EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The EMF logo flashes over the screen, and we go into the EMF introduction video, once it ends we go into the already lit up arena.)

JR-Welcome everyone to Saturday Shockwave….

(Suddenly before JR can continue, a theme starts to play)

*"Game On" by Disciple starts blaring as blue lights fill the arena. Tony "The Badd Boy" Ikeda comes out through the curtain. He gets a mixed reaction, but seemingly heavier on the boos due to his recent world title match interruption. The Badd Boy steps out in blue jeans, a tucked in black shirt, and a black leather jacket. He smirks as he looks around the arena and makes his way down towards the ring. Badd Boy steps up onto the ring apron and holds on to the ropes as he looks around. He then steps through the ropes and gets into the middle of the ring. He walks around the ring for a moment, then gets a microphone from a ringside crewman. The Badd Boy comes to the middle of the ring, and as the lights come up and the music fades out, Badd Boy raises the microphone to his lips.*

The Badd Boy: Guess who's baaaack? That's right, I am back and badder than ever. There King, chalk another one up for your Badd puns list. Now I'm going to do something here that most of you half brained nit wits out here may be shocked to hear. I am going to admit for once that I was wrong about something. I almost couldn't believe it myself, but it's true. I, The Badd Boy, was wrong. I guess Jarred COULD in fact see me on Shockwave, and because he could, he as he always does, took his eye off the ball, and look what happened. Cena beat him for the win. Now that was absolute entertainment at its finest.

*The Crowd Boos.*

The Badd Boy: So for a short while now, the wrestling world that was absolutely rocked with my return has been buzzing. Why oh why would The Badd Boy come back and do something like that? Is it because of his general hate for all that is Carthallion? Well...the answer is yes, but that's not the sole reason. You see I recently crossed a threshold. Now hold on to your seats and strap on your thinking caps everyone, I don't expect you to be able to follow along real well. We are in Cleveland, Ohio after all. I have been the EMF Attitude Roster Vice President, which was fine with me, but the threshold I crossed was into the main halls of the EMF headquarters. You see, you are looking at the Extreme Measures Federation's very own Vice President Badd Boy.

*That cocky grin comes across the face of The Badd Boy again.*

The Badd Boy: While that sinks in and cooks your noodle, let me explain. You see someone was needed to try and help keep a system of checks and balances here with John Cena. Ask no questions, tell no lies, that's how I came to my position, but as I signed the dotted lines, and assumed my role as Vice President, I thought about this. Battle against Cena to keep him from getting to ego powered? Nah, I'll let him do his own thing. I have my own fish to fry.

*The Badd Boy gets a serious look in his eye as he looks towards the camera.*

The Badd Boy: That starts with you Jarred. It must suck that no matter how hard you try, every time you turn around there's an Ikeda staring you down. I thought maybe you had forgotten about me though Jarred. I thought maybe you had become too obcessed with a younger sibling that shares my last name. I just hope you never forgot the Ikeda that started it all. The Ikeda that started the snowball effect that was the downward spiral of your life. The Ikeda, that you...could never...defeat. I've taken factions, championships, and pride from you. I've introduced people that nibbled away at your personal life. It's only just begun Jarred. It's time that I show you exactly what I think about you. Call it power abuse, call it what you will, it doesn't change the fact that I'm about to have some fun Jarred. There is not a thing you can do about it, other than sit back, and enjoy the ride.

*The Badd Boy turns and points towards the ramp.*

The Badd Boy: That goes for everyone else in the back. Each and every one of you listen up. There are a lot of young names that don't recognize me, and there are some old pros who do. I didn't come here to sit on the back burner like I have been forced to do in the past. No I'm here to ignite the blazes and turn sparks into wildfires. If anyone tries to stand in my way, I WILL make their lives, a living, HELL!

*"Everyone Like Me begins to play. The Crowd cheers as CM Punk steps out from the back chomping on some gum. Dressed in his wrestling shorts, and a black t-shirt that reads Straight Edge in an X form across the front. He has a microphone in hand. He stands at the top of the ramp looking around with a smile. The music fades out and he raises the microphone up to his lips as he makes his way down the ramp.*

CM Punk: Whoa whoa whoa. First off, shut the hell up. My God, if I have to stand back there and listen to your snoozefest any longer, I'm going to commit suicide.

The Badd Boy: What do you think you are doing coming out here and interrupting me?

*CM Punk climbs into the ring and looks at Badd Boy.*

CM Punk: Who do I think I am? I don't think, I know who I am. I AM a man who's been on the shelf way too long around here. I AM like you a man returning from a long leave of abcense. I AM CM Punk, and now I am wondering, just who are you? I mean, I expected the return of the legendary Badd Boy to be something big. I expected this Hall of Famer and multiple time World Champion to be something to respect, but then you opened your mouth. Like a lot of guys around here I haven't liked you from the first time I met you. So apparently somehow or another you got a little extra power under your belt, and it doesn't look like it took very long to get to your head. So before you worry about going off on some egocentric agenda directed at Jarred Carthallion. I'll be damned if I'm going to stand in the back and listen to anyone tell me I better get out of the way of anything.

The Badd Boy: You'll get in line just like everyone else here will get in line!

CM Punk: So says a washed up hak, not quite good enough to be a has been, but dull enough to be a suitable replacement for Tylenol PM. Here's a line for you.

*CM Punk flips The Badd Boy a middle finger.*

The Badd Boy: So you want to be the first to know what happens when you don't listen to me?

*CM Punk steps right into The Badd Boy's face.*

CM Punk: Yeah, I do. What are you going to do about it?

The Badd Boy: Me? Nothing...Him? Total Carnage!

*"Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck" by Demon Hunter starts playing as the over seven foot tall four hundred fifty pound walking wall of muscle CaRnAgE makes his way from the back. The Badd Boy climbs out of the ring as CM Punk just looks up the ramp as the big man starts walking down the walkway. CM Punk rolls his eyes, spits his gum out, rolls his head around and lets out a big sigh as CaRnAgE steps up onto the ring apron and high steps the ropes. CaRnAgE steps face to face looking down at CM Punk. The orange glow in the arena Punk rears back and throws a punch at CaRnAgE that the big man just shakes off. CaRnAgE then picks CM Punk up with one hand and chokeslams him down to the mat. The Badd Boy rolls back into the ring and motions for CaRnAgE to pick him up. CaRnAgE does so. He lifts Punk up on his shoulders then drives him down to the mat delivering the ELECTRIC CHAIR DROP! CaRnAgE just looks stone faced over Punk as Badd Boy gets in Punk's face holding the microphone.*

The Badd Boy: How about we kick things off next week. You become the first official victim. You take on CaRnAgE in a one on one match on Shockwave!

*The Badd Boy drops the microphone and walks way laughing with CaRnAgE following him. CM Punk is down and out in the ring as "Game On" keeps playing throughout the arena.*

("TTT theme" blasts on the PA system as TTT walks to the ring along side Candice Michelle.)

JR-TTT has been pretty impressive, but he is a raw talented rookie, he does have a long ways to go.

Kris Gaffney-We'll see how he does…

King-He's representing the USA…you know.

("Muhammad Hassan's theme" blasts on the PA system as Muhammad Hassan walk to the ring with Davari.)

JR-Hassan has been impressive in the past, been very close to winning championships, I'm sure that it's only a matter of time before he wins won.

King-and gets it off of Rad..or Rex…

Kris Gaffney-He doesn't seem to like them much…

[TTT and Muhammad Hassan lock up TTT over powers Muhammad Hassan and pushes him into the corner and the ref counts to 4, and TTT back out of the corner and Muhammad Hassan cheap shots TTT. TTT looks a bit stunned, Muhammad Hassan charges at TTT. But TTT is able to catch him in a spinning side slam (CLICK DOOMSDAY!) and goes into the cover and gets the 1……………2…………kick out by Muhammad Hassan. TTT gets up and hits a few stomps to the downed Muhammad Hassan. Hassan stumbles up in the corner, TTT goes into the corner and hits a few chops to the chest of Muhammad Hassan TTT hits another big one. Muhammad Hassan tries to fall out of the corner, but TTT has other plans and he puts Muhammad Hassan into bear hug and smashes him into the corner. TTT hits a few shoulders into the gut finally the ref makes TTT stop that, TTT shrugs his shoulders and then takes Muhammad Hassan and hip tosses him out of the corner and Hassan crashes into the mat below. Muhammad Hassan looks like he is pain, TTT waits for Hassan. Hassan stumbles to his feet, and then TTT hits a few forearm shots to the face of Muhammad Hassan and Hassan stumbles back and TTT whips Muhammad Hassan off of the ropes and Muhammad Hassan bounces off of the ropes and TTT lowers his head, and hits a back body drop on Muhammad Hassan. Muhammad Hassan crashes to the mat below. Muhammad stumbles up and TTT picks up Muhammad Hassan up and goes into the corner, and hits a running power slam into a cover, and gets the 1…………..2………kick out by Muhammad Hassan. TTT plays to the crowd a little bit, as Hassan gets to his feet, TTT runs to the ropes and comes off of the ropes and hits a running shoulder block that sends Muhammad Hassan to the outside.]

JR-TTT is showing us that he has potential.

King-I wonder if he can be a leader…like X-Pac

Kris Gaffney- You want to anger the X-Pac fans.

King-Oh…oh right…hey…did I ever tell you what I found at Cryme Tymes garage sale?

Kris Gaffney- You want to die, don't you?

[TTT goes to the outside, and waits for Muhammad Hassan to get up. Hassan stumbles up to his feet and then Muhammad Hassan gets picked up over TTT's shoulder and gets pointed to the ring post. TTT runs at the ring post, but suddenly Muhammad Hassan slides out of the back and pushes TTT into the ring post, and Muhammad Hassan falls to the floor. He crawls over to the steps trying to rest, but suddenly he see's TTT running at him, and Muhammad Hassan hits a drop toe hold that sends TTT face first into the steel steps. TTT stumbles around, and Muhammad Hassan rolls TTT into the ring and Muhammad Hassan goes up to the top rope. He waits for TTT to get up, TTT stumbles up and Muhammad Hassan hits an axe handle to the top of the head, and he stumbles around. But does not go down, Hassan runs to the ropes and hits a shoulder block to TTT. This stumbles TTT back, ubt does not take him down. Hassan runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. TTT goes for a big boot, but Muhammad Hassan runs to the ropes and then comes off the ropes after he ducked the big boot. TTT turns around and gets caught with a high flying clothesline that knocks down TTT. Davari is yelling at TTT in praise of Hassan. Muhammad Hassan hits a few stomps and follows it up with a few elbow drops to the downed TTT. Finally the ref comes in, and makes him lighten up a bit. Hassan seems to ignore this as he goes over to where TTT is on the ropes, and starts to choke TTT with the ropes.]

JR-Hassan has turned around this match.


[Hassan hits a drop kick that sends TTT out of the ring, and sends him out of the ring. Hassan goes on the apron, and measures up TTT. TTT gets up, and Hassan jumps off of the apron. TTT catches him. TTT holds him in a bear hug for a bit, and then after a while transfer him to his shoulder, and tries to throw him into the ring post. But Hassan moves out of the move and pushes TTT to the ring post. Hassan and TTT crawl to opposite sides of the ring. The ref is already up to 7………8…….9..as the ref isn’t looking TTT is climbing into the ring. But Davari low blows him and brings him back to ring side…Hassan rolls into the ring 10. Hassan wins via count out.]

(note-Extremely close, so close there should be no clear winner. I’m probably going to book a gimmick match rematch. Like a limber jack match.

("For Whom the Bell Tolls" blasts on the PA system as Rex walks to the ring and he steps into the ring, and waits for his opponent.)

JR-We have no idea who ordered this match, we just know that this puts Rex at a disadvantage.

King-It could be a number of people now with Attitude VP Tony Ikeda around.

Kris Gaffney-This could even be the lawyers forcing the EMF's hand

JR-Not a bad point Kris.

("CJ Lethal's theme" blasts on the PA system as CJ Lethal walks to the ring, and steps over the top rope.)

King-Noticed that the CJ Lethal's appearances are becoming more frequent?

Kris Gaffney-I noticed that.

King-Ever noticed that CJ still hasn't switched to decalf.

Kris Gaffney-Noticed that too.

[Rex and CJ Lethal are on opposite sides of the ring, CJ Lethal holds his Singapore cane in his hand. Rex looks like he is saying something to the ref, but as CJ Lethal thinks he has Rex distracted enough. CJ Lethal takes a swing at Rex, Rex is able to duck it and Rex hits a fist to the face of CJ Lethal that makes him drop the cane. Rex hits a few fists to the face and CJ Lethal starts to reel back, Rex tries to whip CJ Lethal to the ropes. But CJ Lethal puts the breaks on Rex tries to pull again. But it is blocked once again, CJ Lethal pulls Rex into him for a short arm back body drop that CJ Lethal is able to land on the apron. CJ Lethal hits a back elbow and Rex falls all the way down, holding his face. Although it would seem that he is not that hurt he was just somewhat stunned with the elbow to the face. CJ Lethal comes over the top rope, Rex hits a few fists as CJ Lethal is coming at him. But Rex's momentum is stopped by CJ Lethal hitting an eye rake, and Rex is blinded. CJ Lethal takes Rex by the hair, and tries to smash him into the steps. But it's blocked, Rex hits an elbow into the gut and smashes CJ Lethals head on the steel steps. CJ Lethal stumbles around, Rex rolls him into the ring, and Rex goes into the ring. CJ Lethal stumbles into the corner, Rex hits a few knee lifts into the gut Rex backs up a few steps and nails a running shoulder block into the corner, CJ Lethal stays there for a few moments and CJ Lethal finally stumbles out of the corner and Rex kicks him in the gut and hits a DDT. Rex goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………….2………..kick out by CJ Lethal. Rex hits a few stomps on the downed CJ Lethal, CJ Lethal gets up to his feet, Rex tries to whip CJ Lethal off of the ropes. But it's reversed by Rex, Rex goes to the ropes and leaps in the air and hits a flying shoulder block to CJ Lethal. CJ Lethal falls out of the ring, and on to his feet. Rex goes to the outside, and presues him as CJ Lethal tries to cause separation. Rex grabs him, but suddenly CJ Lethal turns around and smashes Rex with a chair. Rex goes down to the mat.]

JR-Geez, who made these rules?

King-I don't think we were really told.

Kris Gaffney- Think it was Cena?

King-Na, it has to be Amy…she must be going through that time of month…while her life sucks right now.

[CJ Lethal drops down to one knee, and Rex is down on the mat. It's damn lucky that he is not busted open at all after that chair shot. CJ Lethal takes a few moments to rest an watches Rex who is trying to get to his feet out of the corner of his eye. CJ Lethal stumbles to his feet. CJ Lethal gets up and hits a big clothesline on Rex. Rex goes down to the mat. CJ Lethal takes some more time to rest up. CJ Lethal picks up Rex, and puts Rex over his shoulder. CJ Lethal takes Rex and throws him shoulder first like a long dark into the ring post. Rex falls to the mat, and CJ Lethal looks down at Rex. He goes over to the floor padding, and pulls the padding off of the floor exposing the cement floor. CJ Lethal yells something to the crowd, he turns around suddenly Rex is up and CJ Lethal goes for a fist. But it's blocked, and Rex hits a few fists of his own. CJ Lethal is stumbling back, but then hits a knee to the gut and falls to his knee's and CJ Lethal takes a few moments. Rex charges at CJ Lethal, CJ counters this with a hip toss that sends Rex into the cement back first. Rex looks like he's in a lot of pain, CJ Lethal takes Rex and throws him into the ring, and goes into the cover and gets the 1……………2……….kick out by CJ Lethal. Rex is trying to get to his feet, suddenly CJ Lethal looks down at the Singapore Cane he brought into the ring at first, and then he measures up on Rex. Rex is trying to get to his feet, and CJ Lethal smashes the cane across the back of Rex once, twice, three times. Rex turns around and gets one in his gut and doubles Rex over and CJ Lethal hits another on his back.]

JR-Damn it, will someone stop the match?

King-Rex is at a disadvantage here..

Kris Gaffney-Your Mom is at a disadvantage…

[CJ goes to the outside, and then pulls out a table from under the ring and then puts it into the ring, and brings it into the ring. CJ Lethal sets up the table, suddenly Rex comes off the second rope, and tries to do some sort of vertical cross body block. But CJ Lethal hits a standing spine buster. CJ Lethal takes Rex, and lifts him up to the top rope. CJ Lethal pushes the table nearer the corner, and then CJ Lethal goes up to the top. It looks like Rex is going for a Lethal Bomb. But Rex fires back with a few fists to the face. Rex gets ready to push Lethal into the table. But as he falls back, the ref moves it out of the way. Rex gets an angry look as he goes over to the ref, suddenly Lethal comes out of no where and smashes Rex in the back with a cane shot to the back. Rex turns around, Lethal hits him with another shot. Lethal goes for another, but it's blockd by Rex. Rex kicks him in the gut, and then takes the cane. It looks like he might use it, the ref warns him about it. It looks like he might. But then he throws it down, the ref grabs the cane, and turns to throw it out of the ring. Rex hits a low blow with this distraction and sets up Lethal and power bombs him through the table. The ref see's this, and calls for the bell.]

JR-Seems Rex had enough of that.

King-Who thought of this match anyways…

Kris Gaffney-Good question.

(OOC-Staff decision, I believe we weren't feeling the connection of Rex's RP this time or we missed it. There is more to add, but I need to ask someone something first.)

("All Grown Up" blasts on the PA system as Stephanie McMahon-Walker walks to the ring along with her trainer Mercedes.)

JR-Since their match, Mercedes has taken on Stephanie as a trainer, and it would seem that they have become friends.

King-Why is it so easy for Stephanie to hang around people like Mercedes, Trish, and Hemme?

Kris Gaffney-Don't worry King, I'm sure Marc Mead can give you advice…

("Walk Idiot Walk" as Christy Hemme walks out of the ring to a bunch of boo's.)

JR-Christy…surely does not have the most settler record in the EMF.

King-That'll change…you'll see.

Kris Gaffney-She has to be loving the fact that she can boss Amy around anytime she goes to the Cena home

[Stephanie and Christy Hemme pace off in the middle of the ring and both talk some trash. Suddenly it's silenced by Christy Hemme who hits a big slap on Stephanie, Stephanie turns at the impact of the slap. She looks like she has an amused look on her face, and then she answers back with her Steph. Slap from HELL that knock down Christy Hemme. Christy Hemme stumbles up, and Stephanie hits a few hard forearm shots to the face and Christy Hemme stumbles into the corner, and Stpehanie goes into the corner and measures up and hits a few knife edge chops to the upper chest of Christy Hemme. The ref finally makes Stephanie back away, Stephanie backs up and Christy Hemme with a snapmare, and hits a drop kick into the back of Christy Hemme. Christy Hemme goes down to the mat, and Stephanie decides not to go for the cover, instead she hits a few stomps on the downed Christy Hemme. Christy Hemme gets up to her feet, and Stephanie hits a kick into the gut doubling over Christy Hemme. Stephanie backs up and hits a running knee lift to the face of Christy Hemme. Christy Hemme stumbles around, and stumbles right into Stephanie who hits a t-bone suplex right into a pin and she gets the 1……………….2………kick out by Christy Hemme. Stephanie questions the count, but doesn't get frustrated, as Christy Hemme crawls into the corner, trying to call time out. Stephanie goes into the corner, and like any good face, she gets hit with a eye poke. Stephanie stumbles back, and Christy Hemme goes to the outside, and climbs to the top rope. Christy Hemme steadys herself, but suddenly Stephanie hits the ropes and Christy Hemme falls on the top rope. Stephanie goes up to the top rope and hooks Christy Hemme and hits a super plex both but Christy is able to fire back with a few fists to the face and she pushes Stephanie off. Stephanie lands on her leg weird, she looks in pain Christy leaps off the top for the double axe handle. But, Stephanie counters with a fist to the gut.]

King nice counter.

JR-But I don't like the way that Stephanie landed on her right leg just then.

[Stephanie looks in a lot of pain, but is toughing it out as Christy Hemme is getting up with the help of the ropes. Stpehanie goes to the ropes, but Christy Hemme grabs a hold of Stephanie's top and uses it throw her out of the ring to buy herself some more time.Christy Hemme rolls into the middle of the ring, Stephanie tries to get up on the apron. But Christy Hemme all of a suddenly hits a baseball slide on the injured ankle, and Stephanie falls on it, she falls into the ring in pain. Christy Hemme pulls Stephanie into the ring, somewhat away from the ropes and sets Stephanie up, and puts her in the figure four. Stpehanie streams in pain, the ref asks if she wants to give it up. Stephanie refuses, Stephanie forgets where her shoulders are and the ref counts 1……………2………Stephanie rises her shoulders. She has a determined look, even though she is in a lot of pain right now. Stephanie see's that she is very close to the ropes. Stephanie starts to inch towards it, closer….closer…finally Stephanie grab hold of it. The ref breaks the hold, and Christy Hemme lets go. She says a few things to Stephanie, and pulls her to the center of the ring, and tries to go for the figure four once again. But it's countered by Stephanie who kicks Christy Hemme off of the move and Christy goes into the ref. The ref is down, Christy Hemme shrugs it off turns around into a kick and a CHILLER by Stephanie. Stephanie goes into the cover…but there is no ref.]

JR-Stephanie had the match won\

King-Yeah, but Christy wouldn’t have given that opening had she not hit into the ref.

Kris Gaffney-what if…what if…that’s like “what if I didn’t go back in time to fuck your both your Mom’s 9 months before you were both born!”

JR and King-WAIT that means!!

[Stephanie is down, suddenly the camera goes to the outside and Katrina comes out of no where and smashes Mercedes with a chair. Stephanie see’s this, and tries to come to help, but Katrina hits Stephanie with the chair on the top of her head. Katrina throws down the chair as Stephanie goes down she’s holding her head. Although her heart isn’t allowing her to give up, so she’s trying to get to her feet. Katrina looks crazy, she kicks Stephanie in the gut and sets her up, lifts her, and drops her for the Widows Peak. Katrina pulls Christy on to the cover, and rolls out of the ring as the ref is coming to 1………….2………3]

JR-Damn it, Katrina just cost Stephanie the match

Kris Gaffney-and just smashed the smooth one

King-Oh I can’t take it anymore

(King tires to save them, but is stopped by STG (no come back, just a joke) so King sits back down)

King-On second thought, I’ll just be right here.

(Katrina slides into the ring with a looks down at the unconscious Stephanie, and drops a paper and laughs at her.)

King-What was that about?

(“Grindhouse” blasts on the PA system as MxMxPunk walks to the ring along with Ashley Gibson.)

JR-This is Punk’s first title shot.

King-How he takes advantage of it…

Kris Gaffney-Just ask the Suns….

(“Walk” blasts on the PA system as Rad Hazard walks to the ring with the television championship.)

JR-Rad Hazard has worked very hard for this moment.

Kris Gaffney-And that’s the truth!

King-You’re such a tool…

[Rad Hazard and MxMxPunk pace around the ring, and lock up, and Rad Hazard is able to go behind MxMxPunk with a hammer lock. Rad Hazard looks for a way out of the hold and Rad Hazard drops down and hits a drop toe hold that takes down Punk to the mat. He puts a head lock on Punk, and Rad Hazard puts on the pressure on Punk. Rad Hazard doesn't want to release the hold as Punk looks for a way out of the hold and gets to his feet, and whips MxMxPunk off of the ropes, and he bounces off of the ropes Punk leap frogs Rad Hazard. Rad Hazard goes to the opposide side of the ring, and bounces off of the ropes. Rad Hazard goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under by MxMxPunk and Rad Hazard goes to the other side of the ring, and comes off of the ropes. Rad Hazard charges in for another move. But Punk is able to move out of the way, and throws him out of the ring over the top rope, hoping that he would fall out of the arena, but Rad Hazard had landed on the apron. Rad Hazard goes up to the top rope, and waits for MxMxPunk to get up to his feet. Rad Hazard leaps off of the top rope, but MxMxPunk counters with a drop kick to the face of Rad Hazard as he comes out off of the top rope and Rad Hazard goes down to the mat. MxMxPunk looks like he is gaining control of this match. Rad Hazard stumbles to his feet, and charges at Punk. Punk hits a back elbow that takes down Rad Hazard. Hazard stumbles up to his feet, and then charges at Punk. Punk counters with a hip toss. Rad Hazard stumbles to his feet, and hits a kick to the gut and then hooks up Rad Hazard and takes him over for the fishermans suplex an gets the 1………2……..kick out by Rad Hazard. Punk looks like he is angry, and he drops the knee drop into the face, and Punk picks up Rad Hazard and hits a body slam on him, and goes to the outside, and climbs to the top rope, and leaps off of the top rope and goes for a the cross over. But Rad Hazard move out of the way.]

JR-MxMxPunk might have went for his finisher too early


Kris Gaffney-Actually…that was his trademark move before his finisher, he likes to call that "the air ball"

[After the "air ball" both wrestlers are down on the mat, as the champion gets to his feet. He goes into the corner, and gets up in the corner, it would seem that Punk was somehow able to recover, and get up in the corner. MxMxPunk gets up in the corner, and goes for a big splash into the corner. Since the future isn't his, Rad Hazard move out of the way and Punk goes crashing into the corner,and Rad Hazard takes a few moments and hits a few knife edge chops to the chest of MxMxPunk. Rad Hazard takes MxMxPunk out of the corner and he bounces out of the corner. Punk stumbles out of the corner, and Rad Hazard sets him up and hits a belly to belly over head throw on MxMxPunk. Rad Hazard goes into the corner and gets the 1……………..2………..kick out. Rad looks at the ref, and he confirms that it was a TWO. Rad Hazard gets up to his feet, and he hits a few fists to the face. Punk stumbles back and Rad whips Punk to the ropes, Punk bounces off of the ropes and then he goes for a clothesline. It's ducked under by MxMxPunk, Punk comes off of the other side of the ring. MxMxPunk bounces off of the ropes, Rad Hazard hits a fist to the gut and doubles over, and Rad Hazard goes over and hits a Russian leg sweep and goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………2………..kick out. Punk gets up, Rad Hazard kicks Punk in the gut and hits a DDT, he says he's going to end the match.]

JR-Looks like the TV champion is going in for the kill.

[Rad Hazard takes Punk and sets him up for the realization. Suddenly Ashley jumps on the apron, this makes him throw Punk down and go after her. Ashley jumps down, Rad turns around and goes after Punk who is on the corner. Rad Hazard goes into the corner and starts the 10 punch combo 1............2..........3.........4..........5......... Punk steps out of the corner and stacks Rad Hazard on his shoulders 1...........Punk puts his feet on the ropes.....2........3]

JR-Punk stole the match and the title!

King-Hey! Stealing is apart of basketball, right?

(Suddenly "For whom the bell tolls" blasts on the PA system as Rex comes down to the ring and then he steps into the ring, and he stares down MxMxPunk

(more to come, Morgan..read your e-mail.)

(OOC-I think this ending might change, because there is a possibility that we will do something with this match. I just don't know if the person wants to use it to start it or not, so I leave it open for editing.)