EMF: Saturday Shockwave

[Shockwave begins with the regular pyro and theme song as immediately we are took to the back where Triple H sits at his desk talking to Sierra who sits on his desk, the door then opens as Charles Robinson comes running in as if someone is chasing him.]

Triple H: What the hell? Who do you think you are running into my office like that?!

Charles Robinson: [Charles is breathing hard from all the running.] Grave...ahhh...ahhh...digger...he is after me!

Triple H: What the hell does he want with you?

Charles Robinson: Didn't you see it last week? I was the referee in last week's tv title match and cheated Gravedigger out of the tv title...But, I swear Hunter it wasn't on purpose! I mean it was just a mistake on my part, I didn't see his foot under the rope. honest...

Triple H: Just go sit on the couch and let me take care of this and for God sakes stop looking like your gonna cry.

[Charles Robinson whips his eyes as he nods to Triple H that he understands, Robinson then heads over to the couch where he takes a seat, Triple H begins to talk to Sierra again as all of a sudden a loud noise is heard from a door attached to Hunter's office.]

Triple H: What the hell was that?!

Charles Robinson: ARGH!! ITS HIM!!! AHHHHHH!!!

[Charles Robinson jumps on the couch screaming his lungs off as Triple H reaches under his desk and pulls out a sledgehammer as he slowly walks over to the door. Charles Robinson sits in the corner of the other side of the room as he sits there like a ball breathing hard and covering his eyes. Triple H slowly goes to open up the door as Sierra stands behind Triple H for protection, Triple H then quickly swings the door open as about that time the toliet flushes, Triple H and Sierra faces turn from worried to what the hell as they are still behind the door. Shawn Micheals then walks out from Triple H's bathroom with a paper in hand as fans begin to go wild, Triple H just gets a smirk on his face as he tosses down the sledge.]

Charles Robinson: AHH GOD DON'T KILL ME!

[Charles Robinson looks up to see that it isn't Gravedigger as just quickly stands up and re-adjust his referee shirt, Micheals looks at Charles Robinson like a idiot as he looks over to Triple H and just tosses him a newspaper.]

Micheals: Thanks for the reading material...

Triple H: Alright, alright...What do you want Shawn? Want a match with Messiah, CM Punk, Twilight, or maybe Shane? Well I hope you know if you do want one, I won't be there to save you like I did last week.

Micheals: Actually thats what I came here to talk about, Hunter...You see I just wanted to come here to tell you that I don't need your help, I didn't need your help last week, I don't need it this week, and I won't need to have it at Payback.

Triple H: Well let me inform you Shawn, I didn't come out for you last week...I came out for me! You know, thats really like you Shawn to walk in here with a thanks but, no thanks attitude, you know Shawn if it wasn't for me last week, maybe just maybe did you ever think that you wouldn't have made it to Payback?! So instead of coming in here going off on me, maybe you should be getting down on your knees and kiss my feet!

Micheals: [Laughs] The day I kiss your feet, is the day you kiss my ass! Now, I didn't come here just to talk about last week, I came to talk about this week and this little contract signing tonight, come on tell me Hunter...What do you have up your sleeve this week?

Triple H: What and ruin the secret...[Laughs] Never.

Micheals: Well just fair warning, don't get in my way of me winning this title...Got me?

Triple H: And here is a warning for you Shawn, don't ever threaten me! Now, get your ass out of my office!

[Micheals stares down Triple H a bit as Micheals finally walks out of the office, Triple H then looks over to Charles Robinson as Triple H just puts his hand over his head.]

Triple H: Oh my God!! What did you do?!

[Camera goes to Charles Robinson standing in the corner as there is a large stain on the front of his pants.]

Triple H: Man get the hell out of my office, you sicko

Charles Robinson: NO! NO! You can't...He'll kill me!

Triple H: Alright, alright...This is how we are going to fix this, at Payback we will have a return match Kaedon vs Gravedigger and if Gravedigger so happens attacks you, he will lose his shot at the title...Now, get the hell out of my office and for God's sake clean yourself up.

Charles Robinson: Ohh thank you, thank you...

[Charles Robinson kisses Triple H's hand as he just jerks it away and Triple H just points towards the door.]

Triple H: Would you just get the hell out?!

[Camera goes back to the ring as Triple H just shakes his hand and does some paperwork.]

"Down With The Clown blares throughout the arena as CEO Mr Majestic walks from backstage with a 40 in one hand and a mic in the other

Mr Majestic: Cut my music then this next match will not be happening since all 3 participants decided to no show they all lose now too bad if they think im a prick right now maybe next time they will show their asses up on time and actually give some effort and maybe even give a damn otherwise they will be consequences but ill give them another chance to redeem themselves

"Down With The Clown" hits and blares as Mr Majestic walks backstage

[Triple H is shown sitting at his desk again as in comes Sierra bust out laughing as Triple H just smiles.]

Triple H: [Laughs] Did you give it to em?

Sierra: You should've have seen his face when I gave it to him...He is so pissed off.

Triple H: That will teach the son of a bitch to screw me over and to think he has to wear that for a whole month. [Laughs]

Sierra: I have got to see this...

[Camera goes back to the ring as Carnage's theme then hits, several seconds go by but, no Carnage suddenly Carnage makes his way out as fans begin to all laugh, Carnage's attire has now changed as now he is wearing a diaper, a bib, and carrying has rattler in hand. Carnage seems to be very upset as he just steps over the ropes and gets in the ring.]

Cole: This is sick, Triple H is the meaning of abuse of power! The man just didn't want to fight a woman and do Triple H's dirty work and now he has to pay for it! This is very sad...

King: Very sad and very funny! [Laughs] Where did they find a pair of depends to fit him.

[Dennis Fontaine's theme then hits as he can't help but, chuckle at Carnage, Dennis then gets in the ring as he laughs at Carnage which pisses Carnage off.]

[Carnage pushes Dennis, Dennis pushes Carnage back and then hits a kick to the gut. Carnage doubles over and Dennis hits a chop to the face of Carnage that brings Carnage up once again. Dennis hits a few knife edge chops that knock Carnage back to the ropes, Dennis tries to whip Carnage off the ropes. But Carnage reverses the whip, Dennis goes off the ropes and comes back. Carnage is ready to do something, but Dennis runs her down with a hard clothesline. Carnage gets up dazed, Dennis comes charging and hits Carnage with a running forearm to the face that knocks Carnage down again with that. Carnage gets up even more dazed to be met with a fist to the face, Carnage stumbles into Dennis who is able to hold Carnage up. Dennis then sets up Carnage and hits a snap suplex, Dennis then holds on to the snap set up after Carnage gets hit with it and then gets up, Dennis lifts her only a quater of the way for a vertical suplex and then drops Carnage into a sit down face buster. Dennis then goes into the cover and gets a 1.....2.......kick out by Carnage. After the kickout, Triple H's theme hits as he comes out shaking his head as he has a microphone in hand. Carnage begins to get to his feet as Dennis looks on to Triple H.]

Triple H: Look at you Carnage, we are within the first couple minutes in the match and you are already getting your ass whipped like the little bitch, you are! Hell I should've known better not to put you in a match with Ashlee last week when you can't even beat someone that doesn't even belong on our dark matches here on Shockwave [Triple H points at Dennis Fontaine as Dennis yells at Triple H.] You make me sick Carnage, I put you in those ridiculous clothes for one reason Carnage, and that was maybe to get some anger out of you...To get that killer instinct from you that I know you have, but what do you do Carnage, you come out here and you are still a embarassment to the EMF, hell even though BWO was a huge embarassment, you are even a embarassment to them! Dammit, show me something you stupid son of a bitch! You best show me something if you still want to be employeed by the EMF.

[Carnage quickly stands up as Dennis turns around, Carnage clotheslines Dennis down as he quickly picks him up and nails him with a electric chair drop. Carnage then rolls out of the ring as he picks up the top part of the ringsteps, Carnage awaits Dennis to stand as he nails Dennis in the head with the steps. Carnage lays down the steps as he postions them on the ground, Carnage picks up Dennis as he drops him with another electric chair drop right on the steel steps as fans chant "Holy Shit!", Triple H stands at the top of the ramp as he yawns and then slowly claps his hands.]

Triple H: Damn, you sure do look menacing in your diaper there...

[Carnage gets pissed as he rolls out to the outside and grabs a chair, Carnage slides back in the ring as he walks over to Fontaine, Carnage pulls back the chair high as he slams it off Dennis' skull as he lays on the steel steps. Triple H laughs as slowly nods.]

Triple H: You know there could be hope for you yet, but since this match is a no contest, it looks like you won't be getting a IC title shot Carnage, and uhh when Dennis wakes up from his little coma someone tell him he isn't getting a shot either. And ohh yeah Carnage, way to go on the new attire, it fits you perfectly.

[Triple H's theme hits as he just back tracks to the back as he smiles at Carnage who sits in the ring, Carnage is pissed at this moment as he shakes from his anger as his face turns pitch red.]

“Travis Hardy’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Hardy walks to the ring

Cole-Travis Hardy is a very promising talent, but you have to wonder if he bite off more than he can chew by challenging Twilight in his first real match

King-Hardy…….how xtreme…

“Twilight’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Twilight walks to the ring

Cole-It’s no doubt that Twilight has been a great extreme champion

King-Yeah…he’s going against a newbie, so this must be a sleeping match

[Hardy and Twilight lock up, Hardy then hits a few hard kicks to the gut of Twilight and then from there Hardy hits a hip toss. then Twilight charges at Hardy and then hits a shoulder block to knock down Hardy. Twilight gets up and then picks up Hardy and hits a body slam. Twilight then charges at Hardy again. Hardy side steps him and then throws him back first into the corner, then pumps him in the corner. The ref tells him he has to back off and then Hardy shrugs his shoulders and charges in on Twilight and then Twilight gets him feet up and then Hardy charges into the feet of Twilight, Hardy turns around and then Twilight pulls himself on the second rope and then hooks Hardy and then nails a tornado DDT. Being that he has been effected by the moves, he then takes a few moments to recover and then Twilight has gotten to his feet. Twilight then charges at him at full steam. Twilight gets up and then charges at Hardy and then gets picked up and then hits a quick back breaker. Hardy goes back to try to recover and see’s Twilight down. But getting to his feet seemly out of it and then Hardy hits a few forearms to the face as Twilight stumbles back and then Hardy whips Twilight to the ropes and then Twilight bounces off the ropes. Though still pretty much out of it, Twilight throws herself into a chop block to the leg of Hardy to bring him down in pain. Twilight is on the ground herself as the ref starts give them the standing 10 count and gets a 1……………2…………….3…………….4………….5…. Hardy and Twilight get to their feet and their feet. Twilight stumbles into Hardy who picks up Twilight and then slams her. Hardy then waits for Twilight Twilight to get up, once he does Hardy picks him up and then drops him on the top turnbuckle. Hardy then climbs to the top rope and then sets him up and then hits a super belly to back suplex off the top turnbuckle. Both wrestlers go crashing to the mat. Hardy is able to roll out of the ring and then goes to the outside and grabs the ladder.]

Cole-Seems Travis Hardy is going to try to inflict some more punishment and get the bat wrapped in barbwire that is at the top of the hell in a cell.

King-God, I could have sworn I seen this in a bingo hall one time

[Hardy pushes the ladder into the ring and then rolls into the ring and then grabs the ladder and then waits for Twilight to get to his feet. Once he does Hardy hits a ladder shot to the face of Twilight. Hardy then looks to the corner and then sets the ladder up on the corner and then waits for Twilight to get up. Once he does he hits a double leg take down and then sets up and then nails a sling shot. Then Twilight is able to land on the ladder without crashing and is standing on the ladder in the corner. Hardy gets up, Twilight adjusts and then nails a missile drop kick on Hardy. Hardy goes down, then Twilight sets up the ladder in the corner and then Hardy gets up slowly and then Twilight picks up Hardy and then nails a body slam and then Twilight goes to the outside of the ring and then climbs to the top turnbuckle and then goes up even higher up on the ladder and then sets up and then leaps off the ladder and then nails a splash off the ladder and then Twilight falls off Hardy in a lot of pain from the move. But after a while he is able to get up and then recovers for a little bit and then Hardy who seems to be out of it as well, tries to get the advantage by charging at Twilight. But Twilight then counters it with a back body drop over the top rope and sends him crashing to the side arena floor. Twilight then drops down and then goes to the outside and then Hardy is getting up on the arena floor. Twilight then takes Hardy and then throws him shoulder first into the ring steps at ring side. Hardy stays there for a few moments and then Twilight pulls up Hardy and then throws him against the cage side and then Twilight then smashes Hardy into the cage.]

Cole-Twilight might be able to get the barbwire

King-How xtreme…

[Twilight then rolls into the ring and then grabs the ladder and sets it up in the ring under the barbwire wrapped 2 x 4 and then starts to claim up to the top. But suddenly Hardy slides into the ring and then hits a few shots to the back and then turns around, then gets Twilight in crufix powerbomb position and then hits a sit down crufix power bomb off the ladder! Both wrestlers are down as ref looks at the carnage. Hardy pulls himself up and then climbs to the top of the ladder and then grabs the 2 x 4 wrapped in barbwire (didn’t know if the match is suppose to end there, but we will say that it doesn’t and it ends after you hit someone with the object and pin them). Twilight stumbles up and then Hardy then raises the 2 x 4 thinking he has victory Twilight is up and then Hardy charges at Twilight and then Twilight counters it with a drop toe hold that sends Hardy falling face first into the barbwire! Twilight grabs the 2 x 4 and then waits for Hardy to get up, once he does Twilight jabs the 2 x 4 into the gut and then smashes it across the back of Hardy. Hardy goes down in pain, Twilight then quickly goes up the ladder as far as he can go and then leaps off and nails darkness falls on Hardy. Twilight then goes into the cover and gets the 1………….2…….3]

Cole-Twilight has won this match, but a great effort by the rookie!

[Micheal Cole stands in the ring as a desk and a red carpet are in the ring, Micheal Cole begins to speak as the fans begin to go wild as they know whats to come. Micheal Cole awaits for them to quite down.]

Micheal Cole: Feburary 29th, live from Arrowhead Pond in Anaheim, California comes EMF Payback! [Fans cheer] And at Payback the mainevent will be no other then the current world heavyweight champion, Wes Ikeda going up against a EMF legend and 4 time world heavyweight champion, Shawn Micheals! And tonight will be the contract signing for Payback's mainevent..So join me in welcoming one half of the owners of EMF, ladies and gentlemen...Triple H!!

[Triple H's theme hits as he walks out slowly to the ring with a chorus of boos and shockingly some cheers. Triple H jumps on the apron as he walks across before pausing, Triple H then leans back, extends his arms as he spits his water. Triple H then gets in the ring where he takes a seat at the middle of the table.]

Micheal Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, the challenger at Payback 2004, give it up for H...B...K, SHAWN MICHEALS!!

["Ahhh...Ahhh...Shawn" hits on the P.A. as Shawn walks out to the ring as he struts a little bit as he finally gets in the ring where he takes a seat and puts his feet up on the table.]

Micheal Cole: Finally, give it up for the current WORLD'S HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, [Fans cheer] WES IKEDA!!

[Wes' theme hits as he makes his way out to the ring as he comes out with many cheers but, a couple boos from the hardcore Shawn Micheals fans, Wes gets in the ring slowly looking in the eyes of Shawn and Triple H as he walks over and tosses down the heavyweight title in the middle of the table as he goes and takes his seat.]

Micheal Cole: Well lets go ahead and get this started...Shawn, if you would sign the contract...

[Shawn reaches over and grabs the contract as he looks over at Wes, Shawn then turns his attention away from Wes as he then signs the contract, Shawn just tosses over the contract to Wes as he goes flying in his lap. Wes chuckles a bit as he just puts the clipboard back on the table and begins to sign the contract, Wes gets down as he holds the clipboard over to Triple H as Triple H reaches over for it, Wes drops it on the ground as this kinda ticks off Triple H, Triple H just leans back in his chair trying not to lose his cool, Triple H then reaches over and picks the clipboard up off the canvas as he looks over to Wes and shakes his head. Triple H then signs the contract making it official.]

Micheal Cole: Well there you have it...

[Micheal Cole is then interrupted as Shawn Micheals pushes the desk over and gets up quickly as Wes stands up going face to face with Micheals. Wes then reaches down picking up a microphone as he continues to watch Micheals.]

Wes Ikeda: Now, I have said it before and I'll say it again Shawn, I respect you very much in this ring and what all you have done in this company, what you have done in this ring not many have been able to do and you be crazy not to respect you for that, but Shawn I ain't going down that easy, I will be a fighting champion and at Payback its just like the saying goes..."May the best man win", now we can end this in 2 ways, you can shake my hand or you and me can go out it right here, right now! [Fans cheer as Wes extends his hand.]

[Micheals looks around a bit as he reaches out and shakes Wes' hand as some of the fans cheer, but some boo as they want to see them fight. Triple H then reaches over and grabs the mic from Wes.]

Triple H: There you have it ladies and gentlemen...At Payback it will be Wes Ikeda vs Shawn Micheals!...And...And...just now announced Triple H as special guest referee!! [Fans boo]

[Wes and Shawn look over to Triple H with a what the hell face as both men argue with Triple H, the lights then turn off as the lights come back on as CM Punk, Twilight, and Messiah stand on one side of the ring as Triple H, Shawn Micheals, and Wes stand in the other. CM Punk, Twilight, and Messiah then charge in as Messiah goes to clothesline Wes but, Wes lowers his shoulder and back body drops Messiah out of the ring as he goes chasing after him, Wes goes to the outside as Wes goes over to Messiah, Messiah then hops up as he hits a right to Wes and sends him stumbling against the guardrail, Messiah then throws Wes over the guardrail as the 2 fight one another in the crowd. Micheal Cole takes off running out of the ring as he goes back to commentating table.]

Cole: What a turn of events, Triple H announces himself as special guest referee and then Twilight, CM Punk, and Messiah come out and attack Shawn, Wes, and Triple H! What does this mean with Triple H as special guest referee though?

King: I tell you what I think it means, I think Triple H and Shawn have some conspiracy going and they are going to screw over Wes....And I LOVE THAT IDEA!!

Cole: Shawn Micheals wouldn't have anything to do with Triple H would he?!

[CM Punk and Twilight continue to brawl with Triple H and Shawn, Shawn then clotheslines CM Punk over the top as Triple H then looks over to Shawn and instructs him to do something as he throws Twilight at Shawn and Shawn low bridges the top rope as Twilight goes flying to the outside, Shane McMahon then comes out from the crowd as he nails Triple H in the back with a chair.]

Cole: Ohh my, right on that injured back of Triple H's!

[Shane stands over top of Triple H for a moment as Micheals talks trash to Twilight, Micheals then turns around and notices Shane, Shane drops his chair as he tries to run, Micheals catches Shane as he pulls him in the middle of the ring and drops him with a right hand, Micheals then goes up to the top and drops a quick elbow drop to the chest of Shane, Micheals then calls for some Sweet Chin Music as he stomps his feet and the fans stomp their feet with him. Shane begins to slowly stand as he slowly turns around, Micheals then charges in with a superkick but, Shane quickly jumps out of the way as Micheals connects the newly standing Triple H with it instead. Shane quickly jumps out of the ring and joins Twilight and CM Punk walking up the ramp as Shawn yells at all 3 men while looking at Triple H.]

King: So much for Triple H and Shawn working together...

Cole: HBK may have just blew his chances at Payback...Good night everyone!