EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The Shockwave video starts to play, once it's been played through, we go into the darken arena as pyrotechnics blasts off of the stage. The lights turn on as fans are waving their signs. Some of the signs say "Matt Sucks and Darrel Suxs", "Kiki is better than you!", and "Mercedes: Fightin' round the world"

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, and what a show we have for you tonight.

King-That's right JR, even though your not right usually…you're right this time.

Kris Gaffney-Were going to see a lot of previews tonight, on what should be an even better Unleashed card!
JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Kevin Bourne!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Kevin Bourne comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, CJ Lethal!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[CJ Lethal walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Kevin Bourne places CJ Lethal on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. CJ Lethal executes a pumphandle suplex on Kevin Bourne. (ring, ring, ring) Kevin Bourne pokes CJ Lethal in the eye with his thumb. CJ Lethal with an illegal chokehold on Kevin Bourne. Kevin Bourne is up again. Kevin Bourne executes a ropeflip hiptoss on CJ Lethal. Kevin Bourne hits CJ Lethal with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. CJ Lethal gets hit with the shooting star press from Kevin Bourne. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 CJ Lethal kicks out. ]

The King - Kevin Bourne should have known better than to try for a shooting star press at this point in the match.

[CJ Lethal gets back to his feet. CJ Lethal goes for a somersault legdrop but Kevin Bourne dodges the attack. CJ Lethal puts Kevin Bourne in the double armbar submission. Earl Hebner asks Kevin Bourne if he quits. ... Kevin Bourne trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... CJ Lethal breaks the hold. CJ Lethal drags Kevin Bourne to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) CJ Lethal short clothslines Kevin Bourne. Kevin Bourne moves back to his feet. (...3) Kevin Bourne mule kicks CJ Lethal. CJ Lethal is up again. (....4) CJ Lethal punches Kevin Bourne in the gut. (.....5) They head back into the ring. CJ Lethal uses a lariat on Kevin Bourne. CJ Lethal goes for a avalanche but Kevin Bourne dodges the attack. CJ Lethal executes the front facelock on Kevin Bourne. Earl Hebner asks Kevin Bourne if he quits. ... Kevin Bourne is fighting the hold. ... ... Kevin Bourne is fighting the hold. ... Kevin Bourne trys to escape. Kevin Bourne escapes. Kevin Bourne kicks CJ Lethal in the stomach and executes the sitdown face slam. Kevin Bourne is up again. CJ Lethal gets locked in the double chicken wing. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... Kevin Bourne tightens the hold. ... CJ Lethal trys to escape. ... CJ Lethal is fighting the hold. CJ Lethal escapes. Kevin Bourne hits a frog splash on CJ Lethal. CJ Lethal is up again. CJ Lethal jumps from the top and nails Kevin Bourne with a flying axhandle smash. CJ Lethal executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Kevin Bourne. CJ Lethal gets back to his feet. CJ Lethal jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Kevin Bourne. Now CJ Lethal standing. Kevin Bourne is back on his feet. Kevin Bourne picks up CJ Lethal and hits him with a Back Suplex. Now Kevin Bourne standing. Kevin Bourne rolls onto CJ Lethal connecting with a knee. Kevin Bourne chants start. Kevin Bourne slingshot elbow drops CJ Lethal. Kevin Bourne piledrives CJ Lethal into the mat. Kevin Bourne gets up, and calls for the checkmate.]

JR-Looks like Kevin Bourne is going for the kill.

King-Killing makes CJ angry.

Kris Gaffney-What doesn't?

[Just before CJ gets up, John Morrison, slides into the ring and cracks Kevin Bourne over the back with a chair. He turns around, and gets hit with a chair shot. The ref has DQed CJ Lethal, the crowd boo's as John Morrison stands over Kevin Bourne making a title gester, as "Rockstar" blasts out.]

JR-Seems that John Morrison wanted to send a message, but it might be one that he soon regrets…

(OOC-Since no RP's, I simmed, and changed plans to just preview the Extreme title match.)

(The EMF tron lights up with the image of backstage where Randy Orton is standing with coffee. He turns, and the lubing mass know as Mark Henry, smashes it with probably some of his back fat. Orton just stands there, and has an unbelieving, even the coffee burns.)


(Henry laughs, and keeps walking. The zooms in, Orton's face turns into a cold look as we fade back into ringside.)

("Enemy" blasts on the PA system, Troy Gafgen and Dewey Pond walk to the ring. Followed behind by Candice Gafgen.)

JR-This could be considered a match of two teams that will have a chance at tag team gold in the future.

King-Or the fact that they were knocking each other out in the hall way.

Kris Gaffney-Or the fact that Marquise was hitting on Amy, but then again who doesn't try to hit on Amy?

("The Gambler" blasts on the PA system the Gambler and Marquise walks to the ring along with Shelley Martinez.)

JR-This team is known as Evolution.

King-They remind me of something with Konnan in it. Randy Orton must be rolling over in his grave!

Kris Gaffney-Yeah….or something that Shelly is the replacement to Konnan

[Troy Gafgen and Marquise start out, they lock up, Troy Gafgen is able to counter with a knee into the gut. Then Troy Gafgen hits a fist that puts down Marquise, and then Marquise gets up slowly. Marquise is up to his feet, fully and Troy Gafgen hits a few forearm shots to just to stun him, and not to knock him down. Marquise gets whipped to the ropes, if he didn't reverses it. Which he does, and Troy Gafgen goes to the ropes, and the Gambler sticks his knee's in the ropes. However, it does not effect Troy like was expected. Troy Gafgen turns around and hits a fist that knocks the Gambler off of the ropes. Troy Gafgen turns around right into a reverse jawbreaker on Troy Gafgen. Troy Gafgen stumbles back, and Marquise follows up with a drop kick that sends Troy Gafgen to the outside of the ring. Troy Gafgen goes into the arena floor, Marquise waits for Troy Gafgen to get up as he climbs up to the top rope. Marquise waits as Troy Gafgen gets up, and turns towards him and he goes for a flying cross body block. But Troy Gafgen catches him in mid air, and transfers him on to his shoulder. Troy Gafgen charges with Marquise into the ring post. But Marquise slides out of the back, and then Marquise pushes him into the ring post. Troy Gafgen is in pain, stumbles around, then turns around and looks angry. He charges at Marquise, but Gambler steps in and both Marquise and Gambler hit a double flap jack that sends Troy Gafgen into the steps. Marquise rolls into the ring to break the count, and the Gambler throws in Troy Gafgen to his partner. He gets a 1…………………2……….Dewey Pond comes into the ring and breaks up the count since they double teamed Troy. Marquise charges at Dewey Pond as he's going out of the ring, and hits him. He turns around Pond kicks him in the gut, and goes for what seems to be a double under hook power bomb, but he rolls out of it. Pulls Marquise forward, and hits a Death Valley Driver. Both wrestlers are down on the mat.]

JR-That was a rookie mistake by Marquise.

King-Don't think you need to remind him of that.

Kris Gaffney-You sure?

[Both wrestlers are on the mat, and then Troy Gafgen gets up to his feet as Marquise stumbles up right into the waiting Troy who charges at Marquise and knocks him down with a running forearm. He goes down to the mat, and gets up he gets another. He is dazed as he picks him over his shoulder and goes over to the top rope, and drops him on the top rope for a snake eyes. Marquise stumbles around right into the waiting arms of Troy Gafgen who picks up Marquise by his throat and puts him on the top rope. Then instead of doing anything fancy, he hits him with a fist that sends Marquise falling over the top rope and on to the floor. Gambler comes into the ring, and turns Troy around and is able to catch him off guard with a few fists to the face. Gambler whips Troy Gafgen to the ropes, and Gambler goes for a big boot. But it's ducked under and Gambler turns around into a standing spinebuster. As this is happening, Marquise is going for a flying cross body block as Troy is turning around. Troy Gafgen catches Marquise, then is about to do something. But the Gambler is able to hit running boot to Troy Gafgen's to take down Troy Gafgen, and making Marquise fall into the cross body block. Troy Gafgen rolls away as the Gambler is pushed back into his corner. The ref turns in time to see the tag as Dewey Pond comes into the ring spring boarding himself on the top rope, and hits a flying forearm. Marquise goes down to the mat, and stumbles and makes the tag to the Gambler. The Gambler comes into the ring, Dewey Pond hits a few fists to the face of Gambler. The Gambler stumbles back, Dewey Pond tries to whip the Gambler off of the ropes. But it's reversed, Dewey Pond lowers his head, and then Dewey Pond hits a running DDT on the Gambler. Dewey Pond goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………….2………….KICK OUT]

JR-Almost three on the IC champion.

King-That wouldn't have made Gambler happy.

Kris Gaffney-What does make Gambler happy?

King-I think…women being barefoot, and pregnant….baking him a cake.

Kris Gaffney-……


[Troy Gafgen wants in for the tag, so Dewey Pond gives him the tag. Troy Gafgen comes into the ring, and then hits a few fists to the face. Troy Gafgen whips Gambler tot the ropes, and then Gambler bounces off of the ropes. Troy lowers his head, Gambler kicks Troy in the face. Then Troy pops up in pain, Gambler goes for a clothesline. But it's ducked under and Gambler hits the ref, the ref goes down to the mat. Gambler turns around and gets a big boot to the face, and Gambler falls out of the ring. Then as he hits the arena floor, knowing the ref is out and he's a heelish heel. He looks under the ring, Troy goes over to where Gambler is, and Gambler turns around. Then gets a glancing blow to the face of Troy Gafgen. Troy Gafgen stumbles back stunned, but Gambler didn't get as much as he wanted. So Gambler knowing the ref isn't quite ready to see anything comes into the ring. Slides into the ring, and then lifts the chair over his head towards Troy Gafgen. But out of no where, Troy hits the Crack of Dawn. Gambler bounces up on his feet, but looks dazed. Troy Gafgen seeing this, and seeing what Gambler was trying to do tries to get some revenge. Troy grabs the chair, but before he can hit him. The chair is yanked away from Troy's hands, and he gets hit with a chair shot by Marquise protecting his partner. Suddenly the bell rings, Marquise was just barely caught by the ref and gives the DQ win to Troy, Troy rolls out of the ring. "Enemy" blasts on the PA system as MOM back out, as Evolution doesn't look happy in the ring. Challenging them to get in the ring.]

JR-I don't think this is the last we have heard of these two teams.

King-Probably not…

(OOC-Thought the ending fit the situation, and maybe we could build from it. But not sure, hope it works as much as I think it will…)

("Light a Fire" blasts on the PA system, and "Black Widow's theme" blasts on the PA system as they step inside of the ring.)

JR-These two are….odd….that's for sure.

King-Both are unbalanced….so that means their crazy enough to go out with me!

Kris Gaffney-Don't think their THAT crazy.

("Bulls on Parade" blasts on the PA system as Mercedes walks to the ring, "Halo" Torrie Wilson walks to the ring.)

King-You know, I knew there was something wrong with that kid…Kiki….soon were going to smell what Kiki is cooking.

JR-You really listen to Fyre, don't you?

Kris Gaffney-What you don't…*cough* cough* GAYER THAN AIDS *cough* *cough*

("Game On" blasts on the PA system as Badd Boy walks out on the stage. The combatants look on, and look confused. But he does not move any closer to the ring, he just stops and watches on.)

JR-This is a surprise to say the least...

King-Wonder why he's here...

Kris Gaffney-Probably something to do with Torrie...but then again...him and Widow did have a thing that he never explained.

King-Maybe that was why Widow went insane, she couldn't figure it out either.

[Mercedes and Fyre face off in the match first, and then they lock up. They look for the advantage, Fyre is able to duck under, and twists Mercedes arm into an arm bar. Mercedes looks for a way out of the hold, Mercedes moves Fyre to the ropes, and whips Fyre off of the move, and then Fyre comes off of the ropes. Mercedes gets hit with a shoulder block to Mercedes, and goes down to the mat. Mercedes gets up to her feet, and then she charges at Fyre, Fyre counters with an arm drag release by Fyre. Mercedes gets up, and gets hit with a clothesline that takes down Mercedes. Mercedes gets up in the corner, and Fyre hits a few fists to the face of Mercedes to put her in a sitting position. Then Fyre puts her boot on the throat of Mercedes, the ref counts to 4, and Fyre breaks the hold. Fyre backs up, and charges at Mercedes and hits a front drop kick. Fyre drags Mercedes out of the corner, and then goes into the cover and gets a 1……………..2………..kick out by Mercedes. Fyre takes a few moments, and then hits a few stomps. Mercedes crawls into the corner, Fyre hits a snapmare out of the corner, and then follows it up with a kick to the back of Mercedes. Fyre grabs Mercedes by the hair, and locks her up in a front face lock, and then brings Mercedes over to the corner. Then tags in Katrina. Fyre hits a snap suplex, and then Katrina comes into the ring, sling shotting herself over the top rope and drops a leg drop across the throat of Mercedes, and goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………………2………..kick out. Katrina measures up, Katrina kicks Mercedes in the gut, and goes to the ropes. She comes off of the ropes, and then Katrina hits a bulldog. Katrina rather than going into the cover, is going to go for another move. Also because Mercede's bounced off of the canvas. She comes off, and Katrina kicks her in the gut, and puts her in power bomb position.]

JR-It looks like Katrina is taking easy on her sister here tonight.

King-Since when has Katrina taken it easy on anyone?

Kris Gaffney-Well…there is always that

[Katrina says something to someone in the crowd, but as she takes her eyes off the ball for a moment. Mercedes is able to counter it with a back body drop, that sends Katrina on the mat. Mercedes takes a few moments to rest, and then see's that Katrina is getting up Mercedes runs to the ropes. Katrina tries to counter by lowering her head for a back body drop, but Mercedes goes into a sunset flip. Katrina is seemly losing her balance, but it's Katrina tries to hit a fist. But Mercedes moves out of the way, and Katrina hurts her hand by punching the mat. She turns around, and gets a clothesline by Mercedes, Katrina gets up, and Mercedes hits a few fists to the face, and tries to whip Katrina to the ropes, but Katrina reverses the whip. Mercedes jumps on the bottom rope, Katrina charges at Mercedes. Mercedes does a leg scissors, Katrina goes into the turnbuckle. Her face crashes into the top turnbuckle, Mercedes backs up and charges at Katrina. But Katrina turns around, and the two crack heads. They both stumble near the middle of the ring as both of their partners make the tag. Mercedes is closer to Torrie, and tags her in. Torrie Wilson comes into the ring and then Katrina makes the tag into Fyre. However, Torrie Wilson gets to her before she can get into the ring. Torrie Wilson hits a few fists to the face and then brings her into the ring with a sling shot. Fyre crashes on the mat. Then Torrie Wilson hits a few stomps on the downed Fyre, and brings her up. Then whips her to the ropes, Fyre comes off of the ropes and Torrie Wilson hits a back body drop. Torrie Wilson waits as Fyre gets up in the corner. Torrie Wilson charges at Fyre, but Fyre tries to bring in the ref to stop Torrie. But Torrie crashes into both of them, smashing. The ref goes down, Fyre stumbles, and out of the ring. The ref is just stunned, but not. Torrie checks on the ref before doing anything else.]

JR-The ref is down.

King-Wow, guess no one will be cheating anytime soon, will they?

Kris Gaffney-According to Fyre…maybe Torrie…

[Torrie goes out of the ring, but Fyre hits a knee to the gut and tries to whip Torrie to the steps, but it's reversed. Fyre crashes into the steps shoulder first, Fyre gets up. Then stumbles away from the steps, Torrie runs and jumps on the steps, and goes for a cross body block. But Fyre stumbles behind Mark Henry. Henry catches Torrie in mid air, and looks like he might do something. But suddenly Henry turns around, and gets hit with a kick low blow by Randy Orton. Henry drops Torrie, and Orton hits an RKO. Orton pops up, and looks down at Henry. Orton goes threw the crowd. Katrina has Mercedes down, and has gotten a chair. Mercedes is getting up, and Katrina tries to hit Mercedes with it. But she ducks, and Katrina hits Fyre instead. Katrina is shocked, Mercedes comes from behind and throws Katrina into the steps. Torrie rolls into the ring, as the ref who has been counting, but hasn't been able to watch everything going on calls for a count out on Fyre/Katrina's team.]

JR-Through all that chaos, Mercedes and Torrie came out victorious.

("Enemy" blasts on the PA system as Troy Gafgen walks to the ring along with his wife Candice Gafgen.)

JR-Troy Gafgen shouldn't be in a good mood.

King-Yeah, he lost…but it was because the IC champions tag team partner.

Kris Gaffney-Always an excuse somewhere.

("Everyone like me" blasts on the PA system as CM Punk walks to the ring along with Ashley Massaro.)

King-When did Ashley make it here?

Kris Gaffney-I don't know, but were happy to have diet Lita here.

King-I know I am!

[Troy Gafgen and CM Punk pace around the ring , and then CM Punk and Troy Gafgen lock up. CM Punk goes to the back of Troy Gafgen and hits a few clubbing blows to the back of Troy Gafgen. Troy Gafgen tries to elbow out of it, CM Punk counters this move with a few knee's into the gut that stumble back Troy Gafgen. CM Punk runs to the ropes and comes off of the ropes, Troy Gafgen tries to hit a clothesline, but it's ducked under. CM Punk hits a few kicks into the legs of Troy Gafgen. CM Punk runs to the ropes, and spring boards off of the ropes, and then comes off of the ropes. Then spring boards off of the rope into a cross body block. But Troy Gafgen catches CM Punk, and tries to transfer him into the shoulder. But before that happens, CM Punk is able to hit DDT while this is in the process, and CM Punk goes into the cover, and gets a 1………………..2…………kick out by Troy Gafgen. Troy Gafgen crawls into the corner, as CM Punk hits a few kicks into the ribs. CM Punk helps Troy Gafgen up in the corner, and hits a knife edge chop. Folllowed up with a fist to the face. Then CM Punk whips Troy Gafgen into the other side of the ring, Troy Gafgen crashes into the turnbuckle. CM Punk runs, and hits a running knee lift into the face of Troy Gafgen that stuns him. CM Punk grabs Troy Gafgen by the head, and hits a bulldog headlock that drives him into the mat. CM Punk pushes Troy Gafgen on to his back, and goes into the cover, and gets a 1………………….2………….kick out by Troy Gafgen. CM Punk tells the ref to make sure that he gets a good count. This allows Troy Gafgen to get up with the help of the ropes, CM Punk charges at Troy Gafgen. But it's countered with a back body drop over the top rope. Troy Gafgen turns around, and then CM Punk hits a neck snap across the top rope.]

JR-Mr. Money in the bank is keeping one step ahead of Troy Gafgen.

King-I wonder if he was trained by "Stone Cold" as well.

Kris Gaffney-Why's that?

King-You don't want to know…

[CM Punk measures up as Troy Gafgen stumbles around, and then CM Punk leaps on the top rope into a spring board. But as he jumps off of the turnbuckle for whatever move he was trying for, Troy Gafgen hits a power slam, and falls away from CM Punk after the impact, and both wrestlers are down on the mat. Troy Gafgen goes into the corner, CM Punk gets up and see's that Troy Gafgen is in the corner. So he charges into the corner, and then Troy Gafgen moves out of the way and CM Punk is in the corner. Troy Gafgen hits a few fists to the face, then brings CM Punk out of the corner, and whips him to the ropes and Troy Gafgen lowers his head as CM Punk bounces off of the ropes, and then hits a big back body drop. As CM Punk crashes on the mat, he gets up in pain, and stumbles right into Troy Gafgen who picks up CM Punk, and backs up to the corner of the ring and charges into the ring and hits a powerslam into the cover. He gets a 1…………..2…………..KICK OUT by CM Punk. Troy Gafgen hits a few stomps on the downed CM Punk. CM Punk crawls over into the ropes, Troy Gafgen starts to choke CM Punk on the ropes. Then before he gets DQed, Troy Gafgen lets go, and then runs to the ropes and comes off of the ropes, and then comes crashing down on the back of CM Punk. CM Punk stumbles up to his feet. Then Troy Gafgen waits as hits he kicks CM Punk in the gut. Then nails a pump handle slam, Troy Gafgen goes to the ropes, comes off them, and nails a big leg drop across the throat of CM Punk. He goes into the cover and gets a 1…………………….2………………..KICK OUT by CM Punk.]

JR-Almost three!

King- Troy Gafgen sure doesn't like anyone that are better than he is.

Kris Gaffney-Seemly not. Makes you wonder if CM Punk will drop Ashley for Becky Bayless.

[Troy Gafgen goes into the corner, and pulls the turnbuckle covering off, and see's CM Punk in the corner, not opposite of it. He charges and then hits a avalanche in the corner.CM Punks tumbles out, fna Troy Gafgen puts CM Punk sitting on the top rope. Troy Gafgen charges, and goes for the crack of dawn off of the turnbuckle. But CM Punk grabs on to the ropes. Troy Gafgen falls to the mat, CM Punk waits for Troy Gafgen to get up. Troy Gafgen gets up, CM Punk jumps off, and hits a hurricanarana, that sends CM Punk flying into the corner and hitting his head on the unprotected turnbuckle. He stumbles backwards, and CM Punk comes from behind and gets the 1………………2…………3!]

JR-Bit of bad luck there for Troy, but wouldn't have happened if he didn't take off the covering.

King-How you know he would do anything with it, maybe he saw that the ring crew tied it wrong, and was just trying to fix it!

(OOC-Close, it depends on what you think on the text. The staff agreed we liked CM Punk's a little better. But I made it unclean due it being close.)

("Better than you" blasts on the PA system as Becky Bayless walks to the ring along with Triple M. "Problem Solver" blasts on the PA system as Tyson Tomko walks to the ring.)

JR-This is a warm up match for both teams, one that Tomko could benefit from…

King-Yeah, he's going to have to shake off of the rust and be at 100%, because it's all on the line at Payback!

Kris Gaffney-That's for sure…

("Dirty Window" blasts on the PA system as Dan Godwin walks to the ring, and "Generic theme" blasts on the PA system as Jackie walks to the ring.)

JR-This is going to be a very hard team to beat, that's for sure.

King-If the mixed tag team had Mickie James, Jackie would be freaked into losing.

Kris Gaffney-And then we would all be winners!

[Tyson Tomko and Dan Godwin face off in the middle of the ring. Tyson Tomko is seemly talking some trash. Dan Godwin does not seem happy, and Dan Godwin throws a few fists. Tyson Tomko fires back, and then Tyson Tomko is able to get the advantage by hitting an eye rake. Dan Godwin stumbles back, and then Tyson Tomko hits a few fists to the face of Dan Godwin and backs up to the ropes. Then Tyson Tomko whips Dan Godwin to the ropes. Then he comes off of the ropes, and then Tyson Tomko lowers his head, and Dan Godwin kicks him in the face. Tyson Tomko stumbles back, Dan Godwin hits a running clothesline. Tyson Tomko get up fast, but stunned and gets hit with a few hard fists to the face. Dan Godwin whips Tyson Tomko to the ropes, and as Tyson TOmko comes off of the ropes then nails a standing drop kick that sends Tyson Tomko stumbling backwards, and out of the ring. Dan Godwin goes over to the ropes and measures up as Tyson Tomko gets up to his feet. Then Dan Godwin sling shots himself over the top rope. Then catches Tyson Tomko with a cork screw body press. Dan Godwin hits a few fists to the face as they are both down on the mat around ringside. Dan Godwin gets up, and then picks up Tyson Tomko, and rolls him into the ring. Dan Godwin gets up to the apron, and climbs up to the top rope. Dan Godwin measures up, and then goes for a double axe handle. But Tyson Tomko counters with a punch to the gut. Dan Godin goes down to the mat. Tyson Tomko makes the tag to Becky Bayless. Being a mix tag, Jackie Gayda comes into the ring. Then Becky Bayless goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under Becky Bayless turns around and gets hit with a monkey flip. Becky Bayless goes flying and gets up to her feet. Jackie hits a standing drop kick that sends Becky Bayless through the ropes and on to the apron.]

JR-God only knows how long Jackie has waited to get her hands on Becky.

King-So she wants to smash Becky for being Amy's sister…bit judgmental

Kris Gaffney-Well, it could be a Dumas habbit. Jackie's always late when Amy gets smashed.


[Becky Bayless gets up on the apron, and Jackie Gayda goes over to where Becky Bayless is, and hooks her up for a suplex over the top rope. But Becky is able to throw Jackie's arm off of her, and hits a hang man on Jackie. Jackie stumbles backwards, Becky Bayless comes into the ring, and charges at Jackie. Jackie counters it with a kick to the gut. Jackie lifts up Becky Bayless into a power bomb. But before she drives down Becky Bayless, Becky Bayless is able to poke Jackie Gayda in the eyes, and hits a few fists to the face until Jackie falls down. Becky Bayless hits a few mounted punches. Becky Bayless gets pushed off. Jackie Gayda goes into the corner. Becky Bayless follows in, and Becky Bayless hits a few kicks into the gut. Becky Bayless tries to whip Jackie Gayda to the other side of the ring's turnbuckle. But it's reversed, Becky crashes into the other side of the corner. Jackie Gayda charges into the corner where Becky Bayless is, Becky Bayless is able to counter this with a back elbow that sends Jackie Gayda backwards. Becky Bayless pulls herself up on the second turnbuckle, and leaps as Jackie is already stunned and in place where she wants. Becky Bayless hits a swinging DDT that plans Jackie. She goes into the cover, and gets the 1………………….2…………….kick out by Jackie Gayda. Becky Bayless gets up, and then hits a few stomps on the downed Jackie Gayda. Then she picks up Jackie by the hair, and hits a snap suplex. She goes into the cover once again, she gets the 1……………….2………….kick out.]

JR-Becky almost got three there

King-Think Jackie would ever let herself forget this if she lost?

Kris Gaffney-Well…she never forgets that she lost to Becky's sister. Even if she like's to spin it…

[Becky Bayless in mocking to her sister decides to call for her finisher. Becky Bayless sets up up for it.But before she hits it, Jackie pushes Becky Bayless off. She hits into Tyson Tomko, and the ref says it was a tag. Jackie dives after Becky, Tomko is looking confused as he looks down at the two diva's fighting it out, but he forgets it's a mixed tag so Dan Godwin comes behind, and does a reverse hurricanarana pin for the 1…………….2………………3!]

JR-Dan Godwin was able to sneak behind Tomko! But will it be the same out come at Payback?

King-Wait JR! I don't think Tomko thought he tagged in!

JR-Well, that's what the ref saw…it was certainly a judgment call..

(Jackie is pounding on Becky, suddenly Triple M takes Jackie and throws her off. Then helps Becky Bayless out of ring side. The camera's get a shot of Tyson Tomko who does not look pleased as Shockwave goes off the air.)