EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(Shockwave's video plays, it ends and we go into the ARCO Arena that's darken. Firework's start blasting on the Shockwave stage, and the lights are turned on as they finish. Fans wave their signs that read "Smarks = not Hardy marks", "Hash = The new REAL person", and "Stephanie fears aging", and "Widow's gonna kill you".)

JR-Welcome Saturday Shockwave, I'm good ol' JR along side Jerry "the King" Lawler, and Kris Gaffney. What a show we have for you tonight.

King-Yeah, for once I agree with you.

Kris Gaffney-AAAAHHHHH, the end is here!

(We go to a shot of outside the arena and John Cena is seen pulling up in one of his many expensive sports cars. He exits the car, and Natasha Jones exits the other side. Both close their doors and then Cena looks around. Eventually someone appears. Cena hands them they keys.)

Cena: "You know where to put it I guess?"

(Clearly thinking himself above the valet, he doesn't wait for a response,

Suddenly the camera focuses on the valet, who looks towards the way Cena went. A smile comes on their face, suddenly they take their cap off to reveal a lot long red hair. It's Amy Jericho, she looks at the keys, then says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Wow, guess he's not that bright,...and they say I don't have a chance at Payback.

(Amy laughs to herself, and gets in the car, and drives off.)

**The camera shows the front entrance of the arena. There are thousands of fans lined up waiting to get in. Wait, who’s this in line? It’s Hash, John Scena, and Tommy. They get up to the front of the line and Hash tries to give his ticket to the ticket taker, Jim.**

Jim: Hey, aren’t you Hash?

Hash: Yeah. Jim: Aren’t you supposed to be making your debut tonight against MXMXPunk?

Hash: Oh…that was for real? I thought it was a joke. I mean, have you seen this guy? He can’t possibly be a wrestler.

Jim: Yeah, he’s been on EMF for a while now. Haven’t you seen him.

Hash: *whispering*Between you and me, I just needed a job, I’ve never watched this show before. Is it any good?

Jim: Well, you’re on it now, so if it's not, it's your job to make it better. As a wrestler/employee, you don’t have to buy a ticket.

Hash: Oh, good! Where do I go to get my money back?

Jim: Sorry, no refunds.

Hash: *laughing* Well, isn’t this first class. You guyst really treat your employees great! *whispering again* Hey, just between you and me, is this stuff real? I’ve heard it’s fake, but it looks like it really hurts.

Jim: What! You mean, you don't have any training as a wrestler.

Hash: *nervously* Uh..I mean, yeah...uh..lots of it..I’m just playing with ya. Catch you later.

**Hash, Tommy, and John Scena start walking briskly around back to the wrestler’s entrance. The camera fades as you hear this last little bit of conversation.**

John Scena: Why did you tell that guy that you’re not trained? You’ve been doing this for 5 years now?

Hash: Man, I'm a heel.

Tommy: What does that have to do with anything.

Hash: Uh...a lot...like...

Fistfull of Steel hits and Katrina makes her way out onto the stage. She now has Stephanie's dress from BMW's attack on her around her neck. She started to walk down the aisle and raised her arms in the air yelling at fans how she was their champion. She climbed up onto the apron and pulling the dress from around her neck and tossed it into the ring and grabbed the top rope and much like Victoria does jumped over the top rope landing right next to the dress and in one fluid motion was able to bend down and pick up the dress then jump up on the second turnbuckle and raise her arms again the dress in her right hand. She waved it like a flag. She jumped down and stood in her corner leaning back against the corner putting the dress around her neck one more time and awaiting on Stephanie she raised her hand to her mouth and making like she was yawning out of boredom waiting.)

JR-This match is fairly big for Katrina's opponent.

King- Doesn't look like it's for Kat.

Kris Gaffney-She looks like she's ready to go to sleep.

King-No…that's the writer.

("All Grown Up" blasts on the PA system as Stephanie walks to the ring, and looks in the ring as Katrina waits for her.)

JR-With Katrina's attack on her sister…Stephanie might be able to get her fans back.

King-God…their so fair weather

Kris Gaffney-You are telling me…go to a Magi…I mean….oh hell…

[Stephanie comes into the ring, and gets up in Katrina's face. Katrina answers back with a pie face. Stephanie stumbles back, and tries to go back, but Katrina is quick to the punch. But Stephanie ducks Katrina's punch, and goes behind Katrina. Katrina turns around and Stephanie hits a few hard forearms to the face of Katrina's face. Katrina stumbling back, but Katrina pokes Stephanie in the eye to stop her momentum. Stephanie stumbles back, holding her face, and she turns around and gets a stiff hard clothesline that takes down Stephanie down to the mat. Stephanie gets hit with a few hard stomps while she's down, Stephanie gets on all fours. Katrina backs up, and hits a hard stiff kick into the ribs. Stephanie rolls out of the ring after the force of that last kick. Katrina mocks Stephanie, this actually draws boo's. Katrina steps out of the ring ropes, and measures up. Katrina leaps off the apron and comes crashing down on the back of Stephanie who was trying to get up to her feet. Stephanie goes back down to her knee's, Katrina mocks Stephanie who is down on her knee's. Katrina kicks Stephanie hard into the back, Stephanie goes down. Katrina grabs Stephanie by the hair, and throws her hard into the steel steps. Katrina see's grabs Stephanie by the hair, and pulls her up, and rolls her into the ring. Katrina jumps on the apron, and sling shots herself over the top rope into a sling shot leg drop across the throat of Stephanie. Katrina goes into the cover, and gets the 1……..2……..kick out by Stephanie. Katrina looks like she's going insane, as she then questions and yells at the ref. Katrina then starts to choke Stephanie as the ref counts. Finally Katrina breaks hold, not wanting to get DQed. Stephanie looks like she's in pain, Katrina starts hitting fist after fist on the downed Stephanie. Stephanie is able to get her hands up, and protect her face unlike the last time. She blocks one, and spins around and hits a few fists to the face of Katrina. Katrina pushes Stephanie off, Stephanie gets up and hits a few fists trying to get the match in her favorite. But Katrina answers with a knee lift into the gut, and tries to whip Stephanie to the ropes, and does. Stephanie bounces off the ropes and hits a flying forearm to the face of Katrina.]

King-That might give Stephanie sometime to rest.

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, but she's been getting the hell beat out of her.

JR-I must admit, even though some of our fans don't like her as much, she has shown a lot of heart. We will see if it will be enough to survive this match.

[Katrina see's Stephanie who is getting up to her feet, but she's seemly very hurt. Katrina charges at Stephanie, but it's countered with a back body drop. Katrina lands on her feet, Stephanie turns around, Katrina grabs Stephanie's hair, and tries to take her into the turnbuckle from the outside. Stephanie is able to get her foot up to block it, Stephanie throws Katrina's hand off her hair, Stephanie grabs Katrina's hair, and smashes Katrina's face into the unexposed part of the turnbuckle. Katrina bounces off, holding on to the ropes to make sure that she doesn't fall off the apron. Stephanie charges and uses the ropes to sling shot over the top rope. Katrina is in pain, and Katrina stumbles up to her feet. Stephanie kicks her in the gut, tries to lift her up for her husbands falcon arrow. But Katrina is able to shift her weight, goes behind Stephanie and charges and tries to roll her up. But Stephanie holds on to the ropes, Katrina does a reverse summersault, gets up charges at Stephanie. Stephanie counters with a drop toe hold that sends Katrina's neck into the second rope. Katrina bounces up from the rope, and stumbles towards Stephanie who comes from behind Katrina and hits a reverse DDT. Stephanie goes into the cover and gets the 1…….2……..kick out. Stephanie makes an X with her arms, as her husband would do. She waits for Katrina to get up, Katrina stumbles up. Stephanie kicks her in the gut and goes for the Chiller. But Stephanie gets pushed off and Stephanie goes crashing into the ref in the corner. (I want to be a ref…..I would wish it was Amy…but I wouldn't have any problem with an old school Stephanie.)]

King-So…why did the ref go down like that.

Kris Gaffney-I don't know, seems if the wind picks up, they die.

[Stephanie looks shocked at what she did, she turns around into a DDT by Katrina. Katrina goes to the outside, and looks like she snapped. Katrina gets a chair, in the ring Stephanie's gotten up. Katrina cracks it across her back. Stephanie's face twists in pain, but she just falls to her knee's. Katrina throws the chair down on the mat, and picks up Stephanie, it looks like she's going to DDT her face first into the chair. Before she can drive Stephanie's face into it, suddenly the crowd cheers, Katrina throws Stephanie down to the mat. As Mercedes comes into the ring and spears down Katrina, Mercedes hits a few fists to the face, Katrina pushes off Mercedes, Katrina gets up. Mercedes gets the chair. But before she can use it. Katrina rolls out of the ring, and suddenly the bell rings as Mercedes stands there in shock. The ref had come to, and saw the chair use. While Katrina had an opening, she quickly grabbed Stephanie's dress, and is in the isle as the announces her the winner via DQ.]

(Stephanie is sitting there in the ring, not knowing what to think. She looks beat up, and disappointed that the match stopped like that. She looks to roll out of the ring, when she's stopped by Mercedes. Mercedes walks over to the ropes and takes a microphone from the Announcer..)

Mercedes: hold up a minute Stephanie. Look I'm sorry for costing you the match. It wasn't my intention. I couldn't stand in the back any longer and watch my sister attempt to cheat. So I came out here, against medical advice risked getting my face screwed up more. Now that I've taken care of Katrina I have one more thing to do

(Stephanie looks around, consider and mouths "what" keeping her guard up. Not fully trusting Mer, and the fact she cost her the match didn't help)

Mercedes: Two weeks ago you beat me fair and square. Basically I know that you are no joke when it comes to wrestling. So this is what I have to do.. *she extended her right hand to Stephanie*

(Stephanie looks down at her hand for a moment or two, she looks like she doesn't know what to think. The crowd is giving her some encouragement. She slowly brings her hand up, and shakes it to an actual cheer from the crowd.)

**It’s time for Hash’s match and the camera shows Hash, Tommy, and John Scena in the parking lot waving their tickets in the air.**

Hash: 3 tickets for tonight’s show. They’re not great tickets, but they’ll get you in the door! $20 a piece, who wants them. 3 tickets for toni...

Some Dude from EMF’s Staff: Hash, you’re on next. What are you doing?

Hash: Dude, no one told me that MXMXPunk was a real wrestler. I thought it was a joke, and I bought these tickets to see tonight's show. Now I find out I didn't have to pay. Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited about my match, but, come on, they were $30 a piece. I didn’t have a job until today. How am I supposed to get by? How am I supposed to eat!

Dude: Well, you’ll get paid after tonight’s match…and even more if you win.

Hash: But they won’t pay me much for beating that guy, will they?

Dude: Probably not, but let’s go.

*The Dude takes the trio back into the building to get ready for their match*

("Hash's theme" blasts on the PA as Hash walks to the ring, amazed that everything is real.)

King-Hey JR…is that a real person?

JR-No, he just thinks he's in a make believe world on the Internet.

Kris Gaffney-Geez….and they said I was weird.

("grindtime" blasts on the PA system as Punk walks to the ring with Ashley.)

King-I don't think I like Ashley.

(Ashley Irvine fades into the announcers desk, and frowns)

King-No not you

(Ashley fades into thin air happy)

[Hash comes into the ring. MxMxPunk stands there, as Hash takes a few moments looking at MxMxPunk, figuring out what he's going to do for strategy. He gets close to Punk, Punk answers with a fist that knocks down Hash. Hash gets up surprised, and then MxMxPunk hits a few forearm shots to the face, and Hash stumbles back to the ropes. Punk whips Hash off the ropes, and comes off the ropes. Punk lowers his head, and hits a back body drop on Hash. Hash falls down on the mat, and gets back to his feet. Punk measures up, Hash stumbles around on his feet and Punk hits a knife edge chop to knock him down to the mat. Punk falls down on the mat, and Hash crawls into the corner, and tries to get up. But Punk hits a few stomps into the corner, and Hash is in the sitting position. Punk takes hits boot, and starts to choke Hash with it, the ref counts to 4. Punk breaks up the choke hold, and backs up for the clean break. Hash gets to his feet, in the corner, Punk goes into the corner, and hits a knife edge chop to the chest. Punk tries to whip Hash to the other side of the ring, but it's reversed by Hash. Punk goes crashing into the corner, and Hash charges into the corner, after delaying trying to take a break. Hash charges into the corner, Punk hits a boot to the face. Hash stumbles up to his feet. Hash is stunned, as he back peddles. He charges forward once again, but Punk's is able to counter this by hitting a flap jack right into the top turnbuckle. Hash's head snaps back, and falls back into the ring. Punk goes into the outside, and climbs to the top rope. MxMxpunk measures up, and leaps off the top rope and catches Hash with a cross body block into the cover. Punk gets the 1………….2………kick out by Hash. Punk looks up at the ref, thinking he should have gotten the three, Punk goes over to Hash in the corner. Punk hits a few knife chops to the chest of Hash. Punk whips Hash to the other side of the ring, Punk crashes into the other side of the ring and charges into the corner, and goes for a 10 punch combo 1………2………..3………4………..5……..6………..7……Punk counters and hits a power bomb stacking him on his shoulders. He gets the 1…...Hash put's his feet on the ropes……2……kick out.]

JR-Hash tried to cheat his way out of this match, but it didn't work out.

King-Yeah…seems he really wasn't prepared for a real person.

Kris Gaffney-Seems so.

[Hash looks like he can't believe he didn't get the three. Punk is in a sitting position, Hash gets up and hits a quick front drop kick to the face that takes down Punk down to the mat, Hash takes a few moments to rest. Punk stumbles to his feet, Punk kicks him in the gut and takes him, and throws him hard into the ring post. Punk stays there for a few moments, and this allows Hash to take a few moments to rest, Hash waits for Punk to get up. Punk stumbles to his feet, Hash goes for a few fists that connect to Punk. Hash whips Punk off of the ropes, and Punk bounces off of the ropes. Hash goes for a super kick. But it's ducked under by Punk. Punk goes to the other side of the ring, and tries to catch Hash offguard with a move. But it's countered by Hash who hits a one man flap jack. Punk is in pain, and slowly gets to his feet. Hash waits for Punk, Hash kicks Punk in the gut and sets up, and nails a release germen suplex and goes into the cover. He gets the 1………..2……..kick out by Punk. Hash puts Punk into an arm bar, and puts it on the mat. Hash drives his legs into a knee drop into it, then puts the hold back on once again. The ref makes sure that Punk doesn't want to give it up for whatever reason. Punk refuses to give up in this hold, and gets to his feet. He looks for a way out of the hold, and backs up and whips Hash off of the ropes. Hash bounces off of the ropes, and nails a hard shoulder block that takes down Punk. Hash goes to the ropes once again, bounces off of the ropes. Jumps over the downed Punk, Punk gets up to his feet, and turns around as Hash comes off of the ropes. It looks like Hash wasn't expecting that, so Hash crashes into Punk and both fall down to the mat.]

JR-Both wrestlers are down.

King-It looks like Hash is taking him seriously now.

Kris Gaffney-I still don't think MxMxPunk exists…

[Hash and Punk make it to their feet, Punk goes for a wild clothesline. But it's ducked under, Punk turns around and gets blasted by a super kick. Punk goes down to the mat, and Hash falls on the top rope, and goes to the outside. He climbs up to the top rope, and goes for the frog splash, but Punk moves out of the way at the last moment. Hash goes crashing into the mat. He bounces up, and falls on the corner with his back facing the ring. With this Hash does a heelish thing, and removes the turnbuckle covering while his back is to Punk and the ref. He pulls it off, he turns around just as Punk is getting up to his feet. Punk stumbles into Hash, Hash picks up Punk and puts him over his shoulders and tries to snake eyes him. But Punk slides out the back and drop kicks him in the back, Hash goes into the corner, stunned after hitting the corner sternum first, right back into Punk who rolls him up for the 1…………2………3.]

JR-Hash had things going his way, until he missed that frog splash, and he tried to take a short cut.

King-If old man Flair wasn't fried….he would probably say…"I know that guy's pain"

(Bad, Bad Man hits over the PA system and John Cena hits the ring. He is alone... for once. He gets in the ring and takes a microphone, waiting for the boos to die down.)

Cena: "Everywhere I go.... I get asked the same question. Why Cena? Why are you facing Amy at Payback? Why aren't you and Jarred going at it again for the World Championship? Why aren't you giving us a match of the year contender like you do every other show? Why are you fighting a girl? I am sorry it has come to this. I am sorry that you fans have to endure the most one sided wrestling match in history... and spend your hard earned bucks to watch a forgone conclusion. Well... actually i'm not... it's no less than you deserve! But... there's this one factor. Some people... some... crazy deluded... probably doped up people, actually think Amy has a chance! And these people... they throw one word at me... LITA! Do you know what LITA is capable of? You do realise LITA is a lot harder to beat than Amy, right? Questions that to me... make no sense. Amy is one person... if she has Scizophrenia well... that's her right... and I wont discriminate. But Lita and Amy share the same body... the same blood... the same soul. they are THE SAME THING! Lita is not a threat... Amy is not a threat.... hell she can come down dressed as the Tooth Fairy as a special limited edition 4th personalty... she's still not a threat! Jericho must be loving it huh... he can sleep with a different woman every night without having an affair! You'd be crazy to believe that! And so... to prove there is nothing to be afraid of... and Lita is just a word rather than a threat to the EMF's Most Valueable Player... I present to you a man that knows more about Lita than... perhaps anyone else. A man that was good friends with her for... many a year. A man I had to pay a lot of money MERELY to extend his arm and shake mine on this deal. Ladies and Gentlemen... if I payed him enough to walk out here... I present to you... Matt Hardy!

("Live for the Moment" blasts on the PA system, Matt Hardy throws up his V.1 sign, and comes down the ramp. An EMF official walks behind him, handing him money every step of the way. He steps into the ring with Cena.)

.::Matt Hardy::.-John, I'd say it's good to be here. But to be honest, I'm not getting paid to be here long enough, so let's get this over with.

John Cena: "Alright Matt. I'm here to talk to you about someone you know well.... goes by the name of Lita. Tell me Matt... do you believe there is a differance between this "Lita" and the woman we all know as Amy Jericho?"

.::Matt Hardy::.-Let me tell you John, as much as I don't want to tell you. There is a big difference between Amy and Lita. Lita was the woman of Team Xtreme. She is a girl could actually mix it up with anyone, and everyone. While Amy Jericho is simply a selfish whore.

Cena: "Lita can mix it with everyone? But you wouldn't count males in that statement now, would you?"

.::Matt Hardy::.- I'll tell you John, she could. In fact she very well could have been RWA-WWF champion one time. She's been in countless amount of mixed/intergender tag matches with me and my brother. I hate to say this, Amy may have known what she was doing as far as Lita goes.

(Cena looks kinda pissed at this.)

Cena: "Well Matt.... tell me... what was the nature of your relationship with Lita in the past? You know... before she totally ditched you altogether to run off with Jericho..."

.::Matt Hardy::.-Well, she would tell the world that we were friends...nothing more. But to me, she was the girl I wanted to get the attention of. But like the selfish whore she is, she never cared. All she ever cared about was damn Chris Jericho. Hell, she even ignored Crash Holly, who was a former RWA-WWF champion. She then selfishly left me and my brother behind, and ruined our careers!

Cena: "Tragic. So Matt... if you knew this "selfish whore" was making another mans life a living hell... and he was booked in a match with her at an EMF Pay Per View.. how would you advise him to go about facing her?"

.::Matt Hardy::.-To be honest, I think you seen that no matter who Amy is, she always has a temper. It's just a matter of using that against her, which you may have done already. But when it comes to a match, most of her moves have nothing to do with over powering you, so it's a matter of avoiding them. Get her mad, and she's more than likely going to make a mistake in the ring.

Cena: "So you build up amy to be this really tough character... tell me Matt... is she always so tough? Or does she have her moments of weakness? Have you ever, for example, seen the great Amy Jericho crying Matt?"

.::Matt Hardy::.-Well I must admit, she probably would never do it in front of people. But I'll tell you that when she see's a happy ending, and she thinks no one's watching, she'll start tearing up.

Cena: "Well... she wont have to cry in the ring then Matt... because I assure you... there will be NO happy endings for Amy Jericho come Payback!"

(Suddenly a voice comes out of no where.

.::Voice::.-Hey! You two!

( Hardy and Cena turn to the EMF tron as it shows Amy Jericho on to the EMF tron. It looks like she's outside somewhere.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-You know, as much as I love the Team Xtreme reunion. I personally have heard enough.

Cena: "That's a shame... it was just getting interesting.... but hey... if you got stuff you wanna hide from these fans... I understand.... hell we wouldn't want them all knowing how psycho you get if people get close to your thongs or anything like that would we?"

(Amy shakes her head, and says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-No, I don't mind...if you touch the thong, you're dead. Well in your case more dead than you already are. But really, I'm just sick hearing all the lies. Especially that I cry at happy endings. I mean, you didn't see me tear up after your ass got taken for 60% of your money, now did I?

(Amy smiles)

Cena: "Oh but Amy... it will only be 30% once my girl is done with Jackie... so that wont matter anymore! And its a damn shame there wont be any happy endings for you or Jackie anymore... so we wont get to see if the rumours are true or not!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-The thing about rumors, their most likely not true. But I do need to tell you something, what Jackie is doing is her business. I need to deal with my business, to be honest, I think your insane for letting your girlfriend face certain doom against Jackie. But I guess that's your choice. But anyways, I was thinking...while you do have money. There was always something I wanted to find out. So that's why I'm out here tonight, please zoom out.

(The camera zooms out, as it shows that Amy is standing on a bridge.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Speaking of rumors, do you know there are rumors that you like things that fly Cena?

(Cena gives Amy a questioning look, before muttering)

Cena: "What the hell are you talking about..."

(Amy smiles)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Well, I came out here to find out if you also like things that float, and I have just the thing to find this out.

(Amy walks off in the direction previously off camera, it's John Cena's car, Amy steps inside the driver side as we go into the arena to see Cena's reaction)

(Cena looks furious and is screaming something, but we can't really tell what it is over the cheers from the crowd as he has already thrown his microphone in anger. He looks like he's going to leave the ring, then realising Amy's probably miles away, doesn't bother and continues shouting.)

(Amy looks at the camera, and says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Yeah, you probably want to stay in the ring. I want you to see if my theory is correct.

(Amy releases the breaks, and gets out of the car, and starts to push, push, and push....until the car goes flying off a part of the bridge with no guard rail, and plunges into the water below. Amy watches as slowly the car begins to sink. Until finally disappearing under the water. The camera gets a shot of Amy, like she's really surprised and says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Now....HOW WAS I SUPPOSE TO KNOW IT WAS GOING TO SINK TO THE BOTTOM LIKE THAT?! Oh well...some experiments just don't pan out. But I will tell you this Cena, that at Payback. Not only am I going to make sure that you lose your power, I'm going to make sure you never EEEEEEEEVER live down Payback.

(Amy laughs, and walks off, stops and looks like she remembered something.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Oh crap...I left Tomko's money in there too, and I was going to use it to co-pay for Jericho's medical bills...and maybe buy some more thongs. But oh well, easy come, easy go...it's not like I'm poor.

(Amy walks off the screen as the EMF tron fades out as we get a shot of the EMF ring)

(Cena is still fuming in the ring, but seeing Amy has left he now too decides to leave, completely ignoring Hardy he rolls out of the ring and storms up the ramp. Suddenly a fan in the nose bleed sheets takes a picture. Hardy's head snaps over to the fan, and he yells.)


(Hardy runs into the audience)

(Rad Hazrd's Theme lays as he walks out onto the ramp to a mixed reaction from the crowd.)

J.R: "Rad Hazard recently issued a challenge to any champion with the nerve to step into the ring with him...."

King: "I think he must have a death wish..."

Kris: "Well.. a win over Carlito would be a good start for him to challenge for a title..."

("Cool" plays over the system as Carlito comes out.)

J.R: "Carlito was once successful in EMF... can he recapture that form tonight?"

King: "I hope so... Rad Hazard upsets Carlito.... dats not cool!"

Kris: "Neither is your lame attempts to impersonate him..."

(Carlito rolls into the ring and the bell sounds. Rad runs at Carlito and Carlito ducks a clothesline attempt and then turns and hits one of his own. Rad falls to the mat and Carlito goes down and hits some mounted punches. Carlito lifts Hazard up and hits a quick suplex. He then stamps down on him but Hazard quickly rolls out of the way. Hazard springs to his feet and runs at Carlito but Carlito grabs Hazard's arm and hits an armbar takedown. Carlito applies the armbar but Rad rolls quickly towards the ropes. He grabs them and the referee counts 1.... 2.... 3... 4.... Carlito breaks the hold and Rad rolls out of the ring, clutching at his arm.)

J.R: "Good start by the more experiances Carlito..."

King: "The veterans always win... it's a conspiracy!"

Kris: "Your mom's a conspiracy.... whatever that means!"

(Carlito mocks Hazard. Hazard looks angry and rolls back into the ring. Carlito tries to stomp him down but Hazard seems uneffected and fights up. He then hammers away at Carlito hard and keeps doing it until Carlito is backed into the corner. Hazard continues to hammer away at him and then clotheslines him hard into the corner. Carlito stumbles out and then Hazard hits a neckbreaker. Hazard continues hammering down on him with punches and then drops into the cover for the 1... kick out. Hazard lifts him up, kicks him in the gut and then hits a snap suplex. Hazard climbs up to the top rope and waits for Carlito to stumble up before hitting a double-axe handle. Hazard covers again for the 1.... 2.... kick out!)

J.R: "Hazard seems possessed after Carlito's mocking... he might just win this!"

King: "No... Carlito's just warming up...."

Kris: "Well he wants to finish it soon... before it comes back to haunt him."

(Hazard lifts up Carlito and Carlito hits a right hand. The two trade shots back and forth. Carlito seems to be getting the better, but then Hazard hits a hard clothesline, sending him down. Hazard throws Carlito hard into the turnbuckle. Hazard sizes him up and goes for a spear. Carlito grabs the referee and throws him in the way and the referee takes the spear! Hazard looks down shocked and Carlito hits a blatant low blow. Carlito the hits a back cracker on Hazard and covers but the referee is down and unable to count. Carlito bangs the mat impatiently. He stands up and then tries to revive the fallen referee.)

J.R: "That damn Carlito... trying every trick in the book!"

King: "If we had stronger refs... this would be over!"

Kris: "If you had a stronger mom... i wouldn't be here!"

(Carlito continues to try and revive the referee and Hazard comes up behind him and hits a back body drop. Carlito gets up and again trades shots with Hazard. Carlito goes for a thumb to the eye but Hazard ducks the attempt. He spins Carlito round and hits a DDT. He notices the ref stumbling up, so without wasting time, picks up Carlito and is able to hit the Realization! He covers and gets the 1... 2.... 3!)

J.R: "Hazard saw the ref regaining consciousness.. and took full advantage!"

King: "Damn it.... lost another bet!"

Kris: "So much for your conspiracy...."

("Bad, Bad Man" blasts on the PA system as John Cena walks to the ring with Natasha Jones to a lot of boo's)

JR-Like him or not, John Cena has fended off the challengers so far, but you got to wonder if this is Jarred's night or not.

King-We will see.

("Jarred's theme" (forget, help me) blasts on the PA system as Jarred walks to the ring, and step into the ring, and waits for the bell)

JR-Jarred Carthallion is not a Hall of Famer for nothing. But you have got to wonder whether or not he still has it.

King-Something tells me he'll yell out "YO ADDRIANE"

Kris Gaffney-Sure does love to talk about the past for sure…

[John Cena and Jarred Carthallion meet in the middle of the ring, they talk some trash, the two start to exchange fists and finally John Cena gets the advantage with a thumb to the eyes. Jarred Carthallion stumbles back, and John Cena hits a few hard fists to the face, and Jarred Carthallion stumbles to the ropes. John Cena tries to whip Jarred Carthallion to the ropes, and Jarred Carthallion comes off the ropes, John Cena goes for a clothesline. Jarred Carthallion ducks it, and continues to the other side of the ring. Jarred Carthallion bounces off the ropes and leaps in the air, and hits a flying shoulder block to John Cena. John Cena goes down to the mat, Jarred Carthallion goes over to where Cena is, Cena hits a double leg foot push off. Jarred Carthallion falls to the mat, Cena gets up to his feet as Jarred is trying to get to his feet as well. John Cena charges at Jarred Carthallion, Jarred counters with a arm drag take down. The two stop at a stand still, they then take a few moments to think of their next strategy, circle around the ring and lock up. John Cena looks like he is winning the lock up, and backs up Jarred to the corner. But Jarred Carthallion turns this around in the corner just in time. John Cena hits a few fists to the face, and Jarred Carthallion reels. John Cena tries to whip Jarred Carthallion to the other side of the ring. Jarred Carthallion crashes into the corner, and John Cena goes for a clothesline the corner, but Jarred Carthallion moves out of the corner. John Cena stumbles out of the corner, and Jarred Carthallion sets up John Cena and hits a belly to back suplex on John Cena. Both wrestlers are down, but John Cena is last to his feet, he is doubled over as he gets up and Jarred Carthallion hits a running knee lift. John Cena stumbles around, Jarred Carthallion takes John Cena and smashes his head into the turnbuckle. Jarred Carthallion hits a the chest of John Cena. Jarred Carthallion backs up a bit, and charges into the corner and hits a running knee lift into the gut while John Cena's in the corner. Jarred Carthallion waits for John Cena to stumble towards him, Jarred kicks John Cena in the gut, and sets up John Cena for a vertical suplex. Jarred lifts him, and throws him on the ropes. Cena is hanging on the ropes, and Jarred hits a fist to get him on the apron. But he doesn't fall like he was suppose to, so Jarred backs up, and goes for the super kick. But John Cena low bridges the ropes, and Jarred falls out of the ring.]

JR-The World champion just stopped the challengers momentum

King-Sucks to be Jarred…

Kris Gaffney-You're having some flash backs to when he was a cripple, aren't you?

King-Those were the glory days…

[John Cena steps off of the apron, and goes over to Jarred who is getting up to his feet. John Cena takes Jarred Carthallion and throws him hard into the steel steps. Jarred Carthallion goes into the steps shoulder first. John Cena takes Jarred Carthallion up and throws him into the ring. John Cena slides into the ring, and waits for Jarred to get up. Jarred stumbles to his feet. John Cena takes Jarred Carthallion, and John Cena takes Jarred, and throws him into the ring post. Jarred Carthallion is in pain. John Cena measures up as Jarred pulls himself out of the corner. John Cena waits as he turns around, John Cena hits a few fists to the face. Jarred Carthallion reels back in the corner, and John Cena whips Jarred Carthallion to the other side of the ring. Jarred stumbles out of the corner after being whipped hard into the corner, and stumbles right out of the corner. Jarred Carthallion goes right into John Cena who hits a belly to belly suplex right into a cover and gets the 1………………2……….kick out by Jarred Carthallion. John Cena gets up and hits a few stomps on the downed Jarred Carthallion who tries to get up with help of the ropes. But John Cena starts to choke Jarred Carthallion with the ropes, the ref counts to 4 and John Cena breaks up the choke hold. The ref warns Cena of choking, Cena holds up to his hand, and mocks the ref, because he could easily fire him if he were to DQ him. John Cena takes Jarred Carthallion and tries to whip him to the ropes. But it's reversed by Jarred Carthallion, Cena comes off of the ropes, and hits a flying shoulder block to Jarred. Jarred stumbles up, and John Cena hits a spinning side slam on John Cena holds out his hand up to boo's, and does the "you can't see me" taunt, and goes to the ropes and bounces off. Jarred Carthallion nips up, and hits a super kick on John Cena both wrestlers are down on the mat.]

JR-Shades of Jarred's legendary trainer, HBK himself!

King-Does anyone else see the conflict.

Kris Gaffney-Oh well…

[ John Cena stumbles into the corner, and Jarred hits a few fists to the face. John Cena reels into the corner, the ref makes Jarred back off. Jarred whips Cena to the other side of the ring. Jarred goes up to the top rope, and starts a ten punch combo 1……………..2…………3……….4……..Suddenly a theme song blasts on the PA system]

(Suddenly a familar person walks out on the stage.) JR-That's Tony Ikeda, King! King-Didn't know they existed outside of the backstage area. Kris Gaffney-AAAAAAAAHHHHH it's a ghost! Tony jumps on the apron, and Jarred is standing there looking shocked. Suddenly Tony does something unexpected, and does a "you can't see me taunt. While this is happening, this let's Cena recover. Cena walks out of the corner with Jarred in power bomb position. Jarred tries to hit a few fists to the head of Cena, trying to get out of it. Cena falls, but holds on stacking Jarred on his shoulders 1……….as the ref is down Cena grabs on to the ropes……..2…………3.]

JR-Cena steals one again...but why did Tony Ikeda cost Jarred the match?

King-Who knows.

(Shockwave goes off the air, as Tony is backing up in the isle)

(OOC-Sorry it took so long, like I said…it turned to be a horrible time for long RP's for me. Anyways, I won't get too deep into it. I'll just start by saying I liked both of them. I just overall liked Cena's better. For the text, slightly focus, arguability (but don't) the quality. I also had it double checked, so I'm sure of this decision. The Wes part, as everyone was worried about had nothing to do with the loss, I do have a criticism of it, but it has nothing to with what exactly what was said or who wrote what. Plus it had no impact on this decision, good or bad. )