EMF: Saturday Shockwave

The EMF shockwave video starts, once it ends we go into the arena where the lights are already turned on and there is no pyrotechnics for this show

[“Ultrasonic Sound” by Hive plays as the new EMF Commissioner, Paul Heyman, walks out onto the stage as the crowd scream, hiss and boo loudly at him. He smiles and shrugs it off as he walks down the ramp, causing the fans to curse at him even more.]

JR: He doesn’t seem too popular.

[He jumps into the ring, and grabs a mic, as a small “asshole” chant starts up in the front rows.]

Paul Heyman: Oh yes, welcome to the EMF, Paul. Welcome to Portland, Paul. You know what, I don’t care what you think. You’re not my problem, you never have been, you aren’t now, and you never will be of any concern to me. I’m not here for fans! Fans? Who gives a shit about ‘em; they’re just a necessary pain in the ass.

I’m not here for the boys. I’m here for one person only. ME. Well, two people actually. Me… and Prez Mike.

[The crowd really starts digging at Heyman when they hear that name]

Paul Heyman: Yeah yeah, shut up. [The crowd gets louder, and a full on “asshole” chant starts up, but he just continues] You see, I’m here to control the boys. You don’t know how hard a job it is dealing with the roster back there, it’s like running a kindergarten, if you don’t keep up, you get tread on.

I was brought in by Prez Mike to keep the talent in line! You see, a few nameless people back there have been getting a little big for their boots. I won’t mention any names, will I, Wasabi? No, I wont. A few nameless smart asses back there have a problem with authority.

Well, now authority has a problem with the Smart Asses. Wasabi isn’t going to be in the building tonight. No, you see, when he put himself in that world title match, he signed himself up for a lifetime of sweat, pain, ridicule, and punishment. If I have 1 purpose in the EMF, it’s to make his life a living hell. So, with that in mind, Wasabi has been banned from the arena tonight. That way, he can’t interfere with my world title tournament.

Oh yes. The world title tournament- my brainchild. I’m very proud of this one. You see, 8 superstars are going to compete for a shot at the world title. This shockwave, we have the quarterfinals, next shockwave, we’ll have the semi-finals, and at Return of an Era, the final will decide who exactly will face the world champion at Hell on Earth in April. And why have I done this? To make sure that Wasabi stays out of the title picture. Too long has he held other superstars down? And of course, that leads me to another superstar.

Raptor. Ahh yes, the outcast. Finally, he paid attention to what Prez Mike had to say. And for that, Prez Mike has a little reward for him.

Yes, for finally leaving Wasabi: It’s going to be, at Return of an Era… Raptor v Punisher for the world title!!!!! [The crowd cheers] Yes, think of it as a little present from us to you, Raptor. You made the smart decision. And anybody else with Wasabi and his stupid little “world order”, you can leave the losers and claim your prize as well. Think of it as an incentive.

Wasabi, when you chose to mess with Prez Mike, you made the worst decision of your life. I know you’re probably sitting at home, watching this right now. And I want you to know… You’re VP status means NOTHING anymore. It’s like being knighted by the queen, it means jack all. And now that I’m here, you know what else means Jack all? Your career means jack all, Wasabi…

[He drops the mic, as the crowd boo and “Ultrasonic Sound” by Hive starts playing as he walks to the back]

“Nash’s theme” blasts on the PA system

King-Old man walking…JR!

JR-He’s one day going to get pissed at you

King-What…even if he does he’ll never catch me with broken down legs he has

“Intruder theme” blasts on the PA system

King-I hate Intruders, last one I saw took one of my 100 crowns. I’m just now finding one that kinda looks like it


[Intruder comes charges at Nash, but Nash simply knocks him down with a hard forearm to the face. Nash hits a few stomps as Intruder goes to the corner, Nash then hits a back elbow into the corner and follows it up with another one. He then takes Intruder and then takes him out of the corner and then whips him off the ropes, Intruder bounces off the ropes and then Nash hits a back body drop on Intruder, Nash then waits for Intruder to stumble up. Once he does Nash kicks Intruder in the gut and then sets him up for the power bomb, but before he can. Intruder drops down and rolls out of the ring, Intruder shakes his head as Nash tells him to get back into the ring. Intruder then finally goes up to the apron, where Nash meets him. But Intruder hits a hang man on top rope, Nash stumbles backwards and then stumbles back to where Intruder is and Intruder hits a shoulder block into the gut of Nash to get him to his knee’s. Intruder then goes over to the turnbuckle and climbs to the top rope and then waits for Nash to get up, Nash slowly gets up and Intruder leaps off and nails Nash with an double axe handle that makes Nash go down this time. Intruder knowing he needs to use this chance to weaken Nash as much as he can. Intruder lays some stiff kicks into Nash, Nash scrambles to the ropes to stop this, but when he does. Intruder puts his knee over the back of Nash’s neck and then chokes him with the ropes. The ref gives him the five count to stop this, Intruder backs up as the ref asks and then comes back in with a hard fists to Nash. Nash is reeling on the ropes, Intruder then trys to whip Nash off the ropes. But Nash reverses the whip and Intruder goes to the ropes. Instead, when Intruder bounces off the ropes he leaps in the air and his a high flying clothesline that takes Nash off his feet once again. Intruder seems to get an idea and starts to lay a few stomps to the back of Nash. Then hits a few hard quick knee drops into the back of Nash. Intruder then pulls Nash up and then drops him into a back breaker. Intruder then keeps him on his knee into a back strentch. Nash screams in pain as the ref can’t do much, because you can only win by power bombing your opponent. Nash then looks for a way out of it, Intruder holds it as long as he can, but then once he knows that’s it’s too hard to hold Nash down any longer. Intruder let’s Nash go.]

JR-Intruder is working on the back of Nash so he can’t power bomb

King-Wow JR…you figured that out by yourself…

[ Intruder allows Nash to get up by the ropes, moving in to hit a few clubbing blows to the back of Nash. Nash screams in pain. Intruder then whips Nash to the ropes, Nash bounces off the ropes and Intruder scoops up and hits a scoop fall throw powerslam. But instead of going for the cover, Intruder rolls Nash on to his stomach and then goes to the outside of the ring. Intruder climbs to the top rope and then leaps off with a high flying elbow drop that nails Nash straight in the back. Nash is in a lot of pain, Intruder then tells the crowd that the match is over and then waits for Nash to get back to his feet. Nash slowly gets to his feet and then turns towards Intruder who kicks him in the gut and then sets him up and then sets him up for a power bomb. But Nash blocks it, Intruder trys again and can’t quite get Nash up yet as he is struggling. Nash is back on his feet and the counters the attempted power bomb with a back body drop. Nash then drops to his knees holding his back. But Nash has a pissed off look as he looks at Intruder who’s getting up, Nash gets to his feet. Intruder goes for a fist. But it’s blocked and returned with a hard forearm by Nash. Nash then hits forearms until he’s in the corner and then hits several hard knee lifts in the corner. Nash then backs off and then taunts Intruder as he stumbles out of the corner. Nash then scoops up Intruder and then runs at the corner and hits a snake eyes on Intruder. Intruder stumbles out of the corner, Nash hits a few hard forearms and then whips Intruder off the ropes and nails him with a hard boot to the face]

JR-You know what happens after that don’t you King

King-No honestly, I wasn’t paying attention at all in 95. So I wouldn’t know.

[Nash then signals for the jack knife, Nash then sets Intruder up. Nash puts Intruder in the air, but Intruder is able to counter into a sit down face buster before Nash can hit the power bomb. Intruder gets up still very dazed. Intruder kicks Nash in the gut as he gets back up doubling him over. Intruder then sets him and hits a gut wretch falling power bomb that doesn’t get Nash off the ground very far. But regardless it is a powerbomb and Intruder wins!]\

King-was that a power bomb?

JR-It was King

King-I knew old man Nash wouldn’t win

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Justin Franchize!!! (crowd boos *****)

["Seek N' Strike" by Soulfly ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Wes!!! (crowd cheers )

["Oh hell yeah" blasts on the PA system Justin Franchize tests out the ropes. Wes places Justin Franchize on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (ding, ding, ding) Justin Franchize throws the chair at Wes...Justin Franchize spins around and kicks the chair in his face!! Justin Franchize gets back to his feet. Wes is back on his feet. Wes hits Justin Franchize with the double arm DDT into the mat. Now Wes standing. Wes grabs Justin Franchize's leg and takes him down, then locks his leg. Tim White asks Justin Franchize if he quits. ... ... (AHHHH!) Justin Franchize escapes. Wes sends Justin Franchize to ringside. ]

King - Wes can't get a pin at ringside.

[Tim White starts the count (.1) Justin Franchize is up again. (..2) Justin Franchize gives Wes the chair...Justin Franchize climbs to the top..Justin Franchize dropkicks the chair into his face! Justin Franchize climbs to his feet. (...3) Justin Franchize opens up the chair...Wes is thrown into the ropes...Drop Toe Hold onto the open chair! Now Justin Franchize standing. (....4) Justin Franchize clotheslines Wes. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Justin Franchize and Wes move back to ringside. They fight into the aisle. Justin Franchize and Wes move back to ringside. Justin Franchize takes Wes into the ring. Justin Franchize grabs ahold of Wes's waist.... Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!!! Justin Franchize throws the chair to Wes...Justin Franchize kicks the chair into Wes's face!! Wes in a waist lock, and he gets planted with a Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!! Justin Franchize clotheslines Wes. Justin Franchize throws Wes the chair..Justin Franchize goes up top..Justin Franchize dropkicks the chair into his face! Justin Franchize gets back to his feet. They lockup. Justin Franchize sends Wes to the corner of the ring. Justin Franchize gives Wes the chair...Justin Franchize spins around and kicks the chair into Wes's face!! Justin Franchize gives Wes the chair...Justin Franchize spins around and nails the chair into Wes's face!! Justin Franchize is back on his feet. Wes stands up. Justin Franchize gives Wes a drop toe hold onto the open chair!! Justin Franchize gets back to his feet. Wes is back on his feet. Wes goes for a springboard DDT but Justin Franchize dodges the attack. Wes trys for a inverted atomic drop but is not strong enough to lift Justin Franchize.Justin Franchize gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Justin Franchize gets back to his feet. Wes in a waist lock, and he gets planted with a Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!! Now Wes standing. Justin Franchize grabs ahold of Wes's waist....Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!!! Justin Franchize punches Wes repeatedly. Justin Franchize grabs ahold of Wes's waist....Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!!! Wes is up again. Justin Franchize goes for a Samoan Drop but Wes dodges the attack. Justin Franchize sends Wes to ringside. Tim White starts the count (.1) Justin Franchize swings a Steel chair and hits Wes. Wes is bleeding as a result. (..2) Wes in a waist lock, and he gets planted with a Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!! (...3) They lockup. Justin Franchize sends Wes to the corner of ringside. Justin Franchize applies a headlock... Justin Franchize goes up top and nails a Tornado DDT onto the chair!! Justin Franchize is up again. Justin Franchize takes Wes into the ring. Justin Franchize punches Wes repeatedly. Justin Franchize does a nice DDT on Wes. Justin Franchize sucks chants start in the crowd. Justin Franchize stands up. Wes trys for a power move but is unable to lift Justin Franchize.Now Wes standing. Wes hits Justin Franchize with the back of his elbow. Wes gorrilla presses Justin Franchize. Wes makes the cover with a roling reverse cradle. Tim White counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

King - We've got ourselves a winner!

JR - The winner of this match, Wes!!!

“Break you” blasts on the PA system as Jarred walks to the ring

King-Wow Jarred has the longest kidnapping so far, which isn’t a good thing…it’s a bad thing

JR-yeah it’s not good that someone got kidnap

King-No I just don’t like it, because it drags on…and on

“2 Badd” blasts on the PA system as BB walks to the ring

King-He should be in more matches with RVT

JR-King at the rate he’s going, RVT’s going to kill himself walking down the ramp before BB steps into the ring with him again

[Jarred and Badd boy wasting no time charge to the middle of the ring and trade fists. Finally Badd Boy is able to get the upper hand, but before he can go further with that Jarred blocks it with an eye rake. Badd Boy stumbles back blinded and Jarred measures up and then hits a fist to the face that stumbles Badd Boy back. Jarred then trys to whip Badd Boy off the ropes, but Badd Boy reverses the whip and then sends Jarred to the ropes. But Badd Boy is still a bit blinded by the rake to the eyes and then Jarred comes off the ropes and then knocks Jarred down with a shoulder block. Jarred then pulls up Badd Boy and then scoops him up and then hits a sit down body slam on Badd Boy. Jarred then knowing gets up and then looks around as the crowd boos him. Jarred sees that Badd Boy is getting up, so he nails him with some stiff kicks and then backs to the ropes and then nails a fist drop to the face of Badd Boy. Jarred then goes into the cover and gets a 1...........2......kick out, Jarred gets up and looks at the ref and then hits his hand against the other angry that he didn't get the three on that count. But Jarred goes right back to pounding on Badd Boy and then nails him with a few hard chops to the shoulder/neck area and then hits a elbow to the face of Badd Boy that makes him fall all the way down. Jarred then hits a few hard kicks once again and then pulls Badd Boy back up to the seated position and then puts him in a seated sleeper, Badd Boy looks like he’s going out. But it’s too early in the match for him to be worn down that much. So Badd Boy slowly gets up to his feet. Jarred trys to hold the sleeper on him. Badd Boy hits a few back elbows into the gut of Jarred and then once he gets the sleeper off. Badd Boy measures up and hits the stunned Jarred with a few hard fists. Well as hard as Badd Boy can hit right now, due to being worn down. Badd Boy hits a few knee’s to the gut to stun Jarred enough to whip him to the ropes. Jarred bounces off the ropes and comes off the ropes and Badd Boy hits a hard spinebuster. But bounces away from Jarred, not being able to follow up with the move Badd Boy crawls towards the ropes and pulls himself up as Jarred gets up in a lot of pain. Looking to regain control of this match he goes over to Badd Boy and then throws a punch at Badd Boy and then Badd Boy blocks it and returns it and then hits a hard fist and then whips Jarred to the ropes and lowers his head and hits a back body drop]

The Coach-It’s time for….THE CLASSIC COME BACK

D’Lo Brown-Screw you Coach…man I blame you for not having a job anymore

*D’lo hits the sky high on the Coach as D’lo goes for his leg drop as Coach yells “Shakey, Shakey leg drop” as he’s crushed with it”

JR-Well that certainly was….random

King-They must have come from another world….which must mean they hate us…..WHHHHHHHHHHYYYYY!!!

[Badd Boy waits for Jarred to get up, once he does Jarred gets hit with a inverted atomic drop. Jarred stumbles back in a lot of pain. Once he gets near the ropes, Badd Boy charges at him and then knocks him over the top rope and on to the floor. Badd Boy backs up as he gets mostly cheers from the crowd. Badd Boy waits for Jarred to get up to time it perfect. Once Jarred gets up Badd Boy charges at Jarred and then slides and hits a baseball slide that sends Jarred flying to the arena floor once again. Badd Boy then waits at the ropes for Jarred to get back up. Jarred after a little while finally gets up, Badd Boy sling shots himself over the top rope and catches Jarred with a flying cross body block over the top rope. Both wrestlers are down, but Badd Boy is able to shake off whatever effect that had on him. Badd Boy then waits for Jarred to get up, but when the ref is view is sheiled by the apron, he hits a low blow on Badd Boy Jarred goes down as Badd Boy stumbles off and then falls to his knee’s in pain. Jarred has to take some time to recover and then goes over to where Badd Boy is and then trys to whip him towards the steal steps. But Badd Boy reverses the whipe and Jarred goes shoulder first into the steal steps. Jarred is in a lot of pain, Badd Boy pulls up Jarred and then rolls him into the ring once again]

JR-Badd Boy is looking to put this one away

King-Good, I don’t know how much longer I can take a Badd Boy match

[Badd Boy takes too long to get his face heat when jumping on the apron and then into the ring, Jarred is able to get time to recover with this. Badd Boy then pulls up Jarred and then whips him off the ropes. Badd Boy hooks Jarred for the full nelson slam. Badd Boy gets Jarred in the air, but Jarred twists around and then lands on his feet. Badd Boy goes for a clothesline, but Jarred ducks and waits for Badd Boy and hits the soul reaver. Jarred then goes to the outside and on to the top rope. Jarred then leaps off the top rope for the LEGENARY END!!!! But Badd Boy rolls out of the way at the last second and Jarred goes crashing into the mat. Jarred is up on fours in a lot of pain, Badd Boy quickly uses this for a Oklahoma roll and the 1……..2…….3]

JR-Jarred just missed the Legendary End and it cost him

King-Aaawww great…I had money on Jarred..

“Demotic Devil music….I mean Angelus theme” blasts on the PA system as Angelus walks to the ring

King-He’s YOUR devil

JR-I didn’t know there was more than one

King-…un if there is, none are as….well…devil like, like Angelus

“ Chris’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Chris walks to the ring

King-I’m not sure who’s a sicker fuck, Franchize or Chris

JR-you like saying that don’t you…

King-FUCK yeah! No one censoring it muhahahahahahhahaha

[Chris and Angelus lock, up Angelus is able to push Chris to the ropes and then breaks it up and nails Chris with a hard fist. Followed up with another, Chris then turns the tables and then nails Angelus with a few fists of his own and then followed up with a hard knife edge chop. Angelus reels on the ropes as Chris backs up, Chris then puts Angelus in a sleeper and hits a sleeper slam on Angelus. Knowing that’s not going to put Angelus away, Chris goes to the nearest turnbuckle and then climbs to the second rope and then leaps off and nails Angelus with a second rope flying leg drop and then Chris goes into the cover and gets a 1……….2…..kick out. Chris then takes Angelus and then hits a few spinning European upper cut that stumbles Angelus. Chris then follows it up with a few knife edge chops and then whips Angelus to the ropes, Chris then waits for Angelus as he bounces off the ropes. When that happens Chris charges at Angelus and then nails him with a running knee lift into the gut. Chris then waits for Angelus, Angelus takes his time on the mat trying to recover. But Chris hits a few stomps on Angelus to stop that, once he knows he’s going to recover that way. Angelus gets up and stumbles around, Chris kicks Angelus in the gut and then goes for a piledriver. But before Chris can try to get Angelus up, Angelus blocks it and then counters the piledriver with a back body drop . Angelus falls to the mat and then can’t follow up due to the beating he has received, but he takes this time to recover from it, Angelus uses the ropes to get up. But not wanting to use control of the match. Chris gets up and then hits a few hard fists to Angelus, Chris then trys to whip Angelus to the ropes. But Angelus reverses, Chris bounces off the ropes and then Angelus hits a flap jack on Chris. Chris looks to be in a lot of pain as Angelus has trouble getting up, Chris stumbles up as Angelus does. Chris takes a swing at Angelus. Angelus then hits a quick kick into the gut of Chris and then backs up a few steps and then hits a hard super kick that stumbles Chris back. Chris bounces off the ropes pretty much out on his feet, then Angelus uses this time to kick Chris in the gut doubling him over again. Sets it up and hits a Russian leg sweep on Chris]

JR-Angelus has gain control of this match

King-What you didn’t think he would, your going to hell for that one JR!

[Angelus then goes into the cover and gets a 1……2….kick out, Angelus pulls up Chris and then throws Chris in the corner and then hits a few hard kicks to the mid section and then sets up and then whips Chris hard to the opposite side of the ring. Angelus runs to the ropes as Chris stumbles out of the corner after the impact of that move. Angelus then hits a one handed face crusher on Chris. Angelus then hits a few stomps to the face and then chokes Chris with his shin as the ref counts to 5 and makes Angelus let the move go. Angelus backs up and then looks around as the crowd doesn’t give him the greatest reaction and then Angelus notices that Chris has gotten up on the apron. Angelus then charges at Chris and then Chris counters with a drop toe hold. Chris goes for a stupid elbow drop. But misses]

JR-That’s not good

King-I hate rookies…

[ Angelus then waits for Chris to get up, once he does Angelus kicks Chris in the gut and then sets up Chris up and then hits a gut wretch falling powerbomb. But Chris counters into a hurricanarana, Chris then gets up and then waits for Angelus, Angelus stumble up Chris then sets up and then gets Angelus up, but before he can drop Angelus in the brain buster. Angelus shifts his weight and then falls on the back of Chris, Angelus hits his finisher and then covers Chris for the 1..........2.......3

Backstage, Jason Syrus is seen walking down the hallway.

Fink: The following is scheduled for ONE fall… it is a quarterfinal in the World Title shot tournament! Making his way to the ring at this time… he is “Your God”… JASON SYYYYRUSSSSSS

[Heavenly god music plays as Syrus floats to the ring]

King: Quick!!! We might catch the EVIL VIRUS! *puts on a gas mask*

[The music cuts and on the Titantron we see Paul Heyman, sitting at his desk, addressing the camera, as the crowd once again boos him heavily]

Heyman: Well everyone I would like to welcome you to the last World Title tournament quarterfinal for tonight. This tournament isn’t just good because it keeps Wasabi out of the title picture for another two months… It’s also good because I am personally entering into the tournament the man who is single handedly going to save this Federation. And now I introduce to you… my right hand man…

[The Tron cuts to the gorilla position, and a masked man is sitting there. He waves at the camera, and then starts rubbing his crotch]

JR: What? Who is this masked man?

[The man’s arm drops limp and Wasabi looks up from over the guys shoulder, to a huge pop]

Heyman: Wasabi? You’re banned from the arena!! Get out now!

Wasabi: Paul… you’re looking rather Japanese tonight… but think about it Paul. Am I banned? Am I? Am I really? You see… whoever this masked man is… is now unconscious. See? *Wasabi makes the man hit himself* Stop hitting yourself!

Heyman: Very clever Wasabi… you think you can outsmart Paul Heyman?

Wasabi: Can? Hahaha… Paul my dear… not can… I already have. You see this?

*Wasabi holds up a piece of paper*

Wasabi: This is a piece of paper. It’s called a clause. And ever since people like AN ARKIE and HCT have no showed EMF shows before… it gives someone the right to fill in for them so the fans don’t miss out. You see… the clause states the first person out to the ring is the official opponent. Oh, and I’m afraid your “right hand man” won’t be showing. Enjoy the match Paul…

*Wasabi lifts the masked man up and shoves him in a storage locker, then walks out onto the ramp, as Paul Heyman picks up his phone and rings security*

Fink: And apparently making his way to the ring at THIS time… he is the opponent… WASAAAAABIIIII

*Wasabi smiles at the crowd and sprints to the ring*

[Wasabi and Syrus lock up and Wasabi throws Syrus down. Syrus rolls out of the ropes, but Wasabi follows him. Syrus is introduced to the ring post and rolled back into the ring… Wasabi goes under the ring and pulls out his golf club.]

King: Whoohoo it’s time for some groinal action. Wait… I’m only a perv to females… *King goes back to sleeping*


King: It’s the WASABI DRIVER!!!!!!

[Wasabi swings the golf club around like a kendo stick. Paul Heyman walks out from behind the curtain… but just stands on the ramp watching him… Wasabi lines up… WHAM Wasabi driver right to the balls of “Your God Jason Syrus”. Wasabi goes up to the turnbuckle… and flips into the Hang Time, but modifies it and smashes Syrus in the balls again. Wasabi rolls into the cover and gets the 3 count.]

Finkle:  The winner of this match, advancing to the semi-finals of the World Title shot tournament… Wasabi!!!!!!

JR: Well that was… a squash

King: Meh… anyone who feels the wrath of the club is squashed anyways…

[Wasabi grabs a mic]

Wasabi: Heyman! You wanna come down here? You want some of this? Huh? I’ll go through anything you send me. Any challenges.. one by one.

Heyman: No Wasabi… not tonight. I’m going to get you for what you did… but not here… not now… good night.

[Heyman watches as security officers converge on Wasabi. He tries to fight them off, but he can’t take them all on. Eventually, they grab him, and drag him up the ramp as he thrashes around wildly. Paul Heyman laughs at him as the officers drag him past, up the back, as the EMF fades to black]