EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The Shockwave video begins as it ends, we go into the darken arena as fireworks blasts on the stage. The lights turn on as fans are yelling and waving their signs. Some say "….", "How can Tomko hate that ass…is he gay?" and "Gamber and Lethal = the perfect tag team")

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, I'm good ol' JR along side Jerry "the King" Lawler, and Kris Gaffney. Boy the landscape of the EMF has changed since the very successful Unleashed.

King-I would hype the main event…but…

Kris Gaffney-Oh well, no time for your moaning, let's get started!

("CJ Lethal's theme" blasts on the PA system as CJ Lethal walks to the ring, he steps into the ring, and waits for his opponent.)

JR-CJ Lethal is a very deadly competitor

King-All interviewers know this.

Kris Gaffney-Think he would be happy if I say I bet on Texas?

("Robbie Morphine's theme" blasts on the PA system as Robbie Morphine walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Robbie Morphine certainly did not have a good Unleashed.

King-Yeah, his title reign went up in flames!

Kris Gaffney-He's probably going not be too happy with you saying that…

[CJ Lethal and Robbie Morphine lock up, Robbie Morphine knows that he can't match strength. So he puts Robbie Morphine into an arm bar, CJ Lethal looks for a way out of the hold. CJ Lethal backs Robbie Morphine to the ropes, and then he bounces off of the ropes. Robbie Morphine comes off of the ropes, and CJ Lethal goes for a big boot. But Robbie Morphine slides under it, and then Robbie Morphine is behind CJ Lethal. Robbie Morphine hits a few kick into the back of the leg that stumbles CJ Lethal into the corner. Robbie Morphine watches as CJ Lethal stumbles into the corner due to the moves that he's taking. Then CJ Lethal goes into the corner Robbie Morphine hits a few fists to the face. Robbie Morphine tries to whip CJ Lethal into the opposite side of the ring, but it's reversed, and Robbie Morphine goes into the corner instead. CJ Lethal follows him in. Robbie Morphine tries to go over the top of CJ Lethal with his momentum, but it's caught by CJ Lethal. However, before CJ Lethal can do anything with it. Robbie Morphine hits a reverse hurricarana that sends CJ Lethal outside of the ring. Robbie Morphine measures up, and runs to the ropes as CJ Lethal by the apron. Robbie comes off of the ropes, and leaps in the air and hits a baseball slide into the face of CJ Lethal that knocks him down. Robbie Morphine stays in the ring, and gets ready for CJ Lethal to get up. Once he has, Robbie Morphine sling shots himself over to the top rope for a summsault dive over the top rope that connects with CJ Lethal, and brings him down to the mat. Robbie Morphine gets up quickly, and then grabs him by the hair. Robbie Morphine smashes CJ Lethal's head into the steel steps. CJ Lethal stumbles around, and Robbie Morphine picks up CJ Lethal, and hits a few fists to the face. CJ Lethal backs up, and then Robbie Morphine tries to whip CJ Lethal to the steps, but it's reversed. Robbie Morphine crashes into the steps.]

JR-CJ Lethal reversed that move!

King-Aw…it was a matter of time…

Kris Gaffney-That's the kind of thing JR would say

King-Say that again, and I'll kill you!!!!

[CJ Lethal takes a few moments to rest, and then throws him into the ring. CJ Lethal steps into the ring, but as he is stepping over the top rope. Robbie Morphine tries to go over to CJ Lethal, and attack Robbie Morphine. However, it's countered with a block (as it was a fist), and Robbie Morphine gets hit with a head butt. Robbie Morphine flies back, and falls into the mat, and gets up to his feet. CJ Lethal are closing in, Robbie Morphine throws a fist. But it's grabbed in mid-air, and then CJ Lethal crushes Robbie Morphine's hand. Robbie Morphine is in pain. Then CJ Lethal picks up Robbie Morphine by the arm, and lifts him in mid air. Robbie Morphine is in pain, then CJ Lethal throws Robbie Morphine on the mat. Robbie Morphine crashes on his back, CJ Lethal backs up as Robbie Morphine gets up to his feet. Robbie Morphine slowly gets up to his feet. CJ Lethal hits a few running forearm shots to the face. Then CJ Lethal whips Robbie Morphine off of the ropes, Robbie Morphine comes off of the ropes. CJ Lethal uses Robbie Morphine's momentum against him, and throws him in the air. Robbie Morphine crashes down on the mat. Then Robbie Morphine slowly gets up, holding his mid section. CJ Lethal takes advantages of this move by picking up Robbie Morphine on his shoulders, and then drives him down to the mat with a spinning flap jack. Robbie Morphine goes down to the mat. CJ Lethal goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………..2………..kick out. CJ Lethal looks angry as usual, but shakes it off, and whips Robbie Morphine off of the ropes. Robbie Morphine bounces off of the ropes, CJ Lethal lowers his head. Robbie Morphine kicks it, CJ Lethal gets his head up, but doesn't look like he effected him much. Robbie Morphine charges at CJ Lethal, but it's countered with a standing spinebuster. CJ Lethal goes into the cover once again for the 1…………..2………..KICK OUT by Robbie Morphine.]

JR-Almost three by CJ Lethal

King-Robbie Morphine probably doesn't want to lose another.

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, that wouldn't be good…

[Robbie Morphine rolls out to the apron, and gets up on the apron. CJ Lethal goes over to Robbie Morphine. Robbie Morphine hang man's CJ Lethal, and Robbie Morphine grabs a chair from the time keeper and slides into the ring. CJ Lethal is stumbling around, and Robbie Morphine is about to take his head off, not caring anymore about the match. Suddenly Paul Heyman jumps on the apron, and yells stuff. Robbie Morphine drops the chair, and stares angrily at Heyman, he goes after Heyman, but Heyman jumps down. Robbie Morphine turns around, and he gets blasted by CJ Lethal. The ref rings the bell.]

JR-Seems CJ didn't like Morphine trying to take a shot at him.

King-Who would? CJ doesn't like much anyways…

(CJ Lethal stares down at Robbie Morphine, then rolls out of the ring, and allows Paul Heyman to go into the ring.)

(OOC-More to come later)

("Better than you" blasts on the PA system as Becky Bayless walks to the ring along with Triple M, and steps into the ring.)

JR-I still can't believe that she's the half sister of Amy.

King-Life's full of surprises…but that's just messed up.

Kris Gaffney-That's for sure.

("Rylee's theme" blasts on the PA system as Rylee walks to the ring.)

JR-Rylee is the friend of Jackie Gayda.

King-Yeah, which is the reason she hasn't gone for the title…odd that Jackie thought she did.

Kris Gaffney-Jackie has selective memory.

[Rylee lock up at Becky Bayless, and then goes behind Becky Bayless and hits her on the back of the head. Becky Bayless Rylee doesn't look pleased with some of the things that she's done to her friends friend. Becky Bayless turns around, and screams at Rylee, she charges at Rylee. Rylee sidesteps Becky Bayless and throw her out of the ring ropes, however, she just falls on to the apron. Becky Bayless gets up on the apron, Rylee helps her out. But all a sudden Becky Bayless hits a hangman on the top rope. Rylee's neck snaps off of the top rope, Becky Bayless runs into the ring and hits a spear on Rylee as she turns towards her. Becky Bayless hits a few fists (or slaps…whatever you want to say). Rylee still feeling the effects of the hang man tries to cover up. The crowd boo's, Becky Bayless does not seem to be too happy. Rylee gets up, and Becky Bayless hits a European upper cut. Rylee stumbles back on the ropes, and then Becky Bayless whips her to the ropes. Rylee tries to do a wheel barrel into a bulldog, but as Rylee turns it into a bulldog. Becky Bayless pushes Rylee off, and Rylee goes crashing on the mat. Rylee gets in a sitting position . Becky Bayless hits a drop kcik to the upper back of Rylee. Rylee goes down to the mat. Becky Bayless hits a few stomps over, and over, and over again to Rylee. Finally the ref steps between it, and Rylee is able to crawl away. Rylee tries to get up with the help of the ropes. Becky Bayless grabs Rylee's feet and yanks her off. She crashes on the mat, and the bounces up. Becky Bayless kicks Rylee into the gut, and then sets her up, and nails a spinning fisherman suplex. Becky Bayless goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………………2………………….kick out by Rylee. Becky hits the mat already frustrated that she didn't get the three. Becky Bayless picks up Rylee, and starts to bad mouth her.]

JR-I seriously don't like her attitude, I'm not sure how that woman could be related to Amy Jericho.

King-Yeah, I don't see it too…

Kris Gaffney-However, if you wanted to look pass it. You would have to look pass all the DUMAS DNA! And that would be down right nutty!

[Becky Bayless hits a slap on the face of Rylee, and whips Rylee off of the ropes. Rylee bounces off of the ropes, Becky Bayless lowers her head, and then Rylee counters it with a spinning neck breaker. Both wrestlers are down on the mat, and then Rylee pulls herself up to the mat, Becky Bayless is getting up. Rylee hits a running clothesline that takes down Becky Bayless. Becky Bayless gets up, and Rylee hits a few fists to the face. Becky Bayless gets whipped off of the ropes. But it's reversed, Becky lowers her head once again still looking for that back body drop. But Rylee kicks her into the face, and then she's stunned. Becky Bayless gets picked up and hit with a slam, Rylee runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes, then hits a knee drop to the face of Becky Bayless. Rylee goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………………..2…………………kick out by Becky Bayless. Becky Bayless crawls into the corner, and tries to beg off isn't listen to by Rylee. Rylee hits a few stomps into the gut, and then Rylee pulls Becky Bayless up and hits a few knife edge chops in the corner. The ref says something, and she allows Becky some space as she is asked. Rylee goes back into the corner, and whips Becky Bayless hard to the opposite side of the ring. Rylee crashes into the corner, and then comes off of the turnbuckle. Right into Rylee who hits a spinning spinebuster into the cover, and she gets a 1……………………2………………..kick out by Becky Bayless.]

JR-Almost three!

King-I should time when people actually get the 3….wonder if I notice a pattern

Kris Gaffney-Or some people might not care.

King-Well blah to those people too…

[Rylee calls for the High Rise, she picks up Becky Bayless, and whips her to the ropes. But before Becky comes back to Rylee, Becky Bayless hangs on to the ropes. Becky after this stoppage of the move charges at Rylee for a move of her own. But it's countered with a hip toss, that's blocked into a back slide. The ref goes down to count, but Becky Bayless gets her feet on the ropes, and gets the 1…………………..2……………..3]

JR-Becky stole this match!

King-What momentum she has going.

Kris Gaffney-Momentum is never a good sign…

Mercedes had spent all week with pent up anger. She had won her match at last weeks Shockwave and got to unveil her new Finisher, however a moment that should have been great wasn't, thanks to once again Eric Bischoff. It wasn't the fact that he stuck his nose into her business again but he stepped over the line when he kicked her friend Stephanie. She arrived at the arena, she wasn't scheduled for match but she had some business to attend too. She set off roaming the halls looking for Stephanie first, to make sure she was doing okay after last weeks assault. However when she turned a corner she saw the back side of One Eric Bischoff. He was yapping on his cell phone about something and before she even knew what she was doing and marched up behind him and shoved him forward..

Bischoff rolls his eyes, and says into the phone that he'll call them back.)

.::Eric Bischoff::.-You certainly love these rough introductions.

Mercedes: *she got right in his face* You went To Far!

(He shrugs acting stupid.)

.::Eric Bischoff::.-I always take things too far, I mean some people say my storylines in WCW were "too far". They thought that giving out WWE's results was too far. So you see Mercedes, I've been accused of going too far many times. So you are going to have to tell me on what I went "too far".

Mercedes: Cheap Shotting Stephanie like that. I knew you were sick, but honestly I gave you some credit. Now I see I was completely wrong, and you continue to get in my business...

*Bischoff grins, and says*

.::Eric Bischoff::.-Oh.....that....well as far as that goes, it was just a little extra fun..

Mercedes: *She reached up knocking on the top of his head* Hello.. Do you have some wires crossed in there.. I think Somebody turned the dial from vial asshole to vial and Completely sick..

.::Eric Bischoff::.-What I do is my business as for Stephanie...it was just fun because she is is a McMahon. It's just too bad her and "Daddy" had a falling out, I would have loved to see Vince's face then.

Mercedes: I would have loved to see the look on your face while you were laying on the outside of the ring when I beat Fyre and made your plan backfire.. Care to show me now?

.::Eric Bischoff::.-Oh Mercedes, that was just a minor set back. Besides you didn't beat Fyre alone either, let me remind you that.

Mercedes: Torrie may have been a minor distraction, but it was my New finisher that sealed Fyre's fate, don't you forget that.

.::Eric Bischoff::.-I think your giving yourself too much credit, after all, if the ref was faster, Fyre probably would have been beaten you. Just the same way that Torrie gave you the chance to do that cute little finisher you have.

Mercedes: Cute.. I'll show you cute..

.::Eric Bischoff::.-Oh, love it when you get mad. But really Mercedes, it's not working. You know if your done wasting my time, I think Russell Crowe's still around. Maybe you two gladiators can sail on his tug boat or something.

Mercedes: you make me sick.. *she reared back to hit him*

(He blocks it, and grins saying.)

.::Eric Bischoff::.-You really like it rough, guess I should only give you what you want.

(Eric Bischoff starts to kiss her, Fyre walks by and puts her hands on her hips.)

.::Fyre::.-Geez....and you say I was lying. First Prez Mike, now this. Although why can't something like that happened to me..

Mercedes pushed Eric off of her.. and was making gagging sounds..

Eric Bischoff: Another satisfied lady.. Anyways.. Fyre, just who I was waiting for..

.::Fyre::.-Hhhhhmmm, seems I come in at the wrong times usually. So why were you waiting on me?

Eric Bischoff: Funny you should ask..*he glances back at Mercedes who is still gagging* Please it wasn't like you didn't enjoy it.. *she was gonna come at him again when I backstage worker held her back* Thanks Enrique.. Keep her under control, I know she wants more. Anyways Fyre. I know you lost due to reasons beyond your control andI thought of a way to rectify that. A tag Team match next week on Shockwave...

.::Fyre::.-Yeah....seems like I always get screwed out of matches somehow. So what will the match be?

Eric Bischoff: Well as it stands right now, It would be, Torrie Wilson and *he sneered* Mercedes.. Vs You as this very moment, but don't you worry Fyre I'm waiting on a phone call, and lets just say it could really work to your advantage.. And if it didn't work out that way, It'd just go back to one on one between you and Mercedes...

.::Fyre::.-Sounds interesting, should be more than fun to get some revenge on them both...

Eric Bischoff: Oh trust me, there will be revenge.. *his phone rang* Just one moment.. *he answered it..* Yeah, the money has been arranged. I know, I owe you one. Thanks, they will be shocked..Bye..*He hung up his phone Smiling*

Mercedes: So who's your big money player Bischoff?

Eric Bischoff: Oh you'll like this Fyre. Your tag team partner next week on Shockwave is.. None other than the Former 5 time women's champion, the BLACK WIDOW!*he glanced back at Mercedes he just stood there with her mouth open in disbelief* What do you think about that Fyre?

.::Fyre::-Sounds great, that should make it even more sweet, thank you Mr. Bischoff.

Eric Bischoff: You are So very welcome.. *he smiled back at Mercedes* Good luck...*he walked off as Mercedes just stood there still shocked that her Sister was coming back..*

(Fyre walks off, but as soon as she left.)

.::Christian::.-Wow! Hot jobber girl is desperate, this calls for the Instant Classic.

(Christian runs off, suddenly AJ Styles bounces behind him and says.)

.::AJ Styles::.-Christian! Wait for me! Kurt and Karen aren't here, and I don't know what to do AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!

("Live for the moment" blasts on the PA system as Matt Hardy walks out to the ring doing his usual entrance.)

King-I'm surprised that Matt Hardy has allowed himself to breath enough to live to come down here.

JR-Once again, that was a different Matt Hardy.

Kris Gaffy-I think I would know Matt Hardy, and that my friend is Matt Hardy.

("Enemy" blasts on the PA system as Troy Gafgen walks to the ring with Candice Gafgen.)

King-You know…Candice hasn't said much lately.

Kris Gaffney-You can't say much while someone is on you, making you into a pancake!

JR-Alright…that's enough...

[Troy Gafgen and Matt Hardy face off, suddenly Matt Hardy starts to throw fists to the face. Matt Hardy gets pushed down to the mat, and gets up to his feet. Troy Gafgen charges at Matt Hardy. Matt Hardy counters with a low drop kick into the leg, and this takes the leg. This buckles his leg, and then Matt Hardy runs to the ropes, and spring boards off of the ropes and drives him into the mat with a swinging DDT. Matt Hardy goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………….2………….kick out by Troy Gafgen. Matt Hardy hits a few stomps on the downed Troy Gafgen, and then Troy Gafgen tries to get up in the corner and then Matt Hardy hits a few fists to the face of Troy Gafgen. Then Troy Gafgen gets whipped to the other side of the ring, but it's reversed. Matt Hardy goes crashing into the corner, Troy Gafgen takes a few moments to rest. Then Charges into the corner, and Matt Hardy gets his boot up, and Troy Gafgen stumbles back. Troy Gafgen tries to splash Matt Hardy in the corner, but it's countered with a kick to the leg that sends Troy Gafgen face into the top rope. Troy stumbles holding his face, he turns around and see's Matt Hardy taunting him. Troy Gafgen charges at Matt Hardy who ducks a clothesline, and sets up and nails the side effect. Matt Hardy goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………………2……………..kick out by Troy Gafgen. Troy Gafgen once again crawls into the corner as Matt Hardy allows it. Matt Hardy hits a few stomps in the corner, and then whips Troy Gafgen into the opposite corner. Being wore down Troy goes into the corner. Matt Hardy runs into the corner with Troy and nails him with a clothesline. Then follows up with a running bulldog, once again Matt goes into the cover and gets the 1……………………..2………………….kick out by Troy Gafgen. Matt Hardy thought he should have had him as he looks at questioning the ref.]

JR-Matt Hardy thought he had the three count there.

King-Well he should stop complaining, it gets him no where.

Kris Gaffney-That's for sure, how many matches have been lost that way?

[Matt Hardy shakes off everything that has gone wrong and notices he's in perfect position for something off of the second rope. Then Matt Hardy climbs to the second rope, and does his V.1 sign. Then leaps off of the top rope going for his leg drop, but Troy Gafgen moves out of the way, and Matt Hardy crashes hard into the mat. He sits there a few moments as Troy Gafgen is on one knee. Trying to recover, Matt Hardy stumbles up to his feet. He goes right into Troy Gafgen who rises up and grabs Matt Hardy by the throat by both hands, and lifts him up. He holds him in that position, and then throws him into the corner. Troy Gafgen hits a few elbows into the corner, and then follows up by putting his boot on the throat of Matt Hardy. The ref counts to 4, and finally he breaks it up. Troy Gafgen whips Matt Hardy into the opposite corner, and follows him in. As Matt Hardy crashes into the corner, Troy Gafgen waits for Matt Hardy to stumble out of the corner. Once he does, Troy Gafgen picks up Matt Hardy, and puts him on his shoulder. Troy Gafgen runs out of the corner with Matt Hardy, and hits a running powerslam. Troy Gafgen goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………….2………..kick out by Matt Hardy. Troy Gafgen grabs Matt Hardy by the hair, and picks him up. He whips Matt Hardy to the ropes, and lowers his head. Matt Hardy counters with a kick to the face, and Troy Gafgen stumbles around. Matt Hardy runs to the ropes and hits a flying forearm. Troy Gafgen stumbles, but doesn't go down to the mat. Matt Hardy goes to the opposite corner. Troy Gafgen turns towards there, Matt Hardy leaps in the air and goes for a cross body block but it's caught in mid air.]

JR-Oh no! This doesn't look good for Matt!

King-Nothing goes well for Matt.

Kris Gaffney-When it doesn't…watch out Internet…

[Troy Gafgen hits a sitdown spinning side slam. Troy Gafgen gets up, and calls for the Crack of Dawn. He waits as Matt Hardy gets up, and looks like he is. Suddenly Troy Gafgen turns around, and notes as Marquise was running down. Then stops in his tracks as Troy wasn't getting blindsided. Marquise backs up, but from this Matt Hardy comes from behind and then rolls up Troy, and gets the 1……………..2…………….3!!]

JR-Marquise didn't interfere, but his presences costs him.

King-Probably due to the random fighting I see around the EMF now a days….I wondered why there was a hall way full of unconscious bodies lately.

(OOC-Troy, don't copy from your last RP. Not saying that DQed your RP, it hurt it a little bit, and that could have been the difference. As for the decision, close call, Matt just had enough focus and good text for him to over come Troy's. I added in the Marquise thing to also give another reason why we had that tag match the next week. Did it without permission, but he really didn't do anything, so shouldn't be a big deal.)

("Stranglehold" blasts on the PA system as Dewey Pond walks to the ring, and slides under the ring.)

JR-Marquise and Dewey Pond have quite the score to settle. It was because of Marquise's attack that Pond couldn't help his tag team partner Troy. It would seem Marquise had two things he was trying to accomplish.

King-Well, I'm more interested in the fact that Joel can play the guitar. Wonder what other special skill he has.

Kris Gaffney-Certainly not swimming…

("Thank you for the venom" blasts on the PA system as Marquise walks to the ring, with Shelley Martinez following behind him.)

JR-Marquise seems to be on a role of late, and it seems that it might have repaired the damage to the tag team or him and Gambler.

King-Actually Gambler has the wrong partner….he should be a partner with CJ Lethal.

Kris Gaffney-Actually, that's not a good idea….they would get each other arrested due to the random fits of rage.

[Marquise and Dewey Pond are waiting for the bell to ring, once it rings both come out charging. Marquise actually goes for the spear, trying to catch Pond off guard. But Pond is able to side step it. Then Marquise turns around as Dewey Pond comes off of the ropes and hits a flying forearm to the face. Marquise gets up, and then gets hit with an inverted atomic drop. Marquise stumbles back, and Dewey Pond hits a drop kick to the face. Marquise goes down to the mat, Marquise gets up and gets hit with a few fists to the face. He whips Marquise to the ropes before he gets to the ropes, and Marquise bounces off of the ropes. Dewey Pond lowers his head, and hits a back body drop to Marquise. Marquise stumbles up to his feet, right into Dewey Pond who takes Marquise down with a double leg take down. Dewey Pond aims Marquise into the corner and hits a catapault, Marquise goes flying into the corner and crashes his head on the top rope. This makes Marquise seem out of it, with only his arms holding himself up on the top rope. Suddenly Dewey Pond comes flying out of no where, and hits a big splash in the corner. Marquise stumbles backwards into the waiting arms of Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond picks up Marquise into a belly to back suplex, then drops him down with a back breaker. You can see that Marquise is in pain. Dewey Pond goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………………2……………KICK OUT by Marquise. Dewey Pond picks up Marquise and puts him in a chin lock. The ref makes sure that it's not a choke hold, as the ref also make's sure that Marquise is staying conscious. Marquise fights up to his feet, and then hits a few back elbows to the gut of Dewey Pond. Marquise runs off of the ropes, but Dewey Pond counters it with a hip toss. Marquise gets up, and Dewey Pond hits a body slam. Then signals he's going up to the top rope.]

JR-It looks like Dewey is going to fly.

King-Pond's don't fly.

Kris Gaffney-They drown!

[Dewey Pond goes to the outside of the ropes, and climbs up to the top rope. Dewey Pond leaps off of the top rope for what seems to be a frog splash. But it's countered by Marquise who gets his knee's up. Dewey Pond looks like he's in a lot of pain on the mat. Both wrestlers are down, the ref starts his standing 10 count, but it gets no where near the final 10 count to be mentioned other than I already did. Marquise pulls himself up to the ropes. Dewey Pond is getting up, and stumbles backwards into Marquise who sets him up, and hits a sling shot reverse vertical suplex. Dewey Pond already in pain in the place that took the damage rolls away near the ropes. Marquise runs to the ropes, and comes off and hits a baseball slide into Dewey Pond that makes him roll out of the ring completely. Marquise takes a few moments to rest, and then waits for Dewey Pond to get up to his feet. Marquise runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. Then leaps through the ropes and hits Dewey Pond with a suicide dive. This takes a lot out of Dewey Pond and Marquise. Marquise is able to get up to his feet, and then goes over to Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond all of a sudden comes alive, and fires off fists to the face of Marquise. Dewey Pond tries to whip Marquise to the steps. But it's reversed and Dewey Pond crashes into the steps. Marquise noticing that the count is getting close, throws Dewey Pond into the ring, and gets on to the apron. Marquise climbs up to the top rope, and waits as Dewey Pond gets up to his feet. Marquise leaps off of the top rope. Then hits Dewey Pond with a missile drop kick. Marquise goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………………2………………….kick out by Dewey Pond.]

JR-Almost three.

King-Marquise might be getting frustrated.

Kris Gaffney-Hope he can focus enough…

King-Looking forward to live sex? I rather if he just promised that Shelley will get naked.

Kris Gaffney-Even better!

[Marquise rolls into the corner as the ref checks on Dewey Pond, Marquise starts to take off the second turnbuckle. Marquise gets away with the ref notice, Dewey Pond just so thappens to be in the other side of the ring. Marquise hits a few fists to the face, and then tries to whip Dewey Pond into the corner with the exposed turnbuckle. He does, Dewey Pond is going towards it, but he see's the turnbuckle, and stops smashing into it with his foot. Marquise charges in for a spear, but Dewey Pond just barely moves out of the way and throws Marquise into the second turnbuckle. Marquise bounces off, right into the Dew Drop for the 1……………..2………….3.]

JR-Dewey Pond was lucky enough to notice Marquise trying to take a short cut, and made it back fire on Marquise.


(OOC-Getting there Marquise, keep on working on it)

("No More Sorrow" blasts on the PA system as Josh Hanley walks to the ring, and he slides into the ring.0

Kris Gaffney-You know we never got answered where Claire was…

King-Yeah, I would like to know…think Hanley will tell us where she is?

JR-No clue.

("The Young and Hopeless" blasts on the PA system as Eric Hasher walks to the ring.)

JR-Despite not winning the title again….I guess Hasher can always say that he almost was world champion.

King-Almost describes Hasher in many ways.

Kris Gaffney-I know what you mean…

[Josh Hanley and Eric Hasher pace around the ring, and then lock up Josh Hanley goes behind Eric Hasher, and takes down Hasher down to the mat. Josh Hanley hits an elbow to the back of the head of Eric Hasher. Josh Hanley hits a few stomps on the downed Josh Hanley. Josh Hanley picks up Eric Hasher to his feet, and then hits European upper cut that stumbles Eric Hasher back into the corner. Then Josh Hanley measures up, and then hits a knife edge chop to the chest of Eric Hasher. Josh Hanley measures up, and hits another knife edge chop to the chest. Josh Hanley brings Eric Hasher out of the corner, and then whips him to the ropes. Eric Hasher bounces off of the ropes, and then Josh Hanley lowers his head. But Eric Hasher is able to counter it by doing a sunset flip. Josh Hanley is stumbling backwards looks like he's going to fall into the pin, and does, but Josh Hanley is able to roll through. Then Josh Hanley gets up to his feet, and then he hits a kick to the head. This stuns Eric Hasher in the sitting position, and then Josh Hanley runs off of the ropes behind Eric Hasher, comes off of the ropes. Then hits a flipping snapmare. He goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………….2…………kick out. Josh Hanley looks un worried. Josh Hanley picks up Eric Hasher, and hits a few forearm shots to the face. Josh Hanley then hits a spinning back elow to the face of Eric Hasher. Eric Hasher gets up slow, and then stumbles right into the waiting Josh Hanley. Josh Hanley kicks Eric Hasher into the gut, and hits a fisherman's buster on Eric Hasher, and goes into the cover and gets a 1………………..2…………..Eric Hasher puts his foot on the bottom rope, and breaks up the count. Then Josh Hanley looks at the ref, thinking that the three count might have gone down before he put his leg on the rope. But the ref assures him, and Josh Hanley goes over to Eric Hasher who gotten up in the corner.]

JR-It would seem that Josh Hanley thought that he was going to get the three on that one.

King-But then again, Josh Hanley thought Michael Webber's autobiography was going ot be longer…you saw how that worked out…

Kris Gaffney- Really….I gained a lot of insight about life through that book *Kris starts to tear up*

[Josh Hanley closed the gap in the corner, and then Josh Hanley hits a few kicks into gut, and tries to whip Eric Hasher into the opposite side of the ring. But it's reversed and Josh Hanley goes into the corner. Josh Hanley crashes into the corner, Eric Hasher charges blindly into the corner. But it's countered with a boot to the face, Eric Hasher stumbles around. Then Josh Hanley pulls himself up to the second rope, and waits as Eric Hasher to come towards him. Josh Hanley hooks Eric Hasher, and then goes for a tornado DDT. But as Josh Hanley is doing it, Eric Hasher pushes Josh Hanley off, and he crashes into the mat. Gut first, Josh Hanley bounces up on his feet holding his mid second, Eric Hasher hits a quick super kick that floors Josh Hanley. However, Eric falls into the corner unable to do anything about it. He takes a few moments to rest, and then Eric Hasher knowing that Hanley won't be knocked down for long. So Eric Hasher pulls himself up on the second rope, and measures up as Josh Hanley is stumbling to his feet. Once he turns towards where Hanley was waiting for him. Eric Hasher leaps off, and hits a flying shoulder block, this takes down Josh Hanley. Josh Hanley is getting up to his feet, and once again gets knocked down to the mat with a clothesline. Eric Hasher takes his time to rest, and Josh Hanley is getting up more slowly. Eric Hasher goes for a kick, but it's caught by Josh Hanley. But Eric Hasher counters with a enzugri. This makes Josh Hanley fall on the second rope, Eric Hasher runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes with a comes crashing down on the back of Josh Hanley.]

JR-Eric Hasher is gaining momentum.

King-Think he notices?

Kris Gaffney-Probably not…

[Josh Hanley stumbles up into a corner, and Eric Hasher hits a few fists to the face. Then he whips Josh Hanley into the corner. Josh Hanley tries to stop himself as Hasher follows. Hasher and Hanley hit heads. Hanley goes into the corner, while Hasher falls down to the mat. Suddenly the crowd cheers as Dewey Pond slides into the ring, going after Hanley, however, Hashers in the way. So Pond hits Hasher to get him out of the way and the ref calls for the bell and DQ's Hanley. Pond starts to hammer away at Hanley, Hanley is able to block one, and fire back some, and spears Pond down their fighting.]

JR-Hasher wins via DQ, but the main story is that the TV title picture is heating up.

King-Although, the rest isn't interesting, I'm going to watch PUPPIES FROM AROUND THE WORLD…

Kris Gaffney-Think he means dogs or breasts?

JR-Oh…either way, I'm sure there will be a few dog's mixed in…

(We fade away as the long time rivals are being pulled apart. Both making signals about getting the TV title.)