EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(We go into the Saturday Shockwave video, it plays through and once it comes to an end. We go into a live shot of the darken arena as pyrotechnics blasts off on the stage. They come to an end, and the lights turn on as fans are already waving their signs. Some say "Bischoff: Karate Master", "John Morrison's brother?", and "showing up for television, one sign at a time")

JR-Coming off an amazing Payback, what a show we have for you tonight.

King- I guess you could say that, headlined by the former Extreme champion Kevin Bourne and Matt Hardy.

Kris Gaffney-Still no explaination on who he fought for…AAAAAAHHHH it's driving me insane. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH
JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Alex Morrison!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Alex Morrison comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Goldust!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Goldust walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Alex Morrison places Goldust on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. Alex Morrison gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Goldust. (ding, ding, ding) Alex Morrison short-arm clotheslines Goldust to the mat. Alex Morrison executes a corkscrew legdrop on Goldust. Now Alex Morrison standing. Goldust gets up. Goldust drives a forearm into the head of Alex Morrison. Goldust comes from behind and bulldogs Alex Morrison. Goldust is up again. Alex Morrison gets back to his feet. Alex Morrison bounces Goldust off the ropes and hits him with a jumping clothesline. Alex Morrison chants start. Goldust gets up. Alex Morrison applies a nerve hold on Goldust. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... Goldust trys to escape. ... Alex Morrison breaks the hold. Alex Morrison trys for a belly-to-back superplex but Goldust avoids it. Alex Morrison gets snap suplexed by Goldust. Alex Morrison is up again. Goldust executes the German suplex on Alex Morrison. Goldust chants start. Goldust moves back to his feet. Alex Morrison stands up. Alex Morrison applies the clawhold on Goldust. Goldust executes a neck-breaker on Alex Morrison. Goldust nails Alex Morrison with a double underhook suplex. Goldust chants start. Alex Morrison is up again. Goldust puts Alex Morrison in the double underhook position and gives him a doubl underhook backbreaker. Alex Morrison stands up. Goldust hiptosses Alex Morrison. Goldust executes the Supper DDT on Alex Morrison! Alex Morrison gets hit with the Curtain Call from Goldust. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3]

JR-The winner of the match, Goldust!

King-Surprised he didn't hit a shooting star press

*Kris Gaffney hits the SSP on JR*

King-There we go…

*CM Punk and Ashley Massaro are in the back interview area. CM Punk is gazing into Ashley's eyes.*

CM Punk: So I think next week is the week to take the plunge.

Ashley: So soon?

CM Punk: Well it's been longer than people realize. If I don't do it soon I may never get the chance.

Ashley: Are you sure that you are ready for this?

CM Punk: As ready as I'm ever going to be.

Ashley: Well I think you should just get through this match first, but I will be there to support you.

CM Punk: I appreciate that. You don't know what you mean to me. That helps me make sure that what I'm going to do next week is definately the right decision.

Ashley: Where are you going to do it?v

CM Punk: Right here, on Shockwave next week.....

*CM Punk doesn't remove his gaze from Ashley.*

CM Punk: Next week I let the whole world know, our big decision.

*CM Punk and Ashley smile at each other as the scene fades out.*

("I'm Back" blasts on the PA system as Eric Bischoff walks out to the ring, and gets in the ring.)

JR-Since coming back to the EMF, Eric Bischoff has not gotten along with Mercedes.

King-Not sure why…

Kris Gaffney-Must be something you do when you get old, I should bring Solley into the EMF to get his opinion.

("Boyoaka J-O-B" blasts on the PA system, as JOB Mysterio jumps through the stage, and gets stuck in the roof.)

JR-Well….I don't know what to say here.

King-Better go commercial, it's going to take a while to get him down from there..

(We go into commercial and come back)

[Job Mysterio and Eric Bischoff pace around the ring, and then all of a sudden Job Mysterio runs to the corner and hits the bronco buster. But no one is in the corner, and Mysterio is just bronco busting the turnbuckle. Bischoff watches on amused, and comes over to where Mysteiro looks like he is having a fun time, and kicks him in the back of the head. Job Msyterio falls down to the mat, and Bischoff hits a few stomps on the downed JOB Mysterio. Eric Bischoff picks up JOB Mysterio, and hits a short arm clothesline that makes Mysterio do a flip in mid air, and goes down to the mat. Eric Bischoff goes into the cover, and gets a 1………………2………….Eric Bischoff pulls up JOB Mysterio, and decides to make more of a point, and brings him up to the corner and hip toss him out of the corner. JOB Mysterio flies through the air, and crashes into the mat. He gets up in the opposite corner, and Bischoff hits a running clothesline into the corner. Eric Bischoff backs off, and measures up, and then hits a few karate kicks into the corner. Eric Bischoff is warned by the ref, Eric Bischoff hold up his arms, and then brings JOB Mysterio out of the corner, and then whips him to the ropes. Mysterio comes off of the ropes, and then jumps in the air for a flying cross body block. But it's caught by Bischoff and drived down with a rib breaker. Eric Bischoff goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………2………..once again he pulls up JOB Mysterio. He picks him up, and whips him to the ropes. Then he comes off of the ropes, and throws him in mid air, but JOB Mysterio's foot is stuck up, and it hits Bischoff. Eric Bischoff stumbles backwards, and falls out of the ring.]

King-Watch it! Bischoff might break a hip!

Kris Gaffney-Didn't know he was as old as Solley…or Shaq.

JR-Well, regardless we know Bischoff isn't exactly the greatest wrestler.

Kris Gaffney-Who is…

King-I don't know…some say one guy, but everytime I try to say his name…it's a blank…

Kris Gaffney-Wonder why?

[JOB Mysterio takes a few moments to rest, and then runs to the ropes and comes off of the ropes. Then goes for a baseball slide, but Eric Bischoff moves out of the way and Job Msterio goes to the outside. Eric Bischoff hits a knee to the gut, and pushes Job back, hoping that he would smash into the steps, but he doesn't go far enough and then Eric Bischoff charges at Job Mysterio. Job Mysterio hits a drop toe hold, and Eric Bischoff goes face first. Eric Bischoff stumbles around in pain, and Job Mysterio throws him into the ring. JOB Mysterio goes up to the top rope, and waits for Eric Bischoff to get up to his feet. Once he does, Eric Bischoff gets hit with a flying cross body block and goes right into the cover. He gets a 1………………….2……………kick out by Eric Bischoff. Eric Bischoff gets up, and then Job Mysterio runs to the ropes, and hits a low drop kick to the leg of Eric Bischoff. He hops around then Job hits a few more, he runs to the ropes. Then comes off of the ropes, and does a wheel barrel. It looks like Bischoff blocks it, but Job somehow hits a kick to the head, and he stumbles back and Job Mysterio goes to the outside, and then spring boards on the top rope, and jumps off of the top rope for a seated senton. But it's blocked, and then looks like he's going to power bomb. But somehow Eric Bischoff goes flying to the ropes instead, Job Mysterio gets up confused and shrugs and calls for it.]

JR-How did that happen?

King-Does it matter…dial it up JR…it's the 911!

[Job Mysterio runs to the ropes, and he comes off of the ropes and Eric Bischoff moves, but he JOB does it anyways, and spins, and spins and spins, and spins in the ropes until he falls out of the ropes, and to his knee's. Eric Bischoff hits a kick to the head, and job goes down and Bischoff goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………….2…………3!]

JR-Well, I would say that's an upset, but who didn't expect that?

("People like me" blasts on the PA system as CM Punk walks to the ring along with Ashley Massaro.)

JR-You have got to wonder what this announcement that Punk and Ashley have for us next week

Kris Gaffney-I think I know what it is!

King-I do too….I done it too many times…

("Marquise's theme" blasts on the PA system as Marquise walks to the ring along with Shelly Martinez.)

JR-Like him or not, Marquise is a rising talent here in the EMF.

King-Doesn't look like CM Punk is one of them that like's him.

Kris Gaffney-Thus why were having this match.

[CM Punk and Marquise pace around the ring, and then lock up. CM Punk hits an arm drag take down into an arm bar. CM Punk puts on the pressure, and then Marquise looks in pain and then Marquise gets up to his feet. Then looks for a way out of the hold, and then hits a few fists to the gut of CM Punk, and finally breaks free of the grip of CM Punk. Marquise runs to the ropes, and then CM Punk answers with a kick to the gut. This doubles over Marquise. CM Punk runs to the ropes, and hits a running knee lift that makes him get up. Stumble around, and then CM Punk picks up Marquise up for the Go to Sleep. But Marquise slides out the back, and runs to the ropes. Marquise bounces off of the ropes. Then comes off of the ropes, but it's countered with a power slam, and into the cover. He gets a 1…………………2…………………..kick out by Marquise before the three. CM Punk hits a few stomps on the downed Marquise, Marquise gets up to his feet and CM Punk tries to whip Marquise to the ropes, but it's reversed by Marquise. Marquise is still stunned as CM Punk bounces off of the ropes, and then Marquise gets hit with a flying forearm to the face. CM Punk waits for Marquise to get up, once he does CM Punk hits a few fists, and whips him off of the ropes. Marquise comes off of the ropes and Marquise gets hit with a flying leg lariat by CM Punk. Marquise goes down to the mat, and slowly crawls into the corner and then CM Punk goes into the corner with Marquise. Then hits a few punches into the corner on Marquise. Then whips him to the opposite side of the ring, Marquise crashes into the corner. CM Punk charges into the corner, and hits his trademark knee to the face in the corner. CM Punk gets down, and follows up with a bulldog that plants Marquise. CM Punk rolls Marquise on his back, and goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………………2…………..KICK OUT by Marquise.]

JR-Almost three by CM Punk.

King-I doubt he wants to mess around with that big announcement next week.

Kris Gaffney-Don't do it Punk…it messes up everything….*get a fearing expression* in a wonderful way…

[CM Punk shakes his head, and then allows Marquise to get up. Marquise is getting up with the help of the ropes. CM Punk charges at Marquise, but it's countered by Marquise with a back body drop. But CM Punk lands on his feet, Marquise turns around, and then CM Punk hits a hang man. Marquise stumbles backwards, and then CM Punk measures up and sling shots himself on to the top rope, and leaps off. But Marquise blocks it, and hits a belly to belly suplex. Both wrestlers are now down, but CM Punk is quicker to get to his feet by rolling into the corner. Marquise hits a few fists to the face, and then whips him to the ropes. CM Punk bounces off of the corner, and Marquise goes to the ropes, and hits a running one handed face crusher on CM Punk. Marquise goes into the corner, and calls for the spear. Yelling for CM Punk to get up, CM Punk slowly gets to his feet, and then turns. Marquise goes for the spear. But CM Punk see's Marquise coming, and then jumps over Marquise. Marquise almost hits the corner, and then turns around. CM Punk can't do anything right away, as he's still dazed by the last few moves, but finally is able to compose himself enough to charge into the corner, CM Punk charges into the corner. But Marquise counters with a drop toe hold that sends CM Punk face first into the second turnbuckle. CM Punk is dazed coming out of the corner, and then Marquise picks up CM Punk and drives him down for a death valley driver. He goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………….2………….KICK OUT by CM Punk at the last moment.]

King-The fact that CM Punk over sold the Death Valley Driver surprises no one, right?

Kris Gaffney-Not me….surprised he didn't yell "Go Cena!" on the way down.

[CM Punk gets up, and falls into the corner. Marquise hits a running clothesline, and backs out and CM Punk stumbles out of the corner. Then CM Punk lifts up Marquise up, and then puts him on the top rope. He starts to climb up to the top rope, suddenly Ashley jumps on the apron, and this gives CM Punk an opening to rake CM Punk's eyes, and then CM Punk hits the Pepsi plunge, and gets the 1………………..2……………3!]

JR-CM Punk wins!

King-Guess Ashley is here for a reason after all!

*Suddenly baby Ashley Irvine appears on the announcers desk, and says*

Ashley Irvine-*giggle baby noises*……MY TWIN! *more baby noises*

Kris Gaffney-Interesting!

("X-treme" blasts on the PA system as Matt Hardy runs out on the stage, and to the ring.)

JR-A few weeks ago Matt Hardy defeated Troy Gafgen, this is seemly is his reward.


Kris Gaffney-Yeah, I know…surprising.

("Flashing lights" blasts on the PA system as Kevin Bourne walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Kevin Bourne is the former Extreme champion, some would say that had John Morrison didn't resort to a low blow, Bourne might be still champion

Kris Gaffney-Even though it's within the rules…

King-Don't listen to him….

Kris Gaffney-I can see why…

[Kevin Bourne and Matt Hardy pace around the ring, and then lock up. Kevin Bourne is able to push Matt Hardy into the ropes. Before the ref counts for a clean break, but before he can. Matt Hardy gets hit with a knee into the gut, and then Matt Hardy looks in pain and Kevin Bourne gets pulled up to his feet, and Kevin Bourne hits a fist to the face. Matt Hardy falls against the ropes, and holds on to stay up, and then Kevin Bourne whips Matt Hardy off of the ropes. Then he comes off of the ropes, and Kevin Bourne hits a hip toss. Matt Hardy crashes on the mat, and gets up to his feet and hits a running clothesline. Matt Hardy goes down to the mat, and gets up slowly. Kevin Bourne measures up Matt Hardy, and kicks him in the gut and hits a snap suplex. Kevin Bourne goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………..2…………..kick out by Kevin Bourne. Kevin Bourne does not get frustrated, he just puts Matt Hardy in a surfboard stretch. Matt hardy is in pain and then looks for a way out of the hold. Matt Hardy slowly gets up to his feet, then slowly turns the surf board stretch. Then Matt hardy is facing Kevin Bourne, and hits a few knee lifts into the gut. This breaks the grip of Kevin Bourne, and Matt Hardy runs to the runs to the ropes and comes off. But as he comes off of the ropes, Kevin Bourne counters Matt Hardy's charging at him with a belly to belly suplex. Matt Hardy flies across the ring, and rolls under the ropes. Then Matt Hardy gets up with help of the ropes, and Kevin Bourne hits a standing drop kick that sends Matt Hardy off of the apron, and makes him hit the guard rail and he goes down to the mat, and Kevin Bourne takes a few moments. Then Kevin Bourne goes up to the top rope, and waits on Matt Hardy to get up to his feet. Once he does, Kevin Bourne leaps off of the top rope. But Matt Hardy move out of the way, and Kevin Bourne crashes on the barricade.]

JR-Kevin Bourne crashed and burned there.

King-Guess that's what you get for taking risks like that.

Kris Gaffney-It actually worked out well for the Mavs GM though…

[Kevin Bourne is slow to get up, but Matt Hardy being the more beaten up of the two is still feeling the effects of the moves he's taken. Then Matt Hardy goes over to Kevin Bourne, but Kevin Bourne is able to answer faster, and hits a knee into the gut, stunning Matt Hardy. Then he tries to whip Matt Hardy into the corner, but it's reversed and Kevin Bourne crashes into the mat, and then stumbles around. Matt Hardy throws him into the ring, and then takes a few moments after firing up the crowd. Matt Hardy gets on the apron. But gets hit with a fist, and then Kevin Bourne grabs Matt Hardy by the hair and tries to smash his head on to the unprotected part that holds up the turnbuckle. Then before he can hit the move, Matt Hardy blocks it and counters with a hang man. Kevin Bourne's neck snaps off, and then he stumbles backwards. Then Matt Hardy steps inside of the ring. Kevin Bourne charges at Matt Hardy, but Matt Hardy counters this with the side effect! He goes into the cover, and gets the 1………………..2……………….kick out by Kevin Bourne. Matt Hardy goes into the corner, and then hits a few fists to the face. Kevin Bourne stumbles in the corner, and then Matt Hardy whips Kevin Bourne into the corner. Then Matt Hardy charges, and hits a clothesline in the corner. Matt Hardy then sets up Kevin Bourne and hits a running bulldog out of the corner. Matt Hardy goes into the cover, and gets the 1………………………2…………..KICK OUT once again. Matt Hardy holds his hands on his head, as he thought he had the match there.]

JR-Matt Hardy almost got the three, and might be thinking of finishing off of this match.

King-Well, guess Jeff was close to beating Marc Mead before. He probably wants to prove he's better.

Kris Gaffney-Probably…

[Matt Hardy gets up, and then calls for the Twist of Fate, Bourne stumbles up and then Matt Hardy kicks Bourne in the gut. Then goes for the Twist of Fate, but spins out of it. Then Matt Hardy pulls Bourne for a short arm clothesline, but it's ducked under, and right into the checkmate, and into the cover. The ref goes down and counts the 1……………2…………3!]

JR-The Checkmate was delivered, and Kevin Bourne is now the #1 contender for the TV title!

King-That was unlucky for Hardy!

Kris Gaffney-Which means Bourne will face Mead very soon for the television championship.

(We go off the air as Kevin Bourne rises his hands in the air .)