EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The EMF logo shows up on the screen and the Shockwave video starts, once it ends we go into the arena as pyro blasts on the stage. Fan scream their lungs out as the Shockwave theme plays, the lights turn on and the camera starts to search around the crowd and finally goes to JR and the King.)

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, I'm good ol' JR along with Jerry "the King" Lawler

King-No more Road!! No more Road!!

JR-Yes we will witness Road's last match King...

King-and that's not a bad thing....(DDP smile)....that's a good thing
Jerry "The King" Lawler - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, Black Widow!!! (crowd cheers **********)

[Black Widow comes to the ring. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - and his opponent, Lita!!! (crowd boos ***)

[Lita walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Black Widow executes a pumphandle suplex on Lita. Earl Hebner checks Lita's boots and knee pads. (ding, ding, ding) Black Widow legsweeps Lita. Black Widow rolls onto Lita connecting with a knee. Now Lita standing. Lita pulls Black Widow's hair. A flying bodypress by Black Widow takes Lita to the mat with authority. Black Widow climbs to his feet. Lita trys for a sitdown faceslam (X-factor) but Black Widow avoids it. ]

Jim Ross - The Extreme Measures Federation is the number on wrestling program on television.

[Lita trys for a flying tomahawk but Black Widow avoids it. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - I wish every match could be like this!

[Lita comes from behind and bulldogs Black Widow. Lita is up again. Lita flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop. Lita is back on his feet. Lita goes for a pin. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 Black Widow escapes. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like Black Widow.

[Black Widow climbs to his feet. Black Widow delivers a spinning backbreak to Lita. Black Widow covers Lita. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Lita escapes. Lita gets back to his feet. Lita hits a jumping elbow hrust on Black Widow. Lita goes for a pin. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 Black Widow escapes. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like Black Widow.

[Now Black Widow standing. Lita gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Lita with an Aztecan suplex on Black Widow sends him to the mat. Black Widow gets up. Black Widow executes a split legged moonsault on to Lita. Black Widow moves back to his feet. Black Widow and Lita go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Black Widow chokes Lita with a microphone cable. Black Widow with a somersault splash on Lita. Black Widow stands up. (..2) ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - The Extreme Measures Federation is the only place to find matches like this!

[(...3) Black Widow takes Lita down with a knee. Lita stands up. (....4) Flying somersault drop kick by Black Widow puts him back in the match. Black Widow is up again. Lita moves back to his feet. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Black Widow and Lita move back to ringside. Black Widow takes Lita into the ring. Black Widow slaps both sides of Lita's head out of desperation. A side kick by Lita turns the match around by knocking Black Widow to the mat. Lita is up again. Lita puts Black Widow in an arm grapevine submission. Lita rolls onto Black Widow connecting with a knee. Black Widow gets up. A flying shoulder block send Lita to the mat. Black Widow stands up. Lita gets bounced off of the ropes and hit with a backdrop diver by Black Widow. Now Lita standing. Black Widow and Lita go to the floor ]

Jim Ross - Weapons are everywhere all over ringside.

[Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Black Widow cuts Lita with a blade. Lita is bleeding as a result. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Ha!

[Black Widow with a headscissors takeover on Lita. Black Widow moves back to his feet. (..2) Lita climbs to his feet. (...3) Lita executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Black Widow. Black Widow is back on his feet. (....4) Lita does a cartwheel and kicks Black Widow in the face. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Black Widow is driven further into the mat by Lita with a diving elbow smash. Lita stands up. Lita hits Black Widow with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Lita moves back to his feet. Lita stomps Black Widow. ]

Jim Ross - Black Widow takes a stomp.

[Lita gets up on the top turnbuckle and waits for Widow go get up. Widow stands up, and Lita leaps off the turnbuckle and delivers the Litacanrana! Lita jumps back up to the turnbuckle and does the Litasault for the pin 1...2...3! ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Lita has won the match!

Jerry "The King" Lawler - The winner of this match, Lita!!!

"Break it down" blasts on the PA system as Steve Hiroko and Justin Franchize walk to the ring

JR-it's certainly a surprise to see DX, this isn't the first time that DX has been in the EMF. In fact the very first time DX was around it had some names such as Alex Salvatore, X-Cold and Sandman

King-Hey you forgot the Rock JR

JR-him too.

"Cocky" blasts on the PA system as Wes and Carnage walk to the ring

King-you know....Wes and Carnage might have the shortest tag team championship reign here

JR-who knows

[Wes and Hiroko start off, both of them pass around the ring and then locks up. Hiroko goes around and takes down Wes with a waist lock into a sit out, Wes gets to the ropes and the ref makes Hiroko break the hold. Wes gets up slowly and charges at Hiroko, Hiroko takes Wes over and puts Wes into a arm bar. Hiroko holds that arm bar as slowly Wes gets up, Wes is back on his feet and hits a few fists to the stomach of Hiroko. Hiroko lets go of the arm bar, Wes runs to the ropes and hits a shoulder block on Hiroko. Hiroko goes down, Wes runs to the ropes, Hiroko then catches Wes in a set up for a belly to belly suplex. But Wes fights out of it with back elbows to the neck of Hiroko. Wes then twists Hiroko's arm and hits a knee lift that doubles Hiroko over, Wes runs to the ropes and hits a running bulldog on Hiroko. Wes goes into the cover for the 1.....2....kick out, Wes then pulls Hiroko up and puts a chin lock. Hiroko slowly gets up and looks for a way out. Hiroko trys to side step Wes, but Wes doesn't allow that. Hiroko then trys to elbow out of the hold. But still Wes is hanging on, Hiroko then finds the way out of the hold by hitting a jaw breaker. Wes is stunned on his feet. Hiroko gets up and hits a few fists that rock Wes to the ropes and trys to whip Wes off the ropes. But Wes reverses Hiroko, then Hiroko the reverses Wes and holds on to his arm and pulls him back to hit a short arm clothesline. Hiroko pulls Wes up and hits a few knife edge chops on Wes, Wes is on the ropes not standing up by much, Hiroko then whips him to the ropes. Wes bounces off the ropes and Hiroko hits a hard spinebuster. Hiroko looks over and then tags in Franchize, Franchize hits a few shots to the ribs of Wes. Wes trys to tag in Carnage, but Franchize drags Wes by the legs to the middle of the ring. Franchize then hits a kick to the groin, Wes screams in pain as Franchize follows it up with a elbow drop the inside of the right leg and puts on a leg lock. The ref asks Wes if he wants to give it up, but Wes doesn't Franchize applys more pressure and the ref asks again and again Wes refuses. Franchize lets go of the leg lock and hits a knee drop to leg. Franchize gets up and waits for Wes to get up, Franchize gets ready as Wes gets to his feet. Franchize trys to hit a fist to the face, but Wes blocks it and hits one of his own. Franchize stumbles a little bit, but trys to hit a punch once again. It's again blocked and returned on Franchize, Wes follows it up with a few more punches. Wes whips Franchize off the ropes and then they both knock each other down with a double clothesline]

JR-Both wrestlers need to make a tag

King-yeah well both wrestlers need to learn how to be interesting....

[Wes and Franchize slowly crawl to their respective corners, Franchize is fists to make the tag. Hiroko runs in as Wes makes his tag with Carnage. Carnage comes into the ring fast, Hiroko goes for a fist. But Carnage blocks it and hits a few fists that back Hiroko to the ropes, Carnage whips Hiroko off the ropes and catches him in a one arm side walk slam. Franchize comes into the ring and hits a clothesline....that doesn't move Carnage a inch. Carnage laughs and hits a head butt on Franchize, Hiroko is getting up near the ropes as Wes clotheslines him outside. Carnage pulls up Franchize, both Carnage and Wes kick Franchize to the gut. Carnage and Wes double whip Franchize and are about to give him a double flap jack. But Hiroko holds Carnages ankle, while Franchize ducks and hits a atomic drop on Wes that makes Wes go to the mat in pain. Carnage pulls Hiroko by his hair and trys to hit a fist across his chest. But Hiroko surprises Carnage by hitting a hang man on the top rope. Carnage then stumbles to the middle of the ring where Franchize goes off the ropes and hits a chop block to Carnage's leg. Carnage is now down on his knee's as Franchize runs behind him and hits a low drop kick into the back of the head that puts Carnage down. Hiroko pulls up Wes and hits a few knife edge chops to Wes that backs him to the ropes. Franchize is on the oppsite side of the ring as Hiroko whips Wes to the ropes, Franchize then catches Wes in a back body drop over the top rope as he is running at him. Wes goes flying over the top rope while doing a front flip in mid air then landing somewhere at the beginning of the ramp]

JR-I didn't think he would ever stop falling

King-Well what goes up, goes down

[In the ring Franchize and Hiroko are double teaming Carnage in the corner. The camera goes to the outside as Wes slowly gets to his feet, suddenly a steel chair goes flying from off camera into the back of Wes that makes him go back down. It's Jarred, Jarred rolls into the ring with the steel chair ready as Hiroko turns around, not noticing Jarred and gets hit over the head with the chair. Franchize hearing that turns around and walks into a set up and a soul reaver. Stunned and stumbling out of the corner, Jarred picks up the chair and hits Carnage once, twice, three times that finally gets Carnage to fall through the second rope and to the floor (the ref called for the bell by the way). Wes rolls into the ring holding his back by the ropes, Wes goes for a shot on Jarred. But Jarred, ducks it and sets up Wes and hits the soul reaver. Jarred then looks over to Franchize and stacks him a top Wes, Jarred then goes outside and climbs to the top rope. Jarred leaps off the top and hits the stacked Franchize and Wes with the legendary end!!]

King-Jarred kicks ass

JR-He has no business being out here!

[Jarred looks at the Carnage (not the wrestler) and walks from the ring as his theme plays in the background.] Jerry "The King" Lawler - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, An Arkie!!! (crowd boos *****)

[An Arkie comes to the ring. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - and his opponent, Phantom!!! (crowd boos ******)

[Phantom walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Phantom gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from An Arkie. An Arkie gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Phantom. (the bell rings) An Arkie forearm smashes Phantom. An Arkie with an illegal chokehold on Phantom. ]

Jim Ross - choke hold!

[An Arkie puts Phantom in an arm grapevine submission. An Arkie hits Phantom with an elbowdrop. ]

Jim Ross - Phantom takes a elbowdrop.

[An Arkie measures Phantom up and drops a closed fist. An Arkie climbs to his feet. Phantom is up again. Phantom executes a split legged moonsault on to An Arkie. Phantom gets up. Phantom and An Arkie go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]

Jim Ross - What an outstanding match!

[(..2) An Arkie executes a huge gutbuster on Phantom. (...3) An Arkie hits Phantom with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. An Arkie is back on his feet. (....4) An Arkie measures Phantom up and drops a closed fist. Phantom is up again. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Phantom and An Arkie move back to ringside. Phantom and An Arkie move back into the ring. Phantom executes a huge gutbuster on An Arkie. An Arkie gets up. An Arkie grabs Phantom's leg and takes him down. An Arkie puts Phantom in an arm grapevine submission. Phantom gets up. Phantom with an exploder suplex on An Arkie. Phantom gets back to his feet. An Arkie moves back to his feet. Phantom puts a knee to An Arkie's back and pulls hims arms back. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... An Arkie trys to escape. Phantom breaks the hold. An Arkie lifts Phantom up and drops him on the mat. An Arkie puts Phantom in an arm grapevine submission. An Arkie measures Phantom up and drops a closed fist. An Arkie gets back to his feet. Phantom gets back to his feet. Phantom hits a koppo kick on An Arkie. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - An Arkie takes a koppo kick.

[An Arkie gets up. An Arkie executes a jawbreakeron Phantom. An Arkie climbs to his feet. An Arkie hits Phantom with an elbowdrop. An Arkie moves back to his feet. Phantom gets up. Phantom trys for a scissor kick but An Arkie avoids it. Phantom sends An Arkie to ringside. ]

Jim Ross - My God! An Arkie could be killed! They've moved to ringside, there's weapons there!!

[Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Phantom with a high crossbody on An Arkie. Phantom is back on his feet. (...3) Phantom grabs An Arkie and applies an arm wrench. (....4) Phantom fist drops An Arkie on the floor. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - An Arkie takes a fist drop.

[Phantom is up again. (.....5) Phantom and An Arkie move back into the ring. An Arkie gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Phantom. ]

Jim Ross - diving elbow smash!

[An Arkie knocks Phantom out with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam. An Arkie knee drops Phantom. An Arkie stands up. He's locked it in the SCORPION DEATHLOCK Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... ... Phantom escapes. An Arkie and Phantom go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) An Arkie puts Phantom in an arm grapevine submission. (...3) Phantom pins An Arkie against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. (....4) An Arkie executes a swinging bulldog on Phantom driving Phantom's face into the floor. An Arkie gets up. Phantom gets up. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. An Arkie and Phantom move back to ringside. An Arkie and Phantom move back into the ring. An Arkie hits Phantom with a heart punch. An Arkie measures Phantom up and drops a closed fist. ]

Jim Ross - An Arkie with a fist drop.

[An Arkie moves back to his feet. Phantom gets up. An Arkie hiptosses Phantom. Phantom is up again. Phantom with a jumping DDT on An Arkie. Phantom chants start. Phantom is back on his feet. Phantom executes the sleeperhold on An Arkie. The referee is checking the situation. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... Phantom tightens the hold. ... An Arkie trys to escape. An Arkie escapes. Phantom sends An Arkie to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Phantom puts An Arkie in an arm grapevine submission. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Follows up with a arm grapevine.

[(...3) Phantom fist drops An Arkie on the floor. Phantom stands up. An Arkie moves back to his feet. (....4) Phantom pokes An Arkie in the eyes. (.....5) An Arkie and Phantom move back into the ring. An Arkie legsweeps Phantom. An Arkie hits Phantom with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. An Arkie gets back to his feet. Phantom delivers a short-arm clothesline to An Arkie. Phantom applies an arm wrench to An Arkie. ]

Jim Ross - arm wrench!

[An Arkie gets back to his feet. Phantom trys for a jumping clothesline but An Arkie avoids it. An Arkie nails Phantom with a huge slingshot sommersault splash. An Arkie sucks chants start in the crowd. An Arkie is up again. Phantom gets up. An Arkie rakes his fingers across Phantom's back. An Arkie throws Phantom off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. An Arkie is hit with a backward kick. Phantom goes for a pin. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 An Arkie escapes. An Arkie short clothslines Phantom. Phantom short clothslines An Arkie. Phantom jabs An Arkie. An Arkie rakes the face of Phantom in attempt to make a come back. ]

Jim Ross - face rake!

[Phantom trys for a fisherman suplex but An Arkie avoids it. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - This is how wrestling should be!

[Phantom hits An Arkie with the crotch slam. An Arkie stands up. An Arkie kicks Phantom in the groin. An Arkie uses a snap mare takeover on Phantom. Phantom moves back to his feet. Phantom executes a headlock takedown. An Arkie gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Phantom. Phantom moves back to his feet. Phantom executes the brain buster on An Arkie. Phantom climbs to his feet. Phantom puts An Arkie in an arm grapevine submission. Phantom chants start. it's the incredible SPIRITS WITHIN! Phantom has An Arkie pinned. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3

Jerry "The King" Lawler - The winner of this match, Phantom!!!

(Phantom steps out of the ring as Wasabi steps back into the ring and starts to attack An Arkie as the EMF goes to adds

"My Sacific" blasts on the PA system as Road walks to the ring

JR-Well this is suppose to be Road's last match

King-Well he better stay retired this time....or....or...the hOrDe will beat the crap out of him

"Snap your fingers, snap your neck" blasts on the PA system as Primetime walks to the ring

JR-You have got to wonder what Primetime thinks about his title reign, he is really yet to be challenged by anyone.

King-Well it's because....their all scared of him!

*ding ding ding*

[Road steps outside the ring and meets Primetime about the end of the ramp and they both exchange fists. Road gets the upper hand as Primetime stumbles up the ramp with every Road punch. Road hits one fist that knocks Primetime to his knee's, Road pulls up Primetime and sets him up. Road then hits a snap suplex, in pain Primetime rolls down to the arena floor. Road charges and hits a flying knee drop into the back as Road gets off the ramp, Road pulls Primetime up and rolls him into the ring. Primetime goes into the nearest turnbuckle to get up. Road goes over and hits a few knife edge chops on Primetime and hits a few shoulders to the gut. The ref tell's Road to back off and he does, Road goes back in. But Primetime uses a eye rake to blind Road, Road stumbles to the middle of the ring as Primetime charges and knocks Road down with a clothesline. Road trys to get up, but Primetime uses a chin lock to keep Road grounded for a few moments. Road slowly gets up and side steps Primetime and pushes him to the ropes, Primetime bounces off the ropes and hits a flying shoulder block that knocks down Road. Road slowly gets up near the corner, Primetime follws him into the corner as Primetime kicks Road in the gut several times making him sit in the corner. Primetime then uses his boot to choke, the ref uses his count 1....2.....3...4 Primetime breaks it. Then puts it on again, the ref counts again 1......2.....3....4 Primetime breaks it and gets warned from the ref about the choke. Primetime pulls Road up and hits a few fists, then follows it up with a bite. Primetime then trys to whip Road to the outsides turnbuckle, but Road reverses the whip and Primetime goes flying hard back first into the oppsite side turnbuckle. Primetime stays in the corner for a few moments and then stumble out of the corner to the middle of the ring where Road is waiting, Road then picks up Primetime and hits a side walk slam. Road sits up, but stays sitting on the mat for a few moments and gets up. Road is back on his feet and pulls Primetime up. Road hits a few fists the back up Primetime to the ropes, Road then backs off and allows Primetime to stumble out of the ropes. Road kicks Primetime to the gut and sets up Primetime, Road trys for a piledriver. But Primetime blocks it and hits a back body drop that sends Road down to the mat. Primetime gets up waiting for Road to get up. Road gets up and stumble towards Primetime, Primetime hits a fist that spins Road away from Primetime. Primetime sets Road up and trys for a super atomic drop. But Road flips out of the back of Primetime and hooks him on the way down into a reverse DDT.]

JR-What a move by Road

King-Road had to use every brain cell he had left to come up with that move!

[Road slowly gets up as does Primetime, Primetime. Primetime is the first to throw a punch that rocks Road back. Primetime trys to whip Road off the ropes, but Road reverses the whip. Primetime bounces off the ropes and trys for a cross body block. Road catches Primetime in mid air and walks over in place, Road then hits a fall away slam. Road sets up as he watches Primetime get up, Road trys to go for the super kick. But Primetime catches Road's leg in mid air and spins him around . Primetime then hits a high angle back drop, Primetime goes down as well, but then notices that Road is in perfect place on the mat. Primetime gets up and slowly climbs up the turnbuckle, Primetime gets set and trys for a moonsault, but at the last second Road moves out of the way and Primetime goes crashing into the mat. Primetime gets up stumbling around, Road reaches up and puts Primetime in a small package for the 1.....2....kick out. Road gets up and hits a few diving elbows to the back of the neck of Primetime. Primetime crawls to the corner facing outside of the ring and uses the ropes to get back up. Road comes back and hits a forearm to the back of the neck. Then hits several knee lifts into the back of Primetime. The ref counts and trys to get Road to Road to let Primetime out of the corner, the ref trys to get between them. Using this Primetime hits a low blow on Road that drops Road to his knee's. Primetime then runs and hits a flipping neck breaker on Road. Primetime goes for the cover and the 1......2....kick out. Fustrated Primetime trys once again 1......2......kick out, Primetime gets up and waits for Road to get up. Primetime runs to the ropes and trys for a clothesline, but Road ducks the clothesline. Road doesn't do anything to counter it as Primetime turns around, Road is seemly still stunned as Primetime walks in. But Road hits a kick to the gut and hits a DDT. Both wrestlers are down as the ref starts to use his standing 10 count. 1........2......3.......4.......5.......6......7..Road and Primetime get to their feet at the same time, Primetime goes for a fist. But Road blocks it and counters with a fist of his own, Primetime rocks back. But Road is taking the time recovering, Primetime goes back to try it again throwing a fist that gets blocked by Road once again. Road then is able to follow it up with a few punches Primetime backs up against the ropes and trys for a clothesline. Road ducks it and sets up behind Primetime, Primetime spins around. Primetime turns around and gets blasted with the super kick]

JR-Road might be close to once again becoming world champion!

King-bad thought JR....

[Road slowly pulls up Primetime and puts him on the top rope. Road goes up and trys to his finisher, but Primetime fights and knocks Road off the top. Road goes crashing on to the mat, Primetime gets up on the top and hits a big splash on Road for the 1.....2...kick out. Primetime gets up fustrated and then calls for the Primetime pludge. Primetime slowly pull up Road and puts him over his shoulder. Primetime then drives him down with the Primetime pludge. Primetime goes into the cover for the 1....2....3]

[As Road is getting helped to the back, Primetime is pacing back and forth around the ring with the World Title. Climbing the turnbuckle, Primetime holds the belt up in the air and points at it.]

King-Another great win from Primetime.

JR-Hold on a second King.

[Road is clearly out of sight backstage, an entrance theme starts blasting over the PA system of the ARCO Arena. Sevendust's "Home" makes Primetime turn his head towards the EMF entrance.]

King-Great, Hiroko changed his theme song again.

JR-Whoever this is, I can see from a distance that it isn't Hiroko coming onto the stage.

[The wrestler coming in points at Primetime, then starts running down the aisle towards the ring, with a steel chair in his hands. The crowd recognizes him and a HUGE pop hits the ARCO arena.]

King-No, it can't be!

JR-It's Blindside! Blindside is back!

[Primetime's look of shock changes to defensive anger as Blindside charges under the ropes into the ring. Primetime almost gets out of the ring before running towards Blindside, before he can reach him Blindside connects the steel chair with Primetime's face.]

JR-That was a sickening chairshot. That's less than we can expect from Blindside however.

[Primetime hits the mat and tries to get up, but Blindside smacks the chair across Primetime's staggering midsection. Blindside puts the end of the chair across Primetime's neck, pinning it to the mat, then drops a leg across Primetime's face. Primetime is knocked out as Blindside grabs a microphone from outside the ring. As he walks up the steps, he starts talking.]

Blindside-Well, well, well. Look who's back. You know Dan, I can call you Dan can't I? After all we've been through, I can only watch the EMF so long without feeling ... nostalgic. Trust me, I haven't forgotten anything at all. While I've ended my own share of careers, I just couldn't let you retire me as easily. I'm not going to sit back in my cozy armchair and look at you, and think, "Wow, he's unstoppable, too bad I can't do anything about it". I gave Prez Mike a phone call, seeing as how the EMF is under it's original management, and he let me sign once again with the EMF. Because you see, Primetime, I don't know if you're really unconscious or just playing possum until your buddies come down to your aid, but quite frankly...

[Blindside crouches down and talks directly to Primetime's face.]

Blindside-...I'm fucking sick of you, your crew, and your title reign. Watching the so-called EMF "Alliance" turn into "Degeneration-X" was the last straw. I wasn't going to sit around and watch the EMF without wanting another piece of you plus your jerky little stable. When you brought in "Stone Cold" Steve Deafness and Tazz: "The Human Suplex Contraption", I was mildly amused. I thought about running in and shaving your head bald so you guys can re-name your stable "The New Baldies". But I chose otherwise, worst lead to worst, although good ol' Jarred Carthallion managed to whoop your ass for the Title, he didn't hold it very long like myself, you kicked his ass and started another streak. But D-X? C'mon! I mean, with guys like Steve Hiroko and Justin Franchize joining your little clique, you're a force to be shuddered at. But I really don't care, I'll beat all your little crotch-chopping asses until you all whine and cry for me to stop hitting you with my steel chair. Hey, maybe I don't want to make a run for the World Title just yet. Maybe I want to show the Bitch-ass World Order a thing or to by opening up a bottle of whoop ass over Badd Boy, then smashing the bottle over his head. Do I want to become a two-time World Heavyweight Champion? Or a five-time eXtReMe Champ? What to do, what to do. Just remember Dan, when you go back to your little D-X locker room and chop your crotch until your balls swell, I'm the one who made you say "I quit", I'm the one who first beat you for the World Title. Time to say goodbye.

[The Alliance is finally running towards the ring after Blindside, who vaults over the ropes and slips out through the crowd. Cobra and Tazz run after him as Austin help up Primetime. Shockwave goes off the air.]