EMF: Saturday Shockwave

*Shockwave video starts and then we go into the arena as fireworks blasts off on the stage. The lights turn on and fans wave their signs*

JR-Welcome to Sunday Shockwave

King-What Sunday?

Kris Gaffney-Surprised, at least it's not Wednesday War

*Gaffney gets pegged by something by the writer

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, "Legend Killer" Rich!!! (crowd cheers **)

["Legend Killer" Rich comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Cactus Jack!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Cactus Jack walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. "Legend Killer" Rich checks out the ring. Cactus Jack tests out the ropes. (the bell rings) "Legend Killer" Rich tackles Cactus Jack. Cactus Jack gets back to his feet. Cactus Jack opens up the chair..."Legend Killer" Rich is thrown into the ropes...Drop Toe Hold onto the open chair! Cactus Jack is back on his feet. They lockup. Cactus Jack sends "Legend Killer" Rich to the corner of the ring. Cactus Jack gives "Legend Killer" Rich the chair...Cactus Jack spins around and nails the chair into "Legend Killer" Rich's face!! Cactus Jack gets up. "Legend Killer" Rich stands up. "Legend Killer" Rich executes a reverse DDT on Cactus Jack. Cactus Jack gives "Legend Killer" Rich the chair...Cactus Jack climbs to the top..Cactus Jack dropkicks the chair into his face! Cactus Jack is back on his feet. Cactus Jack runs up to the top and a Moonsault body press on top of the chair and "Legend Killer" Rich!! Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 "Legend Killer" Rich escapes. ]

The King - He should have just stayed on the attack.

["Legend Killer" Rich gets back to his feet. Cactus Jack grabs ahold of "Legend Killer" Rich's waist....Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!!! "Legend Killer" Rich gets back to his feet. "Legend Killer" Rich puts Cactus Jack in the double underhook position and gives him a doubl underhook backbreaker. ]

JR - "Legend Killer" Rich's momma would be proud!

[Cactus Jack is up again. Cactus Jack gives "Legend Killer" Rich the chair...Cactus Jack spins around and kicks the chair into "Legend Killer" Rich's face!! Cactus Jack grabs onto "Legend Killer" Rich and a Belly to Belly Suplex sends "Legend Killer" Rich down onto the chair!! "Legend Killer" Rich is back on his feet. "Legend Killer" Rich with a Russian legsweep on Cactus Jack. "Legend Killer" Rich chants start. "Legend Killer" Rich climbs to his feet. Cactus Jack is up again. Cactus Jack gets snap suplexed by "Legend Killer" Rich. "Legend Killer" Rich is back on his feet. Cactus Jack stands up. Cactus Jack brings a chair to the ring. Earl Hebner warns him not to use it. Cactus Jack shoves Earl Hebner. ring, ring, ring! Earl Hebner calls for the bell. Cactus Jack was disqualified. But it doesn’t end there, as Cactus grabs a 2 x 4 wrapped in barbwire and then attacks LRK. Ref’s run down and stop the attack as Cactus rises his arm to the fans and his music starts to play and he leaves

[Spalding comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Bret Hart!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Bret Hart walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Spalding places Bret Hart on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. Bret Hart tests out the ropes. (the bell rings) Flying side kick by Spalding takes Bret Hart off his feet. Now Spalding standing. Spalding measures Bret Hart up and drops a closed fist. Spalding is up again. Spalding uses a snap mare takeover on Bret Hart. Now Bret Hart standing. Bret Hart goes for a brain buster but Spalding dodges the attack. Spalding is locked up in Bret Hart's hangman's noose submission hold. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... Bret Hart breaks the hold. Bret Hart sends Spalding to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Bret Hart throws a chair at Spalding. (..2) Spalding gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Bret Hart. ]

JR - boot choke!

[(...3) Bret Hart holds Spalding in the corner, choking him with his forearm. (....4) Bret Hart pins Spalding against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Bret Hart and Spalding move back to ringside. Bret Hart and Spalding move back into the ring. Spalding gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Bret Hart. Bret Hart executes a neck scissors on Spalding. Bret Hart climbs to his feet. Bret Hart applies the double reverse chinlock to Spalding. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... Spalding is fighting the hold. ... (AHHHH!) Bret Hart breaks the hold. Now Spalding standing. Spalding slaps the face of Bret Hart. Spalding gets up. Bret Hart gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Spalding. Bret Hart executes the brain buster on Spalding. Spalding gets back to his feet. Spalding bounces Bret Hart off the ropes and clotheslines him. Spalding gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Bret Hart. Spalding with a high crossbody on Bret Hart. Spalding is up again. Spalding executes a corkscrew legdrop on Bret Hart. Spalding gets back to his feet. Bret Hart gets hit with the shooting star press from Spalding. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 Bret Hart escapes. Bret Hart stands up. Spalding rakes his fingers across Bret Hart's back. Bret Hart executes a neck scissors on Spalding. Bret Hart gets back to his feet. Spalding is back on his feet. Bret Hart drags Spalding to the floor. ]

The King - Time to take a nap, tell me when the HoRdE comes back

[Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Bret Hart executes the brain buster on Spalding. Bret Hart stands up. Bret Hart applies an arm wrench to Spalding. They head back into the ring. Spalding clotheslines Bret Hart. Spalding reverse DDT's Bret Hart's head into the mat. Bret Hart gets up. Spalding puts the chicken wing on Bret Hart. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... Bret Hart is fighting the hold. ... Bret Hart trys to escape. ... ... (AHHHH!) ... Spalding tightens the hold. ... ... Bret Hart is fighting the hold. ... Spalding tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) Bret Hart taps out.

JR - The winner of this match, Spalding!!!

Suddenly, a man walks out onto the stage. The man looks up at the ring, and Jarred Carthallion raises the microphone he's holding in his hand as the fans begin to fiercely boo him. But then Jarred runs into the ring and then hits a super kick on the just getting up Bret HartJarred looks out into the audiance and grins again as he lifts Bret up over his head into a crucifix powerbomb position, (Razor's Edge positioning) then tosses him to his side, and catching him with a devestating neck breaker, thus executing the Soul Reaver. Jarred pops right back up to his feet, and grabs Bret by an arm and a leg, pulling him towards a corner. Jarred steps out onto the ring apron, and then climbs to the top, and wastes no time leaping into the air and nailing Bret with the Legendary End. (Seanton Bomb ala Sean O'Haire) Jarred hooks the leg very nonchalantly and the referee makes the count. 1.....2......3.]

Finkel:"The winner of this match, Jarred Carthallion!"

["Boulevard Of Broken Dreams" by Green Day begins to play and Jarred begins to celebrate to the boos of the fans. No sooner than the first verse of the song is over, the music stops and Paul Heyman is seen on the EMFTron. Jarred stops his celebration and stands in the ring staring up at Heyman.]

Heyman:"That was very impressive for a man who hasn't wrestled in seven months. And the one thing that made it impressive is that you did it against Bret Hart. What happened Jarred, did the Super Wal-Mart in Greensboro stop selling jobbers so you had to make the trip here to Shockwave to get your jollies by beating up a man who you knew didn't stand a snow balls chance in hell against you, more or less against Cactus Jack. Thats alright though, because I watched your little outing, and I was slightly impressed. So I've decided to grant you the warm up match that you requested last week. And I've decided that you can have it right now against an opponent of my choosing. So, after some very careful consideration I've decided that you'll have a one on one match up against the man who broke your neck and nearly ended your career, Victor Van Nuys. Oh, and by the way this match is going to have a very special guest time keeper. And that special guest time keeper will be none other than.....ME!"

["Head Strong" by Trapt begins to play and Victor Van Nuys walks out onto the stage closely followed by Paul Heyman. Heyman whispers something into his ear, and them walks past him making his way down the ring, and over to the time keepers position. Victor stands there for a moment, eye balling Jarred. The two man trade a few words before Victory finally rushes towards the ring. Jarred takes a step back from the ring ropes, anticipating that Victory will slide into the ring. Victor gets to ring side and makes like hes going to slide in. But as soon as Jarred steps up to begin stomping on him, Victor reveals the slide is a fake and grabs Jarred by the feet, pulling him down to the ring mat and then jerking him out of the ring, and letting him fall back first to the floor. Victor kicks Jarred in the stomach a few times, then grabs him by the back of the head and the back of his tights, and tosses him head and shoulder first into the ring steps. Jarred crashes into the steps, knocking the top layer to the floor, and flipping over to the other side of the steps. Victor walks around the corner of the ring and kicks Jarred a couple of more times, then pulls him back to his feet, rolling him back into the ring. Victor rolls into the ring after Jarred, and stands up over him, stomping him in the chest and stomach a couple of times, before grabbing him by the head and pulling him back up again. Victor tosses Jarred back into the nearest corner, and then nails him with a couple of right hands. Victor grabs Jarred by the arm and whips him across the ring into the opposite corner, and immediately follows him in with a clothesline that causes Jarred to stagger out of the corner, and right back into Victor who lifts him up and drives him to the canvas with an Arn Anderson style Spine Buster. Victor Van Nuys spits on Jarred as he lays there clutching at his back in pain, and then turns around and begins to take the cover off the top turnbuckle in the corner he just pulled Jarred out of. The referee begins to warn Victor of the consequences of his actions, and Victor simply smiles and ignores him. Victor turns back around and turns his attention back to Jarred, pulling him back to his feet and picking him up onto his shoulder, marching towards the corner with the exposed turnbuckle, ready to deliver the Snake Eyes. Just before Victor drops Jarred onto the turnbuckle, the referee steps into the corner and stands in front of Victor. Victor screams at the ref to move, and threatens to drop Jarred down on him. But amidsts the arguing between Victor and the ref, Jarred manages to slide down behind Victor and shove him into the ref. Victor stumbles out of the corner after sandwiching the referee. Jarred is standing there waiting, and as soon as Victor turns around, he levels him with a powerful super kick. Jarred pulls Victor back to his feet slowly, and sets him up just as he did Rich in the previous match. Jarred picks Victor up and drops him to the canvas with a Soul Reaver. Jarred pops back to his feet and immediately pulls Victor into position for a Legendary End. Jarred turns his back to Victor as he makes his way to the ropes and steps out onto the ring apron. Jarred turns around and says something to the fans as he begins to climb the turnbuckle. While his back is turned to the ring, Paul Heyman gets up from his seat the time keeper's table, grabbing the ring bell as he does. Heyman rushes around the ring and slides the bell in next to Victor. Victor manages to reach out and pull it into his side. Jarred finally climbs up to the top turnbuckle, and just before he leaps into the air, Heyman steps up onto the ring apron and shoves Jarred off the top rope, causing him to fall face first into the ring bell that he slid to Victor. Jarred rolls away from Victor after the impact, his head now split wide open. Jarred lays there, unconcious and bleeding as Victor slowly stands up and slides the bell out of the ring. Paul Heyman rushes over and begins reviving the referee while Victor makes his way over to Jarred's feet, picking them up and stepping between them with his right leg. Victor crosses Jarred's legs over his own, and then rolls Jarred over, locking him in the Sharpshooter. The referee manages to get up and make his way over to where Victor has Jarred in the sharpshooter. The ref kneels down beside Jarred's head, asking if he wants to continue or not. Not getting a response, and noticing the blood pouring from Jarred's head, the referee grabs Jarred's arm and lifts it up and lets it drop.....1......Once his arm hits the mat, the ref raises it again and lets it go......2........A second time Jarred's arm falls to the canvas. The referee looks back at Paul Heyma and then out to the crowd as he raises Jarred's arm a third time and lets it ago, and a third time Jarred's arm falls to the mat. The referee stands up and calls for the bell, and Victor immediately lets go of the hold.]

Finkel:"The winner of this match, Victor Van Nuys!"

J.R:"Bah Gawd, this was nothing more than damn set up by Paul Heyman."

King:"Yeah, wasn't it great J.R?"

Kris Gaffney:"If only all of Jarred's matches were that exciting."

[Heyman rolls into the ring and hugs Victor in celebration of the victory over Jarred. As the two men stand there celebrating, Angelus and Punisher come running down the aisle and slide into the ring. The two men start putting the boots to the already bloodied and unconcious Jarred. Angelus motions for Punisher to back off, and pulls Jarred up by his head, tossing him towards Punisher, who simply catches him and picks him up driving him to the canvas with the Capital Punishment. Angelus steps out onto the ring apron, and tells Punisher to drag Jarred over. Punisher grabs Jarred by an arm and leg, dragging him towards the corner. Angelus spits down on Jarred, and then mimics him exactly, as he leaps into the air nailing Jarred with his own finishing move "The Legendary End". Angelus stands up, slapping Punisher on the back, and then hugging Paul Heyman and shaking Victor's hand. The four men all climb out of the ring, and make their way up the aisle together as Shockwave cuts to its first commercial break.]

(OOC-This was edited…I thought Rob was going to write another match, and basically I changed it on the basis that Cactus and Bret are going to have a rematch. So I didn’t want them squashed, that's the reason the match was simmed. Because Bret and Spalding deserved something at least, even if I didn't have time to write it. So Rob if this doesn’t work..then I’ll give them what you had originally

Sierra's music hits as she walks out onto the stage to a chorus of boos.. The RWA-WCW women's title Draped over her shoulder. She just smiles and roles her eyes to the fans on the aisle who talk shit to her. She continues to the ring and gets in requesting the microphone..

Sierra: ahemm I don't know why you are booing your RWA-WCW Champion, but For those of you that never doubted me, I am out here before you, eat your hearts out. Now I wouldn't be out here unless I had something important to say and I do. Its regarding my actions last week. First of all thanks to James and Christina Lunadue for helping me out. But something was brought to my attention when I got here tonight and that being Amy Dumas isn't out of commission completely like I had hoped. Turns out I just irritated a pre-exsisting injury, but it was enough to take her out of our match. Its too bad really I wanted to finish her off..I will do what I've said and thats end her career.

(We go into some footage of Amy Dumas about a week ago, before the scene at the gym. Amy is somewhere playing with her dog a little bit, Jericho is there as well doing the same for time to time. It skips a little bit with Amy wrestling around with her dog, Jericho's close by as the footage ends)

Sierra: You see that? Playing with that cute little guy..Then there is Jericho..Oooh thats gotta hurt. No really you all see that, after next week it'll be no more.. I will finish what I started..

(We go later in the day around seemly around the same day, and around the same area where the last footage. Jericho and Amy are walking together, arms around each other, enjoying the walk together with no one else around)

Sierra: once again we see the lovebirds taking a sweet stroll in the nice weather, but Soon Amy won't be walking, Jericho will be pushing her in a wheelchair..They better get used to that, when I finished with Amy I'll steal a line from Jericho when I say She will Neeeeever...and I mean eeeeeeeveer walk...aaagaaaaain....With that said I ........

(The lights all of a sudden go off, then they come back on. Sierra is looking confused and pissed on what is happening. But there is now a person (can't tell whether it's male or female) behind her dressed completely in black and with a mask on. Sierra turns around and then get's an "oh shit" look on her face just as she's nailed down and then the masked person starts hitting fists on the downed Sierra. Suddenly Tazz runs into the ring and dives, as the masked person leaves the ring. The masked person backs as Sierra recovers with a pissed look as she shoots up with the microphone in her hand and says)

Sierra: Jericho...Jericho I know that is you..Unmask yourself...Its You....

(the masked person is still walking up the ramp. Suddenly Chris Jericho appears from the backstage area, the masked person and Jericho pass each other. Jericho grins a cocky grin. Jericho looks back at the masked person then back into the ring)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Grins, well, well...jumping to conclusions are we. Well Sierra, that will be your downfall...you see you really thought that attack on Amy would help your situation. But you see it only got worst, because the person that just attacked you...is Amy's replacement! In a way I really wish it was me, because believe me I would enjoy making you pay for what you done to Amy. But the person that's taking Amy's place is more than ready enough to face you, and believe me Sierra...the only one crippled when it's over..will be you! As for who it is...that's something you'll have to wait and see, when you do find out...your not gonna like it, bye jackass

*Jericho throws down the microphone as "Other World" blasts on the PA system and then leaves with Sierra pissed off in the ring*

“Johnny Cash theme” blasts on the PA system as Johnny Cash walks to the ring

JR-Johnny Cash maybe new to the EMF, but it seems he’s not a rookie to the wrestling world

King-Yeah, well…they still don’t know what his theme song is…maybe it’s inner ring of fire?

Kris Gaffney-Why did I see that one coming…Kurt Angle will be angry

King-Oh crap….there goes my e-mail space…

“Hanley’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Hanley walks to the ring

JR-Josh Hanley will be no walk in the park for the newbie…he’s a former world champion

King-Yeah, Angelus needed to change his home address just to stop their feud

[Cash and Hanley lock up and then Hanley starts pushing Cash to the corner and then Hanley goes behind Cash and then Cash breaks the hold and then goes behind Hanley and then into a waist lock and then into head lock and then takes him over with a head lock take over and then Cash has Hanley down with a side head lock take down and then slowly Hanley gets to his feet and then Hanley looks for a way out of the hold and then slowly Hanley slowly spins out of the head lock into a top wrist lock and then once he is able to force the waist lock he takes him down with a back heel trip and then Cash goes down to the mat and then Hanley controls the move on the mat and then Cash rolls through and Hanley turns the move into an arm bar and then slowly Cash gets to his feet and then Hanley slowly gets to his feet and then looks for a way out of the hold and then backs up Hanley in the hold to the ropes and then whips him out of the arm bar and then he bounces off the ropes and then Hanley hits a quick arm drag take down and then Cash stumbles up and then Hanley hits a quick drop kick and then Cash stumbles back and then falls out of the ropes and then goes crashing into the mat below. Hanley celebrates this and then Hanley waits for Cash to get up and then Hanley goes over to the ropes and then sling shots himself over the top rope and then comes crashing down on the Cash as he’s stumbling up and then Hanley gets up and then shakes off any effect that took on him on the move. Then Hanley helps Cash up and then throws him back into the ring and then Hanley jumps on the apron and then goes up the turnbuckle and then waits on the top rope and then Cash stumbles up and then Cash turn towards where Hanley is and then Hanley leaps off and then Hanley hits a flying clothesline on Cash and then goes into the cover and then gets the 1………….2…….kick out. Hanley gets up and then hits a few stomps on the downed Cash and then Cash stumbles up and then Hanley hits a few hard fists and then whips him Cash bounces off the ropes and then gets a knee into the gut as he’s bouncing off the ropes as Hanley followed him into the ropes and then Hanley waits Cash to get up, once he does Hanley kicks Cash in the gut sets him up and then hits a fishermans suplex and then gets the 1…………..2……..kick out]

JR-Almost three

King-I don’t think that Cash wanted to start his career with a loss

Kris Gaffney- Though at least he can claim that it was against a former world champion if it was

King-Guess it could be worst, he could have lost to RVT or something

[Cash stumbles up into the corner and then Hanley hits a few hard fists and then he stumbles back and then and whips him to the corner and then Cash hits hard and then Hanley charges at Cash and then Cash gets his boot up and then Hanley goes crashing into it and then he stumbles back and then Hanley shakes off the effect of the move and then charges at Cash, but Cash who seemly wasn’t as effected as he seemed counters the move with a flap jack into the top rope and then Cash holds on to the top rope as Hanley stumbles around and then Cash charges as Hanley is still stunned and then hits a quick running bulldog and then Cash is still stunned and takes his time getting up as Hanley is pretty much up from the move anyways and then Cash hits an inverted atomic drop and then Hanley stumbles back in pain and then Cash hits a fist and knocks down Hanley and then Hanley stumbles up stunned and then Cash whips Hanley off the ropes and then Cash lowers his head and then hits a back body drop and then he goes down to the mat and then Hanley stumbles up holding his back and then Cash kicks Hanley in the gut and then hits an arm breaker on Hanley then goes into the cover and then gets the 1…………………2…………kick out. Cash looks up at the ref, but doesn’t take the time to question and just keeps his focus on Hanley and then Cash picks up Hanley and then puts him into a side head lock and then Hanley looks for a way out of the hold as Cash puts on more pressure and then Hanley decides to get up and then he looks for a way out of the hold and then Hanley hits a few hard elbows into the gut and then Hanley isn’t able to break the hold and then Hanley tries to counter with a belly to back suplex. But Cash is able to roll out the back of Hanley, Hanley turns around and then Cash kicks Hanley in the gut and then sets him up and then hits a power bomb and then Cash stacks Hanley on his shoulders and then gets the 1……………2…….kick out.]

JR-Almost three, what a great win for Cash if he can pull this off

King-Yeah well, Hanley is still the guy who sent Angelus through hell and back

Kris Gaffney-I thought that was most commonly known as Angelus’ title reign….what the, I didn’t mean to say that. Who the hell is missing with my script

*King hides a marker*

King-Clearly JR

[Hanley stumbles up and then Cash hits a few hard fists and then tries to whip Hanley to the ropes. But is reversed and then sent to the ropes and then Cash goes to the ropes and then Hanley goes for a clothesline and then Cash ducks and continues to the ropes and then Hanley bounces off the ropes and then Hanley turns around and then catches Cash off guard with a power slam and then gets up and then calls for his finisher the Widow Maker. Cash stumbles up and then Hanley goes for his finisher, but Cash is able to fight out of it and then Hanley stumbles back and then Cash hits the jack pot and then goes into the cover and gets a 1……………….2…………..3]

JR-Surprising upset over the former world champion.

“Medal” blasts on the PA system as Kurt Angle walks to the ring with Tori

JR-Not sure what’s going threw Tori’s mind

King-Probably like this “who can I beat next..”

Kris Gaffney-maybe YOU

“Dewey Pond theme” blasts on the PA system as Pond shows up with a chair, and then comes running

[Pond slides into the ring with a rage and then tries to smash Angle. Angle ducks and then hits a few hard fists and then whips Angle off the ropes. But then is reversed by Angle, and then Pond bounces off the ropes and then leaps off the ropes and Pond hits a flying forearm that sends Angle out of the ring and then Pond gets up and then grabs the chair and then takes the chair outside as Angle is getting up by the ring post and then Pond goes for a chair shot on Angle on the post, but then Angle ducks out of the way and then takes down Pond and then starts hammering away at Pond and then it’s reversed and then Pond starts hammering away as ref pour out of the back and then pulls Pond off Angle. Both wrestlers are trying to get free to start beating the hell out of each other again. Suddenly “Iron Man” blasts on the PA system as Prez Mike walks out on the stage with a pissed look.]

.::Prez Mike::.-That’s it, I had it with the both of you. But I know how we can settle this once and for all, because at Hell on Earth you two will be apart of a long tradition by being put in a career vs. career match!

(“Iron Man” blasts on the PA system as Prez Mike walks to the back)

Backstage a camera spots Amy Dumas, sporting crutches and standing around talking to somebody. That somebody turns out to be Katrina Ikeda and Mercedes Bischoff..

Katrina: Amy, there is no love loss between us, but you hav got to come up with a way to destroy Sierra. We have that in common, she tried to destroy my life, and now yours.

Mercedes: yeah Amy please shut her up and take that title back then she'll be just another victim, I mean Loser..*she laughed*

.::Amy Dumas::.-Oh you have no idea how much I would like to shut her up myself. That if Sierra didn't injure my leg, but soon enough I'll make sure she's shut up for good. That's if...there is anything left of her once my replacement in the match is done with her.

They all look over when they hear commotion and Prez Mike is walking alongside Sierra who has her arm around him for support..then looking at all of them..

Sierra: your Replacement..? So who is it Amy, you can't get the job done so you have me attacked by some coward in a mask..If it wasn't you Amy, who was it? Was it one of these two losers...Wait, wait a minute..*she stood up straight* Is that who I think it is..Mike dearest..is that who I think it is..*she pointed to Katrina*

Prez Mike-Katrina? If she's the replacement, then I'm not even sure if it's worth the PPV...well other than the theme that would go with it "Sierra finally gets her revenge after all these years". I could see it now, but as far in the ring...Katrina is a washed up HAS-BEEN.

Katrina: *strolling up to them both and Smiling* Oh don't worry Sierra, I'm not even cleared to step foot into a ring and you should count your lucky stars that I can't, I would slap that smirk right off of your face.

Sierra: Oh really..*She smiled again* why don't you try it.

Katrina: Not worthy of my time Sierra, I'm done with you, I kicked your ass enough. Lets just say Amy's replacement will hurt you, maybe even worse than Amy would. You are going down faster than it takes you to go down on any random guy or girl...

Sierra looks disgusted as Mike holds her back...

Sierra: I should knock you out right now...

Mercedes steps between them...

Mercedes: You touch her I'll touch you and I guarantee its not gonna be the way you like...

Sierra: Mercedes, please shut up, you've always been a loser and hell you couldn't even keep PRez Mike, whats that say about you..

Mercedes: He won't admit it but it was a mutual breakup..

Sierra: For what, to go to Old Man Bischoff..Had to resort to Old men because you can't get a young stud..I can see why, maybe you need the Lunadue system yourself...

Katrina grabs Mercedes as she is gonna jump on Sierra....

Prez Mike-You know when I look back on it, I'm glad we broke up Merecedes. Because really, I much rather have this (refering to Sierra) than that *points to Merecedes*

Katrina: I could let her go..

Mercedes: Atleast I'm not a switch hitter like the both of you...

Katrina:Yeah Sierra, if you happen to bring home another guy, does he get a chance with him to?

Sierra: You are all just jealous because I get the best of Both worlds and you are stuck with has been husbands. Mercedes an Old has been and You Katrina, a washed up never gonna be World Champ again has been.. And you Amy Dumas, your Has been boyfriend will have to take care of you because this is far from over, I don't care who you got to take your place, but once I finish with them I will make sure I cripple you for good.

.::Amy Dumas::.-Oh I know I don't have to worry about him taking care of me. But as for has been, I'm wondering just what your talking about. I mean he's has been killing your little plan on a few months ago when he beat the hell out of Randy Orton and ended his reign, or how about a month ago when he has been beat Snitsky's ass or how about my own personal favorite when he took on 4 people at one time on the biggest stage of them all. He beat the hell out of your boyfriend, the guy you tried to take my job, his body guard and at the end of the night had you tapping! So believe me Sierra Jericho's no has-been, but you know I would watch out when I get healthy. Because I did help him kill his first career, so I would watch out because the one crippled might be YOU!

(Amy gives her a smug smile)

Sierra: *she just rolls her eyes unenthused* Yeah, okay..Keep thinking that way Amy, we'll see what happens...It won't be good for you though...I've got more important things to do, so you overweight pigs can root around some more...*Sierra holds her nose and makes pig noises* Bye...*she waved and smiled a smug grin of her own*

.::Amy Dumas::.-When the time comes Sierra, you will know that you had no idea what you were messing with the whole time. As for being overweight, I can't remember...who was it that was too heavy for Randy Orton to catch at Unleashed, oh yeah that was you. So I wouldn't talk about anyone overweight, because if that one event proved anything...someone's packing on the pounds here..and it's not me, Katrina, or Merecedes, it's you

Sierra looks pissed and Mike ushers her the other direction to avoid further confrontation..

“One step closer” blasts on the PA system as Cash walks to the ring

King-What’s with people taking other people’s theme song AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH


“Batista’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Batista walks to the ring

JR-Batista has impressed a lot of people…but he’s just a few steps away from being real successful

King-those steps are probably “bring barrals to the ring”

Kris Gaffney- shut up King…he might listen to you!

“Cheat, Lie, and Steal” blasts on the PA system as Neddie walks to the ring

JR-Neddie was upset last week, this week he looks for retribution

King-Yeah I would too

“number one” as Dude Nick walks to the ring

JR-Dude Nick is without a doubt is making an impact since joining Revolution

King-That’s for sure…he got an upgrade in Torrie Wilson

Kris Gaffney-plus winning is always good

King-yeah…that too

[Batista, Cash, Neddie and Dude Nick face off in the ring in their corner. Cash looking a little bit tired after his match with Josh Hanley and then Dude Nick decides to attack Batista and then Batista stumbles back and then Dude Nick tries to whip Batista to the ropes, but then Batista reverses the whip and then sends Dude Nick to the ropes and then he bounces off the ropes and then just about gets his head taken off by Batista. Batista hits a few hard stomps on the downed Dude Nick and then on the other side of the ring Neddie and Cash are exchanging blows, Cash is getting the upper hand through some hard fists. But then Neddie stops all the momentum by hitting a eye rake and then smiling to the crowd and then Neddie hits a few hard fists and then takes Cash and then throws him over the top rope, but before he can hit the floor Cash grabs on the ropes and then pulls himself on the on the apron as Neddie has turned around celebrating like he eliminated someone and then Batista is running to the ropes and then turns around just as Cash is getting up, Cash grabs the ropes and low bridges the ropes and then Batista falls over the top and then falls to the mat below, he is gone from this match. Cash rolls into the ring, Neddie just realized that he didn’t eliminate Cash and then goes over to Cash. But then Dude Nick turns Neddie around and then hits a few hard fists and then whips Neddie off the ropes and then hits a kick to the gut and then Dude Nick runs to the ropes and then hits a twisting neck breaker and then Neddie bounces off and then Dude Nick takes Neddie and tries to throw him out of the ring and to the floor but like Cash. He then grabs on to the ropes and then Cash tries to hit him over the top. But then it’s blocked and then Neddie hits a fist and then Cash stumbles around and then Neddie quickly goes to the top rope and then waits for Cash to turn around and then once he does he leaps off the top rope and then hits a flying missile drop kick on Cash and then Cash is down and then Neddie gets up and then says something to Dude Nick. Then he agrees and then they both start hammering away at Cash and then tries to whip him to the push him over the ropes and then they do, but he falls straight down to the apron back into the ring and then Neddie shrugs and then pushes Dude Nick hoping he’ll go over the top. But he doesn’t, Neddie starts to beg off.]

King-Somewhere Michael Cole is probably praising Neddie for following his family tradition

JR-*mocking Cole* It’s a family tradition….I wish I would stay consistant on whether I hate cheating or I love it

Kris Gaffney-though this is a battle royal, so I guess cheatings alright

King-Oh good *King low blows JR and hits the Kanyon Cutter*

[Dude Nick hits a few hard fists and then whips Neddie off the ropes and then he bounces off the ropes and then Dude Nick goes to the mat and then Neddie hopes over right into Cash who hits a drop kick and then Neddie stumbles up and then Cash kicks him in the gut and then hits a DDT. Then Cash and Nick waste no time trading fists and then Cash gets the upper hand and then whips Nick off the ropes and then Nick bounces off the ropes and then Cash hits a hard spinning elbow and then Nick stumbles up and into the corner and Cash hits a few hard fists and then whips him to the opposite side of the ring and the Nick stumbles out of the corner and then Cash charges and then hits a quick clothesline and then Cash tells Nick to get up and then Nick stumbles up and then Cash picks up Nick over his shoulder and then hits a running powerslam. It looks like he’s signaling to the crowd that he’s about to throw him over the top rope. But suddenly Neddie comes from behind and then hits a clubbing blow from behind and then Cash turns around and then gets a few hard fists. Then Cash is able to counter and then hits a knee into the gut and then gets the advantage back hitting a few hard fists and then whips Neddie off the ropes and then he bounces off the ropes and then Cash then throws him in the air and then he comes down and then Neddie hits a drop kick as he’s coming down on the mat. Cash goes flying to the mat and then stumbles up and then Neddie hits a few hard fists and then tries to whip Cash off the ropes. But Cash reverses the whip and then Neddie goes to the ropes and bounces off. But he is able to counter the whip with a head scissors hurricanarana. Cash stumbles up and then kicks him in the gut and then goes for his three vertical suplex’s and then gets 1………………..2…………..Cash is able to slip out on the last one and then hits a release germen suplex on Neddie]

JR-Cash avoided that move from Neddie

King-Yeah…but yea

Kris Gaffney-That’s the best come back you can yes


[Neddie stumbles up and then Cash kicks him in the gut and then goes to the ropes and goes a swinging neckbreaker. But Neddie hits clothesline, and then Neddie hits a few hard stomps. But suddenly Dude Nick turns Neddie around and then Neddie goes for a wild fist. But Dude Nick ducks under and then Nick hits an inside slam and then Dude Nick calls for the Dudemeister, Neddie stumbles up and then Dude Nick goes for his finisher. But Neddie pushes him off and then Dude goes flying to the ropes trying to grab anything to stop him from falling out of the ring and then Neddie pushes him over the top rope and Dude Nick falls to the arena floor. He’s gone Neddie picks up Cash and then hits a quick body slam and then goes out on the rope and then climbs to the top rope and then waits for Cash to get up. Cash stumbles up and then Neddie goes for a hurricanarana. But it’s blocked, Neddie has an “oh shit look” but then starts to hammer away as Cash stumbles towards the ropes and then both Cash and Neddie go flying out of the ring and then land at the same time. Both ref rise both hands as they agrue.]

JR-So who won the match

King-NO don’t fade out now

Kris Gaffney-I thought WCW was dead…

JR-Oh well…guess we have a double winner.

King-How many time has happen

*Shockwave goes off with the refs holding up both arms*

(OOC-Wow this decision was crazy, I thought it was between two different people. I was told by two different people it was between two different people. I met them half way on the one I felt more should even be considered, and use their idea for the double winner, just so we can get on with this. Since we should get the card up as fast as possible. Maybe it’s good in the end. Because we get either two title matches, or one triple threat. Cash, I won’t say anything…as I said I saw your underlined focused in your first RP..but you might not want to blend two match RP’s again…it just makes things too confusing. But regardless…everyone RPed very well (even though Batista’s didn’t count)