EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(While the fans get in their seats, we start off with the dark match as the wrestlers walk down to the ring)

[ Tyrant and T Hardy pace around the ring, Tyrant kicks T Hardy in the gut doubling him over Tyrant uses a neckbreaker on T Hardy. Pitbull takes a snap suplex from Tyrant. Travis Hardy elbows Tyrant in the face to break a hammerlock. Sharp kick from T Hardy. Pitbull scores with a face jam. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. Uninspiring brawling from Tyrant. Tyrant gets taken down out of nowhere. T Hardy \ Pitbull whip Tyrant into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Diving headbutt from T Hardy. T Hardy tastes a spinning neckbreaker from Pitbull. Travis Hardy hits a right hand out of nowhere. Tyrant takes a sloppy snap suplex from Travis Hardy. Tyrant is in trouble. Pitbull hits a weak kick. Forearm to the face from Pitbull on Tyrant. T Hardy powers out of a headlock. Travis Hardy hits a big clothesline. Suplex into a front slam from Tyrant. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Weak slam from Pitbull. Pitbull misses a clothesline. Travis Hardy scoops up Pitbull. Tyrant bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Travis Hardy with a standing spinebuster. T Hardy takes a snap suplex from Tyrant. T Hardy counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Pitbull takes a second rope chop from T Hardy.]

King-Wow this must be a new sim

Cole-Yeah, after this show was booked the WWE went out of business

[Dropkick from Tyrant. Big clothesline from Tyrant. Cover! 1....2...kick out. T Hardy counters an avalanche with a raised foot to the face. Weak kick from T Hardy. Dropkick from T Hardy. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Slingshot clothesline by T Hardy. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! T Hardy looks shocked. T Hardy hits a dropkick on Tyrant. T Hardy drops an elbow...but misses. Hard slam by Tyrant. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Diving headbutt from Tyrant. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. Tyrant with a sloppy back bodydrop on T Hardy. T Hardy takes a weak kick. T Hardy reverses a Tyrant hammerlock. Sharp kick from T Hardy. Travis Hardy with a standing spinebuster. Incredibly weak headbutt on Tyrant by T Hardy. Tyrant takes a snap suplex from Travis Hardy. Tyrant walks into a suplex from Travis Hardy. Travis Hardy punches away at Tyrant. T Hardy drops an elbow...but misses. T Hardy takes a hangman's neckbreaker from Tyrant. Tyrant hits a bulldog off the ropes. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. T Hardy reverses a waistlock. Second rope splash by T Hardy. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Diving headbutt from T Hardy. Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. Tyrant elbows Travis Hardy in the face to break a hammerlock. Tyrant with a running dropkick into the corner.]

King-I wonder if I could get Vince McMahon to job to me

Cole-Well your not a wrestler in EWR.

[T Hardy hits an arm drag on Tyrant. Tyrant ducks a wild right hand. Weak kick from Tyrant. The referee gets hit by a wild right hand and is down. Side suplex from Tyrant. Hooks the leg, but there's no referee to make the count. Travis Hardy hits a right hand out of nowhere. T Hardy hits a wheel kick on Tyrant. Back heel kick from T Hardy. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Travis Hardy with a standing spinebuster. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. Travis Hardy misses a clothesline. Tyrant scores with a face jam. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. Travis Hardy elbows Tyrant in the face to break a hammerlock. Travis Hardy moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Cold Shoulder. 1....2...3, it's finished. END OF BOUT]

[Shockwave begins with the normal intro as we then hear "I'm Back!!" on the P.A. as Eric Bischoff's theme hits fans begin to boo as Bischoff makes his way down the ramp area as he talks trash to some of the fans, Bischoff then looks back and notices something as he goes back into the entrance way and grabs Mercedes by the arm as she is in a leather dominatrix type swim suit, Bischoff grabs a chain which is connected to Mercedes' collar, Bischoff makes his way down leading Mercedes as he has a huge smile on his face. Bischoff then gets in the ring as he request a mic, Bischoff grabs the mic and tries to talk but, the boos are so loud he can't talk, camera goes to the outside as it gets some of the Atlanta Falcons football players booing as well. Bischoff finally then gets to speak...]

Bischoff: You know I don't really like any of you morons either, and to tell you the truth if I didn't have to be out here I wouldn't be! But, you see this? [Bischoff holds up a piece of paper he pulls from his pocket.] This is a letter from co- President Triple H, telling me to meet him in the ring at the beginning of Shockwave and here I stand waiting for Triple H, the greatest EMF president of all time by the way, so Hunter I am out here as you ordered so if you needed me for something just come on out and let me know.

[Within seconds of Bischoff's last words, "Time to play the Game" hits on the P.A. as he makes his way down to the ring with a briefcase in hand, Triple H then begins his slow walk to the ring as he walks around the ring as he notices some of the Atlanta Falcons ringside as he stares a couple of them down as they get up and look at Triple H as well, Triple H just laughs a bit as he hops on the ring apron and begins to do his pose, Triple H then spits his water as he then steps inside the ring and request a mic of his own.]

Triple H: I see that Sierra delivered my message to you, well you see here Eric, you remember couple weeks back I said that you could either win that six man tag or you would be punished for embarassing me. Well, I watched the match Eric and what did you do? I tell you what you did Eric, you did the one thing I told you not to do and you came out and not just embarassed yourself, you also embarassed your fellow staff members in the back. Me and Natch was watching the match in the back and after minutes within the match we started to hold our heads in shame. So now, I got to be a man of my word and I havta do something to punish you, Eric Bischoff. So you tell me Atlanta, what should Eric Bischoff's punishment be? Should I just go ahead and fire Eric Bischoff, right here in Atlanta, Georgia?! [Triple H puts the mic out to get the fans reaction as they cheer loudly, Eric Bischoff just shakes his head as he pleads with Triple H.] No, No...I think firing Eric Bischoff wouldn't be a good investment for Triple H's side of the staff. So what could we do to punish you Bischoff? Oh..Oh..I got it, how about we bring in a steel cage and we put you inside that cage against oh I don't know, how about the Game, TRIPLE H?! [Fans cheer as Triple H steps up face to face with Bischoff as Bischoff backs away a bit, Triple H then puts his hands up as to say, I ain't gonna do anything as he backs away.] No..No..We want to punish Eric Bischoff, not kill him? So what would be a good punishment for Eric Bischoff? Ohhh...I got one, instead of punishing Eric Bischoff, how about we reward him that way we can encourage him to do better next time around? [Fans boo as Eric Bischoff shakes his head and begins to regain a smile again.] Well thats exactly what will do Eric Bischoff, we are going to reward you right here tonight! And the reward comes right about [Triple H lifts up his sleeve and looks at his watch] now! So Eric Bischoff, my reward to you is right here in Atlanta, Georgia we shall give you what you love, H-L-A!! [Fans begin to cheer as Bischoff gets a huge smile on his face as Mercedes stands in the corner shaking her head.] Now, Now Mercedes don't worry, I have went out and found another girl for tonight's HLA. But, you see only problem is we are one girl short so...

[Eric Bischoff goes over smiling as he pats Mercedes on the back as to say well guess you havta do it, Triple H begins to shake his head as Bischoff looks at him weird.]

Triple H: No, No Eric...You see, tonight is going to be different [Triple H goes and picks up his briefcase as he sits it up on one of the turnbuckles and begins to flip the locks on it, Triple H then reaches in and pulls out a dress as he holds it out for the fans.] You see Eric, tonight you become the woman and you can be the one having HLA here tonight! [Bischoff begins to say no as he holds his hands out to say no thanks.] No, I dont think you get it Eric, either you put on the dress or you can go pack your bags and consider yourself as good as FIRED! [Bischoff begins to get upset as he relunctly puts on the dress, Triple H then reaches in and pulls out a ugly looking wig as he tosses it Bischoff, as Mercedes sits in the corner laughing.] Don't forget the wig there you sexy thing you. [Fans begin to laugh as Eric Bischoff slowly puts on his wig.] Wait, wait before I forget, you need that one final touch...[Triple H reaches into his pocket as he pulls out a tube of lipstick, Triple H then takes it and tosses it to Mercedes.] Now, make Mr. Bischoff errr..I mean Mrs. Bischoff look good now Mercedes.

[Mercedes begins to walk over to Eric as she is cracking up with laughter, Bischoff just gives Mercedes a look of disguist as Mercedes makes a gesture with her lips as to say pucker up. Mercedes then applies the lipstick as it is all over the face of Eric Bischoff.]

Triple H: Thats probably the hottest chick I have ever seen in Atlanta, wouldn't you agree?! [Fans begin to cheer as some of the guys in the crowd begin to whistle at Bischoff and make gestures as Bischoff just screams at some of the girls to shut up.] Now, Eric Bischoff allow me to introduce you to your partner for this big HLA event, this isn't no fat hog like any these girls in Atlanta, Eric. [Fans begin to "Boo"] No, I searched and searched and searched for the perfect girl Eric and this girl is a former beauty pagent winner [Bischoff's expression changes to happy one as he hops up and down.] So Atlanta Georgia, give it up for the former 1948 Beauty Pagnent winner!!... [Triple H motions towards the ramp as camera goes to Bischoff who mouths "1948?"]

[Sounds of a piano are heard as "OHHH BABY" blares on the P.A. as Mae Young makes her way down the ramp as Bischoff's face goes to that as if he ate something sour, Triple H just shakes his head as he covers his eyes and begins to laugh. Mae gets in the ring as she chases Eric around as Eric finally slides out of the ring.]

Triple H: Dammit Eric, do you want to be fired? Do you really want to lose your job? Now either, go ahead and start to pack your bags or come in here and just..just kiss Mae Young...Thats all I am gonna make you do cause frankly I ain't that damn cruel. So just a kiss Eric...Come on you can do it...

[Bischoff slowly makes his way inside the ring as he gets in and begins to get close to Mae, Eric then steps away from Mae as he goes over to Triple H and just says "I can't do it..Please don't make me do it!" Triple H just points back at Mae as Bischoff slowly turns around, Triple H then gives Eric a slap on the ass as Bischoff looks back at Triple H as the fans just laugh as Triple H just shrugs his shoulders and laughs as he says "I had to do it". Mae the forces herself on Eric who fights with her a bit as he then just shoves her back and begins to look at Triple H as he begs again. Mercedes then sneaks around Eric as she then gives him a low blow, Eric then bends over as she pushes Eric down as Eric falls down sitting in the corner. Triple H then begins to laugh as he does the "nWo style of pointing over in the corner Bischoff is in to Mae", Mae then begins to hop around as finally she goes running in and hops on Eric with a bronco buster. Triple H has to hide his eyes as Mercedes just sits in the corner laughing. Finally Mae gets off Eric as Triple H steps outside of the ring and grabs a vendor's vest from under the ring with popcorn and other snacks in it. Triple H puts the vest on Bischoff's lap as he sits in the corner.]

Triple H: You want to embarass me Bischoff, well your gonna learn not to ever do it again! So tonight, you can see what your future will be in the EMF if you ever embarass me again and that is that of a popcorn vendor, and no need to take off that dress Bischoff, you can just wear that the rest of the night! And as for you!...[Triple H turns around grabbing the chain of Mercedes as he brings her in close.] You've been put through hell these last couple of weeks so I tell you what...Tonight, you can have the night off. [Triple H unbuckles her leash that Bischoff had around her neck as Mercedes doesn't wait for Triple H to change his mind as she hurrys out of the ring. Triple H then turns to Mae Young, as he just smiles and laughs again from what she just did to Eric Bischoff.] And you, haha what a good time we just had...Well Mae, welcome to EMF! [Triple H then kicks Mae in the gut as he hooks her arms up and delivers a pedigree as fans actually cheer.] And thanks for coming Mae, but don't you ever show your damn face around here again!

[Triple H's theme then hits as he steps out of the ring and begins to go back up the ramp.]

Cole: That had to be one of the funniest things I have ever seen! hahahaha...

King: And that could be one of the sickest things I have ever seen... BLAHHHHH!!!

[Bischoff slowly gets up holding his groin as officials are helping Mae up, Bischoff just begins to get angry as he walks over and pushes a crew member as he then delivers a karate kick to Mae who is sent back to the ground, fans begin to boo as he then just crawls out of the ring with his vendor's vest on as he goes into the crowd as he begins to sell items in his dress to the crowd as security follows him around.]

Cole: haha, what a great way to start off the show!

* Gravedigger is seen at the top of the stage with a determind look on his face as he walks down the ramp and to the ring apron and climbs in the ring. Then Kaedons music hits as he walks onto the stage and starts walking down the ramp holding his belt over his shoulder it seems to have dirt all over it he gets to the apron and and climbs into the ring and stares Gravedigger right in the eyes as the two eye each other Kaedon decides to try and lock up but as he does this Gravedigger kicks him in the gut Kaedon bends over in pain as he does this Gravedigger hits a DDT and sends Kaedon down to the mat Gravedigger goes for a quick pin 1....2...kickout Gravedigger gets up and argues with the ref saying that it was a 3 count Kaedon gets up and grabs Gravedigger from behind and delivers a german suplex driving him to the mat Kaedon gets up and starts laying the boots into Gravedigger*\par

King: Oh my god he is really making a comeback.\par

Cole: Thats cause he wants to destroy this man and keep hit title.\par

*Kaedon continues to lay the boots in on Gravedigger. Kaedon grabs Gravedigger by the hair stands him up and hits a brainbuster suplex then he picks Gravedigger back up and hits a DDT on him picks him back up again and hits a snap suplex on him picks him back up once again and tosses him hard into the turnbuckle causeing him to hit the corner hard and fall to the mat holding his back Kaedon wastes no time and heads back over to Gravedigger and picks him back up and tosses him into the other corner and runs at him and hits a big splash on the corner and Gravedigger starts to stumble of the corner groggy and and Kaedon hits a superkick on Gravedigger sending him back into the corner hard and he falls to the mat Kaedon then follows it with a running knee into Gravedigger causeing his head to bounce off the turnbuckle and cause him to fall to the mat Kaedon then picks him up pulls him out of the corner and sets him up against the ropes Kaedon then runs and bounces off the other ropes and clotheslines Gravedigger sending him outside the ring Kaedon then runs and bounces off the ropes once again as Gravedigger is getting up and hits a Suicide Dive onto Gravedigger but he seems to have injured himself in the process*\par

King: This man will do anything to keep his title wont he JR\par

Cole: He sure will man this ones gonna be a slobberknocker\par

*Kaedon slowly gets up as does Gravedigger and they both seem to make it to their feet and start trading punches as the ref begins to count 1..2..3..4..5..6.. Kaedon climbs back in the ring and the ref stops counting. As Gravedigger gets back into the ring Keadon starts punching him and kicking him not letting him get up at all Kaedon backs up a few feet and decides to try a hard kick on Gravedigger as he is on the ground but Gravedigger grabs Kaedons foot and gives him a dragon screw leg whip sending him to the mat Kaedon seems to have hurt his leg more and more as he tries to get up he keeps falling back down*

King: No way he will be able to continue with a bad wheel.\par

*Gravedigger sees this and starts to head over to Kaedon and attempt to get the upper hand but Kaedon rolls Gravedigger up into a small package 1.....2.....kickout. Gravdigger starts to call for his finisher and kicks Kaedon in the head and picks him up and hits the Exhuminator on him and goes for the pin 1.....2......thre no kickout Gravedigger looks pissed and starts to angrily lay the boots into Kaedon and picks him up he tries to hit the Exhuminator again but Kaedon reverses it at last minute and hits a suplex Kaedon then looks to the crowd and calls for his finisher he picks Gravedigger up and hits the Kaedon Crush on him and goes for the pin 1...2...kickout Kaedon looks pissed grabs Gravedigger picks him up toss him into the corner sets him up on the top turnbuckle and hits the Kaedon Crush from the top rope he slowly covers Gravedigger and goes for the pin 1....2......3 and the bell rings Kaedon stands up and the ref gets the title Kaedon then rips the title from the refs hand Gravedigger starts to slowly get up and Kaedon grabs Gravedigger and hits the Kaedon crush again sending Gravedigger down hard to the canvas Kaedon then goes outside the ring grabs a table and tosses it into the ring climbs back into the ring and sets the table up walks over to Gravedigger laughing*\par

King: What in the hell is he gonna do now

Cole: Somebody has gotta stop this man

King: Well he did say he was gonna dismember him

*Kaedon grabs Gravedigger and tosses him into the corner sets him up on the top turnbuckle and climbs up and hits the Kaedon Crush on Gravedigger. Kaedon goes into the cover and gets the 1……….2…..3 (though Gravediggers foot are under the rope) the ref doesn’t see it and awards the match to Kaedon

Cole: Gravedigger may have lost this match due to a ref over sight

King: Oh well, that’s life

Cole: I don’t think this is the last we heard about this King

[Camera then goes to the back as it goes to HBK who has a bandage on his forehead, Micheals is shown making his way down the hallway as he ask a couple of people in the back if they have saw Prez Mike. HBK then stops at a door which has "Co-President Triple H" written on it. Micheals then pauses a moment as he then opens up the door and barges in as Sierra is putting a new bandage on Triple H's head wound from last week. Triple H then notices HBK as he spins around in his chair and seems to be very angry to see HBK in his office.]

Triple H: What the hell do you want? Don't you think you shouldn't be nowhere near me after you stole my title shot?

[HBK reaches over and grabs the hanky from Ric Flair's suit as he tosses it at Triple H and it falls in his lap.]

HBK: Here whip your tears away and listen for me for a second, you see I don't know where the hell Mike is at so looks like I have to get what I want from you. And what I want is a match with any of those son of a bitches that decided they was gonna bust open Shawn Micheals last week. So it don't matter to me Hunter...CM Punk, Twilight, Messiah, Shane McMahon, hell all of em..It don't matter but, I want one of those bastards inside that ring tonight! Not next week, not at the PPV, not 3 days from now...NOW!

Triple H: Woah! Woah! Woah! Who do you think you are barking orders here? You think I am your little sidekick like I was in the WWF many years back? See Shawn, you no longer tell me what the hell to do. You see there is nothing more I want to see then you getting your ass kicked by any of those boys or hell you beating the hell out of any of those guys but, you see Shawn, I run a business here and we just can't go making matches within seconds but, I tell you what Shawn...You want em so bad? You want to destroy Shane and the boys? Well you can have your shot, but not in a match...You want em so bad Shawn, you go out into that ring and you demand for one of those bitches to come down...

HBK: You know what that ain't a bad idea...

[Shawn begins to walk off, closing the door behind him as Triple H just reaches under his desk and pulls out a sledgehammer as he sits it on his desk.]

Cole: Woah! I hope that isn't intended for Shawn Micheals, King...Or he is in big trouble tonight!

“Just 2 Badd” walks to the ring


King-…….man the writer is just speeding this along isn’t he?

“Twilight’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Twilight walks to the ring

Cole-Twilight has been a great extreme champion, beating Badd Boy would be another step in the right direction for his career

King-awww after he joined Shane’s group, he has it made!

[Twilight and then Badd Boy pace on opposite sides of the ring and then they both lock up. Badd Boy goes behind and then Badd Boy looks for a way out of the move. Badd Boy hits a back elbow and then goes for another and then Twilight ducks and then Badd Boy spins right into a northern lights suplex into a bridge and then goes into the cover and gets the 1……………2……..kick out. Badd Boy gets up fast and charges and then Twilight counters with a arm drag release and then Badd Boy stumbles up and then Twilight sets up and then nails a jack jacker that stumbles Badd Boy. Twilight backs to the ropes and then bounces off and then hits a leaping clothesline and knocks down Badd Boy. Badd Boy gets up and then gets knocked back by a standing drop kick. Twilight then measures up Badd Boy who is on the ropes and then charges at Badd Boy and then Badd Boy counters with a back body drop. Twilight goes flying over, but he is somehow able to stand on apron and then Badd Boy turns around and then gets a shoulder into the gut and then Badd Boy stumbles backwards and then Twilight quickly goes up to the nearest turnbuckle and then climbs to the top rope and then waits for Badd Boy to turn to him and then leaps off and then nails a missile drop kick and that goes into the cover and gets a 1…………2…….kick out. Twilight then gets up and then Twilight hits a snapmare and then Twilight backs to the ropes and then hits a drop kick into the back of Badd Boy. Twilight then decides to go for the knock out blow and then he goes to the outside and then climbs to the top rope and then goes for a flying leg drop. But Badd Boy moves out of the way at the last second and then he goes crashing into the mat. Badd Boy and Twilight are on the ground as the ref counts them for the standing 10 count 1……………….2………………3…………4……………..5………….6……..slowly Badd Boy gets to his feet. But really can’t make an attempt to getting the control to him. Twilight gets up and then charges at Badd Boy and then Badd Boy hot shots him up and then Twilight gets hung up on the top rope and then stumbles backwards. Badd Boy then hooks Twilight and then hits a reverse DDT. But then Badd Boy falls on the mat unable to capitalize

Cole-It seems Twilight has taken too much out of Badd Boy for him to make a come back

King-Yeah, seems to be like all the time

[Badd Boy stumbles up and then Twilight charges at him and then Badd Boy who is close to the ropes hits a drop toe hold. Twilight falls into the second rope throat fist, Twilight then stumbles up holding his throat and then Badd Boy waits for him and then nails a few punches and then whips him off the ropes and then Badd Boy bounces off the ropes and then nails a side walk slam and then goes into the cover and gets a 1..........2......kick out. Badd Boy waits for Twilight to get up, once he does Badd Boy kicks him in the gut and then hits a vertical suplex and then goes into the cover again and then gets a 1.........2.....kick out, Badd Boy seemly getting angry starts to hit a few fists to the face while Twilight is still on the mat. Badd Boy then calls for the full nelson slam and then yells for Twilight to get up, Twilight stumbles up and then Badd Boy goes for a full nelson slam. But then Twilight hits a few back elbows to break up the hold and then Badd Boy stumbles right into an ace crusher by Twilight. Twilight then climbs to the top rope and leaps off for darkness falls and then Badd Boy moves out of the way at the last second and then Badd Boy gets up and then Twilight stumbles into Badd Boy and then lifts up Twilight. Badd Boy then hits a death valley driver and then goes into the cover and gets a 1………….2…………kick out.]

Cole-Badd Boy might be taking control of this match

King-God what a badddddddddddddddd match!

[Badd Boy gets up and then Twilight gets up and then Badd Boy whips Twilight off the ropes and then Twilight bounces off the ropes and then Twilight leaps up and then goes for a flying forearm. But Badd Boy ducks it and then Twilight goes crashing into the ref. Badd Boy looks down not believing that just happen, but Twilight not caring kicks Badd Boy in the gut and then nails a DDT. Twilight then waits for Badd Boy to get up, then Twilight sets up Badd Boy and hits a reverse vertical DDT. The ref is coming to and then goes to the outside and then climbs to the top rope and then gets ready and nails darkness falls! Twilight goes into the cover and gets the 1……………2…………3]

[Triple H is then shown leaving the building as he is throwing his bags in the backseat of his limo, Shane McMahon then begins to walk up to Triple H's limo as fans begin to boo.]

Shane McMahon: Hunter, Hunter, Hunter...Nice surprise, you uhh leaving? Already? Why don't you come on back inside and watch us rough up your former buddy, HBK some more like last week. And speaking of last week, how did you like it last week huh? How did you like the little present me and the boys left you with? Tell me Hunter, hows the head? You know, I was bored the other night and I decided to look up your medical file, Hunter. You know, I am sure you know what I am talking about...Seems like HBK kinda did you a favor last week by taking your spot for the world heavyweight title match at Payback, eh Hunter? Because you aren't cleared to wrestle are you Hunter? You see, I know all about your bad back Hunter...Hell, you wasn't even clear to wrestle for the Hall of Fame battle royal but, you sneaked your doctor clearance from Mike didn't you? Seems like all those wars with X-Cold have finally took its toll on you. Why don't you just face it Hunter, your wrestling career is over...You simply dont have what it takes anymore, neither does your body have what it takes anymore. And you know that Hunter, dont you...Deep down inside you know your time is up and you tried last week to give it one last shot, but that was all a dream Hunter, a dream which isn't going to come true ever again! Never in your career will you be world heavyweight champion again! You want to know why? Because you are the past and the future like CM Punk, Twilight, and Messiah are here, and they are here to destroy people like you Hunter. And deep down you got to know that its true, because look what you did, you put in a little clause in a contract to get half of the EMF, and what for? I tell you what its for, its because you know that your name will never shine in the EMF again as a wrestler so you have to do the next best thing...Well even that is soon to fall to me, Hunter. You want your name to shine in the EMF like it once did, well to bad because I am here to make sure that your light never and I mean NEVER...Shines again. Have a good trip Hunter...

[Triple H doesn't say anything else as he just grabs his last bag tosses it in the back as he slams the door and the limo takes off.]

“Punk’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Punk walks to the ring with the IC and Tag titles over his shoulder

Cole-Punk sure has been successful over the past few weeks

King-Well did you expect less?

“Ice Jones” theme blasts on the PA system as Ice Jones walks to the ring.

Cole-We don’t know much about Ice Jones…

King-Other than he had to be Ashlee’s friend…more power to him * pukes *

[Punk and Jones lock up, they break the lock up and then Punk hits a thumb to the eye. Jones stumbles back and then Punk hits a few hard fists and then back up Jones to the ropes and then whips Jones off the ropes, Jones bounces off the ropes and then Punk lowers his head for a back body drop and then Punk waits for Jones and then Jones stumbles up and then Punk pick hits a few fists and then back up Jones to the ropes, then Punk hits a few knife edge chops on Jones that echo through the arena and then Punk tries to whip Jones off the ropes, but Jones reverses it. Punk bounces off the ropes and then Jones lowers his head for a back body. But Punk hits a kick to the face of Jones, Jones gets up and then stumbles backwards and then Punk runs to the ropes and then Punk runs to the ropes and then grabs Jones head and then hits a double handed smash on Jones. Punk then goes into the cover and gets a 1..........2..kick out, Punk then puts Jones in a chin lock. Jones isn't really beaten up enough for it to have the effect that Punk wants it to and then Punk slowly gets to his feet and then looks for a way out of the hold and then gets to the side of Punk and then hits a belly to back suplex on Punk. Both wrestlers are down, but get up in a good amount of time. Jones is in the corner trying to recover from all the moves. Punk gets up somewhat stunned and then goes into the corner to try to keep the advantage. But then Jones hits a few kicks from the corner and then follows it up with a few fists and then Punk stumbles back. Jones then follows that all up with a European upper cut and then gets Punk on his shoulders and then drives him down with a Death Valley Driver. Punk then goes into the cover and gets a 1……………2…..kick out. Punk looks up and gets a little fustrated, thinking he should have gotten the 3 on this one. But Punk decides to not complain anymore about it and then focuses more on Jones, Jones is on his knee’s and then hits a few fists from his knee’s though he is able to effect Punk enough for Jones to get up and then hits a quick inverted atomic drop. Punk stumbles back and then Jones gets up and hits a few hard fists on Punk and then tries to whip him to the ropes, but Punk reverses the whip and then Jones puts on the breaks and then pulls him on to his shoulders and then hits a pancake on Punk]

Cole-Shades of capital punishment by Hall of Famer Punisher

King-Seems Jones wants to PUNISH CM Punk…well guess he’s stole enough

[Jones stumbles up and then recovers for a little bit and then waits for Punk to get up. Punk stumbles up and then Jones picks up Punk and then nails a back breaker and then Punk keeps him on his knee and then stretches out his back. Then the ref asks Punk if he wants to give it up, Punk refuses and then Punk looks for a way out of the hold. Punk then hits a rake of the eyes to break up the hold. Jones stumbles around blinded and then Punk hits a few fists and then tries to whip Jones off the ropes, but Jones reverses the reverses and then Punk bounces off the ropes and then Jones hits a fall through spine buster on Punk. Jones gets up and then regains his eye sight and then waits for Punk to get up, once Punk does, Jones then hits a few fists into the face of Punk and then picks up Punk and then hits a body slam. Jones then hits a few stomps that rolls Punk on his stomach Jones backs to the ropes and then measures up Punk and then hits a double legged knee drop into the back of Punk. Punk looks like he’s in pain, Jones then puts on a surf board stretch. The ref asks Punk if he wants to give it up, Punk slowly gets to his feet and then slowly starts to turn the surf board stretch and then hits a few hard knee’s into the gut and then hits a fireman’s carry on Jones and then puts him in an arm extension.]

Cole-Punk is looking to make Jones tap

King-I doubt he will, if he can stand to look at Ashlee, then he can take anything

[Punk puts as much pressure as he can, but then Jones is able to grab the ropes. Punk breaks the hold as he waits for Jones to get up. Jones reels on the ropes and then Punk tries to whip Jones to the ropes. But Jones reverses the whip and sends Punk to the ropes. Jones goes for a clothesline, but Punk ducks it and then goes right into a waist lock and goes for a germen suplex. But Jones elbows out of it stunning Punk. Jones then puts Punk on his shoulder and then goes to the corner for a running power slam. Jones starts running and then Punk is able to slide out the back, Jones notices this and turns around right into a kick and a DDT by Punk! Punk goes into the cover and gets a 1……….2………..3]

“Break Stuff” blasts on the PA system as no one comes out

Cole-It would seem from what Badd Boy said during the week that Carnage wasn’t going to show

King-Wow, this is like First Blood…renewed

“Break Stuff” starts and stops a few times, Suddenly “Time to play the game” blasts on the PA system as Triple H walks out to the ramp with a microphone.

.::Triple H::.-Well, well, well…what a surprise, another person connected to the Ikeda’s are getting cold feet. Carnage was it really that you didn’t want to fight Ashlee…or was it that you have no balls. Oh yeah your probably shit your pants when you heard you had to go in the ring with a woman, I mean that seems to be more than you can handle. I mean Carnage look at your track record, you go around hanging around a title reserved for rookies, thinking you’re a big man because you can beat a few rookies. Hell, most of the time you get your ass kicked. So don’t come out here trying to make yourself something your not, because to me you are no better than any Ikeda you can think of Carnage…nothing more than chicken shit. Was it really going to hurt your precious image if you were to lose to Ashlee?…I have no doubt that’s the case Carnage, so Carnage don’t think you are going to get away like Wes Ikeda did at First Blood. Carnage just who the hell do you think you are coming out here and saying you didn’t sign a contract, as long as you have a contract with Extreme Measures Federation…and believe you do have a contract. I can make you do anything I damn well please, and if you don’t there will be consequences. So that brings me to that question again, just who do you think you are Carnage….Steve Austin? You think you can just spit in the face of your boss and get away with it. Carnage if you really are an Austin fan, then you would realize the only thing that saved Austin’s ass in those days was the fact that he was World champion. You on the other hand are a no body, a nothing, an after thought. Carnage the last thing on your mind should be image, because I sure the hell know you’ll never be in the spot light like Wes Ikeda presently has. Where you have reason to care about what others think of you, it’s unfortunate that at the time we have a champion that’s no better. A man with no balls, who doesn’t deserve to hold the World Heavyweight Championship. Especially after that sicking display at First Blood, Wes showed what a coward he is by convincing his brother to throw the match…and for what Tony, for what? So you could protect the reign of someone that just as well took your spotlight when he had the chance? You see Wes has cast his image…and it’s of a coward and it would seem that you Carnage are no better, you think are the next “Stonecold” Steve Austin, trying to go against what your boss says. Well Carnage I’m out here to say that if you don’t come out here, you will not get away with it like Wes Ikeda did. So unless you get your big ass inside that ring, I have two options..either sue your ass for breaking your EMF contract and believe me I will take everything you own, I will make sure by next week you’ll be living out on the streets. But you know what Carnage, that wouldn’t be very fun. So there was one stipulation in this match that I forgot to tell you about last week, because like I said, I knew you would do this. So if you don’t come to the ring, then I figure like Wes Ikeda…you are proclaiming you have no balls. So you might as well dress like it, Carnage you will have to perform in a skirt. *crowd boos * Hey, you people might as well be cheering for me. Because for years the inmates known as the Ikeda’s have been running the penitentiary. But now that the greatest champion of all time…the Game…the only diamond EVER IN THE EXTREME MEASURES FEDERATION IS HERE, you see things are going to change. So Carnage, as everyone knows I am a fair man *crowd boo’s * so I’ll give you 10 seconds to avoid the consequences.

(Triple H turns to the entrance, and no one comes out)

Triple H: Well take this as a message Carnage, a message to anyone that tries to screw around with me will suffer the consequences just like you are Carnage

“Time to play the game” blasts on the PA system as Triple H walks to the back

[Shawn Micheals theme then hits as the fans all begin to cheer, Micheals makes his way down to the ring as hops on the apron and request a mic immediately.]

HBK: Welp, Shane, Punk, Messiah, Twilight...Here I am...You want me? Come and get me! But, this time how about we do it with the lights on [fans begin to laugh and cheer as HBK tosses down the mic and waits.]

[Shane McMahon's Ministry theme then hits as he walks down the ramp slowly as he rolls in the ring requesting a mic, Shane grabs a mic as he turns around and begins to talk.]

Shane McMahon: You know Shawn...

[Micheals doesn't even wait for what Shane has to say as he just superkicks him down, Shane begins to roll out of the ring as Micheals follows, Micheals nails Shane with a right hand stumbling him against the guardrail, Micheals then charges in with a clothesline sending them both over the railing. Micheals grabs a chair a fan was sitting on as he cracks Shane in the head with the chair, Micheals then spots Bischoff who is still selling items in the crowd as Micheals reaches into his pocket throws him a dollar and grabs a drink from him. Micheals then lifts up Bischoff's skirt as Bischoff begins to yell at Micheals. Micheals then takes a seat in one of the fans seats as he tells Shane to get up while drinking his drink. Micheals then clotheslines Shane McMahon back over the railing as he goes rolling on the ground. Micheals then picks up the lifeless Shane McMahon as he hits him with a right hand which leaves him laying across the Spainish announce table. Fans cheer as Micheals looks around to get the fans reaction as the cheer loudly, Micheals then climbs the top rope as he gets ready to leap off on Shane McMahon. Out from the crowd then comes CM Punk who tosses Micheals off the top rope as he goes falling in the ring. Messiah and Twilight hit the ring as they stomp on HBK as he is down, CM Punk then slides in the ring to join in as fans chant "H-B-K!". The lights then go off as CM Punk, Twilight, and Messiah continue to beat on HBK.]

Cole: Ohh this just looks like last week with the lights coming back on and Micheals being left in a pool of his own blood.

[After several minutes the lights then comeback on as this time its different as the lights comeback on and Triple H stands over the body of HBK with a sledgehammer as he has it pulled back ready to hit anybody who comes near. Shane McMahon then comes in from the backside as Triple H turns around and nails Shane McMahon in the head with the sledge, Twilight, Punk, and Messiah then see there spot as they jump Triple H. Triple H begins to fight em off a bit but, its too much. Messiah, Punk, and Twilight stomp on the down Triple H with there backs turned to Shawn. Micheals remains motionless until out of nowhere Micheals kips up as he then runs over and drills Messiah with a right hand which sends him out of the ring. Punk then turns around as Micheals delivers some rights which send him up against the ropes, Micheals then clotheslines Punk out of the ring as he falls to the outside. Twilight then spots HBK is now up as he runs at him, Micheals then ducks down pulling down the rope as Twilight goes tumbling out to the floor. Twilight goes to get back in but, CM Punk and Messiah stop him, HBK backs up while saying bring it on as Triple H is getting to his feet. Triple H then backs up as he and Micheals backs meet one anothers. Micheals and Triple H then turn around as they stare one another down, Micheals and Triple H continue to do so as they occasionally look over to see where CM Punk, Messiah, and Twilight are. Shockwave fades to black with Micheals and Triple H starin' one another down as Shane McMahon lays bleeding in the ring.]