EMF: Saturday Shockwave

The EMF Shockwave video starts and ends as the picture goes into the arena and gets a few shots of the fans

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave

King-You know I hate the short shows!

(Gillbergs theme hits and to a small, almost non, explosion hits and he comes to the ring, with his styrofoam Lightweavyweight Title. He gets in the ring and shakes all the ropes, he then looks at his bleeding hands. The song Hobo comes out to plays and Hobo comes to the ring, with the Hobo World Title. The both enter the death cell. Both men look timid as they lock up in the center of the ring. Hobo pushes Gillberg back, but he stands strong and doesn't hit the C4. Gillberg runs at him for the spear and Hobo steps out of the way lands face first into the C4. It doesn't explode. Hobo walks to the fallen Gillberg and looks at the C4. He stomps it making it go off in Gillbergs face, also exploding on his foor.

) JR- My God! Putting his body on the line!

KING- Well If needed Hobo could buy a new foot.

(WIth the explosion Hobo falls through the barbwire ropes, and is stuck between them and the cage. Gillberg gets up and dropkicks the ropes, pushing the barbwire into his chest. Hobo falls through the ropes and into the ring. Gillberg picks him up and tries to throw him into the rops. Hobo reverses it and clotheslines Gillberg. Hobo picks him up and irish whips him into the corner. C4 Explodes, and Gillberg falls over Hobo drops a leg and covers Gillberg kicks out. Hobo picks him up and throws him into the cage/barbwire. Gillberg hangs on with dear life and hobo pulls him down. He straddles the top, he screams like a girl...)

JR- Kiss his sex life goodbye.

KING- Gillberg had a sex life?

(Hobo gets on the top turnbuckle, and clotheslines Gillberg he falls into the ring. Hobo picks him up and drags his face across the ropes. The throws him hard into the C4. Huge explosion and Hobo pins him..

Howard Finkle - This match is a Standard Match tag match. On there way to the ring at this time, Timmay & Phantom!!!

[Timmay & Phantom come to the ring. ]

Howard Finkle - and their opponents, the team of Raptor & Wasabi.

[Raptor & Wasabi walk to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this match. Raptor walks around the ring. Phantom drops Raptor with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (ring, ring, ring) Phantom has the advantage, but Raptor tries to turn it around with an achilles tendon hold. ]

Jim Ross - Phantom takes a achilles tendon hold.

[Raptor gets up. Raptor grabs Phantom's arm, drops down, and has him in an arm grapevine. Raptor grabs Phantom's arm, drops down, and has him in an arm grapevine. ]

Howard Finkle - Raptor with a arm grapevine.

[Raptor tags Wasabi. Phantom executes the guillotine choke on Wasabi. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - guillotine choke by Phantom.

[Phantom is back on his feet. Wasabi moves back to his feet. Wasabi uses a snap mare takeover on Phantom. Phantom gets up. Hardcore Timmay tagged in by Phantom. Phantom uses a closed fist on Wasabi. Phantom executes a split legged moonsault on to Wasabi. Phantom connects with a flying knee. Wasabi goes down. Wasabi moves back to his feet. Wasabi tags in Raptor. Wasabi climbs to the top rope and nails Hardcore Timmay with a reverse flying elbow drop. Raptor grabs Hardcore Timmay's arm, drops down, and has him in an arm grapevine. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - That's strategy right there! Double Team Hardcore Timmay.

[Raptor puts Hardcore Timmay in an arm grapevine submission. Raptor grabs Hardcore Timmay's arm, drops down, and has him in an arm grapevine. Raptor puts Hardcore Timmay in an arm grapevine submission. Hardcore Timmay climbs to his feet. Hardcore Timmay goes for a exploder suplex but Raptor dodges the attack. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Is this a great match or what?

Jim Ross - Yes sir!

[Hardcore Timmay with a huge super fisherman buster, driving Raptor into the mat. Hardcore Timmay is back on his feet. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - What a match! These guys are almost as good as me. Wouldn't you agree?

Jim Ross - Not in this life time.

[Phantom tagged in by Hardcore Timmay. They lockup. Raptor sends Phantom to the corner of the ring. ]

Howard Finkle - Phantom takes a weak move.

[Phantom makes the tag to Hardcore Timmay. Hardcore Timmay gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Raptor. ]

Jim Ross - Hardcore Timmay takes a boot choke.

[Raptor holds Hardcore Timmay in the corner, choking him with his forearm. Raptor executes a neck scissors on Hardcore Timmay. Raptor chants start. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - What a neck scissors!!

[Raptor gets back to his feet. Hardcore Timmay gets locked in the painful STF. Earl Hebner asks Hardcore Timmay if he quits. ... ... Raptor breaks the hold. Raptor and Hardcore Timmay go to the floor ]

Jim Ross - Raptor can't get a pin at ringside.

[Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Raptor cuts Hardcore Timmay with a blade. Hardcore Timmay is bleeding as a result. (..2) Raptor puts Hardcore Timmay in an arm grapevine submission. (...3) Raptor grabs Hardcore Timmay's arm, drops down, and has him in an arm grapevine. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Hardcore Timmay takes a arm grapevine.

[Hardcore Timmay is back on his feet. (....4) Hardcore Timmay tackles and begins punching Raptor. (.....5) Raptor and Hardcore Timmay move back into the ring. Hardcore Timmay gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Raptor. ]

Howard Finkle - Hardcore Timmay takes a boot choke.

[Raptor tags in Wasabi. Wasabi applies the clawhold on Hardcore Timmay. Wasabi tags Raptor. Wasabi neck snaps Hardcore Timmay. Wasabi with an exploder suplex on Hardcore Timmay. Wasabi rakes the face of Hardcore Timmay in attempt to make a come back. Hardcore Timmay throws Wasabi off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block. ]

Jim Ross - That cross-body block was very good.

[Hardcore Timmay drags Wasabi to the floor. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Those idiots will be counted out!

[Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Hardcore Timmay puts Wasabi in an arm grapevine submission. Wasabi moves back to his feet. (...3) Wasabi throws Hardcore Timmay off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. (....4) Hardcore Timmay gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Hardcore Timmay gets up. (.....5) Hardcore Timmay takes Wasabi into the ring. Hardcore Timmay bounces Wasabi off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. Hardcore Timmay is back on his feet. Hardcore Timmay rolls onto Wasabi connecting with a knee. Hardcore Timmay tags in Phantom. Raptor holds Phantom in the corner, choking him with his forearm. Phantom brings in Hardcore Timmay for Timmay & Phantom. Hardcore Timmay bites Raptor's arm out of desparation. ]

Howard Finkle - Come on ref! Do something!! Raptor is being double teamed!

[A forearm choke by Raptor nearly gets him disqualified. Hardcore Timmay tags in Phantom. Phantom gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Raptor. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Follows up with a boot choke.

[Raptor tags in Wasabi. Phantom applies an arm wrench to Wasabi. ]

Howard Finkle - Phantom with a arm wrench.

[Wasabi gets back to his feet. Wasabi with a gut-wrench suplex on Phantom. Wasabi gets up. Phantom gets hit with the shooting star press from Wasabi. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Phantom escapes. Wasabi with the hammerlock on Phantom. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... ... (AHHHH!) Wasabi breaks the hold. Phantom brings in Hardcore Timmay for Timmay & Phantom. Wasabi knifehand chops Hardcore Timmay. Hardcore Timmay brings in Phantom for Timmay & Phantom. Phantom hits Wasabi with the back of his elbow. ]

Howard Finkle - Phantom with a back elbow.

[Hardcore Timmay tagged in by Phantom. Wasabi executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Hardcore Timmay. Now Hardcore Timmay standing. Wasabi connects with a flying knee. Hardcore Timmay goes down. Hardcore Timmay gets back to his feet. Hardcore Timmay tags Phantom. Hardcore Timmay nails Wasabi with a double underhook suplex. Hardcore Timmay hits a jumping elbow hrust on Wasabi. ]

Jim Ross - Wasabi is being double teamed!

[Wasabi double underhook faceslams Hardcore Timmay hard to the Hardcore Timmay. Hardcore Timmay gets hit with the shooting star press from Wasabi. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 Hardcore Timmay escapes. ]

Howard Finkle - Wasabi should have known better than to try for a shooting star press at this point in the match.

[Hardcore Timmay is up again. Wasabi kicks Hardcore Timmay in the stomach. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - kick by Wasabi.

[Raptor tagged in by Wasabi. Phantom gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Raptor. ]

Howard Finkle - Raptor with a boot choke.

[A forearm choke by Raptor nearly gets him disqualified. Raptor executes the brain buster on Phantom. Raptor chants start. ]

Jim Ross - If Raptor keeps using moves like that brain buster he could win the match!

[Raptor climbs to his feet. ]

Howard Finkle - What an outstanding match!

[Wasabi tagged in by Raptor. Raptor grabs Phantom's arm, drops down, and has him in an arm grapevine. Wasabi gives Phantom a crotch chop. Wasabi chokes Phantom. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - That's strategy right there! Double Team Phantom.

[Phantom punches Wasabi repeatedly. Phantom brings in Hardcore Timmay for Timmay & Phantom. Wasabi stomps Hardcore Timmay's head. ]

Jim Ross - Hardcore Timmay takes a stomp.

[Hardcore Timmay is up again. Hardcore Timmay uses a running lariat to take Wasabi down. Wasabi is back on his feet. Hardcore Timmay kicks Wasabi in the stomach and executes the sitdown face slam. Hardcore Timmay is back on his feet. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - I wish every match could be like this!

[Hardcore Timmay goes for a knee drop but Wasabi dodges the attack. Wasabi gets hit with the shooting star press from Hardcore Timmay. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Wasabi escapes. Wasabi is back on his feet. Hardcore Timmay sends Wasabi to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Hardcore Timmay cuts Wasabi with a blade. Wasabi is bleeding as a result. Wasabi takes Hardcore Timmay down with an Arabian Facebuster. Wasabi sucks chants start in the crowd. ]

Jim Ross - If Wasabi keeps using moves like that Arabian Facebuster he could win the match!

[Wasabi gets up. (..2) Wasabi cuts Hardcore Timmay with a blade. Hardcore Timmay is bleeding as a result. (...3) Wasabi applies an arm wrench to Hardcore Timmay. (....4) Wasabi puts Hardcore Timmay in an arm grapevine submission. ]

Howard Finkle - Wasabi executes a arm grapevine.

[(.....5) Wasabi takes Hardcore Timmay into the ring. Wasabi slaps Hardcore Timmay. Hardcore Timmay makes the tag to Phantom. Hardcore Timmay powerbombs Wasabi. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - That's strategy right there! Double Team Wasabi.

[Hardcore Timmay gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Phantom brings in Hardcore Timmay for Timmay & Phantom. Wasabi executes the front-layout suplex on Hardcore Timmay. Wasabi is back on his feet. Hardcore Timmay climbs to his feet. Hardcore Timmay kicks Wasabi in the stomach. Hardcore Timmay tags in Phantom. Hardcore Timmay leg drops Wasabi. Hardcore Timmay hits Wasabi with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Hardcore Timmay climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Wasabi. ]

Jim Ross - Wasabi is being double teamed!

[Hardcore Timmay grabs Wasabi and applies an arm wrench. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Follows up with a arm wrench.

[Wasabi tags Raptor. Raptor pins Phantom against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Phantom makes the tag to Hardcore Timmay. Hardcore Timmay executes a split legged moonsault on to Raptor. Phantom executes a belly-to-belly suplex on Raptor. ]

Jim Ross - Come on ref! Do something!! Raptor is being double teamed!

[Phantom gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Raptor. Phantom hits Raptor with a rolling elbow smash to the face. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Raptor takes a rolling elbow smash.

[Raptor tags in Wasabi. Wasabi climbs to his feet. Hardcore Timmay is hooked in a full nelson. Wasabi punches Hardcore Timmay in the gut. Hardcore Timmay tackles Wasabi. Now Wasabi standing. Hardcore Timmay gets drilled with an inverted back breaker. Wasabi and Hardcore Timmay go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Wasabi executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Hardcore Timmay. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Hardcore Timmay takes a flying knee drop.

[(...3) Wasabi measures Hardcore Timmay up and drops a closed fist. Wasabi gets up. (....4) Hardcore Timmay uses a lariat on Wasabi. Wasabi climbs to his feet. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Wasabi and Hardcore Timmay move back to ringside. Wasabi takes Hardcore Timmay into the ring. Wasabi hits Hardcore Timmay with the back of his elbow. Hardcore Timmay picks Wasabi up in a fireman's carry and flapjacks him. ]

Howard Finkle - Good fireman's carry into flapjack by Hardcore Timmay.

[Hardcore Timmay gets back to his feet. Hardcore Timmay slingshot elbow drops Wasabi. Wasabi is back on his feet. Wasabi hits Hardcore Timmay with the crotch slam. ]

Jim Ross - Nice crotch slam by Wasabi.

[Wasabi sends Hardcore Timmay to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Wasabi goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Hardcore Timmay. (...3) Hardcore Timmay gets knocked on the ground and Wasabi flips onto him. Hardcore Timmay moves back to his feet. (....4) Hardcore Timmay shoulder tackles Wasabi. Hardcore Timmay gets back to his feet. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Wasabi and Hardcore Timmay move back to ringside. Wasabi and Hardcore Timmay move back into the ring. Wasabi goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on Hardcore Timmay. Hardcore Timmay moves back to his feet. Wasabi gouges Hardcore Timmay's eyes out. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Hardcore Timmay takes a eye gouge.

[Wasabi tags in Raptor. Raptor gets back to his feet. Raptor holds Hardcore Timmay in the corner, choking him with his forearm. Hardcore Timmay tags in Phantom. Phantom gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Raptor. Phantom applies the clawhold on Raptor. Phantom gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Raptor. Raptor holds Phantom in the corner, choking him with his forearm. ]

Howard Finkle - Raptor executes a forearm choke.

[Raptor gets bounced off of the ropes and hit with a backdrop diver by Phantom. Phantom and Raptor go to the floor ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Those idiots will be counted out!

[Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]

Howard Finkle - I wish every match could be like this!

[(..2) Raptor gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Phantom. Now Phantom standing. (...3) Phantom hits Raptor with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. (....4) A forearm choke by Raptor nearly gets him disqualified. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - forearm choke!

[(.....5) They fight into the aisle. Raptor and Phantom move back to ringside. They head back into the ring. Phantom gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Raptor. Phantom brings in Hardcore Timmay for Timmay & Phantom. Raptor gets elbowed to his midsection by Raptor. Raptor executes the brain buster on Hardcore Timmay. Hardcore Timmay tags Phantom. Phantom uses a running lariat to take Raptor down. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - The double team is the key to Tag team wrestling!

[Raptor holds Phantom in the corner, choking him with his forearm. Raptor makes the tag to Wasabi. Flying kick by Wasabi takes Phantom down. Phantom climbs to his feet. Phantom is hit with a backward kick. Phantom tags in Hardcore Timmay. Wasabi gets hit with a dragon scerw from Hardcore Timmay. Hardcore Timmay legsweeps Wasabi. Hardcore Timmay tags Phantom. Now Phantom standing. Phantom rolls onto Wasabi connecting with a knee. Phantom knees Wasabi and rolls back to his feet. Wasabi gets hit with the shooting star press from Phantom. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 Wasabi kicks out. Wasabi climbs to his feet. Wasabi trys for a spear but Phantom avoids it. Wasabi is trying to put Phantom away with a choke sleeper. The referee is checking the situation. ... Phantom trys to escape. ... ... Phantom trys to escape. Phantom escapes. Phantom makes the tag to Hardcore Timmay. Hardcore Timmay with an Aztecan suplex on Wasabi sends him to the mat. Now Hardcore Timmay standing. Hardcore Timmay executes a corkscrew legdrop on Wasabi. Hardcore Timmay gets back to his feet. Wasabi punches Hardcore Timmay repeatedly. Wasabi runs to the ropes, but Timmay tries to pick Wasabi up that sends Wasabi behind him. Wasabi pushes Timmay to the ropes and hits a rolls up and gets the 3]

"Jarred's theme" blasts on the PA system as Angelus and Jarred walks to the ring

King-If I were a betting man, I would put 20 dollars down on Angelus and Jarred

JR-So your saying you got a bet on this match


"Carnage's theme" blasts on the PA system as Carnage and Blindside walk to the ring.

JR-both of these wrestlers do not have the experience factor going for them

King-Well Blindside's a idiot anyways, he thinks he's the best extreme champion ever when everyone knows that was Hardcore Barczykowski DAMN IT!

[Blindside and Jarred start out, both pace around the ring as the crowd cheers start to build. Jarred and Blindside lock up, Blindside turns it into a head lock, Jarred is looking for a way out of it. Jarred backs to the ropes and whips Blindside off the ropes, Blindside bounces off the ropes and Jarred charges and knocks Blindside down with a shoulder block. Blindside gets up only to be knocked down with a running forearm, Blindside gets up very dazed and stumbles right into Jarred who scoops Blindside up and drops him into a body slam. Blindside rolls out of the ring and takes a walk around the ring as to regroup. Blindside takes his time as Jarred waits for him to get back in. But Blindside is taking his time and finally hops up on the apron. Jarred goes over to where Blindside is, but Blindside hits a hang man on the top rope that makes Jarred bounce off the ropes and fall to his knee's. Blindside gets back on the apron and climbs to the tope rope as Jarred gets back to his feet, when he does Blindside leaps off the top rope and hits a flying ax handle that knocks Jarred down. Quickly Blindside pulls Jarred up and puts him into a surfboard strench. Jarred is in a lot of pain and the ref asks him if he wants to quit, but Jarred refuses. Jarred slowly gets to his and slowly turns the surfboard strench around and Jarred is able to take over Blindside for almost a northern lights suplex for the 1......2....kick out. Blindside gets up as Jarred hits Blindside with stinging fists that rock him against the ropes. Jarred then whips Blindside off the ropes and catches him into a back breaker. Jarred then looks over to his partner Angelus and tags him in, Angelus comes in and stomps Blindside as he trys to make it back to his feet, when Blindside does. Angelus hits a few knife edge chops to Blindside. Angelus backs Blindside to the ropes once again and whips him off the ropes as Blindside is bouncing off the ropes Carnage makes the Blindside tag off Blindside and comes behind Angelus as he misses the clothesline and Blindside continues to the other side of the ring. Blindside then hits a drop kick as he is running off the ropes, that turns Angelus around and stumbles him. He then walks right into Carnage who grabs him by the throat with both hands and hits a two handed sit down choke slam into the cover for the 1......2...kick out. Carnage pulls up the limp Angelus and throws him into the turnbuckle, Carnage hits several forearm shots and the ref tells him to back away. Carnage does and goes back in and hits a knife edge chop, Carnage then puts a boot to the throat as the ref uses his 5 count and makes Carnage back off. Carnage then whips Angelus to the oppsite side turnbuckle and charges in with him and hits a clothesline in the corner. Carnage then whips him to the oppsite side turnbuckle once again and charges in. But this time Angelus gets his foot up and Carnage charges right into it, Angelus pulls himself to the second rope as Carnage stumbles back and Angelus leaps off and hits a flying shoulder block that stumbles Carnage, but doesn't take him down. Angelus then runs to the ropes and hits a hard clothesline that finally takes Carnage down. ]

JR-Angelus might want to work on the legs to keep Carnage down

King-Though Angelus isn't that smart

[Angelus takes Carnages legs and then hits a few elbow drops into the mid inner leg. Angelus then takes Carnages leg and then snaps it back. Carnage is in a lot of pain as Angelus pulls his leg to the bottom rope and then hits a flying knee drop on the leg of Carnage. Angelus then follows it up with a few kicks to the leg. Carnage gets up in pain and stumbles and limps around the ring. Angelus waits behind Carnage as he stumbles right into Angelus, Angelus then picks up Carnage and hits a shin breaker. Carnage then goes down in pain, Angelus quickly puts on a single leg lock, Carnage in a lot of pain looks for a way out of the leg lock as the ref asks if Carnage wants to give it up, but Carnage trys to reach for the ropes. But he's just barely out of reach. Carnage turns to Angelus and hits a few fists and then is able to loosen up the hold enough for Carnage to grab the ropes, the ref counts to 5 and Angelus lets go and hits a few knee drops. Angelus then backs off and waits for Carnage to get back to his feet, Carnage slowly gets up and Angelus hits about two fists and trys to whip Carnage off the ropes, but Carnage reverses and puts his head down for a back body drop. But Angelus counters with a kick to the face, Carnage is back up from the impact of the kick. Angelus backs up and trys for a clothesline. But Carnage hits a running big boot to the face as Angelus comes off the ropes. Carnage pulls up the dazed Angelus and then hits a few hard forearms to the face of Angelus. Carnage then whips Angelus off the ropes and catches Angelus and then drives him down with a side walk slam. Carnage waits a few moments and then covers Angelus. But before he can get the three, Jarred runs in and breaks up the count. Carnage then pulls up Angelus up and tags in Blindside. Carnage holds Angelus in place and Blindside kicks Angelus in the gut that doubles him over. Blindside runs to the ropes. But gets knocked down by a hard diving clothesline as he bounces off the ropes trying a swing neck breaker.]

JR-Angelus has to make a tag

King-well your smart...aren't you

[Before Angelus can make a tag, Carnage holds on to Angelus leg and tags in Blindside who comes into the ring and hits a elbow drop into the gut of Blindside. Carnage pulls up Angelus and goes to the outside, Blindside whips Angelus off the ropes and goes for a clothesline. But what he didn't see is Jarred making the Blindside tag. Angelus ducks it, Jarred comes into the ring and waits behind Blindside as Blindside lowers his head for a back body drop, but Angelus counters into a knee lift that turns Blindside around and gets speared by Jarred. Blindside is able to slide out of the ring as Jarred gives chase as both Jarred and Blindside trade blows up the ramp, inside the ring Carnage grabs Angelus by the throat and hits a chokeslam. Suddenly Wasabi comes out of no where and hits a chair shot to Carnage, Carnage doesn't go down. Wasabi trys a fist, but Carnage blocks it and Wasabi rocks back.] (the camera gets one last shot as Saturday Shockwave goes off the air)