EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The Shockwave video starts, once it ends we go into the arena as pyrotechnics go off on the stage and then the lights turn on and fans yell and wave their signs

JR-Welcome to Glendale Arena, I’m good ol’ JR along side Jerry “the King” Lawler, and Kris…um…”I don’t have a nickname” Gaffney

Kris Gaffney-I use to be called Doug’s revenge


Kris Gaffney-Forget it…

("Cold" by crossfade blasts out over the PA system, as "The Prodigy" Devin Malis comes out on stage, accompanied by Ric Flair. He climbs into the ring via the steps, and poses on the turnbuckle, with the crowd cheering him on. Then his music stops and is replaced by AN ARKIE's theme, and AN ARKIE enters and stares down Devin Malis.)

J.R: "Well this Dark match about to kick off another week of Shockwave action!"

King: "Yea.. poor old AN ARKIE, never wins but never gives up..."

(Malis has had enough of the stare down after just a few seconds, and throws a right hand at AN ARKIE. He then lays into him with rights and lefts, before whipping him off the ropes and bringing him back for a well executed text book spinebuster. Malis looks for a quick cover, and gets the 1... 2... AN ARKIE kicks out. Malis doesn't really look surprised, and begins to stomp away at AN ARKIE. He then lifts him up, and plants him into the mat with a perfect DDT. He goes for another quick pin, but AN ARKIE rolls out on the count of 1. Malis once again looks to stomp down on AN ARKIE, but AN ARKIE rolls out of the ring. AN ARKIE then grabs a steal chair from underneat the ring, and as Malis rolls out, he swings it at him, but Malis is too quick for ARKIE, and he dodges the shot. He then pushes AN ARKIE into the turnbuckle, and the chair hits the turnbuckle, bounces back and hits AN ARKIE in the head. Malis then crawls into the cover again to score the 1... 2... ARKIE kicks out just in time!)

J.R: "Some geat ability from this newcomer.."

King: "And what would you know about great ability.. besides, he's only use about 3 moves so far..."

(Malis pulls AN ARKIE up to his feet, but AN ARKIE breaks out of the the grapple Malis tried to put him in. AN ARKIE then gives Malis some rights and lefts, before taking him down with a well executed arm bar take down. He then locks in an arm bar on Malis outside the ring. Malis rolls in pain for a bit.. but is soon ale to break the hold. AN ARKIE lifts him and looks to hit a suplex, but Malis battles out and hits a weakened version of the spear on AN ARKIE. Malis then goes under the ring again, and emerges with a Steel Chain! The crowd roar as he pulls this out, and lashes it hard into AN ARKIE. Malis is taunting away, whilst whipping AN ARKIE with the steel chain. Then he calls to end the match, and wraps the chain around his hand!)

J.R: "Things about to get bloody here..."

King: "Wow, I didn't know this Malis kid could be so brutal.. I guess he is being trained by the dirtiest player in the game.."

(Malis finishes wrapping the chain round his hand, and waits for AN ARKIE to stumble up. An Arkie turns, and Malis swings his chain-covered hand at ARKIE. However, AN ARKIE, showing skills well above his usual level.. scouts it and nails a Big Boot, hitting the chain covered hand right back into Malis's own head. Malis falls to the floor, and looks beat. AN ARKIE goes into the cover and gets the 1... 2... Somehow Malis rolls a shoulder out before the 3 count.)

J.R : "AN ARKIE must have thought he was about to pick up a rare win..."

King: "A big error there from Malis..."

(AN ARKIE can't believe the match is still gonig. Frustrated he goes round to the opposite side of the ring, and under the arpon.. and pulls out... a SNIPER RIFLE!! ARKIE then gets into the ring and on top of the turnbuckle nearest Malis. AN ARKIE aims his snaper rifle.. fires.. and misses! However Malis is covered with smoke which for some reason came from the end of the rifle. AN ARKIE celebrates finally getting a shot on target with his rifle, but as he is posing to the crowd on the turnbukle, Malis's manager Flair is able to get onto the arpron and push Arkie off on the top. Flair then rolls Malis into the ring, and Malis straight away covers a stunned ARKIE to score the 1... 2... AN ARKIE rolls the shoulder out again. Mallis looks annoyed at this, and lifts up ARKIE again.)

J.R: "This impressive yougster can only be seconds away from beating AN ARKIE here..."

King: "Shut up J.R... ARKIE rules!" *Pulls out sniper and shoots J.R in back of head. J.R dies and then respawns a few seconds later*

J.R: "Well you have a better aim than your hero.. i'll give you that..."

(Mallis once again signals the end if near for AN ARKIE. He picks him up, and nails him HARD with a Jackpot. He then goes into a cover and gets the 1... 2... 3! Mallis gets up and looks down at AN ARKIE, before laughing and moving away.)

Finkle: "Here is your winner... DEVIN MALIS!"

J.R: "Shades of his cousin Jonny Cash in that move.. an impressive debut by young Devin Malis!"

King: "Don't make me pull out the rifle again..."

“Denis theme” blasts on the PA system as Denis walks to the ring

JR-Denis needs to get focused, he gets the chances. But just doesn’t seem to be focused enough to win when it counts

King-When’s the last time Denis been focused

Kris Gaffney-I’d say…around winning the TV title from Neddie

King-Whoa…he must have ADD or something

“getting away with murder” blasts on the PA system as Rhyno walks to the ring with the extreme title

JR-Rhyno has been a fine extreme champion, but he’s getting tougher and tougher challenges. Such as his match with Jonny Cash.

King- He’s lucky, maybe cocky..thus I don’t like him….BLLLAAAAHHH *King puts Maven’s face on a Rhyno picture*

Kris Gaffney-so much hate…didn’t know we slipped into the Other World..

[Rhyno comes running into the ring, and then Denis hits a few fists and then whips Rhyno to the ropes and then Rhyno bounces off the ropes and then Denis goes for fists as Rhyno comes back and then Rhyno ducks it and then Denis turns around and then Rhyno nails a quick clothesline. Rhyno stumbles up and then kicks Denis in the gut and then doubles over and then Rhynos backs up and then hits a running knee to the face of Denis. Denis goes down to the mat and Denis stumbles up and then hits a few hard fists and then whips him to the ropes Denis bounces off the ropes. Then Rhyno catches him into a fall through hip toss and then Denis holds his back and then rolls to the outside. Rhyno then pumps up the crowd. But as Denis is not paying attention and then Rhyno charges and then hits a baseball slide on Denis and then Denis falls forward and goes rolling into the ramp way and then Rhyno goes to the outside and then hits a few hard stomps on the downed Denis and then Rhyno goes to the time keepers table and then makes the time keeper run away and then he takes his steel chair and then waits for Denis to get up. Once he does as he comes from behind Denis and then smashes him with the chair and then Denis goes down to the mat and then Rhyno pushes Denis into the ring and then climbs on the apron and then goes to the top rope and then waits for Denis to get up. Once he does Rhyno leaps off and then his a flying shoulder block on Denis and then Denis goes into the cover and then gets the 1…………..2……..kick out. Rhyno then puts Denis into a chin lock and then the ref asks Denis if he wants to give up, but Denis refuses and then looks for a way out of the hold and then gets to his feet. Denis tries to get to the sides of Rhyno, but can’t and then decides to hit a few hard elbows into the gut and then he’s able to break the hold of Rhyno seemly and Denis runs to the ropes. But before he can, Rhyno grabs him by the hair and then yanks him down to the mat and then Rhyno decides that it’s time to end this match. But as he’s going for the gore half of Denis falls out of the ring to the ring side. Rhyno goes over to bring him back into the ring. But as he does, Denis then blasts him with a chair shot from the chair that Rhyno used earlier

JR-Seems that chair came back to bite him

King-That’s the Revolution way

Kris Gaffney-Guess Rhyno didn’t say his prayers enough…

[Rhyno stumbles back still dazed, but not fallen. Denis grabs the chair and then hits a another hard chair shot and then Rhyno finally goes down and then Denis goes into the cover and then gets the 1…………….2……….kick out. Denis can’t believe that he didn’t get three and then Denis hits a few stomps on the downed Rhyno and then Rhyno stumbles up and then Denis picks up Rhyno and then tries to get him up for a fishermans buster, but Rhyno is able to shift his weight so that he falls back on his feet and then Rhyno picks up Denis and then hits a front diving slam on Denis that sends him right into the chair in the middle of the ring and then Denis holds his mid section and then stumbles up Rhyno then measures up and then Denis stumbles up and then Rhyno charges to hit a clothesline over the top rope. But then Denis ducks it and then hits a back body drop, but before he falls to the arena floor. Rhyno is able to land on his feet on the apron. But Denis notices and then before he can do anything to counter it Denis hits a super kick that connects on Rhyno and then Rhyno goes crashing on the barcade. Denis is still a bit stunned and uses his time to recover. Suddenly as Rhyno is recovering Michael De Kreek leaps over the barcade and then hits a running clothesline on Rhyno. MDK then picks up a chair and then smashes Rhyno with a chair, then leaves…the ref doesn’t see this because he’s talking with Denis. But it wouldn’t matter anyways.]

JR-Damn that MDK

King-hhhmmm people interfering is at least more interesting than this match

Kris Gaffney-What…you didn’t think it would be all predictable…did you?

[MDK then leaves through the crowd as Denis goes to the outside and then takes Rhyno and then rolls him into the ring and then goes into the cover thinking he’s got the match won and gets a 1…………….2………Rhyno puts his foot on the rope. Denis hits the mat in frustration and then goes to the outside of the ring and then goes to the top rope. Rhyno stumbles up and then quickly runs to the corner and then starts hitting fists on Denis. Then Rhyno climb to the top rope. Once he gets there Rhyno sets up Denis and then hits a super DDT that drives Denis into the down chair in the ring. Rhyno then pushes Denis on his back, then goes into the cover and gets the 1……………2………3]

The show kicks off with footage of Sierra's surgery. She is laid out in an operating room and the doctors working on her right knee.

Doctor: At some point during the match she sustained a fratured patella. Basically her knee cap was in many pieces. Due to her high adrenaline she probably noticed slight pain but nothing out of the ordinary. Later in the match however when the Walls of Jericho were applied it stretched her leg out enough to allow some of the bone pieces to move around the area, basically making her knee lock up and unable to place any weight on it. We cleaned out the bone pieces and placed a makeshift knee cap in to replace the old. This young lady is tough though, we placed her in a fitted knee brace and she walked unassisted. Recovery is generally from 4 to 6 weeks all the way up to 6 months, just depends on the healing of the person.

Sierra's music hits in the arena as the fans expect it to be Jericho and Amy being Sierra wasn't supposed to be there. When she walked out onto the stage using crutches there was a mixed reaction from the fans. The camera focuses on her face where both eyes are black and 2 bandaids on her head where she was cut. She makes her way into the ring and is handed a microphone.

Sierra: I stand before you a humbled woman. But the thing is I'm still standing. I got knocked senseless, had knee surgery, but I'm still here. Yet I'm not here to start anything. LIke I said I'm humbled and I'm going to do something nobody ever thought They'd see or hear. That being I'm sorry. I'm apologizing to Jericho and Amy for all i've done to them. So I'd like to say this to them directly. So if you two would please come out here. I'm serious, I know this won't be enough, but I'd like to make an attempt at forgivness..

*The lights fade out of arena as an eye apears on the EMF tron, it opens and "Other World" blasts on the PA system as Chris Jericho and Amy Dumas bypass their usual entrance. Amy signals for the music to stop and they talk while their walking down the isle*

.::Amy Dumas::.-First off, you think I'm suppose to believe all this, after everything you put us through? I mean what's next, you going to reveal that your not really injured and crack on us with that crutch? Well I think the games a little old Sierra, don't you know when to stop?

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-You know Amy, I'm kind of wondering what doctor she had to pay...or rather in her case screw to get this set up.

Sierra: I can't even walk without these crutches.. Everyone saw the footage.

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Oh I don't doubt Amy messed you up, but what I'm getting at is you don't expect us to believe this crap do you? This whole thing is stinks, and I don't like it one bit. So I got my doubts, you didn't make it a 3 for 1 now did you Sierra with the doctor, acting school teacher and video editing crew?

Sierra: I deserve this, after all I've done to you guys. I've said what I came out here to say..

(Jericho and Amy climb into the ring)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Let me guess, GOT'CH. Nice try but were not going to be..

.::Amy Dumas::.-Jericho, we can at least here what she got to say.

(Jericho looks a little doubtly at his girlfriend, but then nods to her) Sierra: I wanted to tell you both to your faces that I'm Sorry about all I've done to you, I let things get out of hand, and did things that I shouldn't have. Take that for what you want.

(Amy looks doubtful, and Jericho is not believe it at all)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-"sorry" you say, you put us...and especially Amy through all that and you expect us to believe your different now, just because you said "sorry"?

Sierra: I'm not Asking you to Believe me. I'm just showing I know when I've been beat..

.::Amy Dumas::.-Well Sierra, hopefully you can understand us having our doubts. Because you have effectively lured us into traps before, so were having a little trouble here. Sure we could believe you, but at any moment we could be jumped too

Sierra: LIke I said I don't blame you, I'd be weary of me myself, but this is real. I just wanted to come out here admit defeat and apologize. So I'll leave you two with that..

She dropped the microphone readjusting her crutches moving to the ropes..

(Sierra gets out of the ring, and then starts to hobble up with her crutches. Jericho and Amy just turn to the entrance together, both close to each other. But something that's out of character for them, as their speechless, they still look like their waiting to be jumped from behind as the EMF goes to commercial)

“not the lady to mess with” blasts on the PA system as Victoria walks to the ring with Steven Richards

King-This song still doesn’t fit with this gimmick…but hey, at least it’s better than Chyna’s theme

JR-I wouldn’t be talking King, I heard you singing Chyna’s theme song


Kris Gaffney-Well it does get into your head sometimes

“idiot walk” blasts on the PA system as Christy does her entrance.

Kris Gaffney-Speaking of theme songs that don’t make sense, why would anyone want to come out to a song that implies your stupid?

King-Because she’s stupid, and she knows it

Kris Gaffney-Good point

JR-Well from what I heard, Sting has trained Christy to be a very good wrestler.

King-Good think Lita didn’t train her in this reality, we all saw what Lita did to Sierra….it was horrible

[Victoria and Christy lock up and then Victoria easily over powers Christy and then brings Christy in the corner and then the ref tells Victoria to back up and then slowly Victoria breaks the hold. But then Victoria does the heel thing and then cheap shots Christy and then Victoria whips Christy to the opposite side of the ring and then Chrisy bounces off and then Victoria hits a running clothesline and then hits a few stomps on the downed Christy and then Christy stumbles up to her feet and then Victoria hits a few forearms and then whips Christy to the ropes and then Christy bounces off the ropes, Victoria then hits a back elbow on Christy that knocks her down Victoria then yells a few things down at Christy and then starts to choke her and then the ref warns Victoria about choking her. But Victoria just does the same thing a little while after, the ref warns Victoria again. Victoria takes Christy be the hair and then backs her up and then charges nailing a hair throw from out of the corner and then Victoria hits a few stomps on the downed Christy and then Christy gets up and then Victoria hits a few hard fists on Christy and then whips Christy to the ropes, Christy bounces off the ropes and then Victoria goes for hip toss. But it’s blocked by Christy and then turned into a back slide and then Christy gets the 1…………..2………kick out by Victoria. Christy hits a few stomps on Victoria, Victoria pushes her away and then Christy stumbles back and then Victoria gets up and then she charges at Christy and then Christy counters with a drop toe hold and that sends Victoria into the second rope and then Victoria bounces up and then grabs on to the ropes and then goes into the corner and then Christy goes over and then hits a few hard fists and then sets up for a running bulldog. But before she does, Victoria is able to push Christy off and then Christy goes flying and quite frankly lands on her ass, she’s in a lot of pain as Victoria kicks her in the gut and then tries to hit a DDT. But then Christy spins out of it and then goes for a clothesline. Victoria ducks it and then goes for a roll up and then gets it gets the 1…………..2……….kick out Victoria falls to the ropes. Angry that didn’t work Victoria charges at Christy and Victoria and Christy knock each other down with a double clothesline]

JR-Victoria made a mistake there

King-Bet it doesn’t cost her the match

Kris Gaffney-Maybe it will, maybe it won’t…

[Slowly both wrestlers stumble to their feet, while this was happening pretty close to when they were knocked down the ref didn’t bother to start his standing 10 count and then Victoria is able to gain control with a few forearms and then tries to whip Christy off the ropes and does, Christy bounces off the ropes and then Victoria goes down on the mat to let Christy go, but Christy then hits her suicide leg drop on Victoria and then falls to the side very beat up. Christy and Victoria after a time stumble up and then Victoria tries to hit a fist, but then Christy blocks it and then Christy hits a few fists and then she backs Victoria to the ropes and then Christy whips Victoria off the ropes. Victoria bounces off the ropes, and then Christy lowers her head and then Christy hits a back body drop and then Victoria goes crashing into the mat below and then Christy lets Victoria stumble up and then Christy runs to the ropes behind Victoria and then comes off the ropes and nails a one handed bulldog on Victoria. Christy goes into the cover and then gets the 1…………2……….kick out, Christy pulls up Victoria and then hits a few knife edge chops and then Victoria stumbles into the corner and then Christy whips Victoria to the other side of the ring and then once Victoria has crashed into the corner. Christy charges and then leaps, then hits a monkey flip that sends Victoria crashing into the mat]

JR-Christy has this match going in her favor

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, but can she close the deal

King-the Miami Heat never do…

Kris Gaffney-What? The NBL is still alive? AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH

[Victoria stumbles into the corner and then Christy goes to the corner opposite of the corner that Victoria is in, and then Christy charges and then goes for a stinger splash, but Victoria moves out of the way and then school girls Christy as she stumbles out of the corner and then gets the 1…………..2……..3] (OOC-To anyone on the outside, this is a easy call…but it really wasn’t. It took me and another person some debuting…but we thought in the end that Victoria’s RP was a little more quality than Christy’s two RP’s so that was why we picked Victoria as the winner.)

“Metallius” blasts on the PA system as Wes walks to the ring

King-Oh great, wouldn’t it suck to have to have a person named Wes again as a champion..

Kris Gaffney-Well can’t say we had that problem in the IBL…most refused to have anyone named Wes on their team

King-hhhmmmm sucks to be Wesley Person

“basic thugnomanics” blasts on the PA system as Cena walks to the ring

King- I still can’t believe he got up in front of a room in a party and promoed for hours..

JR-You would be surprised where EMF superstars do their promo

Kris Gaffney-Funny thing is…they always hang on every word…WEIRD

[Cena and Wes meet in the center of the ring and then have a stare down then it breaks into a little trash talking and then the bell rings and then Cena and Wes back off and then pace around the ring and then lock up and then Wes is able to take Cena down into a head lock take down and then Cena looks for a way out of it and then is able to put Wes in a head scissors and then Wes looks for a way out of the hold and then he’s able to nip out of the hold and then Cena and Wes get up opposite of each other. Cena charges in and then Wes hits an arm drag and then Wes goes over and then Cena is able to kick Wes to knock him away and then Wes and Cena get up and then they don’t move and then crowd claps and then Wes and Cena take in the crowd’s response and then starts to circle each other and Wes goes for lock up. But Cena kicks Wes in the gut and then that doubles over Cena hits a clubbing blows to the back of Wes and then he goes to his knee’s and Cena picks up Wes and then whips him to the ropes and Wes bounces off the ropes and Cena lowers his head and then he hits a back body drop, Wes goes crashing to the ground. Cena waits for Wes to get up. Wes stumbles up and then Cena hits a running forearm and then he goes down to the mat and then Cena runs to the ropes and then his a quick running shoulder block that stumbles Wes and then makes him trip on the second rope and then goes to the arena floor and then Wes takes a moment to collect his thoughts as Cena is pumping up the crowd. Wes slides into the ring and then Cena is able to cut him off with a few stomps and then Wes struggles to get up and then Cena hits a few fists as Wes gets up and Wes stumbles against the ropes and then Cena tries to whip Wes to the ropes. But Wes reverses and sends him to the ropes and then Cena bounces of fthe ropes and then Wes is too stunned to do much. Seeing this Cena leaps in the air and then tries to go for a shoulder block, but before he can. Wes does the only thing he can do and then falls to the ground and then after a time Cena stumbles up by the ropes and then Wes stumbling up wanting to get the advantage charges at Cena who then counters with a back body drop. But Cena is able to land on the apron and then Wes turns around and then Cena is able to hit a hang man. That sends Wes down to the mat and then Cena jumps on the apron and then climbs to the top rope as Wes stumbles up and then Cena goes for a double axe handle, and then it’s countered by Wes with a fist to the gut before Cena can hit the move]

JR-That was a rookie move, you have got to remember that though Cena’s has had a lot of success in his short career. He still hasn’t been in the Extreme Measures Federation long

King-Yeah, but he’s been in here long enough to know not to fall for that…

Kris Gaffney-Must be the Wes effect…it dumbs everything down

[Wes stumbles up to his feet as Cena is getting to his feet as well, Wes then hits a few quick jabs to the face, lefts and rights. Then tries to whip Cena to the ropes, but then Cena reverses the whip and he comes off the ropes and then Wes catches Cena off guard with a quick flying forearm that sends Cena down and then Cena stumbles up and then Wes picks up Cena and then hits a quick leg drops goes into the cover and gets a 1……………2………..kick out. Wes pulls up Cena and then pushes him into the corner and then Wes hits a few shoulder blocks and then Wes whips Cena to the other side of the ring and charges in with him. As Cena crashes into the corner, Wes hits a clothesline and then before Cena can stumble out of the corner. Wes then grabs Cena by the head into a head lock and then hits a running bulldog head lock that connects. Wes goes into the cover and then gets the 1………………2………kick out. Wes picks up Cena and then hits a few hard forearms then tries to whip Cena to the ropes, but then Cena reverses and then Wes bounces off the ropes. Wes bounces off the ropes and then Cena goes for a back body drop, but then Wes is able to land on his feet behind Cena and pushes Cena to the ropes and then goes for a roll up. But Cena holds on to the ropes, Wes does a summer sault to the middle of the ring and then Cena times his next move and then Cena charges at Wes and then goes for a running clothesline. Wes ducks it, Cena turns around and then Wes sets up then nails the release suplex and Cena stumbles up and then he kicks him in the gut and then Cena doubles over and then Wes comes off the ropes and nails a spinning neck breaker on Cena]

JR-Wes might be going in for the kill.

King-I think he already killed the ratings

Kris Gaffney-Briguy would think it’s lame we have a guy named Wes in the main event

[Cena stumbles up and then Wes hits a few hard fists and then tries to whip Cena to the ropes. But then Cena reverses and sends Wes to the ropes. Wes bounces off the ropes, and then Cena goes for a clothesline and then Wes ducks and then goes for a full nelson slam. But before he can hit it Cena elbows out of it, and then Cena charges at Wes. But Wes kicks him in the gut and then hits a quick DDT, Cena bounces off the mat and then Wes seeing this chance brings Cena off the corner and then starts to choke him and then the ref counts and then Wes is forced to break the move and then stumbles into the corner and then climbs to the top rope opposite of where Cena is and then leaps off. But Cena moves out of the way and then Wes goes crashing into the mat and then Cena stumbles to his feet as Wes does. But Wes is more stunned and Cena picks him up for the F-U. Wes stuggles and is able to get out of the hold and then Cena turns around and then Wes quickly lifts him for the full nelson suplex. But Cena turns around and then lands on his feet and then Cena puts Wes in a side head lock, Wes backs him to the ropes and then Cena bounces off the ropes Cena goes for a clothesline Wes ducks. Puts on the breaks, Cena spins around and then walks right into the full nelson slam. But Wes falls away from Cena. After a time, both Wes and Cena get to their feet. Then Cena all a sudden peels out a quick F-U on Wes. But isn’t able to make the cover, slowly he crawls into the cover and then gets the 1………………………….2……………….KICK OUT. Cena can’t believe it, Cena then says to Wes “you can’t see me”. Cena goes to the ropes, bounces off and then goes for the 5 knuckle shuffle. But Wes moves out of the way at the last second and Cena goes crashing. Cena stumbles up in pain and then charges at Wes. Wes is able to do a quick, unexpected small package and is able to hold Cena for the 1………………..2……………..3]

JR-Wes has done it

Kris Gaffney-in the words of King…BLAH

(Shockwave goes off the air with Wes holding the IC championship in the ramp way as Cena is looking at him and we go to black)

(OOC-Both Wes and Cena’s RP’s were fairly close to each other if you want to talk length. That was not the factor here, while Wes did have a small part in the middle where it was somewhat questionable, and one part that was for sure unfocused. Still not a huge deal, as I felt the storyline was good to bridge into focusing into the match. Wes was able to far keep me into the RP, than Cena's RP did. So that’s why my decision went the way it did is I believed that Wes had the quality factor. Nothing to be ashamed of on both sides, you both did great, it just sucks that one of you had to lose because you both clearly worked your asses off.)