EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(the EMF logo blasts over the screen as we go right into the arena as fans cheer, the camera goes to JR and the King) Jim Ross - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, Psycho!!! (crowd boos ****)

[Psycho comes to the ring. ]

Jim Ross - and his opponent, Hellraiser!!! (crowd boos ******)

[Hellraiser walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Hellraiser gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Psycho. Hellraiser places Psycho on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (ding, ding, ding) Psycho hits a jumping elbow hrust on Hellraiser. Hellraiser gets hit with the shooting star press from Psycho. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 Hellraiser kicks out. ]

The King - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like Hellraiser.

[Psycho delivers a spinning backbreak to Hellraiser. Psycho knees Hellraiser and rolls back to his feet. Psycho fist drops Hellraiser on the mat. Hellraiser gets back to his feet. Hellraiser executes a spinning back suplex on Psycho. Hellraiser gets back to his feet. Hellraiser locks Psycho in the odd octopus hold. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... Psycho is fighting the hold. ... Hellraiser tightens the hold. ... Hellraiser breaks the hold. Psycho moves back to his feet. Psycho slaps Hellraiser. Hellraiser takes Psycho down with a knee. Hellraiser fist drops Psycho on the mat. Now Hellraiser standing. Psycho moves back to his feet. Psycho hits him with a back fist. Psycho executes a jawbreakeron Hellraiser. Psycho gets back to his feet. Hellraiser gets back to his feet. Psycho takes Hellraiser down with a knee. Hellraiser climbs to his feet. Hellraiser with spinning headscissors on Psycho send him hard to the mat. Hellraiser and Psycho go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]

The King - Ha!

[(..2) Hellraiser stomps Psycho. (...3) Psycho double underhook faceslams Hellraiser hard to the Hellraiser. Hellraiser gets up. (....4) Hellraiser tackles and begins punching Psycho. Psycho stands up. (.....5) Psycho takes Hellraiser into the ring. Psycho legsweeps Hellraiser. Psycho executes a corkscrew legdrop on Hellraiser. Psycho is back on his feet. Hellraiser stands up. Hellraiser goes for a back breaker but Psycho dodges the attack. Hellraiser and Psycho go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Hellraiser throws a chair at Psycho. (..2) Hellraiser nails Psycho with a belly-to-back suplex. (...3) Psycho hits Hellraiser with a rolling elbow smash to the face. ]

Jim Ross - Psycho executes a rolling elbow smash.

[Hellraiser stands up. (....4) Hellraiser uppercuts Psycho. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Psycho and Hellraiser move back to ringside. They fight into the aisle. Psycho and Hellraiser move back to ringside. They fight into the aisle. Psycho and Hellraiser move back to ringside. They fight into the aisle. Psycho and Hellraiser move back to ringside. They fight into the aisle. Psycho and Hellraiser move back to ringside. They head back into the ring. Psycho executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Hellraiser. Psycho applies an arm wrench to Hellraiser. Now Hellraiser standing. Psycho dropkicks Hellraiser to the face. ]

The King - dropkick!

[Psycho gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Hellraiser hits Psycho with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Now Hellraiser standing. Psycho climbs to his feet. Psycho hits Hellraiser with the back of his elbow. Hellraiser executes a jawbreakeron Psycho. Hellraiser moves back to his feet. Hellraiser puts Psycho in an arm grapevine submission. Hellraiser rolls onto Psycho connecting with a knee. Hellraiser puts Psycho in an arm grapevine submission. Psycho side slams Hellraiser. Psycho chants start. ]

Jim Ross - Nice side slam by Psycho.

[Psycho climbs to his feet. Hellraiser hits a power slam on Psycho. Hellraiser chants start. ]

The King - What a power slam!!

[Hellraiser climbs to his feet. ]

Jim Ross - My God!! What a match!

[Hellraiser stomps Psycho's head. Psycho gives Hellraiser a reverse neckbreaker. Psycho stands up. Hellraiser gets back to his feet. Hellraiser delivers a kick to the head of Psycho. Hellraiser gets hit with a dragon scerw from Psycho. Now Psycho standing. Psycho hits Hellraiser with an elbowdrop. Psycho gets up. Hellraiser climbs to his feet. Hellraiser delivers a stiff inverted powerbomb send Psycho hard to the mat. Indian deathlock applied by Hellraiser. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... Psycho is fighting the hold. ... Psycho escapes. Hellraiser sends Psycho to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]

Jim Ross - I wish every match could be like this!

[Hellraiser fist drops Psycho on the floor. Hellraiser gets back to his feet. Hellraiser hits Psycho with an elbowdrop. Hellraiser chants start. Hellraiser gets back to his feet. Psycho takes Hellraiser into the ring. They lockup. Psycho sends Hellraiser to the corner of the ring. Psycho with a huge fisherman buster on Hellraiser. Psycho chants start. Psycho executes the Supper DDT on Hellraiser! Hellraiser gets hit with the PSYCHO BOMB! from Psycho. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3

Jim Ross - The winner of this match, Psycho!!!

JR: Well next we have a Heavily anticipated match, and these two competitors have had a huge rivalry over the last months…

King: Ahhh I know! Its great, Phantom has been really teaching Wasabi to keep his big mouth shut.

JR: Until the injury.

King: Well that’s the thing JR, that idiot Wasabi had to go and wreck his ankle. And because of that they haven’t even had a 1 on 1 match yet!

“Fat Lip” by Sum 41 blares across the arena, as Wasabi makes his way to the ring. He carries a fire Extinguisher.

Howard Finkle: Making his way to the ring, weighing in at….

Wasabi grabs a mic, and interrupts him.

Wasabi: “Isn’t it a bit personal giving out people’s measurements? How about I announce you, I could say; Making his way to the ring at this time, he wears a bald cap and a size 12B bra, Howard Finkel! The people aren’t here for ‘This is your life’ you stupid fucknuckle. Anyway I have a bone to pick with Phantom. Get your ass out here Flame boy!”

“Clubbed to Death” by Rob D hits the PA system as Phantom marches to the ring. His new pyro erupts as flames rage across the stage. As he comes out, he walks directly through the blaze.

Phantom: “I can’t fucking believe you Wasabi. Absolutely cannot believe it. You prance around like a golden god, yet; really you’re just a punk ass bitch with a big mouth…. Tonight, for the last time, I’m going to destroy you. You should be quite familiar with 3rd degree burns by now? Hate brings about destruction Wasabi… And I hate you with every ounce of my god forsaken existence.”

He runs down to the ring, and Wasabi and Phantom go at it while the hell in a cell is still lowering. Punches are thrown back and forward, and Phantom gets the advantage. He whacks him a few more times, and then Irish whips him into the ropes. Phantom goes for the clothesline, but Wasabi ducks, and grabs Phantom by the waist. Phantom grabs Wasabi’s arm and twists it with a vicious arm wrench. Elbow to the back of the head. Wasabi falls to the ground face first. As he slowly gets up, Phantom starts arguing with a man in the crowd. Wasabi with the low blow. Phantom yelps with pain, as Wasabi hits a vicious clothesline to the back of Phantom’s head. Wasabi picks him up and throws him to the outside. He smashes his head into the metal piping of the corner of the cell, while the crowd counts along. ….7…8…. 9…10. Phantom’s body falls to the ground, limp. Wasabi screams to the crowd.

JR: Oh my god… That’s got to hurt…

Jerry “The King” Lawler: That idiot Wasabi wouldn’t know… with a head that thick.

Wasabi goes to get the fire extinguisher, which he left near the stairs. As he is about to clock Wasabi with it, Phantom hits the double leg takedown. Wasabi falls back, and Phantom goes to the other end of the cell to take a run up with the fire Extinguisher. As he starts running, Wasabi grabs the stairs and screams as he throws them at Phantom. The stairs hit the fire extinguisher, which in turn hits Phantom in the face. Phantom lies on the ground, moaning, as an insane look comes over Wasabi’s face. He goes under the ring and pulls out a Kendo Stick. He starts hitting phantom with it as many times as possible. He pulls phantom up by the hair and throws him in the ring. Wasabi climbs up top of the turnbuckle, and goes for the Hang Time. He hits it, and goes for the pin. The crowd count along with the referee. 1! 2!

JR: He kicked out!!! HE KICKED OUT, HE KICKED OUT!!!!

Jerry “The King” Lawler: Okay, okay I get the idea, no need to shout… Wasabi can’t believe it!”

Wasabi looks infuriated. Phantom slowly gets up, and Wasabi grabs him and Irish whips him into the ropes. He runs after him, and hits him with a massive clothesline. Phantom falls to the outside from the impact. As Phantom gets up slowly, Wasabi bounces off the ropes on the opposite side to the ring. He goes for a suicide dive, but Phantom spots it coming and gets out of the way, and Wasabi goes straight through the cage to the floor.

JR: Straight to the outside!!! Things are picking up, and this match is about to get a whole lot more painful for the two competitors.

Phantom Picks up Wasabi and carries him to the announce tables. He drops Wasabi, and clears the two tops of the announce tables. He goes to the timekeepers table

JR: What’s he doing??? Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod!! He’s not!?

He starts pouring a liquid over the Spanish announce table as the commentators get outta the way. He pulls out a match, lights it, and throws it at the table, and the table bursts into flames. He pulls the still drowsy Wasabi up onto the English table, and grabs by the legs, going for a spine buster onto the table, but Wasabi counters with an axe handle and throws Phantom, by the hair, onto the Spanish announce table. He jumps off screaming, as the time keeper puts him out with a fire hydrant. He then puts out the table, which is now charred. Phantom is lying on the ground screaming in agony. Wasabi taunts to the crowd, and slowly walks towards Phantom. Phantom starts begging, and when he sees Wasabi isn’t backing off, he runs towards the cell and starts climbing. Wasabi starts climbing after him, but not after quickly grabbing a kendo stick from under the English announcers table. Up the top they both come to blows, with Wasabi and the Kendo stick coming out on top. Wasabi puts Phantom between his legs, and lifts him up.


With a massive thud, Phantom gets power bombed straight through the cage, into the ring. By now the crowd is going insane. Wasabi yells out to the crowd “HANGTIME!!!!” and stands at the edge of the hole. He jumps, and he flies through the air. But as he does, Phantom sees him and somehow manages to roll out of the way. Wasabi falls, and his head bounces off the canvas with a sickening thud. Phantom stands up, kneels over, and coughs up blood over the ring, then collapses onto the ground.

JR: The referee needs to stop this match now before someone gets killed.

King: Nah… he’s not going to. I saw this coming, the hate these two have between them is incredible.

The ref starts the Ten count. At around seven, Phantom stands up. Wasabi lies there unconscious from the thud. Phantom picks him up and takes him to the turnbuckle. By now, Wasabi has woken up and has a look of amazement on his face. Phantom still holds him by the hair. Phantom climbs the turnbuckle while holding Wasabi. He puts on a reverse headlock, flips over Wasabi, taking Wasabi down with him

JR: Was that a stone cold stunner off the top rope?!!

King: No… Oh no… That was no stunner. That was the Spirits within!

Phantom gets him down on the ground and covers him. The crowd Boo with all the volume they can get. 1!

JR: Oh no!!!!


King: Looks like phantom’s finally done it.


The crowd boos even louder as “Clubbed to Death” by Rob-D hits the PA system. Phantom stands up, the referee raises his hand, and he collapses on top of Wasabi. The Cell is being raised as two stretchers rush to ringside. The EMTs take both Wasabi and Phantom backstage.

Carnage & Wes vs. Total Destruction (EMF tag )

Howard Finkle - This match is a Standard Match tag match for the EMF tag titles. On there way to the ring at this time, Carnage & Wes!!!

[Carnage & Wes come to the ring. ]

Howard Finkle - and their opponents, the team of Total Destruction.

[Total Destruction walk to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this match. Earl Hebner checks Road's boots and knee pads. (ring, ring, ring) Road and Carnage are rolling on the ground, then Road grabs Carnage's neck in a guillotine choke. Road puts Carnage in an arm grapevine submission. Destroyer tagged in by Road. Destroyer stands up. Destroyer kicks Carnage on the mat. Destroyer knees Carnage and rolls back to his feet. Carnage tags Wes. Wes power slams Destroyer. Carnage sets Destroyer up DDTs him into the mat. Wes piledrives Destroyer. ]

Jim Ross - This is just awefull! Destroyer is being double teamed!

[Wes punches Destroyer in the gut. Destroyer get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Wes. ]

Jim Ross - Wes with a double axhandle chop.

[Wes goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Destroyer. Destroyer rols over and brings in Road for Total Destruction. Flying side kick by Wes takes Road off his feet. Wes climbs to his feet. Wes makes the tag to Carnage. Carnage climbs to the top turnbuckle and jumps off with an Air Sabu on Road. Carnage is trying to put Road away with a choke sleeper. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... ... Road is fighting the hold. ... Road escapes. Carnage drags Road to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - I wish every match could be like this!

[(..2) Carnage executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Road. Road gets up. (...3) Carnage gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Road. (....4) Carnage bites Road's arm out of desparation. (.....5) Carnage takes Road into the ring. Road gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Carnage. Road climbs to his feet. Road trys for a brain buster but Carnage avoids it. Carnage gets knock to the ground while Road locks him in the chinlock deathlock submission. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... Road tightens the hold. Road breaks the hold. Road and Carnage go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Road executes a neck scissors on Carnage. Road stands up. They head back into the ring. Road makes the tag to Destroyer. Carnage punches Destroyer repeatedly. Destroyer tags Road. Carnage double underhook faceslams Road hard to the Road. Road climbs to his feet. Road executes a neck scissors on Carnage. Road chants start. Road stands up. Wes tagged in by Carnage. Wes picks up Road and executes the cradle DDT. Wes executs the slingshot facebuster, slamming Road's face to the mat. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Road is being double teamed! I LOVE it!!

[Road holds Wes in the corner, choking him with his forearm. Wes gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Road. Road holds Wes in the corner, choking him with his forearm. Road executes the brain buster on Wes. Now Road standing. Road sends Wes to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Road swings a Steel chair and hits Wes. Wes is bleeding as a result. ]

Jim Ross - Are you enjoying this match?

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Oh yeah!

[(..2) Wes comes from behind and bulldogs Road. Wes climbs to his feet. Road is back on his feet. (...3) Wes grabs Road by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. ]

Jim Ross - Road takes a armbreaker.

[(....4) Wes pins Road against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Road executes the brain buster on Wes. Road gets back to his feet. (.....5) (......6) Road and Wes move back into the ring. Wes gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Road. Wes neck snaps Road. Wes applies the clawhold on Road. Wes makes the tag to Carnage. Wes hits Road with a headbutt to the mid-section. ]

Jim Ross - Road is being double teamed!

[Wes bites Road's arm out of desparation. Wes discus punches Road. Wes goes for a reverse DDT but Road dodges the attack. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Road is getting the crap kicked out of him!

[Road trys for a neck scissors but Wes avoids it. Carnage makes the tag to Wes. Road pins Wes against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Wes brings in Carnage for Carnage & Wes. Carnage puts Road in the double underhook position and gives him a double underhook backbreaker. Wes picks up Road and hits him with a Back Suplex. Road gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Road gets free and makes the tag to Destroyer. Destroyer connects with a flying knee. Wes goes down. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Wes takes a knee.

[Destroyer brings in Road for Total Destruction. Destroyer hits Wes with the crotch slam. Destroyer executes a spinning DDT, planting Wes's head in the mat. Destroyer hits Wes with a slingshot bodyblock. Destroyer executes a swinging bulldog on Wes driving Wes's face into the mat. Destroyer moves back to his feet. Wes gets hit with the shooting star press from Destroyer. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 Wes kicks out. ]

Jim Ross - Destroyer should have known better than to try for a shooting star press at this point in the match.

[Wes climbs to his feet. Road brings in Destroyer for Total Destruction. Wes hits Destroyer with the crotch slam. Wes drags Destroyer to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - I wish every match could be like this!

[(..2) Wes executes a corkscrew legdrop on Destroyer. Wes gets up. (...3) Wes jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Destroyer. Wes moves back to his feet. Destroyer stands up. Wes picks Destroyer up and side suplexes him to the floor. Now Wes standing. Wes takes Destroyer into the ring. Wes brings in Carnage for Carnage & Wes. Carnage legsweeps Destroyer. Destroyer gets hit with a running powerslam by Wes. Carnage chops Destroyer. ]

Jim Ros - Come on ref! Do something!! Destroyer is being double teamed!

[Destroyer uses a closed fist on Carnage. ]

Jim Ross - punch!

[Road tagged in by Destroyer. Carnage tags Wes. Wes with a headscissors takeover on Road. Carnage rakes the face of Road in attempt to make a come back. Road gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Wes. Wes gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Road. Wes goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Road. Wes stands up. Road gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Wes. ]

Jim Ross - Wes with a diving elbow smash.

[Wes climbs to his feet. Road tags Destroyer. Wes with an Aztecan suplex on Destroyer sends him to the mat. Wes gets up. Destroyer tags in Road. Wes hits Road with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Wes gets up. Road executes the brain buster on Wes. Road moves back to his feet. Wes gets up. Road grabs Wes from behind and puts on an abdominal stretch. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... Road breaks the hold. Road executes a neck scissors on Wes. Road chants start. Road gets back to his feet. Wes makes the tag to Carnage. Carnage unleashes the Canadian backbreaker on Road. They lockup. Wes sends Road to the corner of the ring. Wes punches Road repeatedly. Road puts Wes in an arm grapevine submission. ]

Howard Finkle - arm grapevine!

[Wes is up again. Wes hits Road with the back of his elbow. Road tags Destroyer. Road executes a neck scissors on Carnage. Destroyer sets Carnage up DDTs him into the mat. Carnage puts Destroyer in an arm grapevine submission. Destroyer stands up. Wes tagged in by Carnage. Wes executes a flying sommersault bodyblock on Destroyer from off the top rope. Wes hits the fallaway slam on Destroyer. Carnage picks up Destroyer and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker. ]

Jim Ross - Destroyer is being double teamed!

[Carnage gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Destroyer. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Destroyer takes a jumping neck snap.

[Destroyer gets hit with a flying forearm right to the face. Carnage goes for a pin. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 Destroyer escapes. ]

Jim Ross - Carnage should have known better than to try for a pin at this point in the match.

[Carnage goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on Destroyer. ]

Jim Ross - Carnage executes a flying hip attack.

[Carnage stands up. Carnage tagged in by Wes. Carnage with a falling splash on Destroyer. ]

Jim Ross - Nice falling splash by Carnage.

[Carnage moves back to his feet. Wes tagged in by Carnage. Destroyer uses a lariat on Wes. Wes makes the tag to Carnage. Carnage with an Aztecan suplex on Destroyer sends him to the mat. Destroyer with a huge super fisherman buster, driving Carnage into the mat. Destroyer is up again. Carnage brings in Wes for Carnage & Wes. Destroyer hits Wes with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Follows up with a elbowdrop.

[Now Destroyer standing. Wes gets back to his feet. Destroyer tags in Road. Wes gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Road. Wes gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Road. Road brings in Destroyer for Total Destruction. Wes punches Destroyer in the head. Wes brings in Carnage for Carnage & Wes. Carnage moves back to his feet. Carnage hits Destroyer with a heart punch. Carnage makes the tag to Wes. Destroyer gets knocked on the ground and Wes flips onto him. Wes puts Destroyer in an arm grapevine submission. ]

Jim Ross - Destroyer takes a arm grapevine.

[Road tagged in by Destroyer. They lockup. Destroyer sends Wes to the corner of the ring. Destroyer stands up. Wes trys for a body slam but Destroyer avoids it. Destroyer gets knock to the ground while Wes locks him in the chinlock deathlock submission. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... Wes tightens the hold. Wes breaks the hold. Destroyer delivers a stiff inverted powerbomb send Wes hard to the mat. Wes gouges Destroyer's eyes out. Wes puts Destroyer on the top rope and executes a superplex. Wes stands up. Destroyer climbs to his feet. Wes double underhook faceslams Destroyer hard to the Destroyer. Wes applies an arm wrench to Destroyer. Destroyer is up again. Wes slaps Destroyer. Destroyer jabs Wes. Destroyer chants start. Destroyer nails Wes with an inverted DDT. Destroyer tags in Road and Wes manages to tag in carnage. arnage hits Road with a stiff clothesline. He picks up Road and whips him into the corner. Carnage grabs Road and monkey flips him from out of the corner. Carnage grabs Road and hits a vertabreaker. Carnage with the cover. 1...2..3...
Howard Finkle - The winners and new EM tag team hampions. Carnage and Wes!!!!

"Denial" blasts on the PA system and out walks Hiroko along with Krystal

JR-What a response for the Hall of Famer

King-Damn it Hiroko's old....though Krystal is still here

"Bleed" blasts on the PA system

King-Hey JR it's the sick fuck

JR-I still don't know how you get away with that

King-I got it worked in my contact after I got rehired

"Timmay's theme" blasts on the PA system as Timmay walks to the ring.


JR-Yeah we know King...

[Timmay and Hiroko go at each other while Franchize leans back into the corner as Timmay and Hiroko exchange fists. Hiroko gets the upper hand and Timmay rocks back into the corner, Timmay is in the corner Hiroko hits a few fists to the face. Hiroko hits a few knife edge chops into the chest of Timmay. Hiroko then whips Timmay to the other side, so fast Timmay does a flip as he reaches the corner and lands on the apron. Franchize goes over and charges at Timmay. Franchize then hits a clothesline on Timmay that knocks Timmay to the outside, Franchize and Hiroko pace around the ring. Franchize charges at Hiroko, Hiroko side side steps Franchize and hits a drop toe hold into the turnbuckle face first. Hiroko gets up and just realizes that Timmay is back in the ring and charging at him to duck in time. Hiroko kicks Timmay in the gut and runs to the ropes and hits a swing neck breaker. Hiroko goes for the cover, Franchize gets up and trys for a elbow drop. But Hiroko moves out of the way of Franchize, Franchize goes crashing into the mat. Franchize gets up fast and holds his elbow in pain. Hiroko hits a knife edge chop that backs him to the ropes and trys whips him to the ropes from there. But Franchize reverses the whip to send Hiroko to the ropes, Hiroko bounces off the ropes and trys for a flying forearm. But Franchize ducks out of the way and Hiroko goes flying into Timmay. Hiroko a little stunned from that gets clotheslined over the top rope by Franchize, Hiroko goes flying outside. As Franchize waits for the stunned Timmay to turn around, Franchize then kicks Timmay in the gut doubling him over. Franchize then sets up and lifts Timmay in place for the piledriver. Franchize hits a piledriver and then rolls under the ropes and uses the ropes from the apron to get up. Franchize climbs to the top rope and leaps off and hits a splash on Timmay Franchize gets a 1......2....kick out. Hiroko grabs Franchize's leg from the outside and pulls him to the outside as well. Hiroko pulls Franchize up and smashes his face into the ring apron that stuns Franchize. Hiroko then throws Franchize into the stairs shoulders first, Hiroko then slides into the ring as Timmay is slowly getting up. Hiroko hits a few fists that knocks Timmay to the ropes. Hiroko ties up Timmay into the ropes, Hiroko hits a few fists to Timmay's face. Hiroko then backs up and comes charging at Timmay and hits a low front drop kick into the gut. Timmay gets out of the ropes and slowly gets up as Hiroko bounces off the ropes and trys for a clothesline. But Timmay counters with a back body drop and Hiroko goes to the outside]

JR-this is a slobberknocker

King-Yeah Timmay might really need a wheel chair after this match.

[Timmay goes down on one knee after all the punishment he has taken, Franchize is waiting from the apron for Timmay to get to his feet and turn around. Timmay does so and Franchize spring boards on the top rope and leaps from there for an flying ax handle on Timmay. But Timmay is able to counter it by hitting a fist to the gut doubling Franchize over as he reaches the ground. Timmay then sets up and hits a Russian leg sweep on Franchize and goes right into the cover for the 1.....2..kick out. Timmay pulls Franchize up and hits a european upper cut that knocks Franchize to the ropes. Timmay pulls up Franchize and hits a knife edge chop on Franchize that eco's through the arena.Timmay whips Franchize off the ropes, Franchize bounces off the ropes. Timmay charges and hits a running clothesline to knock Franchize down, Timmay then runs to the ropes and hits a senton splash. Timmay goes to the outside and climbs to the top rope, Timmay waits on the top for Franchize to get up. Once he does Timmay leaps off the top and hits a cross body block and goes into the cover for the 1....2...Hiroko pulls Timmay out of the ring and hits a few fists, Timmay goes flying into the announcers table. Timmay lays limp on there as Hiroko goes over and trash talks him a little and throws him face first into the table and does that a few more times as Timmay is seemly out of it. Hiroko then rolls into the ring as Franchize is getting up. Franchize stumbles towards Hiroko, Hiroko ducks and puts Franchize on his shoulders and then slams him down hard for the spine buster. Franchize crawls on his side, Hiroko hits a few knee drops into the back. Franchize is finally able to get to his feet, Hiroko gets ready as Franchize still stunned stumbles right to Hiroko, Hiroko picks up Franchize and slams him down for back breaker. Hiroko gets up and signals for the agony of life as he waits for Franchize to get back up. Hiroko is about to kick Franchize in the gut. But Timmay is now on the apron, Hiroko hits a fist that knocks Timmay off the apron, Franchize is now up. Hiroko runs to the ropes and trys to hit a flying clothesline, but at the last second Franchize ducks and Hiroko goes flying right into the ref]

King-Damn it the ref is knocked out again, it must suck to have a job that you keep getting knocked out

JR-yeah King

King-Well at least he doesn't have a announcers table that every show the wrestlers set out to destroy....It's a conspiracy!!

[Franchize rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair and rolls back into the ring. Franchize is behind Hiroko as Timmay and Hiroko exchanges fists. Franchize ready's himself as Hiroko turns around from one punch, Franchize goes to hit Hiroko with the chair, but Hiroko ducks and hits Timmay instead. Franchize and Hiroko look like they are a bout to hit each other after that, then they both look down at Timmay and start to hit stomps on him. Franchize throws the chair down on the mat near Hiroko, Hiroko gets ready near the chair. Franchize pulls up Timmay and throws him into Hiroko who kicks Timmay in the gut and hits the agony of life on the chair. Franchize quickly throws out the chair outside the ring as the ref is getting up. Hiroko goes into the cover as the ref counts 1.....2....3. Franchize rolls into the ring with two T-shirts, both Franchize and Hiroko put them on]

King-Whoo-ah it's the HoRdE *takes off his regular shirt to reveal a "HoRdE rules 4 ever" shirt"

JR-No King I'm pretty sure that's Degeneration-X

King-are you sure....damn it JR *puts back his normal shirt*

*Shockwave goes off the air as Franchize and Hiroko both wearing DX shirts and doing the DX chop on seperate turnbuckles.