EMF: Saturday Shockwave

Micheal Cole - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 150 pounds, from fucked if I know, Rita Van Toad!!! (crowd cheers ******)

["Jobba Child" blasts on the PA system as Rita Van Toad walks to the stage. Rita looks to the crowd, but forgets where she's walking and then falls off the side of the stable unconcious. The ring workers drag her into the ring as she slowly regains conciousness ]

Micheal Cole - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, MindfreaK!!! (crowd cheers **)

["Mindfreaks theme" blasts on the PA system as Mindfreak walks to the ring Rita Van Toad walks around the ring. MindfreaK places Rita Van Toad on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (ring, ring, ring) Rita Van Toad slaps MindfreaK. Rita Van Toad gets hit with a back heel kick. Now Rita Van Toad standing. Rita Van Toad bites MindfreaK's arm out of desparation. MindfreaK hits Rita Van Toad with the back of his elbow. ]

Micheal Cole - Rita Van Toad takes a back elbow.

[Rita Van Toad slaps MindfreaK. ]

The King - Rita Van Toad with a slap.

[Rita Van Toad bites MindfreaK's arm out of desparation. MindfreaK hits a power slam on Rita Van Toad. MindfreaK climbs to his feet. Rita Van Toad gets up. Rita Van Toad slaps MindfreaK. Rita Van Toad bites MindfreaK's arm out of desparation. MindfreaK runs and tackles Rita Van Toad. MindfreaK punches him in the head. Now Rita Van Toad standing. Rita Van Toad slaps MindfreaK. MindfreaK with an illegal chokehold on Rita Van Toad. Rita Van Toad gets up. Rita Van Toad bites MindfreaK's arm out of desparation. ]

Micheal Cole - Rita Van Toad with a arm bite.

[Rita Van Toad slaps MindfreaK. Rita Van Toad bites MindfreaK's arm out of desparation. MindfreaK hits Rita Van Toad with the spinebuster slam. MindfreaK is up again. MindfreaK knees Rita Van Toad and rolls back to his feet. Rita Van Toad is back on his feet. Rita Van Toad slaps MindfreaK. Rita Van Toad gets elbowed to his midsection by Rita Van Toad. MindfreaK with an impressive flying spinning leg lariat on Rita Van Toad. ]

The King - MindfreaK executes a flying spinning leg lariat.

[MindfreaK gets back to his feet. Rita Van Toad is back on his feet. MindfreaK lifts Rita Van Toad into the air and delivers a spine buster. MindfreaK locks Rita Van Toad in that boston crab. The referee is checking the situation. ... MindfreaK tightens the hold. ... MindfreaK tightens the hold. ... Rita Van Toad escapes. Rita Van Toad get nailed with a double axhandle chop from MindfreaK. MindfreaK chants start. MindfreaK hits a frog splash on Rita Van Toad. MindfreaK gets up. Rita Van Toad trys for a power move but is unable to lift MindfreaK.Rita Van Toad gets up. Rita Van Toad stands on the top rope and goes for the Ritacarana on MindfreaK, but she falls on her head while doing the move Rita Van Toad gets back to his feet. Rita Van Toad leaps off the turnbuckle for the Rita Sault on MindfreaK, but she just falls flat on her back Rita Van Toad covers MindfreaK. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 ...3

Micheal Cole - The winner of this match, Rita Van Toad!!!

Micheal Cole - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds, from HEEL, KANE!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[fire blasts on the stage, but KANE walks through it. KANES on fire, but he seems to not to care. Until it registers in his head and he starts jumping around in pain. The ring crew puts him out and rolls him into the ring ]

Micheal Cole - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Rhyno!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[Rhyno walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. KANE walks around the ring. Rhyno checks his boots. (ding, ding, ding) KANE pokes Rhyno in the eye with his thumb. Flying sommersault drop kick by Rhyno puts him back in the match. Rhyno moves back to his feet. KANE with an Aztecan suplex on Rhyno sends him to the mat. KANE stands up. KANE punches Rhyno repeatedly. Rhyno hits KANE with a single arm DDT. Rhyno sends KANE to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Rhyno cuts KANE with a blade. KANE is bleeding as a result. (..2) Rhyno applies an arm wrench to KANE. KANE is up again. (...3) KANE hits Rhyno with a heart punch. (....4) Rhyno throws KANE off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. KANE stands up. (.....5) KANE takes Rhyno into the ring. KANE chops Rhyno. Rhyno hits a jumping elbow hrust on KANE. Rhyno puts KANE in an arm grapevine submission. KANE stands up. KANE hits Rhyno with an atomic drop. Rhyno hits him with a back fist. KANE gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Rhyno takes KANE down with a knee. KANE climbs to his feet. KANE hits Rhyno with an atomic drop. Rhyno stands up. Rhyno lifts KANE up and drops him on the mat. Rhyno chants start. ]

Micheal Cole - body slam!

[Rhyno and KANE go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) KANE is back on his feet. (..2) KANE pokes Rhyno in the eye with his thumb. (...3) KANE with an illegal chokehold on Rhyno. (....4) They lockup. KANE sends Rhyno to the corner of ringside. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Rhyno uses a snap mare takeover on KANE. Rhyno stomps KANE. Rhyno executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of KANE. Rhyno is back on his feet. KANE gets up. KANE gets hit with a back heel kick. KANE trys for a atomic drop but Rhyno avoids it. KANE puts Rhyno in a reverse chin lock. Earl Hebner asks Rhyno if he quits. ... ... ... Rhyno escapes. KANE hits Rhyno with a heart punch. Rhyno is up again. Rhyno monkey flips KANE onto the mat. Rhyno moves back to his feet. KANE is back on his feet. KANE chops Rhyno. KANE with an Aztecan suplex on Rhyno sends him to the mat. KANE gets back to his feet. KANE clotheslines Rhyno. KANE hits Rhyno with an atomic drop. ]


[Rhyno gets back to his feet. Rhyno hits a kneeling headbutt to KANE's groin. ]

Micheal Cole - KANE takes a kneeling headbutt.

[Now KANE standing. Rhyno short clothslines KANE. KANE is back on his feet. KANE hits Rhyno with an atomic drop. They lockup. KANE sends Rhyno to the corner of the ring. KANE chants start. KANE hits Rhyno with an atomic drop. KANE leg drops the throat of Rhyno. KANE executes the Supper DDT on Rhyno! KANE covers Rhyno. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 ...3

Micheal Cole - The winner of this match, KANE!!!

[EMF Shockwave starts off with pyro and theme as fans begin to go crazy, the scene then goes to that of a home as some text underneath the scene says: "Greenwich, Conneticut - Triple H's home". The scene then goes inside as Triple H rest his head in his hands as Sierra rubs his back.]

Triple H: You know Shane McMahon is really gonna pay for this shit and Twilight will pay for what he has done to my leg! Dammit, I gotta get Stacy back.

Sierra: Shane's message said for you to meet him here...Though are you going to give up your share of the company to get Stacy back?

Triple H: If thats what I have to do, so be it! Dammit, why wont that little bastard call!

Sierra: Just relax Hunter, he'll call...[Phone rings] See...

[Triple H quickly hops on and grabs his phone as he quickly answers.]

Triple H: Yea...hello...yea, I got your papers ready...Now come meet me you son of a bitch!...What?!...We had a deal!!!...You know what fuck you..If you harm her, you'll recieve the worst fu[censored]ing beating in your life...Your gonna do what?!...Hello...hello?...

[Triple H throws his phone against the wall as it bust in pieces, Triple H then turns to Sierra as he says.]

Triple H: Grab your shit, we gotta get to New Jersey...

[Sierra follows Triple H out of his house as the scene then fades.]

“Chronic theme” blasts on the PA system as Chronic walks to the ring

Cole-Not much is known about this man

King-I know a lot about him…he comes from parts unknown

“Kaedon’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Kaedon walks on the ramp very pissed

Cole-Kaedon’s been the victim of Chronics attacks lately

King-Oh well

[Kaedon throws down the TV title in the ramp way and then slides into the ring and then hits a few fists to Chronic, Chonic fires back. Though Kaedon is able to get the advantage and then Kaedon tries to whip Chronic to the ropes. But Chronic reverses the whip and sends Kaedon the ropes, Kaedon bounces off the ropes and then nails a spear on Chronic. Kaedon hits a few hard fists on the downed Chronic. The ref tells him to break it up and then Kaedon gets up and then talks a little trash as Chronic stumbles up and then Kaedon then kicks Chronic in the gut and then picks up Chronic and then goes into the corner and then runs out of the corner and then hits a running powerslam. Kaedon does not want to cover him just yet, Kaedon hits a few hard fists into the face of Chronic and then pulls up Chronic up and then hits a few hard forearms in the ropes and then Kaedon lowers his head for a back body drop. But Chronic then kicks Keadon to the face and then Kaedon comes up in pain and then Chronic stumbles back trying to take a moment to recover, Kaedon is able to recover first and then still pissed off at all the attacks Chronic has done charges at Chronic. Chronic uses this chance to hit a drop toe hold that sends Chronic flying into the middle rope throat first. Kaedon bounces up and then Chronic goes for a waist lock, Kaedon hits a few back elbows and then turns around. But Chronic is still able to hit a northern lights suplex with a bridge for a 1…………2……..kick out, Chronic and Kaedon get up at about the same time and then Chronic is able to kick him in the gut and then Chronic hits a gut wrench sitting power bomb and then holds Kaedon for the 1…………2……….kick out. Chronic gets up and then hits a few hard stomps to Chronic and then Kaedon gets up and then Chronic leads him to the the turnbuckle and then smashes his face into the top turnbuckle and then drags his face across the ropes. Kaedon sinks down in pain and then holds his face. Chronic hits a few kicks to the face and then pulls up Kaedon and then throws him throw the ropes to the outside and then Chronic gets on on the apron and then waits for Kaedon to get up. Kaedon stumbles up, Chronic goes for a axe handle on Kaedon. But he's able to catch him in like a bear hug and then Kaedon drives him into the ring post back first and then Chronic goes down after getting hit with that move. Kaedon throws him into the ring and then Chronic gets back up Kaedon comes into the ring. Chronic backs off, throw Kaedon pushes him into the turnbuckle and then hits a few stomps and then follows it up with a knife edge chop. Chronic then gets whipped hard to the opposite side of the ring, then Kaedon follows Chronic into the corner and then nails a clothesline in the corner and then Kaedon backs up as Chronic falls down in the corner he is now sitting in the corner.]

Cole-Kaedon is dominating

King-yeah, but he can’t win just yet…the writer will never change his way…..um…….RRRRRRAAAAAAAAARRRR

[Kaedon then pulls up Chronic and then hits a few hard elbows into the corner and then the ref tells him to back off. Kaedon does this and moves back in Chronic hits a few hard fists and then a few hard kicks to the gut. Kaedon goes for a fist. But Chronic ducks it and then hits a few hard fists and then Kaedon stumbles out of the corner and then Chronic lifts Kaedon on his shoulders and nails the T-Bag. Chronic goes into the cover, but suddenly the lights go out and the words “Freddy’s back”. Suddenly Freddy appear behind Chronic as the lights come back on and starts doing his “A new nightmare” finisher to Chronic]

Cole-So Freddy is attacking Chronic….where is he

King-We can’t see him *waves his hand in front of his face.

[Freddy comes back, and laughs at the downed Chronic. What he doesn’t realize is that Kimbro is in the ring standing behind him. Freddy turns around and then gets driven down to the mat and then Kimbro locks on “the end” suddenly refs come down and try to stop this as Kaedon and Chronic are recovering. Kimbro lets go as his theme blasts on the PA system

Cole-I’m just getting word at Return of an Era it will be this four in a fatal four way match to determine the TV champion


[Shane McMahon is shown standing in a dark locker room as CM Punk, Twilight, and Messiah are lined up as soliders. Shane McMahon then begins to speak.]

Shane: You know I don't think the EMF are really taking us seriously, Prez Mike nor Triple H have been willing to step down at their position so tonight, we take it from them! Tonight, we make our first sacrifice...

[Shane begins to laugh as he turns around and grabs the face of Stacy who has tape over her mouth and tied into a chair. Messiah begins to laugh as he begins to get in Stacy's face which has totally fear all over it. Stacy tries to lean back as Messiah gets in her face and says...]

Messiah: Tonight, its begins and it begins with your end Stacy...

[The camera then gets a shot of Shane smiling as it then fades]

[Carnage's theme then hits as Carnage comes out to the cheers of the fans, Carnage slides in the ring as he gets ready for his match by pacing back and forth in the ring.]

Cole: Who is going to be Carnage's opponent here tonight?

[Amy Dumas' theme then hits as fans begin to go nuts for Amy as they haven't seen her in months...Amy plays to the crowd some as she gets in the ring and does her poses as Carnage looks confused. Amy hops down looking at Carnage as she signals to him she doesn't want any problem.]

King: Yes! Amy Dumas...We could use a chick to stare at without barfing...

Cole: Amy is here but, what is she here for!

[Amy grabs the mic and tries to talk but, the crowd is too loud as she lets it down play a bit. The crowd then goes quiet as Carnage stands in the ring awaiting what Amy has to say for him.]

Amy: Longtime no see...[Crowd begins to go nuts as she tries to tell em to calm down.] You know, I've been sitting in the back there for too long with nothing to do but, thats gonna change cause I got 2 huge announcements to announce right here and right now! First, I want to say that a former major star is coming back right here to the EMF!...[Fans cheer]

Cole: Who is coming back?

King: Unless its HaRdCoRe, I don't care...

Amy: This man is a huge star in this business, but not just in the wrestling business but, in hollywood as well and that man is THE ROCK! [Fans begin to go nuts as they chant "Rocky! Rocky"] Now while we haven't come to a agreement to his return date, he has promised me to be right back in this ring very, very soon.

Cole: The Rock is coming back to EMF!

King: Yes Finally...Entertainment comes back to the EMF!

Amy: Now, you maybe wondering what the other announcement is and that announcement contains to the #1 contendership to the IC title and who will take the opening spot...I'm sure your interested in that...Well after a long time thinking about it, I have came to a decision and tonight's spot will go to Messiah!

Cole: Messiah?! That means we could see Stablemate vs Stablemate, CM Punk vs Messiah!

[Shane McMahon's ministry theme hits as he comes storming out with Messiah, Shane gets in the face of Amy as the crowd boos]

Shane: Tell me, who in the hell do you think you are?! Now, Amy I know you have been out of wrestling but the Uproar is gone and theres a new stable in town and this stable doesn't care to make another sacrifice here tonight!

Amy: You threatening me Shane?

Shane: No, I am promising you, you dumb bitch...Don't make it personal...Now, change the match now!

Amy: Can't do that

Shane: You just can't put my stable against one another cause hell you know, Carnage doesn't have a chance here tonight...

Amy: I just did...Now, if you would excuse me, I got work to do and you got a match Messiah...

[Amy begins to walk to the back as Shane screams at her you can't do this. Carnage then comes over and clotheslines Shane over the ropes as the match gets underway. Messiah stumbles into the corner as Carnage charges into the corner where Messiah is and then Messiah noticing that he has no more time to think about it moves out of the way and Carnage goes crashing into the corner and then Messiah hits a few hard fists and then Messiah yells at a few fans, suddenly Carnage takes Messiah and then turns the tables on him and then hits a few hard knife edge chops in the corner to Messiah. Carnage then pulls out Messiah and then whips him to the ropes. Messiah bounces off the ropes and then Carnage goes for a big boot. But Messiah ducks it and then goes into the ropes and then bounces off the ropes and then Messiah leaps in the air and then hits a flying shoulder block that stumbles back Carnage and then goes for a standing drop kick and nails it and then Carnage stumbles back and then Messiah goes for another one and then Carnage sways Messiah's attempted drop kick away and then Messiah goes crashing into the mat and then Carnage grabs Messiah and then hits a few knee's into the gut and then hits a elbow into the back of the head and that sends him down to the mat and then Carnage hits a few hard stomps on the downed Messiah and then Messiah stumbles up and then Carnage pulls him all the way up and then picks up Messiah and then hits a body slam and Carnage looks around and then steps on Messiah. Messiah screams in pain and then Carnage bounces off the ropes and then leaps in the air and then hits a big leg drop and then goes into the cover and then gets the 1..............2.........kick out. Carnage thought he had him, Messiah is getting up in the corner. Carnage doesn't want to waste anymore time to give the advantage. But Messiah is able to hit a few hard kicks into the leg of Carnage and then hits a few fists and then Carange stumbles back and then Messiah backs to the turnbuckle and then leaps off the second turnbuckle and goes for a double axe handle. But Carnage is able to catch Messiah into a bear hug. Carnage flings Messiah around like a rag doll, Messiah is in a lot of pain and after a while he seems like he is fading. The ref decides to check Messiah's arm...the ref drops it once....twice...before it can go down the third time Messiah raises up and then slowly starts to shake and Messiah then hits a few fists into the face and then Messiah is able to break the grip of Carnage. Messiah then who is still feeling the effects of the bear hug then Messiah hits a low drop kick into the leg and sends Carnage to one knee, though still hurt. Though knowing that he needs to hit one more move gets up and runs to the ropes behind Carnage and then hits a one handed face crusher on Carnage. Messiah then goes down to all fours and then has to recover from the punishment that he's been recieving. Though Messiah after a few moments rolls to the apron and then pulls himself up the turnbuckle and then gets ready as Carnage stumbles up and then Messiah leaps off and then nails a missile drop kick on Carnage. Carnage goes down and then Messiah quickly crawls into the cover and then gets a 1...........2......kick out that sends Messiah flying into the turnbuckle. Messiah sits in the corner and then slowly he gets up and then gets up in the corner as Carnage gets up fast. Messiah charges at Carnage, but Carnage is able to catch him off guard with a big boot. Carnage stumbles back being that he's still a little stunned by the moves that Messiah has been able to get]

Cole-It would seem that Messiah isn’t too happy with this match

King-Well would you, you win…you get a title shot against someone in your stable.

[Carnage then recovers and then hits a few stomps and then grabs Messiah around the throat with both hands and then puts him in the air and then drops Messiah in a double handed choke slam. Messiah then crawls to the corner and then Carnage not wanting to let up goes into the corner and then hits a fist and then nails a few elbows into the corner to Messiah. The ref tries to get Carnage to stop, Carnage fakes out the ref like he's going to hit him. Which sends the ref running away with his back turn. Carnage goes to attack Messiah. But Messiah hits a low blow with the ref with his back turned. Carnage then goes to his knee's Messiah then pulls himself to the second turnbuckle and then Carnage stumbles up and Messiah leaps off and then nails a flipping neck breaker to Carnage and then Messiah then goes into the cover and then gets a 1...........2....kick out. Messiah then hits a few stomps on the downed Carnage. Messiah then hits a few fists to Carnage and then Messiah whips Carnage to the ropes. Carnage starts to bounces off the ropes, but Carnage holds on to the ropes and then Messiah goes charging into the ropes and then Carnage counters it with a back body drop. But Messiah is able to land on his feet and then Carnage turns around and then Messiah grabs his head and then drops him on the top rope for a hang man and then Carnage stumbles back and then Messiah jumps back on the apron and then climbs to the top rope and then leaps off and nails a double axe handle that sends Carnage to one knee. Messiah then hits a few hard fists to the face of Messiah and then Messiah backs to the ropes as Carnage is up and dazed. Though both wrestlers take each other down with a double clothesline.]

Cole-Both wrestlers are down

King-Just stay down Messiah, maybe you might not have to face Punk without losing to CRAE!

[Carnage and Messiah get up, Carnage then head butts Messiah, Messiah stumbles back. Mesiah stumbles to the ropes and then Carnage whips Messiah off the ropes and then hits a side walk slam. Carnage calls for the electric chair drop. Messiah stumbles up and then Carnage puts Messiah on his shoulder, but Messiah then hits a few fists on Carnage. Messiah then hits a few fists and then does a victory roll and gets the 1…………..2…………3!]

Cole-Well Messiah won the match, but you have to wonder what happens now

King-Probably pissed at Amy

[A helicopter is then shown flying around a city as it then it says "Classic Rock Moment", the screen then goes to a old clip as the date of the clip is "July 19, 2003"]

[Rock then walks over to the table not looking very happy as he looks real sad. Rock then goes over and takes a seat beside Gillberg as he is watching the girl's on stage and the girl's on his table.]

The Rock: Gill...Can The Rock talk to you?

Gillberg: Uhhh..yea..sure I guess...

[Gillberg doesn't turn his head from the girls as Rock sits with his back turned to Gill with his arm leaned up against the table.]

The Rock: You know, The Rock just dont get it..He is a huge star but, he has to deal with all this b.s., know what The Rock is saying here Gill?

Gillberg: Uhh yea..Sure Rock...

The Rock: The Rock means look at me, greatest wrestler of all time and Mike is gonna put me in a chamber with a bunch of jobbers. You know I just don't get it Gill, dont they see who the hell they are dealing with?

[A girl then walks over as Gillberg stuffs a couple 20's in here panties. The girl then points for Gill to come to her as Gill points at himself to say "Who? Me?". The girl shakes her head as Gill gets excited and crawls over the table. Rock doesn't notice as he just continues to talk.]

The Rock: Yeah let me tell ya Gill, the shit The Rock puts up with for being a huge star..Sometimes its just not worth it..Know what The Rock is talking about Gill?..Gill?...GILL?!

Primetime: GO GET EM' GILL!!!

[Rock spins his chair around quick to look for Gillberg as he notices he isn't in his chair. Rock then looks up at the stage as there is the toothless wonder Gillberg dancing with a stripper. Rock just throws his hands up in disguist.]

The Rock: The Rock goes out and tries to get a stable together and what does he get? The League of Extraordinary Retards, thats what!

[Rock shakes his head a bit as he takes another drink of his beer. A stripper then nears Rock as she wraps her legs around Rock's neck and Rock then stares at the girl in the lower area as he then looks at the camera and smiles and then gives a nice people's eyebrow. Fans cheer and laugh as the camera goes back to the ring.]

[A helicopter is then shown flying around a city as it then it says "Classic Rock Moment", the screen then goes to a old clip as the date of the clip is "Dark Horizon 2003 : X-Cold vs The Rock"]

[Gillberg comes running out from the back as he carries the guitar. Rock slides in the ring as he sets up the chair he hit X-Cold with and begins to sit in it. Gillberg slides in as he hands The Rock the guitar and Rock tell Gillberg to hold the mic for The Rock.]

The Rock: You know, The Rock wants to play a song for all your New Yorkers..You remember that song "New York, New York"...You know Frank Sinatra...Well he it is People's Champion Style! [Rock begins to play a beat for New York, New York.]

~The Rock~ Start spreading the news
I'm leaving today
I won't no part of it, New York, New York
[Rock Chuckles a bit and tries to catch back up singing.]
These vagabond shoes
Are longing to stray
And make a brand new start out of this dump known as...
New York, New York
I want to wake up in the city that has some decent class,
So The Rock says New York, Kiss The Rock's ass!

JR: Dear God, this is a wrestling match!

[The scene then goes to the back as Shawn Micheals then arrives to the building as he shakes a couple of the stage hand's hands as he keeps walking in the hallway as then a man walks out holding a phone up to Shawn.]

Man: Shawn, you have a telephone call...

Shawn: A phone call? What do they want?

Man: He just asked to speak to you...

[Shawn is then handed the phone]

Shawn: Hello...What do you want, Hunter...

[Camera then goes back and forth to Hunter in his limo and Shawn in the building.]

Triple H: Shawn, listen man...I know we have had our differences but, I really from the bottom of my heart need your help...

Shawn: What do you need Hunter?

Triple H: Listen, Shane has got Stacy and he has threatened to do some type of sacrifice...Shawn, please...please...help me out here..You can have anything you want!..Cars, money, the half of the company...ANYTHING!

Shawn: Alright..Alright...I'll do it but, I dont want your money Hunter and I aint doing this for you but, for Stacy.

Triple H: Whatever it takes...

Shawn: Alright, bye...

Cole: Man King, I hope you're ready for this. It's time for the Tables Ladders and Chairs Main Event.

King: Yep, and you want to know what's worse than one Ikeda, Cole?

Cole: Two Ikedas?

King: Yep, which means this match is going to suck!

[Travis Hardy's Theme hits as the fairly new superstar heads out to the ring to a mixed reaction from the fans. Gravedigger's Theme hit as he was announced. He to was greeted with a mixed reaction from the fans. He and Hardy stood in the middle of the ring awaiting their opponents. Twighlight's Theme hit and he made his way out to the ring. He too was greeted with a mixed reaction, filled with a few more boos than cheers. He headed into the ring as 'Miserae Candari' hit and CM Punk made his way to the ring to a large ovation from the fans. The four men stood in the ring staring each other down. 'Just 2 Badd' hit and The Badd Boy made his way out to the ring. Once he got in the punches started to fly as the ref tried to maintain order. 'Almost Over' hit, and Wes Ikeda wasted no time, but ran down the ramp, and slid into the ring, ready to help his brother. The fight was going nowhere when the ref got a handle on the situation and moved all six men to the corner.]

Cole: It looks like we can finally get this match underway.

King: Good the sooner it starts the sooner it will be over!

Cole: Those titles are hanging over the ring, just waiting for someone to grab them, and become the World Tag Team Champions!

King: I can see them, thank you!

[Hardy, CM Punk, and Wes Ikeda started in the ring first. Wes stood back in the corner, looking on as Punk took it to Hardy. Punk threw Hardy into the ropes, and as he did Wes pulled down the top rope causing Hardy to fly over onto the floor. Wes went straight to Punk going for a few hard fists. Then Wes threw Punk into his corner. Wanting Punk to make the tag. He tagged Twighlight in, and the two men went back and forth. Twighlight went for the spinning heel kick to take Wes down, but with no luck, as Wes ducked. Hardy rolled back into the ring weilding a chair, he tried to take Twighlight out, but it was Twighlight's turn to duck, as Hardy slammed the chair into Wes's skull. Wes fell to the mat.]

Cole: Looks like some 'badd' luck for the Ikedas.

King: I always knew you were a lamer... but I never would have thought...wait, yes I would have.

[The Badd Boy was standing on the apron, hand extended in case Wes should come out of it. Hardy tagged Gravedigger into the ring just as Twighlight tagged Punk back in. Punk went to the side, grabbing a table, but Gravedigger wasted no time, and set up a ladder. He began to climb it, when Wes regained his barrings, and stood up, knocking the ladder over, before falling back to the ground. Punk was in the ring now, setting up the table. Badd Boy still stood wanting the tag. Wes was crawling toward him, when CM Punk grabbed Wes by the hair. He set the ladder back up, and began to climb it, fighting Wes on the way up. They had reached the top of the ladder. Punk looked up at the titles, and then at Wes. Forgetting about the belts. He set Wes up for the Pepsi Plunge. CM Punk took the leap right through the table. The crowd came to life.]

Cole: CM Punk just Pepsi Plunged Wes Ikeda right through that table!


[All three men were down in the ring, and Gravedigger started to move toward his corner, as did CM Punk. All three partners were on the ready. The microphone picked up the Badd Boy as he screamed. 'GET UP WES... COME ON!' Wes started to make the crawl, Wes made it to the corner just as Gravedigger and CM Punk made their tag.]

Cole: The Badd Boy hasn't seen any action in this match...

King: The Badd Boy probably hasn't seen any action period.

[Wes too made the tag, and The Badd Boy punced into the ring. Ready to fight. He took both men down easily at first, Twighlight got up a little quicker. The Badd Boy hit a DDT, and then yelled for Wes to get a table. Wes jumped down, dazed, and slid a new table into the ring. The Badd Boy set it up, and pulled Twighlight to his feet. Badd Boy went for the suplex, but CM Punk got into the ring, interrupting the hold. The ref called for order, and Wes got into the ring. Grabbing Twighlight on the other side, as the brothers got the Double Suplex, sending Twighlight through the table.]

King: There goes another table. Don't this people know the value of a good table?

[Wes went to the outside, holding his throbbing head. Twighlight made his way to his feet, but was dazed. Hardy was still showing no signs of coming to. The Badd Boy had thing under control, when Degenerate ran in from the crowd. He had a chair in hand as he slid into the ring. He nailed the Badd Boy with the chair, and got out of the ring, going for Wes. He and Wes went back and forth as Twighlight climbed the ladder that was still in the ring. He reached for the Tag Title Belts, unhooking them, and getting the win.]

Cole: Twighlight and CM Punk have done it! The Ikedas aren't going to be happy about this.

EMF goes to commercial

[A helicopter is then shown flying around a city as it then it says "Classic Rock Moment", the screen then goes to a old clip as the date of the clip is "Whiplash: 2003"]

[The camera then cuts to Ashlee as she is bent over tying up her boots, as you then hear her dressing room door open.]

Rock: Please! Please!...Try to have some self control baby. I mean we just cant have you bending over for The Rock like that!

Ashlee: Very funny Rock...What do you want anyways?

Rock: The Rock dont believe its what The Rock wants, I believe its what you want from The Rock.

[Rock then looks down at his pants and looks back up at her giving her a confident smile, Ashlee just gives him a smirk and shakes her head.]

Ashlee: Well I dont believe that at all..And if you would excuses me, I have a match.

Rock: Your excused...

Ashlee: Thanks..but, I dont need your permission.

[Ashlee then gently slaps Rock on the face as the walks out of her locker room. As Rock checks out her ass on the way out. Rock then slaps his right thigh and says.]

Rock: Woahhhh...Easy big fella. She wants ya...Yeah she wants ya.

*EMF comes back

[Shane McMahon's ministry theme then hits as Shane walks down with Messiah as CM Punk and Twilight wait for them as they are still in the ring from their match. Messiah then is shown pushing a casket as fans reach over touching the casket. Messiah pushes the casket to a rest as the camera gets in close as you hear banging against the casket and a girl screaming from inside of the casket.]

Shane McMahon: Tonight, we show the world that we are dead serious with our promises...And speaking of dead, it has now come time for the sacrifice! [Fans boo] And I just want to tell the fans here tonight and all around the world, we are not responsible for what is about to take place...This is the result of ignorance from Prez Mike and Triple H, we tried doing things the easy way and we are sick of doing things that way! Tonight, we stop doing things the easy way for these gentlemen and we do things...OUR WAY! Start the ceremony Twilight...

[Twilight then slides out to the outside as he reaches under the ring and grabs a jug and begins pouring the contents of what was in the jug all over the casket as fans begin to boo.]

Cole: My God, thats gasoline!

King: Too bad JR isn't here we could have some of his good old BBQ sauce with this cookout

[Twilight then reaches into his pocket pulling out a book of a matches, Twilight then begins to pull a match out from the book as he is about to strike it when...AHHH!...AHHH!!..SHAWN!! hits on the P.A. Shawn begins to sprint down the aisle as he leaps over the casket and hits Twilight with a huge clothesline. Micheals then roles to the inside as Messiah goes to clothesline him but, Micheal ducks and connects right on Messiah's chin with sweet chin music. CM Punk then runs over as Micheals hits a low blow on Punk as he doubles over...Shawn then hooks CM Punk up as he hits him with a Pedigree!]

Cole: And theres one for Triple H!

[Shawn then turns around as Shane is in the corner standing scared, Shane then rolls under the ropes quickly as Micheals follows, Shane leads Micheals around the ring as Twilight then pops up nailing Shawn with a clothesline as the fans "boo". Twilight spits on Shawn as he reaches under grabbing a steel chair. Micheals then gets up as he then is blasted by Twilight in the forehead with the chair. Twilight talks trash to Shawn to get up as he picks him up tossing him head first to the ringpost as he is now noticeably cut on his forehead. Twilight rolls Shawn in the ring as he tells Shawn to get up while still stalking him and telling him to get up, Shawn then stands up as Twilight drops the chair and grabs him from behind, in Ric Flair fashion HBK throws his leg back connecting w/ Twilight in a low blow. Twilight stumbles as HBK hits some right hands to Twilight as the fans errupt in a huge cheer, Shane McMahon noticing HBK is getting the better of Twilight lays HBK out with a chop block. CM Punk and Messiah then roll in the ring as they lay a few stomps in HBK who is bleeding massively. Crowd continues to boo as then out of nowhere "TIME TO PLAY THE GAME!!" hits on the P.A. as fans begin to go bizark. Triple H then comes limping out as Shane and the boys looked stunned. Triple H then points to Twilight and down to his leg as he continues to make his way to the ring.]


[Triple H then walks up the steps as he stops noticing that CM Punk, Messiah, and Twilight await at the ropes ready to jump him, Shane McMahon then does something odd as he pulls the boys back into the corner as then he looks over in Triple H's direction and spits as he tells him to get in the ring and that he wants a piece of him. The crowd begins to go nuts as Triple H smiles and slowly begins to get in the ring, Triple H and Shane then come nose to nose as Triple H shakes and turns red from the anger.]


[Triple H looks at the crowd as they begin to go nuts, Triple H then begins to smile as he extends his arms and hugs Shane, who hugs him back. The crowd begins to boo and throw things in the ring as CM Punk, Twilight, and Messiah make their way over to Triple H as he shakes all their hands. Triple H then takes off his leg brace and moves his leg around to show everyone it was a set up.]

Cole: What the hell!! Screw you Triple H, this was another damn set up and this group of Shane McMahon's was actually a group of Triple H's!

[Triple H throws some orders to Twilight and the boys as they hold HBK up, Triple H walks out of the ring and looks at the casket as he begins to undo the locks. The casket the opens as Sierra pops up with a smile on her face, Triple H helps her out of the casket as he then reaches under the ring and grabs a sledgehammer. Triple H gets in the ring as he walks over and throws out a couple sledge shots to Shawn as everytime Shawn hits the mat, Triple H then instructs them to pick em back up. After 4 hard shots with the sledge, Triple H picks himself up himself as he then lays Shawn out with a pedigree. Triple H then insist for a mic, Triple H gets the mic as he lays down beside Shawn and begins to speak.]

Triple H: What did I tell you Shawn, you came here and decided to take something from me?! You wanted to be the big star, well look where it got you SHAWN! LOOK WHERE IT FU[BLEEP]ING GOT YOU!! Shawn, I told you I had no problem going through another legend and tonight thats just what I did!... Shawn, Game Over...

[Triple H's music then hits as he and Shane's boys celebrate, Triple H begins to walk to the back with the boys as Triple H looks up at the titan tron as the fans are cheering, fans are cheering that Shawn Micheals is slowly getting to his feet. Triple H begins to get angry as he shakes his head and points for Twilight and the boys to go back. Shawn holds onto the second rope as he coughs up blood, Shawn stays on his knees as Twilight then comes running in with that chair again as he nails Micheals in the back of the head with the chair as he drops again. CM Punk then picks him up nailing the Pepsi Plunge, Twilight then climbs and then leaps off as he nails his Darkness Falls on Shawn. Messiah grinds his forearm into Shawn's skull talking trash as Triple H then grabs Shawn and throws him outside. Triple H then picks up and lays Shawn on top of the wooden casket as he hooks him up and nails a pedigree on Shawn on top of the casket. Fans "Ahh" as Triple H slowly stands up raising his arms and yelling as fans boo. Thats the last shot of Shockwave as the show comes to a end.]