EMF: Saturday Shockwave

br> JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, AN ARKIE!!! (crowd cheers **)

[AN ARKIE comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Rage!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Rage walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Earl Hebner checks AN ARKIE's boots and knee pads. Rage executes a pumphandle suplex on AN ARKIE. (ring, ring, ring) AN ARKIE tries to snipe Rage with his sniper rifle...AN ARKIE aims....and misses...mmmmmhahaha AN ARKIE tries to snipe Rage with his sniper rifle...AN ARKIE aims....and misses...mmmmmhahaha AN ARKIE gets tiger suplexed by Rage. Rage moves back to his feet. Rage double underhook faceslams AN ARKIE hard to the AN ARKIE. AN ARKIE is up again. AN ARKIE suplexes Rage. ]

The King - If AN ARKIE keeps using moves like that power move he could win the match!

[AN ARKIE drags Rage to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) AN ARKIE sets Rage up DDTs him into the floor. AN ARKIE chants start. Rage gets back to his feet. (..2) AN ARKIE chokes Rage with a microphone cable. AN ARKIE sets Rage up DDTs him into the floor. They head back into the ring. AN ARKIE clotheslines Rage. AN ARKIE tries to snipe Rage with his sniper rifle...AN ARKIE aims....and misses...mmmmmhahaha Rage hits AN ARKIE with the double arm DDT into the mat. Now Rage standing. Rage knee drops AN ARKIE. Now Rage standing. AN ARKIE gets up. Rage hits the Flatliner on AN ARKIE! AN Arkie stumbles up as Rage is waiting on him, Rage hits Hell`s Collision on AN ARKIE. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

JR - Rage has won the match!

JR - The winner of this match, Rage!!!

(The EMF logo flashes on the screen, the EMF Shockwave video plays as it ends we go into the darken Fleet Center in Boston, Mass. Pyrotechnics blasts off on the Shockwave set. Once they end the lights turn on as fans scream and wave their signs.)

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, I’m good ol’ JR. Along side Jerry “the King” Lawler and Kris “KG” Gaffney


King-Really….because I like it

*JR and Kris look at King weird*

Cenas music blairs over the PA system and out walks John Cena with a mic in hand he looks like he has something to say.

Cena: Yo, THE PREZ IS HERE! Just thought i'd give it a try... anyway, you are all probably wondering why i'm out here tonight... not that it's any of your business... but i'll tell you anyway! I'm here because I was asked... as your president..to over-see a little event. You see.. I think we all know of two guys backstage who just can't get along. And this feud was taken to a new level when one of these guys requested a Hell in a Cell match! Now i'm not one to say no if two guys want to beat the hell out of eachother... so I agreed to their request... and i'm out here tonight to make sure we get through this little contract signnig witohut any further problems. Everybody knows that the Hell in a Cell is one of the most bloody.. brutal.. sickening matches ever devised. It ends careers... and it causes long term injuries... and when these two go at it.. i'm sure it will be just the same.. and they will both have hell to pay for it! So allow me to introduce to you.. the man who was a founding member in CWL.. but now is back to go it alone... and enter the cell to conquer his hatred for another man in one weeks time at Hell on Earth. Please welcome... The Prodigy Devin Malis!"

Malis's music hits over the PA system and out walks Devin taunting to the crowd and mic in hand he walks into the ring and glotes to the crowd screaming over and over again on how he is the best.

Malis: Hey Cena hows thing goin I love the look of these contracts you have here on this wonderful table which me and my opponent will sign and become a part of history. and I know all about history see Cena I come from a long back ground of fighting and fighting till I can't fight no more and that is exactly how I will defeat my opponent at HOE. So cena first off I guess you ask me Questions on this match and how it came about so just ask dont be shy.

Cena: First off Malis lets get one thing straight. You don't talk down to a Grandslam Champion... and you certainly don't talk down to your president.. unless you want to be chucked out of the cell and out of a job! (Cena gets a loud boo from the crowd) Also i'm not shy of anything... but none the less... I agreed to do this.. so here goes. At hell on Earth Devin... you face Dirty Duke Snyder inside the cell. These matches are designed to hurt people.... and this could, if you are not ready for it, very quickly spell the end of your undefeated streak. Snyder's a big man... certainly got an advantage there. Some might say he's at far less risk then you are in that environment. Are you really willing to put it all on the line against him... do you really hate him enough to risk your whole career? Just enlighten these people as to how you feel about Snyder."

Malis: Cena you ask how I feel about Snyder well its easy enough to say me and him dont even see eye to eye since Return Of An Era my return to this business after nearly a year absence Im back and ready to whoop some ass. Cena you saw my return ad it was with me laying flat on ym back because of Snow and Snyder hitting me with a steal chair and knocking me out cold, then you saw that following week me destroy Snyder in a hardcore battle and pinning him for the 1....2....3. For him wanting my record with a loss it ewont happen not this week next week or anyother week for that matter I am the best damn rookie superstar there ever was on this planet and soon enough I will be another Punisher or a John cane. Snyder you are waitng for your arrival out here so you can look at me eye to eye and sign these damn contracts so at Hell on Earth we will be able to destroy one another and maybe end someones career . so Snyder I'm waiting for you and for the world to see me whoop your ass one more time and this time inside the steel of hell.

Cena: well everyone you heard it from the weird and deranged Devin Malis now we must get the other rookie out here and end this thing off... before I waste anymore of my time... so please people, give some kind of welcome for one half of Colder than Ice... Dirty Duke Snyder!"

Cold as Ice blairs over the PA system and out walks Duke Snyder along side his partner in crime Snow Snyders eyes since he came out hasent left Malis.

Snyder: Malis, you have a lot of nerve challenging me to a Hell in a Cell match. You got lucky 2 weeks ago in that hardcore match. But lightning doesn’t strike twice my friend. And if you hadn’t said something about it, I wouldda thought you had completely forgotten about the time I laid your ass out in the ring. Well come HOE, you and I are going to Hell in a Cell, and what I did to you 2 weeks ago will seem like a walk in the park compared to what I can and will do to you in that cell. You see when we get in there, hell in a cell will truly live up to its name, and yes malis, I will put you and your win streak on ice once and for all!!

(Snyder signs the contract, and backs away as “Cold as Ice” blasts on the PA system leaving Malis in the ring to sign his name. He does and then holds it up, then a stare down happens as Snyder backs away from the ring. We go into commercial, and come back)

“Fantomas Rosemary's Baby” blasts on the PA system as Barbwire Chris walks to the ring with Sleazy P trailing behind Chris….VERY far behind him

Kris Gaffney-You know, I wish I could boss someone around like Sleazy P

King-Like Jarred, he was worth a damn when he couldn’t talk back. Now he can, he just lost interest.

JR-Anyways, Barbwire Chris is certainly in a different environment, he’s more use to hardcore. This time he needs to prove that he can be a wrestler as well.

“Cold as Ice” blasts on the PA system as Frank Snow walks to the ring

JR-Frank Snow is usually a tag team specialist, but he’s going it alone here…just as his partner will next week at Hell on Earth.

King- You know, I told Barbwire Chris that Frank Snow in his book called him a “glofied stuntman”

Kris Gaffney- That was Ric Flair, and he called Mick Foley that


[Barbwire Chris slides into the ring and then takes down Snow with a double leg take down and then Barbwire Chris hammers away at Frank Snow. Chris then moves out of the way and as Frank Snow gets up and stumbles away from Barbwire Chris until he has no where to go in the corner. Barbwire Chris hits a few hard stomps into the gut. The ref yells at Chris, Chris shrugs his shoulders and then starts to bite Frank Snows face as the ref uses his 5 count, Barbwire Chris backs off and starts to laugh as he usually does. Frank Snow stumbles out of the corner, and then Barbwire Chris sets up Frank Snow and hits a northern lights suplex and gets the 1………………..2…………..kick out by Frank Snow. Barbwire Chris gets up and then hits a few stomps on the downed Frank Snow, Snow stumbles to his feet and then Barbwire Chris hits a fist that knocks down Snow. Snow gets up only to be hit with a few forearm shots to the face and then Barbwire Chris whips Frank Snow to the ropes. Barbwire Chris let’s Frank Snow bounces off the ropes and then Barbwire Chris hits a running knee lift on Frank Snow that makes him fall over the knee lift and Frank Snow does a bit of a mid air summersault and now is in the sitting position. Barbwire Chris hits a kick into the back of Snow. Snow has a looks of pain as he falls the rest of the way down and then Barbwire Chris goes to the ropes, bounces off and hits a diving elbow drop to the head of Frank Snow, Frank Snow goes into the cover and gets the 1……………….2…………….kick out by Barbwire Chris. Lets up Frank Snow, Snow stumbles up to his feet and then Barbwire Chris charges and hits a running forearm shot to the face that drops Snow and Snow gets up. Barbwire Chris hits a fist that takes down Snow and then Snow gets up and then puts his hand up trying to get time to rest. Barbwire Chris goes into the corner any ways and then Frank Snow is able to hit a poke in the eye. Barbwire Chris stumbles back blinded as Frank Snow goes to the outside and climbs to the top rope, but just as he gets there Barbwire Chris is able to go over there and tries to slam Snow off the turnbuckle. But Snow is able to hit a few fists that make Barbwire Chris stumble away. Snow measures up and then leaps off the turnbuckle for a flying shoulder block, but Barbwire Chris ducks out of the way and Snow hit the ref. The ref goes down to the mat.]

JR-The ref is down

King-So what’s the odds of Barbwire Chris using some sort of animals head right now?

Kris Gaffney-2:1

King-I like those odds!

(King calls and places a bet)

[Snow gets up and then checks on the ref, as Barbwire Chris gets up behind Snow and then hits a DDT on Frank Snow. Snow then goes down on the mat and then Barbwire Chris smiles as pulls out his fork (named Esther) and goes over to Snow who is by the ropes. Barbwire Chris then starts to use the fork on Snow, Snow gets in pain. Snow gets up, then Snow hits a low blow on Barbwire Chris. Snow falls down on the mat and then rolls out of the ring, Snow grabs a chair and then rolls back into the ring, Barbwire Chris is getting up and then Barbwire Chris gets hit with a chair shot to head, Barbwire Chris goes down on the mat. The ref is getting up as Snow goes into the cover, the ref slowly makes his way to the position to make the count and gets the 1…………………….2……………….kick out by Barbwire Chris. Snow hits the mat and then gets up to his feet as he waits for Barbwire Chris who is stumbling up to his feet, and then Snow sets up Barbwire Chris and hits a t-bone suplex. Snow takes a few moments to recover, due to the fact he’s been beaten down and then both Barbwire Chris and Snow get up. Snow hits a inverted atomic drop on Barbwire Chris. Snow backs up and hits a diving forearm shot to the head, Barbwire goes down on the mat and then Barbwire Chris goes down to the mat. Barbwire Chris gets up, Snow charges. But Barbwire Chris moves out of the way and grabs Snow by the hair and throws him over the top rope, Frank Snow is able to land on his feet. Snow turns around, Snow hits a hang man on Barbwire Chris. Barbwire Chris stumbles into the middle of the ring.]

JR-Barbwire Chris just had to use the fork…

Kris Gaffney-I wonder if there is any cursed fork that he calls Eleanor?

(King is day dreaming, he suddenly gets the image of sitting in another car. Then looking out the window, as he see’s Barbwire Chris driving a car backwards laughing like a fool holding a fork with the other hand that he’s not driving with, saying “why you making me do this Eleanor HAHHAHAHA”. Smashing into other cars and laughing more. King snaps out of it and shudders)

[Barbwire Chris stumbles around as quickly Frank Snow goes to the top rope quickly and then leaps off for an axe handle. Barbwire Chris moves out of the way, and then Frank Snow lands. Frank Snow lands, although he doesn’t seem to roll his ankle. Seems like he hurt his leg, as Barbwire Chris measures up and then hits a chop block on Frank Snow. Snow goes down in pain, and Barbwire Chris takes his legs and then drives a few elbows into the legs. He then Barbwire Chris gets up and waits for Frank Snow to get up, he kicks Frank Snow in the gut and nails a brain buster on Frank Snow. Barbwire Chris goes into the cover and gets the 1………………..2……………………3]

JR-Barbwire Chris has won this match!

King-Seems like it’s not over yet

[As King says that Barbwire Chris already left as Frank Snow is getting up, although a bit in pain. Doesn’t seem to be injured seriously. Devin Malis slides into the ring with a chair, he throws it down and then hits a big shoulder block to Frank Snow. Snow goes down in pain as Malis hits a few stomps on the leg. Malis goes to the outside and grabs a chair. Malis is going into the ring and puts the chair on Snow’s injured leg. Suddenly before he can really injure it, Malis see’s Duke Snyder making his way to the ring. So Malis goes out of the ring just as Snyder slides into the ring, Malis backs from the ring, as there is a stare down by Snyder and Malis.]

JR-Well it’s a good thing that Snyder didn’t leave


(Bad, Bad Man plays for a short time, and John Cena appears on the titantron. He looks annoyed.. but he addresses the crowd once the booing has stopped.)

Cena: "Well well... another Shockwave where your president is me... John Cena! Last week I had a goal... to see Jackie Cena lose the Women’s Championship live at Shockwave. Ultimately... my plan failed... but I have one woman to thank for that. Maria Kanellis stupidly got herself involved... and will now face the consequences. You see... Trish Stratus is destined to be the Women's Champion... and she will receive another opportunity to become it, this coming week, at Hell on Earth. The stipulation for that match is yet to be decided... but Trish will have the chance to walk out champion. But tonight... we are going to have a little tune up match for our next champion... as she seeks revenge on the woman that stopped her being able to claim the title last week. Maria Kanellis... and Trish Stratus, one on one tonight! Naturally.. Jackie Cena will be barred from ringside at any point during the match... and failure to comply with my rules WILL result in her being stripped of her championship. However... as I cannot be in control of what happens after the match... I will be placing Christy Hemme in a position where she can keep a close eye on proceedings... as the manager of Trish Stratus. Nobody else will be permitted access to the ring until the match is over... and will face a suspension if my rules are broken! After the match... Trish can name any stipulation she wants for her title shot at the Pay Per View... be it another Handicap match... special guest referee... anything Trish wants... Trish gets. So Jackie... I hope you and Maria are prepared... and I hope your ready to watch the bloody end of the woman that just last week saved your ass from losing your beloved title! Word Life!"

(The scene opens. We are backstage in Amy's Vice Presidents office, which is currently owned by Maria. She is sitting at her desk, looknig concerned about her upcoming match with Trish Stratus. There is a knock on the door. She gives no answer and John Cena barges in, and sits on her desk, looknig down on her.)

Cena: "Quite a promotion from being my interview girl.... you're doing well for yourself!"

(Maria scowls at him before answering.)

Maria: "What the hell are you doing in my office Cena...."

Cena: "Nothing... nothing at all... just seeing how my number one girl is holding up in her new job...."

Maria: "Better not let Nat hear you say that... could find yourself dumped quicker than i'll throw you out of here if you try anything!"

Cena: "I'm sure me and Nat are more solid than that... besides.. you worked for me for some time.. i'm bound to have an interest in you... and even if you wanted to throw me out... i'm the President.. so you are powerless to do so!"

Maria: "Your interest in me is probably not one of concern Cena... i'm not going to fall ofr anything you throw at me..."

Cena: "You got yourself in a really nasty match with Trish Stratus.... you're not a wrestler Maria.... this could prove dangerous..."

Maria: "Don't you think I know that! That's why i'd do anything to get out of it... anything that doesn't invole making you happy at least!"

Cena: "Oh... beleive me... if you made me happy... you could bank on never being put at risk again. But not to worry... because your not interested.."

Maria: "Damn right i'm not! I can't trusst you... you are a corrupt leader... and you will DESTROY this company if I don't fight you. SO I can't trust you...and I wont do annything you say... If i get destroyed for it... so be it!" Cena: "You know what would make me desperately unhappy Maria... so unhappy i'd want to die...."

Maria: "What's that? Because whatever it is... i'll do it... just to get at you!"

Cena: "If you'd sign this letter of resignation... because seeing you leave your job... that would kill me..."

(Cena pushes a letter across to Maria. Maria looks at it... looks at Cena... and then pulls out a pen.)

Maria: "YOu should not have told me that.... because now i'm just gonig to do it... to see the look on your face...."

Cena: "NO please don't..."

(Cena looks a way as if cowering in fear of her signing it, but you can see him laughing when he's looknig away from her.)

Maria: "God Cena... you just made a big mistake...."

(Maria lowers the pen as if to sign. All of a suddern she is stopped by another hand grabbing hers and pulling it away.)

Jackie: "I don't think we'll be doing that.... but thanks anyway John..."

(Cena looks up and into the eyes of his wife. He looks angry that she managed to foil his plan. He looks like he is about to explode... but Maria talks first.)

Maria: "But Jackie... he said it would destroy him... we can win this with one signature! And I don't even know what a letter of whatever its called is... but it can't be THAT bad..."

Jackie: "Maria he is messing with you. You sign that and you will lose your job for Amy... and he will have complete control again."

Cena: "Jackie... get out of this office right NOW!"

Jackie: "Or you'll what... throw me into a cage again?"

Cena: "Strip you of the title for deliberately disobeying me! This is a private conversation between me and my Vice President... so either get out of here so we can finish it... of you'll lose that gold before you lose to Trish at Hell on Earth!"

(Jackie looks around helplessly... and then heads for the door.)

Jackie: "Don't sign anything Maria... and don't agree to anything he says either..."

Cena: "OUT!"

(Jackie leaves and slams the door behind her. Cena turns to Maria again.)

Cena: "So... you stillwilling to sign?"

Maria: "Fuck you Cena... I promised Amy something.. and i'm going to do it... whether you like it or not!"

Cena: "You know you got something on your face Maria...."

Maria: "What? Where?"

Cena: "Right.... here."

(Cena puts his hand on Maria's mouth, then slides it away and kisses her. He continues for a few seconds and Maria doesn't seem to be objecting or accepting... then he pulls away.)

Cena: "Come back to my side... and you'll get a whole lot more...."

Maria: "I don't understand what you mean.... is that thing gone now?"

(Cena can't believe it. It'd be ok if she was smart enough to reject him.. but too stupid to understand... that annoyed him. Cena decided to try again.)

Cena: "Maria... join me and i'll make all your wildest dreams come true.... i'll make you rich... famous... well even more so than you are, i'll give you anything you want... just stop standing up against me... please?"

Maria: "You've got nothing I want.... now can you please leave I have a match to prepare for!"

(Maria's tone was now stubborn... and Cena had to admit defeat. He picked up the contract and walked out of the room, dumpig it in a near by bin. He steps outsie, where Nat emerges from a room near by. Jackie has long since gone.)

Nat: "How did it go?"

Cena: "YOu told me to do whatever I had to... right?"

Nat: "Yea.... within reason...."

Cena: "What if I said I kissed her...."

Nat: "I guess that's not the worse... if it gets us what we want..."

Cena: "It didn't work... i'm sorry Nat."

Nat: "Oh... ok... well... at least you didn't promise to sleep with her to get her back."

Cena: "No... even if she'd gone for me i'd have just got her to quit then turned on her... good old Cena style!"

Nat: "So evil... and yet I still love you!"

(Cena smiles and puts an arm around her and they walk off. We go back inside the office. Maria is sitting at her desk still. She thinks out-loud...)

Maria: "Maybe a little music will help me concentrate...."

(Maria flicks on a near by radio, and a song is playing. She doesn't recgonise it at first...)

Maria: "Wonder what this is. The words don't ring a bell... but this tune.... it's so.... so...."

(Maria begins to hum the tune... and then she screams.)

Maria: "OH MY GOD! It's the tune of that creepy humming I heard when Amy is here.... WHAT THE HELL?"

(Maria quickly switches the radio off..)

Maria: "Hang on... why was I scared again?"

(The scene fades out.)

Finkel:"The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is a special mixed tag match. Introducing first, about to make their way to the ring, the team of Wilsonator and Torrie Wilson!"

[Wilsonator's Theme begins to play as he and Torrie walk out onto the stage. The crowd greets them with a bit of a mixed reaction. Mostly cheers for Torrie, and a mixed reaction for Wilsonator. The two of them make their way down the ramp towards the ring, Torrie high fiving a few fans along the way. Wilsonator climbs up onto the ring apron and then through the ropes and into the ring. Torrie slowly makes her way up the stairs, and then very slowly steps through the ropes, pausing just as she is completely bent over, half in and half out of the ring. Wilsonator taps her on the shoulder and tells her to come on, and she quickly gets in the ring.]

Finkel:"And now their opponents. Soon to be making their way to the ring, the team of Marc Mead and Jocey Camp!"

[Mead's entrance theme begins to play as he and Jocey step out onto the stage a huge chorus of boos. The crowd begins to scream obscenities about the two as they make their way down the ramp to ringside. Marc and Jocey both head up the stairs and carefully climb into the ring through the ropes. Before either of them can stand up straight after coming through the ropes, Wilsonator attacks Marc, driving him to the mat with clubbing forearm shots tot he back of his neck and shoulders. The bell rings and Nick Patrick ushers both Torrie and Jocey out of the ring. Wilsonator continues his assault by stomping and kicking the young Marc Mead once he's on the mat. Marc tries to cover up, but Wilsonator's kicks seem to find a new open spot everytime he covers up the previous area. Nick Patrick finally interjects, stepping in and forcing Wilsonator back, trying to allow Marc time to stand up. Patrick begins a standing ten count, but before he can count to three Marc has managed to use the ropes to pull himself to his feet. Before he can look up from his feet though, Wilsonator has charged at him full speed, and taken him over the top rope to the floor with a clothesline. Wilsonator follows him to the outside, grabbing him by the head as soon as he reaches the floor, and pulling him to his feet. Nick Patrick initiates the count....1.....2.....Wilsonator sends Marc shoulder and head first into the ring stairs. The top level of the stairs fall to the floor as Marc slumps to the floor, clutching his head and neck. Wilsonator charges at him again, this time delivering a massive kick to his head that drives it down into the remaining level of the steps.....3.....4.....5......6.....Wilsonator slides back in the ring, breaking the count. He looks down at Marc, laughing as he reaches out and tags in Torrie. Torrie steps into the ring, and Nick Patrick signals over for Jocey to the same.]

J.R:"Wilsonator seems to think that he has sufficiently taken care of the young Marc Mead with his brutal assault."

King:"Thank you Captain Obvious for that astute observation."

Gaffney:"I'm guessing that Wilsonator wants Torrie to try and make quick work of Jocey so that they can get this over with."

[Jocey comes into the ring and immediately charges at the unsuspecting Torrie Wilson. Jocey spears Torrie, and once the two hit the mat, begins to wildly throw rights and lefts, only connecting with about every other punch. Torrie does a good job of trying to cover up, but Jocey stops once she realizes this and grabs Torrie by the hair and jerks her to her feet. Once on their feet, Jocey delivers a couple of stiff forearm shots to the side of Torrie's head, before Irish Whipping her across the ring, and into the ropes. Torrie's bounces back off the ropes, only to find herself on the wrong end of a well executed drop kick. Jocey quickly gets back to her feet, again dragging Torrie up by her hair. This time, Jocey delivers a few fists to Torrie's head, before setting her up, and then executing a vertical suplex, and rolling through into a pin, hooking the near leg. Nick Patrick gets into position for the count....1.....2......NO! Wilsonator comes into the ring and kicks Jocey in the back of the head. Nick Patrick begins to warn Wilsonator about his actions, backing him towards his corner. Before Wilsonator can step back out onto the ring apron though, Marc Mead has found his way to his feet and grabs him by the ankle, pulling him down and out of the ring. Marc delivers a few stiff rights and lefts to his temple, before leveling him with a clothesline. Marc stays on the assault, pulling Wilsonator back to his feet and driving his back into the ring apron. Wilsonator drops to knees, in obvious pain, clutching at his lower back. Marc laughs a bit as he grabs him by the head and rolls him back into the ring. Marc follows him into the ring, and now all four competetors are in there. Nick Patrick is trying to sort things out, knowing that Torrie and Jocey are the legal two, attempting to get Marc and Wilsonator out of the ring. By this time, Torrie and Jocey have both managed to get back to their feet, and this time it's Torrie who goes on the offensive. Torrie comes off the ropes and nails Jocey with a Thesz Press, landing on top of her and beginning to wildly throw punches and slaps at the young girl. After a bit, Marc heads over and grabs Torrie by the hair, pulling her off of Jocey. Marc says something to Torrie, but before he can cause any physical harm, Wilsonator charges at him, attempting a big boot, but Marc manages to let go of Torrie and duck out of the way. Wilsonator turns around and attempts a clothesline, and again Marc is able to duck out of the way. This time, when Wilsonator turns around, Marc attempts the Mead Kick, but Wilsonator is able to duck under it. Kicks Marc Mead and is about to lift him up for an impaler DDT. But lets go, as he turns around as he caught Carlee Williams trying to come into the ring. He goes over there, but Marc turns him around. Wilsonator goes for a fist and Marc ducks it. Marc hits the Mead kick, Joccey knocks Torrie off the apron as Marc goes into the cover and gets the 1....................2................3]

Finkel:"The winners of the match, the team of Marc Mead and Jocey Camp!"

(Jocey goes to the outside, Marc stays in the ring for a second. Suddenly a mask man, wearing all black slides into the ring behind Marc with a chair and then the masked man wearing black hits a chair shot into the back of Marc, March turns in pain and then he gets smashed by the chair. He then slides out of the ring, Joccey and Carlee slide back into the ring realizing what happen and go to the fallen Marc Mead to check on him.)

King-Oh great, not another masked man...BLAH

(OOC-Marc, I remembered that you wanted Carlee to get involved. If I didn't remember right, then hopefully this ending is good enough that it doesn't hurt anything. If worst comes to worst, I'll edit however needed. So everyone is warned the ending could change. All these run in's were at the request of the RPers.) (Keys to the City hits as Trish Stratus emerges with Christy Hemme just behind her. They taunt the crowd together and then roll into the ring. Then Maria's theme hits and she makes her way out looking nervous. She goes just outside the ring and seems to be requesting Hemme leave it so it's one on one. The referee signals for her to do it but Trish protests. She gets up in the referees face, and Maria rolls into the ring and uses it to roll Trish up for a quick 1.... 2... kick out. Hemme then throws Maria back out of the ring so she hits the floor below hard, before rolling out of the ring. Trish shouts some trash down at Maria as she limps to her feet and back into the ring. Trish is on her quickly, knocking her down and then slapping away at the downed Maria. Trish picks her up and hits a hard suplex into a bridge for 1... 2... kick out. Trish then lifts her again and hits a snapmere so Maria is in a sitting position, then she hits a drop kick, hard to the face. Trish covers again and gets 1.... 2... kick out.)

J.R: "Trish all over the newcomer Maria here......"

King: "She's not new... she's our vice president... she can stop this any time..."

J.R: "No she can't... presidents orders that this match go ahead..."

(Trish mocks Maria and lifts her again. She takes a long time taunting her before going for a slap... and aria catches her hand. Maria hits an armbar takedown, and then locks in the hold. She keeps it in for a few seconds before releasing it. She then stomps away at Trish's arm. She picks her up and then hits a shot to the midsection followed by DDT. Maria goes up to the top rope... but looks confused as to what to do up there. She leaps off looking for an elbow drop, but misses it. Trish takes advantage by hitting Maria with a suplex before she can get up. Trish hammers away with right hands to Maria's face and Hemme looks on smiling. Trish then picks her up and throws her into the corner. Trish runs at her and hits a clothesline into the corner. Trish then hits a Stratusfaction from the corner. Maria looks to be out of it as Trish covers for the 1... 2... Trish rolls Maria's arm up to deal more damage.)

J.R: "This has got to end now.. Maria is NOT a wrestler!"

King: "I'd agree... but end a match between two hot girls... no chance!"

(Trish picks her up and signals for the Chick Kick. She swings the foot but Maria ducks it. Trish looks on shocked, and then Maria hits her with a clothesline. Trish falls back and Maria hits her with a few stomps and then lifts her again. She grabs the arm she worked on earlier and uses another armbar takedown. She then lifts Trish and hits a DDT. She signals for another... and nails the second, but it has a lot more impact... and Trish's head bouncing off the mat echoes through the arena.)

J.R: "My God King... was that a Whiplash DDT?"

King: "I don't know... I was too busy admiring Trish's err...... you know."

J.R: "That could end this... what a move!"

(Maria laughs at the site of Trish down in the ring. She drags her over to the middle of the ring. The crowd are celebrating as she throws an arm over and gets the 1.... 2.... SOMEHOW Trish kicks out. Maria can't believe it.. and she begins to panic. She lifts Trish again, but Hemme from the outside grabs Maria's foot. The opening is just enough for Trish, who grabs Maria and throws her head first into a turnbuckle. She then walks over to the other side of the ring and exposes the opposite turnbuckle. She whips Maria across and she hits the steel hard. Maria is hurting and she falls forwards and gets hit by a Chick Kick. Maria is out of it as Trish throws an arm over her and gets the 1... 2.... 3! Trish rolls off of her and gets her arm raised by the ref. She is clutching the back of her head as Hemme rolls into the ring with her.)

J.R: "Maria put up a brave fight.. and came SO close.. but in the end.. just not enough."

King: "What do you mean came close... she was beaten out-right.. and quickly too...."

J.R: "Still a brave effort for a NON-wrestler...."

(Trish and Hemme are celebrating over a downed Maria when Jackie's theme hits. They look up the ramp as if they are ready for her... but Jackie comes in through the crowd and grabs Hemme and throws her from the ring. She then trades shots with Trish, but gets the better because Trish is still hurting. Jackie takes Trish down to the mat and continues to hammer away at her. Trish rolls out the way and stands up. She tries to run from the ring. As she does Jackie lunges at her. All Jackie grabs is a handful of Trish's top, and as Trish is running it tears and comes off in Jackie hand. Trish turns round to see Jackie holding her top, and then looks down and is shocked. She places her hands over her exposed bra and looks extremely angry. Jackie laughs as she helps Maria up and Trish is cowering and walking up the ramp. She gets a microphone.. and turns to Jackie.)

Trish: "Jackie... you are going to regret this... I promise. I mean.. you forgot one detail when you attacked me.. I can still chose the stipulation of our title match at Hell on Earth. You may have embarrassed me here tonight... but it's only a half of what I’m going to do to you Jackie. Because at hell on Earth... I’m going to beat you... one on one, for the Women's Championship... In a BRA AND PANTIES MATCH! You embarrass me tonight... but I’ll get you back... and at Hell on earth... not only is the whole world going to be subjected to your ugly body... but they are going to see the crowning of a NEW Women's Champion. So Jackie... see you next Sunday!"

(Keys to the City hits as Trish disappears behind the curtain and Jackie tries to help Maria to her feet. Jackie is showing little reaction to what Trish said, and Hemme is seen walking up the ramp after Trish.)

“Burn it Down” blasts on the PA system as Matt Dragon walks to the ring with Melina. “Primetime” Daniel Massoud following Dragon and Melina.

JR-It would seem that this is just a preview of the ever growing feud with Primetime and Scott Kincaid

King-You ever realize how very jumpy everyone is around here…I could flick someone and they could want to kill me.

Kris Gaffney-Well…it is wrestling

King-Really…..wrestling, huh? That’s still around?

“Snap your fingers, Snap your neck” blasts on the PA system as Badd Boy and Scott Kincaid walk to the ring with the Tag team championships in hand

JR-Scott Kincaid and “The Badd Boy” have not been tested with those tag team titles on the line as of yet. But here tonight we will see how well they work as a team since the break up of DTC.

King-DTC, that name seems almost like a distant memory

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, and deep down you hate it…you were such a DTC mark…

[Primetime and Badd Boy start to brawl on the outside. Kincaid and Matt Dragon pace around the ring, he locks up. Being the more technical sound Kincaid is able to get puts Dragon into a head lock and then hits a head lock take over. Kincaid holds him on the mat and then Matt Dragon looks for a way out of the hold as Dragon is able to put Kincaid into a leg scissors. Kincaid tries to nip out, but Dragon is able to hold the move and then Kincaid has to look for a way out of the hold and then Kincaid moves within the hold and then is able to flip into a pin and gets a 1………………..2……………Dragon bridges out of it for a second, then Dragon bridges out of the move all the way out. And then Kincaid tries to turn it into a back slide, but Dragon is able to gets his arm out of it and then Kincaid turns around and then Dragon takes down Kincaid with another head lock take down.on Kinciad. Kincaid is down on the mat, instead of continuing what they already went through, Dragon lets go and hits quick knee drop on the arm and then Kincaid holds his face as he goes over to the ropes and then Dragon starts to choke Kincaid with the ring ropes. The ref counts to 5, just before he reaches to the 5 count. Dragon lets go, Kincaid falls down to one knee and then Primetime comes into the ring after throwing Badd Boy into the steps. Dragon takes Kincaid over to there. Primetime comes into the ring and then Matt Dragon and Primetime hit a few fists and whip Kincaid to the ropes and he bounces off the ropes and then he comes off the ropes and Primetime and Matt Dragon he a double fall through hip toss on Kincaid. Dragon goes to the outside to fight Badd Boy and then Primetime hits a few stomps on the downed Kincaid, Kincaid is getting up as Primetime hits a few fists Primetime backs off as the ref tells him to, Kincaid is stumbling around on this feet dazed. Primetime comes back and waits for Kincaid to go towards him and then Primetime kicks Kincaid in the gut. Primetime sets up Kincaid and Primetime gets up Kincaid for the vertical suplex. Kincaid is able to shift his weight as falls down behind Primetime, Kincaid goes to the ropes. Kincaid goes to the ropes, he bounces off the ropes. Primetime goes for a clothesline and then Kincaid ducks under and then bounces off the other side of the ring. Badd Boy slides into the ring and Primetime is able to hit a clothesline and Kincaid stumbles up and then Primetime picks up Kincaid for the Primetime plunge.]

King-Looks like Primetime’s looking to end this match already

JR-Either one of the opponents can be pinned.

King-too…much…to handle *head explodes…King walks over to what seems to be a fallen robot of himself.


[Primetime gets Kincaid up, and is about to drop him for the Primetime plunge. But before he does Primetime is able to hit it, Badd Boy comes from behind Primetime, and pulls Kincaid from the back of Primetime and Kincaid and Badd Boy get ready as Primetime turns around into a kick by Kincaid and Badd Boy. Badd Boy and Kincaid drive Primetime into the mat with a double DDT, Kincaid rolls out of the ring so he can get some rest and then Badd Boy goes into the cover and then gets a 1………..2……….Matt Dragon comes into the ring and stomps on Badd Boy and that breaks up the cover. Matt Dragon stays on the attack as he pulls up Badd Boy and then whips Badd Boy off the ropes. Matt Dragon gets reversed and Matt Dragon bounces off the ropes. Dragon comes off the ropes, and Badd Boy hits a spinning spinebuster. Dragon slowly gets up Badd Boy measures up as Dragon backs up to the ropes and then charges in and hits a clothesline on Matt Dragon. Matt Dragon falls to the mat below as Badd Boy decides to slide out of the ring as Matt Dragon is getting to his feet and then he this a few fists to the face. Matt Dragon stumbles around, gets picked up and then gets dropped on his face on the barcade. Dragon stumbles around and then Badd Boy rolls Dragon into the ring, Badd Boy jumps on the apron and climbs to the top rope. Knowing that this isn’t usually something he does, Badd Boy keeps it simple as Dragon gets to his feet. Badd Boy leaps off the top rope, and then nails a double axe handle that takes Matt Dragon to the mat. On the outside Scott Kincaid has been whipped to the barcade. Primetime charges at Kincaid, but Kincaid hits a back body drop over the barcade. Primetime goes flying over the barcade. Kincaid jumps on the barcade as Primetime is getting up, Kincaid leaps off the barcade and hits a lou thez press. Kincaid hits a few fists on the downed Primetime, Primetime is able to push off Kincaid. Primetime stumbles further in the crowd as Kincaid follows into the crowd]

JR-Seems this fight is spilling right into the fans

King-When they said that they would be close to the action, they weren’t kidding

[Inside the ring Badd Boy is about to hit the full nelson slam. But Dragon hits a elbow into Badd Boy and breaks up the move. He does a standing switch, lifts up Badd Boy into an atomic drop and puts him on the top rope. Badd Boy is in pain, and actually is about to fall back into the ring, unlucky for him that Badd Boy’s foot gets tied up in the ropes. Dragon decides to go to the outside and follow his tag team partner. But as Dragon see’s that Kincaid and Primetime are too busy fighting to really figure out what’s going on, Dragon is able to sneak up on Kincaid and rolls him up in a school boy and is able to get the quick 1……………2…………3]

JR-Seems that Dragon was able to sneak a win over the tag champions

King-I wondered why Dragon was wearing sneakers…..yes….the plan is coming together

Kris Gaffney-What the hell are you saying

*King gets a blank look and says*

King-I’m not sure…

(Shockwave goes off as Dragon and Primetime disappear into the crowd.)

(OOC-Pretty hard call, both wrote good RP's. Just happened to like Dragon’s RP better. Hopefully that’s a good enough explaination, a storm is coming.)

(Other OOC note-Also, I had a bit of an idea to add to this match to maybe build up the tag team title match. Because Cena wasn't around, I couldn't have asked him about this even had I thought of this before I put up these results. But I might add something to the match (that won't change the way the Kincaid got pinned at all...since Matty D already saw these results. Just something I'm considering right now.)