“Rollin” blasts on the PA system as Taker comes to the ring on his motorcycle.

King-Somewhere Matty D is shuttering

Coach-…well it was his song first

“Chronics theme” blasts on the PA system as Chronic walks to the ring

King-Chronic is the man

Coach-Of course, I knew YOU would like him


[The bell rings. The match is on its way. Chronic locks up with Undertaker. Chronic get Undertaker s in the middle of a suplex, when Undertaker reverses it into a reverse DDT. Than Undertaker picks up Chronic and lays him on the turnbuckle with his back on it. Dennis goes to the other side of the ring, right across from Chronic, hoping to hit the spear. Undertaker starts running at full speed. When Dennis is about to hit the spear, Chronic move. Undertaker 's shoulder hits the metal. Taker stumbles backwards and then Chronic sets up Taker and hits a belly to back suplex on the ring side mat and then Chronic hits a few stomps on the downed Taker on the mat and then Chronic slowly helps Taker up and then rolls back into the ring and then Chronic goes to the second turnbuckle and then Taker stumbles up and then Chronic is able to hooks Taker up and then sets up Taker and then nails a tornado DDT. Chronic then quickly recovers and goes into the cover and then gets a 1………….2………kick out, Chronic then hits a few stomps on the downed Chronic. Chronic springs up and then hits a few hard stomps on the downed Taker and then Taker stumbles up by the ropes and then Chronic starts to choke the Taker within the ropes and then the ref asks him to break the hold at 5 and he does, Chronic waits for Taker to get up once he does Chronic nails a few quick fists on the Taker and then Chronic tries to whip Taker to the ropes, but Taker reverses it and then Chronic bounces off the ropes and then Taker goes for a clothesline, but Chronic ducks under it and then Taker turns around and gets a standing drop kick that knocks the Taker back. Then Chronic hits another fists and then tries to whip Taker off the ropes and does, Taker bounces off the ropes and then Chronic lowers his head for a back body drop, but Taker counters it with a running DDT]

JR-Nice counter by the Taker

Coach-eerrr wasn’t that great

King-Too many DDT’s…

[Taker has to recover on the mat and Chronic is down in a lot of pain. Both Taker and Chronic get up and then Chronic charges at Taker, but Taker throws Chronic into the corner and then hits a few hard body shots in the corner and then Taker throws Chronic out of the corner and then Taker hits a few hard kicks to the downed Chronic and then Chronic gets up to his feet and then Taker hits a few hard punches and then Taker whips Chronic to the ropes. Chronic bounces off the ropes and then hits a back body drop on Chronic and then Chronic stumbles up and then Taker then puts up Chronic on his shoulders and then Taker goes over to the corner and nails a snake eyes. Taker runs to the ropes and then Chronic stumbles out and the Taker hits a running big boot on the Chronic. Taker takes a few seconds to recover and then puts his arm up and then goes for a chokeslam]

JR-Takers setting him up

King-He won’t get him…

Coach-So negative, but I guess you can’t blame you…seeing how it is the Taker and Chronic in the ring.

[Chronic stumbles up and then Taker grabs Chronic by the throat and then lifts him up and then drives him down to the mat with a chokeslam! Taker then puts his arm up and singles for the last ride and then Taker pulls up Chronic and sets him up and then sets him up, then gets him up for the last ride….and nails it! Then Taker goes into the cover and then gets the 1…………2…………….3]

Van Man’s music hits and he comes out to a rather large ovation. He looks ready for this hat on a pole match. We then hear the stock market bell ringing and Brandshaw’s limo arrives into the arena. He pops out of the top, still in his suit and $1,000 hat. Van Man is in the ring not looking impressed. While Brandshaw is still playing to the crowd, taking in their boo’s and jeers, Van Man gets out of the ring and approaches the limo. He jumps on the hood and points at Brandshaw. Van Man then turns around and looks at the horns on the front of the limo. He gets a wicked smile on his face and points to the horns while looking at the crowd. They all know Van Man has something in mind. Brandshaw is yelling for him not to touch his custom made $500…no $3,000…no $10,000 dollar horns. Van Man tries pulling them off to no avail. While Brandshaw is laughing at him, Van Man does a drop kick to the horns, finally dislodging them and denting the limo at the same time. Van Man then takes the horns and runs back into the ring. Brandshaw, looking very agitated, gets out of his limo and finally gets to the ring. Van Man is pretending to be a bull with the horns running around the ring yelling “toro!” Brandshaw looks really mad now. When he tries to enter the ring, Van Man runs horns first at him. The ref turns Van Man around just long enough for Brandshaw to get into the ring and hit him from behind with a fierce boot to the head. Brandshaw then sees his opportunity and goes for the hat. As Brandshaw is about to step to the top rope, Van Man bounces off the ropes and Brandshaw does a nut buster. Van Man takes this opportunity to nail Brandshaw with chop after chop with resounding “Woooo’s” from the crowd. Van Man plays to the crowd but when he turns to Brandshaw he is nailed with a clothesline. Brandshaw then picks up Van Man and sends him into the ropes and hits a back body drop. Van Man begs off. As soon as Brandshaw gets close enough, Van Man pokes him in the eye. Then while Van Man is talking to the ref, he hits Brandshaw with a backwards kick between the legs, taking the big man down. The crowd loves the dirty tactics of Van Man. Van Man measures Brandshaw and hits a well placed elbow to the sternum. He then takes Brandshaw’s leg and starts placing kicks to the back of the knee. Van Man then drops his knee onto Brandshaw’s knee. Van Man is sure he won’t be able to get to him in time and points to the hat. The crowd goes nuts. Van Man walks to the ropes and starts to climb. Van Man is on the second rope reaching for the hat when Brandshaw comes from behind and grabs him and wrenches in an over the shoulder back breaker. Brandshaw stops for a moment, thinks, and then drops straight to his knees, driving his shoulder into Van Mans back. Brandshaw then gets to the corner and starts climbing the ropes. He gets to the hat, but doesn’t grab it. Brandshaw climbs down and goes to the outside. Brandshaw grabs a chair and gets back into the ring. The ref strongly objects, so the big man lays the ref out with a left. Brandshaw winds up and swings and Van Man, but Van Man rolls out of the way. Brandshaw tries again and again, but again and again Van Man moves. Brandshaw tries one last time but Van Man gets his foot up and drives the chair back into Brandshaw’s face. Van Man then climbs to the top rope and then grabs the hat

JR-Van Man has won this match

someone runs by the announcers table and grabs Kings crown *

King-Give me back my crown, that cost a thousand dollars

*King goes to chase the person

Coach-Well that was certainly….random

*'I'm Back!' hits as Eric Bischoff storms his way towards the ring. He is wearing his usual black suit jacket, black shirt and pants. He looks quite angry as he stomps up the ring steps. Once in the ring, he demands a microphone.....*

*Crowd starts an 'asshole' chant*

Eric: "Like I care what all of you think."

*Chant gets louder*

Eric: "Anyway, I came out to this ring last week and I demanded an explanation from a certain EMF superstar. What I got instead was a video of my wife out on the town with some two-bit no-talent clown who thinks he's a rapper. I left the arena last week wondering what I was gonna do, and I came here to tonight to tell the world just how Eric Bischoff gets even."

Eric: "John Cena, I hope you're paying attention, cause tonight I sign off on the end of your pathetic little wrestling career. Let me remind you of just who it is you're dealing with. My name is ERIC BISCHOFF. I'm a 8th degree black belt in karate. I've run mulit-billion dollar companies. I don't have time to waste on punks like you. So John Ce---"

*Bischoff is cut off in mid-sentence as music hits and his wife, Mercedes McGillicutty makes her way towards the ring. She enters the ring and asks for a microphone.*

Eric: "Mercedes what are you doing here? I thought I told you to stay at the hotel?"

Mercedes: "You did, but I had to come here. I'm sorry, honey. But I have something very important to say -- not only to you, but to John as well. John, please come down here."

*John Cena's music hits and he makes his way onto the stage. He flashes the 'untouchables' sign to the crowd to a loud pop. Cena makes his way to the ring, microphone in hand. He walks over to Mer and kisses her hand, making her blush.*

Eric: "Just who the hell do you think you are pal? That's my wife!"

Cena: "Chill, old-timer. I'm just showing the lady the proper respect."

Eric: "Respect? RESPECT? How dare you come out here and talk about RESPECT when you're messing around with another man's wife? You know, you've got some nerve. You know damn well that she just got out of the hospital and is trying to piece her life back together and here you come waltzing in with your hip-hop and your chain and your little rhymes. Do you have any idea what you're doing to her?"

Cena: "What I'm doing to her? Before you jump down my throat, you better look in a mirror.
Put on your bifocals, old man, you'll see a little clearer.
I'm treating her like a lady, givin her what she needs.
You're using her as a pawn in your dirty little deeds. You don't deserve her, she's an amazing diva with class.
If she wasn't here right now I'd kick your scrawny ASS!!!!"

*Cena and Bischoff stand nose to nose, jawing at each other. Finally, Mercedes starts to speak.* Mer: "Stop it, both of you. This isn't supposed to be happening. I called you both out here for reason." *Mercedes turns towards Cena* "John, what can I say? The last couple weeks have been unexpectedly wonderful. The flowers, the notes, the dinner last week. I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by it all. To think somebody I'd never met before would do all that for me, it just made me feel wonderful. I owe you a great deal of thanks."

*Mer walks over to Cena and hugs him. Then she turns toward Bischoff.*

Mer: "Eric, my husband. By my side when I needed you most. You've been very helpful with my recovery. I'd still be lying in that hospital trying to figure things out if it wasn't for you and all the time you've given me. I'll always be grateful to you for that."

*Mer steps over to Bischoff and gives him a hug. Eric lookes at Cena and gives an evil grin.*

Mer: "That's what I wanted to say to both of you tonight. Thank you, both, from the bottom of my heart. I know that my recovery would have taken a lot longer without the two of you in my life. But, as I stand here, now, I see that I can't keep both of you in my life. You two are out here at each other's throats, and it hurts me inside to know that I can't have both of you with me. And I think it's obvious that you two want to fight. I can't stop you from doing that. But I won't stand here and listen to you two go at it. I don't want to decide between you two. I -- I can't..."

*Mer starts to choke up. She drops the microphone and runs toward the back. Bischoff and Cena both watch her, then stare at each other. Bischoff leaves the ring to find his wife, and Cena soon follows.*


*Later in the evening, Jonathan Coachman and Bischoff are seen in Eric's office. Coach hangs up the phone and Bischoff stares intently.*

Eric: "Well?"

Coach: "No answer. She's not in her room, boss."

Eric: "Dammit. This is all Cena's fault. He had to stick his nose in where it didn't belong. And now my wife, still recovering from amnesia, is god knows where in this hicksville, Texas?" *Crowd boos loudly.*

*Suddenly, a knock on the office door.*

Eric: "Come in."

*The door opens and John Cena comes in.*

Cena: "I know you don't wanna see me right, now but it's not about that. I'm worried about her. What room is she in? I just tried her cell phone number, and got no answer."

Eric: "You're worried? Well, you should be, pal, this is all your damn fault. If anything happens to her, I'm holding YOU PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE!!"

*Bischoff then storms out of his office. Coach quickly follows, leaving Cena behind as the camera fades...*


*"I'm Back!" hits and Bischoff and Coach make their way to the ring. Bischoff demands a microphone.*

Eric: "Dammit, this has gone too far. My wife is out wandering the streets of your little hick town now, no thanks to John Cena. And now, John Cena, I'm gonna make you pay for it."

*John Cena's music hits and he quickly makes his way to the ring. He gets right in Bischoff's face, and then takes his microphone.*

Cena: "You're gonna make me pay? Let me tell you something, you little whi---"

*SMACK* *From behind, Coach hits Cena with a chair, knocking Cena to the mat. Coach stomps on Cena, and Bischoff joins in. They are double teaming Cena viciously. Coach picks him up, and Bischoff stands back.

Eric: "Who's untouchable now, huh John?"

*Bischoff jumps forward and kicks Cena. He slumps to the ring mat. Coach raises the chair as if he is about to hit Cena again, but someone comes through the crowd into the ring. It's Mercedes. She runs over to where Cena is lying on the mat. She lays between Cena and Coach, asking Coach to stop hitting Cena. Bischoff grabs the microphone.*

Eric: "What the hell are you doing? What's the matter, honey? Is your little friend getting hurt? Well get used to it. Cause at Payback it's gonna be your new 'friend', John Cena, facing ME, ERIC BISCHOFF! And honey, I know you wanna watch, so here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna suspend you in a cage, 20 feet above the ring. That way, you can see exactly what I'm gonna do to him. Then when it's over, I might let you down to stop his bleeding. Oh, and one last thing, John Cena, our little match, it'll be A STREET FIGHT!!!"

*Bischoff grabs Mer by the hand, and forces her to join him and Coach as they walk to the back. The camera cuts back to the ring, where Cena is bleeding profusely from the head.*

“Never gonna stop” blasts on the PA system as Edge walks to the ring

JR-Here comes Edge

Coach-Don’t remind me, I have nightmares of his last promo

JR-It wasn’t that bad…

“Victors theme” blasts on the PA system as Victor walks to the ring

King-Oh it’s Victory…

JR-yes it is..

[Edge slides into the ring and then goes for a spear, but Victor then goes to the ropes and then Victor is able to leap over Edge. Edge continues to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes and then Victor goes for a hip toss, but then Edge blocks it and then Edge turns it into a spinning neck breaker on Victor, Edge waits for Victor to get up. Once he does Victor stumbles up and then Edge charges and then hits a clothesline, Edge then waits for Victor to get up once he does Edge hits a standing drop kick and then sends him down to the mat. Victor rolls out of the ring and then Edge pumps up the crowd as Victor regroups Victor than is able to trip up Edge and then pulls him to the outside and then Edge is able to counter this by beating him to the punch and then Edge tries to whip Victor to the steps, but Victor reverses the whip and sends Edge to the steps and then Edge crashes into the steps. Victor goes down to one knee and then slowly gets up and then Victor pulls up Edge and then rolls in Victor in the ring and then Victor rolls into the ring as well and then Edge tries to get back up and then Victor hits a kick to the ribs of Edge who is on all fours and then Victor then pulls up Edge and hits a few hard forearms that stumble him on the ropes and then Victor whips Edge to the ropes and then Edge bounces off the ropes and then Victor hits a running shoulder block, Victor than waits for Edge to get up. Once he does, Victor gets him in a full nelson and then hits a full nelson slam on Edge, Victor goes into the cover and then gets a 1............2....kick out. Victor then pulls up a little bit Edge and then Victor hits a few punches on the downed Edge. Edge gets to his feet and then Victor lets Edge stumbles around and then Victor pulls up Edge in almost a bear hug and then drives him down and then Victor then thinking he has the match well in hand slowly backs to the ropes and then leaps in the air for a leg drop, but Edge moves out of the way and then Victor looks in a lot of pain and then Edge runs to the ropes and then bounces off and nails as low drop kick on Victor as he's sitting on the mat and sends him down to the mat the rest of the way and then Edge then waits for Victor to get up. Once Victor stumbles up Edge runs behind him and then hits a running one handed bulldog and then Edge goes to the outside and then climbs to the top rope and then climbs to the top rope]

JR-Looks like Edge is going to fly

King-aaaaaaaawwwwwwwww high risk move

[Edge waits for Victor to get up, once he does Edge goes for a front missile drop kick on Victor. But Victor blocks it and then grabs Edge’s legs and then puts him in position and then hits a sling shot that sends Edge flying face first into the turnbuckle and then Victor takes Edge’s head and then smashes Victor’s head into the turnbuckle a few times. Victor lets Edge get some room and then Victor then sets him up and then puts him on the top rope and then Victor goes to the top rope with Edge and then hits a super belly to back suplex and then both wrestlers are down. Though slowly Victor turns into Edge and then goes into the cover and then gets a 1……………..2…..kick out, Victor slowly gets to his feet and then gets to the ropes and Edge gets to his feet and then Edge trying to get the match in his favor charges at Victor, but Victor uses this to turn it into a hot shot into the top rope. Victor waits for Edge, Edge stumbles into Victor who then picks him up and then drives him down for a spine buster. Victor than bounces off the ropes and leaps and nails a big splash on Edge and gets the 1………….2……….kick out.]

JR-Victor might be setting up for his finisher.

King-What exactly is his finisher again?

[Victor waits for waits for Edge to get up, once he does Victor scoops up Edge and then Edge slips out the back and hits the Edge-o-matic into the cover and gets the 1………..2……….kick out, Edge then gets in the corner and waits for Victor to get up for the spear, though suddenly Issac Yankeem jumps on the apron and then Edge turns around in confusion and then Issac grabs Edge’s head and then drives it on the top rope for a hang man. Edge stumbles backwards, Victor then kicks Edge in the gut and then hits the triple power bomb and instead of making it a submission, Victor uses the last power bomb as a sit down power bomb for the 1...........2.........3.]

“War Machine” blasts on the PA system as Taz walks to the ring with a towel over his head

*Kings shaves his head and puts on orange sunglasses *

JR-Wasabi might be gone…but not forgotten

Coach-If we never had to mention Wasabi that would be one time too many

“break stuff” blasts on the PA system

Coach-Well the only thing interesting about Carnage is his nickname

JR-Aren’t you going to say anything King?

King-I would, but it’s so true

“Kaedon’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Kaedon walks to the ring

JR-This is Kaedon’s first chance at a regular title.

King-What’s wrong with the TV title

JR-There is a k limit on his promo

King-K limit…that sounds like something that would be on the internet and were not in the internet right?


[Taz and Kaedon look at each other and then charge at Carnage to try to get him out of the match, but Carnage knocks the both down with a running clothesline. Taz gets up and then charges at Carnage, Carnage counters it with a hip toss and then Carnage hits a few stomps on Taz who is getting to his feet and then Kaedon comes from behind and hits a few forearms to the back and then Carnage turns around and gets hit with a few fists. Taz gets up and then hits a few fists to Carnage as well as Carnage reels on the ropes and then Taz and Kaedon tries to double whip Carnage, but Carnage puts on the breaks and then pulls him in and then puts them in a bear hug and then quickly dumps them over the top rope, both Taz and Kaedon goes crashing to the floor. Carnage goes to one knee trying to recover, outside Taz pushes Kaedon, Kaedon answers back with a few hard fists. Taz tries to answer back with a fist of his own. But it’s blocked and countered and then Kaedon picks up Taz and slams him on the mat around ring side. Kaedon then waits for Taz to get up, Taz stumbles up and then Kaedon hits a kick to the gut on Taz and picks him up over his shoulder and points towards the ring post and then Taz is able to slide out the back and then pushes Kaedon to the post. Kaedon holds his shoulder after hitting the post and then backs into Taz, who puts on the Taz-mission, turns turns it into a Taz-mission plex that sends Kaedon just about on to his head. Taz then hits a few stomps on the downed Kaedon and then slides into the ring. Taz charges at Carnage, Carnage tries to counter with a big boot, but Taz ducks and then takes out Carnage’s leg with a chop block. Taz hits a few hard kicks to the leg and then Taz puts Carnage’s leg on the rope and then lands on it and then Taz hits a few more stomps to it. Taz then pulls Carnage out to the middle of the ring and then Taz hits a elbow drop into the leg of Carnage and then puts on a single leg lock on Carnage. Carnage is in a lot of pain as the ref asks him if he wants to give it up, Carnage puts his shoulders down and the ref counts 1…………..2………Carnage raises his shoulders. Suddenly Kaedon slides into the ring and then Kaedon nails a boot to the face of Taz, Kaedon then pulls up Taz and kicks him in the gut and then sets him up and then nails a pump handle slam!]

JR-Good move by Kaedon to break up the hold

Coach-Of course you would like it…but I didn’t think it was that great


Coach-My thoughts exactly King..

[Kaedon pulls up Taz and knocks him down with a short arm clothesline. Carnage stumbles up and then gets hit with a few hard fists and then Carnage reels on the ropes and then Kaedon then whips Carnage to the ropes and then Carnage reverses the whip and sends Kaedon to the ropes and then Kaedon bounces off the ropes and then Carnage goes for a clothesline and then Kaedon ducks under and then waits for Carnage to turns around. Kaedon then grabs Carnage by the throat and then goes for a chokeslam. Though Carnage is able to elbow out of it and then, Kaedon stumbles away and then back into Carnage who hits a big head butt and then Taz stumbles up and then right into Carnage and then Carnage picks him up and then drops him head first into the top rope for the snake eyes. Carnage then gets ready and then Taz stumbles towards Carnage and then Carnage gets him up for the electric chair drop. Taz is able to hit a few fists and then is able to rake Carnage’s eyes and then Taz slips down the back of Carnage and then Taz is able to put on the Tazmission]


King-and Wasabi told another version of Taz he would never be able to put it on anyone

Coach-That goes to show you what Wasabi knows…

[Suddenly Carnage taps out before Kaedon can break the hold. Taz slides out of the ring and then backs up and then slides out of the ring]