope to Timmay. Timmay is able to counter the move with a back body drop to Badd boy. Badd boy goes flying over the top rope and lands on the arena floor and hits the barcarde as the momentum takes him. Which is right in front of where the Other World is sitting, you can see Jericho talking trash. While Tazz is actually throwing popcorn at the fallen Badd boy, while laughing about the whole thing. Timmay walks outside of the steps and pulls Badd boy up and then hits a few knife edge chops, Timmay then picks up Badd boy and drop him throat first. Timmay pulls up Badd boy and throws him into the ring]

JR-The Other World as being disrupted as they can with out actually doing something

King-Well they are yet to do anything that every fan has done....hey maybe I could get front row tickets for the HoRdE and give them a microphone and they can cut a promo on everyone in a match!

[Timmay pulls up Badd boy, but then looks over to the entrance as the whole wWo runs down. Timmay slides out of the ring as the wWo get in the ring with chairs. Badd boy gets up and gets the cachairto by Edge and Christian. Badd boy falls down as Wasabi leaps off the top rope and hits the hang time. The wWo all take turns stomping the fallen Badd boy who is finally able to roll off the side.]

JR-what has gotten into the wWo...they are interfering a lot lately

King-plus they made Prez Mike pay for his own postage.....THE BASTARDS!

(Wasabi gets a microphone)

Wasabi: Again, I’m sorry Mike. I’m sure you’ll see this footage again someday- And I’m sorry. But this is about something bigger…. Something huge. As you all know, Prez Mike is usually in charge of the EMF. *he laughs* But not anymore… From this day forward… The wWo are in control. The wWo are Locking down the EMF! The upcoming Pay Per View will be renamed to wWo lockdown, and now, We are the Prezes of the EMF! We book the Matches, we call the shots, the buck stops with US!

And As our first act, we want to announce something…

The main event for wWo lockdown…

It’s going to be the wWo vs the BWO!!!!! Me, Raptor, Hobo and Rachel vs Badd Boy, CaRnAge, Wes and Ashlee- And the catch?! *laughs again* Haha… The catch is this… All the gold is on the line… Winner gets all the titles. But there is something even better than that… No- There has been many arguments recently about who is the better stable. About who is more dominant… So, lets settle it. Lets raise the stakes a bit. The loser?

The loser has to disband their stable, never to be reformed again, under any circumstances. That includes under new names, and Tag Teams. You all split into Singles wrestlers the Rest of your careers. Forever… Haha… The wWo is locking down boys… And now… We’re in control!!!!!!!!!!!

Shockwave goes off the air as everybody does the wWo point to Wasabi, and Hobo starts hulking up…