EMF: Saturday Shockwave

The Shockwave video starts, and then when end it with going into the arena as pyrotechnics blasts off on the stage. Then once it ends the lights turn on.)

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave

King-This is probably where if it was my WWE version I would hype the thing that was out of the oridinary..but why even try. It’s like trying to convince people that the NBL Miami Heat are good

Kris Gaffney- ye….HEY

JR-Anyways, let’s get to our first match

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Spalding!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Spalding comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Daniel Kettleburg!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Daniel Kettleburg walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Spalding drops Daniel Kettleburg with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Daniel Kettleburg places Spalding on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (ring, ring, ring) Spalding pulls Daniel Kettleburg's hair. Daniel Kettleburg get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Spalding. Daniel Kettleburg is back on his feet. Spalding with an illegal chokehold on Daniel Kettleburg. Spalding stomps Daniel Kettleburg. Daniel Kettleburg gets hit with the shooting star press from Spalding. The ref starts the count. ...1 Daniel Kettleburg escapes. Daniel Kettleburg is up again. Spalding throws Daniel Kettleburg off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. Daniel Kettleburg jumps from the top rope and hits Spalding with a flying armdrag. Daniel Kettleburg is up again. Daniel Kettleburg jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Spalding. Now Spalding standing. A flying shoulder block send Daniel Kettleburg to the mat. Spalding hits Daniel Kettleburg with an elbowdrop. Daniel Kettleburg gets knocked on the ground and Spalding flips onto him. Spalding jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Daniel Kettleburg. Spalding is up again. Now Daniel Kettleburg standing. Spalding grabs Daniel Kettleburg's head and hites him in the face. Spalding puts Daniel Kettleburg on the turnbuckle and executes a belly-to-belly superplex. Spalding chants start. Spalding locks Daniel Kettleburg in the kneebar. The referee is checking the situation. ... Daniel Kettleburg trys to escape. ... ... Spalding tightens the hold. ... Daniel Kettleburg is fighting the hold. Daniel Kettleburg escapes. Spalding knees Daniel Kettleburg and rolls back to his feet. Spalding goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Daniel Kettleburg. Spalding gets up. Daniel Kettleburg stands up. Daniel Kettleburg picks up Spalding and hits him with the Death Valley Driver. Now Daniel Kettleburg standing. Daniel Kettleburg chokes Spalding with his boot. Daniel Kettleburg with a somersault splash on Spalding. Daniel Kettleburg gets back to his feet. Daniel Kettleburg executes a flying headbutt on Spalding. Now Daniel Kettleburg standing. Daniel Kettleburg places Spalding on the turnbuckle and executes the double underhook superplex. Daniel Kettleburg Choke Slams Spalding. Spalding looks to be out cold! Spalding gets hit with the shooting star press from Daniel Kettleburg. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

JR - We've got ourselves a winner!

JR - The winner of this match, Daniel Kettleburg!!!

“Webber’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Michael Webber walks to the ring

JR-This should be more of a test than Webber’s last match

King-So says Rhyno

Kris Gaffney-If not…Webber can become a commentator!

“Dewey Pond’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Dewey Pond walks to the ring with Tori

King-Has there anything new with Dewey Pond marrying Tori?

JR-No date has been set yet

Kris Gaffney-Stupid slow people *tries to throw a rock at them, but misses*

“One of a kind” blasts on the PA system as RVD walks to the ring

Kris Gaffney-I guess since this show is on Saturday, he’s Mr. Saturday Night?

JR-You would be correct Kris

King-Why can’t he just make a new nick name…call Jericho, he makes a new one every promo. It’s like Wasabi and theme songs…

[Pond and then Webber trade fists and then Pond gets the upper hand and then tries to whip Webber to the ropes, but then he reverses it and then Pond goes to the ropes and then bounces off and then Pond hits a running shoulder tackle. Suddenly on the other side of the ring RVD is on the turnbuckle waiting for Pond to turn around, when he does RVD leaps off and then hits a flying back kick on Pond and takes him down to the mat and then RVD pumps the crowd up and then Pond stumbles into the corner and then RVD hits a few hard shoulders into the gut and then follows it up with a monkey flip attempt. But before he can hit it, Pond turns the tables on RVD and then puts him on the top rope. Then Pond tries to weaken him up, and then RVD blocks it and then RVD hits a fist and then Pond stumbles back and then comes back and then RVD sets up Pond and then hits a tornado DDT and then goes into the cover and then gets a 1............2......Webber breaks up the cover and then takes RVD and then throws him through the air into the corner and then hits a few fists to RVD and then takes him out of the corner and then hits a big standing clothesline and then Webber hits a few hard stomps to the downed RVD and then RVD gets up and then Webber hits a few more forearms and then whips RVD to the ropes once again and then RVD bounces off the ropes and then RVD leaps in the air for a cross body block. But it’s caught by Webber, but suddenly Pond enters the picture and then hits a drop kick to them both sending Webber down with RVD. RVD rolls off the cover and then Pond hits a few stomps to the downed Webber and then RVD gets up and then joins in on double teaming Webber and then Webber stumbles to his feet and then RVD and Pond start to pumble him with fists and then Webber stumbles back and then RVD and Pond whip him to the ropes and then Webber bounces off the ropes and then Pond and RVD hits a double flap jack on Webber. Webber holds his gut and then RVD and Pond hit a double drop kick that stumbles Webber and makes him flying out of the ring and then RVD and Pond say something and then RVD nods and then RVD tries to whip Pond to the ropes. But Pond reverses and RVD goes to the ropes, RVD bounces off the ropes and then as he’s returning Pond drops down to all fours and then RVD jumps off of Pond into a big cross body press to Webber on the outside and that really pumps up the crowd.]

JR-What a move by RVD and Pond

King-No fair, their double teaming

Kris Gaffney-Guess they didn’t like Webber’s commentating…though King, did you almost just slip into sim mode there

King-Never…I’m not like some announcers


[RVD stumbles up and then Pond takes him by the hair and then throws him into the ring post and then RVD is clearly in pain and then Pond throws him into the ring and then jumps on the apron and then goes to the top rope as RVD stumbles up and then Pond leaps off and then hits a missile drop and then recovers as fast as possible and then goes into the cover and then gets the 1………..2………kick out. Pond hits a few stomps on the downed RVD and then RVD stumbles up and then Pond hits a few hard forearms and then RVD stumbles back very dazed and then Pond tries to whip him to the ropes. But then RVD reverses the whip and then sends Pond to the ropes, Pond bounces off the ropes and then RVD hits a spinning heel kick and Pond goes down and then Pond stumbles up as RVD takes a few moments to recover as Pond is slow to get up and then RVD picks up Pond and then hits a body slam that is placed perfect for his next move as he runs to the ropes and then hits the rolling thunder and then goes into the cover and then gets the 1…………..2………kick out. Pond then stumbles up and then Pond desperate pokes RVD’s eyes and Pond recovers, and then RVD regains his eye sight and then goes towards him and then Pond tries to kick RVD in the gut. But RVD counters with a step over heel kick.]

JR-RVD might be going in for the kill

King-It’s too late for the crowd

Kris Gaffney-That’s good to know

[RVD goes to the corner and then sling shots himself up to the top rope and then gets ready and then leaps off and then goes for the 5-star frog splash, but then Dewey Pond gets his legs up and then RVD falls into it. RVD is on the ground in pain and then Dewey Pond see’s Webber getting up, then he spring board drop kicks Webber back to the ground and then RVD is stumbling up and then Pond hits the Pond water Splash and then goes into the cover and then gets the 1…………..2………3]

The scene cuts to the ring where Coach is standing with a fired up Peoples Champ

Coach: So Rocky, Ive got you back here to get your take on Prez Mikes personal involvement in your match last week at Payback?

Rock: You want to hear what the Rock has to say? Well here you go... The Great One knows that he should be the one in the match tonight, The Great One knows that not even both Kaedon and Josh Hanley could beat the Rock, The Rock just wants everyone to know one thing... If the Rock brought this on himself, wait and see what hes gonna bring to you

(Suddenly "Iron Man" blasts on the PA system as the Rock head snaps towards the entrance waiting for Prez Mike, suddenly a voice comes over the PA system)

Prez Mike-Rocky....hey, up here

(Rock looks up as Prez Mike appears on the EMFtron)

Prez Mike-First off you son of bitch, bring it to me? You know Rock, I find it amazing that not one time you didn't mention what you did to me. Oh yeah though you are standing in the ring you almost seem like you didn't deserve my attack at Payback. Yet you failed to mention the fact that I was about to take care of business that had not a damn thing to do with you, and you all of a sudden comes out of no where and stick you nose in my business, and attack me!! You son of bitch!! But you know what, that's ok..because you see that Pay Per View was named perfectly, because my attack on you was simply my payback for your unprevoked attack on me. But Rock, you talk about "what your gonna bring to you", but you should be more worried what Prez Mike is gonna bring to you! Because the fact of the matter is that I'm Prez Mike, I not only sign your checks. But I control your destiny, you wanted to be world champion before, well you are about to learn that when you mess with Prez Mike..you drastically make your world title dreams much more bleaker than they already were. Rock you will understand the moment you stuck your nose in my business, that it proved to be your final downfall! Because from this point on, I will do whatever I can to make your life a living hell, and I'll see to it that not only you don't become world champion...but you NEVER get a chance at the world heavyweight championship!!

(“Iron Man” blasts on the PA system as we go to commercial and comes back)

“Batista’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Batista walks to the ring

JR-Batista seems to be ready for this match

Kris Gaffney-he even wrote down a strategy

King-Maybe he should add “if I lose…I will buy a new brain, maybe the next one won’t give away what I’m going to do in the match”

“De Kreek’s theme” blasts on the PA system as De Kreek walks to the ring

JR-De Kreek has been a good champion, but I got to wonder what will happen when he faces someone like Wes Ikeda

Kris Gaffney-I bet he be

ats him too… King-That might make Badd Boy and Ashlee roll around in their grave…oh no, I just reminded myself about Ashlee *vomits*…(lol, had to Ash : -) )

[De Kreek comes at Batista and then tries to get the advantage on Batista, but before he can Batista pushes him off and then De Kreek goes down to the mat and then gets up and then Batista recovers. But De Kreek gets up and then tries to attack some more and then Batista pushes him down again and then De Kreek hits a few fists again..gets pushed down again. De Kreek charges back and then gets knocked down with a clothesline and then Batista yells to De Kreek to get up and then he does and charges and then gets knocked down with a running forearm and then Batista continues to the ropes and then De Kreek stumbles up and then Batista hits De Kreek with a flying shoulder block and then De Kreek goes down to the mat and then Batista gets hit a few hard stomps on De Kreek. Batista picks up De Kreek and then whips De Kreek off the ropes and then Batista hits a spinning back elbow on De Kreek. Batista picks up De Kreek and then De Kreek throws Batista into the corner and then hits a few hard shoulder blocks and then the ref makes Batista back off and then Batista back back into the corner and then De Kreek stumbles fast out of the corner and then Batista hits a back body drop and then he goes hard to the ground. Then stumbles back up and then Batista picks up De Kreek and then tries to go into the corner with him with De Kreek over his shoulder for a running power slam. But then De Kreek hooks his legs to the turnbuckle and then Batista notices (well…you would think he would figure it out soon). Then Batista turns around and then charges at De Kreek and then De Kreek hits a fist to the face that stumbles Batista back and then De Kreek then measures up Batista and then looks like he’s going for something like a double axe handle, but it doesn’t really matter. Because Batista counters with a spinebuster and then Batista gets up and then holding his head, but looking more angry than anything hits a few stomps on the downed De Kreek and then Batista lets De Kreek stumble up and then Batista seeing that De Kreek is really wore down then ties him up in the ropes and then hits a few hard free shots and then the ref tells him to back off so that the ref can get the IC champion out of the ropes. Then he does and he is able to release him, Batista then hits a few hard fists and then whips De Kreek to the ropes, and then De Kreek bounces off and then Batista tries to hit another back body drop. But De Kreek then hangs on and then is able to counter the move into a DDT on Batista.]

JR-Nice counter by the champion

King-Well it was about time he did something

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, if he wants to keep that shiny belt

[Both wrestlers are down and then the ref uses his standing 10. 1…………………..2……………….3…………….4…………….5…………..6……..both wrestlers are down and then Batista takes a wild swing at De Kreek and then he goes running to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes Batista see’s him and then uses his own momentum to throw him up in the air and then De Kreek hits a drop kick as he falling to the ground and then Batista stumbles back and then De Kreek hits a few hard fists and then Batista is reeling on the ropes and then De Kreek whips him to the ropes and then Batista bounce off the ropes and then De Kreek is able to hit a fist to the face that knocks down Batista that takes him down to the ground and then Batista stumbles up and then back into the corner and then De Kreek tries to whip him to the opposite side of the ring. But Batista reverses and then once he hits hard into the corner Batista follows him trying to hit a clothesline into the corner trying to get the advantage back. But then De Kreek counters with a boot to the face and then Batista stumbles around and then De Kreek pulls himself to the second rope and then leaps off and then hits a tornado DDT on Batista an dthen goes into the cover and then gets the 1……………….2……………kick out. De Kreek is looking a bit fustrated at being that he hasn’t been able to put Batista away.]

JR-Batista is giving us his all

King-150%, so he says

Kris Gaffney-Figures that he can’t do anything better…

[Batista gets hit with a few fists and then MDK tries to whip Batista to the ropes. But then Batista reverses the whip and then MDK bounces off the ropes and then Batista hits a spinebuster and then Batista stumbles back after the move and then grabs on to the ropes and then Batista takes a break as MDK stumbles to his feet and then MDK in the gut and then sets him up and then hits the Batista bomb, then goes into the cover and gets a 1…………….2………..Batista was too tired to realize that MDK was close to the ropes and he grabs on to the ropes Batista looks at the ref and then questions him and then MDK comes from behind and then rolls him up, Batista tries to get out. But for whatever reasons he can’t get out.]

JR-MDK barely pulled that one out

King-He must have cheated

Kris Gaffney-Guess it’s on, like Donkey Kong…..AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH

(I wanted a second opinion about this one, but I can't wait around any longer, so this is what I think. This is a style clash situation, you got an RP with storyline vs. a talking RP. Normally I would take the storyline RP without question. But in this case, I think it comes down to strength of text, which is why I think MDK barely gets the win over coming the storyline. That's the one thing Batista needs to over come, I suggest (if you don't already) read some other RP's. That's the only thing that's holding you back, had you had better text than I may have given you the win.)

(We come to the Highlight Reel setting up as “Break the Walls Down” blasts on the PA system as the crowd is cheering loud. Jericho then asks for a microphone, then he gets handed it.)

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-WELCOME….TO THE HIGHLIGHT REEL!!

*Pyrotechnics blasts off on the corners and then fans cheer, suddenly a “Y2J!! Y2J!! Y2J!!” chant starts, and then Jericho kind of looks almost nervous letting the chant go on* .::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-You know doing things I have done in my career, winning titles, killing legendary careers. It gives you the feeling that you are invisible at times, though the bad thing is that you kind of lose perspective of how short life really is. You see there has been something I've been meaning to tell someone for a long time, but for whatever reason...I just couldn't. But even though these last few weeks, even though it's been hell, through it I have learned that I don't have forever to tell them. So with that said, I would welcome back to the Highlight Reel...the Vice President of the E....M....F....*crowd cheers*...AMY DUMAS!!

“Lovefurypassionenergy” blasts on the PA system as Amy Dumas runs out to a huge cheer from the crowd, she does a few of her Lita moves and then stops and then looks over the crowd and then smiles and then runs and slides into the ring. The camera shows Jericho, who is obviously very happy to see Amy, but is very nervous still. Amy notices this, and then grab a microphone.)

.::Amy Dumas::.-Is everything alright Jericho?

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-Everythings more than alright Amy, but there is just something I have to tell you. It’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you for a long time, like I said before you came out here, for whatever reason I just couldn’t. But since these past few weeks, the only thing I could think about was getting you away from Snitsky, and telling you something. So here it goes….Amy….we been through a lot together. Ever since our federation…the RWA closed I had always told everyone that I had lost everything. Well that was not completely true, I always…*stumbling* the point is that over the past few weeks, I really felt I lost the last thing was important to me…I thought I was losing you * still stumbling badly*….Amy…I l ..…*stumble-mania*…oh hell…

(Over come through everything that has happened, and everything that has been inside the entire time. Jericho losing all self control, takes Amy and then kisses her long and passionately. Amy looks like she’s frozen, obviously not returning the kiss. Jericho breaks it, the camera gets a shot of Amy’s face it’s frozen in shock, it goes on Jericho who has big eyes, backs up a few steps and then starts apologizing for losing control. Jericho is now becoming very red, Jericho turns to leave the ring apologizing to Amy still. But before he can get away, Amy who at some point had a hold of Jericho’s hand, pulls him back around and then pulls Jericho back and then starts kissing him. After the shock wares off, Jericho returns it and the two kiss much like Jericho had at first (obviously long and passionately…enough details?) In the back Sierra is watching the two kissing in the ring from a monitor in disbelief. After a few moments she goes to the nearest wall and starts hitting her head against the wall and yells each time she hits her head.)


(The picture zooms out as it shows Christian tied up, and gagged. He is mumbling something

.::Christian::.-mmmhh…mmhhh…mmmaaaaaahhhh……. (translation: YEAH! DAMN YOU JERICHO FOR THIS!! Why is Sierra acting all weird? What’s going on? Well actually, I don’t mind them a little weird myself. Don’t worry, whatever happen Captain Charisma is here to give you that dose of Vitamin C you wanted.)

(Sierra then yells, and then storms off.)

.::Christian::.-mmmmmmhhhhh…mmmuhhaawwww (translation: Oh yeah…she wants me)

(Back into the arena, Jericho and Amy are still kissing. But are snapped out of it as a theme song starts, Amy jumps back in fright, Jericho puts Amy behind him. Keeping ahold of her hand. He looks like he's ready to kill someone, as Amy is really looking scared as the words "IT WASN'T MY FAULT" blasts over the PA system. Snitsky appears from behind the curtain with a mic and the music comes to a hault as he starts to speak]

SNITSKY: Don't you for one second think it's over Jericho! Your happy ending hasn't begun just yet... in fact, I'm going to make sure it doesn't end that way....

*snitsky walks down to the ring and enters through the ropes and gets in Jericho's face. He looks at Amy and makes a kiss like face as she runs off and Jericho shoves him away*

SNITSKY: Oh..hey there easy....*starts to laugh* Don't get your feathers ruffeled pal. You know... I have to say, you got me good. But theres something I plan on doing. If you two ever get married... and you have a kid.... *pauses and goes outside the ring and gets a babydoll from under the ring and gets back in the ring* If you EVER have a kid you can expect this to happen when your not looking

*Snitsky punts the doll in to the crowd as Amy and Jericho look in horror *

SNITSKY: How do you like that JERICHO?! This has gone way past the issue of amy now. This is WAR! You and me in a match...once and for all

(Jericho is confronting Amy, and then takes the microphone and said.)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-I won't let you do that Snitsky, you want a war. You got one, and when it's all over. I'll send you to hell before you get a chance to punt anything!

*Just then a familiar theme goes off HEI-DEN...HEIDENREICH!...Heidenreich with a crazy and twisted look on his face marches down to the ring beating his head with his fists and shaking his head. He enters the ring and starts looking at Jericho and Amy with hatred in his eyes....

Heidenreich: By the all mighty powers of Heidenreich, I will SMITE YOU JERICHO!

(Jericho says something to Amy, most likely a plan of escape. But before anything Jericho says.)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-"you know, if I were alone...I'd probably be outnumbered right now.... but im not

*Benoits theme goes off as he runs down to the ring. Snitsky and Heidenreich seeing this jump out of the ring.*

*Snitsky and Heidenreich quickly make their way up the ramp together shouting obscenities at Benoit and Benoit grabs a mic.*

BENOIT: Hey Snitsky, how come I wasn't invited to the party? Tell ya what..let's make things interesting. Jericho and myself versus you and your nutjob freak there... in a tag team match! And like you said...this settles things once and for all....

...and by that I mean three words...HELL IN A CELL!

Jericho: You see Snitsky....I told you I'd send you to hell"

Snitsky: *whispers into Heidenreich's ear and he nods* You're on Jericho! But before we go... I have something to say. You see...I've met someone. Someone classy, someone caring, someone who's not a skanky whore like you Dumas! Let me introduce to you...my new manager...AMY WEBER!

*Amy Weber comes out and waves to everyone smiling brightly.*

Snitsky: And now that I've gotten what I wanted for keeps, I think it's about time my sweet Amy got her chance to shine. Dumas...she cant beat you in a match..gaurenteed. She is so classy, and so smart, that she can outwit and pin you *sna[ps his fingers* just...like...THAT! Amy is even going to name the stipulation because she deserves it...and I say so *hands the mic to Amy Weber*

Amy Weber: Well it's obvious Ms. Dumas here isn't what we'd call a classy lady. Look at those colors, those slutty clothes and colors...and that makeup is obviously a fashion DONT! So in order to educate you in a little fashion sense and class. I challenge you to a EVENING GOWN MATCH! *Amy smiles and bats her eyelashes*

(Amy Dumas gets handed the microphone from Jericho. She is trying to hold back from trying to laugh, but it's obvious she finds this challenge funny)

.::Amy Dumas::.-....*still laughing* thought Snitsky said you could beat me in a match? But then what should I expect someone "whose afraid to fight Joy". Well, I suppose it all makes sense now. Because if you were afraid of Joy, then I'm sure you don't even want to try to challenge me to a real match. I must admit, evening gown matches aren't my thing. But you know what, fine I'll play your game and embarass you while doing it!

Amy Weber: I was not afraid of her! I was afraid of the way she dressed. She was horrid! But you take the cake on that one. I'll show everyone just how much of a tramp you really are when I expose you! See you next week! Oh and one more thing...Gene...John be a couple of sweethearts....GET THEM!

(Snitsky and Heidenreich run back into the ring, Jericho gets Amy out of the ring. Suddenly a huge brawl starts between Benoit, Jericho, Snitsky and Heidenreich. Suddenly the whole locker room of EMF officials and refs empty and pull the two tag teams away from each other as we go to commercial)

[The all state arena then becomes very quiet as Josh Hanley’s theme hits, the silence then turns into big cheers. Josh then makes his way out to the ring slapping a few hands on the way down to the ring. Josh then slides under the bottom rope and sprints for the far corner as he climbs the 2nd turnbuckle and lifts his arms. Hanley then makes a motion of the title around his waist as hops down and leans back on the ropes.]

JR: Just by Hanley’s face, you can tell he will pull out all stops tonight to win that title here tonight.

King: You can tell all that by his face?…

[Angelus’ theme then hits as he makes his way out to the ring with his world title around his waist. Angelus stops at the ring area and loosens his belt from his waist, Angelus looks at the title then at Hanley and shakes his head. Hanley motions his hands as to say bring it on. Angelus looks over at a stage hand and throws him the title and walks towards the ring, hopping on the ring apron. Angelus slowly puts one leg between the ropes as he slowly gets inside looking at Hanley to take a cheap shot. Hanley waits in the middle of the ring as Angelus marches up getting into his face. Suddenly a familiar theme hits as both men turn their attentions from one another and to the stage as Jay Levesque makes his way out in a wheel chair. Jay stops at the top of the stage shaking in anger, looking down into the ring.]

Jay Levesque: I hope all of you are happy…And when I say all, that’s exactly what I mean. Look at me Hanley…Look at me Angelus…HELL, LOOK AT ME CHICAGO! I want you to take a good hard look at what these two monsters have done to me! I hope the both of you are proud, I want you guys to look at the broken man before you. Maybe being paralyzed could be the worst it would get, I thought to myself… WELL THAT AINT THE FUCKING TIP OF THE ICEBERG BOYS! You look up the word devastated in the dictionary boys and there will be my picture. Can you smell that boys, that is what we call the smell of smoke…And that smell comes from yours truly, because these last 5 months of my life have been nothing short of a LIVING HELL! What am I going off about you maybe asking yourself well let me take you back…October 31st, 2004..Cold day in Hell. Roll the damn footage.

[EMF Tron then lights up as footage from Cold Day in Hell ‘04.]

[Suddenly the crowd starts to boo as Jay has jumped from the crowd and is now making his way up the cage unnoticed by Hanley. Hanley then hits a few stomps as Jay climbs up to the top and then grabs the weed wacker that Hanley left behind and then sneaks up and tries to smack Hanley, Hanley turns around quickly and catches it and then kicks Hanley in the gut to disarm him and then Hanley sets Jay up in power bomb position and then sets him up and then hits a power bomb that breaks the top of the hell in a cell and Jay goes crashing below on the ring and then Hanley looks even shocked as he didn’t attend for that to happen. But in that split second he lets his guard down Angelus comes from behind him and then hits a drop kick that sends Hanley forward and he falls into the hell in a cell almost like a splash on the already not moving Jay]

[End footage]

Jay Levesque: At that moment, I lost everything…Not just the ability to walk or use the bottom half of my body but, I lost much much more then that. First came my wealth, cause lets face it a half broken man can only do so much. Then came my wife, Michelle…Seems she didn’t have any interest in being with a poor crippled man. And with my wife went my 2 children, bet you didn’t know about that did you Hanley? See it seemed to a judge, that I was too damn un-fucking-fit to take care of my own damn kids. But, guys in all that I have lost I have one thing and that is this. [Reaches down grabbing a paper out of his lap] See this? Well this paper is all I have left and on this paper is my half of this damn company. And since I can’t pull myself out of this personal hell I am in, I am gonna damn sure gonna drag everyone responsible for mine to hell with me!

[Jay Levesque tosses down the mic and rolls himself to the back.]

[Then after all that Hanley then gets focused and looks across to his long time enemy Angelus Archer, then Hanley and Angelus pace around the ring and then lock up and then Angleus goes behind and then tries to put Hanley into a waist lock, but then Hanley then looks for a way out of the hold and then Hanley moves around and then ducks and then sends Angelus out of the ring and then Angelus goes flying out of the ring and then Angelus hits the mat and then Angelus takes his time to regain his cool as he even hits the steps and then Angelus looks for the right place and reenters the ring, while Hanley is playing the crowd trying to sneak up on Hanley and does hitting a few clubbing blows and then Hanley turns around and then Angelus gets a few hard fists and then Angelus whips Hanley off the ropes and then Hanley bounces off the ropes and then Hanley leaps in the air and then hits a shoulder block and then Angelus goes down to the mat and then Angelus stumbles up and then Hanley picks up Angelus and then hits a body slam and then Hanley goes to the ropes and then comes off the ropes and then hits a big knee drop across the face. Hanley then goes into the cover and then gets the 1......2......kick out, Hanley isn't surprised as Hanley lets Angelus up and then Angelus stumbles to the corner trying to cause some seperation. But then as Hanley comes into the corner and then Angelus hits a few fists and then whips Hanley to the opposite side of the ring and then Angelus charges into the corner and then Hanley gets his boot up and then Angelus stumbles back and then Hanley then gets on the second ropes and then sets up Angelus then goes for a tornado DDT. But then Angelus pushes Hanley off the attempted move and then Hanley goes flying to the middle of the ring on his feet and then Angelus goes charging to Hanley and then Hanley counters with a T-Bone suplex (ain’t no stoppin’ Hanley) and then into the cover and then gets the 1……………2……….kick out. Hanley thought he had the pin there and then goes back on the attack on Angelus who is on the roepes trying to get to his feet and then Hanley hits a few hard fists and then Angelus falls out of the ring and then goes to the mat and then Hanley plays to the crowd once again and then slides to the outside and then Hanley hits a few fists and then tries to whip Angelus to the steel steps. But then Angelus reverses and then sends Hanley to the steps shoulder first]

JR- Hanley made a big mistake

King-Well that’s what he gets for being cocky

Kris Gaffney-That’s why he can never beat Angelus

King-Nothing with Angelus makes sense, why does he always kill and not get arrested?

JR-That’s one of the great questions that may never be answered

[Angelus is on his hands and knees and then recovers and then slowly and then Angelus rolls Hanley into the ring and then Angelus climbs to the apron and then to the top rope and then Hanley stumbles up and then Angelus leaps off and then hits a cross body block into the pin and then Hanley is able to roll through and then tries to hold Angelus down and then gets the 1….2……kick out. Hanley and Angelus pop up at the same time and then Angelus knocks him down with a clothesline and then Angelus pissed off then hits a few hard fists and then hits a few stomps on the downed Hanley and then Angelus waits for Hanley to get up and then Hanley stumbles up around and then Hanley gets hit with an inverted atomic drop and then Hanley stumbles back and then Angelus hits a few hard stinging fists and then Angelus whips Hanley off the ropes and then Hanley bounces off the ropes and then Angelus hits a boot into the gut as Hanley returns around and then goes to the ropes and comes off and then hits a swing neck breaker on Hanley and then Angelus goes to the closest turnbuckle and then leaps off the turnbuckle and then hits a big elbow drop on to Hanley and then goes into the cover and then Angelus goes into the cover and then gets the 1……………2………kick out. Angelus can’t believe it, he questions the ref. But the ref jumps out of the ring, Angelus goes back to Hanley and then hits a few hard fists and then Hanley is reeling on the ropes and then Angelus whips Hanley to the ropes and bounces off and then hits a spinning heel kick]

JR-Good spinning heel kick

King-You think everything is good

Kris Gaffney-Well I suppose anything looks good to JR, because if he tried it…

JR-Yeah, I have tried to do a spinning heel kick, it wasn’t a pretty sight…

[Hanley then gets up and then Angelus goes to the Slain, but Hanley fights out of it and then Angelus stumbles back and then Hanley kicks him in the gut and then tries to set up for the widow maker, but then Angelus is able to struggle away from Hanley and then Hanley turns around and Angelus hits the Slain, Angelus goes into the cover and then gets the 1…………..2……..3]

(Shockwave goes off the air with Angelus on the mat holding the world title)