EMF: Saturday Shockwave

The Saturday Shockwave video starts once it’s ended we go into the arena where pyrotechnics blasts off, lights turn on and fans scream.

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, I’m good ol’ JR…I’m not sure where the King is

*King runs into the announcers desk*

King-Right here, I was too busy marking out because Xtreme Deema paid a visit!

*"Barbedwire Chris' Music" plays as he comes out from behind the curtain with Lizzy Borden right beside him. He throws out his arms at the top of the ramp as the crowd boos. He walks down to the ring. He rolls in and stands in a corner waiting for his opponent.*

King: You know what sounds good right now JR?

JR: What's that?

King: F*ck chops.

JR: What are those?

King: I don't know, but I think Chris does. He used to talk about them a lot.

*"Johnny Northern-Lights' Music" hits throughout the arena as he walks out to the top of the ramp. The crowd doesn't react strongly as it is his debut match-up. He walks down the rampway and climbs up the steps to the apron. He steps through the ropes and throws his arms in the air. He looks over at the side of the ring and points at Lizzy telling her not to get involved. He looks back at Chris and the bell rings.*

JR: Here comes the newcomer in his debut. We will have to see how he fairs against the others.

King: Yes we will, Johnny Aurora Borealis.

JR: No it's Northern Lights.

King: Same thing, did you ever study your Earth Science.

JR: Oh would you knock it off.

[Barbedwire Chris and Johnny Northern Lights lock up. Chris immediately hits a knee lift into Johnny's abdomen to get a quick advantage. Johnny doubles over as chris hits the ropes and delivers a scissors kick. Johnny stumbles down onto all fours. Chris grabs Johnny around the waist and hits a gutwrench power bomb. He goes for the pin ...1...2...KICKOUT! Chris stands up and helps Johnny to his feet. He whips Johnny into the turnbuckle. Chris charges in afterwards but Johnny moves out of the way as Chris slams hard chest first into the turnbuckle. Johnny gives him a dropkick that sends Chris over the ropes. Johnny hops up on the turnbuckle. Chris starts to stand up and Johnny leaps off with a double axe handle smash. Chris is helped up by Johnny who grabs him by the legs, lifts him up, the drops down causing Chris' chin to smash off of the gaurd rail. Johnny grabs Chris' head, drags him over, then slams him into the steel steps. Johnny then whips Chris into the announcers booth. Johnny charges in only to receive a back body drop onto the top of the announcers table. Chris climbs his way onto the announcers table where Johnny is making it to his feet. Chris grabs Johnny by the throat and gives him a fallaway chokeslam off of the top of the announcers booth onto the floor. Both men lay there for a second then Chris gets to his feet. Chris rolls into the ring then rolls back out to break the referee's count. Barbedwire Chris grabs the nearby steel steps and as Johnny Northern-Lights starts to stumble to his feet Chris throws them nailing Johnny in the head busting him open. Chris looks out to the crowd throwing his arms in the air to get them to boo in reaction. He walks over to Johnny, gets him to his feet then whips him towards the ring post. Johnny hits hard. Chris flies in with a flying body splash, but once again Johnny dodges it as Chris smacks his on head off of the cold steel busting himself open. Johnny kicks Chris between the legs in desperation then grabs his head and DDT's him into the steel steps lying on the ground. Johnny grabs Chris and rolls him back into the ring then he himself climbs up on the ring apron. Johnny grabs the top rope as he uses it to flying himself over doing a senton splash onto Chris. Johnny helps Chris to his feet, but then gives him the Northern-Lights suplex. Johnny goes for the pin ...1...2...KICKOUT! Johnny starts stomping on Chris then gets him in position and throws him into the ropes. On the return Johnny grabs Chris throwing him into the air and on the way down hits a 3/4 turn neckbreaker. Johnny covers again ...1...2...KICKOUT! Chris gets to his feet only to be whipped into the corner. Johnny charges in and hops up onto the turnbuckle hitting ten consequetive punches to the head. Johnny jumps down and lifts Chris onto the turnbuckle. Johnny climbs up with him. Johnny goes for a superplex, but Chris blocks it and throws Johnny off of the top.]

JR: What an amazing match-up to kick off Shockwave this week. One bloody battle.

King: I don't think it will last much longer.

JR: Funny, that's what your ex-wife Stacy said about you.

King: .......................

[As Johnny Northern-Lights lies motion less on the ground Barbedwire Chris stands on the top of the turnbuckle and hits the flying headbutt from the top rope. Chris gets up he helps Johnny up then sets him up and delivers THE BRAINBUSTER! Chris covers for the pin ...1...2...3! Barbedwire Chris wins the match. Lizzy Borden gets in the ring and celebrates with the bloody Barbedwire Chris. Lizzy then slides out of the ring and then grabs a chair and Chris pulls up Johnny Northern-Lights and then nails a brainbuster on the chair. He pulls him up again, but before he can hit another one, Dirty D rushes in the ring and then nails barbedwire Chris with a few fists and then knocks Barbedwire Chris over the top rope. ]

“Leave you far behind” blasts on the PA system as Raptor walks to the ring

King-he’s 1 for 1 JR

JR-Who you talking about

King-….un…I don’t know

“oh hell yeah” blasts on the PA system as Wes walks to the ring

JR-It would seem Wes was confused why this match is taking place

King-Well he’s still more confused about why the hell his parents would call him “Wes”

[Wes and Raptor trade fists, Wes gets the upper hand and then Raptor is able to rake Wes’s eyes and then blinds Wes. Wes stumbles back and then Raptor hits a few fists to Wes and then proceeds to bite Wes. The ref counts and makes Raptor break it up, Wes stumbles a bit and then Raptor whips Wes to the ropes. Wes bounces off the ropes and then Raptor hits a hit toss on Wes. Wes stumbles up and into Raptor who tries to go for another hip toss, but it’s blocked by Wes and then Wes hits a knee to the gut to weaken Wes. Then Wes goes for a back slide, Raptor tries to fight it. Neither wrestler is able to get the advantage, so Wes allows Raptor to win it so Wes can flip over Raptor’s back and on to his feet. Raptor charges at Wes and goes for a running clothesline, Wes ducks it and Raptor runs to the ropes, Raptor bounces off the ropes and hits a running forearm. Raptor then goes to the outside and climbs to the top rope, then Wes stumbles to his feet. Raptor leaps off the top and goes for a hurricanarana. Wes holds Raptor up in place and then nails him with a sit down power bomb and into the cover and gets a 1…………….2…….kick out. Wes gets up and then hits a few hard stiff kicks to Raptor, Raptor stumbles up to his feet where Wes is waiting for him. Wes nails Raptor with a series of hard punches to the face. Wes then tries to whip Raptor off the ropes, but Raptor reverses the whip and sends Wes to the ropes. Raptor then uses his own momentum against Wes and Wes goes flying throw the air, but Wes is somehow able to turn it into a drop kick and Raptor stumbles back to the ropes and bounces off. Wes gets up and then waits for Raptor to stumble to him. Once he does, Wes puts him in a sleeper slam, Wes then goes over to the nearest turnbuckle and then climbs to the second rope and measures up Raptor and then nails a quick elbow drop from the second rope. Wes goes into the cover and gets a 1………………2………….kick out, Wes pulls up Raptor and then tries to whip him to the turnbuckle. But Raptor reverses it and Wes goes to the turnbuckle, Raptor tries to charge in after him. But Wes leaves his boot up and Raptor goes crashing into it. Raptor stumbles back, Wes takes Raptor down with a double leg take down and then aims Raptor towards the nearest turnbuckle and hits a sling shot on Raptor, Raptor goes flying and goes into the top turnbuckle head first. Raptor puts his arms over the top rope to keep him from falling to the ground. Wes then takes Raptor from the corner and then sets him and then puts him on the top rope and then climbs to the top rope and then nails a super belly to back suplex off the top rope]

JR-Both wrestlers are down

King-no shit JR!

[Wes slowly turns over and then puts his arm across Raptor and gets the 1………….2……….kick out. Wes slowly gets up, as does Raptor who is more slower to get up. Raptor then gets to his feet to be meet with a few fists by Wes Raptor backs up and then gets whipped off the ropes, Raptor bounces off the ropes and then goes for a running clothesline, as Wes goes for standing clothesline and both wrestlers are down the ref uses his standing 10 count 1…………….2……………….3………………4……………..5………………both wrestlers stumble to their feet. Wes hits a few fists, but Raptor answers back with a block and a inverted atomic drop on Wes. Wes stumbles back and Raptor hits a few hard fists and then whips Wes to the ropes, Wes bounces off the ropes and Raptor lowers his head and hits a back body drop. Wes stumbles up and holds his back, Wes stumbles right into Raptor and then hits a back breaker on Wes. Raptor then goes into the cover and gets a 1……………….2…………kick out. Raptor then puts on a surf board stretch on Wes. Wes streams in pain as the ref looks for a tap out]

King-Wes is so legit he’ll have to quit!

JR- We will see King

[Wes slowly gets up and then pushes Raptor forward…Raptor falls through the middle rope. Wes falls to the mat and then slides out to follow Raptor who is stumbling up after landing on his head, so he’s a little out of it. Raptor then gets up, Wes picks up Raptor and then drops him on the announcers table. Wes clears the announcers table and then throws Raptor on it. Wes then climbs up on the apron and again and then backs up to the to the top rope, Wes leaps off and goes for a big splash to Raptor on the announcers table…but Raptor moves at the last possible second and Wes goes crashing through the table…..after a few seconds the ref singals for the bell]

King-I hate count outs

“just 2 badd” blasts on the PA system as Badd Boy and Degenerate walks to the ring

King-oh good, I was looking for a reason to fall sleep during this match…BADD BOY *falls asleep*


“Dirty D’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Dirty D and Shane walks to the ring

JR-These rookies have made a impact in the EMF since debuting.

[Badd Boy and Dirty D start out by locking up, Badd Boy forces Dirty D to the ropes. But Dirty D turns the table, Badd Boy then does the same and then hits a few knife edge chops as he backs out a little bit to give him a little room. Dirty D stands stunned by the ropes and then Badd Boy whips Dirty D to the ropes and then Dirty D bounces off the ropes and then Badd Boy goes for a standing clothesline. But Dirty D ducks it and continues to the other side of the ring. Dirty D bounces off the ropes and then leaps in the air and then goes for a cross body block that Badd Boy catches. Badd Boy holds Dirty D in place for a few seconds and then drives Dirty D down with a rib breaker. Badd Boy hits a few stomps on Dirty D’s ribs and then pulls up Dirty D and hits a few hard punches to the face of Dirty D and then backs up and lets Dirty D stumble to him, once he does Badd Boy then hits a hammer lock body slam on Dirty D Badd Boy pulls Dirty D’s arm out on the mat and then Badd Boy goes to the rope and then nails a jumping knee drop. Badd Boy then hits a few standing knee drops and then puts Dirty D in a arm bar. Dirty D looks for a way out and does so by forcing his way up to his feet with Badd Boy still holding on to the hold. Dirty D then pushes Badd Boy to the ropes and then whips him to the ropes, Badd Boy bounces off the ropes and then nails Dirty D with a running shoulder block. Badd Boy then runs to the ropes, Dirty D stays down and lets Badd Boy jump over him as he bounces off the ropes. Badd Boy then continues to the other side of the ring and then bounces off the other sides ropes, Dirty D then leap frogs over Badd Boy who continues to the orinigal side he came from and bounces off and Dirty D drops down for a monkey flip attempt. Badd Boy lets himself be monkey flip and somehow lands on his feet. Dirty D foolishly gets up and celebrates thinking he got the advantage in the match, Shane is yelling and pointing to Dirty D. Dirty D turns around and gets kicked in the gut and set up, Badd Boy gets him and nails a hard power bomb. Badd Boy goes into the cover and gets a 1……………..2…………Shane has to come into the ring and hit a stomp to Badd Boy to break up the count. The ref makes Shane go back to his corner, Shane goes back without any problem as Badd Boy gets up and then waits for Dirty D to get up. Once he does Badd Boy sets up and hits a arm breaker on Dirty D. Badd Boy then goes to the nearest turnbuckle and then goes to the second rope and takes a few seconds to measures up Dirty D and then nails a fast diving elbow drop on the shoulder of the arm Badd Boy’s been working on.]

JR-Badd Boy is working on that shoulder/arm area of Dirty D

King- Wow and everyone couldn’t see that for themselves!

[Badd Boy pulls up Dirty D and then hits a few forearms on Dirty D, Dirty D stumbles back and then Badd Boy whips Dirty D to the ropes. Dirty D bounces off the ropes, but Shane makes the blindside tag and then goes to the top rope. Dirty D does a baseball slide under Badd Boy and then makes him turn around as Shane leaps off and nails him with a missile drop kick in the back of the head. Badd Boy is down, Shane then drops a leg drop on the back of Badd Boy’s head and then turns him over to his back and goes into the cover and gets a 1………………2………kick out. Shane then pulls up Badd Boy and then whips him to the ropes, Badd Boy bounces off the ropes. Shane lowers his head for a back body drop. But Badd Boy kicks him in the face, Shane pops up Badd Boy stumbles up and then Shane tries to take advantage by going for a clothesline, but Badd Boy ducks it and then nails the full nelson slam, but can’t go into the cover due the moves. Badd Boy starts to crawl towards his corner, but before he can Shane holds his leg and Badd Boy can’t really fight it off at all due to the beating he has been the receiving end of . Shane then gets up with Badd Boy’s leg up, Shane uses the other leg to trip him. But Degenerate is able to make the blindside tag on Badd Boy as he’s falling. Shane hits a elbow into the leg of Badd Boy. Gets up, but before Degenerate can jump off the top rope, Dirty D comes from the other side of the ring and pushes Degenerate off the top rope, Dirty D goes back to his corner as Shane calls for the Shady tree]

JR-interesting name for a finisher


[Degenerate stumbles up and then stumbles right into Shane who kicks D in the gut and then sets him up and gets him up for the Shady tree. But Degenerate falls out the back and then nails the D-spike on Shane. Dirty D tries coming into the ring, but is knocked to the outside by Badd Boy as Degenerate goes into the cover and gets the 1…………….2……………..3]

JR-Degenerate and Badd Boy are the new tag champions

King-zzzzzzzzzzzz….what…they won…shitty

*Saturday Shockwave goes off the air with Badd Boy and Degenerate holding up the titles*