EMF: Saturday Shockwave

Dark match

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Gillberg!!! (crowd cheers ****) <


[Gillberg comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Cody Miller!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Cody Miller walks to the ring. Referee is the referee for this contest. Referee checks Gillberg's boots and knee pads. Gillberg gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Cody Miller. (ding, ding, ding) Gillberg clotheslines Cody Miller. ]

King - weak move!

[Gillberg clotheslines Cody Miller. Cody Miller chops Gillberg. They lockup. Gillberg sends Cody Miller to the corner of the ring. Gillberg gets hit with a dragon scerw from Cody Miller. Gillberg is up again. Gillberg punches Cody Miller repeatedly. Gillberg clotheslines Cody Miller. Cody Miller hits Gillberg with an atomic drop. Cody Miller chants start. Cody Miller measures Gillberg up and drops a closed fist. Cody Miller is up again. Cody Miller rolls onto Gillberg connecting with a knee. Gillberg moves back to his feet. Cody Miller trys for a double underhook suplex but Gillberg avoids it. Cody Miller drags Gillberg to the floor. Referee starts the count (.1) Cody Miller uses a swinging DDT to plant Gillberg's head into the floor. Cody Miller stands up. (..2) Cody Miller swings a Steel chair and hits Gillberg. Gillberg is bleeding as a result. Gillberg moves back to his feet. (...3) They lockup. Gillberg sends Cody Miller to the corner of ringside. ]

King - Follows up with a weak move.

[(....4) Cody Miller hits Gillberg with the back of his elbow. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Cody Miller executes the jumping sidekick on Gillberg. Cody Miller hits Gillberg with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Cody Miller climbs to his feet. Gillberg climbs to his feet. Cody Miller executes a swinging bulldog on Gillberg driving Gillberg's face into the mat. Cody Miller climbs to his feet. Cody Miller applies an arm wrench to Gillberg. Cody Miller applies an arm wrench to Gillberg. Gillberg gets back to his feet. Gillberg lays down and asks Cody Miller with puppy dog eyes, "will you job me?" ]

King - Follows up with a Tries to Job.

[Gillberg gets up. Gillberg sends Cody Miller to ringside. Referee starts the count (.1) Cody Miller dropkicks Gillberg to the face. Cody Miller chants start. Now Cody Miller standing. (..2) Cody Miller chokes Gillberg with a microphone cable. Cody Miller climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Gillberg. Cody Miller chants start. Cody Miller leg drops the throat of Gillberg. They head back into the ring. They lockup. Gillberg sends Cody Miller to the corner of the ring. Gillberg chants start. Gillberg lays down and asks Cody Miller with puppy dog eyes, "will you job me?" Gillberg screams "BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" and Cody Miller covers his ears with pain. Cody Miller collapses Referee Referee is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... Cody Miller trys to escape. ... Cody Miller is fighting the hold. ... Cody Miller is fighting the hold. ... Cody Miller is fighting the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) ... Cody Miller is fighting the hold. ... Cody Miller taps out.

JR - The winner of this match, Gillberg!!!
Saturday Shockwave starts fading in the back stage area, Badd Boy is standing around. Suddenly Ravages comes out of no where and hits in to them. Both stare down for a second and then leave as we go into the area where pyrotechnics go off and then lights go back on as fans scream

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave…

King-What a show we have, we will have many people that will cheat and not that rip off that the WWE does!

“leave you far behind” as Raptor walks to the ring

King-holy shit, someone has been studying their themes

JR-I guess it makes sense with his gimmick..

“Jeckyl’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Jeckyl walks to the ring

King-I spoke too soon

JR-thought so.

[Jeckyl charges at Raptor, Raptor back to the turnbuckle and lures Jeckyl in and then hits a eye rake on Jeckyl. Jeckyl stumbles back and Raptor hits a few fists on the blinded Jeckyl. Raptor then kicks Jeckyl in the gut and goes for a piledriver, but Jeckyl is able to block this hold, Raptor keeps trying and trying. Until Jeckyl counters it with a back body drop on Raptor. Jeckyl tells Raptor to get up, Raptor gets up holding his back. Jeckyl hits a few knife edge chops and then Raptor backs up. Jeckyl then whips Raptor to the ropes. Raptor bounces off the ropes and then grabs the ropes and then goes to the outside to recover. Jeckyl paces back and front as Raptor is recovering on the outside. Suddenly as the camera is showing Raptor recovering, Jeckyl comes flying over the top rope and nails Raptor with a summersault flip over the top rope. Jeckyl slowly gets up and pulls up Raptor and then sets him up near the ramp and then hits a suplex on the ramp to Raptor. Raptor screams in pain, Jeckyl takes his time and then pulls up Raptor and then lets him stumble around. Raptor stumbles around the ring trying to get away from Jeckyl. But the minute that Raptor turns around Jeckyl picks up Raptor and then drops him on his neck over the barcade. Raptor bounces off and then stumbles right to the announcers desk at ring side. Raptor stops there and Jeckyl trys to smash Raptor head into it. Raptor blocks it, but Jeckyl just answers back by hitting a knee lift into the gut and then smashing Raptors face against the announcers table. Then Jeckyl leads Raptor to the ring and then rolls him into the ring. Jeckyl takes his time and then gets on the apron, Raptor gets up and stumbles towards Jeckyl. Jeckyl waits and then shoulders Raptor in the gut through the ropes. Jeckyl then uses the rope and then slides under Raptor, Jeckyl is now behind Raptor and then sets him up and then nails a germen suplex with a bridge for the 1…….2………..kick out. Jeckyl thought he had Raptor, Jeckyl stays on Raptor by hitting a few hard stomps to Raptor. Raptor stumbles up and then Jeckyl whips Raptor to the ropes, Jeckyl then hits a spinning wheel kick to Raptor as he bounces off the ropes that once again puts Raptor on the mat. Jeckyl then looks to end this match and then goes to the outside and climbs to the top rope]

JR-Guess he doesn’t get paid by the hour

King-WAIT….Jeckyl gets paid!

[Jeckyl then leaps off the top and goes for a 460 splash off the top rope, but Raptor moves out of the way at the last second and then Jeckyl goes crashing down on the mat. Raptor and Jeckyl are down, Raptor uses the ropes to get back to his feet. Raptor stumbles to the turnbuckle where Jeckyl sees Raptor. Jeckyl trying to get the match back into his control charges at Raptor and then goes for a big splash in the corner, but Raptor pulls the ref in the way and then moves out of the way. So Jeckyl then splashes the ref by mistake. The ref goes down out cold and then Jeckyl checks on him, Jeckyl turns around and gets a low blow by Raptor. Raptor slides out of the ring and quickly grabs a chair from ring side and then slides into the ring. Jeckyl stumbles up in a lot of pain, Raptor then jabs the chair into the gut of Jeckyl and then smashes across Jeckyl’s back as he is doubled over. Raptor then goes into the cover, though the ref is still out. Raptor then gets up and then takes the padding off of one of the turnbuckle covering. Raptor then goes over to Jeckyl and pulls him up, Raptor then lifts up Jeckyl over his shoulder and then charges at the turnbuckle with Jeckyl. Jeckyl then slides out the back and then Raptor turns around and sees this. Raptor charges at Jeckyl for a clothesline, but Jeckyl ducks it. Jeckyl then takes Raptor down with a double leg take down and then sets him up for a caultpault that sends Raptor’s face into the unpadded turnbuckle. Raptor stumbles back as the ref is getting up. Jeckyl then rolls up Raptor for a school boy and gets a 1………….2………Raptor hooks the rope at the last second and breaks up the count]

JR-Raptor almost cost himself the match

King-aw well he’s new at this heel thing after all…

[Raptor gets up and starts to beg off and then puts his head between the ropes trying to get away. Jeckyl follows him trying to pull him out, the ref comes between them trying to break it up. Raptor uses this chance to hit a low mule kick to Jeckyl that the ref doesn’t see. Jeckyl stumbles back in pain, Raptor then hits the cawlunge on Jeckyl. Raptor goes into the cover and gets the 1……………2………..3]

King-I take that back, Raptor has learned well!

“just 2 Badd” blasts on the PA system as Badd Boy and Degenerate walks to the ring

King-Hey JR it’s just 2 Badddddddddddddddd….zzzzzzzzzzz *wakes up* AAAAAAWWW Ashlee *pukes*

*JR shakes his head*

“Dark circles theme” blasts on the PA system as Ravage and Nash walk to the ring

King-You know the Dark Circle haven’t been the same since…what’s his name left…jobber…big job…legendary job….something like that

JR-You mean Jarred

King-yeah him

[Badd Boy paces a little bit, Ravage not really thinking this through charges at Badd Boy. Badd Boy counters with a punch that sends Ravage down to the mat. Ravage gets up and charges again and Badd Boy knocks him down with another punch that stuns Ravage, Badd Boy whips Ravage off the ropes. Ravage bounces off the ropes and Badd Boy hits a flap jack on Ravage, Ravage slowly gets up stunned and then stumbles by turn buckle and then Badd Boy hits a splash in the corner and then hits a few knife edge chops to Ravage. Badd Boy tags in Degenerate and then whips Ravage off the ropes as Degenerate climbs to the top rope, Ravage bounces off the ropes and then hits a spine buster in position for Degenerate who leaps off the top rope and hits a flying elbow drop on Ravage. Degenerate goes for the cover and gets a 1…………..2………..kick out, Degenerate pulls up Ravage and then hits a few forearm shots and then trys to whip Ravage to the ropes. But Ravage reverses the whip and sends Degenerate to the ropes. Degenerate then hits a flying forearm that knocks Ravage to the ropes. Degenerate measures up as Ravage stumbles up and then once he’s up to his feet Degenerate charges and knocks Ravage over the top rope and sends Ravage flying to the arena floor. Degenerate then plays to the crowd a little bit, then Badd Boy then comes into the ring and then tells Degenerate something, Ravage is making his way up. Badd Boy sets up at the ropes. Degenerate runs to the ropes, Degenerate runs at Badd Boy and Badd Boy hits a back body drop on Degenerate that sends him flying over the ropes and on to Ravage! Both wrestlers are down as Badd Boy goes back to his corner. Degenerate stumbles to his feet and then recovers after that high risk move by Degenerate. Degenerate then pulls up Ravage and then whips him to the steps and then Ravage goes flying to the stairs shoulder first Ravage is in a lot of pain. Degenerate then rolls Ravage to the ring and then climbs to the top rope and waits for Ravage to get up. Ravage stumbles to his feet, Degenerate then times his leap and then leaps off the top rope and nails Ravage with a missile drop kick. It takes a few moments to get up and go in to the cover, but he’s able to do it and hook the leg and gets a 1……………..2………..Kevin Nash comes into the ring and then breaks up the count. Nash then starts to nail Degenerate with a few fists and then whips Degenerate off the ropes and then nails Degenerate with a spinebuster. Badd Boy has had enough of this, so he comes into the ring while Kevin Nash is talking trash to the fallen Degenerate and then nails Nash with a few fists that back him up. Then Badd Boy nails Nash with a clothesline over the top rope!]

JR-Badd Boy was not going to let his partner get doubled teamed anymore

King-He was probably putting himself to sleep in the corner, so he had to do something to keep him awake

[Both wrestlers are down and start looking for a tag, Nash a little shaken up has gotten into his corner and reaching for the tag as Badd Boy has returned to his corner after the ref makes him. Badd Boy reaches for the tag as Degenerate gets closer. But Ravage is closer to Nash and is able to tag him first. Degenerate is able to get to his corner, but Nash grabs on to Degenerates leg and drags him to the center of the ring. Nash then grabs Degenerates other leg and then sets him up for a caultpault and hits it. Degenerates goes flying into one of the turnbuckle. But lands on the second turnbuckle feet first. Degenerates really weak is able to turn himself around but seemly not much more. Nash just realizes this and then charges at Degenerate, but Degenerate gets his foot up and then goes crashing into the boot of Degenerate. Nash goes to one knee for a moment and then gets up stunned. Degenerates then hooks Nash and then hits a tornado DDT. Degenerate falls near his corner, but still can’t make it before Nash stumbles to his feet. Degenerate makes the tag and Badd Boy comes into the ring and Nash stumbles towards him and then Badd Boy nails him with a fist and knocks him. Nash stumbles up and then gets hit a few forarms and then whips him to the rope. Nash bounces off the ropes and Badd Boy nails a fall through side walk slam. Nash rolls to the outside and then Badd Boy looks to go after him, but the ref makes him back off a bit. While Badd Boy isn’t looking Ravage comes into the ring and trys to attack Badd Boy from behind, Badd Boy somehow senses it and sides steps Ravage putting him in a full nelson and hits a full nelson slam. Badd Boy goes into the cover and the ref reminds him that Nash is the legal man]

King-seems old man Nash’s lack of memory is rubbing off on Badd Boy

JR-I’m not evening to answer that one

[Nash comes into the ring and then pounds on Badd Boy with a few fists and then pulls him up and then whips him to the ropes. Badd Boy ducks under the boot by Nash as he returns and then sets him and nails a full nelson slam, Degenerate knocks off Ravage and then BB goes into the cover and gets the 1………………2……………….3. Badd Boy celebrates and then walks into Ravage who hits his finisher on Badd Boy. Ravage gets out of the ring before Degenerate can pay him back for the move after the bell]

JR-Doesn’t seem Ravage likes Badd Boy too much

King-Not too many do

“Capital Punishment” blasts on the PA system as Barbedwire Chris and Punisher walk to the ring

King-wait a minute….didn’t they hate each other?

JR-I believe so

King-This would be like if me and JR teamed up *shutters at that thought*

“Dirty D’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Dirty D and Shane walks to the ring

King-I don’t know why he’s so happy about beating old man Nash…I mean Nash probably just thought it was nap time and Dirty D got the cover that way. It’s not that hard to out smart him these days.


[Shane comes out hitting a few fists to the face, but Punisher counters this with a rake to the face. Shane is blinded and then Punisher hits a few punches to back up Shane to the ropes. Punisher then measures him up and then hits a few knife edge chops Shane. Punisher then whips Shane off the ropes, Shane bounces off the ropes and then Punisher hits a drop toe hold that sends Shane flying to the mat. Shane gets his head up to show he’s in a bit of pain after going face first into the mat. Punisher then drops an elbow on the back of Shane’s neck. Punisher then pulls up Shane and then throws him back to the turnbuckle and then hits a few boots into the gut of Shane. Until the ref makes him back off, but then Punisher moves back in and then hits one more knife edge chop and then sets up Shane and then whips him to the ropes, Punisher charges in with Shane. Once Shane hits the opposite side turnbuckle. Punisher comes charging in and then hits a clothesline in the corner on Shane. Punisher then backs up and tags in Chris, Shane stumbles out of the corner Punisher lifts him in side walk slam position as Chris goes to the second rope and then leaps off and Punisher and Shane hit a side walk slam, leg drop off the second rope combo on Shane. Punisher is a bit slow to get out of the ring, so it takes a while for Chris to get into the cover. But once he does Chris gets a 1…………2…..Dirty D is able to break up the count, the ref makes Dirty D go back to his corner. Chris hits a few stomps to the back of Shane who is having a bit of trouble trying to get up. Shane finally gets and then stumbles right into Chris who picks him up and slams him, Shane slowly gets up and Chris trys to whip him off the ropes. But Shane is able to reverse the whip, but Chris doesn’t let go and pulls Shane to him and then nails Shane with a knee lift into the gut. Shane doubles over and then sets Shane up and then goes for a Russian leg sweep, but it’s blocked by Shane who fights out of it with a few back elbows into the face until Chris lets go of the move. Then Chris stumbles a bit, Shane has to recover for a little bit, but then Shane goes for a clothesline. But Chris ducks it and then puts Shane in sleeper slam. Chris slowly goes to the outside and uncharacteristicly goes up to the top rope. Then Chris leaps off the top rope for a big splash, but at the last second Shane moves out of the way and goes crashing into the mat. Both wrestlers are down not moving too much, When finally the both come to and start moving towards the corner]

King-Every tag match has this….damn it! It’s just like JR’s intro, it’s the same thing every time! I hate that…but not as much as I hate JR!


[Chris makes the tag to Punisher and Shane makes the diving tag to Dirty D. Punisher is waiting for Dirty D, Dirty D comes running in. Punisher goes for a fist, but it’s ducked and then Dirty D hits a few fists and then whip Punisher off the ropes. Punisher bounces off and then Dirty D hits a back body drop on Punisher. Chris comes into the ring and then blindsides Dirty D stunning him. Dirty D draps his arm over the top rope to make sure he doesn’t fall to the mat. Chris then whips Dirty D to the ropes, Dirty D bounces off the ropes and then explodes off the ropes and nails Chris with a flying forearm shot to the face that sends Chris fly through the ropes and to the outside. Dirty D turns around and sees that Punisher has gotten up, Dirty D then hits a front spine buster and then goes into the cover and gets a 1……………2…………kick out. Dirty D looks disappointed he didn’t get that pin fall. Dirty D waits for Punisher to get up, Dirty D hits a few fists Dirty D trys to whip Punisher off the ropes, but Punisher holds on and pulls Dirty D over to him and then puts him on his shoulders for the Capital Punishment. But Dirty D is able to struggle free and then goes to the back of Punisher. Dirty D pushes Punisher to the ropes and trys to roll him up. But Punisher hooks the ropes, Dirty D rolls through and then gets to his feet as fast as he can. Punisher quickly charges at him and goes for a clothesline. But Dirty D ducks it and then waits for Punisher to turn around, once he does he nails Punisher with a super kick. Dirty D goes into the cover and gets the 1………….2………..kick out]

JR-This could be a major upset

King-yeah right JR…

[Dirty D climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and then waits for Punisher to get up, Punisher stumbles up and then Dirty D goes for a cross body block. Punisher ducks and Dirty D goes into the ref, Dirty D gets up and gets planted with a DDT by Punisher. Punisher then goes to the outside and then grabs the world title and waits for Dirty D to get up, but Dirty D takes his time getting up. Dirty D finally gets up and Punisher nails him with the title belt. The ref just comes alive at that moment and then calls for the DQ]

King-These heels now a days…never get it right

JR-Hell of a fight from Shane and Dirty D, Punisher and Barbedwire Chris had to use those tactics to try to win

King-Hey I always said cheat to win, but you have to be good at it….damn it!

[Punisher pissed at being DQed stomps the downed Dirty D, then lifts him up for the capital punishment. Some how Shane comes out of no where and clips Punishers leg and saves Dirty D from the Capital Punishment. Punisher rolls out of the ring and back pedals to the back as Saturday Shockwave goes off the air.]