EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The Shockwave video starts and then it ends, we go into the arena where the pyro blasts off at the usual Shockwave set.)

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave…

Coach-yeah…yeah we know who you are, anyways we have a great show tonight and were hoping it’s free of Ikeda crying. Well not that I care, after all this show isn’t just about them anymore, now they have been finally pushed down to be second fiddle to Evolution and the Ministry!

King-Don’t think that’s possible, it’s like wWo lockdown all over again

Finkel:"Ladies and gentlemen our first contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, now making his way to the ring, Kimbro."

*Kimbro steps through the entrance and out onto the stage as his entrance theme begins to play. He makes his way across the stage and down the ramp towards the ring. As he reaches ringside He reaches up to grab the middle rope to pull himself up onto the ring apron, but as he does a figure slides out from under the ring and jerks down, causing him to land flat on his back on the hard floor.*

Cole:"King it looks like Kaedon doesn't feel like waiting to get his hands on Kimbro."

King:"Shut up Cole! Your just jealous that Kaedon thought up the idea of hiding under the ring before you did. Why don't you go back and work for CNN again and go cover some war story or something you tree hugging hippie communist!"

*Kaedon stands over Kimbro laughing for a moment as Kimbro begins to slowly stand up. Kaedon reaches down and grabs Kimbro by the hair, rolling in the ring as Referee Earl Hebner calls for the bell. Kaedon slides into the ring, and begins to mock Kimbro, putting the boots to him everytime he tries to stand up. Kaedon finally reaches down and pulls Kimbro up to his feet, backing him into the nearest corner and shouting out at a few fans sitting in the frow row who are holding a Kimbro sign. Kaedon takes a half step back, and begins delivering knife edge chops over and over again to the chest and abdomen of Kimbro. Everytime a chop lands, a resounding "WOOO" echoes through the arena from the audiance. Kaedon grabs Kimbro by the arm and whips him across the ring into the far corner, following him in and nailing him with a beautiful drop kick that forces him back into the corner even harder. Kimbro does a face plant and grabs his back, beginning to writhe in pain. Kaedon spits on Kimbro and then kneels down and grabs Kimbro by the hair again, pulling him back to his feet and signaling for his finishing move. But before Kaedon can begin the set up for the move, Kimbro lifts his knee up catching Kaedon in the groin. Kaedon grabs himself and falls to his knees, tears swelling up in his eyes from the low blow. Kimbro stumbles to the ropes, grabbing them for support as he makes his way over to the corner. He steps through the ropes to the ring apron, and then begins to climb the turnbuckle. Once he reaches the top rope, Kimbro points down to the little boy holding up the sign for him, and then leaps off at Kaedon with a high cross body. But just before Kimbro would have made contact with Kaedon, Kaedon steps out of the way and Kimbro goes crashing into the ring mat.*

Cole:"Kimbro went it for it all on that one, but it looks like Kaedon is simply going to be one step ahead of him everytime."

King:"Cole, can't you ever say anything useful. This match is boring. I'm gonna take a nap and I don't want you to wake me until Triple H shows up later!"

*Kaedon walks back over to where Kimbro is laying on the mat in pain, kneeling down and pull him back up to his feet. Once he get Kimbro to his feet, he backs him into the ropes, and then whips him back across the ring into the far ropes. Kimbro bounces off the ropes and as he reaches the middle of the ring, Kaedon lays him out with a beautiful super kick. Kaedon laughs at Kimbro who is now basically out on the canvas, as he signals for the "Kaedon Krush". Kaedon reaches down and pulls Kimbro to his feet, setting him up and then nailing him with his finishing move. Kaedon goes into the cover, hooking the far leg as Earl Hebner moves into position to make the count. 1..2..3! Kaedon tosses Kimbro's leg away and stands up, sliding out of the ring as the bell sounds and his music begins to play.*

*The camera cuts outside the Allstate Arena, where we find Eric Bischoff, standing, pacing, waiting impatiently. He looks at his watch, then runs his hands through his hair, and deeply sighs. He appears to be waiting for someone. Bischoff walks around the corner of the building, heading toward the wrestler's parking lot. Suddenly, he stops.*

Eric: "What the hell?....Not again!"

*The camera turns around to find a flower delivery van pulling up to the doors of the arena. Bischoff angrily walks toward the driver.*

Eric: "What the hell are you doing here?"

Driver: "Well, sir. I have a delivery scheduled for here this evening."

Eric: "Is that so? Well, I'm Eric Bischoff. I run things around here, and if there's a delivery then I deserve to know about it. Let me see that -- *Eric points to the driver's delivery sheet.*

*The driver hands him a clipboard. Eric quickly thumbs through it. He flips to the second sheet, and suddenly stops. His eyes get very large, and he turns his glare towards the driver. Bischoff slams the clipboard to the ground.*

Eric: "I'm gonna put a stop to this right now."

*Bischoff turns and heads back inside the arena as Shockwave goes to commercial.*

-------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*I"m Back! hits as Shockwave returns from commercial. Bischoff storms past the announcers and heads directly to the ring. He demands a microphone.*

Eric: "All right, dammit. This has gone too far. We all know what happened with my wife's accident. Her recovery has been slow going. While I'm quite sure she is pleased with all the cards, flowers, letters, and support all the 'fans' gave her while she was in the hospital, it seems someone has taken it a little bit too far. For the last 3 weeks, this maniac 'WL' has sent my wife flowers and cute little love notes. While she may be enjoying it and gushing like a little school girl, I quite frankly am sickened by it all. I mean, Mercedes is a happily married woman. She has everything she could ever want in me, Eric Bischoff. *Crowd boos.* But I'm tired of all this crap. So, 'WL', whoever you are, I, Eric Bischoff, demand you come to this ring RIGHT NOW!"

*Bischoff waits for a few seconds as the camera cuts to the Titantron. Nothing happens.*

Eric: "Come on, 'WL', I don't have all damn ni---"

*The Titantron suddenly comes on. A black screen appears with the words 'LAST NIGHT....' It appears to be a local restaurant. The camera pans the dining area, but no familiar faces are seen. Suddenly, a waiter approaches the camera...*

Waiter: "Welcome, table for two?"

Male voice: "Your finest, if you don't mind."

Waiter: "Right this way."

*The waiter leads them to a table in the corner of the dining area. The camera pans to the right. There, we see Mercedes McGillicutty placing a napkin on her lap. She is wearing a stunning evening gown. The waiter pulls the chair out for her as she sits.*

Mercedes: *To the waiter* "Thank you."

*Mercedes then turns and faces the camera.*

Mercedes: "I can't believe I finally get to meet you face to face. First, let me just say thanks for the flowers. They were beautiful. I really enjoyed them. As you know, I've had some amnesia recently, so if I forget your name, bear with me. I'm really flattered by all the trouble you've gone to tonight. This place is AMAZING! But, are you sure we should be doing this? After all, I am married."

Male voice: "Don't you worry about that. You just enjoy yourself. After all you've been through, you deserve a night like this. I'm pretty sure your husband would agree, even though he's too damn cheap to do something like this for you. So just enjoy yourself, and don't worry - I've taken care of everything tonight. It's gonna be great. In fact, I think it just might be a night that nobody will forget."

*The camera then turns to show the face of the man sitting across from Mercedes -- John Cena.* Inside the ring Bischoff is going crazy as he throws the microphone down and rolls out of the ring rushing backstage.....

*Jonathon Coachman isn't paying attention as The King pulls out a pair of scissors and cuts the cord on the head set. The Coach turns around to speak but realizes something isn't right.*

The Coach: .................

*He works on figuring out what is wrong while The King and Jim Ross announce the match.*

*"Little girls counting are heard as the Nightmare on Elm street theme plays" Freddy Krueger comes out from the back with his black pants, brown hat, red and green sweater, and his glove on. He slowly walks down to the ring and rolls in. He takes the glove off and hands it to the time keeper.*

Jim Ross: Put your kids to bed this might be too much for them to handle.

King: Have you ever seen what Freddy does?

Jim Ross: No...

King: Then for God's sake don't tell them to put their kids to sleep. Parents listen, get them on lots of coffee LOTS OF COFFEE!

*"Brandshaw's Theme" is playing as Brandshaw comes out from the back. He walks down the ramp with not much of a reaction from the crowd yet.*

Jim Ross: Fans still deciding what they think of Brandshaw.

King: No I think they have decided and that's all they are going to give.

Jim Ross: Reminiscent of the Mr. T days.

King: Dear god NO!

[Brandshaw slid in the ring and Freddy Krueger started stomping on him immediately. The bell rang and the match officially got underway. Krueger lifted Brandshaw up and threw him into the ropes, and Brandshaw returned with a flying dropkick. Krueger went down, but quickly got back to his feet only to be met but a strong lariat from Brandshaw. Brandshaw helped Krueger up and whipped him into the ropes, as Krueger used a reverse irish whip sending Brandshaw into the ropes. Krueger hit a powerfull return lariat to slow the pace down. Brandshaw started to get up and Krueger got behind him, set him up, and delivered a pump handle slam. Krueger hit a few stomps before helping Brandshaw up again and then whipped him into the turnbuckle. Krueger charged in with a body splash. Krueger then climbed the turnbuckle and delivered ten right hands to the head as the crowd counted along. Krueger hopped down, grabbed the back of Brandshaw's head and threw him down. Krueger sat himself on the turnbuckle then jumped off with a knee drop across Brandshaw's chest. Krueger got to his feet as Brandshaw swung his foot around to hit a sweep kick and takes Krueger down. Brandshaw gets up and grabs Krueger's legs. He spreads them open then does a double leg drop to the mid section of Krueger. Brandshaw grabs a hold of Krueger's legs again and flips forward into a pinning formation, the referee counts for a ...1...2...KICKOUT! Both men get to their feet.]

King: No JR Brandshaw's shyt don't stink.

Jim Ross: That's about as funny as a Badd Boy joke.

[Krueger lands a right hand on Brandshaw, then another, and one more. He grabs Jecky'ls head into a headlock formation. Brandshaw pushed Krueger off and Krueger hits the ropes. On his return he is met with a spinning heel kick from Brandshaw. Krueger goes down hard, but slowly makes his way to his feet. Brandshaw runs and leaps into the ropes he jumps onto them and springboards off hitting a flying shoulder block on Krueger. Brandshaw grabs Krueger's ankle and applies the ankle lock. Krueger shouts in pain as the referee asks him if he wants to give up, but he refuses. Brandshaw puts all of his might into the twisting and Krueger grows louder. Krueger digs deep and swings his other leg around and connects with Brandshaw's face. Krueger gets to his feet and starts to lift Brandshaw up as Brandshaw gives a right hand to Krueger's stomach. He gives a left hand and Krueger doubles over. Brandshaw jumps up and hits a scissors kick knocking Krueger back down. Brandshaw grabs Krueger's leg and drags him towards the corner. Brandshaw grabs both of the legs and then slingshots Krueger into the turnbuckle. Krueger hits hard and bounces off. Brandshaw gets up fast, hits the ropes, then delivers a big bulldog to Krueger. Brandshaw helps Krueger up but Krueger catches Brandshaw with a headbutt. Brandshaw is stunned then floored with a right hand. Krueger grabs Brandshaw by the neck and throws him into the corner. Krueger charges in and Brandshaw moves out of the way.]

King: I was thinking...

Jim Ross: That's dangerous enough.

King: Do you think Freddy gets five finger discounts at stores?

Jim Ross: Would you give it to him if he came to your counter?

King: No, I would have ran away already.

[Krueger hits the turnubuckle. Brandshaw starts hitting a few fists, but Krueger grabs him by the neck again then throws him back into the corner. Krueger back on the offensive drops down and starts hitting some shoulder blocks in the turnbuckle. Krueger drops down and rolls out of the ring then grabs the ankles of Brandshaw. Krueger pulls and causes Brandshaw to fall on his face. Krueger with a hold of the legs pulled Brandshaw racking him into the pole. Brandshaw yelled in pain. Krueger grabbed only one of Brandshaw's legs and then slammed it into the post. Krueger rolled in and grabbed Brandshaw's head and pulled it closer to the ropes. Krueger rolled back out and lined up Brandshaw's head on the apron. Krueger took a few steps back and then stepped forward and hit Brandshaw with an elbow. Krueger rolls back inside and grabs Brandshaw's legs. Krueger drops down slingshotting Brandshaw, but with the ropes Brandshaw snaps his neck across the ropes. Brandshaw holds his neck. Brandshaw struggles to his knees as Krueger puts him in position and sets up for a powerbomb. Brandshaw revearses and hits a back body drop. Brandshaw follows up with a leg drop. Krueger starts to get up and Brandshaw grabs his arms then delivers a doulbe underhook suplex. Brandshaw helps Krueger up again and whips him into the ropes. Krueger comes back for a clothesline, but Brandshaw ducks. Krueger turns around and Brandshaw sets him up for a final strong lariat! Krueger ducks under it then locks on the sleeper hold. He brings Brandshaw down as the ref checks his arm, he raises it and it drops for the ...1....2...3!]

*The bell sounds and Freddy Krueger's music starts up again. Freddy stands in the ring as someone that no one knows runs into the ring, and slides into it. Freddy and the unknown person looks at each other and then start stomping away at the downed Brandshaw. They kick Brandshaw out of the ring, then Freddy raises the unknown mans arm*

The Coach: Wow guys I finally figured out what was wrong. My cord was cut, do you guys know how that could happen?

King: Not a clue.

Jim Ross: I wish it would happen again.

‘Takers theme” blasts on the PA system as Yankeem and Taker walk down to the ring by Paul Bearer.

King-Oh look it’s the brothers of no selling

JR-I didn’t know Yankeem and Taker were brothers



“Break you” blasts on the PA system as Jarred and Victor walk to the ring

King-Oh good, the reign of sleeping in has returned…good night

Coach- Well I for one applaud the actions of Victor, finally someone cleaned up the scraps that the Uproar left

JR-Though seems he didn’t quite get the job done

Coach-Yeah well…figures, it is a rookie after all

[Taker and Victor lock up and then Taker pushes down Victor. Victor looks up can't believing what just happen, Taker then charges at Victor and then Victor moves out of the way and then hits a few fists on Taker in the corner and then Taker rocks in the corner and then Taker tries to whip Taker out of the corner. But Taker puts on the breaks and then pulls Victor back into the corner and then Taker hits a few hard shots the body and then Taker brings out Victort and hip tosses him out of the corner with the hip toss. Taker measures up Victor, Victor stumbles up and then Taker nails a clothesline that sends Victor down to the ground. Taker then runs to the ropes and then hits a big leg drop and then goes into the cover and gets the 1...........2..........kick out. Taker then gets up and hits a few stomps on the downed Victor and then Victor stumbles up and then Taker hits afew hard fists and then Taker whips Victor off the ropes and then Victor bounces off the ropes and then leaps in the air and hits high flying clothesline on Taker that takes him down. Though Victor can't really follow up, as Victor hits a few hard fists and then backs up Taker to the ropes and then Victor whips Taker to the ropes. Taker bounces off and then Victor goes for a clothesline and then Taker ducks it and continues to the other side of the ring and then bounces off and then Taker goes for his flipping clothesline. But Victor ducks it and then Victor waits for Taker to get up. Once he does Taker gets kicked in the gut and then sets up Taker and then hits a pump handle slam. Victor hits a few hard stomps to the downed Taker and then waits for Taker to get up, once he does Victor whips him off the ropes and then bounces off the ropes and then Victor goes for a back body drop. But Taker is able to counter it with a running DDT and then both Taker and Victor are down on the mat and then Taker slowly crawls to his corner which is close to where he landed and then Taker dives and makes the tag before Victor can even think about going towards Jarred. Victor is up on his feet, Yankeem comes and then knocks him down with a big fist and then goes over and then knocks Jarred off of the apron and then Yankeem then waits for Victor who stumbles up and then whips Victor to the ropes. Jarred hops on the apron and then makes a blindside tag]

JR-they both seem like Jarred and Victor are functioning just enough so they won’t piss off Heyman

Coach-Well Jarred better not screw it up like normal, because if not then he won’t be getting his hands on the man who physically ended his career.

King-It’s pretty bad when you get taken out by someone who has to call himself “Victory” to keep his self esteem up. Not that Jarred’s career wasn’t in a downward spiril anyways…the Uproar made sure of that, hell maybe he should be thanking “Victory!”

[Yankeem then nails a big boot on Victor and then holds up his hand and then waits for Victor to get up. But before he can, Jarred comes into the ring and then hits a super kick that gets Victor out of his grip and then Jarred hits a few hard punches and then backs up Yankeem to the ropes and then tries to whip Yankeem to the ropes and then Yankeem reverses the whip and sends Jarred to the ropes and then Jarred bounces off the ropes and then nails a flying shoulder block that stumbles Yankeem. Jarred then runs behind Yankeem and then hits a low drop kick into the back of the knee of Yankeem that buckles his knee and then Jarred hits a few fists on Yankeem while he’s still down and then Yankeem pushes him away and then Jarred now is near the ropes. Yankeem charges at Jarred, Jarred counters with a drop toe hold on Yankeem and Yankeem falls right into the middle rope and then sends him throw into it. Yankeem bounces up and then Jarred kicks Yankeem in the gut and nails a DDT. Jarred then goes into the cover and then gets a 1………….2………..the Taker runs in and breaks up the cover and then Victor comes in and then hits a few hard punches to the Taker and then backs up and then nails a clothesline and then both Taker and Victor fall to the outside to the arena floor.]

JR-Taker to the outside

Coach-Oh please, you don’t think these two can actually win

[Jarred then gets up and then waits for Issac and then Jarred nails the Soul Reaver and then goes into the cover and then goes to the top rope and then leaps off and nails the Legendary End. Though Jarred kind of hurts himself. Jarred then goes into the cover on Yankeem. But before he can get the 3 count, Edge slides into the ring and then breaks up the cover with a stomps to the back the ref calls for the bell.]

JR-What’s Edge doing here

[Victor slides into the ring, then Edge slides out of the ring, Victor looks at Jarred pissed, Victor than slides out of the ring and then leaves the ring.]

OOC-Honestly Rob, I didn’t think a tag team win would be good for the feud. Plus your stip kind of was something I wasn’t expecting, though I figured it would make more fury in your feud not exactly get the pin, but having them beat. Because it kind of takes away from the fact that Victor tried to physically kill Jarred’s career. Though if you can convince me other wise, I’m open to change it…but I think it’s a nice lead in.

“Carnage theme” blasts on the PA system as Crae walks to the ring

King-hhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm, un it’s Crae

Coach-Figures you wouldn’t be able to say much about Carnage, I mean it’s not like his career is that interesting anyways


“Messiah’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Messiah walks to the ring with the IC title

Coach-Here comes the IC champ! A very deserving one might I add, after he won the world title from Primetime. The people in the back have fought long and hard to keep Messiah down, but now that he’s in the Ministry and have people like Triple H backing him that will never happen again

JR-Do you ever shut up

King-I’ve been asking the same question about you for YEARS!

[Messiah and Carnage pace around the ring and then they lock up. Messiah then backs up Carnage, the ref asks Twilight to break the lock up and then he slowly does. But then clubs him on the chest and then Twilight hits a few hard fists to Carnage in the corner and then takes Carnage and drags his face on the rope. Carnage stumbles around and then Messiah tries to whip Carnage off the ropes and then Carnage reverses it and then Messiah bounces off the ropes and then Carnage lowers his head for a back body drop. But Messiah counters it with a kick to the face and then Messiah charges at Carnage, but Carnage counters it with a spine buster on Messiah. Carnage the hits a few fists on the downed Messiah and then Carnage lets Messiah get up and then Messiah stumbles up and then Carnage hits a few fists on Messiah and then Carnage whips Messiah off the ropes and then Carnage hits clothesline on Messiah, Messiah stumbles up and then Carnage hits a body slam and then backs to the ropes and then hits a quick elbow drop on Messiah and then goes into the cover and gets a 1..............2.......kick out. Carnage then hits a few stomps on the downed Messiah and then Messiah slowly gets up and then Carnage whips Messiah to the ropes and then Messiah bounces off the ropes and then Carnage is able to use Messiah's own momentum and then throws him in the air and then Messiah falls to the mat. But he's able to hit a drop kick on Carnage, Carnage goes down and Messiah is slowly able to get up before Messiah. Messiah is up by the ropes and then Carnage charges at Messiah. Messiah counters it with back body drop over the top rope! Carnage crashes to the ground and then Messiah takes a few seconds to recover and then rolls to the outside and then gets up on the apron and then waits for Carnage to get up. Once he does Messiah hits a diving clothesline on the apron and then Messiah then takes Carnage and rolls him into the ring and then Messiah climbs to the apron and then goes up to the top rope and then sits waiting for Carnage to get up, once he does. Messiah leaps off the top rope and goes for a cross body block. But Carnage is able to turn it around and then is able to catch Messiah in a pin and gets a 1……………2………..kick out. Carnage then gets up and hits a few hard kicks to the downed Messiah and then Carnage pulls up Twilight and then Carnage whips Messiah off the ropes and then Carnage lowers his head as Messiah bounces off the ropes and then Messiah turns it into running DDT.]

King-*cough * rip off *cough *

Coach-I agree, Carnage is a complete Twilight rip off

[Messiah then goes into the cover and gets a 1……………..2………kick out, Messiah gets throw off pretty much easily and then Messiah wanting to keep down Carnage hits a few hard fists and then Carnage is able to get up. Messiah throws a fist, but it’s blocked and then returned with a fist by Carnage, though he can’t follow up, so Messiah throws a wild fist to try to get match back in his favorite, but Carnage blocks it and then nails a few fists and then Carnage whips Messiah to the ropes. Messiah bounces off and then Carnage hits a fall through spine buster. Then goes into the cover and gets a 1…………2………kickout, Messiah stumbles up and into the corner, Carnage then goes there and then hits a few punches to Messiah and then Carnage whips Messiah to the opposite side of the ring and runs in with Messiah then goes for a clothesline in the corner. But Messiah is able to get his foot up to counter it and then Carnage stumbles around, Messiah pulls him self up and then sets up and nails a tornado DDT. Both wrestlers are down now.]

Coach-*mocking JR* both wrestlers are down…CREA!! CREA!! CREA!!…that was the best DDT I ever seen.


[Messiah gets up the ropes and then Carnage sees him and charges at him. Carnage goes for a big boot. But Messiah ducks out of the way and then Carnage is hanged up on the top rope. Messiah then hits a drop kick and then knocks Carnage out of the ring, Messiah then climbs to the top rope and then leaps off and nails double ax handle, Carnage doesn’t go down though. Carnage then charges at Messiah, Messiah counters it with a drop toe hold that sends Carnage face first into the steps, Carnage gets up dazed on his feet and then Messiah then looks at the Spanish announcers table and then takes off the stuff and then takes Carnage and throws him on the announcers table. Messiah then jumps on the apron and then goes up to the top rope. Messiah then leaps off and goes for a leg drop to Messiah, but at the last second Carnage moves out of the way crashing into the table. Though Carnage is no worse than Messiah after falling into the steps, the ref counts 10 and the match is a count out.]

“Cena’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Cena and Degenerate walks to the ring

JR-This is a huge opportunity in the careers of Cena and Degenerate

Coach-Yeah…a huge opportunity to waste our time!

“Evolution theme” blasts on the PA system as all of a sudden Evolution and the Ministry pour out on the ramp way. The camera shows Cena and Degenerate walks to the ring.

.::Triple H::.-You know, Cena…Degenerate. I was looking at the card, and since Prez Mike is an idiot for putting two guys who aren’t even in Twilight and myself league. But I figured, this is a big day for Cena and Degenerate. Cena this could be your big chance to be something, and Degenerate it could be finally your chance to step out of shadows of guys like Badd Boy. So seeing how this is such a big deal to you both to face me and Twilight. I’m figure you just don’t want to face just myself and Twilight, but you want to face Evolution and the Ministry!

(note-Yes sorry…don’t have any energy to put in a Triple H speech…hopefully J will make his own if he wants. This was a request made by Triple H, ONLY if he won. So don’t think RP’s didn’t have anything to do with it, frankly this way you look a little better being that it’s now 7 on 2.)

[The ring is surrouned by the members of the Ministry members and Evolution members as Cena and Degenerate go back to back waiting for them to make their move. Suddenly CM Punk and Messiah slid into both slides, this draws Cena and Degenerate over to sides of the ring. Punk and Messiah slide out as Twilight and Flair slide in and go to attack Degenerate and Cena, thought they detact it and then nail hard fists to Flair and Twilight knocking them down. Orton runs in, but Cena ducks it and then hits a few fists and then whips Orton to the ropes and then Cena knocks Orton down with back elbow. Cena and Degenerate look at each other and then jump out of the ring and then Cena goes for Triple H, while Degenerate goes after Messiah and CM Punk.

JR-This isn’t right

King-Do I care…NO!

[Degenerate knocks down Messiah and CM Punk. Though suddenly comes flying over the top rope and then knocks down Degenerate. Messiah and CM Punk get up and then they all proceed to stomp the living hell out of Degenerate. On the other side of the ring, Cena throws Triple H into the post and then slides into the ring and then Flair is getting up and then Cena quickly kicks him in the gut and then lifts him up for an F-U….and connects! Cena yells at the downed Flair and is seemly going for the cover, but then gets turned around and Cena gets hit with an RKO by Orton. Orton then hits a few stomps at the downed Cena, Triple H slides into the ring and then starts to hammer Cena with a few fists on the mat, Triple H then tell Orton to pull up Cena. Orton does this and then holds him in place so Triple H can kick him in the gut, set up and nail the pedigree on Cena. Punk, Twilight and Messiah roll in Degenerate who is out of it, Flair who is coming around stumbles up and then him and Orton pick up the limp Degenerate, and setting up Degenerate for another kick to the gut and a pedigree to Degenerate. Triple H goes into the cover and Orton counts the 1……………2……………3]

(Saturday Shockwave ends with Evolution and Ministry celebrating in the ring)