EMF: Saturday Shockwave

The EMF logo shows up on the screen and the Shockwave video starts, once it ends we go into the arena as pyro blasts on the stage. Fan scream their lungs out as the Shockwave theme plays, the lights turn on and the camera starts to search around the crowd and finally goes straight into in ring action

[Brick Lesnar comes to the ring. ]

Micheal Cole - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Denomanator!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Denomanator walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Brick Lesnar drops Denomanator with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Denomanator checks out the ring. (ring, ring, ring) Brick Lesnar neck snaps Denomanator. Denomanator slaps Brick Lesnar. Brick Lesnar gets taken down with an armdrag takedown. Denomanator punches Brick Lesnar in the head. Brick Lesnar locks Denomanator in a full nelson and slams him to the mat. Denomanator gets hit with the shooting star press from Brick Lesnar. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Denomanator escapes. Denomanator moves back to his feet. Brick Lesnar short lariats Denomanator. Brick Lesnar executes a corkscrew legdrop on Denomanator. Brick Lesnar gets up. Denomanator gets hit with the shooting star press from Brick Lesnar. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 Denomanator kicks out. Denomanator gets up. Denomanator gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. ]

The King - corkscrew armdrag!

[Denomanator moves back to his feet. Brick Lesnar lifts Denomanator up and drops him on the mat. Brick Lesnar chants start. Brick Lesnar grabs Denomanator's leg and takes him down, then locks his leg. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... Brick Lesnar breaks the hold. Brick Lesnar climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Denomanator. ]

The King - That diving headbutt was very good.

[Brick Lesnar gets back to his feet. Brick Lesnar hits the flying legdrop across Denomanator's neck. Brick Lesnar gets up. Denomanator is up again. Brick Lesnar nails Denomanator with a belly-to-back suplex. Brick Lesnar gets back to his feet. Denomanator moves back to his feet. Brick Lesnar picks up Denomanator and hits him with the Death Valley Driver. Brick Lesnar gets up. Brick Lesnar hits Denomanator with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Brick Lesnar chants start. Brick Lesnar with the Flying Elbowdrop on Denomanator!

Jarred Carthallion comes running down the ramp full force, sliding into the ring and waiting for him to get down. Denomanator hops down from the turnbuckle, and as he spins around Jarred levels him with a massive clothes line.*

J.R:"What the hell is Jarred doing? Hes not scheduled to be here tonight!"

King:"Who cares what hes doing? Everytime he comes out here and runs his mouth he simply winds up jobbing to a microphone or a ring announcer!"

*Jarred delivers a few well placed kicks and stomps to Denomanator while he’s down, and then slides out of hte ring and tosses Howard Finkel out of his seat, grabbing the chair and folding it up. Jarred slides back into the ring, chair in hand. As Jarred comes to his feet with the chair, Brick Lesnar is just starting to get up himself. Jarred stands there, waiting and motioning for Brick Lesnar to stand up and turn around, and once Brick Lesnar does Jarred levels him with a hellish shot from the chair that busts Brick Lesnar 's forehead wide open. Jarred drops the chair and then pulls Brick Lesnar towards one of the far corners. Jarred then turns around and heads back over to Brick Lesnar, grabbing him by his long hair, and pulling him up to his feet. Jarred grabs Denomanator by his chin, and raises his head up, shouting obscenities at him as he spits in his face and then kicks him in the stomach doubling him over. Jarred grabs Denomanator 's arm, and lays him out with a massive short arm clothes line. Jarred grabs Denomanator by the hand and begins to drag him towards the laid out Brick Lesnar. But once Jarred gets to his destination, he drops Denomanator 's hand and picks the chair back up, laying it over Brick Lesnar's body long ways, and then picks Denomanator up, and laying him on top of Brick Lesnar and the chair. Jarred turns towards the fans with a possessed look in his eyes, as he points towards the turnbuckle.*

J.R:"My God! Jarred's not going to do what I think hes going to do is he?"

King:"How many times must I tell you, nobody gives a damn about what Jarred does!"

*Jarred steps over Brick Lesnar and Denomanator and steps through the ropes to the ring apron. Jarred ascends to the top turnbuckle, and then leaps into the air, delivering a Legendary End that nails both Denomanator and Brick Lesnar, and causes the two men to immediately grab their midsections and being to roll around and scream in pain. Jarred comes back to his feet, a sadistic grin on his face as he reaches through the ropes and jerks a microphone out of Howard Finkel's hand.*

Jarred:"First off, I want to congratulate Chris Jericho and Amy Dumas on their victory over Triple H and Randy Orton last week, but thats not what I came out her to talk about. And thats damn sure not why I laid out these two bastards. WES, you sorry bastard! I know your in the back. Yeah, I know your back there somewhere boy, and I'm not leaving here tonight until I get my hands on you. What you did at Hell on Earth last week end showed just what the true color of that stripe that runs down your back really is. Your nothing more than a yellow bellied coward. I spent the past four months out with a broken neck. Doctors told me day after day that I may never walk again, and that I would damn sure never wrestle again. But I fought back from that injury, and I made my return last week when I beat the ever living hell out of Victor Van Nuys in that Death Cell. And the whole time I was beating the ever living shit out of him, I was thinking about the things I was going to do the members of The Ministry and Evolution on my to getting my hands on Triple H. You see Wes, I actually felt a little bit sorry for you after your match with Triple H. I actually believed that your career was over. Hell, you had us all fooled. Every damn one of us bit on what you were feeding us, and we all swallowed it hook line and sinker. But now you've shown your true colors you fucking coward. I can't believe that you would go to the lengths that you went to in order to make sure that you got a sneak attack in on me after a match. I can't believe that you would go through the trouble of lying to everybody about having a broken neck. Wes, you not only lied to your wife, your brother, your fans, but you turned your back on each and every one of them as well. Yeah, I'm sure that you and Tony probably planned it all out, so maybe you didn't turn your back on him or lie to him. But from what I've seen and heard, Kat didn't know a god damn thing about any of it. Hell, she seemed pretty damn eager to get rid of your sorry ass after Triple H beat the hell out of you and took the World Championship from you. Then again, what can you expect from a back stabbing bitch like her. Now, I don't give a damn about your relationship with her mind you, I just think its funny that shes now doing to you the exact samethings that she did to me when she left me for you. But Wes, I'm not out here to talk about your wife. Wes, I'm out here to give you a message. I want you to know that this is far from over. Wes, what you did last week only reopened the book, and started an all new chapter in the novel that is our rivalry. And Wes, if you want to get inside of the Death Cell with me so badly, then maybe......"

*Suddenly the EMFTron comes to life and a familiar old song is heard in the arena. The letters ECW burst onto the EMFTron as Paul Heyman walks out onto the stage, and motions for the music to stop.*

Heyman:"Jarred, Jarred, Jarred....I am so sick and tired of hearing you whine, moan, bitch and complain about the things that have happened to you. And I'm damn sure tired of hearing you complain about the four months you spent laid up with that broken neck. To be quite honest with you Jarred, I'm pretty damn sick and tired of you in general. So heres what I'm going to do. I'm going to book you in a match for next week's Shockwave. A match in which you will be taught a lesson. A match in which you will be taught a lesson. A lesson in how to shut your damn mouth! So heres what I'm doing Jarred. I'm booking you in an open ended Hardcore match for next week. Just what exactly does that mean? Well Jarred, what that means is that as of right now, you have no opponent. But the rest of the EMF, with the exception of Wes Ikeda, and or any of the other Ikedas in the EMF, now has until midnight Monday night to accept this open ended challenge. And the first person to do so, will be your oppenent for next week. Oh, and just in case you start to think that there might be some slight chance of a champion here in the EMF accepting the challenge, and you getting a title shot, I'm here to tell you that if any champion in the EMF accepts the challenge, it will be a non title match unless the champion who accepts this challenge wishes to put his title on the line. Oh, and one more thing, in order to preserve a Jarred versus Wes match at the next pay per view, I am banning Wes Ikeda from the building next week and banning all other Ikedas from ring side. So Jarred, why don't you go home, and think about what you've done here tonight, and ponder all the possibilities as to who your opponent just might be. Because if you ask me, you have just dug yourself a hole that you can't drag your own ass out of. Oh and Jarred, have a wonderful night!"

*Heyman drops his mic and heads back stage again as Jarred throws his microphone out of the ring and towards the the stage. He stands there in the ring, screaming threats and obscenities to Heyman as the EMF cuts to a commercial.*

(OOC-I had to change the match this happen…originally it was the TV title match..though I forgot I had something to do there, so sorry Rob..hopefully this is good enough)

Finkel:"Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, now making his way to the ring.......Brandshaw17!"

*"Brandshaw's Theme" begins to play as he walks out onto the stage to a chorus of boos. Brandshaw laughs a little as he walks down the ramp, laughing and making fun of the people in the audiance. Brandshaw reaches the ring side area and slides under the bottom rope, but as he does a beer flies out of the audiance and nails him in the ass. Brandshaw jumps up to his feet in the ring and begins to point in the direction of where the beer came while the fans all begin to laugh and make fun of him.*

Finkel:"And now introducing his opponent. Now making his way to the ring....EDGE!!!"

*"Never Gonna Stop" By Rob Zombie begins to play as Edge runs out onto the stage. He runs to one side of the stage, and then to the other playing to the fans. Edge then runs back to the center of the stage and takes off down the ramp. Edge slides into the ring and immediately comes up to his feet. As soon as Edge reaches his feet he leaves them again, nailing Brandshaw with a drop kick that sends him over the top rope crashing onto the floor below. Edge pulls his trench coat off and tosses it into the audiance, and then slides out of the ring and heads after Brandshaw. Edge grabs Brandshaw by the hair and rolls him back into the ring, sliding back in after him. Edge stands there, screaming for him to get to his feet as the bell rings and referee Nick Patrick finally steps out of the corner. Brandshaw finally begins getting up to his feet, and no sooner than he stands up, Edge spins him around and immediately delivers the Downward Spiral. The fans begin to go wild as Edge rolls Brandshaw over and goes into a cover, hooking the near leg. Nick Patrick goes down to make the count. 1...2.....Thr.....NO! Brandshaw just barely manages to kick out before Nick Patrick counts the three. Edge gets up to his feet quickly, and pulls Brandshaw up with him. Edge tries to Irish Whip Brandshaw into the far ropes, but Brandshaw reverses it and sends Edge to the ropes instead. Brandshaw swings his arm out wildly as Edge gets back to him, attempting to connect with a Clothesline from Hell, but Edge ducks under it and bounces off the ropes behind Brandshaw. When Brandshaw spins around to see where Edge went, Edge nails him with a spear that causes the crowd to go nuts. Edge immediately goes into the cover, hooking both legs as Nick Patrick goes down to make the count. 1..2..3!!!*

[We go to the backstage area, where Wes is walking down the hall wall. Suddenly Jarred comes out of no where and blindsides. Wes is able to try to throw some punches, but can’t mount much of a fight…because he was that taken off guard that Jarred would attack so…randomly. Wes knocking him to the ground and then Jarred hits a few stomps and then hits a few hard stomps on the downed Wes. Jarred then gets up and then grabs a near by steel chair and then waits for Wes to get up, once he does Jarred nails him with a steel chair shot. Wes goes down in a heap, the camera gets a shot of Wes who is busted open and then Jarred grabs a near by camera code and then starts to choke Wes, suddenly the refs and officials start running in on the scene and then tries to get Jarred off of Wes, finally they are]

Finkel:"Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match....EDGE!"

*"Never Gonna Stop" Begins to play again as Edge gets up to his feet and makes his way over to the corner, stepping up on the middle turnbuckle and celebrating his victory. While Edge is celebrating his easy victory, Assassin slides into the ring. Edge turns around into Edge and then Assassin drives him down to the mat and locks the Assassinator on Edge. Suddenly refs run into the ring and then tries to break up the hold, Assassin lets go and then looks down at Edge, then goes into the outside as Assassin’s back peddles to the stage and then turns around and disappears into the back.

(the refs helps Edge up…though the lights turn out…a lighting effect of a moon raising up in the arena as a howl can be heard…and then it goes back to normal

Coach-The hell was that?!

JR-no idea

*Shockwave comes back from commercial and the ring is filled with furniture. There are two leather recliners, along with a TV screen. Suddenly, John Cena' music, and he comes out on to the stage. He gives the crowd the 'untouchables' sign, and heads to the ring. Once in the ring, he pulls out a microphone.*

Cena: "Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo.
I'm sure you all are wondering what the deal is here in the ring.
Since I'm not on the card tonight, I decided to do my own thing.
This is the Hip Hop Clinic, where we teach Thug-A-Nomics ABC's
But this aint that kind of clinic, man - we don't test for STD's
I gotta bring out my guest, but first things first
What clinic would be complete without a gorgeous nurse."

*Cena points to the stage as Mercedes's music hits. She makes her way to the ring in a white mini-skirt, white shoes, and a white blouse. She has a paper nurses hat on.*

Cena: (to the crowd as Mer slides between the first and second ropes, entering the ring) "It's very good to be the doctor!"

*Mer smiles and takes a seat in one of the two recliners.*

Cena: "Now, my first visitor to the clinic is in need of medical attention. That's because I beat his sorry ass last week at Hell on Earth. Not to mention the fact that it has to be killing him to see his beautiful wife right here next to me. That's right, Houston. My guest tonight is none other than Eric Bischoff!"

*"I'm Back!" hits, and the crowd awaits the arrival of Eric Bischoff. However, Jonathan Coachman comes out onto the stage and makes his way to the ring. He enters the ring, then grabs the microphone on the other recliner.*

Coach: *shaking his head* "Cena, Cena, Cena. I should have expected this from you. You honestly expect my boss, Eric Bischoff, to come out here after the stunt you two pulled last week."

*Cena cuts Coach off.*

Cena: "Speaking of which, let's turn our attention to my HDTV over here and relive last week. Roll it, boys!"

The final minutes of the match from Hell on Earth is shown on the monitor. After the footage stops, Cena turns to Coach*

Cena: "So, having seen that...I have two questions for you, Coach. First off, how's your head? I mean, after all, I did clock you pretty good with that chain."

Coach: "Ha ha..Thats really funny...My head is just fine."

Cena: "Whatever. My second question is - are you out of your mind? Hitting me twice with a steel chair? You should have known better than to get in my way."

Coach: "I should have known better? Let's get one thing straight here, boy. I'm the one and only Coach. I was just doing my job, protecting my boss, Eric Bischoff. I'm proud of the fact that I busted you open last week, and if you don't watch yourself, I might surprise you and do it again tonight."

Cena: "Surprise me? I'm surprised you got off of Bischoff's jock long enough to grab that chair. But I gotta tell you, man....you hit worse than the Braves in October."

Coach: "You best watch yourself, son. I expect you to show me the same respect you should show Mr. Eric Bischoff. In fact, I want H-Town to show it's respect for my boss. Give it up for Mr. Eric Bischoff!" *Crowd boos loudly.* "I expected no less from Choke City! But, back to reailty. I came out here tonight, John Cena, because Mr. Bischoff is not here tonight. In fact, he's back at his home in Montana, and he's an emotional wreck. He's beside himself about what happened."

Cena: "Beside himself? Please, the only thing beside him is the pool of blood I took out of his head. Or maybe his bottle of Viagra. But, chill, here's my point -- you talk about respect for Bischoff. I have no respect for a guy that shows no respect for a gorgeous woman in a difficult situation. That's why I did what I did. I could see the pain in this lovely lady's eyes. She needed to be treated right, not like a trophy."

Coach: "Oh thats funny....Mr. Bischoff did everything to try and help that Jezebell over there. But you got in the way and corrupted her mind. Mr. Bischoff, like any good husband would, got jealous and tried to take back what was his and unfortunately you stole the win and his good-for-nothing wife.

Cena: "You watch what you say to the lady or you'll end up on the ground next to your 'life-partner' Bischoff. I have no doubt that Bischoff isn't here tonight. I'm sure he's back home lying in his bed at home recovering. It'll probably take him a couple months to get back on his feet after I whipped his ass."

Coach: "You think you are funny Cena. Really you do. I have nothing but Respect for Mr. Bischoff. And for your information like I said, its not from you stealing the victory that has him down, no its what SHE did to him. *Points to Mercedes.* That young lady over there is nothing more than a two timing, double crossin--"

Mercedes: *standing up Getting in Coach's Face..* How dare you say that stuff Coach. Eric may be my husband, but I'm still piecing together parts of my life and I didn't need him drilling me every five minutes on what I've done with John. He should have trusted me and he didn't. He needed to give me time instead he got jealous, and I don't need that. So Coach, you go tell Eric that he got exactly what he deserved."

Cena: "You damn right, he did. And as for you, Coach...you got a piece of what you deserved last wee, too.. My advice to you would be to get out of this ring now before she stuffs your ass like she's Yao Ming."

Coach: "You best watch yourself, young lady. If it wasn't for Mr. Bischoff's feelings for you, I'd put you in your place right here and now. However--" *Coach walks over to Cena and gets in his face* "--you, I would have no problem setting straight. Just not tonight. Houston doesn't deserve to see the Coach do his thing."

Cena: "Set me straight? The only thing straight about you is the yellow streak down you chicken-shit back. How bout next week you get back in this ring, we take out all the furniture, and we go one-on-one. And after I'm done, you'll need a real doctor to remove my foot from you ASS!!"

Coach: "Let me check my calendar." *Coach pauses to think for a second.* "Sorry, I can't make it. I've got a prior committment to make. You see, it's obvious to the world that my boss, Eric Bischoff, is way too good for this broad. So next week, I'm gonna take my boss out on the town! We're gonna go out and find us the best women money can buy. So baby, don't bother calling, cause me and the boss will be out all nig--"

*Cena then punches Coach with a right hand and knocks him down. Cena motions for Coach to get up, but Coach instead rolls out of the ring. Cena continues to yell as Coach backs up the stage and heads to the back.*

“Rollin” blasts on the PA system as Taker and Issac Yankeem walk to the ring

Coach-Looked like Freddy was confused…he said that Kane wants Taker dead?

JR-That would be a little hard…I have to agree with you on that

“Freddy’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Freddy and Biohazard walk to the ring

King-hhhhhhhmmmm interesting tag team

Coach-Oh well, it could be much…much worse

[Taker hits a few shots to the head of Freddy at backs him up to the ropes and then Taker tries to whip Freddy to the ropes and then Freddy reverses it and then Taker bounces off the ropes and then Freddy hits a quick drop toe hold, Taker gets up and then looks at Freddy, Freddy then walks around the ring and then Taker gets up and then Freddy and then Taker lock up, Freddy then goes behind Taker and then goes for a wait lock, Taker looks for a way out of the move and then Taker backs elbows Freddy and then Freddy stumbles back and then Taker goes for a punch, but Freddy blocks it and then hits a upper cut that lands on Takers’s chin and then backs up to the ropes and then Taker stumbles back and then Freddy nails a few shots to the face of Taker and then Freddy whips Taker to the ropes, but then Taker reverses it and sends Freddy to the ropes, and then Freddy leaps in the air and nails a flying shoulder block. Taker stumbles back and then Freddy wonders what it will take to effect Taker. Then Freddy hits a standing drop kick that stuns Taker and then Freddy goes for a front drop kick, but then he blocks it and then turns it into a sling shot attempt, Taker lines it up with the nearest turnbuckle and then Freddy goes flying into the top rope, Freddy stumbles around and then Taker takes a few seconds to recover as Freddy stumbles and then Taker runs to the ropes and then bounces off and then goes for a running big boot, but Freddy ducks under and then Freddy hits a low drop kick that sends down Taker and then Taker rolls on his back and then Taker sits up and then Freddy can’t believing that he won’t stay down backs up and then Taker is on all fours and then Freddy hits a kick to the ribs of Taker. Taker goes down and then Freddy hits a few stomps on the downed Taker, Freddy then runs hard to the ropes and then leaps up for a big elbow drop. But Taker moves out of the way, and slowly gets to his feet and then Taker gets up by the corner. Freddy see’s the Taker and then charges at Taker, though Taker throws him in the corner and then starts hammering him with body shots in the corner]

JR-The Undertaker is hammering away at Freddy.

King-Too bad Taker’s not Darkside Taker…I never really liked Biker Taker

Coach-I don’t know about you both…but I can’t say I like Taker no matter what form he is

[Taker then takes Freddy and then whips him to the opposite side of the ring and then Taker backs up to the turnbuckle and then charges in at Freddy and then goes for a splash, but Freddy nails a back elbow into the face of Taker that stumbles him back and then Freddy leaps over and tags in Biohazards. Biohazard hits a few fists to Taker, then knocks him down Yankeem comes into the ring and then and then goes for a fists and then Biohazard blocks it and then nails a few hard fists and then Biohazard whips Yankeem off the ropes and then hits a back body drop on Yankeem, though as Biohazards back is turned. Taker clubs him from behind and then Biohazard goes down and then Taker takes Biohazard and then throws him over the top rope and then Taker goes to the outside, Biohazard slowly gets up and then Taker hits a few fists on Biohazard and then picks him up and then drops him on the guard rail. Biohazard bounces off the guard rail and then Taker then kicks Biohazard in the gut and then sets him up for the last ride on the outside, but before he can get him up Biohazard reverses the move with a back body drop!]

JR-Biohazard avoided that, and it’s a good thing he did…because I don’t think he would have much of a career in wrestling if the Taker were to hit the last ride on the outside

King-eeerrrr it’s not like worse hasn’t happen in professional wrestling

Coach-Yeah, like when the EMF decided to hire you two…but lucky there is someone to carry the both of you in the Coach!

[Biohazard rolls in the Taker and then Biohazard waits for Taker to get up, and then singles for the Bio-Terror. But before he can hit it, Tyrant jumps on the apron and then Biohazard goes over and then flips Tyrant over the top rope and then Biohazard grabs Takers chain and then waits for Tyrant to get up. But before he can Taker clubs him from behind and then tries to push Taker to the ropes and roll him up. But Biohazard reverses it and then gets the 1…………………..2…………….3!]

Coach-What a lucky win!

King-You mean fluke…

JR-Well..in any case a win is a win.

[Freddy slides into the ring to celebrate the win, but then he gets hit with the biker chain around the fists of Tyrant. Freddy goes down, out cold, Taker and Issac throw out Biohazard and then S.P.A. starts a beat down on Freddy…then they stop and head up to the ramp]
Micheal Cole - This match is a Hardcore Match. Coming to the ring first, weighing in at 225 pounds,, "Insane" Michael Wilts!!! (crowd cheers **)

["Insane" Michael Wilts comes to the ring. ]

Micheal Cole - The second in this four way match, weighing in at 225 pounds,, CaRnAgE!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[CaRnAgE walks to the ring. ]

Micheal Cole - introducing third, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Cactus Jack!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Cactus Jack walks to the ring. ]

Micheal Cole - And finally, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Kaedon!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Kaedon walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Kaedon gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from "Insane" Michael Wilts. CaRnAgE checks his boots. Cactus Jack tests out the ropes. Kaedon checks his boots. (the bell rings) CaRnAgE executes the guillotine choke on "Insane" Michael Wilts. "Insane" Michael Wilts is up again. "Insane" Michael Wilts pokes CaRnAgE in the eyes. ]

The King - "Insane" Michael Wilts with a eye poke.

["Insane" Michael Wilts gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by CaRnAgE. "Insane" Michael Wilts is up again. "Insane" Michael Wilts hits a spinning leg lariat on CaRnAgE sending him to the mat. CaRnAgE gets up. Running neckbreaker drop executed by CaRnAgE takes "Insane" Michael Wilts down hard. "Insane" Michael Wilts gets hit with the shooting star press from CaRnAgE. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 "Insane" Michael Wilts escapes. ]

The King - That was almost the end of the match right there!

["Insane" Michael Wilts gets back to his feet. They head outside. CaRnAgE chokes "Insane" Michael Wilts with a microphone cable. CaRnAgE nails the bridging back suplex on "Insane" Michael Wilts. CaRnAgE gets back to his feet. They head into the crowd. CaRnAgE swings a trophy and hits "Insane" Michael Wilts. "Insane" Michael Wilts is bleeding as a result. ]

The King - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

["Insane" Michael Wilts puts Cactus Jack in an arm grapevine submission. ]

Micheal Cole - "Insane" Michael Wilts with a arm grapevine.

[Cactus Jack gets hit with the shooting star press from "Insane" Michael Wilts. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 Cactus Jack kicks out. "Insane" Michael Wilts with an Aztecan suplex on Cactus Jack sends him to the floor. "Insane" Michael Wilts gets back to his feet. Cactus Jack moves back to his feet. Cactus Jack piledrives "Insane" Michael Wilts into the chair!! Now Cactus Jack standing. Cactus Jack sets a chair on top of the downed "Insane" Michael Wilts, climbs to the top rope and nails a frog splash! Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... "Insane" Michael Wilts is fighting the hold. ... ... "Insane" Michael Wilts is fighting the hold. ... (AHHHH!) Cactus Jack breaks the hold. Cactus Jack swings a steel chair and hits "Insane" Michael Wilts. "Insane" Michael Wilts is bleeding as a result. Cactus Jack sets the chair on "Insane" Michael Wilts...Cactus Jack hits a Big Splash on the chair and "Insane" Michael Wilts!! Cactus Jack stands up. Cactus Jack sets a chair on top of the downed "Insane" Michael Wilts, climbs to the top rope and nails a frog splash! Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... CaRnAgE attacks Cactus Jack breaking the hold. Cactus Jack swings the ringbell and hits "Insane" Michael Wilts. "Insane" Michael Wilts is bleeding as a result. Guillotine Leg Drop from Cactus Jack off the top rope....Cactus Jack lands on the chair and "Insane" Michael Wilts's throat! Cactus Jack is back on his feet. CaRnAgE short-arm clotheslines Cactus Jack to the mat. Cactus Jack throws CaRnAgE the chair..Cactus Jack goes up top..Cactus Jack dropkicks the chair into his face! Cactus Jack clotheslines CaRnAgE. CaRnAgE with a gut-wrench suplex on Cactus Jack. CaRnAgE chants start. CaRnAgE gets up. CaRnAgE knees Cactus Jack and rolls back to his feet. Cactus Jack stands up. Cactus Jack grabs onto CaRnAgE and a Belly to Belly Suplex sends CaRnAgE down onto the chair!! Cactus Jack clotheslines CaRnAgE. Cactus Jack gives CaRnAgE the chair...Cactus Jack spins around and kicks the chair into CaRnAgE's face!! Cactus Jack throws the chair at CaRnAgE...Cactus Jack spins around and kicks the chair in his face!! They lockup. Cactus Jack sends CaRnAgE to the corner of the ring. Cactus Jack opens up the chair...CaRnAgE is thrown into the ropes...Drop Toe Hold onto the open chair! Cactus Jack is back on his feet. Cactus Jack puts the chair on CaRnAgE's body...Cactus Jack climbs up top...Splash onto the chair!! Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 CaRnAgE escapes. ]

The King - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[CaRnAgE executes the German suplex on Cactus Jack. CaRnAgE gets up. CaRnAgE grabs Cactus Jack and applies an arm wrench. Cactus Jack gets back to his feet. Cactus Jack throws CaRnAgE the chair..Cactus Jack goes up top..Cactus Jack dropkicks the chair into his face! Cactus Jack moves back to his feet. CaRnAgE gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Cactus Jack. ]

Micheal Cole - Cactus Jack takes a jumping neck snap.

[CaRnAgE comes from behind and bulldogs Cactus Jack. CaRnAgE gets back to his feet. CaRnAgE executes a corkscrew legdrop on Cactus Jack. CaRnAgE gets up. CaRnAgE hits Cactus Jack with an elbowdrop. CaRnAgE puts Cactus Jack in an arm grapevine submission. Cactus Jack gets hit with the shooting star press from CaRnAgE. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Cactus Jack escapes. ]

The King - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like Cactus Jack.

[Cactus Jack gets up. Cactus Jack grabs CaRnAgE by the back and Cactus Jack gives CaRnAgE a Belly To Back Suplex onto the chair! Cactus Jack sets a chair on top of the downed CaRnAgE, climbs to the top rope and nails a frog splash! Earl Hebner asks CaRnAgE if he quits. ... Cactus Jack tightens the hold. ... Cactus Jack tightens the hold. ... CaRnAgE is fighting the hold. ... Cactus Jack tightens the hold. "Insane" Michael Wilts attacks Cactus Jack breaking the hold. Cactus Jack and CaRnAgE head to the floor. ]

The King - Cactus Jack can get a weapn at ringside.

[Cactus Jack swings the ringbell and hits CaRnAgE. CaRnAgE is bleeding as a result. Cactus Jack punches CaRnAgE repeatedly. Cactus Jack grabs onto CaRnAgE and a Belly to Belly Suplex sends CaRnAgE down onto the chair!! CaRnAgE is back on his feet. CaRnAgE hiptosses Cactus Jack. Cactus Jack gets hit with a diving elbow smash from CaRnAgE. CaRnAgE stomps Cactus Jack. Cactus Jack moves back to his feet. Cactus Jack executes a reverse DDT on CaRnAgE directly onto the chair!!! Cactus Jack sets a chair on top of the downed CaRnAgE, climbs to the top rope and nails a frog splash! Earl Hebner asks CaRnAgE if he quits. ... ... ... CaRnAgE escapes. Cactus Jack swings a briefcase and hits CaRnAgE. CaRnAgE is bleeding as a result. CaRnAgE climbs to his feet. CaRnAgE throws Cactus Jack off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. Cactus Jack throws the chair to CaRnAgE...Cactus Jack kicks the chair into CaRnAgE's face!! CaRnAgE pulls Cactus Jack's hair. ]

The King - Good Guillotine Leg Drop by Cactus Jack.

[Cactus Jack gets back to his feet. They head into the technical area. Cactus Jack swings a trashcan and hits "Insane" Michael Wilts. "Insane" Michael Wilts is bleeding as a result. Kaedon moves back to his feet. Kaedon measures "Insane" Michael Wilts up and drops a closed fist. Now Kaedon standing. Kaedon executes a corkscrew legdrop on "Insane" Michael Wilts. Kaedon gets back to his feet. "Insane" Michael Wilts moves back to his feet. They head to the locker room. They head outside of the arena. Cactus Jack delivers a spine buster to CaRnAgE right into the chair!!! CaRnAgE stands up. Cactus Jack grabs ahold of CaRnAgE's waist....Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!!! Cactus Jack chants start. Cactus Jack has the chair set up....Cactus Jack picks up CaRnAgE in a Power Driver right on the chair!! Cactus Jack climbs up top...he flips in the air with the chair! 450 Splash with the chair on CaRnAgE! Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 ...3

Micheal Cole - The winner of this match, Cactus Jack!!!

(The Highlight reel set is in the ring, suddenly “Lovepassionfuryenergy" blasts on the PA system. Amy Dumas runs out on stage to a huge cheer from the crowd, as she does her usual taunts on the top of the stage. Amy smiles as she walks down the ramp, at the end of the ramp she begins to run and slides into the ring and then climbs up a turnbuckle and then does her corner poses. Amy jumps off the turnbuckle, and gets handed a microphone. The music stops playing as a loud “Lita!! Lita!! Lita!!” chant starts, Amy takes it in and then says]

.::Amy Dumas::.-What’s up Houston, Texas!!

(Crowd cheers loud for the Mick Foley like cheap pop!)

.::Amy Dumas::.- The reason I am out here, is because I would like to introduce you to the man who ended the career of Randy Orton at Hell on Earth!!…

*crowd cheer as a “Y2J!! Y2J!! Y2J!!” Amy has a large smile, and she let’s the chant die down *

.::Amy Dumas::.- He is the host of the Highlight Reel, “the Slayer of Careers”…”Y2J” Chris Jericho!!!

*The Y2J countdown starts 5……4……3…2…1…0…the lights go down as “Break the walls down” blasts on the PA system the camera then shows the isle where Chris Jericho raises his arms up and starts to shake a little, then turns around pumping his arm and then looks over the crowd who are giving him a loud reception. Jericho has the RWA-WWF hardcore title around his waist. Jericho raises it up, then continues down the ramp and then reaches the ring side and then walks up the steps and then steps on the apron, spinning around to hook the top rope and then look over at the crowd. Jericho walks into the ring and then Amy gives him a congrats hug (much like Raptor and Wasabi use to give each other…they called it a “non gay hug”…it’s kind of like that…or maybe that’s what they want you to believe *jobs *). Jericho then goes over the middle of the ring and then raises the RWA-WWF hardcore title over his head, Jericho then puts the title over his shoulder and then Amy hands him the microphone and the music stops and everything is back to normal. A huge “Y2J! Y2J! Y2J!” Jericho lets it go on for a while, then the chant stops to let Jericho speak, Jericho raises the microphone to his mouth and says *

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-You know…I don’t believe I have said this in a long time, but……WELCOME TO HOUSTON…IS…JERICHO!!! *crowd cheers loud *. Now I know all of you are expected me to come out here with Amy, and brag about my win at Hell on Earth…but I’m not going to do that…I mean what do I have to brag about. I mean right after my tag team partner was eliminated, having the world heavyweight champion, and his bitch as opponents…being 3 years separated from the last time I truly had a match in any federation…I still took Evolution down…downtown to Chinatown and slayed the career of that green son of bitch Randy Orton!!!! *Crowd cheers, as Jericho grins his cocky smile * You see I’m not going to brag, in fact Amy and I are really hear to celebrate a career that got killed at Hell on Earth. A career that might have been one of the brightest in the near future, but now the only thing it will be known for is that it was just another name added to the list of careers I have destroyed. Though you know what, I was thinking…I know that during my promo I gave a list of things that Orton can do since he can not be a wrestler anymore. Then after we stop filming, I began to think…that wait a minute…Orton couldn’t be any of the things I listed, because he’s never worked for a damn thing in his life!!! *crowd cheers, and a “Orton sucks” chant starts *. So I was going to make a tribute video package to show case Orton’s career…but then I came to the realization that he didn’t do enough to make even a 10 second tribute video!! So then after watching one of Triple H’s promo’s, it came to me exactly what Randy Orton is capable of doing, as the saying says…a picture says a thousand words…so please put the picture up on the INSANELY expensive Jeri-tron 5000

*The Jeri-tron 5000 shows a clip from one of Triple H’s promo’s with Randy Orton sitting on a couch eating donuts, and watching TV *

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-That’s right you son of bitch, years from now you will be doing nothing but sitting on your fat ass, and watching TV. Wishing you could have been a real career killer like “Y2J” Chris Jericho!! *crowd cheers * So I know a lot of you are asking what’s next? I mean I not only have proven myself in the ring, night in and night out in the RWA……Amy and I have made history by putting the RWA’s name in the EMF’s history books, and I have procured my status as the Slayer of Careers. So after that, you would think there isn’t anything else to do. Well if you think that, then your wrong again. You see there is one man who took everything away from Amy and myself…who has avoided me the whole time we have been here in the EMF…and a man who happens to be the World Heavyweight champion…yeah I’m talking about you Triple H, you son of bitch!! You see I noticed that the EMF’s been having some problems with Triple H. Now I know you might expect me to do what I ragged on Jarrett for doing, and become the EMF’s hero..and get rid of the EMF’s problem. But I’m not going to do that, in fact to hell with the EMF’s problems! Because this is much more personal than anything Triple H has done during the couple of months Triple H has returned. So to give you an idea of how deep this feud between myself and Triple H runs.

*The camera zooms into the Jeri-tron and it turns into a video package *

(I will admit to everyone, that I have been waiting for a Triple H vs. Jericho feud for a long time…so this “video” is to show the history that has made me want this match for 3 years now)

*Video *

(It show a RWA-WWF magazine and, a quote comes up from it and it reads “Vince McMahon was spotted in the RWA-WCW, trying to bring back Chris Jericho to the World Wrestling Federation”, the magazine fades away into a clip(

May 5th, 2001

.::Jim Ross::.-Well that's your version...but the world saw Jeff Hardy about to finish off Kurt Angle with the swanton bomb. When the masked man that Paul Heyman told about ran down and pushed Jeff off the top turnbuckle. Now if Jeff would have hit the swanton bomb or not is still a question all we know for sure is that Kurt Angle was down for the count and this masked man, whoever he is interrupted a huge match in Smackdown. After the damage was down and the bell had ended the main event, the masked man ran to the back. Now rumors are flying around the WWF wondering who this masked man is.....

(A countdown starts on the titan tron as the fans head snap towards the Titan tron. The clock reaches to zero as the lights once again shut off and for a few moments the arena is silent, expect for some voices from the crowd. A loud bang is heard as pyrotechnics blasts on the stage as a familiar theme starts to play. The name Jericho flashes on the Titan tron as the lights come back on as "Y2J" Chris Jericho is standing in the ring entrance with his back turn raising his arms. Most fans let out a huge cheer as Jericho turns around and does a few poses on the top of the stage area.

*fade into further into the promo*

But with the end of one era starts a new one, I like to call this the Y 2 J era!!! I will do exactly what I did in WCW, I will get revenge for the WCW and theirs not a damn thing any jerky in my way can do about it, there's nothing that Vince McMahon can do about it. Then when it's my turn to one day to join names such as the Rock, Godfather and Edge that when I do leave the wrestling world for good and you will never eeeeeeeeeee ever forget the Y2J era again!!!

*fade into further into the promo*

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.- Now if I didn't have to deal with Vince McMahon for a job again, it would be ok with me. But in this case I got to and Vince has no choice but to give me a contract. Not because he hates me and I hate him, but because he knows that I that I did take out the Godfather. Something that he couldn't do if his life depended on it, so Vince if your back there you might as well get that contract ready for me to sign. Because the Y2J virus is back in the World Wrestling Federation!!!!

*fade into further into the promo*

.::Dr. Tom::.-You mention this Y2J era in your speech at the house show, but I do have some information to pass along to you. It seems that Vince McMahon has already named your opponent at Raw is War and your opponent is........Triple H.

(OOC-It should be noted that his Triple H, and J’s Triple H aren’t the same. Though they both were cool with each other, and so J agreed to take on the Triple H that I faced history..so don’t really hold anything that this Triple H did in the RWA to him)

*the video fades into some quotes from Triple H’s promo against Jericho for that match *

“but im here to talk about Jericho. Jericho Jericho JERICHO, what are you trying to prove? Your gonna get into the ring, and go one on one with me? Whats that gonna prove?! You’re still going to SUCK ASS! Your still gonna be a hairy, ugly piece of crap in my eyes. Jericho, when you show up on Raw, your gonna need to call the cops, hell call the whole damn force, because I’m going to tear into you and leave you a bloody mess, and then you will realize why they call me the game. I’m going to pound your head inside out, and its going to be just too sweet for me. Jericho, I’ve always hated you”

“Jericho quit kidding yourself, your just some chump Wheel Chair Wrestling jackass that thinks can go toe to toe with me, the Game Triple H. It’s all about me, and I’m going to show everyone why I am and always will be the best damn thing to ever happen to the WWF.”

“Jericho, you think you can play the game? Well step up to the plate and we'll see if you can! Step on up man. You see, when comparing me and Jericho, im the Michael Jordan or Wrestling, and Jericho is the.... CHRIS JERICHO of wrestling haha.”

(We fade away from the promo quotes, and go into another date)

May 7th, 2001 – RWA-WWF Monday Night RAW

(I’m reproducing this match, so this is just from memory of what happened, plus I’m adding a few stuff…but pretty much this is what happened)

Triple H swings the sledgehammer, Jericho ducks and then takes him down with a double leg take down and then hits a sling shot into the top turnbuckle. Triple H stumbles around and then Jericho runs behind him and nails the running bulldog…..Jericho runs to the ropes and leaps off the ropes and nails the lion sault on Triple H!! 1………………………..2………………………….3!]

*clip cuts into Jericho standing in the isle, and Triple H going crazy into the ring. Then it cuts into Vince McMahon walking on to the stage *

.::Vince McMahon::.-On Smackdown it will be you Chris Jericho, going one on one against the hardcore champion Raven for the hardcore championship…and the special guest ref….TRIPLE H

*Triple H has a smile, as Jericho has a look of concern, we fade into some quotes from a Jericho promo before that match *

“.::Chris Jericho::.-First off Michael Cole, why the hell do you think that it was a upset that I beat Triple H? I mean I told the world that I would beat and what you know I backed up every single one of my words. Now I'm going to guess that I made Vince angry, because I insulted him so since Triple H didn't get the job done, he's now going to see if the man known as Raisin can get revenge for him. Well as far as Hardcore wrestling goes I may not be an expect as far as Hardcore wrestling goes, but I do know that anything is legal when a hardcore match takes place. So if I wanted slam a chair over Raisin's head to make him more of a idiot than he already is....I guess that's ok. If I wanted to throw Raisin off the stage into a pile of stacked tables....well I guess that would be ok too.”

“On Smackdown you will see a new side of myself, because I know deep down inside I can always be extreme when the time is right, I can be not caring for the health of the people I destroy and I can take pain, then like it. So Raisin I'm asking you...begging you to give it all you got, but in the end junior it won't be enough. It won't matter if you have Triple H to help you, it won't matter if you have Vince McMahon himself try to stop the beating I'm giving you. Thursday no Smackdown a new chapter in the Y2J era gets written and it will end with me sending over Raisin's beaten and bloody body holding up the hardcore championship!!”

“But it doesn't take a genius to see what Vince and Triple H are planning. It's funny that all of a sudden that I'm going against a man like Raisin for a championship I would not normally go after....not taking anything away from the Hardcore championship of course. But it gets even better Cole, you see it happens that Triple H was appointed the special guest ref in a match where everything is legal….”

(We fade away from that, and go into another date of a clip)

May 10, 2001 – RWA-WWF Smackdown

(OOC- once again, reproducing this)

(It shows brief clips of Jericho nailing Raven with chairs, trash cans, and various other stuff…then it gets to a clip that is more full as Jericho nails the lion sault on Raven. Triple H goes down to count the 3, Triple H just stops and shakes his head and flips off Jericho. Jericho has a pissed off look, Triple H is mocking the crowd as Jericho stands up with a face covered with his own blood holding a steel chair, Triple H turns back around and then Jericho nails Triple H with the chair, Jericho then pulls Triple H on top of Raven and then runs to the ropes and nails a lion sault on the stacked Triple H and Raven, Jericho pushes Triple H off Raven and then goes into the cover on Raven, taking Triple H’s hand and slapping it 3 times on the mat for the win….it cuts into a clip where Jericho is slowly trying to pull himself up, obviously beat up. Jericho turns around with his newly won RWA-WWF hardcore title, suddenly Triple H comes out of no where and nails him with a sledge hammer shot to the head. Triple H has a look of hate, as he stomps Jericho and then pushes him out of the ring. The clip shows Triple H and Jericho on a cleared out table and then Triple H hooks Jericho and nails the pedigree through the table!!]

*We cut into a clip of Vince McMahon *

Vince McMahon-Due to lack of talent…the RWA-WWF is closing it’s doors…

One year later in the EMF

King-You know JR tonight is the night that finally the Other World reveals itself!! I wonder who it is and is Jarred connected with it!

*The lights to flicker and then go completely off. The EMF tron strangely doesn't do the same thing as it did the past two times that the man in the dark room gave a message. But this time the EMF tron lights up with a image of a old arena completely empty and seemly not been used in a while. The lights are on in the arena as a camera directed by a unknown moves across it)

JR-My god...that's the old RWA-WWF arena

King-Yeah that would be about a year dead this month...I can't say that they ran into a bingo hall....but I'll say it anyways...BINGO HALL!! DAMN IT!!

*The lights go off in the arena, as suddenly a song known as "Other World" starts to play

As the it gets to the lyrics the lights turn back on as the camera slowly goes down to the entrance one man stands in there with his back turned to the camera his arms out strentch and what seems like some sort of championship belt.

The man spins around a few times and reveals to be.......non other than the RWA's Chris Jericho. Jericho gives off a grin and kisses the RWA-WWF Hardcore championship. Jericho then looks to entrance as someone else walks into the light with a RWA t-shirt on.

.::Chris Jericho::.-For those who don't remember, my name is Chris Jericho. I'm a man of many nicknames, but for you losers in the EMF the only two you will need to worry about are Y2J and the Last Corporate Hitman.

("Time to play the game" blasts on the PA system blasts over the PA system as EMF legend Triple H steps out on the old RWA set. Tazz looks over with little emotion, Tazz raises the microphone up once again to speak)

*From an angle that has never been seen before, you can see Tazz is happy to see his old friend from the RWA days Triple H. Though Jericho is clearly ready to burst with rage, as is Amy Dumas who is running the camera that was used to film the first Other World promo in the EMF *

*We fade into another clip from the first Other World promo*

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Angel's right, you see we made a impact on the Extreme Measures Federation at Lockdown. But we will put us over the top over the rest of these jackasses is if we get the nWo former leader Triple H. You know what I will never eeeeeeeeeeee ever forgive Triple H for what he did to me in the past. But I can put that beside me, since he is the former leader of the New World Order. But I'm telling you Tazz, you better know what the hell you are doing. Because if you think I trust him for one second your wrong.

.::Tazz::.-Hey don't worry about it Y2J, me and Triple H have been tight for a long time. I know that if he doesn't want to help us, he'll stay retired. Because I mean why the hell would he want to face the very stable he lead a long time ago. I mean he knows what the New World Order is all about and he knows what the RWA is able. You see you might not like him, but Triple H is no doubt always use his brain when it comes to wrestling. He is the game after all and he is my friend, I know he won't do anything stupid. He knows that I won't hesitate to go against him if he double crosses us. You are also right he can be unpredictable at times. I know, because I was watching at home when he drove you through that table.

(Jericho gets a little pissed at that events mention)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Well thanks for reminding me about that junior!

(Angelica gets in the middle of Jericho and Tazz)

.::Angelica Boycott::.-Look that's exactly what they want, the EMF wants us to fall apart. Remember why were here in the memory of the RWA!

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-I have no problem with you Tazz, it's just Triple H. I will tell you one thing, we may not be under contract with the EMF and why would we want to. No one in the EMF deserves to get into the ring with either one of us, but if that son of bitch double crosses us. I will make sure that everything he did to me is paid back in full, in other words I plan to get.......get......GET EVEN!

*We go into another clip *

(Shockwave comes on the air in the parking lot as a limo pulls up. We see Shane McMahon and Edge__ waiting for the limo. The limo goes to a stop, quickly Shane runs up and opens the door and out steps.......Jericho. Shane seems all disapointed.)

Jericho-Why you look so damn disappointed.

Shane-Well I thought you were Triple H.....

(The camera zooms on Jericho as he is getting pissed

Jericho-Triple H huh, well what's so special about Triple H anyways. I mean does he really deserve all this treatment, because he can't decide which side he's on. I mean the guy can't make some simple choice as it is. I mean why the hell do we need Triple H, Triple H was a never was. He's a nobody compared to the larger than life, living legend Chris Jericho..

(All of a sudden Triple H and Stacy walk behind Jericho)

Jericho-I mean who the hell does the guy think he is, he can't even make a no brainer choice. Triple H is an idiot just like most of these EMF fans, he doesn't even deserve to be in the same ring with an athlete such as Chris Jericho.....DAMN IT I'M A LIVING LEGEND AND THE RWA-WWF HARCORE CHAMPION I WILL BE TREATED WITH RESPECT!!!

(Shane and Edge__ are coughing. Jericho looks confused, Edge__ points over his shoulder. Jericho turns around to come face to face with Triple H. They stare down for a few seconds. Triple H smiles and enters the arena)

*We go into some quotes that Jericho said during his days with the Uproar *

“Not Cloudy, not Jeff Hardly, not Matt Hardly and certainly not Triple H. But you see that was not meant to be....why Jarrett? Because of some jealous jackass named Triple H that couldn't take the fact I was better then him. He got lucky the RWA closed before I could make my return, because I would not only beat him...I would destroy him and end his career just as I did to the Godfather!”

*shows the clip of Jericho being driven through the table in slow motion

“I blame Triple H for Amy and I losing everything…”

*Video ends *

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-It’s been three years in the making….hasn’t it Triple H, three years of you ducking me, three years of me waiting to get revenge. But now I have you cornered Triple H, and you can no longer duck me, and I’m going to make you pay, and I’m going to do it at Whiplash…for the Extreme Measures Federation CHAMPIONSHIP!! *crowd cheers * But you see, there is a simple fact…I don’t want to be EMF champion *crowd boo’s *…but it was my destiny to become an RWA champion, Triple H I did some research and I found out just like me…your RWA contract is still alive. Oh yeah, you see I still may not have a contract with the EMF, and I may not be able to wrestle under the EMF banner…but RWA banner is a whole different story, you see Triple H being the only one else still under RWA contract that I know of. You are the only one that can really touch me, even under my agreement with the EMF. So at Whiplash, I challenge you Triple H, under the RWA banner for the EMF world title!

*Jericho then puts his hands on his head and then laughs *

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.- You see I know that you live to be the best, you live to be any world champion. To destroy your world, like you destroyed Amy, and mine…I would have be successful in becoming champion, and if I do….when I do Triple H. The EMF championship changes call signs to the RWA Championship…that is of course until I have to defend it for the first time in the EMF. Then it’s back to the EMF championship, and I don’t want that..as I said I don’t want to be EMF champion. But I do want to be the person that beats you for the title, and from there I will decide what I want to do. In days passed, I’ve done everything with a stable backing me, not to sound selfish. But I hope that everyone in the back knows that this is something that I have to do alone without a stable backing me, I have had too many people ride my coat tails in my achievements here and have them try to claim them for their own. So as much as it’s great to have people backing you, for this match…all I need is the match, under the RWA banner….the lovely Amy Dumas in my corner

*Amy’s in the corner, as Amy gives a bit of a smile *

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-As well as all my Jerichohalics behind me! *crowd cheers * Triple H, accept at Whiplash, and I swear to god. You are going to regret the day you messed with Chris Jericho and Amy Dumas, because at Whiplash when I beat you. I will have finally made you pay for everything I lost in my career, my respect, my money, my legacy. Everything you took from Amy, she was about to beat the hell out of that trash bag hoe Sunny before the RWA closed, and further her legacy as one of the greatest RWA womens champions EVER, and last I will make you pay for each and everyone of the RWA superstars that are now out of a job, because of people like you Triple H….

*Suddenly the EMF tron lights up with the image of Triple H in the parking lot by a limo *

Triple H-heart warming…really, Jericho like I said before. You are not even in my league, tell me why the hell should I put my title up against a nobody like you with absolutely nothing to gain once I beat you…

*Suddenly “Iron Man” blasts on the PA system as Prez Mike walks out on the ramp *

.::Prez Mike::.-You know Triple H, I have sat back there and let you run things in the EMF, and quite frankly I’m sick of it. I think Jericho proved he’s more than worthy to face you Triple H at Whiplash..in fact that’s what I’ll bank on. If you give Jericho the match, then I’ll put up my half of the company against your half of the company.

(the camera goes back to Triple H, who is smiling)

Triple H-That’s the best idea I’ve heard in a long time, though I think I still can do one better…Jericho I’m tired of looking at you and Amy’s faces. So once I beat you, like everyone knows I will…you and her are finished in the EMF for good, no more immune deal, Amy has to resign as Vice President, it’s OVER!

(Jericho is talking to Amy, she nods her head and Jericho says)

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-That’s fine with us…I mean what more will there be to do? But if we put everything on the line, you have to put your career up as well! (OOC-I'm not sure about this stip, I'm pretty sure this was it...but don't be surprised if it's taken out, it's hard to say with not being able to talk to J?)

(Triple H laughs and shakes his head)

.::Triple H::.-Jericho…Amy, I’m going to enjoy destroying everything you have once again. I’ll have the contract written up, but what you have to understand that will take time, like a week from now, and I’m not going to do it in front of the pieces of trash known as the fans EMF…so the only way you will be able to sign it, is if you and Amy over there come to my home, and sign it there.

(Jericho looks a bit pissed off, and a bit worried as he is talking to Amy. Jericho hands Amy the microphone and she says)

.::Amy Dumas::.-That’s fine, I’m going to make sure that you don’t try to sneak anything in the contract…one week Triple H, and that seals your fate.

(Saturday Shockwave ends with Jericho and Amy looking at the EMF tron as it fades to black)