EMF: Saturday Shockwave

[Shockwave begins with the normal routine of theme song and pyro as the Alabama crowd are on their feet ready for some action. Cameras then get a shot of "Good ol'" Jim Ross who is in the ring with mic in hand. JR awaits the crowd to quite down as he finally begins to talk.]

JR: You know, I've been in this business for sometime and seen many of things, somethings I have agreed with and somethings have just totally disgusted me. But, I never let that get in the way of doing my job and being a professional until EMF's last PPV, Unleashed. I left the broadcasting area and well also was very unprofessional...And with that said I believe I owe EMF an apology and the fans a apology so again, I like to apologize to...

[JR is then interrupted as CM Punk's theme then hits as the fans begin to "boo" loudly, Shane McMahon makes his way down the ramp with CM Punk as he has a mic phone in hand as he begins talking while walking down the ramp to get in the ring.]

Shane McMahon: Woah! Woah! Woah! Hold it right there, JR...Now, I know CM Punk dropped you on your head not to long ago with a DDT but, I think your forgetting who you really owe a apology to and thats to "The Second City Saint" CM PUNK! [Crowd begins to boo as CM Punk and Shane O' get in the ring.] I guess that DDT really did take out some of your brain cells but, for your retarded sake lets go back to the PPV and just what you said about CM Punk...Roll it!

[Footage goes to the mainevent from Unleashed as Ashlee is DDT'd by CM Punk, JR looks on at the footage as CM Punk just stares JR down.]

"JR: I can really give a damn King, this is just totally wrong! And CM Punk is even a louser son of a bitch for doing this to her after what just happened!"

Shane McMahon: Now what do you have to say for yourself "Good Ol'" JR?! CM Punk is just trying to win a match and all of a sudden he is a son of a bitch for it? I believe this is the man you owe the apology to! [Points a CM Punk]

[JR begins to think it over as CM Punk continues to stare over at JR as Shane McMahon puts out his mic waiting for the apology.]

JR: Well I can be a big man and admit when I made a mistake, while I don't agree with what happened, I will apologize to CM Punk and say sorry that I let my emotions get the best of me this time.

[CM Punk then walks up yanking the mic out of Shane McMahon's hand as he seems to be pissed, CM Punk then calms himself down as then he raises the mic to his mouth to talk.]

CM Punk: You know, your right it does take a big man to apologize but, you see JR...Big man or small man, it always ends up with me beating your FUCKING ASS!

[CM Punk delivers a quick kick to the gut as JR doubles over, CM Punk then delivers a lightning quick DDT which sends JR on top of his head. CM Punk then stands over JR as the lights then go out, the lights stay off for a while as the lights slowly comeback on as JR's arms are stuck taggled up in the ropes as JR is bleeding very badly, CM Punk begins to talk more trash as then he rubs his forearm in JR's face while cursing him. CM Punk then spits on JR as Shane grabs the mic and begins to speak.]

Shane McMahon: Now JR, you tell Prez Mike and Triple H to hand us over the company or ELSE!

[CM Punk slides out of the ring as he begins to destroy the Spainish announce desk, a camera man gets a shot of CM Punk as Punk doesn't like the camera man being behind him so he turns around kicks the man and DDTs him to the floor as the camera goes down with the camera man. CM Punk picks up the camera as it has a bit of static from being messed up, CM Punk points the camera in his face as yells.]

CM Punk: Fuck the EMF!! [CM Punk launches down the camera as it goes to complete static.]

[A different camera goes to King who has his head on the table as he looks like he is sleeping, the camera man then tries to talk but, not to loudly.]

Camera Man: Jerry...Jerry...JERRY GET THE HELL UP!

King: Huh?! What?...Wheres JR?

Camera Man: Look at your monitor...

King: Sucks to be him, wait that leaves me to do both jobs? This sucks...Huh, I am hearing someone is in the back.

Camera Man: No one is telling me that.

King: Dammit, just go and tell them to send out somebody to announce.

[Camera then goes to the back as it goes to the parking lot, a limo then pulls up as Sierra is shown walking up and opening the door, Triple H then steps out as the crowd errupts in a mixed reaction, Triple H takes a drink of his water bottle as he tosses it back in the limo and shuts the door.]

Triple H: You know theres something about Alabama thats just different from any other state...

Sierra: Ohh you talking about that smell...[Crowd "Boos"]

Triple H: You nailed it right on the hand! [Triple H looks at the camera man] Are we on?

Camera Man: Yes sir...

Triple H: Good, Now all you Alabama She-Males out there please for mine and Sierra's sake, please close your legs! [Crowd "Boo's"] And for you guys out there if you look under the seats the EMF have supplied this thing called "Soup". So do us a favor getcha ass to the bathroom because I have a big announcement coming up at the end of the show and I don't want to be smelling Sheep ass on you Alabama boys! [Boo]

Sierra: Big announcement huh? Triple H: You bet, tonight I am gonna go out fighting the stinch of these fans and announce the number 1 contender for Payback!

Sierra: Who is it gonna be?! Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!

Triple H: Now, now I can't go around telling the secret but, he should be arriving anytime here tonight.

Sierra: Come on, I hate surprises, just tell me...

Triple H: Ohh alright... [Triple H begins to whisper in Sierra's ear, Sierra's face lightens up.]

Sierra: Well looks like Wes Ikeda won't have that title for long. Triple H: Well you know, I still got the paper work to make the match official so lets get inside and get this deal done.

[Triple H and Sierra begin to walk inside the Garrett Coliseum.]

”Tyrants theme” blasts on the PA system as Tyrant walks to the ring

Cole-The former TV champion can gain the chance to get back his title in this match

King-oh well..

“Ice Jones theme” blasts on the PA system as Ice Jones walks to the ring

Cole-Ice Jones from what I hear is very impressive

King-Aww…he’s just another newbie!

“Dennis Fontaine theme” blasts on the PA system as Fontaine walks to the ring

Cole-As with Jones, we don’t know much about Fontaine

King-I’m sure he doesn’t have any talent, and I’m being nice!

The bell rings and Tyrant goes right for Dennis Fontaine, clubbing him with rights and lefts in the corner. Ice Jones soon joins in on the attack but catches a stiff back elbow from Tyrant. Tyrant turns his attention to the staggering Ice Jones and is hit from behind by Dennis Fontaine. Ice and Dennis begin stomping on Tyrant. Ice runs and bouces off the ropes, hitting Tyrant with a quick, sharp leg drop. Dennis goes to drop and elbow, but Tyant moves. Tyrant gets up and shoves Ice into the corner and irish whips him across the ring. As he is running towards Ice, Dennis expoldes from out of nowhere with a clothesline. Dennis goes for the cover.....1......2....Ice pulls him off and then grabs his leg to apply a half Boston Crab. As Ice wreches back, Dennis is screaming in agony. Tyrant sees an opportunity and climbs the ropes and hits a leg drop on the exposed head of Dennis, leaving him motionless for a while. Ice throws Tyrant into the ropes and scores with a high dropkick. Dennis has now gotten back up and charges Ice but only recieves a backdrop over the top rope for his effort. Ice returns his attention to Tyrant who scores a superkick that echoes through the arena. Tyrant goes for the cover....1......2......but the referee is pulled out of the ring by Dennis. Tyrant realized that he had the match and gets enranged. Tyrant gets a head of steam and does a suicide dive through the ropes nailing Dennis. Ice is still knocked out in the ring. Tyrant gets up and sets Dennis up for a powerbomb on the floor. He then looks to the crowd, shakes his finger and then points to the announce table. As Tryant repositions him, Ice is climbing the ropes and waiting for a moment to strike. Just as Tyrant picks him up for the powerbomb ice jumps and does a senton dive on Dennis, driving him through the table. Tyrant that takes the opportunity to grab Ice and throw him with hellacious velocity into the stell steps, dislodging them from the ring. Tyrant picks up Ice and throws him back into the ring. He mounts the ropes and gets ready for a big spalsh from the top rope. He dives but Ice manages to barely move out of the way. Ice rolls on Tyrant for the cover 1......2...... Tyrant kicks out. Ice pulls himself up and starts to stop on Tyrant. Ice picks him up and sets him up for a piledriver. Dennis calls to him to spin. Ice does an Dennis jumps and spikes Tyrant into the mat with a spike piledriver. Ice gets up and then hits a few fists on Dennis and then whips him to the ropes. Dennis bounces off the ropes and then Ice bounces off the ropes and then Ice hits a spinning back elbow into the face of Dennis. Dennis gets up holding his face and then Ice picks him up and then nails a back breaker on Dennis, Ice goes into the cover and gets a 1……………….2…………kick out. Jones waits for Dennis to get up, once he does he takes him down with a double leg take down and then puts him in the Ice Pick, Dennis fights it…fights it…taps

JR- This next match is insane...Another Eric Bischoff attempt to insult and hurt his wife even more. Not only that but he put her on a team with Two people she doesn't get along with and put her sister against her...

King- But its the Return of the Black Widow...Woo hoo

I'm back hits as Eric Bischoff walks out...Smiling like a Jackass Shaking his head and pointing to the crowd then patting his chest as he makes his way to the ring..Once again not dressed in wrestling attire but Blue jeans, t-shirt and Leather jacket...HE got in the ring and took the microphone from the Announcer...

Eric: Introducing First..Weighing 250 pounds...*laughing* Mercedes!...

She walks out not looking thrilled as she makes her way to the ring....standing in her corner....

Eric: And Now I give you The Losers...I mean the Ikeda's...

Ashlee's music hits as the women's champion comes out to the ring. She gets in, staring Eric Bischoff down, and then moving to the corner as "Almost Over" hits, and a giant pop goes up from the crowd. Wes Ikeda walks out to the ramp way, dressed in only black warm up pants, the world championship over his title, as the fans cheer. Eric Bischoff rolls his eyes, and smirks, standing his gaurd.

Cole: A huge ovation for our World Champion, King.

King: I'm just sorry we have to see him again tonight.

Eric: Now from my team, the better team....First Sierra Van Der Pohl....

Sierra's music hits as she walks out , to HLA chants and boos....She just smirks as she walks down to the ring not paying attention to anyone....

Eric: And the highlight of our Team..I give you.....The Black Widow....

The crowd Erupts, hardly believing she is gonna be there....As she steps out onto the stage....The crowd cheers louder....She stands there for a moment taking it all in.....Black wrestling attire with purple spiders on her pants and top.....her long hair tied back....she walks to the ring, hitting some hands..then sliding into the ring...standing there...as Eric drops the mic and has a few words with Widow who is in his face....He just pushes her turning her towards their opponents and points to Ashlee who is standing in the ring....

The bell sounds as they both lock up....Ashlee getting the first move in with a leg trip followed by some vicious stomps...Widow tries to cover up as best she can as the Ref uses his count to get Ashlee away....

King- THis is great...Eric Bischoff is a Genius....

Cole- You would Think so....

King- I just wish Ashlee wasn't in this....*gets bucket ready*

Katrina gets to her feet as Ashlee walks over and Forcefully tags Mercedes...She gets in the ring standing toe to toe with Widow as she turns and slams her hand into Sierra's chest..as Sierra gives her a dirty look and gets in the ring....Sierra tackles Mercedes and beats on her.....as she gets up she drags Mercedes' to their corner and sets her up in the corner and kicks her in the gut a few times....She foot chokes her as she tags a very willing Eric Bischoff.....He gets in and gets down on his knees choking Mercedes against the ropes and yelling things at her.....he gets her back up to her feet and slams her in the middle of the ring....and Covers her....Yelling for her to stay down she has to do it....The Ref gets a two count until Ashlee goes in breaking up the pin.....Eric gets up yelling at her...pissed off turns his back as Mercedes crawls over and tags Wes.....Wes Gets in the ring as Eric Turns around and hightails it backwards tagging in Widow....And rolls out of the ring...taking a walk...playing it cool... As Widow stands there infront of Wes....Eric Eventually had climbed back up to his corner and was Standing with his back to the ring taunting some fan when a firm smack hit him on the back....he found Widow Tagging herself out and Wes still standing in the ring...which made him fair game as Wes came over and flipping him over the ropes into the ring...and pounding on him....He backed off as Eric got up only to receive a superkick for his efforts, as Widow Climbed up the corner and hit a widowSault on Eric...

King- Her own partner..

Cole- He deserves it...

that brings in Sierra taking her and Widow to the outside.....as Wes Picks up Eric again and whips him into the far corner and slides out grabbing a chair and is climbing up for the Coast to Coast when Mercedes hits his leg tagging herself in and runs over jumping up doing a monkey flip on Eric setting him up as she runs back jumps over him and springs up on to the top rope hitting a split-legged moonsault and pins Eric...As the Ref Counts to 3.....

Cole- MERCEDES Won....

King- I think Wes won it for her.

Cole- It doesn't matter she is now free from his grasp...

Wes was still standing on top of the turnbuckle as the fans started chanting 'Jump, Jump, Jump' Wes motioned for Bischoff to get up, and Eric was slowly getting to his feet, as Wes kept motioning. Once Eic was dazed, and on his feet, The Black Widow turned around in time to see her husband hit a cross body on Eric knocking him down again. Wes rolled out of the ring, grabbing his title, and started to heck up the ramp

It's all about the game hits as Triple H walks out.....with a clipboard in hand.....He holds a microphone up...

H: Ahemmm...Excuse me....Mercedes don't get too excited, you see no where in this contract does it say if you win you'll be set free of your previous termss of being Eric Bischoff's Personal Bitch...and well since its not stated in here..that simply means this match will only count as a win for you....Nothing else...You are still here by ordered to serve Eric Bischoff....But don't get me Wrong...Eric, You will not go unpunished for humiliating me like this......

Wes was standing halfway up the ramp, disgusted with Mercedes still being under Bischoff's control. He made a move for HHH, just as he raised the mic to his lips again.

H: I wouldn't do that if I were you Ikeda.

Wes stood there with the world championship belt, and the crowd burst into cheers and applause as Wes flipped Triple H off, and shouted a few obscenities as Triple H walked to the back.

Cole: Well there's what our world champion thinks of you Triple H!

King: Triple H shouldn't take it personally. Wes Ikeda doesn't like anyone... well... except Ashlee. *pukes*

Cole: Mercedes is still under the control of Eric Bischoff. That poor woman!

*Sychophant's music is playing as he makes his way down to the ring. The crowd boos and he rolls in. He awaits his opponent.*

Cole: Here come's Sychophant as he gets his shot at the Extreme Championship.

King: Who?

Cole: Oh knock it off.

*"Twilight's theme" is playing as Twilight walks out from the back with the Extreme Championship. The crowd is still booing as he runs down the rampway and slides into the ring.*

Cole: Twilight, very impressive lately, but very cocky.

King: With good reason.

Cole: I think someone is going to end his cockiness real soon if he keeps it up.

[The referee that came for the match calls for the match to start. Sychophant and Twilight don't waste anytime locking up they just start trading blows. Sychophant ducks down and grabs a hold of Twilight around the waist lifting him up then charging him into the wall. Sychophant puts a knee to Twilight's face then starts stomping away. Sychophant helps Twilight up and grabs his head then delivers a DDT onto the mat. Sychophant got down on the mat and wrapped his hands around Twilight's throat and started choking away. The referee checked on Twilight as Sychophant continued to apply pressure. Sychophant decided to let go and stood up only to drop a knee on Twilight. Twilight slowly started to climb to his feet as Sychophant moved in Twilight grabbed him by the legs, lifting him up then slamming him down witha modified spinebuster. Twilight rolled out of the ring walked over to the guard rail and grabbed one of the chairs, rolled back into the ring and as Sychophant got up Twilight cracked it over Sychophants back. Twilight wrapped Sychophant up in a Sleeper hold and walked back towards the ropes. Twilight jumped putting his feet on the ropes then pushing off of the wall he flipped up and over Sychophant ending in a Diamond Cutter. Twilight stood up and lifted Sychophant up. Twilight started planting a few more fists across Sychophant's face then he whipped Sychophant into the opposite corner.]

Cole: THis is shaping up to be one hell of a match.

King: Sure it is.

[Twilight charges in with a shoulder tackle right into the chest of Sychophant. Twilight rolls outside and reaches under the ring and grabs a pool stick. He when rolls back into the ring near Sychophant and swings it right across Sychophant's chest. Sychophant doubles over on the mat as Twilight slams it over his back. Sychophant lets out a yell of anguish. Twilight then cracks it one more time over Sychophant but it breaks. Twilight then helps Sychophant up and gives him a piledriver. Twilight goes for the cover ...1...2...KICKOUT! Sychophant manages to kick out. Twilight helps Sychophant up again then rams his head into the counter. Sychophant gets kicked in the back by Twilight then Twilight grabs Sychophant's head and gives him a revearse DDT. Twilight leads Sychophant over to the outside and near the spanish announce table and sets up for a powerbomb, but Sychophant revearses with a back body drop that puts Twilight on the announce table. Sychophant climbs up on the table, grabs Twilight, and gives him a gut wrench power bomb. The weight on the table causes it to collapse. Sychophant picks up the monitor from the table and slams it onto Twilight's head. Sychophant gets a kendo stick of his own from under the ring and as Twilight tries to get up Sychophant pokes Twilight with the pool stick then cracks it over Twilight's head breaking it. Sychophant lifts Twilight up and body slams him over the nearby time keeper's table making it break too. Sychophant steps back for a moment taking a breath. Sychophant starts moving back in.]

Cole: This is almost like the Rob Steelhart Dirty D bar room brawl.

King: You mean it's not? Damn it.

[Twilight jumps up and runs at Sychophant who grabs Twilight and executes major sidewalk slam. Sychophant climbs on top of the ring apron and leaps off hitting an elbow drop. Sychophant grabs a hold of Twilight's legs and slingshots him sending him over face first into the steel pole. Sychophant rolls up Twilight, Sychophant covers ...1...2...KICKOUT! Sychophant can't believe it. Sychophant picks Twilight up. Sychophant whips Twilight who revearses it and sends Sychophant crashing into the guard rail. Twilight grabs Sychophant and leads him under the ropes back into the ring. Twilight grabs Sychophant by the head and lifts him into the air. Twilight crashes down with a brainbuster onto the mat. Sychophant starts to stand up and Twilight waits. As Sychophant makes it up Twilight charges in with a spear! Twilight picks Sychophant up then slams his head into the turnbuckle as Sychophant busts wide open. Twilight whips Sychophant out towards the opposite turnbuckle, stops him, pulls him back and hit him with a knee. Twilight jumps up onto the turnbuckle and leaps off with a dropkick. Twilight grabs a hold of the chair that was left in the ring and sets it on top of Sychophant. Twilight then leaps up onto the top turnbuckle and leaps off with a senton splash onto the chair and Sychophant. Twilight stands up and gives the signal setting up Sychophant and delivers the Darkness Falls. Twilight gets the ...1...2...3! Twilight retains the extreme championship.]

Cole: Your winner, Twilight!

“Gravedigger theme” blasts on the PA system as Gravedigger walks to the ring

Cole-Gravedigger seems to be a promising young superstar, it will be interesting to see if he can match up with the veteran Carnage.

King-Well if Gravedigger can pass grade school, I’m sure he can out smart CRAE

“Break stuff” blasts on the PA system

Cole-Carnage is certainly dominating, there is no question about that

King-so…you want to give him big ups?

Cole-yes I do!


[Carnage and Gravedigger pace around the ring and then Carnage goes for a punch. But Gravedigger ducks under and then hits a few hard fists and then back up Carnage to the ropes and then Gravedigger tries to whip Carnage to the ropes. But Carnage reverses the whip and sends Gravedigger to the ropes. Carnage goes for a big boot, but then ducks under the boot. Carnage turns around and then gets a few more fists and backs up Carnage to the ropes and then Gravedigger is able to whip Carnage off the ropes and then Carnage bounces off the ropes and then Gravedigger hits a flying back elbow that stumbles Carnage to the ropes and then Carnage bounces off the ropes and then Gravedigger hits a drop kick that stumbles back down Carnage back to the ropes and then Gravedigger then takes the ropes and then ties up Carnage in the ropes and then Gravedigger hits a few hard fists and then Gravedigger then runs to the ropes and bounces off then leaps in the air and then nails a low drop kick into the gut of Carnage who gets untied up in the ropes and then is on the mat. Gravedigger wanting to take full opportunity with this chance hits a few kicks to the downed Carnage. Carnage is able to get up and then Gravedigger tries to whip Carnage to the ropes. But Carnage just stops dead in his tracks and then pulls him in and then nails a short arm clothesline on Gravedigger, Carnage stumbles back into the corner and tries to recover, but Gravedigger is able to get to his feet fast enough and then sees Carnage in the corner and then charges at him and leaps up for a 10 punch combo. Carnage pushes him off and then Gravedigger not wanting to lose the advantage then goes up for another 10 punch combo and gets 1………….2……….3……..4……..5 punches in when Carnage throws him off again, Carnage then stays in the corner as Gravedigger tries to do the same thing, but Carnage counters the charge with a back elbow. Gravedigger stumbles out of the corner and then Carnage grabs Gravedigger and then throws him over the top rope and then Carnage stumbles trying to recover and then Carnage is able to step over the top rope to where Gravedigger is and then Carnage picks him up and then puts him on his shoulder and then uses Gravedigger like a dart into the side of the hell in a cell. Gravedigger is down and then Carnage pulls him up and then Carnage throws him against the cage wall and then Gravedigger bounces off the wall and then Carnage slides Gravedigger into the ring]

Cole-Gravedigger has been able to stay in this match, but it seems Carnage might have finally gained control of the match

King-Wow, are you like a JR clone or what?

[Carnage slides into the ring and then Gravedigger gets up and then stumbles into Carnage who then sets up Gravedigger and hits a t-bone suplex and then goes into the cover and gets a 1…………….2…..kick out, Carnage gets up and allows Gravedigger to get up. Once he does Carnage hits a few hard knee’s into the gut and then measures up Carnage and then hits a fist on Gravedigger and then whips Gravedigger to the ropes, Gravedigger bounces off the ropes. Gravedigger bounces off the ropes and then Carnage lowers his head for a back drop, but Gravedigger turns it into a running DDT on Carnage. Both wrestlers are down, but Gravedigger is able to throw his arm over Carnage before the ref can get into his standing ten count at any real length and Gravedigger gets the 1…………….2……Carnage rolls his shoulder up to break the count. Both wrestlers take a few moments to recover, then once they both get back up. Gravedigger goes for a fist, but he then goes for a fist. But it’s blocked by Carnage and then he nails a head butt on Gravedigger. Gravedigger stumbles back to the ropes and then Carnage whips Gravedigger off the ropes and then Gravedigger bounces off the ropes and then Carnage goes for a clothesline, but Grave digger ducks it and then bounces off the other side ropes and Carnage turns around and then Gravedigger leaps in the air and then nails a hard flying forearm on Carnage. Carnage stumbles back and then Gravedigger hits a standing drop kick and then that stumbles Carnage and then Gravedigger hits a super kick that knocks down Carnage]

Cole-Gravedigger has taken control of this match

King-Told you it wouldn’t take long to out smart CRAE

[Carnage stumbles up and then Gravedigger hits a few hard punches in the corner. Then Gravedigger tries to whip Carnage to the turnbuckle, but he reverses the whip and sends Gravedigger hard into the opposite corner. Carnage charges into the corner and tries to go for a clothesline, but Gravedigger hits a boot to the face that sends Carnage out of the corner and turns him. Gravedigger gets on Carnage’s shoulders and then gets Carnage in a victory roll and gets the 1………………..2………………3!]

[After the match, Carnage is on his knee’s can’t believe he just lost to Gravedigger, a sound of clapping is then heard as Triple H is shown sitting on his leather couch in his office as he and Sierra clap for him.]

Triple H: Impressive Carnage, I mean what a loss to….whats that guys name in the ring, Sierra? The guy who just beat Carnage ass...Whats his name...

[Sierra just shrugs her shoulders as Triple H tries to think of the name as he reaches over grabbing a grape from his fruit tray.]

Triple H: Ahh hell it doesn't matter what his name is, you see I came here to talk about your match next week for the gold, [Triple H eats a grape] Damn these are pretty good your gonna have to try one of these, Sierra...

Sierra: No thanks, ain't much on grapes..But, hey I will take a banana...[Sierra reaches over grabbing a banana.]

Triple H: Now, back to the matter at hand you see Carnage you will have a match next week for the gold, but its not what your thinking you see this match isn't for your TV title though, you are correct you are still the #1 contender for that match, but you see you'll be fighting for another title. [Triple H looks over as Sierra is just beginning to suck on the banana, Triple H completely stops talking as he just looks over at Sierra, fans begin to cheer, Triple H begins to shake his head as he looks back at the camera.] Ohh yeah your match, you see next week it you'll be going for no other then!!...The woman's title!

[Carnage begins to get angry as he kicks the ropes and begins to turn red from anger.]

Triple H: Woah! Woah! Big fella, now don't think I am putting you in the woman's division because I think you belong there, but you see I just witness your destruction and you was the perfect man for the job, so next week its Carnage vs. Ashlee Ikeda, for the Women's title. You see, on my very first day here I said there is no place for women's wrestling here on EMF and I want you to be the one to destroy that Carnage. I want you to go out, destroy Ashlee and bring that women's title back to me so I can get rid of that piece of shit once and for all! And if you do this Carnage, I will give you a match with anyone you want, with any stipulation you want. So if you want a world title match versus Wes, in a steel cage match...It's done. So you just do me a favor and I'll do you a favor, but you see Carnage, I don't like being disapointed and when you disapoint me you have to pay the price. So if you don't win the match next week, you lose your #1 contendership and also will be on my bad side, and you don't want to be there Carnage, believe me! So good luck next week and to even help your odds Carnage, no Ikeda's are allowed ringside. Now if you would excuse me, I have some paper work to do...

[A limo then pulls up as fans begin to cheer as they expect that is the number 1 contender, Triple H was talking about.]

Cole: That must be the number one contender, King! Thats gotta be him!

King: See Cole, I don't think you've got it down yet...You see I could give a rat's ass so unless its the HoRde never even mention stuff to me, ok?

Cole: Ohh Ok...

“Just 2 Badd” blasts on the PA system as Badd Boy walks to the ring

Cole-Seems Badd Boy is a complex individual…he wants to be the heel to everyone but Wes

*King tries to figure it out and falls over in his chair *

“almost over” blasts on the PA system as Wes walks to the ring

Cole-Seems Wes was able to go into the Death Cell with his world title reign intacted, but I’m sure neither Badd Boy or Wes wanted what happen to happen

King-Oh well….that’s just too badd, their badd wrestlers anyways, everytime they show up we post badd ratings…

“Messiah’s theme” blasts on the PA system as CM Punk wearing JR’s hat and Messiah walk to the ring

King-Guess Punk had to remind us of JR…I wish he didn’t

Cole-It should be interesting to see what develops in this match.

[Wes and Messiah lock up, Wes puts Messiah in a head lock and then puts more pressure on Messiah. Messiah then twists around and then gets behind Messiah and then takes him down with a double leg take down with a double back leg take down and then Wes puts a side head lock on the mat and then Messiah slowly gets back to his feet and then looks for a way out of the head lock and then he backs up Wes and then whips him off the ropes. Messiah bounces off the ropes and then Wes is able to hit an arm drag release, Messiah stumbles up and then Wes hits a few hard fists against the ropes and then Wes whips Messiah to the ropes. Messiah goes to the ropes and then Wes goes for a drop kick, but Messiah then grabs on to the ropes and then Wes crashes to the mat. Wes gets up pissed that didn't work out and then charges at Messiah and then Messiah counters the charge with a back body drop over the top rope. But then Wes is able to drop on the apron and then Messiah turns around and then Wes hits a shoulder block into the gut of Messiah. Messiah goes down to one knee and then Wes waits for Messiah to get up, once he does he climbs to his feet. Once he does Wes tries to suplex to the outside, but Messiah then is able to get his feet back on the mat and then Messiah tries for a suplex over the top rope and then is able to get him up over the top, but Wes is able to shift his weight and is able to fall behind Messiah and then falls to the back of Messiah and then Wes puts Messiah in a waist lock looking to hit a germen suplex. But then Messiah hits a few back elbows into the face of Wes and then reverses the waist lock and then hits the germen suplex on Wes with a bridge for the 1…………..2……kick out. Wes stumbles up and then once Wes gets up, then Messiah hits a fists that knocks down Wes. Then Messiah grabs the top of the ropes and then waits for Wes to get up. Wes starts to stumble up and then Messiah tags in CM Punk. Wes stumbles towards Messiah and then Messiah scoops up and then hits a body slam and then Punk comes into the ring and then nails a knee drop across the face. Wes grabs his face in pain and then Punk goes into the cover and the goes into the cover and gets a 1………………2…………..kick out. Wes stumbles up into the corner and then Punk hits a few hard punches into the corner and then Punk tries to whip Wes to the opposite side of the ring and then Wes charges in on Punk as he crashes into the turnbuckle, but then Punk hits a back elbow into the face of Wes, Wes stumbles out of the corner and then Punk charges out of the corner for a clothesline. But Wes ducks it and hits a full nelson slam. But he can’t follow up the move.]

Cole-This could be the turning point in the match

King-Yeah, you’ll find out it ALWAYS is…

[Both wrestlers slowly crawl to their corner and then Punk makes his tag into the ring and then Wes tags into Badd Boy and then Badd Boy comes into the ring and then Messiah and Badd Boy hit fists and then Badd Boy is able to get the advantage by hitting a knee lift into the gut and then Messiah stumbles back and then uses the ropes Badd Boy goes into to attack Messiah, but Messiah pokes Badd Boy in the eye and then turns the tables on Badd Boy and hits a few fists while Badd Boy is reeling on the ropes. Messiah then tries to whip Badd Boy to the ropes, but Badd Boy reverses the whip and sends Messiah to the ropes and then Messiah bounces off the ropes and then Badd Boy lowers his head and then hits a back body drop. Messiah stumbles up and then Badd Boy drops him for a quick back breaker. Suddenly Punk runs into the ring and then Badd Boy is able to counter it with a arm drag release. Punk gets up fast and then Badd Boy hits an inverted atomic drop. Wes comes into the ring and then Badd Boy and Wes hit a few fists and then they whip Punk to the ropes and then Punk bounce off and Wes and Badd Boy hits a double flap jack. Punk gets up holding his mid section and then both Wes and Badd Boy hits a few fists and then back him to the ropes. Both Wes and Badd Boy back up and hit a double clothesline over the top rope. Badd Boy then turns his attention to Messiah who is begging off as the ref is making Wes go back to his corner, but as the ref back is turned Messiah hits a low blow on Badd Boy. Messiah then picks up Badd Boy and then hangs him up in the tree of woe and then hits a few hard kicks to the gut and then backs up and then charges at Badd Boy and then hits a baseball slide into the face!]

King-hhhhhmmmm someone that was in control in the first paragraph is in control in the second…*falls over*

Cole-Well the world champion seems to be in trouble here.

[Messiah then backs up and then waits for Wes to get up, once he does he gets pegged with a few hard fists and then tries to whip Wes to the ropes, but Wes reverses the whip and Messiah bounces off the ropes and then Wes goes for a full nelson slam, but then Messiah turns it into a victory roll. But Wes is able to hold it in his favor and gets the 1……..2…..3]


Cole-No that wasn’t, but regardless this is not going to make Shane happy

[Wes gets out of the ring just before Punk can come in and attack and we go into commercial]

[Triple H's theme hits as most fans cheer as they know its time for Triple H to announce the #1 contender, Triple H comes out with a briefcase as he takes a drink from his water bottle and climbs the apron. Triple H then looks onto the Alabama crowd as he lifts his arms into the air while he spits the water like a mist. Triple H then gets in the ring as lays down the briefcase and reaches over and grabs a mic.]

Triple H: Well its finally time, time to announce the #1 contender for the world title! This man that undoubtably deserves a shot, a man who just a couple weeks back won a huge mainevent! This man is a man who is well respected by his peers in the back, the fans of EMF, and even myself...I mean that means something, when the greatest wrestler of all time even respects you. So ladies and gentlemen please stand up and welcome the number one contender...[Triple H puts his arm out to the ramp way as he quickly brings his arm back to himself.] TRIPLE H! [Fans begin to boo as Triple H just grins.] Thats right, its me...And what a match it will be as I destroy Wes Ikeda and become the four time EMF heavyweight champion! But, I mean its well earned I did win a hall of fame battle royal awhile back and even though it was a tie with X-Cold, I still get the world title shot as X-Cold is no longer even allowed to be mentioned here in the EMF! So please fans stand to your feet and bow to the greatest champion of all time, bow to the Game, bow to the NEW heavyweight champion of the WORLD!

[Triple H begins to get done talking but, then the theme "Iron Man" then hits as Prez Mike makes his way down with some very loud cheers. Prez Mike steps inside the ring as he walks back and forth looking at Triple H who has a confident smile.] Prez Mike: So its gonna be Wes Ikeda vs Triple H at Payback, huh? Well you see theres just one little problem with that, and that is I have already named a number one contender and it just so happened he got to arrive here tonight!

Triple H: What the hell you talking about Mike, you know damn well I deserve a shot at that title! So who do you got in the back that can even come close to even wearing my jock!

Prez Mike: Someone pretty damn good thats who, you see this man is a hall of famer, this man is even a multi-time time EMF World champion just like yourself, and this man is the one and ONLY number one contender and that is this man!...

[The limo door then opens as it only gets a shot of the man's feet, he continues inside the arena as only his feet are shown still, camera goes back to Triple H who is arguing with Prez Mike inside the ring,

[the arena lights then dim as the words "AHH..AHH..SHAWN!!" echo throughout the arena as Triple H's eyes widen. Shawn Micheals struts his way down to the ring as Triple H begins to shake from all the anger, Shawn steps in the ring as he walks up and goes face to face with Triple H as the fans begin to go absolutely nuts over two HOFers who have never had the chance to fight one another in EMF. Triple H and Shawn continue to stare one another down as Triple H begins to look out into the fans as Micheals looks to the otherside as fans on that side go nuts.]

Triple H: Shawn Micheals...What a surprise, you know Shawn while there is no denying what you can do in this ring, but Shawn you know that you or no one else will ever be better then "The Game"! You see Shawn, I proved just a couple months back at First Blood that I was still the best here the EMF has had or will ever have! Shawn, you know better then anyone about what that title means to us, we breath, eat, live this business and when someone fucks with that Shawn, you know it can get damn personal...Couple months back I took out a couple hall of famers and Shawn, I have no problem with taking out another!

[Shawn Micheals just continues to stare down Triple H as the lights dim again as Shane McMahon's Ministry theme then hits. Shane McMahon then makes his way out with Messiah as both man hop in the ring as both seemed to be very pissed.]

Shane McMahon: You know what, this is bullshit! You want a fucking number one contender, Mike?! Your looking at the man who deserves a shot at the title not these washed up pieces of trash! You see Mike, I think you and your co president are just trying to forget about us but, you see we won't be ignored for long! Now, Shawn we was once good friends and hell I even helped you win a world title, but Shawn that was then and this is now. And now, we are no long allies and now are enemies if you take this title shot away from Messiah! And while you never knew what its like to be against me Shawn, believe me it won't be pretty for you!

[Shawn Micheals, Triple H, and Prez Mike just look at one another as they just shake their heads and all of them flip birds at Shane and Messiah.]

Shane McMahon: If thats the way you want to play, thats the way you'll have it!

[Right after Shane gets done with saying that, the lights go off as they then comeback on after several moments, after the lights come on you then realize Shawn, Triple H, and Prez Mike are all tied up by the arms in the ropes, one in each different side of the ring as all 3 men are bleeding very badly, inside the ring Twilight, Shane McMahon, CM Punk, Messiah stand as the fans boo and Shockwave comes to a close.]