EMF: Saturday Shockwave

The EMF logo flashes on the screen as it goes into the Shockwave video, then once it ends we go into a darken arena where pyro goes off on the stage. Once it ends the lights turns on and the camera goes around the crowd.

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, I’m good ol’ JR along side Jerry “the King” Lawler

King-hey look

(The camera goes over by someone sitting by ring side. A text box appears under it Nickoloz Tskitishvili “V.1” of the Detroit Pistons. Skita gives the camera the version 1 sign and then grabs a sign that reads “I paid money to sit ring side at a EMF event and hold up a Duane Gates sign”)

JR-Well getting back to serious business from what we were told Black Widow has somehow return home and is there

King-Great, now the women’s division can actually move. I bet Ashlee was sick of winning title shots…just like I’m sick of looking at her *King throws up*

“Brocks theme” blasts on the PA system as Brock walks to the ring doing his “Brock dance”

King-Here comes……the BROCK DANCE *King starts doing the brock dance*

JR-Oh great

“Stg. Rock theme” blasts on the PA system.

King-I didn’t know the Rock joined the military….maybe just another reason to get away from the WWE

JR-It would seem so King

King-I wish I could do that, I have been trying to get fired by not caring about my announcing there….but it doesn’t work. Damn McMahon…he never fires anyone when you want him to

“Corosiv theme” blasts on the PA system as Corosiv walks to the ring

King-You know it would have been great…IF THEY ACTUALLY PROMOED


[Stg Rock and Brock pace around the ring as CoroSiv just stays where he is. Moving to stay out of the way knowing that these two are going to start it off. Brock and Stg. Rock lock up, Brock then pushes Stg. Rock to the turnbuckle. Brock trys to follow it up with a clothesline in the corner as Stg. Rock gets up, but Stg. Rock moves out of the way and Lesnar goes into the corner. Stg. Rock hits a few hard fists trying to get Brock stunned, it only has a little effect. Stg. Rock backs off and then runs back at Brock and trys to do a monkey flip from the turnbuckle on Brock, but Brock blocks it and then reverses it on Stg. Rock and then puts Stg. Rock on the top rope. Brock hits a few hard fists and then follows it up with a knife edge chop or two to make sure that Stg. Rock is still stunned. Brock then climbs to the top rope and hits a super over the head belly to belly suplex. Brock gets up and waits for Stg. Rock to get up, but as this happens CoroSiv all of a sudden comes out of no where off the top rope and hits a missile drop kick that stumbles Brock. Corosiv gets up fast and hits a standing drop kick that stumbles Brock all the way towards the ropes. Corosiv then charges at Brock and knocks him over the top rope. Corosiv then gets set to wait for Stg. Rock who has stumbles up and stumbles right into Corosiv and Corosiv scoops Stg. Rock and slams him to the mat. Corosiv then runs to the ropes and bounces off and hits a high leg drop Corosiv then goes into the cover and gets a 1……….2……..Brock pulls Corosiv off the cover and drags him to the outside of the ring. Brock then hits a few clubbing blows to the back of the neck of Corosiv, Brock then takes Corosiv and then picks him up and then moves towards the ring post and then drives Corosiv’s back into the ring post. Corosiv screams in pain as Brock just kind stands there and finally goes to the apron.]

JR-Brock Lesnar is physically dominating this match


[Brock walks on to the apron waiting for Corosiv to get up. But before this can happen Stg. Rock hits a drop kick that stuns Brock, but he’s able to hold on to the top rope so he doesn’t fall off the apron. Brock then pulls himself up, this is as Corosiv jumps on the turn buckle and then hits a diving clothesline over the top rope that catches Brock with it and Brock falls to the arena floor. Corosiv has to recover as Brock is up to his knee’s trying to shake this off. But Corosiv throws Brock into the ring, Corosiv goes on to the apron and waits for Brock to show some sort of movement. As he is waiting for this, he sees that Stg. Rock has stumbled up and then Corosiv hits a body slam on the hard arena floor (with only the padding breaking his fall). Corosiv then climbs to the apron and wastes no time climbing to the top rope. Brock stumbles to his feet and Corosiv leaps off the top rope and nails Brock with a double ax handle to the head of Brock that brings him down to the mat. Corosiv then goes into the cover and gets a 1……….2………kick out. Corosiv goes flying across the ring and lands on the other side of the ref. Corosiv hits a few stomps on Corosiv.]

JR-Brock is a hoss if there ever was one

King-Oh great JR…now the internet smarks are going to have a new word to say. The next thing you’ll say is Brock is going to exload and then everyone and their mother will be posting mindless opinions that all seem to be the same….I HATE SMARKS…they are #20 on my “I hate list”

[Corosiv then quickly runs to the ropes as Brock gets back up and then Corosiv then leaps in the air and goes for a cross body block. But it’s caught by Brock, then Brock puts Corosiv on his shoulders and then hits the F-5. Brock goes into the cover and gets the 1……….2………..3]

“Oh Hell Yeah” blasts on the PA system as Wes walks to the ring

King-you know since we have Skita version 1 here, I heard that the IBL’s Portland GM wouldn’t take anyone named Wesley/Wes as his name….because it was a pussy name…AGREED!


[Wes stands in the ring as “Barbedwire Chris’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Wes gets ready. Though after a few seconds Wes kind of looks around confused turns around and gets blasted with a chair shot from Barbedwire Chris who was standing behind him. Chris then hits another chair shot to the downed Wes. Chris then waits for a few seconds and then slides of the ring and then slides out of the ring. Chris goes under the ring and then pulls out a bag and then slides into the ring and then dumps out hundreds and hundreds of thumb tacks. Chris then pulls up Wes and then sets up for a vertical suplex right into the thumb tack and he hits it. The tacks go into Wes, Wes screams in pain and then Chris then slides out of the ring and then goes under the ring and then pulls out a 2 x 4 with barbedwire wrapped around it. Chris then takes it into the ring and then sees Wes has rolled out of the tacks with still all over him. Chris then gets the barbedwire 2 x 4 ready and then hits a few shots to the face of Wes. Wes goes down, but he slowly starts to crawl as the camera from the other sides has gotten that he’s now bleeding due to those barbedwire shots. Wes uses the ropes to get back up, Barbedwire Chris gets the 2 x 4 ready and charges. But at the last second Wes drops down and then lowers the ropes and Chris goes flying out of the ring. Wes still stunned is able to pick up the steel chair that Chris brought in and then puts it on the apron and then leans it against the bottom rope where Chris is. Chris stumbles up and right into the chair, Wes then hits a base ball slides and then smashes the chair right into Chris’s face. Chris is now bleeding and Wes falls to the mat trying to recover from the beating he has received. Once they both do, Wes climbs out of the ring, Chris is getting up. In rage Chris charges at Wes and then Wes is able to counter this with a drop toe hold that sends Chris face first into the ring steps. Chris just lays there, Wes takes the barbedwire 2 x 4 and then measures up Chris and then hits Chris with a few hard shots to the back. After a while in pain Chris turns around and goes to his knees. Wes is off holding up the barbedwire 2 x 4 to the crowd. But Wes notices this and then holds the 2 x 4 and goes for a shot right into Barbedwire Chris’s face. But Chris counters this by hitting a low blow. Wes stumbles back and drops the barbedwire 2 x 4. Both wrestlers stay down for a little bit in a lot of pain, but with time to recover they both get up and trade fists. Suddenly a pack of refs come running down to ring side and separate Wes and Chris. They both are shouting things at each other as blood runs down their faces. This happens then we go to a commercial]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - This match is a Standard Match for the EMF Television Championship title. On his way to the ring at this time, Rob Steelhart!!! (crowd boos ********)

[Rob Steelhart comes to the ring. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - and his opponent, he holds the EMF TV Championship title belt, Big Danny G!!! (crowd boos *********)

[Big Danny G walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Rob Steelhart drops Big Danny G with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Big Danny G executes a pumphandle suplex on Rob Steelhart. (the bell rings) Rob Steelhart with an impressive flying spinning leg lariat on Big Danny G. Rob Steelhart moves back to his feet. Now Big Danny G standing. Big Danny G superkicks Rob Steelhart. Rob Steelhart stands up. Rob Steelhart hits Big Danny G with a headbutt to the mid-section. Rob Steelhart goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Big Danny G. Now Rob Steelhart standing. Rob Steelhart grabs Big Danny G and applies an arm wrench. Big Danny G stands up. Rob Steelhart executes a jawbreakeron Big Danny G. Rob Steelhart is up again. Now Big Danny G standing. Big Danny G goes for a cobra clutch suplex but Rob Steelhart dodges the attack. Big Danny G grabs Rob Steelhart's arm, takes him down, and puts him in the armbar. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... (AHHHH!) ... Rob Steelhart trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) Rob Steelhart escapes. Big Danny G rakes his fingers across Rob Steelhart's back. Rob Steelhart bounces Big Danny G off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. Rob Steelhart moves back to his feet. Big Danny G short clothslines Rob Steelhart. Rob Steelhart gets back to his feet. Rob Steelhart executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Big Danny G. Big Danny G gets hit with the shooting star press from Rob Steelhart. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 Big Danny G kicks out. ]

Jim Ross - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[Big Danny G catches Rob Steelhart leg, but Rob Steelhart reverses it with an enzuigiri to Big Danny G's head. Big Danny G climbs to his feet. Rob Steelhart climbs to the top and hits Big Danny G with a flying clothesline. Now Rob Steelhart standing. Big Danny G gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Rob Steelhart. Rob Steelhart stands up. Rob Steelhart puts Big Danny G in an arm grapevine submission. Rob Steelhart executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Big Danny G. Big Danny G gets knocked on the ground and Rob Steelhart flips onto him. Rob Steelhart moves back to his feet. Rob Steelhart applies the clawhold on Big Danny G. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - clawhold!

[Rob Steelhart discus punches Big Danny G. ]

Jim Ross - Big Danny G takes a discus punch.

[Big Danny G stands up. Rob Steelhart with a high crossbody on Big Danny G. Big Danny G with an exploder suplex on Rob Steelhart. Big Danny G chants start. Big Danny G gets up. Rob Steelhart gets hit with the shooting star press from Big Danny G. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Rob Steelhart escapes. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Big Danny G almost won the match!

[Big Danny G and Rob Steelhart go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Big Danny G trys for a double underhook piledriver but Rob Steelhart avoids it. They fight into the aisle. (..2) Big Danny G swings a Steel chair and hits Rob Steelhart. Rob Steelhart is bleeding as a result. Rob Steelhart nails the bridging back suplex on Big Danny G. Rob Steelhart gets back to his feet. Now Big Danny G standing. Rob Steelhart and Big Danny G move back to ringside. (...3) (....4) Big Danny G gets tiger suplexed by Rob Steelhart. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Rob Steelhart stomps Big Danny G. Rob Steelhart rolls onto Big Danny G connecting with a knee. Rob Steelhart executes a corkscrew legdrop on Big Danny G. Rob Steelhart gets back to his feet. Rob Steelhart fist drops Big Danny G on the mat. Big Danny G executes a spinning DDT, planting Rob Steelhart's head in the mat. Big Danny G chants start. Big Danny G and Rob Steelhart go to the floor ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Those idiots will be counted out!

[Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]

Jim Ross - I wish every match could be like this! Did you see that last move?

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Oh yeah!

[(..2) Big Danny G hits Rob Steelhart with an elbowdrop. Big Danny G is back on his feet. (...3) Big Danny G puts Rob Steelhart in an arm grapevine submission. (....4) Big Danny G fist drops Rob Steelhart on the floor. Big Danny G is back on his feet. (.....5) Big Danny G takes Rob Steelhart into the ring. Big Danny G measures Rob Steelhart up and drops a closed fist. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - fist drop!

[Big Danny G is back on his feet. Big Danny G hits Rob Steelhart with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. ]

Jim Ross - Big Danny G executes a elbowdrop.

[Rob Steelhart goes for a t-bone suplex but Big Danny G dodges the attack. Rob Steelhart with execites a bearhug on Big Danny G. The referee is checking the situation. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... Rob Steelhart tightens the hold. ... Big Danny G escapes. Rob Steelhart low blows Big Danny G. Big Danny G stands up. Rob Steelhart does a cartwheel and kicks Big Danny G in the face. Rob Steelhart goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Big Danny G. Rob Steelhart gets up. Big Danny G gets back to his feet. Big Danny G gets hit with a back heel kick. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Big Danny G takes a back heel kick.

[Big Danny G gets hit with the shooting star press from Rob Steelhart. The ref starts the count. ...1 Big Danny G kicks out. ]

Jim Ross - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like Big Danny G.

[Big Danny G gets up. Big Danny G kicks Rob Steelhart in the stomach and executes the sitdown face slam. Big Danny G is up again. Indian deathlock applied by Big Danny G. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... Rob Steelhart trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) ... Rob Steelhart trys to escape. Rob Steelhart escapes. Rob Steelhart delivers a spine buster to Big Danny G. Rob Steelhart sucks chants start in the crowd. Rob Steelhart hits Big Danny G with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Rob Steelhart sucks chants start in the crowd. Rob Steelhart gets back to his feet. Rob Steelhart connects with a somersault slam on Big Danny G. Big Danny G piledrives Rob Steelhart. Big Danny G leg drops Rob Steelhart. Big Danny G thrust kicks Rob Steelhart in the head. Rob Steelhart gets hit with the G-Spot from Big Danny G. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Big Danny G has won the match!

Jerry "The King" Lawler - The winner of this match, and still EMF Television champion, Big Danny G!!!

"Without Me" hits the sound system as Big Danny G stands in the middle of the ring with his championship. He looks towards the curtain, and Degenerate jumps over the guard railing in the crowd and slides into the ring right behing BDG. Danny turns around and walks right into the D-SLAM (burning hammer/revearse death valley driver)! Degenerate grabs the television championship and jumps up on the turnbuckle he holds it in the air listening to the crowd cheer. He looks at BDG and laughs then throws the belt down on him. He grabs a microphone.

Degenerate: Yo, BDG, you want it, you crave it, the D-Slam strikes again. You know you love it. I don't typically like just hitting someone from behind, but you need to know what you are getting yourself into. I'll see you soon boy. If you're not down with that, I've got two words for ya Kiss my..., ok wait, this time I have three words for ya Kiss my ass!

[Degenerate drops the microphone and rolls out of the ring as the fans cheer.]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - This match is a Standard Match for the Intercontinental Championship title. On his way to the ring at this time, from New York, New York, Kiel Hardy!!!

["Kiel Hardy's Music" hits ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - and his opponent, from St. Louis, MO he holds the Intercontinental Championship title belt, Badd Boy!!!(crowd cheers *************) ["Just 2 Badd" hits]

[Kiel Hardy executes a pumphandle suplex on Badd Boy as the bell rings. Kiel Hardy gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Badd Boy. (the bell rings) Kiel Hardy gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Badd Boy. Badd Boy hits a jumping elbow hrust on Kiel Hardy. Badd Boy executes a corkscrew legdrop on Kiel Hardy. Badd Boy is back on his feet. Kiel Hardy gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Badd Boy. Badd Boy stands up. Kiel Hardy gets hit with the shooting star press from Badd Boy. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Kiel Hardy kicks out. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[Kiel Hardy gets back to his feet. Kiel Hardy gouges Badd Boy's eyes out. Badd Boy uses a closed fist on Kiel Hardy. Badd Boy hits a kneeling headbutt to Kiel Hardy's groin. Badd Boy hits Kiel Hardy with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Badd Boy gets up. Badd Boy stomps Kiel Hardy's head. Kiel Hardy spins aroround Badd Boy's back and DDT's him into the mat. Badd Boy gets back to his feet. Kiel Hardy rakes his fingers across Badd Boy's back. Badd Boy gouges Kiel Hardy's eyes out. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - eye gouge by Badd Boy.

[Kiel Hardy short clothslines Badd Boy. ]

Jim Ross - Kiel Hardy with a short clothesline.

[Kiel Hardy uses a closed fist on Badd Boy. Flying side kick by Badd Boy takes Kiel Hardy off his feet. Badd Boy gets back to his feet. Badd Boy puts Kiel Hardy in an arm grapevine submission. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Follows up with a arm grapevine.

[Kiel Hardy gets hit with the shooting star press from Badd Boy. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Kiel Hardy escapes. Kiel Hardy legsweeps Badd Boy. Badd Boy gets up. Badd Boy brings Kiel Hardy down with a Mexican armdrag takedown. Kiel Hardy stands up. Badd Boy takes Kiel Hardy down with an Arabian Facebuster. Badd Boy chants start. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Kiel Hardy really felt that Arabian Facebuster!

[Badd Boy stands up. Kiel Hardy is back on his feet. Badd Boy is hit with a backward kick. Badd Boy moves back to his feet. A flying shoulder block send Kiel Hardy to the mat. Badd Boy is up again. Kiel Hardy gets hit with the shooting star press from Badd Boy. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 Kiel Hardy escapes. ]

Jim Ross - Badd Boy should have known better than to try for a shooting star press at this point in the match.

[Kiel Hardy is up again. Kiel Hardy comes from behind and bulldogs Badd Boy. Now Kiel Hardy standing. Badd Boy drives a forearm into Kiel Hardy. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - forearm smash!

[Badd Boy double underhook faceslams Kiel Hardy hard to the Kiel Hardy. Kiel Hardy gets hit with the shooting star press from Badd Boy. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 Kiel Hardy kicks out. Kiel Hardy trys for a belly-to-back superplex but Badd Boy avoids it. Kiel Hardy does a cartwheel and kicks Badd Boy in the face. Badd Boy is back on his feet. Badd Boy hits Kiel Hardy with a headbutt to the mid-section. Kiel Hardy hits a jumping elbow hrust on Badd Boy. Badd Boy stands up. Badd Boy runs and tackles Kiel Hardy. Badd Boy punches him in the head. Kiel Hardy gets back to his feet. Kiel Hardy connects with a flying knee. Badd Boy goes down. Badd Boy stands up. Badd Boy kicks Kiel Hardy in the groin. Badd Boy comes from behind and bulldogs Kiel Hardy. Badd Boy stands up. Kiel Hardy is back on his feet. Kiel Hardy trys for a fisherman suplex but Badd Boy avoids it. Kiel Hardy executes a jawbreakeron Badd Boy. Kiel Hardy is back on his feet. Kiel Hardy knees Badd Boy and rolls back to his feet. Kiel Hardy hits Badd Boy with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Badd Boy jabs Kiel Hardy. ]

Jim Ross - Badd Boy executes a jab.

[Badd Boy executes a jawbreakeron Kiel Hardy. Badd Boy is up again. Badd Boy measures Kiel Hardy up and drops a closed fist. Badd Boy stands up. Kiel Hardy is back on his feet. Kiel Hardy hits a kneeling headbutt to Badd Boy's groin. Kiel Hardy covers Badd Boy hooking the leg. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Badd Boy escapes. Badd Boy climbs to his feet. Kiel Hardy mule kicks Badd Boy. Now Badd Boy standing. Kiel Hardy goes for a back breaker but Badd Boy dodges the attack. Kiel Hardy grabs Badd Boy's leg and takes him down, then locks his leg. Earl Hebner asks Badd Boy if he quits. ... ... ... Badd Boy is fighting the hold. ... Kiel Hardy breaks the hold. Running neckbreaker drop executed by Badd Boy takes Kiel Hardy down hard. ]

Jim Ross - The EMF is the only place for entertainment like this!

[Badd Boy slingshot elbow drops Kiel Hardy. Badd Boy knee drops Kiel Hardy. Kiel Hardy gets hit with the moonassault press from Badd Boy. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 Kiel Hardy kicks out. ]

Jim Ross - Badd Boy almost won the match!

[Kiel Hardy gets up. Badd Boy and Kiel Hardy go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Flying Tomahawk by Badd Boy sends Kiel Hardy down to the floor. Badd Boy dives head first into Kiel Hardy. Badd Boy chants start. They head back into the ring. Badd Boy grabs Kiel Hardy and applies an arm wrench. Badd Boy gives Kiel Hardy a crotch chop. Badd Boy slips Kiel Hardy and delivers the FULL NELSON SUPLEX! Kiel Hardy looks to be out cold! Kiel Hardy gets hit with the shooting star press from Badd Boy. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3

Jerry "The King" Lawler - The winner of this match, and still Intercontinental champion, Badd Boy!!! “Raise up” blasts on the PA system as Punisher and Wasabi walks to the ring.

JR-This certainly is…a interesting tag team

King-Well considering in a few weeks they have to beat the crap out of each other….yeah

“to the end with you” blasts on the PA system as Def Metal and Raptor walks to the ring

King-at least this tag team makes sense. Thanks for being Raptor’s tag team partner Def Metal!


[Def Metal and Punisher lock up and Punisher backs Def Metal to the turnbuckle, then while Def Metal’s back into the corner. Punisher is asked to break up, he slowly does. But then Def moves out of the way and then Punisher goes into the corner. Def Metal then fires with a few hard shots and then hits a few hard knife edge chops. Punisher is trying to cover up and block all the blows that he can, but he’s not doing an effective job of this. Def Metal then sets Punisher up and then whips him hard into the corner, Punisher goes into the turnbuckle hard face facing the turnbuckle. Def Metal charging off the ropes and nails Pun with a shoulder block that gets Punisher on his heels, but can’t knock him down. Def Metal kicks Punisher in the gut that doubles him over for a second and drops him to one knee. Punisher gets up as Def Metal runs at the ropes and then comes off the ropes and hit’s a swinging neck breaker. Def Metal hits a few stomps to Punisher, Def Metal then pulls up Punisher and then twists his arm into a arm bar and then drags him over to his corner and tags in Raptor, then sets him up in a Russian leg weep and then Raptor climbs to the top rope and then Raptor leaps off and then nails Punisher with a drop kick that sends Punisher in the Russian leg sweep. Raptor then goes into the cover and gets the 1……….2……….kick out, Raptor pulls up Punisher in the seated position and then runs to the ropes and comes off and nails a seated drop kick on Punisher. Knowing it’s still early and the seated drop kick isn’t going to put away Punisher, Raptor pulls up Punisher and then hits a few knife edge chops to Punisher. Punisher reels towards the ropes and then Raptor whips off Punisher to the ropes. Punisher bounces off the ropes and then catches Raptor off guard with a running clothesline. Punisher stumbles around as does Raptor as he gets up, Raptor stumbles right into Punisher who hits a fall through front spine buster. Both wrestlers are down and are somewhat close to their sides]

JR-Punisher has been taking a lot of punishment, he might want to make a tag here

King-….tell us something we don’t know JR

[Slowly both Raptor and Punisher make it to their corners, Raptor is the first to tag in and then Punisher dives and tags in Wasabi. Wasabi spring boards himself off the top rope into a front drop kick as Def Metal comes in, Wasabi hits a few fists to Def Metal as he backs to the ropes and then Wasabi whips Def Metal to the ropes and nails Def Metal a spinning heel kick that sends. Def Metal down, Wasabi the goes to the apron and climbs to the top rope. Wasabi sets up for the hang time. But before he can hit the move. Raptor comes over and then pushes Wasabi off and Wasabi falls to the mat. Def Metal gets up and holds the top rope trying to recover for a second. Once he’s done doing this, Wasabi has already gotten up, Def Metal hits a few hard punches to the face of Wasabi. Def Metal whips Wasabi to the ropes. But as Wasabi bounces off the ropes and then leaps in the air and goes for a cross body block. But it’s caught by Def Metal, Def Metal then hits a fall away slam. Wasabi gets up after the stun of that move and stumbles around. Wasabi stumbles right into where Def Metal is standing, Def Metal kicks Wasabi in the gut and then sets him up and then hits a power bomb on Wasabi. Def Metal then goes into the cover and gets a 1………….2……….Punisher makes the save]

JR-It’s a good thing that Punisher made the save there, I don’t think Wasabi was going to get up after that power bomb.

King-Yeah and Wasabi doesn’t want to job…

[Def Metal then pulls up Wasabi, Def Metal then whips Wasabi. But Wasabi reverses it, Def Metal then holds on and reverses the whip and then sends Wasabi into Punisher, Wasabi stumbles back and then Def Metal rolls up and gets the pin and gets the 1…………2……….3.]

JR-Surprise roll up by Def Metal


[Wasabi gets into the ring as does Punisher, they stare down each other as Saturday Shockwave goes off the air]