EMF: Saturday Shockwave

Virus vs. KANE (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 234 pounds,, Virus!!!

[Virus comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds, from HEEL, KANE!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[fire blasts on the stage, but KANE walks through it. KANES on fire, but he seems to not to care. Until it registers in his head and he starts jumping around in pain. The ring crew puts him out and rolls him into the ring KANE gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Virus. KANE tests out the ropes. (ring, ring, ring) Virus chops KANE. Virus legsweeps KANE. ]

The King - legsweep!

[KANE chops Virus. Virus gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on KANE. Virus delivers a kick to the head of KANE. Now KANE standing. KANE hits Virus with an atomic drop. KANE chants start. KANE drags Virus to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) KANE clotheslines Virus. (...3) Virus takes KANE off his feet with a short-arm clothesline KANE is back on his feet. (....4) Virus hits a kneeling headbutt to KANE's groin. KANE is up again. (.....5) KANE and Virus move back into the ring. KANE hits Virus with a heart punch. KANE with an illegal chokehold on Virus. Virus is up again. KANE hits Virus with an atomic drop. Virus climbs to his feet. KANE puts Virus in a reverse chin lock. The referee is checking the situation. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... Virus is fighting the hold. KANE breaks the hold. KANE with an Aztecan suplex on Virus sends him to the mat. Virus gets up. Virus hits him with a back fist. ]

JR - KANE takes a back fist.

[KANE pokes Virus in the eye with his thumb. Virus hits KANE with the belly-to-belly suplex. ]

JR - Good belly-to-belly suplex by Virus.

[Now Virus standing. KANE gets hit with the shooting star press from Virus. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 KANE kicks out. ]

The King - Virus was so close!!

[KANE stands up. KANE is nailed with a waistlock suplex from Virus. KANE gets hit with a leg drop from Virus. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 KANE escapes. Virus pulls KANE up and hits a few fists to the face, and whips him to the ropes. KANE goes to the ropes, and Virus goes for a clothesline. But it's ducked under, and KANE picks up Virus and points him towards the turnbuckle. He runs with him in the turnbuckle, but Virus slides out of the back of KANE. KANE backs up, and Virus sets up, turns and drops KANE for the Plague Attack. Virus goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………………2………………3!]

King-Virus has won!

Kris Gaffney-I think everyone with a PC problem is shuttering right now.

King-Someone clearly didn't let the sim do it's job at the end….


(The EMF logo flashes over the screen, and Shockwave video starts to play. Once it ends we go into the darken arena as pyrotechnics blasts off on the stage. The lights turn off as the pyrotechnics end, and fans are seen holding their signs up. Yelling at the top of their lungs. Some signs say "Vargas challenged me too", "X-Tazte = New Other World member", and "what spot is Double A talking about?".)

JR-Coming off a great Return of an Era, we welcome you to Saturday Shockwave, and what a show we have for you tonight.

King-Certainly do, headlined by Gambler and Double A taking on Marquise and the new comer Chad Vargas.

Kris Gaffney-….I hate snakes! But JR will probably become best friends with him!


("You'll never take me down" blasts on the PA system as X-Tazte walks out on the stage, and does his usual flipping entrance.)

JR-What are you doing King?

*King is looking through a phone book*

King-After all these years….Mrs. Tazte is still putting out

Kris Gaffney-yea….who would have guess.

("X-Treme" blasts on the PA system as Jeff Hardy does his usual entrance, and he steps inside of the ring.)

King-I think Jeff fell off of too many ladders…he thinks Gambler's been TV champion…ever.

Kris Gaffney-Probably ran out of things to burn.

King-Probably…by the way…think he's going up against a family member?

Kris Gaffney-Who knows…there is a Tazte in everyone.

[Jeff Hardy and X-Tazte pace around the ring, and then they lock up, X-Tazte is somehow able to duck under and put Jeff Hardy in a hammer lock, and then goes down and hits a double leg trip. Jeff Hardy falls on his face, and X-Tazte puts on a side head lock on the mat. Jeff Hardy looks for a way out of the hold, and gets to his feet. Jeff Hardy looks for a way out of the hold, and is able to move to the side of X-Tazte, and tries for a belly to back suplex. But it's countered as X-Tazte rolls out of the back, and hits a standing drop kick that sends Jeff Hardy falling to the second rope, and then Jeff Hardy stays there as X-Tazte runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes and leaps in the air. He comes crashing down on the back of Jeff Hardy, Jeff Hardy stumbles back and then X-Tazte sets up Jeff Hardy, and hits a Russian leg sweep, and runs off of the ropes and comes off of them. He leaps in the air, and hits a flying knee drop to the face of Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy sits up, and X-Tazte quickly gets to his feet, and hits a quick front drop to the face. Then goes into the first cover of the match, and gets a 1……………….2………….kick out by Jeff Hardy. X-Tazte hits a few stomps on the downed Jeff Hardy, and puts him in an arm bar. Jeff Hardy gets up to his feet, and then looks for a way out of this hold. He backs X-Tazte to the ropes, and whips him off of the ropes. X-Tazte bounces off of the ropes, and hits a shoulder block. Jeff Hardy goes down to the mat, and gets up. X-Tazte goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under. X-Tazte turns around right into a sitdown jaw breaker. X-Tazte backs to the ropes, and Jeff Hardy goes for a clothesline over the top rope. But it's countered with a back body drop over the top rope. X-Tazte takes a few moments to rest as Jeff Hardy has crashed on the mat around the ring. X-Tazte measures up, and sling shots himself over the top rope into a cross body block on Jeff Hardy as he has gotten to his feet. Both wrestlers take sometime, X-Tazte gets to his feet and picks Jeff Hardy by the hair, but out of no where Jeff Hardy comes to life and lifts up X-Tazte, and hits a belly to back suplex that sends X-Tazte crashing into the mat. Both wrestlers are down as the ref is up to 5.]

JR-Both Jeff and X-Tazte need to get into the ring.

King-You know if someone ran into the ring, they probably stop the count…because it's most likely another Tazte.

Kris Gaffney-I wonder how many there are of them…

King-That is a question we may never know.

[Jeff Hardy, and X-Tazte get up. Jeff Hardy hits a knee into the gut. He is stunned, and rolls him into the ring. Jeff Hardy goes on to the apron, and climbs up to the top rope. He measures up, and leaps off of the top rope. He hits a missile drop kick that nails X-Tazte, and Jeff Hardy is able to get into the cover, and gets a 1……………..2………..kick out by X-Tazte. X-Tazte gets up to his feet, and then Jeff Hardy hits a running clothesline. He knocks down X-Tazte, X-Tazte gets up and gets knocked down with another clothesline. X-Tazte gets up to his feet stunned, and Jeff Hardy hits a few fists to the face and tries to whip X-Tazte to the ropes. But it's reversed, and Jeff Hardy bounces off of the ropes. He comes off of the ropes with a flying forearm, X-Tazte slowly gets up very stunned and Jeff Hardy hits a double leg take down, and hits his double leg drop into the gut of X-Tazte, and goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………………2…………..kick out by X-Tazte. X-Tazte crawls into the corner, Jeff Hardy closes in, and X-Tazte is able to turn the tables, and throw Jeff Hardy into the corner. Then hits a few knife edge chops to the chest of Jeff Hardy. X-Tazte tries to whip Jeff Hardy into the corner and he coems into the corner and runs up the corner and hits the whisper in the wind on X-Tazte as he tries to follow in. He goes into the cover once again, and gets the 1………………2…………..kick out by X-Tazte!]

JR-Almost three on X-Tazte!

King-Not X-Tazie?

Kris Gaffney-No, that's JUST ANOTHER MESS UP!!

[Jeff Hardy waits for X-Tazte who gets up to his feet, and then waits for X-Tazte to get up. X-Tazte does, and then Jeff Hardy kicks him in the gut. Then goes for a vertical suplex, but X-Tazte slides out the back, and Jeff Hardy turns around and takes down X-Tazte with a double leg take down. But X-Tazte pushes pushes him off, and Jeff Hardy goes flying into the ref, and the ref is stunned on the mat. X-Tazte tries to capitalize on this by going for a clothesline. But it's ducked under, and Jeff Hardy hits the twist of fate. Jeff Hardy goes to the top rope, but seems X-Tazte bounced up from the mat. Suddenly he moves out of the way, as Kevin Bourne who snuck in the ring goes flying through the ropes. Shaking them, and making Jeff fall on the top rope, and off. From there X-Tazte hits his finisher, and goes into the cover. He gets the 1…………….2…………3!]

JR-Kevin Bourne's attack on X-Tazte backfired on Jeff Hardy!

King-What was he thinking?

Kris Gaffney-Who are YOU to question Kevin?

King-Oh, right…

(Kevin Bourne slides into the ring with a chair, and hits X-Tazte with it. X-Tazte goes down, and rolls out of the ring.)

(OOC-Jeff, your new style is good, and it can bring you many things if you keep it; however, you still have flaws to work out. In a duel of two RPers that clearly wanted to win, that's the difference. I can tell you what to do in the next attempt if your willing to listen, but keep to this style. It's good, just needs a little tweaking on.)

("Rockstar" blasts on the PA system as John Morrison does his usual posing, and slow motion entrance on his way to the ring.)

JR-John Morrison might have a legit reason to be angry at what happened at Return of an Era, as Tyson Tomko attacked him, and that lead him to lose the title.

King-But Skull Daze attacked him too?

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, that's what this match is about…but it's not as bad…because he mostly attacked CJ Lethal.

("Skull Daze theme" blasts on the PA system as Skull Daze walk to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-It seems that Skull Daze was looking to face John Morrison for the Extreme title, but it didn't go as planned.

King-No it didn't.

Kris Gaffney-CJ Lethal must have been talking to X-Tazte about the art of hiding your anger, and using it!

[John Morrison and Skull Daze pace around the ring, and then they charge at each other and start to hammer away at each other, and then Skull Daze starts to gain the advantage. But before he gets an advantage, John Morrison is able to stop the momentum by hitting a knee lift into the gut. This stuns Skull Daze, and John Morrison hits a knife edge chop to the chest of Skull Daze that takes him down to the mat. Skull Daze gets up to his feet near the corner. John Morrison hits a few fists to pin Skull Daze against the ropes, and whips Skull Daze to the ropes. Skull Daze bounces off of the ropes. Then John Morrison knocks him down with a spinning back elbow Skull Daze stumbles into the corner. John Morrison runs into the corner, and hits a few kicks into the gut. Then whips Skull Daze to the other side of the ring. Skull Daze crashes into the corner, and John Morrison runs into the corner going for a monkey flip. But Skull Daze turns it around and has John Morrison sitting down on the top turnbuckle. Skull Daze goes for a fist, but it's blocked and John Morrison hits a few of his own. He stuns Skull Daze enough to hook him, and hits a tornado DDT that drives Skull Daze into the mat. John Morrison goes into the cover, and gets a 1………………….2……………..kick out by Skull Daze. Skull Daze gets up to his feet, and his a rake to the eyes that stumbles John Morrison backwards. John Morrison is trying to gain his eye sight back. Skull Daze charges at John Morrison, but it's countered with a back body drop over the top rope. But lands on his feet, but John Morrison leaps up and hits an enzugri on Skull Daze that drops him down to the arena floor. John Morrison measures up Skull Daze, who is slowly pulling himself up. John Morrison runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. John Morrison slides out of the ring and then hits a neck breaker on Skull Daze. John Morrison takes a few moments to think of what he'll do next, and then he grabs a television cord. Then starts to choke Skull Daze, John Morrison holds that for a little bit. Then lets go of the choke hold, then looks around for another weapon, and see's a chair. He goes over to the time keeper, and grabs the chair that isn't being used, and see's Skull Daze getting up near the ring post.]

JR-It looks like Morrison is going to take Skull Daze's head off.

King- Well this is hardcore JR!

Kris Gaffney-That's right, so why are you complaining?

[Skull Daze is up next to the ring post, and John Morrison takes a swing at Skull Daze. Skull Daze ducks out of the way, and John Morrison looks stunned as he drops the mat, Skull Daze takes a few moments to rest, and grabs the chair from the ground as John Morrison turns around Skull Daze hits a chair jab to the gut.This doubles over John Morrison, and then Skull Daze cracks him over the back of John Morrison. John Morrison goes down to the mat. Skull Daze takes a few moments to rest, and then he grabs John Morrison, and rolls into the ring with the steel chair. John Morrison has gotten up in the corner. Skull Daze see's a chance to do some more damage. He takes the chair and sets it up near the corner, and backs up to the opposite corner that John Morrison is in. Skull Daze runs to the chair, and then leaps off of it and hits a elevated flying clothesline in the corner on John Morrison Skull Daze, and Skull Daze backs up, and Morrison stumbles out of the corner. John Morrison gets set up, and then he hits a front Russian leg sweep into the steal chair. John Morrison goes down to the mat, and Skull Daze goes into the cover, and getse a 1………………….2…………..kick out by John Morrison. Skull Daze looks up at the ref not believing that he didn't get the three with that last move. John Morrison crawls into the corner, and gets up. Begging off, as Skull Daze comes into the corner. John Morrison hits a kick into the gut of Skull Daze. Then turns the tables on Skull Daze. John Morrison hits a few fists to the face of Skull Daze. Then whips Skull Daze to the corner, being so daze, Skull Daze can't really do anything but crash into the corner. Morrison see's the chair that is now dented, but he's able to force it, and fold up the chair once again. Morrison charges at Skull Daze the chair in hand, but Skull Daze counters by getting his boots up, and sends the chair back into his face. John Morrison stumbles around, and Skull Daze charges out of the corner and hits a one handed face crusher. He goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………….2……………KICK OUT by Morrison at the last moment.]

JR-Almost three by Skull Daze!

King-Sure Morrison doesn't want to be beaten by Skull Daze..especially after losing to CJ.

Kris Gaffney-He probably doesn't, but then again….maybe he really wants to be like KG…and losing is no big deal?

[Skull Daze waits for John Morrison to get up, he stalks him and goes for his finisher. But before he hits his finisher, John Morrison gets pushed off. He bounces off of the ropes, and then as he comes off of the ropes. He gets cracked in the back by a steel chair by CJ Lethal. Skull Daze stumbles forward with this opening, John Morrison hits the snapshot on Skull Daze. He goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………….2…………….3!]

JR-It looks like the Extreme champion didn't forget about what Skull Daze did at Return of an Era.

King-He'll get his payback!

Kris Gaffney-Different Pay Per View…

Kris Gaffney-Oh…

("the Gambler" blasts on the PA system as the Gambler walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring as "New Noise" blasts on the PA system as Double A runs to the ring.)

JR-This is an odd tag team, seeing how these two are slated to face each other next week.

King-Guess that they agree that they hate their opponents?

Kris Gaffney-Guess so…

("Chad Vargas' theme" blasts on the PA system as Chad Vargas and Marquise walks to the ring.)

JR- These two might be the two that might stay a tag team..

King-But you never know now a days. If we took away Marquise guitar, he probably couldn't turn on anyone.

JR-I can agree there.

[Marquise and Double A lock up, and then Double A hits a knee into the gut doubling over Marquise. Double A pushes Marquise into the corner, and then Marquise hits the corner fairly hard. Marquise hits a few shoulder blocks to the gut, and Double A whips Marquise to the corner. Marquise crashes into the corner, and then stumbles out of the corner. Double A lowers his head, and hits a t-bone suplex. Marquise crashes into the mat, and Double A twists Marquise's arm enough to do a snapmare while in it. Marquise is down on the mat once again. Double A hits a leg drop on Marquise's arm, and puts back on the arm bar. Marquise gets up to his feet, and whips Marquise to the ropes, and he bounces off of the ropes. Marquise lowers his head, and it's countered with a swinging neck breaker on Marquise. Double A goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………….2……….kick out by Marquise. Chad had almost started to move from his corner, but goes back into the corner. Double A picks up Marquise, twists his arm into an arm bar, and drags Marquise into the corner tagging in Gambler, Marquise pulls away, and backs away from his former tag team partner. Then makes the quick tag to Chad Vargas, Chad doesn't seem like he was ready for that. Gambler quickly runs over, and hip tosses Chad into the ring. Vargas stumbles up to his feet, and then gets hit with a running clothesline. Chad Vargas slowly gets to his feet, and Chad Vargas gets whipped to the ropes. Chad Vargas bounces off of the ropes, Gambler lowers his head for a back body drop. But it's countered with a kick to the face. Gambler stumbles up to his feet holding his face in pain as Chad fell to the ropes trying to recover after the attacks he received. He charges at Gambler, but is meet with a big boot to the face. Chad Vargas goes down to the mat, Gambler is recovering from the kick to the face. Chad Vargas is really dazed now, Gambler puts Chad Vargas in power bomb position, lifts him up and drops him for a power bomb. Gambler goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………….2……….Marquise comes into the ring and breaks it up, and tries to get away from Gambler. But before he can, Gambler grabs on to Marquise leg. Marquise is looking for a way out of this.]

JR-It looks like that Gambler is not done with paying back Marquise.

King- Geez, he sure does hold a grudge.

Kris Gaffney- I wouldn't want be the guy to tell him that I beat him in online poker!

[Gambler backs Marquise in the corner, the ref tries to get between the two as Marquise isn't legal. Being the heel that he is, seeing the ref has a blind spot. Chad Vargas hits a low blow that goes undetected, and school boy's Gambler, and gets a 1…………..2………kick out by Gambler. Chad Vargas doesn't look happy, but doesn't look like he is worrying that much as he hits a few stomps on the downed Gambler. Gambler gets up to his feet, slowly as Chad Vargas does what he can to hit a few clubbing blows as Gambler still gets to his feet. Then Chad Vargas hits a few fists to the face of Gambler, and tries to whip to the ropes, and does. He bounces off of the ropes, and Marquise is able to get a knee into the back of Gambler. Gambler stumbles forward stunned, and Chad Vargas hits a single arm breaker on Gambler. Gambler is in pain, holding his arm and Chad Vargas hits a few stomps on the downed Gambler, and runs to the ropes and hits a flying knee drop to the shoulder. Chad Vargas goes into the cover once again, and gets a 1……………..2…….kick out. Marquise calls for a tag, Chad Vargas shrugs his shoulders and tags in Marquise as he twists Gambler's arm and Marquise comes off of the top rope hitting a double axe handle. This takes down Gambler, and Marquise hits a few stomps on the downed Gambler. Gambler gets up to his feet, and Marquise whips him off of the ropes. Gambler comes off of the ropes, Marquise lowers his head. But it's countered with a kcik to the face. Gambler measures up as Marquise spins around in pain, Gambler holds up his hand as a signal. Grabs Marquise throat as he turns towards him, lifts him up and hits a thunderous choke slam. Gambler is down, and is falling down due to the amount of moves he's taken out. But as he's falling he reaches out and makes the tag to Double A who sling shots himself up to the top rope.]

JR-Looks like that Double A is going to fly.

King-Yep, guess he really wants to make sure he keeps his spot this time.

Kris Gaffney-I think there is an inside joke somewhere…

[Double A steady's himself, but Vargas comes into the ring and dives on the ropes. Double A falls on the mat. He gets up to his feet, and Vargas hits the stroke. Marquise gets up to his feet, and runs to the ropes. He comes off of the ropes, then leaps in the air for a flying shoulder block on Gambler. But it's ducked, and Marquise goes into the Vargas. Chad Vargas falls through the ropes, and doesn't seem to know what to think. Marquise hits a DDT on Gambler, then measures up for a spear. Suddenly Chad Vargas hops on the apron, and hits guitar shot on Marquise. Marquise goes down to the mat, Vargas walks away in disgust. Double A who has recovered since then has rolled out of the ring, gone to the top rope, then leaps off of the top rope, and nails Marquise with the Duracell! He goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………..2…………….3!]

JR-What did Chad Vargas do that for?

King-Seemly Marquise spent his 3 minutes on the wrong thing.

(Chad Vargas leaves the ringside and up the ramp not looking back at his partner, as Shockwave fades away with that.)

(OOC-Chad wrote a nice RP, Just Gambler and Double A combined were enough to win. But Chad held up his part (even through to his credit, Marquise did put something up, even if it was late), so I tried to make look as good in defeat as possible. The turn of Chad was by request.)