EMF: Saturday Shockwave

*The Shockwave video starts, once we end the intro, we go into the arena where the lights are on and the lands are yelling as loud as they can, waving their signs. Kris Gaffney is in the ring*

(Kris Gaffney is in the ring)

Kris Gaffney-Alright this is battle rap, both wrestlers will be able to do their rap and then the winner will be decided by the audience, first contestant is the current TV champion, John Cena!!

“basic thugnomics” blasts on the PA system as John Cena comes out to the ring

Kris Gaffney-and the second contestant, one half of the tag team champions, Punisher!

“Capital Punishment” blasts on the PA system as Punisher walks to the ring Kris Gaffney-Alright, you both know the rules…Cena your up first

Cena: "Power hungry, that you are
But you won’t beat this wrestling star
Many titles grace your name
Most stolen in your rise to fame
Yet, one name you’ve failed to gain
And from giving it you, I shall refrain
For I shall always be TV champ
No matter how much your foot you stamp
In an attempt to gain what it not yours
You’ve opened up unclosable doors
To a battle rap you challenged me
But you forget, "YOU CANT SEE ME!"
However, something happened you hadn’t planned on
I took up your offer, knowing full well it’s wrong
You treat everyone as though they’re beneath you
Would you put up with that sort of thing too?
Again you lash out with a low blow
But I just absorbe it, I let it go
Am I supposed to drop down dead?
Well sorry, you need to get this through your head
I plan to hold this title forever
Me, your rival, John Cena…
Word Life!

Kris Gaffney-Up next…Punisher!!

It's the Doctor of Thuganomics versus Big Pun himself.
And if you think that crap is rhymin', put it back on the shelf.
Cuz everybody up in here knows just who runs this game.
See, I'm on fire, boy. Your just goin' up in flames.
There ain't no way Vanilla Ice can shoot me out of the saddle.
And I'ma hot boy, the women show their tits like cattle.
So now you up in Piss Creek, you said screw the paddle.
How you tryin' to start a war when you can't win the battle?
I'm a former World champ that'll make the ladies melt.
But it ain't about the World strap, I want your TV belt.
See There's no way you're gonna win... just get it out of your head.
Cuz I'm more dangerous than what's between Trish Stratus's legs.
And that's pretty bad... she has so many STDs
if she gives you a lap dance, it'll eat your BVDs.
But enough about the hooker, back to the matter at hand.
John Cena, I could smack you down right where you stand.
Sit and laugh while you're bleeding and in need of some stitches.
Cuz this is MY federation... Revolution's my b###hes.
And I just thought about something that'll make the crowd shudder...
You're probably bendin' Rhyno over while Trish hands you the butter.
Now I know that's a little sick, but it seems to be true.
Ya'll stay up each others asses till your face turns blue.
Just let it out, everyone knows about your locker room gang bang
I'll treat you like a toliet, John.... piss on you and your Chain Gang.
Revolution's a joke, you all act a little nutty
You've got a box, a wigger, and a b###h that acts slutty.
And Cena, when it finally comes time for a fight,
I might beat you black and blue, but understand that you're white.
You need to put the mic down and start pickin' up the weights, fool.
Cuz I'ma beat you like I own you, even under the Gates rule.

Kris Gaffney- Alright who had the better rap was it Cena.

(Gets a good reaction)

Kris Gaffney-Was it Punisher?

(gets a better reaction)

Kris Gaffney-The winner of the battle rap…..PUNISHER!

(“Capital Punishment” blasts on the PA system as Punisher walks to the back.)

*We go into commercial, we come back with “Break the Walls down” blasting over the PA system and Chris Jericho goes into the ring minus Amy, then goes over and then gets a microphone*

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-Welcome to the Highlight Reel!! *pyrotechnics blasts off” You know I could sit here and brag about how I beat the living hell out of Randull Or Ton. But I something more important to do, because Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome the new and rightful Vice President of the Extreme Measures Federation Amy Dumas!!

“LovePassionFuryEnergy” blasts on the PA system as the crowd goes crazy as Amy runs out on the stage and then does some of her old Lita moves. She then goes to ring side and then slides into the ring, Amy gives Jericho a smile as she passes, Jericho returns it and then continues to clap. Then steps on the turnbuckle and does her turnbuckle taunt, then jumps down. The music stops and then Jericho hands her the microphone, suddenly a huge “Lita!! Lita!! Lita!!” chants starts, Amy lets it go then she begins to talk.)

.::Amy Dumas::.-Jericho, it’s been a tough few months for both of us. A lot has happened…things changed, I lost my Vice President job in part because Sierra could not stay out of our business. I was fired as the Vice President of the EMF, but at Unleashed “the Slayer of Careers” himself “Y2J” Chris Jericho beat the hell out of Randy Orton and as result I’m once again Vice President of the EMF!! Jericho, I can’t thank you enough for everything you done for me…..but you know what. I think I would like to relive that moment around the end of the match…you know which one.

(Amy hands Jericho the microphone.)

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-Oh sure I do Amy….in fact for all the Jerichohalics who didn’t see the Pay Per View, let me show you exactly what Amy is talking about on the insanely expansion Jeri-Tron 5000, show the picture that Amy’s talking about.

(The picture comes up on the Jeri-Tron, but it’s probably not the one you were expecting. It shows Randy Orton on top of Sierra. It has a caption of “guess Sierra couldn’t wait”. There are a text balloon coming from Orton’s mouth that says “I just scored…HARDCORE” and one coming from Sierra’s mouth it says “"it's not that big of a deal, your just guy 100 today...congrats" Jericho and Amy laugh at the picture

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-Wow that’s some interesting stuff right there, I mean a few weeks ago Sierra felt it necessary to show a picture of myself and Amy. So I guess turns about fair play, I mean Sierra. Couldn’t go for a full match could you, being the slut that you are you couldn’t even wait until the match was over to give it up to Randull Or Ton. Seems Sierra was busy that day, though don’t feel too special Randull, because your prize is the many, many STD’s that Sierra carries!!

*While this is happening, we go back stage with Randy Orton on the phone talking to someone, suddenly Sierra standing behind Orton who is talking on the phone*

.::Randy Orton::.-Please, he's not even my league….I would have beat Jericho had it not been for Sierra!...I would have you know....yeah I still would have been Vice President if Sierra wasn't such as screw...

Sierra: Ahemm...if I wasn't a what?

.::Randy Orton::.-*still talking on the phone* I'll call you back another time *turns the phone off...and faces Sierra*. You heard what I said, if you weren't such a screw up, I would still be Vice President of the EMF. What the hell were thinking, I had Jericho right where I wanted him!!

Sierra: you were dazed and confused I wanted to secure your Victory, I didn't know Jericho would have sense enough to catch me...if you knew how to catch and keep your balance you wouldn't have lost

.::Randy Orton::.-Oh right, I'm suppose to keep my balance when I get a body thrown at me. Maybe you should lose some weight, because only then I would have been able to keep my balance!

Sierra: LOSE WEIGHT, Maybe you should lift weights, build up that scrawny body.. what the point of having muscles if you can't even lift a 120 pound woman...

.::Randy Orton::.-Scrawny body, does this look like a scrawny body to you? But even I couldn't catch someone chucked at me like that, 120 pounds...felt more like 300.

Sierra: Why I oughta *she reared back like she was gonna hit him when something on the monitor caught her Eye*

Sierra's music hits as she storms out onto the stage, standing there the RWA-WCW women's title over her shoulder, never leave home without it...She stood there with a microphone in hand..

Sierra: You think you are SOOO clever showing these pictures, oh so Very funny...

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Hey, I think it's funny. What you think Amy?

.::Amy Dumas::.-Oh I think it's hilarious

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-I mean all this time you have wanted to reveal *mocking voice*"the truth" *end mocking voice*. Yet we find out the truth, and you don't like it. Yes the truth we found out about you Sierra that without a doubt you are the biggest slut in the Extreme Measures Federation today...hell maybe ever! I mean just like you said a few weeks ago...a pictures worth a thousand words

Sierra: *smiling trying to hide the fact she had been one upped..* You know Jericho, the fact that I can get with any person I want says to me that you are jealous, being you haven't gotten with the one you truly want. I mean I'm not the slut you think I am, I'm sure if you found out the exact numbers you'd be saddened by how few are actually on the list. That still doesn't change the fact that I could have Anyone I wanted...So you go ahead and make fun of that stupid Picture, if Randy Orton was any type of real man he would have caught me no problem and not made a scene like that...

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Jealous of you? Please, I mean I could live a million years as I am without the list of diseases you have. I mean Amy and I went researched this more and this is the list we came up with

(Amy shows Sierra a list, then starts to read the list of STD's that Sierra supposively has)

"Line in the Sand" blasts on the PA system, as Amy continues to read STD's that Sierra has, Randy Orton comes out of the stage)

.::Randy Orton::.-Jericho, Dumas..surprisely I'm not out here to give you any problems. Rather than answer Sierra here, this may be a first but I agree the Other World. I mean obviously the reason why you cost me the match was that you wanted a piece of the Legend Killer. Though I will say...sorry I don't dig fat chicks, but I heard those Lunadue people could help you that one day you may have a chance with Randy Orton.

Sierra: SHUT UP...SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!!!!! You know what I'll solve this..First you Orton, *looking towards his trunks.* can't even see an outline bud, do you think I want any of that, hardly, if I wanted a woman I'd go get one. *she turned looking to the ring* AS for you two..Jericho I'm gonna have someone do what Orton couldn't and thats SHUT YOU THE HELL UP...That man is none other than my enforcer, TAZZ..

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-You know what Sierra bring on that dwarf, I got a score to settle with him anyways and I will give him a Y..............2.................J beating that he will never eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever forget again

"break the walls down" Sierra looks on pissed, Orton is behind her motioning that she's fat. She turns around and then he smiles innocently. She looks back at Jericho and Amy, yelling at them. Orton continues what he was doing, Sierra turns around quickly and catches Orton. Orton is frozen, then Sierra smacks him and then storms back as EMF goes to commercial.*

*The camera cuts to backstage where Coach is waiting and becoming very impatient looking at his watch over and over*

COACH: Where the HELL is SNITSKY? If I don't get this interview I swear, he'll be….

*Snitsky sneaks up and appears behind coach with a disturbed look*

SNITSKY: I'll be what Coach?

Coach gets paralyzed in fear and slowly turns around and looks at Snitsky and begins to cower in front of him*

COACH: Oh…uh…nothing Gene nothing at all….yep nothing!

SNITSKY: Gooood!

COACH: Well, now that you're here for our interview I wanted to answer some questions everyone's wanted to know. You haven't been around lately and haven't said a word to anyone ever since this thing with Dude Nick and the lockeroom started.

SNITSKY: Let's just say I've been doing a lot of planning Coach. Some special plans are in store.

COACH: For Dude Nick?

SNITSKY: I dunno, could be….

COACH: Oh, maybe its for the World Title, we saw you taking a good look at it the other week.

SNITSKY: Maybe…but then again maybe not….what do you think?

COACH: HOLD IT! Now I know, its gotta be the tag titles, you and Taker plan on stealing the titles again….. aren't you?

SNITSKY: You don't sound too sure Coach.


SNITSKY: TOO BAD! They'll all find out soon enough, what I planned to do ever since I got here. And like I said, they won't even see it coming.

COACH: So I guess that leaves us with…what do you plan on doing in the rumble?

SNITSKY: Honestly, I've got bigger fish to fry, but if the federation feels like wasting my time, so be it. If I win, Nick's ass is grass. If not…well, not a real big loss when you think about it anyway, at least someone will do the dirty work for me. Well, guess it's time I head to the ring…not like it matters anyway, I'm already getting my prize.

*Snitsky walks off with Coach even more puzzled.*

JR: Now what the hell was that all about? Prize? What prize?

KING: I dunno JR…but it seems Snitsky isn't spilling the beans. World Title, Tag Titles, the Rumble…I mean what else could it be? Everyone is wondering!

“Getting away with murder” blasts on the PA system as Rhyno runs down to the ring and then rolls into the ring and then goes into the turnbuckle and does his turnbuckle taunt

JR-Rhyno is looking for his first championship in the EMF

King-Revolution will never let him get over…

Kris Gaffney-King, that’s Evolution


[As Cactus Jack makes his way towards the ring. Rhyno does not wait for him to get down to the ring and then Rhyno hammers away on Cactus and then takes Cactus and then smashes him to the stage piller and then Cactus bounces off and then Rhyno takes Cactus and then leads him out of sight. Camera’s follow him as they get into steps to the stage and then Rhyno throws Cactus down the steps and then Cactus comes to a stop and then Rhyno fallows him and then stops about half way down and then waits for Cactus and then leaps off and then hits a double axe handle on Cactus and then Rhyno hits a few stomps on the downed Cactus. Suddenly Prophecy comes out of no where to join the rumble in the tunnel (goes into PPV voice *THE RUMBLE IN THE TUNNEL, COMING TO YOU LIVE ON PPV!*). Prophecy has two singapore canes on his back. Then he knocks down Rhyno and then picks him up and then hits a snap suplex on the hard floor of the tunnel and then Rhyno tries to crawl away from the fight as slowly Prophecy starts to stock Rhyno and then Rhyno stumbles up and then gets hit with a fist and then Rhyno is now out of the tunnel and then Prophecy catches up with Rhyno and then hits a few hard fists and then throws him against the wall, Prophecy waits as Rhyno bounces off the wall and then kicks him in the gut and then backs up and then hits a knee to the face and then pulls up Rhyno after a few stomps and then sets him up and then hits a fishermans suplex on the cement. The ref counts 1…………………2……….Cactus Jack comes out of no where and then breaks up the count and then goes back and then is holding a 2 x 4 as Prophecy stumbles around and then Cactus starts choking Prophecy with the 2 x 4 and then he lets go Prophecy goes to his knee’s and then Cactus Jack measures up and then hits the 2 x 4 into the back and then he goes down. Though not out as he starts crawling away and then Cactus Jack pulls him up by the hair and then throws him into a venting machine and then the glass breaks and some various snacks fall on Prophecy. Prophecy falls off and then Cactus Jack pulls Prophecy out of the venting machine and then looks around then see’s something and has an idea.]

JR-Seems Cactus Jack has an idea

King-idea…is that possible

Kris Gaffney-Probably not, but if it is. Then he’s using his last brain cells to come up with it

[Cactus Jack picks up Prophecy and then throws him on a table and then goes up to a flight of steps and then steps over the railing and then jumps off and then before he can drive his elbow into Prophecy. Prophecy moves out of the way and then Cactus Jack goes crashing into the table and then nothing really happens as suddenly Rhyno comes on to the screen as Prophecy stumbles up and then Rhyno hits a few fists and then Rhyno stumbles back and then hits a few forearms and Prophecy stumbles back and then goes into the curtain and then stumbles right back out into the arena on the side of the stage and then Rhyno takes Prophecy and charges and then throws him against the barcade. Rhyno then hits his chest a few times and then rises his arms to the crowd and gets a good reaction and then he goes over to Prophecy and then pulls him up and then leads him to the side of the ramp and then throws him on the ramp and then Rhyno hits a few stomps as Prophecy tries to get away. But then Rhyno pulls up Prophecy and then sets him up and then hits a snap suplex on the ramp. Prophecy is in a lot of pain and then Rhyno takes Prophecy and then rolls him into the ring]

King-It’s about time they came back to the ring

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, no one likes to watch a match on the tron…

JR-Well…that’s actually a good point

[Rhyno slides into the ring and then hits a few hard fists to Prophecy and then whips him off the ropes and Prophecy bounces off the ropes and then Rhyno goes for a clothesline. But Prophecy ducks it and then takes out one of his Singapore canes from his back and then measures up Rhyno and when he turns around Prophecy hits a cane shot into the gut and then Prophecy measures up as Rhyno is now doubled over and then hits a cane shot in the back of the head most likely knocking him out. Prophecy then goes into the cover and then gets a 1…………………2………….Cactus Jack comes into the ring and then breaks it up with a elbow and then Cactus takes the Singapore cane and then waits for Prophecy to get up. Then he cracks it over his back, before Rhyno can fall to his knee’s. Cactus throws him out of the ring. Then he goes over to Rhyno who is getting up with help of the ropes and then Cactus Jack whips him off the ropes, Rhyno bounces off the ropes and then Cactus goes for a knock out shot with the cane, but Rhyno ducks it and continues to the other side of the ring and then bounces off and then Cactus turns around and then gets hit with the Gore with his last bit of strength. Rhyno just happens to fall with Cactus right into the cover and then gets the 1……………………2………….3!!]

JR-Rhyno is the extreme champion

King-I don’t think anyone is winner here

Kris Gaffney- That’s for sure, Rhyno doesn’t even know he’s won yet…

*We go from a review of a match, Cactus Jack is backstage walking through the hall way obviously beat up from the match. Suddenly someone jumps him with a steel chair, it's Denis Kettlesburg!!*

Denis Kettlesburg-You want your title back? You gotta go through me to get the chance.

*Denis leaves Cactus on the ground

“It wasn’t my fault” blasts on the PA system as Gene Snitsky comes to the ring

JR-This is one crazy individual

King-It’s not his fault that he’s crazy

Kris Gaffney-You sure?

“Batista’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Batista walks to the ring

JR-This is a chance for Batista to step up

King-I thought he was just a filler

Kris Gaffney-Guess he really wanted a match…

“Capital Punishment” blasts on the PA system as Punisher walks to the ring

JR-Punisher is certainly dominate

King-Why else would they put him in the HOF with so little titles

Kris Gaffney-Maybe because he threaten the voters with Darter

“MDK theme” blasts on the PA system as MDK walks to the ring

JR-You have got to wonder if Dude Nick bite off more than he can chew

King-Though we thought the same of Punisher when he first came into the EMF

[Punisher, Batista, MDK and Snitsky stand in corner. Suddenly Snitsky charges Punisher’s corner and then Punisher moves out of the way and then starts hammering him and then MDK starts hammering Batista, but is able to hit a a knee into the gut and then Batista measures him up and then hits a straight punch into the face and that knocks him down and then Batista hits a few hard stomps on the downed MDK. Punisher has whipped him to the ropes, and then Snitsky bounces off the ropes and then Punisher lowers his head for a back body drop. But then it’s countered with a kick to the face, Punisher pops up in pain and then Snitsky charges and then knocks down Punisher with a clothesline and then Snitsky hits a few stomps on the downed Punisher and then picks him up and then puts him in the corner not really wanting to eliminate him like he probably should (way to think Snitsky) and then puts him in the tree of woe and then Snitsky hits a few fists to the gut of Punisher and then backs up and then hits a baseball slide on the face of Punisher and then Snitsky gets up and then Punisher falls out of the tree of woe and then Snitsky hits a few stomps on the downed Punisher. MDK is being pushed over the top rope and then MDK rakes his eyes and then Batista stumbles back and then MDK gets away from the ropes and then hits a few hard fists to Batista and then tries to whip him to the ropes and then Batista reverses the whip and then MDK bounces off the ropes and then leaps in the air and then leaps in the air and then hits a flying forearm and then MDK gets up fast and then kicks Batista in the gut and then sets up Batista and then hits a vertical suplex and then drops him on the top rope and then he is hanging on the ropes and then falls on to the apron and then MDK hits a few fists and then Batista is realing on the apron and then suddenly Batista hits a fist that knocks MDK hoping that gives Batista some separation. But suddenly MDK comes back with a super kick and knocks Batista off the apron and then on to the floor.]

JR-Batista is gone


Kris Gaffney-Man King this isn’t the WWE….or IBL for that matter…

[Snitsky has picked Punisher up and then hits a pump handle sit down slam. Snitsky pulls up Punisher and then tries to dump him over. But Punisher is able to weakly hold on to the ropes and gets up with the help of the ropes and then pulls himself up and then Snitsky hits a few fists and then Punisher is reeling and then Snitsky backs up thinking he has Punisher beat wasting time and then Snitsky charges and then goes for a big boot. But Punisher ducks and then Snitsky gets hanged up in the top rope and then Punisher slips under the bottom rope and then pushes Snitsky over the top rope and then he goes crashing into the arena floor. Snitsky is pissed, he kicks the steps a few times and then the ref’s tell him to leave. Snitsky turns back and then slowly a smile develops and then starts to laugh. Then continues on his way up the ramp, suddenly seeing that Snitsky weaken Punisher. De Kreek hits a few fists and then whips Punisher off the ropes and then Punisher reverses it and then De Kreek bounces off the ropes and then Punisher then catches him in a full nelson and then drives him down for a full nelson slam and then falls away from De Kreek. Both wrestlers are down, obviously this is a battle royal so there is no standing 10 count. Then slowly both wrestlers make it to their feet and then De Kreek is a bit more dazed now than Punisher as he hit pretty hard and then De Kreek wanting to get the advantage back and then he swings and misses Punisher then hits a few fists and then whips De Kreek off the ropes and then hits a spinning spinebuster on De Kreek. Punisher is still a bit dazed, so he takes his time getting up and anyways he’s getting up and then he takes De Kreek and then tries to force him over the top rope. But he can’t do it, so he backs off and then he gives up and then hits a big chop to the chest.]

JR-This is going to be close

King-I got a feeling the writer things that too

Kris Gaffney-He’s sweating over this one…

[MDK whips Punisher to the ropes and then Punisher hits the ropes, but hooks the ropes and then MDK charges at Punisher pissed off that he didn’t go over and then Punisher counters into a back body drop over the top rope………….but MDK lands on the apron and then MDK hits a shoulder block and then Punisher stumbles up and then MDK sets up Punisher and then suplexs him over the top rope and……..he falls on his feet on the apron and then Punisher and MDK hammer each other, suddenly they both fly off the apron and fall to the ground.Though MDK is able to land on one foot and keep it off the ground as Punisher hits and MDK is the winner of the match]

(OOC-hard call, really torn between two things. My gut was tilling me MDK, though my brain saying Pun has one factor I usually like. I had another staff member, and myself decide it. I couldn’t find anyone else, so he was somewhat inexperience…but no one else came online. So since the stakes aren’t that high, I won’t waste any time, and just go with my gut and what me and my new staff member decided. Hopefully it’s not that big of a problem Pun, like I said on the main page...ending was reflective of how close it was to me.)

“Just another victim” blasts on the PA system as Tazz comes to the ring

JR-Tazz is Sierra’s enforcer, but he also comes from the Other World

King-Yeah I heard it’s weird over there…you know Paul Heyman is actually an announcer there and not me

Kris Gaffney-and Jeff Hardy isn’t a loser..

The lights fade out “Other World” blasts on the PA system and Chris Jericho is standing in the isle way. Then spins around pumping his fist and then turns around. Jericho looks to the entrance as Amy Dumas walks from the back and then they walk to the ring together

JR-This is rare appearance for the Other World on Shockwave

King-Yeah, yeah…whatever

Kris Gaffney-If they were in the IBL, Gates would be like “WHERE THE HELL IS YOUR LINE UP, THAT’S IT..GET OUT..GET OUT NOW!!

[Jericho and Amy stand on the outside, and then Jericho slides into the ring and then takes Tazz down with a spear and then starts to hammer him with a few fists and then Jericho pulls up Tazz and then whips him to the ropes and then Tazz bounces off the ropes and then Jericho hits a clothesline to Tazz and then Tazz goes down and then Jericho picks him up and then hits a few hard knife edge chops and then he stumbles into the corner and then Jericho hits a few knife edge chops to Tazz and then Jericho tries to whip Tazz to the opposite side of the ring and Tazz goes crashing and then Jericho charges at Tazz. But Tazz counters with a drop toe hold and then Jericho goes crashing into the bottom rope and then Tazz hits a few stomps on Jericho and then chokes Jericho with his boot and then he starts to mouth off to Amy for a few seconds. Then goes back towards Jericho, suddenly Jericho turns the table and then hits a few forearms to Tazz and then brings him out of the corner and then whips him to the ropes and then Tazz bounces off the ropes and then Jericho goes for a clothesline and then Tazz ducks under it and then Tazz is able to hit a t-bone suplex. Tazz then shakes the effect and then hits a few hard stomps on the downed Jericho and then picks him up and then picks him up and then hits a body slam and then goes to the ropes and then comes off the ropes and hits a big knee drop into the face of Jericho and then goes into the cover and then gets the 1………………….2…………kick out. Jericho tries to get up on all fours and then Tazz then hits a few forearms across the neck, and then Tazz puts Jericho into a camel clutch. Jericho yells in pain, the ref asks him if he wants to give it up. Jericho refuses, suddenly Amy starts hitting the apron getting the crowd behind him suddenly Jericho starts to get to his knee’s under him and then goes to his feet and then and then hammers Tazz with a few hard elbows into the gut and then he breaks the hold and then charges to the ropes and then bounces off and then leaps in the air for a cross body block and then Tazz ducks out of the way and then Jericho goes crashing into the ref]

King-Why don’t they use someone that won’t be knocked out..

Kris Gaffney-Could you imagine what would have happened if Brock Lesnar was the ref

(this scene played in Kris’ head- Jericho misses the cross body block, but is caught by the ref and the ref hits the F-5 on Jericho)

[Jericho turns around and then both Jericho and Tazz knock each other down with a double clothesline. Suddenly the camera focus’ on the isle where Prez Mike runs down with a steel chair and slides into the ring and then gets the chair ready. Amy’s yelling to warn Jericho, but suddenly someone grabs Mike by the leg and pulls him out of the ring and it’s the Rock!! The Rock hits a fist on Prez Mike, Mike stumbles back and then Mike stumbles around the ring to get away, but then Rock takes Mike and then throws him into the crowd. Mike then tries to escape into the crowd and then the Rock gives chase to him. Jericho and Amy and Jericho look at each other, then shrug their shoulders. Amy then warns Jericho about Tazz. Jericho turns around and Tazz tries to take his head off with the steel chair and then Jericho does his shuffle as Tazz tries to reload and hit a chair shot on Jericho and then Tazz turns around and then Jericho hits a super kick on the chair that sends Tazz backwards and then Tazz stumbles back and then bounces off the ropes dazed and then Jericho hits a sleeper slam and then goes into the cover but there is no ref. Jericho then hits a few stomps and then Tazz after a time starts moving towards the corner and then Jericho hits a few hard knife edge chops and then Jericho whips Tazz to the opposite side of the ring and then Tazz bounces off and then Jericho charges from behind him and then bounces off the ropes and then hits a running bulldog. Jericho nips up, then looks around then runs to the ropes and then sping boards off going for the lion sault. But Tazz moves out of the way and then Jericho changes it so he lands on his feet. But he lands weird, and then Jericho falls on the mat in pain holding his leg, then falls out of the ring. Amy goes over quickly and checks on Jericho looking really concern.]

JR-It looks like Jericho may have some sort of injury to the leg

King-Sucks to be him

Kris Gaffney- or as the old man of the NBL would say Sux2bu

[Tazz takes a few moments to recover, and then rolls out of the ring. Seeing Amy over Jericho, he goes over as Amy pleads to him to back off due to injury. But Tazz keeps coming, and scares off Amy. She runs off on to the side near the entrance. Tazz then rolls Jericho into the ring and then hits a few stomps the injured leg, as Jericho screams in obvious pain. Tazz then decides to do something he usually does not do, and go to the top rope. Amy grabs on to Tazz’s foot, Tazz kicks Amy off, she’s able to land on her feet and then Tazz says something and then Tazz leaps off the top rope and Jericho puts his good foot up and then Tazz’s face goes right into his boot with the extra time thanks to the extra time Amy bought Jericho. Jericho has to roll to the ropes grabs on to the ropes and then pulls himself up. Then Jericho yells for Tazz to get up, outside Amy’s cheering on Jericho. Suddenly someone taps her on the shoulder she turns around, then screams in surprised. It’s Gene Snitsky, before Amy can run he picks her up and puts her over his shoulder. Mean while in the ring, Jericho’s head snaps towards Amy screams. His eyes grow big seeing Snitsky carrying Amy over his shoulder as she’s kicking and yelling for him. Jericho tries to run for her, but before he can Tazz jumps him from behind and then puts on the Tazzmission. Jericho struggles trying to find a way out to run after Snitsky. Obviously the ref is up now, Jericho then is able to hit a back mule kick low blow. Tazz goes down in pain and then Jericho even with the bad leg jumps out of the ring. Then starts to limp as fast as he can up the ramp.]

JR-What the hell did we just witness?


Kris Gaffney-……guess this was what Snitsky was after the whole time…

(We go into the backstage as Snitsky is now entering the parking lot to a car that is already running. Obviously Amy’s still struggling to get free, yelling for Jericho. Snitsky puts Amy down, Amy tries to get away. But Snitsky grabs her arm and then turns her around, she struggles. But Snitsky puts on handicuffs on her. Then after sometime that Snitsky is able to put them on and then forces her in the back of the car. Snitsky locks the door…but before he can get into the car Jericho jumps him from behind and then hits hard, quick fist desperately trying to get Amy. Who is still yelling for him (obviously she can’t get away now), Snitsky to get Jericho off him, then kicks as hard as he can into his injured leg. Jericho stumbles back in extreme pain, but ignores and goes back only to get some white powder blinding him. Snitsky then hits a big boot on Jericho he’s down now, Jericho still is desperately trying to fight, but can’t see a thing. Snitsky helps him up and then grabs him by the hair and smashes him into another car so hard it cracks the windshield. Snitsky laughs, then says]

Gene Snitsky-You did this to yourself Jericho, it wasn’t my fault

Snitsky laughs, then quickly goes to the car drivers side and gets in and Amy is screaming as Snitsky burns rubber and gets out of there. Jericho rolls off the car, bleeding and then yells.]


(Shockwave goes off the air with that)