EMF: Saturday Shockwave

The Shockwave video starts, after it runs through we go into the darken arena as pyrotechnics blasts off on the stage. Once it ends, the lights turn on and the fans yell and wave their signs.

King-You know, for one time…I wish they wouldn’t be all excited…

Kris Gaffney-Well they paid good money to boo and cheer who they want.

King-Maybe we should have JR in the ring at the beginning of the show…that would shut them up.

JR-Anyways let’s just start the show….

“Cold as Ice” blasts on the PA system as Snyder walks to the ring

JR-Synder along with his tag team partner may have come up short against Revolution, but they did show a lot of talent

King-They did, why did no one tell me this?

Kris Gaffney-We did, but you were putting your fingers in your ears yelling “I’m NOT listening!!”

“Dertah theme” blasts on the PA system as Dertah walks to the ring and slides into the ring

JR-This up and coming superstar almost defeated Kurt Angle

King-Yeah, almost…

[Dertah and Snyder lock up and then Dertah tries to over power the bigger Snyder, but Snyder powers out of the lock up and pushes him back and he falls down on the mat and looks up at Snyder and then Synder taunts the smaller Dertah who comes at Snyder making him think that he was going to lock up with Snyder once again, but then Dertah thinking smart hits a poke the eyes and then Dertah stumbles back and then Dertah runs the ropes and bounces off and hits a shoulder block into the shoulder to the back of the leg taking down Snyder goes down to the mat and then Dertah hits a stomps on the downed Dertah’s leg and then Snyder is in pain with every kick to the leg that Dertah hits and then Snyder stumbles up to his feet and then and then into the corner. Dertah backs off and then goes into the corner with Snyder. Synder comes into the corner and then he hits a few knee lifts into the corner and then Dertah stumbles out of the corner and then Snyder pushes him out of the corner and whips him to the ropes and Dertah goes to the ropes and then comes off the ropes and Synder goes for a clothesline. But it’s ducked under by Snyder and he continues to the other side of the ring and then bounces off the opposite side of the ring and then Synder turns around and goes for a big boot. But Dertah goes low and then hits a low drop kick into the leg of Synder and then Synder is knocked down to one knee and then Dertah goes to the ropes and then spring boards off it and turns in mid air and hits a flying diving clothesline on Synder and then he goes down and then Synder stumbles up to this feet and then Snyder gets hit with a few hard fists to the face and whips him to the ropes and then he bounces off the ropes and then Dertah hits a flipping drop kick on Synder. Synder stumbles back and then is in the ropes and then Dertah backs to the ropes and then bounces off and hits a flying shoulder block into Snyder and he falls through the ropes and then Dertah looks around and then thinks of what else to do and then he decides to go up to the top rope and then waits for Snyder to get where he wants as he stumbles up to his feet and Dertah jumps off the top rope and…Snyder catches him in mid air]

King-Nice catch

JR-You know Snyder was a great wide receiver at one point

Kris Gaffney-…how did I know that was coming?

[Synder has Dertah in a bear hug and then smashes him back first into the ring post and he falls down to the mat and Synder takes a rest using the apron to hold himself up and then Dertah stumbles up and then Synder hits a knee to the gut and then picks up Dertah in a body press and throws him through the ropes and into the ring and then Sydner gets into the ring and then Dertah stumbles up to his feet and Synder hits a running forearm shot to the face and Dertah gets up fast only to be hit with another shot to the face and backs him up to the ropes and then whips him off the ropes and then Dertah bounces off and Synder goes for a clothesline, but it’s ducked under by Dertah and he continues to the other side of the ring and then bounces off. Dertah leaps in the air and then goes for a cross body block. But it’s caught by Snyder and Snyder holds Dertah and hits a body slam on Dertah and Snyder goes to the ropes and comes off the ropes and hits a big leg drop on Dertah. Snyder goes into the cover and gets the 1……………..2………kick out by Dertah and then Dertah stumbles up to his feet and then into the corner as Snyder hits a few fists to the face and then whips him to the opposite side of the ring and then stumbles back to the Synder and then hits a side walk slam and then goes into the cover and gets the 1……………2…………kick out]

JR-Give it to the new comer Dertah, he’s out matched in height, but he’s not giving up

King-I wish you would give up

Kris Gaffney-It’s not going to happen…if he would have left a few years ago

[Dertah gets up and rakes the eyes and then goes to the outside a bit desperate to get the advantage back and then leaps off the top rope and then before he can hit a double axe handle. Snyder hits a punch to the gut and he doubles over and then Dertah. Snyder picks up Dertah and nails the Dirty laundry. He goes into the cover and gets the 1…………2……..3]

(OOC-Good match up, both RPed well. I questioned some of text of Snyder in the first one, but the second one is what sealed the victory for me. It’s text was solid and focused (and I asked someone to make sure) But regardless, still a good job by both)

“Daniels theme” blasts on the PA system as Daniels walks to the ring

JR-Daniels is certainly a good competitor

King-It would seem that he’s not going to be homesick in the EMF….after all he’s facing someone he’s probably faced a THOUSAND TIMES!

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, he’s probably still thinks this is The Nice Alternative still…maybe he’s just lost?

“I Am” blasts on the PA system as AJ Styles does his usual entrance, although he looks a bit more determined than usual

JR-AJ Styles had a tough break at Payback

King-Your telling me, he didn’t even get pinned.

Kris Gaffney-Well, doesn’t life suck?

[AJ Styles and Daniels lock up and AJ and Daniels fight for position and then Daniel is about to push Styles into the corner and “win” the lock up and then the ref asks for a break and then Daniels slowly goes for the break and then Daniels go for a fist. But it’s ducked under by AJ Styles and Daniels is in the corner and then Styles then hammers away at Daniels in the corner and then whips AJ Styles whips Daniels into the opposite corner and then Daniels bounces out fast and then Daniels stumbles right into AJ Styles hits a Japanese arm drag. Daniels falls to the mat and then gets up quickly and charges at AJ Styles and charges at him and AJ jumps over Daniels and Daniels completely misses whatever move he was trying to do and then turns around and charges at AJ who then counters with a monkey flip. Daniels stumbles into the corner and AJ Styles goes into the corner and then charges into the opposite corner and charges at Daniels and leaps in the air and hits a big splash into the corner and then backs up and then Daniels stumbles out of the corner and then AJ Styles goes into the corner and lifts himself up to the second rope and then climbs up to the second rope and waits for Daniels to come to him and then AJ Styles hooks Daniels and then Styles drives him down for a tornado DDT and Daniels head has been driven to the mat and then Styles goes into the cover and gets the 1………………2………….kick out by Daniels. Styles looks up and then questions the count by the ref and then the ref says he only got a 2 count and Styles hits a few stomps on the downed Daniels and then Daniels stumbles to his feet and then Styles hits a few forearm shots to the face and then Daniels reels to the ropes and then Styles whips Daniels to the ropes and then Daniels reverses the whip and sends Styles to the ropes. Styles bounces off the ropes and then Styles comes off the ropes and then Daniels goes for a hip toss, but Styles lands on his feet and then turns it into a swinging neck breaker on Daniels. Styles hits a few stomps on the downed Daniels who gets up to his feet and then Styles hits a kick into the gut and goes for the Styles clash thinking that he might be able to end it here, but then it’s countered with a back body drop and Styles falls hard to the mat.]

JR-Seems that Styles was looking for the ending too fast

King-Maybe he’s busy today

Kris Gaffney-Or he could want to get on his winning ways once again

[AJ Styles falls on the mat and then stumbles up right into Daniels who then picks up Styles and dumps him for the t-bone suplex and both wrestlers are down and then Daniels and Styles get to their feet and then AJ Styles takes a wild swing at Daniels, Daniels ducks it and then is behind Styles and hits a spinning back suplex into a back breaker on AJ Styles. Daniels falls away from Styles and then Daniels has to take a few moments to recover after the moves he’s taken so far and then Daniels crawls into the cover and then Daniels throws an arm over AJ Styles and gets the 1………………2…………kick out by AJ Styles. Daniels takes a few moments to recover once again and then gets up to his feet, AJ is up to his feet. But it’s clear that he’s reeling and Daniels hits a few fists to the face of AJ and whips him to the ropes and then AJ Styles bounces off the ropes, but hooks the ropes and doesn’t bounce back. Daniels charges at AJ Styles and then goes for a clothesline or something. But we will never know, because AJ Styles counters with a back body drop to the outside. But Daniels is able to land on his feet on the apron. AJ turns around and then gets a shoulder block into the gut and then AJ Styles stumbles back into the middle of the ring and then Daniels times it and then spring boards off the top rope and then leaps off the top rope for a spring board spinning side kick that connects on AJ Styles. Daniels goes into the cover and gets a 1…………………..2…………kick out by AJ Styles]

JR-What a move by Daniels

King-Remind me why TNA let these guys go

Kris Gaffney-Oh, they were trying to get away from him

(in the crowd Larry Zybesko is saying “surprise!” over and over again in the most stupid way possible.)

[Daniels waits for AJ Styles, Styles stumbles up to his feet and then Daniels kicks Styles and then hooks up him up for the Angel Wings. But Styles spins out of it and then pushes away from Daniels, Daniels tries to go for a clothesline. But it’s ducked under by AJ Styles, Styles then hits the paylay that sends Daniels flying to the ropes and hooks the ropes, Daniels bounces off really dazed. Styles turns him around and then kicks Daniels in the gut and then sets him up lifts him and hits the Styles Clash and puts Daniels into the pin and gets the 1……………….2………..3]

JR-And AJ Styles comes back with the win!

King-Although that was a good match

“Capital Punishment” blasts on the PA system as Punisher walks to the ring

King-You know Kris, I get the feeling that Punisher really hates authority figures

Kris Gaffney-Yeah…

King-Did I ever tell you that JR’s leader of some sort of…secret group…Punisher should smit him!


“number 1” blasts on the PA system as Dude Nick walks to the ring with Vince McMahon and Torrie Wilson

King-Something tells me Vince isn’t going to be around for long

JR-Who gives your information?

Kris Gaffney-Oh…just say he can see the future…

“Old School Kane” music blasts on the PA system as Kane walks to the ring

King-Go ahead…say the line

JR-Through hellfire and brimstone, it’s Kane

Kris Gaffney-And not KANE

[Punisher doesn’t let Dude Nick get started as Kane decides to just sit back and watch as Punisher hammers away at Dude Nick and Dude Nick is reeling on the ropes and then Dude Nick gets whipped to the ropes, but it’s reversed by Punisher. Punisher bounces off the ropes and then leaps in the air and nails a flying shoulder block on and then Dude Nick, Dude Nick stumbles up and then Dude Nick gets picked up and then slammed to the mat and then Punisher drives an elbow into the downed Dude Nick and then Punisher knowing that Kane is lurking in the background decides to back up and then let up Dude Nick and then Dude Nick gets up with the help of the ropes and then Punisher measures up Dude Nick and then hits a clothesline over the top rope and Dude Nick goes over the top rope and crashing out of the ring. Before Punisher can follow up the advantage Kane comes from behind Punisher and then hits a clubbing blow to the back and then Kane hits a chop to the chin that sends Punisher stumbling into the corner and then Punisher is in the corner. Kane throws a few fists to the face and then follows it up with a few kicks into the gut and then Punisher is reeling in the corner and then Kane takes Punisher out of the corner and then Kane whips Punisher to the ropes and then Punisher bounces off the ropes and then Kane goes for a clothesline, but Punisher ducks under it and then continues to the other side of the ring and then Punisher leaps in the air for what seems to be a flying cross body block. But it’s caught in mid air by Kane, Kane holds Punisher for a few moments and then drives him down for a rib breaker. Punisher hits a few stomps on the downed Punisher and then Punisher makes his way to his feet and Kane hits a few fists to the face and then Punisher stumbles back and then he’s in the corner and then Kane hits a few fists to the face and then Punisher backs to the ropes and then Kane goes for a fist. But it’s ducked under by Punisher who hits a few fists to the face of Kane. Kane’s clearly stunned by the moves and then Punisher whips Kane to the other side of the ring and then Kane crashes into the corner and Punisher charges into the corner and then him with a clothesline in the corner.]

JR-I would seem the dominating Punisher has taken control over the Monster Kane

King-So where is Dude Nick

Kris Gaffney-Right there

[Dude Nick is just sitting on the arena floor watching everything waiting for the right time and then Punisher tries to put on a bulldog head lock, but it’s countered by Kane who pushes off Punisher and Punisher goes flying across the ring and rolls away. Dude Nick see’s this is his chance to strike as he climbs to the top rope and then leaps off at Kane. Kane then hits a chop as Dude Nick is flying through the air. Dude Nick lands on this feet and stumbles back and falls through the ropes. Kane steps over the ropes and then goes on the attack on Dude Nick hitting a few fists to the face, Nick stumbles back. Kane tries to whip Nick to the steps. But Nick reverses and then Kane goes shoulder first into the steel steps knocking it off the base Dude Nick takes Kane and then positions him on the base of the steps and then Nick drops a leg smashing Kane into the steel steps and knowing that he can’t win the title there, but knowing that there are no DQ’s in a triple threat match he pulls Kane up and brings him over to the announcers position and then picks up Kane and drops him on the announcers table. Kane’s head bounces off the announcers table and Dude Nick takes Kane and rolls him into the ring and then Dude Nick climbs to the top rope and then leaps off the top rope and then hits a flying shoulder block on Kane. Dude Nick goes into the cover and gets the 1……………..2………..Punisher comes into the ring and then hits a double axe handle to break up the cover. Dude Nick stumbles up and then Punisher hits a few fists to the face of Dude Nick, Nick stumbles back and then Punisher tries to whip him to the ropes, but then Dude Nick reverses it and then Punisher goes to the ropes and bounces off the ropes Dude Nick goes for a clothesline. But Punisher ducks it and then Punisher hits a inverted atomic drop. Dude Nick stumbles back and Punisher measures up and hits a clothesline over the top rope. Kane goes for a clothesline in the back of Punisher, but Punisher heard him coming so Punisher ducks it and hits a few fists to the face of Kane. Kane stumbles to the corner and Punisher hits a few fists to the face and then Punisher whips Kane hard into the opposite corner. Kane hits hard into the corner and stumbles up, Punisher hits a back body drop on Kane and Kane stumbles to his feet. Punisher hits a few fists and whips Kane to the ropes and Kane bounces off the ropes and Punisher nails an Arn Anderson spinebuster. Punisher gets up and calls for Capital Punishment]

JR-Looks like Punisher’s going to try to finish off this match

King-Seems so…

[Kane stumbles up to his feet, Kane gets lifted to Punishers shoulders. But Kane is able to struggle free. Punisher turns around and then Kane grabs Punisher by the throat. Dude Nick sides into the ring with a chair, before Punisher can be lifted up for a choke slam, he hears Dude Nick coming so he drops down and Kane gets smashed with the chair and then Kane stumbles back and falls out of the ring. Punisher uses this chance to school boy Dude Nick and then gets the 1…………………2……………..3]

JR-Dude Nick was most likely going for Punisher, but missed

King-Sucks for him

[Punisher is getting his hand rised, but suddenly Dude Nick comes from behind and then smashes Punisher with the chair. Nick yells a few things to the downed Punisher and then goes to the back]

“Kincaid’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Kincaid walks to the ring with the IC title, and he steps into the ring.

JR-Scott Kincaid was able to sneak in the back door and win the championship from AJ Styles

King-Yeah, Dude Nick wasn’t very happy

Kris Gaffney-I heard he was in the Payback arena smashing his head against the wall for being so stupid!

[Kincaid comes into the ring and then throws a few fists that catches the newbie Shelley off guard and Shelley stumbles back and then Kincaid hits a few more until Shelley is to the ropes and then Kinciad whips Shelley off the ropes and Shelley comes off the ropes, Shelley comes off the ropes and then Kincaid answers the bounce back with a big knife edge chop that takes down Shelley. Shelley gets up and then Kincaid hits a few fists to the face and then he backs up to the ropes and whips him off the ropes Shelley bounces off the ropes, Kincaid tries to hip toss Shelley, but Shelley blocks it and then Shelley turns it into a back slide and then Kincaid loses the back slide attempt and Shelley is able to execute the back slide and then gets the 1…………….2…………kick out by Shelley. Shelley and Kincaid get up and then charge at each other and Kincaid knocks Shelley down with a diving clothesline and then Shelley goes down and Kincaid takes a few moments to plan out of what he’s going to do as he stalks Shelley. Shelley gets up and stumbles up into the corner and then Kincaid hits a few body shots to the gut and Shelley gets reeling in the corner as Kincaid backs up and then Shelley stumbles out of the ring and then Kincaid kicks Shelley in the gut and then Kincaid picks up Shelley for a vertical suplex. But then before Kincaid can drop Shelley, Shelley shifts the weight to fall behind and then Kincaid gets pushed to the ropes by Shelley as Kincaid hits the ropes. Kincaid hooks the ropes and then Shelley goes into the middle of the ring and then Shelley charges at Kincaid when he’s able to and then Kincaid see’s this and side steps Shelley and throws him over the top rope by the hair and then Kincaid pumps up the crowd a little bit as he waits for Shelley to get where he wants him and then Shelley is on the apron and Kincaid goes for a baseball slide, but then Shelley moves out of the way and Shelley hits a fist to the face and then Kincaid stumbles into the steps to hold himself up and turns around as Shelley tries to hit a move of some sort, but it’s countered by Kincaid by hitting a one man flap jack. Shelley’s head bounces off the steps. Kincaid pushes Shelley in the ring and then Kincaid goes on the apron and climbs to the top rope and then measures up Shelley is stumbling around the ring. Kincaid leaps off for what seems to be an axe handle. But it’s countered by Shelley with a drop kick.]

JR-Kincaid is going to have to watch for moves like that if he wants to stay champion. Because he’s going to need it for next week when he puts the IC title on the line

King-Oh they finally gave me a title shot?

Kris Gaffney-No, against one of the triple threat competitors…seems that they question whether or not Kincaid is the better man

[Shelley hits a few kicks to the ribs of Kincaid and then Kincaid stumbles up to his feet as he holds his face and Shelley follows him into the corner and hits a few forearm shots to the face and brings him out of the corner and then Shelley whips Kincaid to the ropes and Kincaid bounces off the ropes and then Shelley goes for clothesline, but it’s ducked under by Kincaid. Kincaid goes to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes. Shelley leaps in the air and nails a flying back elbow to Kincaid and Kincaid stumbles to his feet and Shelley waits for Kincaid and picks up and hits a body slam on Kincaid. Shelley drops the leg drop on Kincaid and goes into the cover and gets the 1…………….2……..kick out by Kincaid. Shelley quickly puts Kincaid into an arm bar into the mat and then Shelley puts Kincaid’s arm on the mat and then drives a knee drop into the arm a few times and then keeps on the hold as Kincaid decides to find a way out of the hold. Kincaid gets to his feet and then looks for a way out of the hold and then Kincaid backs Shelley to the ropes and then whips him off of the arm bar and Shelley goes to the ropes and then hits a shoulder block that sends Kincaid down to the mat and then Shelley see’s that Kincaid is going to get up soon and then Shelly goes to the ropes and bounces off, Kincaid goes to the mat and Shelley jumps over Kincaid goes to the other side of the ring and comes off the ropes. Kincaid gets up and it looks like Kincaid is able to put Shelley over his shoulder for a moment but Shelley slides out of the back and then Shelley slides out the back. Kincaid turns around and then Shelley kicks Kincaid in the gut and then sets up Kincaid for a suplex. But it’s fought out of by Kincaid, Kincaid spins out of the hold and then tries to go for a short arm clothesline, but Shelley ducks it and then Kincaid nails the ref.]

King-That is never wise….

JR-no it’s not

Kris Gaffney-Who asked you

*suddenly someone named Joey runs on to the stage, but he explodes into many little pieces*

[Kincaid turns around and Shelley goes for a clothesline. Kincaid ducks it and then takes down Shelley with a double leg take down and then Kincaid locks in the Kincaid cover leaf. Shelley in pain. But suddenly from behind Kincaid, Dude Nick smashes Kincaid on the back with a chair and then Kincaid goes down to the mat and then Dude Nick picks up Kincaid who is stunned, kicks him in the gut and hits the Dudemeister!! Dude Nick see’s the ref is coming to and then Dude Nick puts Shelley over the downed Kincaid. The ref counts 1……………..2……………3]

JR-DAMN IT! Dude Nick cost Kincaid this week, it’s sure going to be personal next week

King-But I thought that Dudemeister was incomplete! How could Kincaid lose to it?!?!?!?


(Shockwave goes off the air with a shot at Dude Nick looking into the ring.)

(OOC-I think something was trying to be brought to my attention. So I did read these RP's in full, and determined that while Shelley’s RP was somewhat unfocused in the middle. It was focused enough for me in the beginning and the end to beat what it was up against. I asked my other staff members and they confirmed the same thing. But the matter was looked into, that much can be assured.)