EMF: Saturday Shockwave

The EMF logo flashes over the screen as the screen as the usual video plays and we go into the arena where Jarred's theme is playing in the background as Jarred is pacing back and front with a microphone in his hand.

Jarred:You know, I've been here in the EMF for nearly nine months now. And over those nine months, I've seen alot of great talent come and go. I've watched alot of great men come into the EMF, all of whom proclaimed themselves to be headed straight for the top, only find themselves derailed along the way. I've sat here and watched men like Trashman, Franco, Ravage, Collector, Justin Franchize, Cobra, and now even Primetime himself simply fade into a very forgetable memory. But at the sametime, I watched men like Matt Dragon, Edge_, Punisher, Adam Lax, and the great Steve Hiroko attempt to make a come back to the EMF. These were all men who were at one time the heart and soul of the Extreme Measures Federation. If it hadn't been for a few of these men, the EMF may not be here today. But you know, theres one thing that sets me aside from all of those men. You see, there is one thing that puts me in a league apart from the men that I mentioned before, because unlike all of them, I'm still here. I have out lasted some of the greatest names in EMF history. I've faced, and beat several of the men no that list, and now where are they? They've all disappeared, retired to their million dollar homes to watch me dominate the EMF. Men like Franchize, Collector, Ravage and Punisher all had their chances to put an end to the reign of dominance I've started here, and they all failed to do it. All of them stepped up to the plate, and each one of them struck out like little bitches. And look at me now, just look at how far I've come in less than a year here in the EMF. I've already been the Tag Team Champion twice, I had a seven month reign as the Intercontinental Champion, and now I'm the best damn Attitude World Champion in the history of the title. And I was the quickest EMF superstar to ever win the EMF World Title.

And you know, even with me winning all those titles, theres still a hand full of names on the roster that I've never beaten in a match. But as I look over that list of names, there is only one name that really sticks out to me, only one name that truly catches my eye as a man I would love to add to the list of those who have fallen victim to the "Living Legend"....EMF World Heavyweight Champion Blindside. You know, Blindy made his return to the EMF ring when he and I teamed up to take on Cobra and Primetime. Sure, we won the match, and Blindy look great because he had a triumphant return to the EMF. He pinned Primetime as I attacked Cobra so he wouldn't break up the pin fall. And what happened then? Blindside was granted a shot at the EMF World Championship, and I was given the Attitude World Title. Don't get me wrong, I love this belt. I love knowing that I'm brining respectability back to a title that was at one time considered to be dead for all intent and purposes. And now, I'm faced with the delemma of what I should do with my career. Should I persue the EMF World Heavyweight Championship, or should I simply defend this title like I did the I.C Title and be content with playing second fiddle. Well, I'll put it to you like this boys and girls, Dark Talon told me when I first came to the EMF that I was its future. He said that I was the one great talent who he knew had what it took to carry this federation into a new generation, and to begin a new era. Well, thats exactly what I intend to do here in the EMF. So Blindy, heres the deal boy. I'm issuing the challenge right here and right now for the next pay per view Return of an Era. Main Event, one on one, Attitude World Champion Jarred Carthallion versus EMF World Champion Blindside, both titles on the line. No, I'm not trying to unify the titles. So, look at it like this, when the match is over, one of us will be awarded both titles, and for just a few moments, the EMF will have but one World Champion. But then, the winner must make the most imporatant decision of his life. Will he choose to lead the EMF as the new EMF World Heavyweight Champion, or will he decide to be, as you called it, a second rate world champion, and hold onto the Attitude World Title. Well, which would it be Blindy? I guess we'll find that out if you have the balls to step in the ring with me at the pay per view, and get to witness first hand the birth of a new era in the EMF, the era of Jarred Carthallion. And not only that, you'll learn exactly how "Legendary" this second rate world champion really is boy! So, I'm waiting for your answer Blindside! Whats it gonna be? Will you put your title on the line against mine to find out exactly who is the greatest World Champion in EMF history? And Blindy, are you willing to find out if you have what it takes to survive coming to a "Legendary End"?

JR-Seems that Jarred wants a fight for the world title

King-You know if Hardcore was here, he would come down and beat the hell out of Jarred

“Cocky” plays on the PA system as Wes makes his way to the ring. He moves around the ring, checking the ropes. An Arkie’s theme hits and he appears on the ramp. He beckons Wes to the ramp.

JR: It looks like An Arkie wants this match to be an arena-wide brawl.

King: Well he can do whatever in the hell he wants because he is THE SNIPER!!!

Wes runs up the ramp and is met by some stiff right hands by An Arkie. He rallies back with a few of his own, but An Arkie takes control. An Arkie knees Wes in the guts, grabs him by the hair and drags him backstage. An Arkie looks around for some weapons and finds a fire hydrant. He motions for Wes to get up and charges at him with the fire hydrant. Wes moves out of the way and An Arkie trips over and falls, hitting his head on the fire hydrant.

King: An Arkie’s move seems to have backfired there… get it, backFIRED!!! Hahaha.

JR: You’re an idiot.

Wes hits a half nelson suplex on An Arkie right onto the concrete floor. Wes lays the boots into An Arkie, who appears helpless on the floor. Wes spots a nearby chair, folds it up and nails An Arkie with it. An Arkie gets up but looks a bit dizzy. Wes takes him into another room which appears to be the kitchen. He throws a pot plant at An Arkie, but he ducks and hits a spear on Wes. Both men are lying on the ground.

JR: That looked like a desperation move by An Arkie.

An Arkie is the first man to get up, and he grabs a can of coke from the fridge and smashes it across the back of Wes’ head. Wes takes his time getting up, but hits a low roundhouse kick on An Arkie, and hits a splash on to his fallen body. Several staff members come to see what the commotion is and watch the escalating fight. Wes takes An Arkie into a dressing room, which by the looks of it is the one and only Hobo’s dressing room, as there are vases everywhere. Wes grabs a vase and smashes it on An Arkie’s head as he attempts to get up. An Arkie seems disorientated and Wes signals for his finsher. An Arkie interrupts him, however. He smashes another vase on Wes’ lower abdomen. He covers Wes and gets a two count. Several people watching gasp out loud, but An Arkie chases them all away out of frustration. When he gets back, Wes is waiting for him with a mirror to the head. He follows up by smashing a painting over An Arkie’s head and it stays around his neck. An Arkie falls to the ground and chokes himself with the painting. An Arkie is struggling to get the painting off, but eventually does so. Wes hits An Arkie with a bicycle kick and An Arkie falls out a window, to the outside of the building. Wes runs around the corridors trying to find the exit of the building. By the time he gets outside An Arkie is nowhere to be seen. Wes looks around cautiously, and something grabs him by the throat. An Arkie comes around from behind him and chokeslams Wes on to a dumpster.

King: An Arkie is taking out the trash…

JR: He’s taking you out King?

King: No, Ashlee is taking me out, whoohoo! *winks*

Meanwhile An Arkie has ripped the aerial off a nearby car and is choking Wes with it. Wes’ face is going red from all the blood rushing to his head. Wes hits a kick to the balls of An Arkie and he loosens the hold and rolls around the road in agony. Wes laughs at An Arkie and climbs on to a nearby car roof. He signals for his finisher, and hits it while An Arkie is still in pain from the low-blow. Tim White walks over and slaps the 1-2-3. Wes is the number 1 contender for the TV title!!!

Howard Finkle - This match is for the EMF women's title. On her way to the ring at this time,  Ashlee!!!

[Ashlee comes to the ring. ]

Howard Finkle - and her opponent,  She holds the Women's Title title belt, Natashia!!! 

[Natashia walks to the ring. Tim White is the referee for this contest. Ashlee chops Natashia. Ashlee gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Natashia. (ding, ding, ding) Ashlee hits Natashia with a heart punch. Ashlee hits Natashia with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Ashlee fist drops Natashia on the mat. Ashlee executes a corkscrew legdrop on Natashia. Now Ashlee standing. Natashia with spinning headscissors on Ashlee send her hard to the mat. Natashia stands up. Natashia slingshot elbow drops Ashlee. Natashia locks Ashlee in the kneebar. Tim White asks Ashlee if he quits. ... Ashlee is fighting the hold. ... Ashlee escapes. Ashlee is back on her feet. Ashlee slaps Natashia. Natashia gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Ashlee comes over and smashes Natashia's head into it. Natashia double underhook faceslams Ashlee hard to the Ashlee. Ashlee stands up. Ashlee rakes the face of Natashia in attempt to make a come back. Natashia hits Ashlee with a baba chop. Natashia nails Ashlee with a belly-to-back suplex. Natashia moves back to her feet. Ashlee gets hit with the shooting star press from Natashia. Tim White counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Ashlee kicks out. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - She should have just stayed on the attack.

[Now Ashlee standing. Natashia executes a huge gutbuster on Ashlee. Natashia stomps Ashlee. Natashia puts Ashlee in an arm grapevine submission.  Ashlee hits a spinning leg lariat on Natashia sending her to the mat. Ashlee knees Natashia and rolls back to his feet. Natashia is back on her feet. Ashlee spinning mule kicks Natashia. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Follows up with a spinning mule kick.

[Ashlee applies an arm wrench to Natashia. Natashia gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Ashlee. Ashlee is back on her feet. Natashia stands up. Natashia is hit with a backward kick. Natashia goes for a backdrop but Ashlee dodges the attack. Natashia puts Ashlee in the double armbar submission. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... (AHHHH!) ... Ashlee trys to escape. Natashia breaks the hold. Natashia drags Ashlee to the floor. Tim White starts the count (.1) ]

Jim Ross - This is how wrestling should be!

[(..2) Natashia legsweeps Ashlee. Now Ashlee standing. (...3) Ashlee hits Natashia with the back of his elbow. (....4) Ashlee takes Natashia off her feet with a short-arm clothesline (.....5) They head back into the ring. Ashlee fist drops Natashia on the mat. Ashlee is back on her feet. Ashlee grabs Natashia and applies an arm wrench. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - arm wrench!

[Ashlee covers Natashia hooking the leg. Referee Tim White makes the count. ...1 Natashia kicks out. ]

Jim Ross - Ashlee should have known better than to try for a pin at this point in the match.

[Ashlee trys for a front slam but Natashia avoids it. Ashlee sends Natashia to ringside. Tim White starts the count (.1) Ashlee chokes Natashia with a microphone cable. (..2) Ashlee trys for a gutbuster but it is reversed by Natashia.(...3) Natashia delivers a spinning backbreaker to Ashlee. (....4) Ashlee gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Natashia. Natashia climbs to his feet. (.....5)  Natashia and Ashlee move back into the ring. Natashia hits Ashlee with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. ]

Jim Ross - Ashlee takes a elbowdrop.

[Now Natashia standing. Natashia executes a split legged moonsault on to Ashlee. Now Natashia standing. Ashlee moves back to her feet. Natashia and Ashlee go to the floor Tim White starts the count (.1) Natashia picks up Ashlee and hits her with a Back Suplex. Natashia gets back to her feet. Natashia executes a swinging bulldog on Ashlee driving Ashlee's face into the floor. They head back into the ring. They lockup. Ashlee sends Natashia to the corner of the ring. Ashlee hits Natashia with a slingshot bodyblock. Now Ashlee standing. Natashia climbs to her feet. Ashlee executes a neck breaker. Ashlee catches Natashia in a backslide and goes for the pin. Tim White counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - We've got ourselves a winner!

"Click Click Boom" blasts on the PA system as Wasabi walks down to the ring with the Hobo

King-aaawww it's the rich, poor man

JR-this should be a interesting match

"Timmay's theme" blasts on the PA system as Timmay walks to the ring

JR-well he broke his losing streak last week

King-well he's still a loser in my book

[Wasabi and Timmay go to lock up, but Timmay goes down and hits a fireman's carry and then into a arm bar. Wasabi looks for a way out of it and goes back to his feet, Wasabi hits a few fists into the gut of Timmay that allows Wasabi to get free. Wasabi runs to the ropes and knocks Timmay to the ground, Wasabi kicks Timmay in the gut and trys for a piledriver. But Timmay quickly counters with a back body drop. Timmay runs to the ropes and knocks Wasabi down with a running clothesline. Timmay runs to the other side of the ring and hits a senton splash on Wasabi. Timmay gets up and runs to the ropes and hits a big leg drop. Timmay goes into the cover and gets the 1.......2.....kick out, Timmay pulls Wasabi up and puts him into head lock. Wasabi looks for a way out of it, Wasabi then backs Timmay to the ropes and whips Timmay off the ropes. Timmay bounces off the ropes and trys for a flying cross body block, but Wasabi hits a drop kick to the mid section as Timmay is leaping through the air. Timmay is down as Wasabi hits a few shots to the gut of Timmay. Wasabi then pulls up Timmay and hits a few knife edge chops, Wasabi then whips Timmay off the ropes and then backs up and bounces off the other side of the ring and hits a flying shoulder block that knocks Timmay to the second rope hang from there. Wasabi then pushes down and chokes Timmay as the ref counts 1......2....3....4..Wasabi then pulls up Timmay and throws pushes him into the corner. Wasabi hits a few forearms into the face of Timmay, Wasabi then whips Timmay hard into the turnbuckle. Timmay stands there in pain and stumbles out of the corner really slowly and Wasabi picks up Timmay and hits a side walk slam. Wasabi quickly rolls out of the ring and looks under the ring and pulls out a table and sets it up on the outside of the ring. Wasabi then grabs a steel chair and slides into the ring under the bottom rope. Timmay is now in the corner, Wasabi jabs Timmay in the gut with the chair several times Timmay stumbles out. But Wasabi pushes him back into the corner and puts the chair in the corner where Wasabi is, now trapping Timmay in the corner. Wasabi raises his arm as he backs into the other corner and goes charging into the corner and hits a front drop kick into the chair that sends it flying into the mid section of Timmay. The chair falls to the ground and Timmay goes down to his knee's . Wasabi hits a low spinning heel kick into the face of Timmay that sends Timmay to the ground. Wasabi walks out of the ring and climbs to the top rope and goes for a splash. But Timmay gets his foot up at the last second and Wasabi goes flying into the boot. Both wrestlers are down.]

King-I hate high risk moves, anyone who does a move that is high risk is an idiot

JR-that move may have cost him

[The ref uses his standing 10 count as both wrestlers start to get to there feet, both wrestlers are up at about the same time. Wasabi goes for a fist, but it's blocked by Timmay and returned with one of his own. Wasabi stumbles back and trys for another fist. But Timmay is able to hit another fist and the follows it up with a few more that stumble back. Timmay hits a few more fists and whips Wasabi off the ropes, Timmay charges at Wasabi as he bounces off the ropes, Timmay does a summer sault and hits a monkey flip that sends Wasabi flying over to the ropes. Wasabi slowly gets up as Timmay is stunned by the ropes. Timmay charges in and knocks Wasabi over the top rope and goes crashing into the arena floor. Timmay takes a few seconds to recover as he watches Wasabi slowly get up. Timmay charges over to the second turnbuckle, spring boards off it and goes over the rope and hits a spring board cross body block on Wasabi. Both Wasabi and Timmay are down, but Timmay is able to pull himself on the apron and then pulls Wasabi up and throws him into the ring. Wasabi gets up near the ropes and then gets a shoulder block into the gut by Timmay through the rope. Wasabi is double over as Timmay sling shots himself under the bottom rope and sets up and hits a reverse ddt on Wasabi. Timmay goes into the cover, but the ref notices that Wasabi's legs are in the ropes and calls for the break of the cover. Timmay pulls up Wasabi up and whips him to the ropes and catches him in a sleep, but before Timmay can get it all the way on Wasabi hits a jaw breaker that breaks the hold and makes Timmay go stumbling . Wasabi is able to get up and kicks Timmay in the gut and hits a russian leg sweep. Both wrestlers are down, but Wasabi is able to recover from the beating that Timmay gave him. Wasabi crawls over to where Timmay is and is able to throw a arm over for a cover for the 1......2...kick out. Wasabi gets up and picks up the steel chair from the mat and motions for Timmay to get up. Wasabi then jabs the chair in Timmay's gut as he gets up that doubles over Timmay. Wasabi then hits a chair shot over the back of Timmay that sends him him back to the mat. Wasabi goes up to the top rope and signals for the hang time, Wasabi leaps off for the hang time, but Timmay moves out of the way at the last second.]

King-That idiot doesn't know when to stop..

[Timmay goes outside himself and climbs to the top rope, but Wasabi starts to climb up on the oppsite side of the turnbuckle. Both of them end up on the top turnbuckle hammering it out on the top rope. Suddenly both Timmay and Wasabi fall off the turnbuckle to the outside and through the table. Timmay falls on top of Wasabi for the 1....2.....3]

Fink: This match is an Extreme Match, the winner will advance to the Finals of the Extreme Title Tournament. Coming to the ring, "The Slayer of Life" Angelous Archer

(His theme hits and Archer comes to the ring.)

Fink: And his opponent, Phantom

(The lights turn out and Phantoms music hits. As the lights go up Phantom is already standing behind Archer with a steel chair. Archer turns around and Phantom blasts him in the head with the chair, laying AA out. Phantom goes for a quick pin 1...2..AA gets a quick left shoulder up...)

JR: Phantom trying to end this early.

King: The earlier the better on his behalf.

(Phantom looks discouraged as he rolls under the bottom rope and searches under the ring for something. AA starts slowly to his feet as Phantom throws garbage cans into the ring. AA gets one as Phantom rolls into the ring with a broom. AA tries to hit Phantom with the can but Phantom swing the broom full force and knocks the trash can into AA's face...)

KING: He swung that like Thome!

JR: With velocity!

(Phantom again roll under the bottom rope and pulls a ladder from under the ring. He sets it up and starts to climb. AA is on one knee in the ring and Phantom jumps off of the ladder trying a double axehandle. AA quickly gets to his feet with broom in hand and smacks it across the ribcage of Phantom, it snaps in half with impact. Phantom falls to his side writhing in agony. AA takes a moment to gather himself.)

JR: MY GOD Did you see the splinters fly!

KING: He may have just broken his ribs!

JR: This could defineatley change the face of this match.

(AA gets to his feet and slams a trash can over the ribs of Phantom, he throws the can down on his ribs the lays some boots to him. He picks him up and whips him into the corner. AA then gets to the middle of the ring and runs at Phantom full speed and gives him a shoulder block in the corner. AA goes to mid ring again and runs at Phantom for another but Pahntom moves and AA hits the ring post hard and falls to the outside. Phantom falls to the mat and rolls under the bottom rope. He picks up AA and tosses him back first into the apron. Phantom picks up a chait and trys to hit AA with it but AA ducks and the chair bounces off the ropes and in the face of Phantom...)

KING: There is a display of brains!

JR: I will agree with you there king

(AA takes Phantom and tosses him into the steel steps. AA then from nowhere hits The Slain on the concrete floor for the three count.)

"You think you know me" blasts on the PA system as Edge and Christian walk to the ring

King-awesomeness level just went up, must be because I'm here!

JR-whatever King

"Snap your fingers...snap your neck" blasts on the PA system as Jeckyl and Primetime walks to the ring

King-by the time they reach the ring, I'll already be asleep!

[Edge and Jeckyl pace back in forth, Jeckyl is the first to charge in and Edge side steps Jeckyl and drives his face into the turnbuckle a few times. Edge then hits a few knife edge chops to chest of Jeckyl. Edge hits a few shoulder blocks into the gut of Jeckyl, the ref finally makes him break it out. Edge brings Jeckyl out of the corner and whips him to the ropes, Edge trys to lifts Jeckyl as he goes bouncing off the ropes. Jeckyl pushes Edge to the ropes and rolls him up for a 1.....2..kick out, Edge quickly pops out of the roll up and hits a fast diving elbow drop to the back of Jeckyl. Edge pulls him up and tags in Christian as Edge holds Jeckyl in position as Christian hits a punch to the ribs. Jeckyl stumbles around in pain. As Christian hits a few more fists to the ribs, Jeckyl falls down and hits a few stomps to the ribs. Christian pulls Jeckyl up, only to pick him up and drop him into a rib breaker. Christian pulls up Jeckyl and whips him off the ropes, Jeckyl bounces off the ropes and leaps in the air and hits a flying forearm that knocks Christian off his feet. Jeckyl pulls up Christian and hits a few fists into the corner. Jeckyl hits a few stomps into the gut of Christian and hits a few knife edge chops. The ref makes Jeckyl back off, as he goes back in Christian hits a eye rake that makes Jeckyl back off. Christian quickly climbs to the top rope. But Jeckly is able to counter it with a dive on the top rope that makes it shake, Christian falls on the top rope. Jeckyl goes over and hits a fist to Christian on the top rope and follows it up with a knife edge chop on the top rope. Jeckyl climbs to the top and hooks Christian and hits a super plex, both wrestlers are down. But slowly Jeckyl is able to crawl over and puts his hand over for the cover for the 1.....2...kick out. Jeckyl is able to slowly get up and pulls Christian up with him, Jeckyl then makes the tag into Primetime. Jeckyl sets Christian up for a russian leg sweep as Primetime climbs up to the the second rope and leaps off and hits a clothesline that knocks Christian right into russian leg sweep. Primetime goes for the cover and gets the 1.....2...kick out, Primetime pulls up Christian and hits a few fists into the face of Christian. Primetime then sets up Christian and hits a neck breaker, Primetime hits a few stomps as Christian slowly gets up and Primetime hits a few fists to Christian and whips him to the ropes. Primetime goes for a clothesline, but Christian ducks it and bounces off the ropes. Primetime and Christian knocks each other down with a double clothesline.]

King-These two idiots fall more than Road does

JR-Both teams should make a tag soon.

[both Primetime and Christian slowly start to move to their different corners as both their partners wait for the tag. Christian is the first to tag and Primetime leaps and tags in Jeckyl, Jeckyl comes into the ring as Edge swings a fists that is blocked and followed up with a few fists. Jeckyl then whips Edge to the ropes and then charges as Edge is bouncing off the ropes and hits a running forearm. Christian comes into the ring and takes a swing at Jeckyl, but Jeckyl ducks it and hits a few forearms. Jeckyl whips Christian off the ropes, Christian comes bouncing off the ropes and Jeckyl hits a back body drop over the top rope and goes flying to the outside. Edge stands ready behind Jeckyl as he turns around and catches him in the downward spril. Edge goes for the cover and gets the 1....2...Primetime comes into the ring and breaks up the cover with a diving Ax handle. Primetime pulls up Christian and hits a back breaker, Primetime quickly climbs up to the top rope and hits a moonsault on Edge. All of a sudden Christian pulls Primetime out of the ring and hits a few fists and throws Primetime against the steps. Christian slides back into the ring as Jeckyl is crawling towards Edge, Christian pulls up Jeckyl and hits a diving reverse DDT. Primetime rolls back into the ring as Christian runs out and sides out of the ring to get away from Primetime. Edge throws a hand over Jeckyl for the 1.......2....kick out by Jeckyl. Edge has been thrown so far he's right where Christian is waiting in his corner. Christian makes the tag on Edge and walks over the turnbuckle cloesest to Jeckyl and climbs up to the top rope and waits for Jeckyl to get up. Once he does Christian goes for a front drop kick, but Jeckyl steps back and catches Christian's legs and puts him into place and hits a caultpault that sends Christian flying into the top turnbuckle face first. Jeckyl then puts him on the top rope facing the crowd and climbs to the top rope and hits a super belly to back super plex.]

JR-Christian probably made a mistake that will cost his team the match

King-what are you talking about JR, it was just a minor mistake. E and C will win this match!

[Jeckyl then turns around only to get speared by Edge, Edge then pulls Christian over Jeckyl for the 1......2.....3]

JR-Edge and Christian have won

King-you know they have done a lot better since they escape the ruling of Franco (Edge and Christian stumble to the back as Saturday Shockwave goes off the air)