EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The EMF logo flashes on the screen, instead of a Shockwave video. We just fade into a backstage shot. Amy Jericho walks down the hall way, she starts to think to herself. She had no idea why she would be summoned to the Co-Owner Edge's office, but she had a bad feeling about it. For weeks she had covered up her growing "bump" in her gut with her baggy pants and a loose fitting t-shirt. But she had noticed that wouldn't last at the rate she was going. Amy stops at the door and looks at the name plate. She dreaded the worst, and hope her fears were not true that she might have gotten caught already. But in the back of her mind she was self assured that Maria..her assistant was ready if needed. Amy takes a deep breath and opens the door...only to see something she did not expect. John Cena sitting at Edge's desk.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-*with a bit of anger in her voice* Cena....what the hell are you doing here? I don't think your buddy Edge would appreicate you sitting at his desk.

Cena: "Well Amy it's quite simple.... Edge had to go away on a little business trip... and seeing as how Mike had to go away too... looks like it's me calling the shots around here! I've been givern a very special job to take care of... and that's just what i'm going to do, and that's why I bought you here today."

.::Amy Jericho::.-Oh god, really....you as the stand in President. How exactly did this happen....on second thought, I don't want to know. I know enough about you to make me sick as it is, so what "job" are you refering to.

Cena: "Well I get the feeling I can do this job without informing you of all the little details. But seeing as how i'm the President and all... one of my many jobs is to bok matches, and give these people the best show I can. So what i'm thinknig is.. why not book the woman who seems to think shes above all the other divas we have on offer in a match tonight and see if she really is as good as she thinks she is!"

(Amy raises an eyebrow, she didn't want to make a huge mistake.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-...So....let me get this straight....your say you want to book me in a match?

Cena: "I think it would be interesting yes... any reason why I shouldn't?"

(That was the last thing Amy wanted to hear, she couldn't wrestle in her condition. She needed to make an excuse to play off Cena's inexperience as owner.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Cena, you just can't book me in matches. I'm not even an active wrestler, I work here as the Vice President....and I'm retired! Any match is on my terms, you should know that. Jackie had to push and push and push just to get me in the ring. Now you think just because Edge and Mike are gone that you'll just book me, I'm pretty sure you can't do that. That's why Cena.

*Cena smirks as if he expected this response*

Cena: "I dug out your contract Amy.. and you are quite right. However... as the PRESIDENT of this company I can over-rule you every time. That's why Amy you will do everything I say when I tell you to say it or I will have no option but to see you punished for it... I could easily have you suspended... or maybe even worse..."

(She didn't like this at all, Cena's logic was flawed so she was going to try to get out of this using this, although she knew her pride was about to take a blow. But to protect the baby without being found out, it was worth it)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Yeah, maybe you can over-rule me right now. But Mike and Edge will be back at some point, you looked at the contract. It says I'm a non-wrestler, you can't force a non-wrestler into a match just because you say so. To be honest Cena I don't know what you got on your mind, but you can forget it. I'm simply not prepared, ready or willing to compete here. Especially under YOUR orders.

Cena: "Amy I don't think you are in the position to defy me... unless you really want to feel the consequences. It's just you and me here... no Jericho... no Jackie... you have no weapon over me. I'm just concerned for you Amy... your looking different...and dressing different...Your clothes seem to have gotten bigger.. as if you have something to hide from people like me Amy. So it leaves me highly concerned...and i'm thinknig maybe some light ring work would help you back into shape... and I gotta keep my employees in the best possable condition now don't i?"

.::Amy Jericho::.-(acts insulted, she was hoping that he wasn't on to her. Maybe she could pass it off for something else) What are you trying to imply Cena?!

Cena: "Nothing... nothing at all. I'm just saying it looks like some work might help you out... do you not agree?"

.::Amy Jericho::.-*she looks away, she knew what he was saying...but she didn't know if it was just her more baggy than usual clothes he was talking about. She bites her lip and looks back and says* My condition and how I dress is none of your concern!! I'll take your advice, I have been busy..but word of advice Cena. Because obviously you weren't taught a few things when you were growing up. Like don't sleep around on your WIFE. It's don't imply those things to a woman.

Cena: "Well clearly you want to teach me some lessons Amy.. but thats not why you were bought here. Unless you can give me a completely clear reason why I should not be booking you this week, you can expect to face a damn tough match, so is there anything I need to know?"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Well you need to be taught what's right and wrong, but one day it's going to bite you in the ass, so I won't have you teach you anything myself. It's as simple as this, you don't hold power over a non-wrestler Cena. I'm not going to bullied into anything I don't want to do when I'm not an active member of the roster. That's my reason, also if I'm "so out of condition" don't you think getting in a wrestling match is the wrong idea to begin with?

Cena: "No i don't, because I think it would be of great benefit to you. So Amy there's two ways we can do this. We can either book you in a match this week... or you can be suspended until you decide you want to be useful to this company and actualy compete. Of course, there is always a 3rd way out of this for you.... if your interested!"

(Amy crosses her arms, she was screaming at Cena in her head for being so stupid...but she couldn't show it. She decided to find out what the third option was to hope it was a reasonable way out of this.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-That's unreasonable Cena, I'm not a roster member, I'm a staff member. My worth is the fact I'm the Vice President of this company, so what's the third option? Because the first two are unreasonable.

Cena: "Amy... you and I know full well what the third option is. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out what I want from you most of all... what i've been trying to get since day one.... what you seem to have the impression I wantt from every woman I meet.... it's blatently obvious what I want Amy... i'm sure Chris would understand eventually why you cheated on him with me.... I mean....even someone as clueless as Jericho knows every girl wants a bit of the Franchsie!"

(The fire lights up in Amy's eyes, as there is anger in them that no words could truly express. As well as pure disgust goes across her face. After everything he had done to Jackie, he had the balls to try this!?! Amy is so angry she needs to take a few moments to compose her words and then she says)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Your fucking dreaming, I wouldn't even think about it Cena. I would never cheat on Jericho with anyone, much less a SON OF BITCH like you!! Not if I didn't know Jericho, not if you were the last god damn man on Earth. Maybe you don't get something Cena, because you’re so damn full of yourself that you really believe that any woman will jump in bed at your command. But I am not one of those sluts, and I have everything that I could want Cena. I love Jericho more than anything on this planet! I know that you could never understand that or understand what this means *Amy holds up her hand to show off her wedding ring (wedding band?). Regardless of what you think you have with that cleaner girl, you absolutely have no clue about it. So quite frankly, you can go to hell!! I should slap the hell out of you for even suggesting that asshole!

Cena: "Sometimes i really question your judgement Amy... your life would be so much simpler if you just gave me what I wanted. But not to worry... if I need to inflict even worse on you for you to start seeing things me way so be it... i'll do whatever it taes to finally make you see sense! People don't say no to John Cena for long. Admitedly you've gone a hell of a lot longer than anyone else has managed, but you will be cracked eventually... I guarentee it!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-No one says no? I just did! Not only will I not give in, because even if I didn't know what I do, I simply don't have interest in you! To be honest, I wouldn't touch you with a 20 foot pole. Really Cena, I don't know who the hell you think you are. But if you think I'm going to be just another name on your list of women you slept with, than you got another thing coming.

Cena: "Fine Amy... I know when i'm not gonig to get the answer I want. But you will be broken... mark my words, because the Franchis ALWAYS gets what he wants. I wanted championships... and I won the fucking lot. I wanted power.. and look at me now. Stand in President for the EMF! And while i'm here I can make your life a living hell. We really don't know how long it's going to be until Mike and Edge show up again... hell what if they never do and i'm your boss every day until the day you quit Amy? So maybe, for now... you wont give me option three... so why not take the easiest option. I presume you don't want to leave the company you love, so really I don't see why you can't compete in one little match... it can be something light like a bikini contest if you prefer... would be pleasurable for me i'm sure. Besides, if i dig deep enough i'm sure I can find reasons to keep you away from such a dangerous company for an extended time period..."

(Amy rolls her eyes, and glares at Cena. She was never known as "candy eye" during her career...at any point. But it was especially objectable now.)

.::Amy Jericho::.- Yeah it would be pleasurable for you, because your a SICK BASTARD!! I refuse to do that too. Your two points contradict themselves, *Amy looks up, she can't believe she had to say this..but she had no choice* if you think I'm so out of "condition" as you put it, then why would you put me in something like that?

Cena: "Maybe i'm just messing you about Amy... but the fact of the matter is I want you to compete tonight... one way or another... so i'm giving you what I consider to be a very fair option. It can't be this hard Amy... I don't see any reason no to book you... but if your really going to refuse.. we got other ways of settling our problems..."

(Cena was pushing too hard on this, this was a last ditch effort...but she knew it would most likely be effective...but maybe not smart to use. But Cena wasn't listening to reason.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-So do I Cena, so do I...

Cena: "Are you threatening me Amy.... are you sure thats a wise thing to do?"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Oh yeah, well your sitting here in a job you have no idea about trying to push me around when it's me that knows the one thing that could ruin you.

Cena: "But right here... is one thing that could certinly ruin you!"

*Cenas pulls out and places on the table a bag Amy knows all too well"

(Amy backs up again, she knows what is coming. This is why she knew it wasn't wise to use this, but she knew Jericho had become even more protective of her, so she had a back up in case)

.::Amy Jericho::.-............and you'll have to catch me from where your sitting and stop me from yelling, my husband is lurking around you know, and he'll come running and when he does, I wouldn't want to be you

Cena: "He's going to come charging into an office and get takn out by a sledgehammer.... very clever. Besides... don't you think I prepared for that. Christian... Monty Brown... there's no way Jericho could get in here in one piece. As i said it's just you and me Amy..... and we can settle this ourselves..."

.::Amy Jericho::.-I think it's as simple as you just drop this, or I'll make you sorry if I have to go into that ring.

Cena: "Make me sorry.... Amy if i were you I really wouldn't be threatening... remember, I don't miss twice!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-*shudders at the feeling from the memory...especially with how things are now* Yeah, I remember. Cena, really this is stupid to begin with. This is over a match because your worried about my condition! I threaten you, you threaten me back...what's going to stop me from saying whatever I want down there...and let's just say...I mean you could come down there and smash me. But you know, maybe I could have my own army by that time...is that a risk YOU want to take?

.::Amy Jericho::.-So I suggest you just drop it, and we can go back to me not saying anything

Cena: "I don't take risks Amy... and that's why I hve been so successful here. But what can you do to me Amy? You can make my wife leave me... and yes it would be a deepshame but do you think it would destroy me? Don't you think i'd be just as happy with Natasha by my side? the way I see it, you have a lot more to lose than I do... a hell of a lot more!"

(Amy knew it was true, but she didn't think he knew her secret. So she had to play dumb)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Really? Now Cena, I've been beaten up before..I've been hit with sledge hammers before. Yet you would say that I have more to lose...how's that? Because I hear women usually get half of what your worth when they divorce you...

Cena: "And you think, although i'd lose millions of dollars, you think something you crrently have with you right now is not worth so much more? I'm not stupid my and neither are you... well, it was kind of stupid to leave a certain picture laying around... but thats not the point is it."

(Amy mind races, she had many pictures around her office. But she was worried it was one certain one...she had to play dumb to hopefully avoid just giving Cena information he didn't know.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Picture? And what picture would you be refering to?

Cena: "Funny that... because I just so happened to bring it with me for this little meeting... I don't think it's the kind of thing you'd object to seeing again...."

*cena slides the ultrasound picture across the desk so it lands in front of Amy*

(Amy snatches it up, and disbelief looking at it to make sure it was actually her's...there was no mistake. Her mouth was wide open, she knew that they would figure it out at some point...she just didn't think like this, for one of few times. She was absolutely speechless, only words that came to mind are.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-......oh god...

Cena: "I knew you wouldn't compete Amy... I was just hoping you'd have the guts to tell me why yourself. But not to worry, because I believe when you are pregnant I have every right to send you away on leave... and it comes down to the employer just how long it is.... so we could begin it right now couldn't we... in fact, I may even take the liberty of sending you away somewhere myself... just because I can!"

(Amy slowly brings her hands to her stomach area in a protective fashion. Cena now held more over her than just threats. Still not believing she's heard this and said.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-That's not necessary, because I'm not ready to go on leave! I'm between 3-4 months along...I'm in a office job. Besides you don't think I see what your trying to do here! Your using my pregnancy to try to get rid of me, but it won't work. Your just a replacement...send me off, and one of the rightful Co-Owners will bring me back.

Cena: "You forget... everything I do is backed by Edge... so that wont be happening. The righful Co-Owner will return... and back it up. n fact it was he taht told me to do all this. so your one little lifeline is very quickly dissolving Amy... you have no way out of this!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Oh go to hell! I'm not listening to some cheating ass, replacement, unless you got something from the actual Co-Owner. You just can't put me on leave when I'm not ready to go. You forget who my friend is...and she's one of the few knew about it.

*Cena produces a contrct and in turn shows this to Amy*

Cena: "Will this do for proof.... signed by Edge himself... and it says i'm to send you away on leave due to you being pregnant. I'm sure you will find the location of that leave very interesting indeed...."

(Amy takes the paper and reads it over, it was more like an suspension than a leave...citing her "reckless attitude was putting her baby at risk". Then she looked at the rest, Edge put something that was in her contract to do....Diva trips...called it a vacation. But then her eyes got huge and she threw the contract on the floor.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-IRAQ!!....IRAQ!!...Your sending me and my baby to a war zone?!?! What the hell is wrong with you!!

Cena: "Well it looks as though all my problems will be sorted huh... i'll be seeing you around Amy... but I have more important things to deal with now that you know exactly what is happening... guess you wish you agred to compete now huh...."

.::Amy Jericho::.-This is BULLSHIT and you know it!! It's under a flag of "oh...I'm a reckless to my babies health" the only thing I'm threatening is your plan with that little WHO...EEEERRRRR

(she couldn't say it, she was pregnant and she couldn't put her baby on the line like that)

Cena: "Sorry Amy... but anyone that threatens me and Nat... they get whats coming to them... besides, might be fun in Iraq... might meet some interesting people huh?"

(She couldn't take it any longer, so much that another one of ALA decided to want to say something, she had the crazed look in her eyes only seen at Hell on Earth. The alter-ego of Amy leans on desk with look of hatred in her eyes)

.::Lita::.-Ooooh, but Cena...you may got us here. But you know, you won't get away with this. Believe me, I seen it happen...you won't get away with it. You'll get what's coming to you, the only thing I regret is not dealing with you myself. Because you would know that the Queen of Extreme doesn't take crap from wanna be rappers such as yourself. You may have threaten Amy with that hammer, but you would have found out this side of her is a bit more aggressive. It's too bad were not in the condition to do anything. But when it does finally come around Cena, I'll enjoy watching you suffer!!

(Lita turns around and storms out of the office)

(Cena just sits at his desk and laughs about what he has just done as the scene fades out.)

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Jocey Camp!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[Jocey Camp comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Victoria!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Victoria walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Jocey Camp places Victoria on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. Jocey Camp gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Victoria. (ding, ding, ding) Jocey Camp neck snaps Victoria. Jocey Camp kicks Victoria in the head. Victoria gets hit with the shooting star press from Jocey Camp. The ref starts the count. ...1 Victoria kicks out. Victoria gets back to his feet. Japanese armdrag take down from Victoria send Jocey Camp to the mat. Victoria puts the Crippler Crossface on Jocey Camp. Earl Hebner asks Jocey Camp if he quits. ... (AHHHH!) ... Jocey Camp is fighting the hold. ... Victoria tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) Victoria breaks the hold. Victoria executes the jumping sidekick on Jocey Camp. Jocey Camp gets back to his feet. Jocey Camp drives a forearm into the head of Victoria. Victoria pulls Jocey Camp's hair. Victoria hits a kneeling headbutt to Jocey Camp's groin. Jocey Camp is back on his feet. Victoria hits Jocey Camp with a Baba chop. Victoria picks up Jocey Camp and front slams him on the mat. Now Jocey Camp standing. Victoria locks the Steiner Recliner on Jocey Camp! Earl Hebner asks Jocey Camp if he quits. ... ... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) ... Jocey Camp trys to escape. Jocey Camp escapes. Victoria goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Jocey Camp. Victoria moves back to his feet. Jocey Camp climbs to his feet. Jocey Camp hits him with a back fist. Flying sommersault drop kick by Victoria puts him back in the match. Victoria is back on his feet. Jocey Camp gets hit with the shooting star press from Victoria. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 Jocey Camp kicks out. ]

The King - Victoria should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

[Jocey Camp climbs to his feet. Victoria places Jocey Camp over by the turnbuckle. Victoria jumps off with a flying sommersault neckbreaker. Victoria chants start. ]

JR - If Victoria keeps using moves like that flying sommersault neckbreaker he could win the match!

[Victoria stands up. Jocey Camp moves back to his feet. Victoria delivers a spine buster to Jocey Camp. Victoria with a falling splash on Jocey Camp. Victoria climbs to his feet. Jocey Camp sets Victoria up DDTs him into the mat. Victoria gets up. Jocey Camp executes a swinging bulldog on Victoria driving Victoria's face into the mat. Jocey Camp is up again. Victoria climbs to his feet. Victoria kicks Jocey in the gut, she then sets up Jocey Camp and lifts her for the Widows Peak. But Jocey slides down her back after breaking Victoria's grip. Jocey Camp turns around and sets up Victoria and drops her for the Camp Calmer. Jocey rolls Victoria into the casket]

The King - We've got ourselves a winner!

JR - The winner of this match, Jocey Camp!!!

We go into the hall way where Amy Jericho is sitting in a chair somewhere. She looks up at the camera, she looks angry. She runs her hand through her hair and then she looks down around to her gut area as her expression melts into pure worry. She stays like that until a voice comes out of no where.)

Sierra: Hey Amy.. *she walked over standing next to her* You look worried.. Whats up?

.::Amy Jericho::.-They know Sierra....

(Amy was too worried about everything to even consider that Sierra might not know what she was talking about.)

Sierra: What do they know, and who is they?

(Amy looks at Sierra, but she was having a hard time keeping how really worried she is inside, as it's clearly etched across her face.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Edge found out that I'm pregnant, I'm not sure how he found out...but he did.....and...I think I'm in a lot of trouble. Maybe I shouldn't be that surprised that he found out that I was pregnant. But the surprise is that Edge wasn't around, so he left someone else in his place to take over his role as "power crazed bastard".

(Amy puts her hand over her stomach area with the same look across her face.)

Sierra: Edge found out? Damnit.. So he knows about your pregnancy, who did he leave in charge.. I can understand being worried, but is there something more?

.::Amy Jericho::.-I knew they would find out soon, I mean...um...I'm probably starting to get really noticable, no matter how hard I try to cover it up. But as for who he left in charge. *her voice filled with anger and disgust* He left John...CENA...in charge. He left Cena with orders, orders to suspend me, he...he said that *with more hatred* "my reckless attitude is putting my baby at risk". In other words, it's just as I predicted. Their using it to get rid of me for a few months, while Cena and Edge run around on their power trip. Not only that, they took it upon themselves to send me on a little "vacation".

Sierra: A Vacation.. I don't see how that is bad?

.::Amy Jericho::.-*Amy cracks a sarcastic smile* Well it wouldn't be so bad....if the place they were sending me wasn't a warzone...

Sierra: What? A warzone.. *She spoke almost jokingly* Where are they sending you..Iraq or something?

.::Amy Jericho::.-If I was joking, would I be this worried? Yes, their sending me...and my baby...I think alone to Iraq...Sierra....god, I think were in trouble....

Sierra: Amy I won't let them do this to you..I'll take care of it.. I know I can help..

.::Amy Jericho::.-Sierra, thanks for concern and everything. But I don't see what you can do...

Sierra: I have my ways Amy..Its worth a shot atleast...wait here..I'll be back.

(Before Amy can protest, Sierra walks off. Amy now shakes her head, and hopes that she didn't get her friend into a bad situation too.)

“Devin Malis’s theme hits and he walks down to the ring”

“Duke Snyder’s theme” hits and he begins walking to the ring but he is cut off by Malis about half way down the ramp. They begin trading hard shots to the temple, after a few shots Synder was getting the upper hand and throws Malis against the steel stairs head first. He then taunts but doesn’t notice that while Malis was on the ground he was able to pull a road sign out from under the ring. Synder then turns around and gains his focus back on Malis and gets hit in the face by the sign. Malis then grabs a table out from under the ring and begins to set it up against the side of the security rail. He then gets it up and picks Snyder up and begins hammering him, Snyder then falls on the table and Malis backs up and then runs at Snyder. Synder then hits a huge counter by picking Malis up while he was running and hitiing him with a huge flapjack threw the table.

JR: Both men are down

King: Things look like they are better for Snyder than they were on Shockwave

JR: The match isn’t over yet

Both men then get to there feet and Snyder goes for a close line but misses. He then turns back around and runs at Malis again. This time as Snyder was running Malis stopped him with a back body drop against the mats of the out side. Malis then begins to taunt, but moments later runs and hits an elbow drop on Synder. Malis then picks up Snyder but Snyder hits a punch to a gut. The two men then fight as they go up the ramp. Out of desperation Snyder low blows Malis. Snyder then picks up Malis and runs his head against the side on the titontron and the light went out. Snyder then goes for the cover 1….2…. KICKOUT

King: Shit JR, that must have really hurt

Malis is then bleeding from the head. Snyder then grins and taunts. Malis then seems like he quickly got a huge second wind and dropkicked Synder in the knee and hits him with a german suplex. Malis wanting to end this one sooner than later goes for the pin 1….2…3 KICKOUT. Being extremely focused Malis directly goes back to work on Snyders neck but putting him in the bow and arrow. The referee then keeps asking Snyder if he wanted to give up. Snyder then hits out of the bow and arrow and both men fight to the backstage area. Snyder is trying to get away from Malis by running and throwing boxes path in Malis path. It didn’t work and Malis then soon then catches up and hits Synders head against the wall. He then picks a piece of wood up and hits Snyder with a piece of wood. As Malis was pulling the wood back up, it gets caught in Snyders back and he is them screaming in pain as he is bleedinmg from the back. Malis then goes to grab a chair, but as he was doing it, Snyder hits behind a cart and Malis then goes after him only to get fire extinguishered in the eyes by Synder. Both men then minutes later get up and Snyder puts wooden palets down but Malis then counters with a double arm DDT on top of the pallets. Mali then goes for the cover 1….2…. KICKOUT. Malis then becomes angery and starts to bit the flesh off of Snyders face. Synder then kick Malis in the back of the head to get him off.

JR: This a real sloberknocker

They both then begin to fight again and neither man can seem to get the upper hand. Synder then weakly runs and hits him with a spinning heel kick. It takes many moments for both men to get up since they were both hurting and bleeding so bad. Malis then grabs a pair of handcuffs that are on the ground and hits Snyder on the face with them. He then looks around a pile and grabs what looks to be like a sandbag. He then enters a door that a camera cant get into. He then comes back with an empty bag and starts to pick up Syder. He then irish wipes him across the room and he lands by a glass window. Malis then runs at him again but Synder and hits a running shoulder block. Snyder falls back and breaks the glass, Snyder is in a lot of pain as he stumbles right into Malis who hits his finisher and goes into the cover and gets the 1…………………2……………3

JR: What a match!

King: Malis was able to get his revenge in this hard fought hardcore match

“Wilsonator’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Wilsonator walks to the ring, he climbs into the ring

JR-Wilsonator is certainly an up and comer, although seems he’s had his problem with Marc Mead

King-That can’t be good when your biggest problem is with a guy who’s last name doesn’t match up with his sisters

“Smiling Like A Killer” blasts on the PA system as Mr. E walks to the ring with Melina walks to the ring

King-I wonder what Triple H thinks about using Mr. E the same band as him?

Kris Gaffney-Probably this *spits water in King’s face* only I….ahhhh…can use motorhead…aaaaahhh

[Before Twilight can be introduced, Mr. E and Wilsonator start to hammer at each other. Wilsonator is able to stop whatever momentum Mr. E has. Wilsonator is able to put Mr. E into a head lock and then Mr. E tries to find a way out of the hold. He whips Wilsonator out of the head lock and Wilsonator goes to the ropes and Wilsonator bounces off the ropes and Mr. E is able to go to the mat before Wilsonator can hit a move. Wilsonator jumps over and then goes to the opposite side of the ring. Wilsonator bounces off the ropes and Mr. E hits a drop kick on Wilsonator that makes him go down to the mat and then TwilighT comes to the ring about this time sneaking around so not to be seen as Mr. E throws Wilsonator out of the ring. Twilight climbs to the top rope and then leaps off and Mr. E turns around only to be knocked down with a front missile drop kick and then Mr. E goes down to the mat. Mr. E stumbles up only to be knocked down with a clothesline. Mr. E stumbles up to his feet and then Twilight hits a few fists to the face of Mr. E and tries to whip Mr. E to the ropes. Mr. E reverses the whip, sends Twilight to the ropes. Twilight goes into the ropes. Wilsonator is just so happen to be getting up by there and Twilight hits a flying forearm shot to the face of Wilsonator making him go flying off the apron and back on the arena floor. Mr. E come behind and then hits a stop sign shot to the back of TwilighT. TwilighT turns around, and gets blasted with the sign once again right on the top of the head. Twilight goes down on the mat and Mr. E goes to the ropes and bounces off, Mr. E leaps high in the air and nails the leg drop and goes into the cover and gets the 1………….2……….Wilsonator pulls Mr. E out of the ring Wilsonator hits a few forearm shots to the face of Mr. E as he was caught off guard and then Wilsonator takes Mr. E by the hair and throws him hard into the ring post and Wilsonator hits a few stomps on the downed Mr. E and Wilsonator see’s that TwilighT is getting to his feet and Wilsonator gets up and climbs to the top rope. Wilsonator leaps off for a double axe handle. But it’s countered by Twilight by a fist to the gut (yes, I wanted it to be a drop kick…but I used that too much) Twilight goes down to the mat and then recovers and then Wilsonator stumbles to his feet. Twilight takes down Wilsonator down with a double leg sweep and then sets him up and hits a sling shot that sends Wilsonator flying and hits into the ring post Wilsonator stumbles forward and then falls back.]

JR-Good move by Twilight

King-It’s like he never left JR

Kris Gaffney-Maybe he was out smiting rip offs while he was going…so he kept busy

[ Twilight sets up a chair out of line of directly of Wilsonator. After he’s done with that, Twilight goes to the opposite side of the ring and then charges into the corner where Wilsonator is and then hits a big splash into the corner and Twilight takes Wilsonator by the hair and then drives him head first into the chair. His head bounces of the chair and TwilighT goes into the cover, TwilighT get the 1………………2………..Mr. E pulls him out of the ring and to the outside. Once out there Mr. E hits a few fists to the face and then takes Twilight and smashes him back first into the barcade and then Twilight falls to his knee’s. Mr. E takes a camera cord and wraps it around Twilight’s neck and starts to choke him with it before he can choke him out of anything. Wilsonator hits a baseball side that takes down both Twilight and Mr. E and then Wilsonator goes to the outside and then Wilsonator hits a few stomps on the downed Mr. E who gets up and then Wilsonator hits a knee lift into the gut on Wilsonator takes Mr. E and then smashes his head into the steps face first. Wilsonator bounces head first into the steps. Wilsonator goes under the ring and pulls out a trash can. Twilight is getting up, so Wilsonator takes the trash can and smashes it into Twilight’s head. Twilight goes down and then Wilsonator takes the trash can and puts it down as Mr. E is sitting by the steps and then Wilsonator hits a few stomps into the gut. Wilsonator then starts to choke Mr. E with his boot. Wilsonator then takes the trash can and puts it on Mr. E’s chest and makes him hold it Wilsonator backs up, but before he can hit the move he wants to Twilight punch to Wilsonator. Wilsonator falls to one knee and then hits a low blow on Twilight. Before Twilight goes down, Wilsonator holds him up and then tries to whip Twilight to where Mr. E is, but it’s reversed and Wilsonator goes charging at Mr. E who still has the trash can. Twilight hits a drop kick into the trash can and smashes Mr. E. Wilsonator gets up and turns around right into a kick and then a DDT by Twilight. Wilsonator bounces up dazed, Twilight rolls Wilsonator in the ring. Twilight needs to take a few more moments to recover from the low blow. Twilight climbs on the apron.]

JR-TwilighT is in control

King-I wonder if TwilighT wins this match that a new TwilighT rip off t-shirt will come out

Kris Gaffney-Certain people need one for sure!

[Twilight climbs to the top rope and prepares for the Darkness Falls, but before he can hit the move the move Wilsonator gets up and dives on the ropes and Twilight falls down on the top. It’s looks like Wilsonator is going to climb to the top rope, but suddenly Marc Mead slides into the ring unnoticed and then he hits the Mead kick. Wilsonator flies back and then hits Mr. E who is on the apron. Mr. E flies off the apron and then falls to the mat. Wilsonator falls down. Mead slides out of the ring after yelling a few things to Wilsonator. Mead slides out of the ring, Twilight who was in pain to really know what was going on climbs up to the top rope, shrugs his shoulders and then leaps off and nails the darkness falls. Twilight goes into the cover and gets the 1………………….2…………3]

JR-It would seem that Marc Mead didn’t want to wait to get the first shot on Wilsonator

King-It’s a hardcore match, it’s legal

(OOC-This run in was as requested. To build the Wilsonator/Mead match, it was not to the benefit of anyone particular. Other than the Wilsonator/Mead feud, and I just figured that was a good ending.)

*"Everyone Like Me" by Thousand Foot Krutch started playing as the extreme champion CM Punk came out from the back. He stood on the rampway staring intensely into the ring. He had on green and black pants, no shirt, and taped wrists. The Extreme championship was draped over his shoulder. After pacing a little bit his eyes deadlocked towards the ring where Twilight was standing. He put the microphone up to his lips.*

CM Punk: Hey hey Twilight, eyes up here. Nice match, that was impressive stuff you got, but you had better hope that's not all you have got, because you are going to need a whole hell of a lot more then that to beat me. Yeah, I heard you talking, but talk is cheap. You seem to have something to prove, well great, then come prove it.

*CM Punk takes the Extreme Championship off of his shoulder and lays it on the ground in front of him.*

CM Punk: There's the battle line. You tell me when you want to come show me just how bad you are. You can tell me how bad you think you are all day long, but at the end of the day, all you are is just another bubble in the boiling pot. You rise to the surface from wherever you came from, but once you pop all we get is a lot of hot air and no substance. You want extreme? I'll show you extreme. You let me know any place any where you can come cross the battle line, and we can go to war. Just understand that I a straightedge champion. And being a straightedge champion means that I am BETTER THAN YOU!

*CM Punk picked threw the microphone down and threw his arms up in the air making an "X". He then picked up his championship belt, looked around with a smirk and went to the back while his theme picked back up.*

(We go outside the office of Co-Owner Edge, the camera zooms out as Sierra is looking on at it. She almost has a angry/determined look on, as she opens the door and see's John Cena sitting at Edge's desk once more. Things haven't changed much since we last saw him, but he seems to be really happy with himself on what he had done to Amy.)

Sierra wanting to "get her point across" Didn't even knock just barged in and walked right up to the desk putting her hands on the desk looking at Cena...

Sierra: What are you trying to Pull Cena?

Cena: "I have absolutely no idea what your talking about Sierra.... why don't you sit down and we can discuss whatever little problem you have like rational adults..."

*Cena is smirking, suggesting he actually knows exactly what she meant*

Sierra: I'll stand thank you.. What you are doing to Amy is a bunch of BS you know that right?

Cena: "I really disagree. It's just a little trip.. givern her condition shes not safe around here anyway... and who wouldn't like an all expenses payed holiday... she wins every way the way i see it!"

Sierra: You are such an asshole.. You know Cena you are a sorry excuse for a man. You can't do this to her.. I won't let you..

Cena: "I really don't see what you can do to stop me Sierra... there is no way for you to get Amy out of this... it's all finalised.. she's going to Iraq... nothing you do will change it!"

Sierra: I can't believe you are doing this to her. Send me in her place.. Iraq is no place for her. If you had any compassion, any ounce of good in you..

Cena: "Oh i do... but not when it comes to red-headed bitches that have been trying to wreck my life since day one. Well this is the day things finally all fall into shape... and my life takes a complete u-turn and becoems complete... and getting Amy out the way is the first step of that!"

Sierra: what about Blonde Bitches? You haven't met a Bitch like me..

Cena: "God.. there are plenty of blonde bithces that get in my way... but your not one of them... yet. And don't make the mistake of beoming one because like Jackie.. you'd only find out the result is very painful."

Sierra: Oh I'm so scared Cena.. Please... I dare you to do your worst.. I'm gonna be in your face all day every day until you drop your damn power trip and not make Amy go.

Cena: "Even if i wanted to... I couldn't stop it now Sierra. Everything is signed like I said... there is no way of reversing it. The Iraqi people are expeecting Amy to be out there... if she isn't I get it in the neck.. and I don't think anything you can threaten me with would be severe enough to make me want that. Besides... I could get used to having you in my face... makes a rather pleasant change from anything else..."

Sierra: Cena you are the most repulsive thing I've ever seen. Trust me having me in your face will not be pleasant. You are nothing more than a perverse jack ass... Its okay I've got all day I can just hang out in here, maybe sing a song or two, I'm thinking spice girl songs..

Cena: "Whilst i'm sure hearing your angelic voice would give me hours of pleasure.... there really is no need for it. However, if you think it willannoy me enough to reconsider.. your seriously wrong. Nothing is going to save Amy from this trip...so I suggest you toddle out of here like a good little girl...and don't go putting yourself in danger by getting on my bad side."

Sierra: I'm not a good girl Cena.. I'm very bad in fact.. You know what I find funny John, can I call you John?

Cena: "You can call me whatever you want babes... as long as your happy with it."

Sierra: Well John..*she walked around his desk and stood behind him her hands on his shoulders* What I find funny is How you lost your world title. But thats not the best part. No the best part is you lost it to someone who lost to WES.. Now that my friend is Funny.. Don't you agree.Then the very same guy you lost to, lost to some other mid-card guys right? I guess being a loser makes you take out that frustration on others

Cena: "If there's one thing you NEVER bring into conversation with me... it's MY world title. Jarred Carthallion hit me with the belt unless you forget... nobody could have kicked out. Angelus CHEATED and as far as i'm concerned, I still am the TRUE world champion. But Sierra... you just made a big mistake... so I suggest you leave my office right now before I do something we'll both regret!"

Sierra: *laughing* the only true world champion.. Please.. Eric Bischoff would make a better World champion than you..

Cena: "Right... ythat does it. You leave me no choice! I treid reasoning with you but you continue to try and drag my name through the mud.. and you and everyone else is this hell-hole will learn to respect John Cena or get what is coming to them! I can't stop Amy going to Iraq... and I wouldn't if I could but what I can do is SEND YOU WITH HER! So you better start packing your bags Sierra...

Sierra: *She was still behind him and smiled when he said those words but played it up for him and moved around back in front of the desk..* WHAT! You can't do this.. You can't send me to Iraq..

Cena: "I'll do whatever I want.. now get out of my face before I come up with some way to make this even worse for you!"

Sierra: Fine, but this won't be the last you hear from me.. *She flipped her hair turning and storming out.. for added effect she slammed the door shut behind her and leaned back against it smiling..*

(Amy walks up, she still looks worried...until she see's the smile on Sierra's face. She starts to jump to conclusions that everything might be alright, she goes over to Sierra and says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Sierra? You seem really happy...um...What happened? Were you able to get me out of the trip?

Sierra: Well I've got good and bad news.. *she smiled*

(Amy's face drops, but she figured that it couldn't get any worst. So she decides to ask.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Oh god...what's the bad news?

Sierra: The bad news is.. You are still going to Iraq..*she smiled*

(Amy runs her hand through her hair....she still looks nervous. But she seemly expected this, but then she assures herself that there is at least good news.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-......I knew Cena couldn't be talked into not sending me. But at least there is some good news, so what's the good news?

Sierra: You aren't going alone.. I'm going with you.. *she smiled even bigger* Isn't that Great?

(Amy's mouth hangs open, and the expression on her face turns into a look of guilt)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Oh god Sierra....I'm sorry, I dragged you into this....

Sierra: No..No this is good.. Trust me.. I couldn't get you out of going.. So I did the next best thing.. With me tagging along you'll be just fine..

.::Amy Jericho::.-But Sierra...look I know a trip over there doesn't have to be THAT dangerous. I know were not going to be dodging bullets every other minute. But what IF something happens....and what if it were just to happen to you...not to mention the guilt I would have. But if the trip didn't kill me, then Mike sure would.

Sierra: Like I said Amy, with me going there is nothing to worry about.. Just Trust me on this one.. Nothing is gonna happen to either of us..okay..

.::Amy Jericho::.-I really hope your right Sierra...

(She still can't keep how worried she really is inside.)

Sierra: Oh I'm right Amy.. Things will be okay.. Come on.. Lets get out of here..maybe get a bite to eat.. You just need to calm down..

.::Amy Jericho::.-Eating, sounds like something I've been doing a lot of lately. That sounds good Sierra, although there are a few things I want to stick around for, with all this happening....I got a bad feeling about the main event. Would it be ok to stick around till after the show?

Sierra: yeah, Yeah.. Sure.. Its cool..

.::Amy Jericho::.-Besides....I want to go change into something more usual for me. I don't think it matters now that people know that I'm pregnant.

Sierra: Okay.. I'll meet you back here after the show..

.::Amy Jericho::.-Alright, I'll see you Sierra

(Amy walks off the screen as we go back to the ring)

“Jarred’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Jarred walks to the ring, as Jarred Carthallion walks to the ring

JR-It’s been a long time since we seen Jarred wrestle in a match, and quite frankly…I didn’t think we would ever see him wrestle again

King-I wish he would have stayed in the wheel chair, saying nothing…he was much more entertaining then

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, he helped your inferiority complex…

“Daniels theme” blasts on the PA system as Daniels walks to the ring

JR-Daniels hasn’t been off to a good start

King-Their going to have to find someone else to clean up the EMF…

Mordecai-Really? WHOOOO I’m needed

[Jarred comes into the ring as Daniels gets up in his face and then Jarred ignores him and then backs away and paces around the ring and then Daniels looks for an advantage on the more experienced Jarred Carthallion and then Daniels is able to uses his speed to slip behind Jarred into a waist lock and then before Daniels can do anything with it Jarred is able to hit a back elbow into the face of Daniels. Daniels stumbles back and then Daniels gets hit a few hard fists to the face as he reels on the ropes and then he gets whipped to the ropes and bounces off the ropes and Jarred lowers his head and then hits a back body drop that sends Daniels flying high in the air and then falls on the mat and Jarred lets Daniels get to his feet as Jarred kicks Daneils in the gut and Daniels doubles over for a second. Jarred goes back a few steps, and then hits a running knee lift into the face of Jarred. Daniels goes down to the mat and Jarred says a few things to the ref as he moves out of the way. Jarred goes to the ropes and then comes off the ropes and hits a standing knee drop to the face of Daniels. Daniels is in pain and then Jarred knowing that probably won’t finish him off decides to pick up Daniels and then sets him up. Jarred then hits an upper cut and Daniels falls back, and then falls into the ropes and then Jarred measures up Daniels and then whips him off the ropes. Daniels bounces off the ropes and then Jarred goes for a clothesline. But Daniels ducks under and then Daniels jumps on the second rope and waits for Jarred to come over and he does and Daniels puts Jarred’s head in a head scissors and tries to take him to the outside with a head scissors hurricanrana. But Jarred is able to free himself and then throws Daniels on the outside and then Daniels goes for a fist. But it’s blocked, and Jarred grabs Daniels by the head and takes him to the nearest turnbuckle and then smashes him on the exposed part that connects the turnbuckle and ring post and Daniels goes flying off the apron and to the arena floor. Jarred rolls to the outside of the ring and goes on the attack and hits a few stomps on the downed Daniels who get up and Jarred takes Daniels and hits a few knife edge chops to the chest and then Jarred tries to whip Daniels to the steps. But it’s reversed by Daniels and Jarred goes back first into the steps. The steps don’t move, so Daniels is able to hit a quick low front drop kick into the face of Jarred]

JR-Daniels showed that he’s not going to lie down and die

King-Really, I thought that was what Jarred did for a while

Kris Gaffney-You only thought he was dead, but look at him now, he’s BIG now (eeerrrr, only people that would get that is me and the creator of the Destroyer)

[Daniels takes a few moments to recover and then Jarred’s stumbling to his feet and then Daniels goes to the ropes and waits for Jarred to get up. Jarred stumbles up to his feet, and Daniels leaps off the top rope and catches Jarred with a diving clothesline. Daniels takes a few moments to recover and gets up, Daniels gets up as Jarred stumbles up to his feet and then Daniels hits a few hard fists to the face of Jarred. Daniels tries to whip Daniels to the ropes, but it’s reversed to the ropes. Daniels comes off the ropes and then Daniels comes off the ropes. Jarred lowers his head, and Daniels counters that with a kick to the face. Jarred stumbles up in pain and then and then Daniels charges at Jarred and Jarred side steps Daniels and tries to throw him over the top rope. But as Daniels goes over the top rope, and then Daniels is able to hold on to the top rope and wits for Jarred to turn around. Jarred turns around. Jarred turns around and gets a shoulder block into the gut. Jarred stumbles back and then Daniels times it just right. Jarred stumbles towards him. Daniels leaps on the top rope, and then leaps from the top rope and hits a jumping spinning leg lariat from the top rope and nails it. Daniels goes into the cover and gets the 1……………..2………..kick out by Jarred.]

JR-Almost three, it would seem that Daniels is finally exploiting Jarred’s ring rust

King-Does that mean he’s a lock to win

Kris Gaffney-I wouldn’t answer that JR….he’s likely to think that means he should bet on him

JR-I know, I’ve been announcing with him for years…remember.

[Daniels lets up Jarred up, and then once he gets up Daniels hits a few fists to the face and then Daniels whips Jarred to the ropes. Jarred bounces off the ropes, Daniels goes for a clothesline. Jarred ducks, plants his feet and waits. Daniels turns around and then Jarred goes for a super kick, but it’s ducked under by Daniels and Jarred hits the ref. The ref goes down, Jarred not caring turns around and Daniels goes for a clothesline. But Jarred ducks it, Daniels goes to the ropes and bounces off the ropes and Jarred hits a spinebuster on Daniels. Jarred goes down too since he’s been beat down quite a bit.. Suddenly while both wrestlers are down, and the ref is down. An unknown man slides into the ring , the unknown man pulls up Daniels and nails an Ace Crusher! (also known as an RKO) and slides out of the ring. He kneels down at ring side, Jarred gets up and looks confused that Daniels is down. Jarred shrugs not knowing what happened, he figures out it’s worth trying and then goes to the outside and climbs to the top rope. He nails the LEGENDARY END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jarred goes into the cover, the ref is coming to and counts the 1…………………2………………..3]

JR-Who was that man who attacked Daniels?

King-Whoever it is, doesn’t seem Jarred doesn’t know him

[Jarred leaves the ring, as the ring as the unknown man slides into the ring as he stomps on the downed Daniels. As another unknown man slides into the ring with a chair, and then takes Daniels who is beaten down and puts the chair on the leg of Daniels. The man who put the chair on Daniels leg as the other unknown man climbs to the second rope and then jumps on the chair. Daniels is in a lot of pain, the one holding Daniels then puts him on his stomach, and puts him in a camel clutch. The other unknown man stands back and watch. The unknown men leave as "Renegades Of Funk", by Rage Against The Machine as EMT’s run to the ring to help Daniels.]

(The EMF tron lights up with Chris Jericho walking down the hallway very quickly. He has a very angry look on his face. Off camera, he had already talked to his wife and knew what was going on. Jericho comes to Edge's office, and then doesn't even think about it. He burst through the door and enters Edge's office. But unlike the last few times...the office is completely empty. Jericho looks around yelling for Cena, but there is nothing...until a voice comes from behind him.)

.::Voice behind him::.-Well...well...well..if it ain't Y....2....Dad

(Jericho turns around, he recognized the voice immediately. He see's Christian leaning against the wall. Jericho looks like he wants to rip Christian apart. But he doesn't, because right now Christian just might be the only one that knows where Cena or Edge are. So to keep any hope alive that he can get his pregnant wife out of going to Iraq, he doesn't attack Christian.

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.- CHRISTIAN! Where the hell is your brother!

(Christian smirks, and stands up from where he was leaning against the wall, and he walks up to Jericho. Christian decides not to answer that question, he had more to say.)

.::Christian::.-You know, I'm wondering just what the hell I did, helping you two get together. After all, now there is going to be another no good little bastard in the world. But now that your little wife is off to Iraq, maybe that little problem might work itself out. What do you think?!? JERICHO!

(Jericho gets a really pissed off look, he can't hold back snapping on Christian anymore. In fact he takes Christian by the shirt and throws him against the wall.)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-YOU EVER SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT AGAIN, I'LL MAKE SURE IT'S THE LAST THING YOU SAY, CLB!! NOW, where the hell is your brother!!!

(Christian gives Jericho a smug look, and says)

.::Christian::.-You know Jericho, if you don't back the hell off, I won't say anything.

(Jericho lets Christian go, and takes a few steps back. Christian straightens out his shirt.)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Now, where the hell is he!?

.::Christian::.-Jericho, it's as simple as this...no one knows. You see my brother and Prez Mike had to leave so fast, that no one really had time to really find out where the business trip was. It's a good thing too, because only Prez Mike or him could get Amy out of this little vacation she's going on. Cena, really he's nothing more than the messenger boy so to speak, and I guess you can't kill him for being the messenger. Oh yeah, just in case you plan on trying to go, and protect your wife. Well this is a diva's trip, and even though I think you might qualify. It's not enough to hitch a ride with Amy.

(Jericho can't take this anymore, Jericho charges at Christian and drives Christian into the wall, making a mark in the wall. Jericho starts to hammer the downed Christian. Suddenly Monty Brown comes out of no where and pulls Jericho up. Brown goes for a fist, but Jericho blocks it...Jericho pushes Brown off and then hits a super kick. He then hits a kick into Christian's rib's, who is now bleeding a little from the nose. Suddenly a bunch of security guards swamp the office and pulls Jericho off Christian. They get him up, and await Christian's orders)

.::Christian::.-Get this son of bitch out of here, and make sure he doesn't get back into the arena. If he does, then I'll make sure the one responsible for letting him back in is FIRED! No excuses!

(The group of security guards are able to pull a struggling, pissed off Jericho back. The camera gets a shot of Monty Brown and Christian who laugh, we go back to the ring.)

“Snap your fingers, snap your neck” blasts on the PA system as “Primetime” Daniel Massoud walks to the ring and steps into the ring for his first match back in a long time

JR-It’s been a long time coming for Primetime to make his return

King-Where have I heard this song before

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, I heard it before too….oh well

“I am” blasts on the PA system as AJ Styles walks to the ring, doing his usual entrance, and he goes into the ring

JR-AJ Styles was close to regaining his IC championship

Kris Gaffney-That won’t make Dude Nick happy…

[Primetime slides into the ring and then AJ Styles slides into the ring and then AJ Styles test out of the ropes and gets ready for the mat to start and then the two start to talk trash. AJ Styles says something and that pisses off the EMF legend Primetime and then Primetime hits a forearm shot to the face and then AJ Styles back and then Primetime doesn’t answer it as it was a attack, more of a message to the younger AJ Styles who Primetime is and then Primetime and AJ Styles pace around the ring and then lock up and Primetime and Styles lock up. Styles tries to get the advantage, but Primetime is able to slip behind Styles and then hammers away at the back of Styles. Styles looks for way out of the waist lock and then Primetime is countered by Styles through a drop toe hold. Styles puts on a side head lock and Primetime gets up to his feet. Being the veteran that he is does not allow this to frustrate him and then he backs up to the ropes and then whips Styles off the ropes and then Styles comes off the ropes and Primetime not being very wore down is ready for Styles as he’s coming towards him. Primetime then hits a arm drag, right into an arm bar. Styles is in a little bit of pain, but obviously no more than he should be in this move. Then Primetime lets up Styles and then Styles stumbles up and then Primetime holds the hold and then hits a few shoulder blocks into the shoulder of Styles and then Primetime is able to flip Styles over back on the mat and then he drops the leg on the arm of Styles and then Primetime takes his time and then hits a few stomps on the downed Styles. Styles gets to his feet and then Primetime lets Styles get up and then Styles stumbles to his feet and goes into the corner. Primetime hits a few hard fist to the face, and then follows it up with another in the corner and the ref warns Primetime and then he goes back into corner where Style is. Primetime whips Styles into the corner and then Primetime follows Styles into the corner, Primetime hits a clothesline the corner on Styles and then turns around and hits a bulldog head lock on Styles and nails it. Primetime goes into the cover and gets the 1…………………….2………….kick out. Primetime looks up, because he thought he would get the pin with that. Primetime shrugs it off and then picks up Styles and hits a body slam and looks to the corner as he plays to the crowd a few moments. Primetime then goes to the top rope. But before he can hit one of his pattern moonsaults. AJ Styles nips up and then quickly pushes Primetime off the top rope to the outside and Primetime hits his head on the guard rail.]

JR-Primetime timing seems to be off

King-Yeah, if this was years ago…Primetime wouldn’t have done that

Kris Gaffney-Well he hasn’t wrestled in…what….almost 3 years now

JR-Well, here comes trouble…

(Suddenly Dude Nick walks out on the stage with the IC championship over his shoulder. He doesn’t go any further than the top of the stage)

[AJ Styles takes time to recover and while he’s already up holding on to the ropes to keep himself up. Primetime stumble around on the outside. AJ see’s a chance and charges to the ropes and comes off the ropes and leaps over the ropes where Primetime is and hits a summersault dive over the top rope that sends both Primetime and himself on the mat as the fans cheer on the move. AJ Styles is able to recover after a time and he takes Primetime and rolls him into the ring and AJ Styles goes to the ropes and then spring boards on the top rope and then leaps to the other rope and hits a split legged moonsault on Primetime from the top rope and gets the 1…………….2…………..kick out by Primetime. AJ gets up and then hits a few stomps on the downed Primetime who gets to his feet. Styles hits a few forearm shots to the face and whips Primetime to the ropes. Primetime goes to the ropes and Styles bounces off the ropes. Styles goes to the mat as Primetime goes to the mat and Primetime goes over Styles and goes to the opposite side of the ring and then drops down and then goes for a monkey flip and hits it on Primetime. Primetime gets up and stumbles up and then AJ Styles kicks Primetime in the gut, and sets him up for a vertical suplex. But before he can hit the move, Primetime is able to shift his weight and gets behind AJ Styles and before Primetime can hit any move. AJ Styles reverses the waist lock and is able to drive Primetime down into a front Russian leg sweep. AJ Styles goes into the cover and gets the 1………………2…………kick out.]

JR-AJ might be gearing up for a huge upset here

King-To hell with that, what about Dude Nick? AJ doesn’t even know he’s here yet

Kris Gaffney-King caring about anything, but the match inside the ring…how very WWE of him

(Suddenly King gets handed a bag of money for acting like the WWE him again.)

[AJ Styles hits a few hard fists to the face and then tries to whip Primetime to the ropes. But it’s reversed and AJ Styles goes to the ropes, bounces off. Primetime goes for a fist. But it’s ducked under and AJ Styles hits the Paylay. Primetime stumbles around and goes to a knee as AJ turns around and then see’s Dude Nick now, he asks the ref what he’s doing there and then he signals about the belt turns around right into a kick and Primetime hits his finisher the Ratings Drop! Primetime goes into the cover and gets the 1………………2………………3]

JR-AJ took his eye off the ball for one moment, and it cost him

King-Doesn’t look like that feud between him and Dude Nick is dead.

(We open up the scene in a hallway, Amy Jericho sits in a chair looking down. She has changed her top since the last time we saw her, and it's very easy to see that she is pregnant. She didn't care who knew anymore, it didn't matter. She didn't know what she was going to do, she knew that a trip to Iraq could be safe. But it was still a risk over there, no matter how much security they had. Now she knew that at least she wouldn't be alone, but that made her worried about Sierra as well, as well as her baby. Amy brings a hand to her stomach area over her stomach area that was growing more and more. Thoughts of concern and hatred fill her mind, suddenly it gets worst as she see’s the last person that she wanted to see right now. It was none other than Natasha Jones, the cause of all of this. Nat held Eddie Stratus...Cena's son from his previous relationship with Trish Stratus. Amy had known that Jackie had trusted her so much and she went out and did what she did. She couldn’t help but shoot her the dirtest look possible at her as she passed.)

Natasha: "It's nice to see you too Amy.... lucky looks can't kill I suppose...."

(Amy smirks, she had almost invited this. She could almost kill Natasha, but she realized the situation they were both in. They were both pregnant, but she had a lot on her mind right now.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-For once, you got something right. Because if they did, you would be dead.

Natasha: "Nice isn't it! Nice that a person i've never met hates me so much through no fault of my own... but whatever. If you have nothing better to do with your time than sit around hating people you've never said two words to thats fine by me... i'll try not to stoop so low myself."

(Amy stands up, and puts her hand on her hip and says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-I know enough about you to make my own judgment, I don't need to know much about you. All I need to know is that your a woman that clearly doesn't have the self control enough to keep her legs closed to her friends bastard of a husband. You would think something like that would weigh on your conscious, of course....I highly doubt you have one.

Natasha: "Oh come on... are you blind? Your the ONLY woman in the world that could say no to John Cena! I'm certainly not the first he's been with... and probably not the only one he's been with since he's been dating Jackie... but I will certainly be the one that brings him round... makes him change his ways.. and that makes me the luckiest girl of all. So is there a hint of jealousy in what you say Amy... because with any other woman in the world standing there, there certainly would be."

.::Amy Jericho::.-Blind? Hardly, maybe I just got different taste, and I wouldn't care who it was. I wouldn't sleep with some other woman's husband. As for Cena,to be honest, you can have Cena and everything that he carries, because god knows where he's been. So no jealousy at all, believe me I got all I could ever want. As for bring him around, believe that when I see it.

Natasha: "Well you will see it very soon. Talking to you is not the only reason i'm here tonight Amy... just you remember that. By the time this show is out... the whole world will see the truth... and my new life will begin tonight. So yes I will take Cena... and all the glory and recognition that comes with dating a Grandslam Champion... doesn't sound like a bad deal to me!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-*rolls eyes* You mean the truth that I've tried to bring out, but your GREAT John Cena has done everything in his power to cover up to this point? Including threaten me. Yeah, nice guy you got there. Believe me, I know what an asshole he is...but it doesn't matter how the truth comes out, the result is the same. You just prove to the world what type of friend and person you are. Remember something Natasha, what goes around...comes around.

Natasha: "Look I couldn't help what happened ok? He came onto me not the other way around. I'm sorry I couldn't resist him... but at the end of the day what I do is not your business. Jackie has always been good to me.. but with John it's different. He actually cares about me... wnats to protect me.. and above all I want my baby to have it's father. I can't raise my little girl all by myself...isn't it what every single mother wants... the babies father by her side? Well I can live my dream... and no matter what that means you think of me I don't care, because my life is going to be perfect when this noight is through!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-You couldn't resist?! God no one forced you to do anything...if he did then it's called rape. But here you are, buying everything he has said to you. You know, I can't say that you aren't allowed to make mistakes. Because I can't say I'm perfect either, but if you think that stealing another person's husband ...especially your friend's is going to help anything, than your dreaming princess, and it just might come back to bite you! Especially with who were talking about here, so I wouldn't be too fast to write "happily ever after" if I were you...

Natasha: "He only proposed to her to prevent loosing her anyway... the marraige would never have worked. He was, and still is much too good for her! He belongs with someone that actually cares for him... and isn't just trying to share his spot in the limelight. Jackie used him to get the Womens Title... he needs to be with me.. everyone sees that!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Really Natasha, I think it's the other way around. Really Jackie is and was too good for Cena. I said that right to Cena's face before, and I say it to you. As for getting the womens title, I'm pretty sure that Jackie could have gotten it on her own. Believe me, I've wrestled her and I doubt Cena has that big of a boost to her career. But regardless, as for Cena...these people that see that "he needs to be with you". That's fine, because deep down...what Cena really wants is to be....WITH EVERYONE!

Natasha: "It's not true Amy.. you will see. He is a changed man... yes he has made mistakes but I have put him on the straight and narrow.. we WILL be one happy family, me, Cena, the baby.. and Eddie here of course, and there is NOTHING you or anyone else can do to stop us!"

(Amy grins a knowing grin)

.::Amy Jericho::.-I know you would love to believe that, but Natasha you forget who your talking to. Before we became friends and while Jackie was trying to use my name to get at the top of the industry I knew Cena was trouble. Go ahead, look at my promo from Survival of the Fittest 2005 and you'll realized that I called the fact that Cena would cheat on Jackie, believe me I saw it then. I see it now, I get the sense that the man will never really stop. The only question is whether or not he's already slept around on you already or not. If he did, it goes back to that "what goes around, comes around" point I gave. But regardless, I can see it's still there, and I doubt at this point it'll ever change. As for stopping the two of you, I wish I could, I REALLY wish I could. But I find myself in a jam as far as that goes *puts her hand over her stomach area*. But no worries as far as that goes, because I got a feeling that I won't have to stop you at all. Because Cena's faithfulness will do it for me.

Natasha: "He will remain faithful now... I just know it. Sure he might not be ever faithful like Jericho.. but that kind of relationship is boring... no challenges! I had to tame in and now I have I can reap the rewards.. and that is so much better than what you procliam is so great with your has been of a husband!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-There is a difference between taking challenges, and taking the abuse. In my eyes, I think Cena's track record speaks for itself. Really, if Cena doesn't ever sleep around on you it would be a miracle in my eyes. Really, Trish, Jackie...what makes you any different...what will make you more than just another name on the Franchise list? Regardless, you and Cena talk down to Jericho...but the truth is that he's 100 times the man John Cena is, you talk about what it's going to be like to be with the grandslam champion. Well too bad championships aren't exactly what makes a man, and I'm pretty sure you'll see that soon enough.

Natasha: "CHampionships don't make a man huh... lucky for you if thats the case. But you don't know him like I do... and im not stupid. My father is a very wealthy business man... I didn't grow up without knowing a thing or two, I know when a guy is lying to me, and John means what he says... we are going to be a happy family, and nothing you do can stop us now!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Another jab at his career I see. If you want to talk about championships and wrestling careers. If championships meant EVERYTHING in wrestling, I'm sure Jericho would have more matches in the EMF. But you see Natasha, the Other World has been more concerned with making history than about being a common title grabber. Both Jericho and I have made our mark just doing that, all Cena has over Jericho is numbers of titles. But like I said, wrestling career alone doesn't make a guy better than another. But believe what you want, maybe that's because your looking for material things. Maybe that's why you are falling for everything that Cena has said, because all your life you been around wealth. But let me put it this way, Jackie use to go on and on about how perfect her relationship with Cena was, but obviously that was not the case, no matter how much she wanted to believe it. Really Natasha, unless you don't realize yet...I can't stop you anymore. But really my hope is that you get what you deserve in the end. Which goes to the ol' "what goes around, comes around" point. Which would mean that I'm right for a second time about Cena. I'll be honest, do I know that Cena has changed? No...but I get the sense this is true. It's the same sense I got when I called that Cena would end up cheating on Jackie and I was right once. So I may not be able to stop you two from doing what your planning, but I can stand back to see if Cena can really stop sleeping around like the man-whore that he is. I think that's the only measure of revenge or stopping anything that could come out of this.

Natasha: "You seem to be of the illusion that by dating John, I am going to come to some kind of harm. You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. John assures me that he has put his past behind him, and I have no reason not to believe him. What he wants is a proper family, Me, him, the baby and Eddie when he comes over, and he wants things to be perfect, as un-complicated as possable. Yes he's made mistakes but haven't we all? YOu can't condemn someone for life for a few little mistakes.... if we could I wonder how different your life may be. I'm not with Cena for the money... i'm not some kind of spoilt little rich girl. Ok so I was fortunate to get anything I wanted growing up, but my father worked damn hard to get the position he was in. And then look what I did. Not only did I move out but I moved countries, and do you really think I bought any money with me? Of course not, because if I did I would not have been cleaning houses for a year. I came here to make it on my own, to prove to the world I can make out wiythout living out of my dad's back pocket... and I have done that, and not you or anybody else is going to take this away from me! I can't help it that I happened to fall for a man with his track record... but I don't regret it one bit... and if I could take it back I certainly wouldn't!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Oh, I don't doubt he's got you believing. Maybe your not totally in it for money, but really you keep mentioning "why he's thousand time world champion, that must make him a great guy". When in the real world, title belts don't mean anything when it comes to that. Because you can be the world's biggest asshole, and still be a thousand time world champion. As for making mistakes, I already told you that I'm not perfect. But, really you think this whole cover up and then swooping in for Cena thing is the way to make up for those mistakes. I think it's you that is a bit delusioned, and in case you haven't heard. Because I was trying to be what you won't be...and that's loyal to my friend. I had to pay for it, so in my eyes...John Cena's still the same son of a bitch that he was a few months back when I said he would cheat on Jackie, I'm pretty sure very little has changed. But we will see...won't we?

Natasha: "Oh we will see... and you will see just how wrong you are. John Cena is a great guy.. and a great wreslter. Sure maybe the titles alone don't make ihm fantastic... but just look at the great job he's doing with little Eddie here! He is an extremely loving father and would do anything for his son, that's why he doesn't want his life disrupted by having 3 females in his life. Removing Jackie from the equation is not only what he wants, but the easiest option too, because she is not going to be the mother of his child. This works out for the best in all cases... surely even you who are so blinded with hatred for him can see that!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Just ask yourself one thing Natasha, how did he end up in this situation? I may accuse you of not having some self control, but Cena couldn't stop himself either. Am I mad, yes...I'm disgusted at Cena for many reasons, and one of them is that I know that he won't stop. As for Eddie or your baby, I'm not going pass judgment. Because as far as I'm concerned their the only thing that's innocent here. Besides...

(Suddenly Eddie starts to make happy baby noises and even reaches out a hand that is seemly going towards Amy's stomach area. Amy can't help to smile an amused smile at this, she crosses her arms and says)

.::Amy Jericho::.-You got any clue what he wants?

Natasha: "I'm not sure what he wants.... to be honest i'm not very good with this whole mother thing... i'm hoping when the time comes and my little girl is born, I will just naturally adapt to it... but for now i'm just doing the best I can to fill in when Trish isn't around. He seems to want you for some reason though..."

.::Amy Jericho::.-This is going to seem weird, but I now have the urge to want to hold him for a little bit.

(Natasha holds Eddie out, then seemingly pulls back and looks around. Then she nervously holds him towards Amy again)

Natasha: "What harm can it do... I just hope John doesn't find out.... doubt he'd approve very much..."

(Amy takes Eddie, she looks down at the baby. So...this was what it was going to be like when she had her baby. Amy smiles a little bit looking down at Eddie Stratus who was still oddly happy, but calm in Amy's arms.)

Natasha: "He likes you... hate to admit it but your a natural at this Amy... i'm sure you'll make a great mother one day soon...."

(Amy looks up at Nat, and actually gives her a smile at this comment and looks down at Eddie again. This goes on until Nat speaks up once again)

Natasha: "Look Amy... I better be going, got a lot to do tonight... you know i'm here for a reason... and no matter what happens I can't let it change that. I'm sorry thins turned out this way but.... it's what I need to do!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-OK....

(Amy hands Eddie back to Nat, causing Eddie to cry a little. Nat gives Amy one last glance in an apologetic way, before walking off in the direction of Cena's dressing room. Amy looks on, then after Nat is gone away from her. Amy shakes her head, holding Eddie reminded her that soon it would be her baby that she was holding and it made her forget that she was angry at Nat at all. She narrows her eyes and shakes her head, then puts one hand to her face and says)

.::Amy Jericho::.-This pregnancy thing is getting to me...

(Amy obviously couldn't stop what was going on, so she needed to drown herself in something. She takes out a CD player from her bag and a CD, it was the only one she happened to pack. She gives it a weird look, and then shrug her shoulders and then puts it in and then sits on a crate in the hall way as we go back to the ring.)

(Generic Theme hits as Jackie Cena comes out accompanied by John Cena. The Steel Cage is slowly lowered around the ring as she comes out onto the ramp. She taunts a bit with her title belt and then walks down to ringside and climbs the steps. The cage is now fully lowered. She turns in the doorway and kisses John, who wishes her good luck and seems to tell the ref to make sure they are safe.)

Finkle: "The following Steel Cage Match can only be won by escaping the cage.. which can be done either by climbing over the cage or walking through the door so that BOTH feet touch the ground. On her way to the ring, accompanied by John Cena... she is the EMF Women's Champion... MISS JACKIE CENA!"

("Keys to the City" hits and Trish Stratus heads down to the ring, looking pissed off. She smiles at John and gives him a suggestive wave, which causes Jackie to glare. She then climbs in the ring, and the door is shut and bolted. Jackie wastes no time running at Trish and hitting her with a clothesline. She then bends down and begins to slap away at the downed Trish, who then rolls over and returns it. This goes back and forth for a while, with the offence changing. Trish Stratus seems to get the better of this, and she then moves off of Jackie and whips her into the turnbuckle. She runs and then clotheslines her hard into the turnbuckle. Jackie slides down it, and Trish picks her up and nails DDT. She lifts her again and Jackie powers out of her hold and nails Trish with a running neckbreaker. Both women are down but Trish seems to have more in her and she gets up hits away at Jackie some more, before putting her in a headlock. Trish keeps the hold and goes down to the floor with it. Jackie struggles and tries to claw towards the rope. Cena watches on looking concerned, but she reaches out and grabs the bottom rope. The referee calls for the hold to be broken, and Trish does. Jackie gets up using the ropes, and Trish runs and hits her with a suplex, into a bridge There is no count though and Trish relaxes it, letting Jackie fall to the mat.)

J.R: "Good strong opening by Trish Stratus here...."

King: "Jackie Cena's long title reign could be in trouble...."

(Trish lifts Jackie again, but Jackie slaps Trish. She does this continuously until Trish stumbles slightly, and then she lifts Trish up as if going for the FU. Trish struggles and manages to slide out the back of it. She tries to get to her feet but Jackie hits her with a spinning heel kicks as she does. Jackie then backs up against the side of the cage, looking to catch her breath. Cena spurs her on and Jackie waits for Trish to climb up, before whipping her into the ropes, and hitting a drop kick as she comes back. Trish is still half standing as she tries to get back to her feet but Jackie nails a bulldog. Trish falls down and Jackie stands over her, hitting a few stomps. She then waits for Trish to get up again before nailing her with a textbook powerbomb after a shot to the midsection. Trish appears to be down but Jackie knows it won’t be long enough to escape the cage. Instead she goes over to have a word with Cena.)

J.R: "John Cena won the Tag Team Elimination Chamber against the odds... if anyone can help Jackie in this environment... it sure as hell would be him!"

King: "But the champion is wasting time... how often does that come back to bite them on the ass?" *King appears to stare into space*

(Trish gets to her feet behind Jackie, and Cena tries to alert her, but is too late. Trish grabs Jackie and rams her head into the cage. She moves it back and forth a little, grating her head against the steel, but it is only for a few seconds because the referee tells her to break it. Trish picks up Jackie and throws her back towards the cage, but Jackie blocks with her hands. Jackie is cut open slightly, and Trish spins her round and hammers away at the cut area. Trish then throws Jackie into the corner again, and this time lifts her up, looking for a superplex. She hits it off the middle rope, so there is slightly less impact. She then climbs again and goes for a cross body block off the top, which she hits. Jackie rolls around looking hurt.)

J.R: "Trish Stratus firmly in control now... all she needs is one big move and she could be champ again...."

King: "I don't know if there is a move in this world that would put Jackie away... I really don't..."

(Trish taunts the crowd, who cheer. Cena bangs on the cage and seemingly distracts her. He seems to be flirting with Trish... which totally takes her mind off of Jackie. Trish is talking back to him, and Jackie gets up. She notices a little blood on the floor, and puts her hand on her forehead. She realizes she is bleeding, and it seems to anger her even more. Jackie runs at Trish and throws her straight into the cage where John was standing. She hits it extremely hard and appears hurt. Jackie rams her head into it again and again, before the referee pulls her away. Jackie then throws Trish across the ring and nails a Big Boot on her. She taunts the crowd and nails the Leg Drop of DOOOOOOOOOOMMMM ! Trish still isn't moving and it appears over. Jackie climbs up the turnbuckle and then grabs the cage and looks to climb it. She climbs up for a while and then she gets one hand on the top of the cage. After a while she gets a second up and then tries to lift her body over. Trish however has recovered by the point and is trying to stand.)

J.R: "Trish has taken a lot of damage... if she can't recover Jackie will win this...."

King: "You what? Sorry I was lost... staring at something... God knows what!"

(Trish gets to her feet and the crowd is excited. She reaches up and grabs Jackie’s lowest foot. Jackie tries to shake her off, and manages it. Trish tries again but again Jackie shakes her off and tries to continue her climb. Cena seemingly tries to pass her a weapon, but throws it too hard and it lands in the ring. He gives Jackie a look suggesting it was an accident, but when she turns back to look at Trish he laughs. Trish picks it up and its Brass Knuckles. She puts them on and hits Jackie's leg hard. Jackie has to move a hand to grab her leg in pain, and she falls into the ring. Jackie is then picked up and thrown into the corner. Trish goes over to her and nails a Stratusfaction from the turnbuckle! She then falls from the previous pain Jackie inflicted, and both women are down.)

J.R: "We knew this match was going to be dangerous.... but they have given it their all... but there can only be one winner...."

King: "Well two... one of them women and ME!"

(Trish and Jackie are still down, but Trish gets up slightly quicker. She slides the knuckles into her trousers so as not to be seen, and then signals the end is near. She goes over to pull up Jackie, but Jackie is too fast for her and nails a low blow. Although not as effective as on a guy... Trish feels some pain, and Jackie uses the split second to hoist Trish up and hit a very desperate FU! She only just manages to land it. She then climbs back to her feet and Trish looks to be knocked out. Jackie begins her climb again.)

J.R: "These two were already destroyed... Trish may not get up for weeks..."

King: "I'm not complaining... though I will be if this match ends soon...."

(Jackie gets her hands on top of the cage and throws one leg over. Trish tries to stumble up but the FU knocked too much out of her. Cena out of desperation pulls out some wire cutters and goes over to the door. Jackie is still trying to slowly climb over the wall of the cage, and doesn't notice. The outside official gets in Cena's way but Cena throws him into the barricade, and cuts at he chain. It comes off and he opens the door. Trish is trying to crawl towards it, and Jackie still doesn't know what’s happening. Cena rolls into the ring and drags Trish towards the door, but then looks up and Jackie has one leg over the cage. She still is only concentrating on herself as she throws the other over. Cena throws Trish quickly towards the door, but she gets a foot trapped on the ropes and Jackie drops down to the floor to pick up the win.)

Finkle: "Here is your winner... and STILL the EMF Women's Champion... Jackie Cena!"

(John Cena looks angry at what happened, and apologizes to Trish, telling her to stay in the ring. He exits and goes over to Jackie, who is handed the title belt. She holds it high and then embraces her husband. Cena hugs her and kisses her and the crowd boos because he just nearly screwed her over. Then Cena suddenly grabs Jackie and throws her head first into the steal cage she just escaped from. Jackie was already weak, and is now in extreme pain. Cena laughs and then a well-known theme hits. It's the... MILLION DOLLAR THEME used in EMF by Bentley Jones. The crowd boos even more as Natasha Jones comes out onto the stage looking happy. She walks down the ramp carefully as she is heavily pregnant, and Cena takes her in his arms, kisses her and then they taunt down at an extremely hurt Jackie, who is only just able to look up at them. A tear seems to appear in her eyes and Cena laughs, and then he heads into the ring where Trish is standing and laughing at what just happened. Cena asks for his weapon back and Trish suggests he take it out himself... but he motions towards Natasha and Trish reluctantly takes it out and hands it over to him. Cena then takes a microphone.)

John Cena: "Enjoy that title Jackie... because with the power I have around here... it won’t be yours much longer! Word Life!"

(Bad, Bad Man echoes around the arena as Cena, Natasha and Trish taunt Jackie from inside the Cage and Shockwave goes off the air.)

(A little while after Shockwave has ended, we go to an exclusive from EMF.com. Most of the fans have left the arena. Suddernly the EMF tron comes back to life. we are backstage and Jackie Cena is shown. She is wondering around the corridors, as if looking for somewhere she can't find. She seemingly has too much going on in her head. she collapses into a chair, and puts her head down on her lap and seems to start crying, although she hides this well. The camera cuts to Amy Jericho, who is looking around for Jackie. She had an expression of anger across her face, a few things that Cena had said in their confrontation in Edge's office had finally made sense. Amy curses Cena in her mind for doing this to Jackie, Amy had been looking for Jackie...but so far had been unsuccessful. Suddenly she hears some muffled sounds, almost like someone's crying. Amy hurries over, and then she see's Jackie in the chair. Amy stops dead in her tracks to think how she was going to approach this. She couldn't burden Jackie with her issues, because she could see how bad she was really hurting, despite her best efforts to cover it. Amy goes over to Jackie, and kneels beside her. Amy didn't think she recognize that she was there, so Amy says in a low tone of voice.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Jackie...

(Jackie continues to sob for a second, but then looks up. She takes a minute to register who is standing there, and then speaks,)

Jackie: "Oh... it's you Amy. I guess I don't need to explain to you whats wrong.. i mean, you saw it just like the rest of the world."

.::Amy Jericho::.-Yeah, I did....Jackie, really I just came to see how you were doing and see if you wanted to talk about it.

Jackie: "I don't know what there is to say. The man made a fool out of me in front of millions of people. One minute he was holding me and kissing me and the next... I don't even remember... but the one image I do see will live with me forever. Him and... Trish and... Nat? What the hell was she doing there. So many questions... I really just don't know what happened. God Amy i'm so confused by it all I don't know where to begin...."

(Amy bites her lip, she knew too much what had gone on. But with the state Jackie was in, it would be a total overload right now to tell her everything that she knew...and she knew just about everything behind the situation. She had gotten so close to it, that she too had felt it's effects. So Amy decides to take this type of path so not to overload Jackie on everything that was going on.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-I can't say that I saw it coming either Jackie. I can only guess what your feeling right now, and the questions running through your brain. It's something we will have to find out about soon enough, but whatever the reason...I know none of it is your fault.

(Amy shakes her head, she had to dance around the facts she knew. She only hoped she did it well enough for Jackie in this state. It had been true enough that she had no clue that Cena would do what he did at the end of the cage match)

Jackie: "It just desn't make any sense... he's my husband... he was always so nice to me... so perfect.. then today he goes and does this. I just can't even begin to think what I did to upset him so badly..."

.::Amy Jericho::.-I'm sure you did nothing Jackie, believe me I know you well enough to know you wouldn't have done anything to make Cena do this. I'm not sure what's going on in Cena's mind right now, but whatever it is...it's just wrong, and none of it is your fault.

Jackie: "But it must be.. he can't just change his opinions so suddernly. And Natasha... why on earth was she out there... I still can't work that out. What have I done to turn them both against me... the two people I was closest to in the whole world just suddernly turn against me... it... I.... oh God I just don't know..."

(Amy shakes her head, she was so broke up herself at seeing Jackie like this. She wish she could stomp to Edge's office and kick his ass right now, but being pregnant...she couldn't. Amy puts her hand on Jackie shoulder and says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Jackie, don't think that way. I know you been nothing but a good wife to Cena, this isn't something you deserved. Look, I know it's hard and there are so many questions. But like I said, it's something we will find out with time. But it doesn't matter what it is, because regardless...what Cena did was wrong.

Jackie: "Maybe... maybe your right... but it COULD have been something I did. My mind just keeps thinknig back... the last day.. the last week... did i do anything different? I just... I thought... I thought we were doing so well and now... now everything i've ever wanted has been wrenched from me.. and I don't even know why."

(Once again Amy felt what she knew boiling inside of her. But she had to keep it down for Jackie.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-I just know it's nothing you did at all, don't ask me how...I just know. I know it wasn't you at all, you'll just have to trust me on that one. Jackie, I'll be honest with you..I want to be here for you. To help you through this...but *Amy bites her lip, she didn't want to burden Jackie with her problems. So she thought of a way to say it.* the EMF is sending me on a trip, and I don't know how long I'll be gone. I wish I could be here, because it's easy to see what a hard time your going through. But, I'm going to have a cell phone on at all times....would it be ok if I give you my number, so you can call me anytime, if you need to talk to someone?

Jackie: "Sure... could you store it in my cell coz if you give me it on anything less valuable i'll probably lose it in this state... *hands Amy her cell phone* Thank you Amy.. if anyone else but you had found me here I don't know what i'd do... i'm just so glad you came along. But.. I noticed... you look a bit different... is everything ok?"

(Amy in her effort to try to make Jackie feel better, had forgot how pregnant she looked now. She had nothing to cover it up, she looks down around her stomach area, she didn't know how to bring this good news into all this bad news, and she knew with how she looked that all the weight gain excuses wouldn't cover it.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Yeah.....umm....well...it's something that's kinda akward to tell you about now with your problems. Do you really want to know?

Jackie: "Well you might as wel... i've hit rock bottom as it is so it couldn't make things any worse..."

.::Amy Jericho::.-Well, it's just....as it appears really...I'm pregnant.

Jackie: "Oh... oh yea. How stupid of me not to see it... although I didn't see anything else that happened tonight coming did I? I beleived John was out there to help me... he did help me... then when all is said and done.. he attacks me... I just don't see what hapened... he just changed so suddernly and my life crashes and burns. Amy.. what the hell do I do now? I haven't just lost my husband... but my house... my way of life... everything i'm used to... it's all gone and I can't do anything about it."

.::Amy Jericho::.-We don't know that right now Jackie, we don't know what's going on. I know everything's going to be alright...but as it stands...yes, I know that just going home right now is not a good idea. I won't be home, otherwise I would ask you if you wanted to stay with Jericho and I until everything gets settled. But I do still have my home in Fort Launderdale that I don't do anything with, would you be interested in staying there until everything gets settled? My friend Molly now and then checks on the house when she's in town, and could help you if you need it.

*Jackie looks up at Amy and smiles weakly. She seems to be trying but failing to talk for a second.. before finally getting the words out.*

Jackie: "Amy I... I don't know what to say... thank you so much. You really have saved my life.. there is no way I could have possably have gone back there.. and at least you've taken one major problem out of the situation. I really don't know how to thank you enough... if your really sure that is."

.::Amy Jericho::.-It's ok Jackie, don't think of anything of it...I realize what a tough time your going through right now. Besides, your my friend...I want to be as much help as possible to get through this.

Jackie: "You just might have saved my life with that Amy... and I thank you again. I guess I gotta try and be strong and get on with things... i'm still a top competitor here... and with John... *she stops, thinks, and corrcts herself*... with Cena having a lot of power around here... I think my hell may only just be beginning..."

.::Amy Jericho::.-Well, Jackie...Cena's obviously got on Edge's good side. I know what he said out there, but whatever is going through Cena's head...hopefully he can at least not do anymore to you than he already has. But for now, I don't want you to think about it. I know realistically at work it's going to be hard, but do what you can to get through it. Don't let it get to you.

Jackie: "I know... I know everything you say is the truth Amy.. but it really is going to be hard.. seeing him out there every week... this just feels like some nightmare i'll wake up from any minute and he'll be beside me and tell me it's all ok... God i'm so stupid! I took everything I had and threw it away... if I just saw this coming... surely there'd have been some way to stop it..."

(Amy couldn't doubt that she felt really guilty, she knew deep down that she did all she could to try to tell Jackie of Cena's cheating. That she herself was a victim in Cena's games of deception. She wanted more than anything to tell Jackie this, but everytime she tried figurely a knife would be put to her throat or to someone else she loved. Still that didn't make it go away.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Jackie, I can only imagine how hard it must be for you. I really wish I could have done something more to prevent this. But I just couldn't, that's why giving you a place to stay is the least I could do, I'm so sorry Jackie. The best advice I can give you is that you just need to stay strong. If Cena has a conscious somewhere...he should feel horrible about what he did to you.

Jackie: "It doesn't matter now does it. What matters is proving that i'm not the joke he's made me out to be. If he thinks he can just throw me into a cage and break me, he's wrong. I will show him that nobody beats MISS JACKIE and that no mater what he does to me he WILL NOT win and he WILL NOT stop me achieving all the goals I set out to achieve here."

(Amy smiles, and says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-That's the Jackie I know, your right. You can't let him win, your better than that..believe me I know.

Jackie: "Believe me... he wont. He can do anything he wants to try and break me it wont work. He could crush every bone in my body... i'd still find a way to beat him in the end. I don't care what he throws at me.. i'll take it and pay him back double... just you watch Amy... and you and everyone else will see who the dominant Cena was... and who the dominant person is now!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-I don't doubt you one bit Jackie, you will get through this. It does not matter what Cena throws at you, or anything. I know you will get through it.

Jackie: "I don't know why... but I get the feeling there's a lot of people I need to get even with... but that can wait for now. Dark things are happening around here Amy... maybe it's just as wel they are sending you away... I mean... anywhere is safer for you than here with those psychotic bastards running the place. Where is it your off to anyway?"

(Amy looks down, she still did not want to burden Jackie with her problems. She decided to tell the half truth, which seemed to be good enough.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Well, I don't want to burden you with my problems....that's kinda hard to explain...but really their giving me more time than I need for my pregnancy and sending me off on a Diva trip. Their calling it a vacation.

Jackie: "Sounds fun.... wish I was going... but I got things to do around here. Oh well... if the company don't want to send their champion on these things... it's their loss I guess. But i bet you'll have a great time Amy.. and if anyone deserves a vacation it's definately you!"

(Amy couldn't show her the bad side of this whole thing, because she would question to where this was. So she decided to put it like this.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Well, there are reasons why it's not as great as it sounds. But besides that, I'm just not ready to leave my job...I know I must look big right now. But I'm between 3 and 4 months along, so I'm not exactly ready to leave my job.

Jackie: "Oh well... you'd have to leave sometime... try and enjoy the extra vacation Amy... you work damn hard... you need a break... and prsonally I think you'll be glad of it once your out there... whereever it is!"

(Amy didn't want to say it, she just smiled at Jackie and decided to change the subject.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-I'll try, anyways it's getting late. Would you like a ride, maybe even something to eat? Sierra wanted to get something to eat, I would have to ask her if it's alright. But she wanted to get something to eat, Jericho's coming too. After that Jericho and I are going right home, but you could stay there for the night. Then tomorrow, we can take you over to my spare home in Fort Launderdale.

Jackie: "To be honest Amy.. i just want to get out of here as soon as possable.. so that sounds great. I dunno if i'll be up to eating much.. but starving myself wont get me anywhere.. so why not. Thank you so much... you really are a life saver

.::Amy Jericho::.-I'll try, anyways it's getting late. Would you like a ride, maybe even something to eat? Sierra wanted to get something to eat, I would have to ask her if it's alright. But she wanted to get something to eat, Jericho's coming too. *with a joking tone* Although, if you don't want to. Then I can understand, we could drop you off at the house. Besides, I could understand you don't want to see me pig out. But, it's apart of pregnant! After that Jericho and I are going right home, but you could stay there for the night. Then tomorrow, we can take you over to my spare home in Fort Launderdale.

Jackie: "Ok Amy.. sounds good to me... I guess i'll leave my stuff... pick it up some other time... when he's not likely to be lurking..."

.::Amy Jericho::.-That could be for the best, well lets get going.

(Jackie nods, and then Jackie gets up. Amy walks off as Jackie follows her friend as the scene closes)