EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The lights go off as pyro blasts off on the stage as the Shockwave theme plays. The camera looks around the crowd as the lights come back on. We hear JR and the King's voice over this

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, I'm good ol' JR. Along with Jerry "the King" Lawler.

King-Yeah from my sources, they said Primetime doesn't have a tag team partner...haha..guess he'll have to go it alone.

JR-We will see King

"Fat Lip" blasts on the PA system as Wasabi walks to the ring

JR-I hope that Wasabi is not taking An Arkie lightly.

King-Well I know I would...come on he's named An Arkie

"An Arkie theme" blasts on the PA system as An Arkie walks to the ring

King-You know the last guy who was named Anarchy was a Tazte. I wonder if he's apart of the Tazte connection?

JR-who knows King, people always find a way to be connected with the Taztes

*ding ding ding*

[An Arkie comes from behind Wasabi as he is walking down to the ring and hits him with a kendo stick on the back for a times. Wasabi gets up and gets a kendo stick shot to the head, Wasabi goes back down and An Arkie goes for the cover for the 1....2...kick out. An Arkie hits a few forearms to the back as Wasabi is getting up. Wasabi is on his feet once again as An Arkie goes for a fist, but Wasabi blocks it and fires back with a few fists of his own. Wasabi takes the kendo stick as An Arkie is stunned and waits for him to turn around, once he does Wasabi blasts An Arkie with a kendo stick shot into the gut doubling him over. Wasabi then smashes the kendo stick over his back. Wasabi waits as An Arkie gets to his hands and feet to pull him up, Wasabi then hits a kick to the gut that sends An Arkie down the ramp way rolling all the way to the arena floor. Wasabi gets down their himself and pulls up the padding from around the ring, Wasabi turns around as An Arkie is getting up, An Arkie stumbles towards Wasabi. Wasabi kicks An Arkie in the gut and sets him up for a piledriver, but Wasabi can't get him up and An Arkie counters it with a back body drop. An Arkie goes to one knee, but then starts to look under the ring for something to hit Wasabi with. An Arkie pulls out a trash can, Wasabi slowly starts to make it to his feet. Wasabi is now up and turns around as he gets smashed in the face with the trash can An Arkie looks around and then puts the trash can on Wasabi's chest. An Arkie climbs up on the apron and up on the second turnbuckle. An Arkie leaps off the second turnbuckle, but Wasabi moves out of the way as An Arkie goes to the floor as Wasabi gets up and uses this time to recover from An Arkies moves. An Arkie slowly starts to get up, Wasabi walks over to where An Arkie is and pulls him up the rest of the way. Wasabi then whips An Arkie to the steel steps. An An Arkie goes flying into the steps, Wasabi then throws him into the ring and rolls in the ring himself. An Arkie gets up using the ropes. Wasabi measures him up and hits a few knife edge chops to An Arkie. Wasabi then whips An Arkie to the ropes, An Arkie bounces off the ropes and Wasabi trys for a clothesline as An Arkie reaches him. But An Arkie ducks it and continues to the other side of the ring as Wasabi spins around and catches An Arkie in a power slam]

JR-both of this competitors are giving it their all

King-Well that's not much JR

[Wasabi doesn't go into the cover with the powerslam and rolls out of the ring and goes towards the time keepers table. The Time keeper runs out of the way as Wasabi picks up the bell and throws it into the ring and then goes back and gets a steel chair and throws that into the ring. Wasabi then looks under the ring and pulls out a ladder and slides it into the ring. But as he does that, he doesn't see that An Arkie is on his feet and charging at him. An Arkie hits a baseball slide that sends the ladder into the face of Wasabi. An Arkie takes the ladder and pulls it into the ring, An Arkie then sets the ladder up near the ropes and starts to climb the ladder. An Arkie gets to the top and sits and waits for Wasabi to get up, once he does An Arkie leaps off the latter to the arena floor hitting a gaint cross body block from there. Both wrestlers are down, though An Arkie is trying to get up using the announcers table. An Arkie pull up Wasabi and smashes his face against the announcers table. An Arkie trys it again, but this time Wasabi is able to block it. An Arkie trys it again, but gets blocked again. Wasabi then elbows An Arkie in the gut and smashes his face into the table once twice. Wasabi then grabs a chair, An Arkie charges at Wasabi and he just smashes the chair into An Arkie's face. Wasabi then looks over to the spanish announcing, Wasabi starts to clear off the announcing table. Wasabi then pulls off the moniters and waits for An Arkie to get up as Wasabi grabs the steel chair and stands ready for An Arkie. An Arkie slowly gets up, Wasabi then hits An Arkie on the side of his head that makes him fly on top of the table. Wasabi slowly gets on the table and pulls An Arkie up and sets him up for a pull up piledriver. Though Wasabi takes way too much time, An Arkie drops to one knee and hits a low blow. Wasabi stands there with a very painful expression on his face, with all his stength he has right now. An Arkie gets up as Wasabi is stunned, and hits a quick sit down face buster driving Wasabi and himself through the table.]

JR-That's a hell of a move King

King-How in the hell did that idiot do that?!?

[Both wrestlers are down after being driven through the table. Both of them start to make it to their feet as they do suddenly Phantom runs down to the ring with a chair. Phantom blasts both An Arkie and Wasabi with a chair, though both of them don't go down. Phantom runs through the crowd as both Wasabi and An Arkie are pretty much out on their feet due to the chair shots to the head. An Arkie is the first to fall as Wasabi does the same a top of An Arkie as Wasabi gets the 1......2....3.]

King-well that was fluke, if I ever saw one.

JR-it got him the win, didn't it

King-yeah I guess

[Wasabi goes into the ring and starts to celebrate his win. The EMF tron is in the picture. Suddenly a theme starts to play. As the words "shattered dreams" appear on the EMF tron and then break apart like glass]

JR-what the...

[The lights go out as you can barely see Wasabi as he watches the EMF tron as the words " Shattered Dreams Productions,24 Karat pictures presents,A Shattered Dreams Production, Goldust" As the name Goldust appears on the EMF tron it cuts back to the ring where the lights are back on and Goldust is stomping on the downed Wasabi. Goldust pulls up Wasabi and throws him into the corner. Goldust sets up Wasabi in the corner, Goldust does one of his poses. Then charges at Wasabi and hits the shattered dreams on Wasabi. Wasabi falls from the corner and rolls out of the ring in a lot of pain. Goldusts theme blasts on the PA system.]

King-Oh great, just when we thought we had enough freaks in the EMF

JR-Well it seems that Goldust didn't take too kindly to what Wasabi kept saying about him.

Jerry "The King" Lawler - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, Hardcore Timmay!!!

[Hardcore Timmay comes to the ring. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - and his opponent, Jake Jeckyl!!!

[Jake Jeckyl walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Hardcore Timmay executes a pumphandle suplex on Jake Jeckyl. Hardcore Timmay gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Jake Jeckyl. (ding, ding, ding) Hardcore Timmay hits Jake Jeckyl with an earringer. Jake Jeckyl hits Hardcore Timmay with the back of his elbow. Jake Jeckyl gouges Hardcore Timmay's eyes out. ]

Jim Ross - Jake Jeckyl with a eye gouge.

[Hardcore Timmay hits Jake Jeckyl with the back of his elbow. Hardcore Timmay executes the jumping sidekick on Jake Jeckyl. Hardcore Timmay fist drops Jake Jeckyl on the mat. Hardcore Timmay stands up. Hardcore Timmay stomps Jake Jeckyl. Jake Jeckyl stands up. Jake Jeckyl hits Hardcore Timmay with a running powerbomb on to the mat. Jake Jeckyl stomps Hardcore Timmay's head. Hardcore Timmay climbs to his feet. Hardcore Timmay bounces Jake Jeckyl off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. Hardcore Timmay is up again. Now Jake Jeckyl standing. Jake Jeckyl throws Hardcore Timmay off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. Hardcore Timmay is up again. Jake Jeckyl gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Jake Jeckyl gets hit with the shooting star press from Hardcore Timmay. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Jake Jeckyl escapes. Jake Jeckyl gets back to his feet. Jake Jeckyl executes a headlock takedown. Jake Jeckyl measures Hardcore Timmay up and drops a closed fist. Now Jake Jeckyl standing. Jake Jeckyl applies an arm wrench to Hardcore Timmay. Hardcore Timmay stands up. Hardcore Timmay leg lariats Jake Jeckyl, sending him to the mat. Hardcore Timmay sends Jake Jeckyl to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Jake Jeckyl climbs to his feet. (..2) Hardcore Timmay gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Hardcore Timmay takes a corkscrew armdrag.

[Now Hardcore Timmay standing. (...3) Hardcore Timmay tackles and begins punching Jake Jeckyl. (....4) Hardcore Timmay comes from behind and bulldogs Jake Jeckyl. Now Hardcore Timmay standing. Jake Jeckyl is up again. (.....5) Jake Jeckyl and Hardcore Timmay move back into the ring. Jake Jeckyl grabs Hardcore Timmay's head and hites him in the face. Jake Jeckyl gets taken down with an armdrag takedown. Jake Jeckyl is back on his feet. Hardcore Timmay gets tiger suplexed by Jake Jeckyl. Jake Jeckyl gets back to his feet. Now Hardcore Timmay standing. Hardcore Timmay pokes Jake Jeckyl in the eye with his thumb. Jake Jeckyl spins aroround Hardcore Timmay's back and DDT's him into the mat. ]

Jim Ross - Good backspin DDT/Miavia Hurrcane by Jake Jeckyl.

[Jake Jeckyl moves back to his feet. Jake Jeckyl executes the sleeperhold on Hardcore Timmay. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... Jake Jeckyl tightens the hold. ... Hardcore Timmay escapes. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - That was almost the end of the match right there!

[Jake Jeckyl knees Hardcore Timmay and rolls back to his feet. Hardcore Timmay stands up. Hardcore Timmay bites Jake Jeckyl's arm out of desparation. Hardcore Timmay gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Jake Jeckyl. Hardcore Timmay gets up. Hardcore Timmay hits Jake Jeckyl with a headbutt to the mid-section. Jake Jeckyl hits him with a back fist. Jake Jeckyl slaps Hardcore Timmay. Hardcore Timmay puts Jake Jeckyl on the top rope and executes a superplex. Hardcore Timmay gets up. Hardcore Timmay knees Jake Jeckyl and rolls back to his feet. Hardcore Timmay grabs Jake Jeckyl and applies an arm wrench. Jake Jeckyl is back on his feet. Hardcore Timmay goes for a pumphandle slam but Jake Jeckyl dodges the attack. Hardcore Timmay nails Jake Jeckyl with a huge slingshot sommersault splash. Hardcore Timmay stands up. Hardcore Timmay puts a knee to Jake Jeckyl's back and pulls hims arms back. Earl Hebner asks Jake Jeckyl if he quits. ... ... Hardcore Timmay tightens the hold. ... ... Hardcore Timmay breaks the hold. Hardcore Timmay hits Jake Jeckyl with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Hardcore Timmay stands up. Jake Jeckyl gets hit with the shooting star press from Hardcore Timmay. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 Jake Jeckyl kicks out. ]

Jim Ross - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like Jake Jeckyl.

[Hardcore Timmay legsweeps Jake Jeckyl. Jake Jeckyl stands up. Hardcore Timmay gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Jake Jeckyl comes over and smashes Hardcore Timmay's head into it. Hardcore Timmay applies the clawhold on Jake Jeckyl. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Jake Jeckyl takes a clawhold.

[Jake Jeckyl delivers a spinning backbreak to Hardcore Timmay. Hardcore Timmay is back on his feet. Hardcore Timmay gets hit with a dragon scerw from Jake Jeckyl. Jake Jeckyl covers Hardcore Timmay hooking the leg. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Hardcore Timmay kicks out. Hardcore Timmay stands up. Jake Jeckyl bounces Hardcore Timmay off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. Jake Jeckyl stands up. Hardcore Timmay stands up. Jake Jeckyl picks up Hardcore Timmay and front slams him on the mat. Jake Jeckyl and Hardcore Timmay go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Hardcore Timmay climbs to his feet. (..2) Hardcore Timmay tackles Jake Jeckyl to the floor. Jake Jeckyl moves back to his feet. (...3) Jake Jeckyl knifehand chops Hardcore Timmay. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Hardcore Timmay takes a knifehand chop.

[(....4) Hardcore Timmay jabs Jake Jeckyl. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Hardcore Timmay nails Jake Jeckyl with a belly-to-back suplex. Hardcore Timmay moves back to his feet. Jake Jeckyl moves back to his feet. Jake Jeckyl lifts Hardcore Timmay up and drops him on his knee. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - back breaker by Jake Jeckyl.

[Jake Jeckyl puts the chicken wing on Hardcore Timmay. Earl Hebner asks Hardcore Timmay if he quits. ... ... Hardcore Timmay trys to escape. ... Hardcore Timmay escapes. ]

Jim Ross - Jake Jeckyl is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[Hardcore Timmay hiptosses Jake Jeckyl. Now Jake Jeckyl standing. Hardcore Timmay gets hit with a fisherman suplex by Jake Jeckyl. Jake Jeckyl moves back to his feet. Jake Jeckyl executes a jawbreakeron Hardcore Timmay. Jake Jeckyl with a falling splash on Hardcore Timmay. Jake Jeckyl is back on his feet. Jake Jeckyl leg drops the throat of Hardcore Timmay. it's the incredible DEPIESK SLAM!!! Jake Jeckyl catches Hardcore Timmay in the FINAL THOUGHT. Timmay doesn't submit, but then goes out. The ref checks his arm and then calls for the bell

Jerry "The King" Lawler - The winner of this match, Jake Jeckyl!!!

The camera pans the crowd and get a good shot of the entrance way. The p.a. and Emftron cuts to Badd Boy's music and entrance video as he heads down to the ring. Badd Boy turns around and admires the video as he advances down the ramp. He enters the ring and crosses to the far corner. The lights cut in and out as his video and music fade. The lights stay in the strobe pattern as Phantom's video plays and his music hit. He appears on the ramp and walks toward the ring. He enters the ring and crosses over toward Badd Boy. The ref gets inbetween them as they exchage a few choice words. The ref then calls for the bell.

J.R. - Looks like these two are ready to go. With the extreme title on the line you know both guys want the win.

Phantom drops Badd Boy with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Badd Boy moves back to his feet. Phantom uses a snap mare takeover on Badd Boy. Badd Boy gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Phantom. Phantom gets up. Phantom hits Badd Boy with an elbowdrop. Phantom moves back to his feet. Badd Boy moves back to his feet. Badd Boy bounces Phantom off the ropes and hits him with a jumping clothesline. Badd Boy sucks chants start in the crowd. Phantom is back on his feet. Badd Boy drags Phantom to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Phantom gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Badd Boy. ]

Jim Ross - Badd Boy with a boot choke.

[(...3) Phantom executes a swinging bulldog on Badd Boy driving Badd Boy's face into the floor. Phantom is back on his feet. Badd Boy gets up. (....4) Badd Boy with an impressive flying spinning leg lariat on Phantom. Badd Boy gets up. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Badd Boy and Phantom move back to ringside. They fight into the aisle. Badd Boy and Phantom move back to ringside. Badd Boy and Phantom move back into the ring. Badd Boy tackles Phantom. Badd Boy is back on his feet. Phantom gets back to his feet. Badd Boy gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Phantom applies an arm wrench to Badd Boy. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - arm wrench!

[Phantom knees Badd Boy and rolls back to his feet. Badd Boy is back on his feet. Phantom dropkicks Badd Boy. Phantom is back on his feet. Phantom drags Badd Boy to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Badd Boy moves back to his feet. (..2) Badd Boy monkey flips Phantom onto the floor. Badd Boy gets back to his feet. Phantom gets back to his feet. (...3) Phantom neck snaps Badd Boy. (....4) Phantom double underhook faceslams Badd Boy hard to the Badd Boy. (.....5) Phantom takes Badd Boy into the ring. Badd Boy gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Phantom. Phantom climbs to his feet. Phantom grabs Badd Boy and applies an arm wrench. Phantom hits Badd Boy with an elbowdrop. Badd Boy stands up. Phantom gets hit with a fisherman suplex by Badd Boy. Badd Boy is up again. Badd Boy and Phantom go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Phantom gets knocked on the ground and Badd Boy flips onto him. (...3) Phantom hits a spinning leg lariat on Badd Boy sending him to the floor. Badd Boy moves back to his feet. (....4) Badd Boy goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Phantom. ]

Jerry Lawler - Follows up with a flying double foot stomp.

[Badd Boy moves back to his feet. (.....5) Badd Boy takes Phantom into the ring. Badd Boy executes a corkscrew legdrop on Phantom. Badd Boy gets back to his feet. Badd Boy measures Phantom up and drops a closed fist. Badd Boy stands up. Phantom gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Badd Boy. Badd Boy stands up. Phantom climbs to his feet. Badd Boy goes for a fireman's carry into flapjack but Phantom dodges the attack. Badd Boy puts Phantom in the double reverse chinlock. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... Phantom escapes. Badd Boy drags Phantom to the floor. ]

Lerry Lawler- Badd Boy can't get a pin at ringside.

[Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Badd Boy does a cartwheel and kicks Phantom in the face. (...3) Badd Boy grabs Phantom's leg and takes him down. ]

Jerry Lawler- single leg takedown by Badd Boy.

[Phantom gets up. (....4) Phantom uses a closed fist on Badd Boy. ]

Jm Ross- Phantom executes a punch.

[(.....5) They fight into the aisle. Phantom and Badd Boy move back to ringside. Phantom and Badd Boy move back into the ring. Phantom spinning mule kicks Badd Boy. Badd Boy with an illegal chokehold on Phantom. Phantom gets back to his feet. Phantom hits Badd Boy with the back of his elbow. Badd Boy is hit with a backward kick. Phantom executes a split legged moonsault on to Badd Boy. ]

Jerry Lawler- Badd Boy really felt that split legged moonsault!

[Phantom is up again. Phantom executes the sleeperhold on Badd Boy. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... Badd Boy is fighting the hold. ... Badd Boy is fighting the hold. Phantom breaks the hold. Phantom drags Badd Boy to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Phantom delivers a spinning backbreak to Badd Boy. (...3) Phantom knees Badd Boy and rolls back to his feet. Badd Boy gets back to his feet. Badd Boy takes Phantom down with an Arabian Facebuster. ]

Jim Ross- Nice Arabian Facebuster by Badd Boy.

[Badd Boy gets up. (....4) Badd Boy throws a chair at Phantom. Badd Boy knee drops Phantom. (.....5) ]

Jim Ross- Badd Boy is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[(......6) Phantom takes Badd Boy into the ring. Badd Boy gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Phantom comes over and smashes Badd Boy's head into it. Badd Boy punches Phantom in the gut. ]

Jerry Lawler- Phantom takes a fist to midsection.

[Badd Boy hiptosses Phantom. Badd Boy applies an arm wrench to Phantom. Phantom is up again. Phantom delivers a short-arm clothesline to Badd Boy. ]

Jim Ross- Badd Boy takes a short-arm clothesline.

[Badd Boy with a headbutt on Phantom. Phantom tackles Badd Boy. ]

Jim Ross- Phantom executes a football tackle.

[Badd Boy gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Phantom. Phantom gets back to his feet. Phantom applies an arm wrench to Badd Boy. ]

Jerry Lawler- arm wrench by Phantom.

[Phantom hits Badd Boy with an elbowdrop. Phantom stands up. Phantom knees Badd Boy and rolls back to his feet. Badd Boy gets hit with the shooting star press from Phantom. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 Badd Boy kicks out. ]

Jerry Lawler- Phantom should have known better than to try for a shooting star press at this point in the match.

[Now Badd Boy standing. Badd Boy goes for a leaping swinging DDT but Phantom dodges the attack. Flying Tomahawk by Badd Boy sends Phantom down to the mat. Now Phantom standing. Badd Boy gets hit with a back heel kick. Badd Boy hits Phantom with a Baba chop. Badd Boy executes a jawbreakeron Phantom. ]

Jim Ross- Phantom takes a jawbreaker.

[Badd Boy goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Phantom. Badd Boy is back on his feet. Phantom moves back to his feet. Badd Boy hits the fallaway slam on Phantom. Badd Boy sucks chants start in the crowd. Badd Boy gets back to his feet. Badd Boy sends Phantom to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Badd Boy cuts Phantom with a blade. Phantom is bleeding as a result. Badd Boy rolls onto Phantom connecting with a knee. Badd Boy falls head first into Phantom. Badd Boy and Phantom move back into the ring. Badd Boy hits a jumping elbow hrust on Phantom. Phantom gets up. Badd Boy hits Phantom with a heart punch. Badd Boy Choke Slams Phantom. Phantom looks to be out cold! Phantom gets hit with the shooting star press from Badd Boy. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Jim Ross - We've got ourselves a winner!

Howard Finkle - The winner of this match, and still Extreme Title champion, Badd Boy!!!

The lights dim as Puniser's music hits. e steps out onto the entrance ramp and waits. Mystikal steps out the two look toward the ring and head down the ramp. As they get to the ring. Punisher slides under the ropes as Mystikal takes the steps up and leaps over the ropes. The go to the far corners and climb the turnbuckles. As they wait the lights come up and Carnage's Music hit's He approches the top of the ramp and Wes shows up behind him. Wes and Carnage look toward the ring and head that way. Carnage arrives at the ring and pionts for Wes to move around to the far steps. They enter the ring at the same time and as the bell rings. Punisher hits Wes with an back elbow. ]

Jim Ross- Wes takes a elbow.

[Wes is back on his feet. Punisher whips Wes into the ropes and hits Wes with a rolling elbow smash to the face. We is down and Mystikal taks advantage. Mystikal uses a snap mare takeover on Punisher. Carnage rakes Mystikal's eyes and goes after Punisher. Punisher gets snap suplexed by Carnage. Carnage applies a nerve hold on Punisher. Mystikal hits Wes with a short clothesline then moves over and breaks the hold on his prtner. Mystikal DDT's Carnage onto the mat! ]

Jerry Lawler - The action here is so fast paced.

[Carnage bounces Mystikal off the ropes and clotheslines him. Mystikal climbs to his feet. Punisher spins Carnage around and gut kicks him. Punisher then piledrives Carnage. ]

Jim Ross - Carnage is being double teamed!

[Carnage gets up. Punisher is blindsided by Wes as Mystikal executes a jawbreaker on Carnage. Carnage short clothslines Mystikal. Wes moves in and executes the guillotine choke on Mystikal. Carnage jumps off of the turnbuckle nailing Mystikal with an Asai Moonsault. Wes puts Mystikal in the achilles tendon hold. ]

Jim Ross - Mystikal is being double teamed!

[Punisher kicks Wes off of Mystkal and puts Wes in an arm grapevine submission. Wes lets go as Carnage hits a kneeling headbutt to Punisher's groin. Carnage knees Punisher and rolls back to his feet. Punisher gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Carnage. Carnage climbs to his feet. Punisher stands up. Punisher trys for a leg drop but Wes avoids it. Punisher makes the tag to Mystikal. Wes punches Mystikal repeatedly. Wes tags in Carnage. Carnage slaps Mystikal. Wes rakes the face of Mystikal in attempt to make a come back. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Mystikal takes a face rake.

[Wes monkey flips Mystikal onto the mat. Wes stands up.Punisher sets Carnage up DDTs him into the mat. Carnage puts Punisher in an arm grapevine submission. Carnage tags Wes. Wes executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Punisher. Punisher tags in Mystikal. Mystikal nails Wes with a huge slingshot sommersault splash. Punisher picks Wes up and side slams him to the mat. ]

Jim Ross - Come on ref! Do something!! Wes is being double teamed!

[A flying shoulder block send Punisher to the mat. Wes is back on his feet. Wes grabs Punisher and applies an arm wrench. ]

Jim Ross - Punisher takes a arm wrench.

[Punisher gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Wes. Mexican hiptoss executed on Punisher. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Punisher escapes. ]

Howard Finkle - Punisher almost lost the match!

[Wes stands up. Punisher punches Carnage in the head. ]

Jim Ross - Punisher with a punch.

[Carnage hits Punisher with the back of his elbow. Carnage pins Punisher against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Punisher gets hit with a flying forearm right to the face. Wes uses a snap mare takeover on Punisher. Wes dropkicks Punisher. Punisher executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Wes. ]

Jerry Lawler- Wes takes a ropeflip hiptoss.

[Wes gets knocked on the ground and Punisher flips onto him. Punisher gets back to his feet. Punisher bounces Carnage off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. Punisher gets back to his feet. Carnage climbs to his feet. A flying shoulder block send Punisher to the mat. Carnage moves back to his feet. Carnage goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Punisher. Carnage is up again. Punisher gets up. . Mystikal uses a lariat on Carnage. Mystikal knocks Carnage out with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam. Mystikal executes a headlock takedown. Mystikal bounces Carnage off the ropes and hits him with a jumping clothesline. They head back into the ring. Mystikal climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Carnage. Mystikal is back on his feet. Mystikal rolls onto Carnage connecting with a knee. Now Carnage standing. Mystikal uses a legsweep faceslam to bring Carnage down. Mystikal rolls him up with a backflip cradle. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Howard Finkle - The winners of this match, Punisher & Mystikal!!!

"Home" blasts on the PA system as Blindside walks to the ring along with Jarred following behind.

King-This is a weird tag team JR

JR-I'll give you that, but they are both great single competitors. So it will be interesting to see if they can form a great team.

"Snap your fingers, snap your neck" blasts on the PA system as Primetime walks to the ring along with Cobra

JR-Well it seems that Primetime picked Cobra to be his tag team partner

King-Oh great...I knew this place was getting dumber for a reason

[Primetime and Blindside start out, both start out talking to their corner. Then both suddenly charge into the middle of the ring and exchange fists back, Blindside gets upper hand and backs Primetime to the ropes. Blindside trys to whip Primetime to the ropes, but Primetime reverses the whip and sends Blindside to the ropes. Primetime runs and hits a knee lift to the gut of Blindside, Primetime pulls up Blindside and picks him up. Primetime then drops Blindside neck on the top rope, Blindside comes off the ropes and holds himself by the top rope. Primetime runs to the ropes and trys for a clothesline over the top rope, but Blindside hits a back body drop that sends Primetime over the top rope. Blindside waits a few moments to catch his breath, Blindside then runs to the ropes and dives over the top rope and knocks Primetime down. Both wrestlers are on the ground, though Blindside is able to get to his feet. Blindside pulls up Primetime and rolls him into the ring. Primetime pulls himself up by the ropes, then turns right into Blindside who picks Primetime up and slams him down in a body slam. Blindside then goes to the nearest turnbuckle and goes up to the second turnbuckle. Blindside then leaps off and hits a flying knee drop off the second across Primetimes throat, Blindside goes into the corner and gets a 1....2...kick out. Blindside gets up and waits for Primetime to get up as well, Blindside then hits a few kicks to the ribs as Primetime is trying to get up. From the force of the kicks Primetime lands near the ropes and uses those to get up. Primetime slowly gets up, Blindside whips Primetime off the ropes, but as he bounces off the ropes Primetime leaps up and hits a flying should block to Blindside that stumbles him, but doesn't put him down. Primetime hits a few fists to Blindside, then waits for Blindside to stumble to him so that he can hit a atomic drop. Primetime runs to the ropes and trys for a clothesline, but Blindside ducks it and Primetime continues as Blindside is still stunned. Blindside ducks the clothesline once again and hits a neck breaker on Primetime. Both Primetime and Blindside are down, the ref uses his standing 10 count 1.........2........3........4.......5......6........7...Both Primetime and Blindside get up. Blindside a bit more stunned than Primetime is, Primetime is able to take a second or two and recover then kick Blindside in the gut and lifts Blindside up for the Primetime pludge. But Blindside slides out the back and pushes Primetime to the ropes and rolls him up for a 1.....2.....kick out]

JR-Very close, though both wrestlers might want to their partners now

King-I don't think they want to, Blindside and Primetime hate each other and I just hate that idiot Blindside.

[Blindside gets ready as Primetime gets up, Blindside hits a few knife edge chops Blindside backs Primetime to the ropes and trys to whip him off the ropes. But Primetime reverses, Blindside bounces off the ropes and Primetime trys for a clothesline. But Blindside ducks the clothesline, Blindside bounces off the ropes, Primetime and Blindside knock down each other. They are now both down, both wrestlers start to move towards their corners. Blindside is the first to tag in Jarred, Jarred runs and trys to stop the tag to Cobra, but Blindside makes the tag to Cobra. Cobra comes into the ring as Jarred trys to hit a fist to the face to Cobra. Which is easly blocked and return by Cobra that send Jarred to the ropes, Cobra trys to whip Jarred to the ropes. But Jarred reverses and Cobra goes running to the ropes, Cobra bounces off the ropes and leaps in the air and hits a flying clothesline to Jarred. Primetime runs into the ring and hits a few fists that back Cobra to the ropes and Primetime trys to whip Cobra to the rope. But Cobra reverses the whipe and Primetime goes flying to the ropes and bounces off where Cobra catches him and hits a hard spinebuster on Primetime. Jarred charges at Cobra, but Cobra sees Jarred before he can do anything and counters his charge with a back body drop over the top rope. Primetime steps into the ring and pulls up Blindside, Primetime and Cobra whip Blindside to the ropes. Blindside bounces off the ropes, Cobra and Primetime then hits a double back body drop that sends Blindside over the top rope and flying into Jarred. Cobra goes outside and throws Jarred back into the ring for the 1......2....kick out. Cobra pulls up Jarred and whips him to the ropes and puts on a sleeper. Jarred struggles to get out of it, then Cobra turns it into a sleeper slam. Cobra taking maybe a little too much time tags in Primetime, Primetime climbs to the top rope and has to take a few moments to adjust to get ready to try the move. Primetime trys for a moonsault, but at the last second Jarred moves out of the way. Slowly Jarred trys to get to his feet as does Primetime, Primetime trys to hit a few fists to Jarred. But Jarred blocks it and hits a fist that makes Jarred fall limply to the ropes and bounce back to where Jarred is. Jarred uses this momentum to put Primetime into flap jack. Jarred slowly gets up, Jarred pulls up Primetime and sets him up, Jarred then lifts him and hits a sit down powerbomb for a 1.....2...kick out]

JR-Primetime kicked out, but just barely

King-he's the champ., of course he kicked out!

[Jarred pulls up Primetime and twists his arm, Jarred tags in Blindside who puts Primetime into a arm bar. Then into a hammer lock, Primetime elbows out of it. Blindside stumbles a little, Primetime kicks Blindside in the gut and hits a DDT. Both wrestlers are down, Primetime a bit despirt calls for his finisher "the Primetime Pludge". Primetime pulls up Blindside and lifts him up over his shoulder, but before he can hit his finisher. Blindside slides out the back and hits the blindsided (I think that's the name of the finisher, if it's not sorry). Blindside goes into the cover, Cobra trys to get in. But Jarred quickly runs in and knocks him off the apron and Blindside gets the 1......2.....3]

JR-Blindside just pinned Primetime!!

King-I didn't see that....tell me I didn't see that

JR-You saw that


*Saturday Shockwave goes off as Jarred and Blindside are celebrating*