EMF: Saturday Shockwave

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Road Van Toad!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[RVT trips on the pilers that hold up the EMF tron and RVT goes rolling down to ring side ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Hash!!! (crowd boo's *****)

[Hash walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Earl Hebner checks Road Van Toad's boots and knee pads. Hash drops Road Van Toad with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (the bell rings) Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. Hash spinning mule kicks Road Van Toad. Road Van Toad moves back to his feet. Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. ]

JR - Road Van Toad executes a back fist.

[Hash hiptosses Road Van Toad. Hash executes a corkscrew legdrop on Road Van Toad. Hash gets back to his feet. Road Van Toad is up again. Road Van Toad executes the airplane spin and throws Hash onto the mat. Road Van Toad punches Hash repeatedly. ]

JR - Road Van Toad with a weak move.

[Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. Hash pokes Road Van Toad in the eye with his thumb. Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. Road Van Toad gets hit with a running powerslam by Hash Hash is up again. Now Road Van Toad standing. Hash with the hammerlock on Road Van Toad. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... ... Road Van Toad escapes. Hash tackles Road Van Toad. Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. Hash short clothslines Road Van Toad. Road Van Toad moves back to his feet. Hash bounces Road Van Toad off the ropes and clotheslines him. Road Van Toad climbs to his feet. Hash get whipped into the corner and Road Van Toad follows himin with an avalanche. Road Van Toad drags Hash to the floor. ]

The King - Time to take a nap, tell me when the HoRdE comes back

[Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Road Van Toad executes the airplane spin and throws Hash onto the floor. (..2) Road Van Toad sets Hash up DDTs him into the floor. Hash get whipped into the corner and Road Van Toad follows himin with an avalanche. Road Van Toad chants start. They head back into the ring. Road Van Toad gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Hash knifehand chops Road Van Toad. Hash goes to the ropes, Road Van Toad gets up and hits a spinning heel kick as he comes off the ropes. Road Van Toad takes a few moments to rest. Hash is stumbling up to his feet, Road Van Toad goes for a running clothesline. Hash ducks under the clothesline, Road Van Toad turns around and RVT gets blasted with the super kick. Road Van Toad falls against the ropes, and Hash hits a spinning spine buster on Road Van Toad.]

JR-Road Van Toad made a tactical error

King-What else is new.

Kris Gaffney-What the hell, I exist in the sim…AAAAHHH


[Hash calls for his finisher, Hash goes to the outside and climbs to the top rope. Hash leaps off, and hits the frog splash. The ref goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………2………3]
JR - The winner of this match, Hash!!!

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, from HEEL, KANE!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[fire blasts on the stage, but KANE walks through it. KANES on fire, but he seems to not to care. Until it registers in his head and he starts jumping around in pain. The ring crew puts him out and rolls him into the ring ]

JR - and his opponent, Troy!!! (crowd boo's ****)

[Troy walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. KANE walks around the ring. Troy executes a pumphandle suplex on KANE. (ding, ding, ding) KANE with an Aztecan suplex on Troy sends him to the mat. KANE is up again. KANE clotheslines Troy. ]

JR - Troy takes a weak move.

[KANE hits Troy with a heart punch. KANE clotheslines Troy. ]

The King - Troy takes a weak move.

[KANE pokes Troy in the eye with his thumb. KANE is speared by Troy. Troy gets back to his feet. Troy and KANE go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) KANE gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Troy. Troy moves back to his feet. (...3) Troy kicks KANE on the floor. (....4) Troy grabs KANE and applies an arm wrench. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Troy punches KANE in the gut. KANE gets elbowed to his midsection by KANE. Troy delivers a spinning backbreak to KANE. Troy fist drops KANE on the mat. Troy moves back to his feet. KANE moves back to his feet. Troy trys for a backdrop but KANE avoids it. Troy drags KANE to the floor. ]

The King - If KANE or Troy could get a weapon it would change the course of this match.

[Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) KANE gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. (...3) Troy knees KANE and rolls back to his feet. KANE hits Troy with an atomic drop. ]

The King - That atomic drop was very good.

[Troy gets back to his feet. (....4) KANE hits Troy with an atomic drop. KANE takes Troy into the ring. Troy gets up. Troy uses a closed fist on KANE. Troy comes from behind and bulldogs KANE. Troy gets up. Troy hits KANE with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Troy is back on his feet. KANE is up again. KANE hits Troy with an atomic drop. KANE applies a boston crab to Troy. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... Troy escapes. ]

JR - OHHHHHHH So close!!!

[Troy delivers a short-arm clothesline to KANE. Troy puts KANE in an arm grapevine submission. KANE hits Troy with an atomic drop. Troy is up again. KANE hits Troy with an atomic drop. They lockup. KANE sends Troy to the corner of the ring. KANE chops Troy. Troy stumbles out of the corner, KANE stumbles up to his feet. KANE picks up Troy, and goes into the corner and hits a running powers slam. KANE puts up his hand, and goes for the choke slam. Troy stumbles up to his feet, KANE grabs Troy by the throat, and lifts him. But Troy gets out of the choke slam. KANE turns around and Troy nail the That's Remarkable on KANE. Troy goes into the cover, and goes into the cover, he gets the 1…………2……3]

JR-You have to give it to him, that was a good counter


(The EMF logo flashes on the screen, as we go into the Shockwave video. It runs, and finally ends. We open up into the darken arena as pyrotechnics blasts on the stage. Finally it ends, and the lights come on, and the camera's scan the crowd. Some signs say "Kayfabe! Who needs it", "We don't exist", and "We found the WMD, it's Rex".)

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, what a show we have for you today. Headlined by Jarred Carthallion and Tyson Tomko.

King-Should be interesting, and it's been said that match was somewhat of a response , due to what happen last week

Kris Gaffney-Also, we will see if there is anymore development with the first signed match set for Payback at the end of the month.

*"April Hunter’s theme” blasts over the PA system as April Hunter walks to the ring as she poses cockily*

J.R- Its here debut King

King- Hotness

Kris- The security could be the condoms in my wallet

*”Tori’s theme” hits over the PA system and Tori walks to the ring*

J.R- Tori makes her return after a few weeks

King- Hotness

Kris- Your funny king

[The ladies both stare each other down before Tori starts laughing at April. April who is irritated runs at Tori, but Tori with the experience moves out of the way and hits April with a drop toehold. Tori then runs of the ropes and tries to baseball slide April out of the ring, but April moves and jumps on the downed Tori and gets her in a headlock, she starts to apply pressure. Tori starts to get on one knee and is able to whiplash April against the ropes, Tori goes for the closeline but it is ducked under by April who comes back on the opposite ropes hitting a jumping cross body and lands on the pin but it is rolled over by Tori into a small package 1…2…KICKOUT by April. Both ladies get up and start to throw punches at one another, they both start to back off, April pokes the eye of Tori and runs at her and plants her with a spinning DDT and Becky jumps right on top of Tori for the pin 1…2…KICKOUT]

J.R- April is doing well here

King- Indeed

[April then skips arguing with the referee and goes to the top rope. She waits for a few moments for Tori to get up and then hits her with a double axe handle. . Both ladies are down and start to get up. They do and then both run directly at each other and a double closeline happens. The referee starts to count (1)]

J.R- Good Effort by both here

King- I agree

[April starts to get to her feet and then backs up into the corner to rest. Tori then gets up seconds later and starts to go over to the corner as well, April kicks her and Tori falls, April tries to cover Tori. 1..2 (she puts her feet on the ropes) KICKOUT..]

J.R- April tried to cheat to win!

[Tori is pissed off and chases at April. April tries to punch Tori but Tori was going to have non of it as she plants April with a DDT. Tori goes to the top looking for a moonsult. She jumps off but the rookie is able to get her knees up. Both ladies are down. They get up at the same time and Tori connects with a swinging neck breaker. April is able to get her foot on the rope in time. April kicks Tori in the knee and goes off the ropes but Tori hits her with the Tori-Plex and gets the 1…2….3

J.R- Tori has won a hard fought battle

(We go backstage, John Cena can be seen talking to Tyson Tomko. But there is no sound that can be heard, then he hands over a bag, and leaves the screen. We fade back into the ring as Tomko opens it up, and grabs a fist full of cash)

(The Scene opens up with Rad Hazard, in what appears to be a part of the backstage area, in the corner of the room are piles of tapes stack up and out of there cases as if they were thrown there upon the completion. Rad is in a "Dont Fire Eric" shirt and he is munching on some Orville Reddenbocker popcorn. In the middle of the tape he is currently watching he turns to the camera and talks.)

Rad Hazard: You want some popcorn? (He asks to the camera man, as he began to reach for some Rad yanks it away and says) Ha! you can't have any because this is a pretaped segment and by the time you've watched this i've already eaten all of it!

(Rad looks back into the camrea and gets down to bussiness)

You all want to know what "The Truth" has been up to the last 3 weeks? Well the Truth is I have been scouting, I have been scouting my competiton, and now I think I am ready to make an open challenge for any champion to bring there belt to "The Truth" and put it on the line ill take you anytime anywhere.

(Rad quickly turns around to focus in on his tape that is currently playing on the tv and the camrea fades back to the shockwave logo, and into a commercial.)

(We come back from commercial, as the ring is surprisely set up with the Peeps show set. Suddenly "close your eyes" blasts on the PA system. Christian comes out of the back on to the stage. He's not in his ring gear, he's wearing a white shirt and black pants. Christian walks down to the ring, pointing out his Peeps. He jumps on the apron, and steps inside the ring. He goes over to the turnbuckle, and does a few taunts on it. He steps down, and gets handed a microphone. His music stops, he takes a few moments and listens to the boo's. He begins to talk.)

.::Christian::.-It sounds to me, that the Peeps are joyful over the return of the Peeps show! *crowd boo's* Oh yeah! I know you are, deep down inside! Because this is the show for the Peeps....by the Peeps. The only show that could afford to have Matt Hardy actually do an interview. It's just too bad that we can't afford his girlfriend....but that's another issue. You see, last week...I ended the Highlight Reel, when I finally took out Chris Jericho once and for all. Oh I know there are doubters out there, that will say I didn't do it alone. But let's be honest here, I was the one doing all the work. While the others just watched as the Captain made it happen! *crowd boo's* Well as much as I like to brag on how I took out Jericho. Because of that action, the Peep show will not be contain anymore. Nor will I ever get accused of having a cheap rip off of a Evanescence song for a theme, anymore! That means the Peep show is only going to get the best of special guests, and I want to introduce the first on many. Peeps, don't be afraid....make some noise for my guest at this time....

Bulls on Parade by Rage Against the Machine hits which was obviously not what Christian had Expected as he is raising his hands like what the hell. The Lights go out and on the screen says BMW. Out walks Katrina first, dressed simplen in some jeans and a black tank top that said BMW across the chest. Behind her stepped out who appeared to be Mercedes, White and gray baggy cargo pants, a black hoodie with a Mercedes car symbol on the front. The hood pulled down over her face and from what could be see wearing sunglasses.

They both made their way down to the ring and both walked up the steps and got into the ring. Katrina walked right up to Christian as Mercedes went over and grabbed a microphone and brought it over to Katrina who grabbed it from her.

Katrina: Whats Wrong Christian? Not who you Expected?

Christian looks confused, then he gets a big smile. He looks away, and then looks back.)

.::Christian::.-Not exactly now, but I knew that one day you would come back. I knew you would be back, they always come back. *crowd yells "BULLSHIT"* HEY! There is a first time for everything. So let me guess why your here, the rumors are true. You need a man, and you just realized that the Captain is avaliable.

Katrina: *she shook her head no* As Tempting as that is Christian, thats not why I've come out here.

.::Christian::.-I'm sure there will be time for us later. But I can tell there is something else on your mind than having your dose of vitamin C later on. So what's on your mind?

Katrina: Umm.. Whatever you said Captain Kanga.. Nevermind.. See I picked an opportunity to come out here and comment on what happened last week on Shockwave and discuss what its going to happen eventually..You know what I'm talking about Right?

.::Christian::.-You mean when I TOTALLY destroyed Chris Jericho. Leading to Amy Jericho to agree to clean Cena's tiolets. Yeah, that reeked of awesomeness!

Katrina: NO You IDIOT! I'm talking about My sister losing to that no good worthless poser, Stephanie McMahon-Walker...

.::Christian::.-Oh, right....that, yeah I heard about that. A bit of a surprise. That must have been embarrassing, I figured the hoodie was a tribute to me. Anyways, what do you have to say about that match last week.

Katrina: No you see that get up she is wearing, is no tribute to you.. Its hiding her face for two reason.. One because of the embarrassment of losing to Stephanie, and two, well this is embarrassing as well.. *She reached over and pulled Mer's hood down and grabbed the sunglasses off, revealing two black eyes and a bruise over the bridge of her nose. The camera got a close up as Mercedes still stood there with her arms crossed looking pissed..* SEE THAT! That Stephanie was a lucky shot. You get in one good shot and leave your mark. I've heard that you are suffereing a similar injury. Look at this face. *She grabbed Mercedes under the chin turning her face towards the camera* Look at this!

.::Christian::.-That's sure doesn't look very good. Is that what's going to happen to you?

Katrina: *she turned suddenly and looked Christian in the eyes* WHAT?!

.::Christian::.-As much as I like to look into your eyes Kat, back off a little bit. I mean just think about it. Maybe it wasn't that lucky, maybe Stephanie's not as weak as we thought all this time.

Katrina: IT WAS A LUCKY SHOT! YOU HEAR ME.. LUCKY! Stephanie is Weak, My sister is Weak. Thats Right She is WEAK! I am going to have to take matters into my own hands and I will teach STephanie a lesson she will never forget. What my sister looks like will be nothing compared to the way Stephanie will look when I'm finished with her. You hear me?

.::Christian::.-Yeah, yeah..I hear you *mumbles under his breath* man...no wonder her husband became gay.

(Christian walks over Mercedes, and asks.)

.::Christian::.-Those were some pretty strong words Mercedes, if you can. What you got to say about that?

Mercedes: What the hell is your Problem Katrina?

Katrina: You are my problem. YOu are Dead Weight Mercedes.. You couldn't handle a simple task of Beating STephanie. So now I've got to do it myself. I'm more than willing. But first I've got to do something..


Mercedes: Yeah What?

Katrina: Oh this...*she smashed the Microphone right into Mercedes' already damaged nose and knocked her to the mat..She turned to Christian quickly and grabbed his hand with the Mic in it.* YOu see thats How I Roll.. *She shoved the mic back into his chest and rolled out of the ring heading to the back to a chorus of boos...*

(The camera focuses on Christian, who shrugs his shoulders and says)

.::Christian::.-Don't worry Mer, I'll go get you some help.

(Christian leaps out of the ring, and runs to the back. He soon comes back with....Eric Bischoff! Before The two can get to the ring Mercedes was able to pull herself to her feet. Her hands covered in blood. The crowd cheering for her. She climbed out of the ring and Christian and Bischoff were blocking her path. She just marched forward and put her hands on each of their chests and pushed them out of the way, leaving bloody handprints on each of their shirts.. As she walked with a purpose to the back.. Bischoff looked at Christian..

Bischoff: You idiot! This is a 500 dollar shirt.

.::Christian::.-Eeerrr, Edge made me do it?

(We go to commercial, and return with a back stage shot. We see Amy Jericho with the stroller containing Ashley Irvine. Suddenly Amy see's something, she looks somewhat concerned as Eric Bischoff is walking by with blood on his shirt. But before she can get any words out, Bischoff says.)

Bischoff: *he looked over at the two* 500 dollar shirt, RUINED! Another thing a woman ruined..

Amy looks on shocked, and looks down at Ashley. But she couldn't help but try to help out.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Eric...it can't be that bad...

Bischoff: Amy the last thing I need is interaction with another woman tonight.. I've already lost one shirt tonight.

.::Amy Jericho::.-I wish you didn't feel that way......but that's ok, I'll leave you alone....but if you would like to talk. I'm always here...

Bischoff: Why do people think they need to help me. I am fine. I don't need any help.. *he stormed off*

Amy shakes her head, she considered Eric as a friend, and hated to see how much he was really hurting. Despite his denial of it. We fade back into the ring with that.)

[“Rex’s Theme” blasts over the PA system as he makes his return]

J.R- Its great to see a great athlete back in the EMF

King- Yeah

[CJ Lethal’s Theme hits as the 7’0 giant walks to the ring]

J.R- Lethal won last week

King- Would really boast CJ if he won here

[Both men gather in the center of the ring as “Rex chants” fill, Lethal is bothered by this and goes for Rex feet and takes him out. Lethal hits a elbow and is on top of Rex, but Rex is able to slide out and kick Lethal in the knee before he gets up. Rex bounces of the ropes and splashes on lethal. Lethal who is much bigger, doesn’t really care and starts to get up. Rex seeing this goes to the top rope and tries to get CJ down by hitting a double arm handle. CJ Lethal is able to counter with hitting Rex in the gut. Lethal pulls Rex up by the hair and throws him off the ropes and hits him with a big boot. He then lepdrops on the fallen Rex and goes for the pin 1…2….KICKOUT. Lethal thinks that he had three. He goes to argue with the ref. Rex is able to go for the schoolboy on the distracted CJ Lethal 1…2…KICKOUT.

J.R- Rex almost snuck in there

[CJ Lethal looks pissed and runs at Rex, but Rex is able to react and trip Lethal and get him in an intense armbar. Rex keeps applying pressure and Lethal finally is able to get to the ropes. Rex Measures Lethal as CJ is getting. Rex then runs at CJ, but CJ back body drops Rex to the outside. Lethal then leaves the ring to go follow. The referee starts the count (1). CJ Lethal pulls Rex up by the hair (2). He tries to throw Rex against the steel stairs, but Rex is able to reserve it. CJ lethal is able to hit the breaks and not to go into the stairs. (3). Rex runs from behind and his a bull dog as he goes over the stairs and CJ Lethals face goes right into the stairs. (4). Rex runs at CJ and tries to knee his head into the stairs, but CJ Lethal is able to lift his head up, Rex falls (5). Lethal throws Rex into the ring and goes for the quick pin 1..2..KICKOUT.]

J.R- intense match

[CJ seemly wanting to just send this goes motions for the chockslam finish. He measures Rex and grabs him, Rex hits Lethal in the gut. Leath pushes Rex away. Lethal hits into the ref, the ref goes down. Rex kicks him in the gut, and hits a double arm DDT. Rex goes into the cover, but there is no one to make the count. Rex gets up, and Rex measures up CJ who is getting up quickly. Rex runs to the ropes, and bounces off. But CJ Lethal caughts him by the neck and hits him with a thundering chockslam and goes for the cocky pin. 1…2…KICKOUT.]


[CJ Lethal gets pissed at the ref as Rex weakly gets up. CJ Lethal hits an elbow drop on the ref, to keep him down. Lethal knocks Rex down with a running forearm shot to the face. CJ Lethal goes over to the turnbuckle, and takes off the turnbuckle covering. Rex stumbles up in the corner, it looks like the ref is coming to, and gets to his feet. CJ Lethal throws a fist to the face. Then smiles, as the ref hasn't seen the exposed turnbuckle. CJ Lethal tries to whip Rex to the opposite side of the ring, but Rex reverses it. CJ Lethal goes into the exposed turnbuckle. CJ Lethal stumbles back, Rex school boy's CJ Lethal. The referee counts 1…2…3]

JR-That weapon backfired on CJ Lethal.

(OOC-We thought this was a tight match, we just thought Rex's RP had the edge. We thought this would be a good ending, but I realize Rex is going on to do big thins storyline wise. So I leave this ending open for editing for that…just in case.)

(Our scene opens. We see John Cena sitting in his office, reading some paper work. He is interupted by a knock at the door. He seems slightly annoyed by this, but puts the papers down and calls...)

Cena: "Come in..."

(Suddenly an unknown EMF official comes into the room, carrying a paper bag, and says.)

unknown EMF official-Excuse me sir, sorry to bother you.

Cena: "Yea?" (Cena looks up, then gives the kid a questioning look) "Hey... i've never seen you around here before... and normally EVERY employee comes in to bug me at some time... are you new?"

.::Adam Coleman::.-Yes sir, Adam Coleman. First day on the job, it's an honor to finally meet you. Anyways, I won't waste your time, I was just told to give you this.

(Adam holds up the paper bag.)

Cena: "Oh really? Do you happen to know who sent it?"

.::Adam Coleman::.-All I was told that it was a red haired woman. She left a note saying something to the effect that she "knew that you were working late, and that you were probably hungry, so she thought you would enjoy some home cooked food".

Cena: "Aw... good old Nat. Thank you kid... much more useful than most people around here have proved...."

.::Adam Coleman::.-Thank you sir, I'll leave this on your desk before I bug you anymore with my standard Adam crap.

(Adam puts the bag on Cena's desk, as Adam runs out of the room screaming.)

Cena: "Strange kid.... oh well... rather him than some people..."

(Cena opens the bag and looks at the contents. He smiles as he takes it out.)

Cena: "Ah... well at least it saves me a trip to get food.... and Nat's cookings always great!"

(Cena unwraps the food and takes a bite. His facial expression changes a few times as he chews it and then swallows.)

Cena: "Hm... somethings different

about this.... can't quite put my finger on it.... but whatever it is... it still tastes good!"

(Cena continues to eat the rest of the food as the scene fades back to the ring.)

("Death's theme" blasts on the PA system as Death walks to the ring, followed by his gothic cheerleaders.)

JR-Death hasn't have very much luck.

King-I wouldn't need luck, with cheerleaders around me.

Kris Gaffney-Yeah…he could lose all he wants, and have a smile on his face.

("Punk's theme" blasts on the PA system as Punk walks to the ring, and steps inside the ring)

Kris Gaffney-At least we know he'll win.

King-Good to know.

[MxMxpunk and Death lock up, Punk hits a knee into the gut doubling over Death and then Punk hits a fist to knock Death down. Death goes down to the mat, and gets up. Punk hits a few fists to the face and whips Death off of the ropes and Punk lowers his head. Punk his a back body drop, and Death rolls out of the ring. Punk measures up, as Death tries to get on the apron. Punk hits a baseball slide, destroying his base on the apron, and making him fall on the apron, and crash into it face first, before falling on to the arena floor. Punk goes over to the ropes, and waits for Death to get up. Death stumbles to his feet. Punk uses the ropes to sling shot himself over the top rope, and Death hits a flying cross body block over the top rope. Both wrestlers are down for a time, but Punk is the first to his feet bringing Death with him. Punk takes Death's head, and smashes it into the ring steps. Punk grabs Death, and rolls him into the ring. Punk takes a few moments and jumps on the apron. But it would seem that he took too much time to grand stand. Death comes over to Punk and tries to hit a fist, but Punk goes low on Death, and hits a shoulder block into the stomach, stunning Death. Punk sling shots himself under Death, and now is being Death. Punk sets up Death, and takes him over for a germen suplex with a bridge. The ref counts 1……………2………..kick out by Death. Punk looks up, wondering if he shoulder have gotten the three. Punk shakes that off with time, and waits for Death to get up. Death stumbles to his feet, and Punk picks him up and hits a body slam. Punk goes to the outside, and climbs to the top rope. But suddenly Death comes back to life, and runs up the turnbuckle and takes Punk off with an arm drag off the top rope.]

JR- Both wrestlers are down

King-I guess Punk REALLY shouldn't have gotten the three there

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, don't you hate fakes….

[Death is down on the mat, so is Punk.. Punke stumbles to his feet, as Death gets up. Death leaps in the air and hits a standing hurricanarana into the pin, and gets the 1…….2………kick out by Death. Punk looks surprised, Death gets up and hits a kick to the chest. Death goes down to the mat, Death takes a few moments to rest up and waits for Punk to get up. Punk stumbles to his feet, and then Punk kicks Death in the gut and hits a fishermans suplex with a bridge. Death gets the 1……………2…………Punk is able to get his shoulder up. Death looks down at MxMx Punk, and starts to choke him. The ref counts to 4, and finally Death let's go of the hold before getting DQed. Death gets up, and pulls up Punk to his feet. Death throws Punk into the corner, and hits a few fists to the face. Punk tries to whip Death to the opposite side of the ring. But it's reversed by MxMxPunk, Death goes crashing into the turnbuckle. Punk charges into the corner, and Death counters it with a back elbow that stuns Punk. Death goes to the outside, and climbs to the top rope. He measures up where Punk is, and comes off the top rope for a double axe handle. But it's countered with a drop kick by Punk, Death goes down.]

JR-Death took a chance, and it did not pay off.

King-Guess that's what he gets for taking chances.

Kris Gaffney-….look who's talking…

[Death stumbles to his feet, and MxMxPunk kicks him in the gut, lifts up Death and drives him down with a brainbuster. MxMxPunk climbs up the top rope, and nails the Carry Over for the 1………….2…………3]

(We go backstage, the camera focuses on Amy Jericho. She's still in the same place last time we saw her, watching over Ashley. It's quiet until a voice comes from off camera.)

Jackie: "Hey Amy, you got a minute?"

(Amy looks over to Jackie, and weakly smiles at her friend. She obviously was happy to see her, but she wasn't the happiest person right now.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Sure Jackie, what's up?

Jackie: "It's just... my match coming up... I presume you heard about it... and well... it's really playing on my mind... there's a lot for me to lose..."

.::Amy Jericho::.-Actually...no I haven't heard about it. What match are you refering to?

Jackie: "Well... I finally got the chance to get that husband stealing backstabbing whore Natasha in the ring.... only if I lose... the percentage of Cena's estate I won gets halved... i'm not worried but.... just that question of what if something goes horribly wrong..."

(Amy looks at her friend not knowing what to feel)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Jackie don't take this the wrong way, but a match? Seriously what you have right now hurts Cena and Nat more than any F-Off ever could, please tell me you haven't agreed to this match already.

Jackie: "Amy... she attacked me in the ring before... and she stripped me down live on Pay Per View... sure she lost her clothes too in the end but she embaressed me in front of the world. I'd give anything to rip her little head off.... anything! So it's not signed for yet but... this is a great oppertunity for me to hurt her like she hurt me... and to end her little dream of someday being a superstar in her own right."

.::Amy Jericho::.-I understand, remember I was right there with you. God my….butt (due to Ashley being there) hurt after that...anyways. The thing is Jackie, I'm not so worried that you won't get the job done. But you know as well as I do that any fluke can happen. I was left in my bra and panties at the hands of Amy Weber, who doesn't know the first thing about wrestling. I know it has nothing to do with me, but that's my opinion. Everything we suffered through, might not be as sweet. Besides, like I said, you already hurt her more than you ever could in the ring. She's not a superstar, if she enters into a ring, she'll be lucky not to die.

Jackie: "I understand your opinion Amy... but this girl caused me so much pain. She took away my husband... she slept with him quicker after the wedding than I did! This is a pain no amount of money can fix... i'd rather lose the money... and see her begging for my mercy.... than just take the money and let her carry on normally."

.::Amy Jericho::.-Yeah I realize that, I guess I can understand the pain you went through. I was right there with you, and I'm still there. I realize that no matter what, you won't be hurting for money. But I don't know, the fact that their losing their home would be good for me. If she knew how to wrestle, then maybe...but right now, she's just a dreamer. I don't think it would be right to hurt someone like that.

Jackie: "I know your right Amy... but I know I can beat HER or all people... and showing her that in front of the world...that'd make the pain so much easier to take..."

(Amy shakes her head, she knew that she couldn't talk Jackie out of this, so she was going to say more thing about the subject.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Of course I will be behind you whatever choice, I just want you to think about it. Just ask yourself if it's really worth the risk. The choice is up to you, all I can do is tell you what I think. I don't doubt you can, I just worry that that it's a huge risk.

Jackie: "Maybe... but what about your risk? I mean your going up against someone with a reasonable chance of beating you.... hell your the underdog Amy! And you have more to lose than I do... mine is just money... I can earn that here... you could lose your very life as you know it!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-What I'm doing is personal, I need to end this, and I need to end this now. If the coward didn't have a mob almost damn near kill Jericho, this would be where he would come and set things right. Now it's up to me. All I'm risking is time, I'm pretty sure Cena has more to lose than I do.

Jackie: "All your risking is time? What about the humiliation of having to go and clean his house everyday while he sits there perving you up... Amy... I think your crazy for even thinking about signing that contract... but now that you have... I really hope you got some amazing plan to beat him..."

.::Amy Jericho::.-Yeah I got emotional, but it's time that Cena and I settle this. If I don't, he's going to continue to harm my family, I can't let him do anymore. As for perving me up, he might. But keep in mind, first he's in his own home, where Nat could over hear, and that would start stir up hell to being with them, and wouldn't that be even more sweet revenge? . Besides, it's not like he'll be in charge of what I wear. I'll just be the most horrible cleaning girl he's had, and he'll have to let me go. But I don't plan to lose, but do I have a plan. Yes, it's as simple as this world doesn't know what Lita's capable of.

Jackie: "Well I hope your right Amy... for your sake. But just know... if you lose.... he'll make damn sure its anything but easy for you. He wont let you go no matter what.... he'll basically own you until the day you find a way out of the job... so I really, truely hope that what Lita is capable of... is enough to stop him. But with most men not being able to do it... I'm just not sure....."

.::Amy Jericho::.-I know if I want to end this, I gotta try, and I know with Lita...I have a chance. He has something planned for Ashley, and this is the only way it can be avoided. But Ashley is my only worry, I do want to ask you something though...

Jackie: "I understand you want to look out for Ashley. And whats that you want to ask me?"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Yes, if it wouldn't be too much trouble. I'm going to need some baby sitting help if this whole thing does blow up in my face...

Jackie: "Oh of course... any time. And hell if i'm busy... i'm sure Maria would love to spend some quality time with her best friend Ashley too..."

(Amy laughs)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Yeah, I'm sure she would enjoy that. Thanks Jackie, this isn't an easy time for me, and I realize it could only get worse, before it get's better.

Jackie: "It's not easy for me either Amy... but i'm sure one way or another... between us we will get through this!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Yeah, I'm sure...one way or another, it wasn't easy to get here. I'm sure it won't be easy to end this, I do want you to think what I said. You have a choice Jackie, I realize the choice you have...but you still have a choice. I feel I have to do what I can to protect my family. Speaking of which, do you mind if you watch Ashley for like 10 to 20 minutes?

Jackie: "Alright Amy. And i'll definately think about it....but yeah. I wouldn't mind. But where you going?"

.::Amy Jericho::.-I just have something to check up on, I'll be right back.

Jackie: ok.

(Amy hands over the stroller to her trusted friend, and walks off the screen)

("Rylee's theme" blasts on the PA system as Rylee walks to the ring, and slides into the ring.)

JR-This is the rubber match between the two.

King-There is a series?

Kris Gaffney-Guess so.

("All the things she said" blasts on the PA system as Serena Hughes walks to the ring, and slides into the ring.)

JR-We do know that Serena Hughes has the potential to be very good.

King-That's true.

[Rylee and Serena Hughes meet in the center of the ring, Serena Hughes takes some trash, then Serena tries to catch Rylee with a slap. But Rylee blocks it, and answers with a fist that knocks down Serena. Serena Hughes gets up to her feet, and Rylee hits a running clothesline. Serena Hughes gets up to her feet, and stumbles into the corner trying to create distance. But Rylee closes the gap quickly, and goes into the corner and hits a few knife edge chops to the chest of Serena Hughes. Serena Hughes is in pain, and Rylee pulls Serena Hughes out of the corner and tries to whip Serena Hughes to the ropes, and does. Serena Hughes bounces off the ropes and Rylee lowers her head, and Serena Hughes is able to counter this move by kicking Rylee in the face. Rylee is in pain, and Serena Hughes falls back to the ropes as Rylee tries to take time to rest. Serena Hughes charges at Rylee before she can rest up. But seemly Rylee wasn't as hurt as she was acting like she was, and Rylee rolls Serena Hughes into a single leg boston crap. The ref asks Serena Hughes if she wants to give it up, Serena Hughes refuses. Serena Hughes starts to look for a way out of the hold. Serena Hughes can't find a way out of the hold, so she tries to crawl towards the ropes. Serena Hughes is getting closer….and finally makes it to the ropes. The ref calls for the break, and Rylee breaks it without a count. Rylee drops an elbow into the back of Serena Hughes. Serena is in pain, Rylee kicks the downed Serena Hughes in the back. Serena Hughes stumbles up to her feet, and goes right into Rylee. Rylee picks up Serena Hughes, and drops her into a back breaker. She leaves Rylee's knee into Serena's back, strentching Serena Hughes out. The ref asks Serena if she wants to give it up. Serena Hughes refuses to give it up, Rylee holds Serena Hughes in that position for a while until Serena Hughes uses her hand and rakes Rylee's eyes to finally break the hold. Rylee is in pain, and then Serena Hughes rolls away from Rylee who is blinded. Serena Hughes gets up to her feet, Rylee is finally got her eye sight back.]

JR-It's good that Serena got out of that move, or she might have tapped.

King-But she cheated.

Kris Gaffney-eeerrrr…guess do what you can to win?

[She charges at Serena Hughes, Serena Hughes is able to counter this by low bridging the ropes and Rylee goes flying out of the ring on the arena floor. Serena Hughes takes a few moments to rest, and goes to the outside on the apron, and waits for Rylee to get up to her feet. Once Rylee has stumbled to her feet, Serena jumps off the apron and hits a flying shoulder block off of the apron knocking down Rylee. Serena Hughes takes a few moments to rest. Rylee gets to her feet, but Serena not wanting Rylee to get the advantage back takes Rylee and throws her hard into the steps. Serena takes a few more minutes to rest. Serena Hughes takes Rylee, and throws her into the ring. Serena Hughes jumps on the apron and waits for Rylee to get up. Once she see's that Rylee is getting to her feet, Serena Hughe climbs to the top rope and waits for Rylee to get to her feet. Rylee stumbles to her feet, and Serena Hughes leaps off of the top rope and nails a flying cross body block into the cover. Serena Hughes gets the 1…………2……….kick out by Rylee. Serena Hughes gets up and calls for her finisher.]

JR- It looks like Serena Hughes is going to try to put this match away.

King-Will she be able to do it?

Kris Gaffney-Don't think so…she doesn't think she'll win.

[Rylee stumbles up to her feet, Serena Hughes kicks her in the gut and sets up for her finisher. But as Serena has it hooked, an unknown girl jumps on the apron. We don't know if this distracts Serena to hit her finisher. Because Rylee is able to hit a few knee lifts into the gut before we can tell, breaking the attempted finisher attempt. Serena stumbles back, and stumbles right into Rylee who nails the High Rise. Rylee goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………2……….3]

JR-Who was that strange girl?

King-Don't know, but I don't mind.

Kris Gaffney-Why is it that he get's weirder and weird?

[Rylee gets of the ring, and leaves as the strange girl slides into the ring. Serena Hughes turns around, the strange girl kicks her in the gut. Then whips Serena Hughes to the ropes, and hits a spinning spinebuster on Serena. She rolls out of the ring.]

JR-Well, I still don't know who she is…but she just sent a hell of a message.

(The scene opens once more in Cena's office. He is attempted to get back to his paperwork but is seemingly uncomfortable. He clutches at his stomach and then jumps out, running out of the office in the direction of the nearest bathroom. He runs inside and the door closes behind him. The camera fades out, and fades into a picture of a stall. You can hear Cena on the other side. Tou can hear a door open, and suddenly Amy Jericho can be seen leaning against the other stalls door. Then she says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-You know....I wouldn't normally come in here. But I just HAD to see.....if the "champ is here". Judging by the smell, I would say he is.

Cena: "God damn you Amy! I'll get you back for this... just as soon as I get out of here..."

.::Amy Jericho::.-*laughing* Oh really? Judging from the smell, you must have REALLY liked my cooking. I just got to remember not to put that medicine in that does just this. Which means you probably won't be getting a chance anytime soon.

Cena: "Don't worry Amy... you will get whats coming to you... I will get revenge on you... just like I do on everyone that crosses me..."

.::Amy Jericho::.-Aw Cena, you can't even get your head out of your own ass to realize that there is more red heads than just Nat. You even bought that fake EMF official, I'm just a little too smart for you.

Cena: "Smart... ha! I know your every weakness Amy... and you will crumble to me soon enough..."

.::Amy Jericho::.-Well you certainly done a great job up until now. You know with losing your house and everything. Maybe I should leave you alone, because you'll be in there for a long time to plot your "masterful" revenge on me.

Cena: "I'll lose a lot less than you think Amy.... one way or another.... I will get the last laugh!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Aw...keep on laughing in there...and whatever else. The smell is getting pretty bad. So before I take my exit, I just want to thank a certain book for this idea.

(The camera pans down, and shows that Amy's holding Eddie Guerrero's book.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-You're just lucky I didn't steal the toilet paper too. But anyways, I also want to say that.....payback will be mine!

Cena: "Payback Amy... you will learn the hard way... that John Cena always gets his revenge! I'll get you for this... you mark my words!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Actually Payback, it's you that will learn that this woman isn't going to be one that will shatter as you think. Well I'll leave you alone.

(Amy walks away, then before she gets out of the rest room, she turns and smiles, and holds up Eddie's book.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-OH one last thing......VIVA LA RAZA!

(Amy smiles, and leaves the restroom as the camera fades back to ring side)

("Life on my own" blasts on the PA system as Jarred Carthallion walks to the ring)

JR-Jarred is the number one contender, but that's not what this match is about.

King-This is…a quote on quote…"warm up match"

Kris Gaffney-One hell of a one.

("Problem Solver" blasts on the PA system as Tyson Tomko walks to the ring with the IC championship.)

JR-Although this match seems to be for Jarred, it's quite an opportunity for Tomko.

King-Yeah…I thought it was suppose to be a punishment match.

Kris Gaffney-Guess we gotta do bad things to Amy to get rewarded.

[Jarred Carthallion and Tyson Tomko pace around the ring, and lock up. Both seem fairly strong. But Jarred is starting to back up a bit, being somewhat less strong than Tyson Tomko is. Jarred is able to get out of the lock up, and goes behind Tyson Tomko and takes him down with a waist lock take down into a front face lock. Tyson Tomko looks for a way out of the hold. Tyson Tomko is trying to get to his feet, Tyson Tomko takes Jarred Carthallion and drives him into the corner. Tyson Tomko stumbles back trying to shake off the move. Then goes back into the corner, trying to hit Jarred Carthallion with a fist. But it's ducked under by Jarred Carthallion. Tyson Tomko is now in the corner, and Jarred hits a few hard fists to the face of Tyson Tomko, and whips him to the other side of the ring. Tyson Tomko stumbles out of the corner, and Tyson Tomko hits a diving clothesline on Tyson Tomko to knock him down. Tyson Tomko stumbles up to his feet, and Jarred hits a European upper that knocks Tyson Tomko to the ropes. Jarred Carthallion whips Tyson Tomko to the ropes. Tyson Tomko bounces off the ropes, and comes off the ropes. Jarred Carthallion hits a spinning back elbow to the face of Tyson Tomko. Tyson Tomko goes down to the mat, Jarred hits a few stomps on the downed Tyson Tomko. Jarred Carthallion backs up, and Jarred charges in and hits a kick into the ribs. Tyson Tomko rolls out of the ring, Jarred waits for Tyson Tomko to get where he wants. Tyson Tomko foils whatever plans he has by going on the apron, and Jarred goes over to where Tyson Tomko is, Tyson Tomko hits a shoulder into the gut. This stuns Jarred Carthallion, and then Tyson Tomko tries to hook Jarred Carthallion from the outside, and vertical suplex him out of the ring. But it's blocked by Jarred Carthallion, who then tries to suplex Tyson Tomko into the ring. But as Jarred gets Tomko over his head, Tomko shifts his weight, and goes behind Jarred. Tyson Tomko gets hit with a few back elbows that make him stumble backwards. Jarred turns around, and charges at Tyson Tomko. Tyson Tomko counters this by hitting a front standing spinebuster on Jarred Carthallion.]

JR-Tyson Tomko may have changed the tide of this match right there.

King-That was a hell of a spine buster

Kris Gaffney-That's for sure.

Don Simmons-…………..DAMN!

[Tyson Tomko has to take a few moments to rest, and Jarred Carthallion gets to his feet and throws a fist. It's blocked by Tyson Tomko and returned by Tomko, Jarred Carthallion stumbles back to the ropes. Tyson Tomko tries to whip Jarred Carthallion to the ropes, but it's reversed by Jarred Carthallion. Tyson Tomko comes off the ropes, Jarred Carthallion goes for the super kick. Tyson Tomko ducks under, and continues to the other side of the ring. He bounces off of the other side of the ring, Jarred Carthallion turns around and Tyson Tomko leaps in the air and hits a flying shoulder block knocking down Jarred. Jarred Carthallion stumbles to his feet, Tyson Tomko picks up Jarred Carthallion, and puts him over his shoulder. Tyson Tomko hits a running powerslam on Jarred Carthallion into the cover, and gets the 1……………..2…………kick out. Jarred Carthallion gets up to the sitting position, Tyson Tomko puts Jarred Carthallion puts in a chin lock. The ref make's sure that it's not a choke hold, the ref determines it is not. So Tyson Tomko holds Jarred in the hold. The ref is in position to make sure Jarred doesn't want to give up the match for whatever reason. Jarred Carthallion refuses to quit in this hold. Jarred Carthallion gets up, and backs Tomko to the ropes. Jarred whips Tomko off of the ropes. Tyson comes off of the ropes and hits a big shoulder block. Jarred Carthallion gets up to his feet. Tyson Tomko hits a few forearm shots to the face, Tomko tries to whip Jarred to the ropes, and does. Jarred bounces off the ropes, and Tyson Tomko goes for a clothesline. Jarred ducks it, and waits for Tomko to turn around. Tyson Tomko to turn around. Tomko turns around, and Jarred goes for a super kick, but Tomko ducks it and gets Jarred Carthallion up in a electric chair drop. It's fought off by Jarred, Tomko stumbles backwards and Tomko and Jarred go falling over the top rope and on to the floor.]

JR-That wasn't a good landing what so ever.

King- Seems that either of these two want to lose.

Kris Gaffney-Well…neither did my Magic…but it still happened.

[Both wrestlers are down on the mat as the ref starts to count them out 1……….2…..3. Both wrestlers are getting up to their feet. 4….Tomko hits a knee to the gut, and tries to hit a fist. Tyson Tomko tries to go back into the ring, but it's stopped by Jarred. Jarred turns Tyson Tomko around, and Jarred hits a few fists to the face 7……..8…..Jarred picks up Tomko and drops him on the guard rail. 9…….Jarred tries to whip Tomko to the steps, but it's reversed, and Jarred goes into the steps. Tomko dives into the ring, and the ref counts 10. Tomko is the winner, Jarred slides into the ring and spears down Tomko and hits fists to the face. Tomko reverses and throws fists. Jarred pushes Tomko off, Jarred and Tomko start to brawl. The fight spills out to the outside, and EMF officials come to separate the two.]

JR-This is just Chaotic!

Kris Gaffney-I thought Chaos was dead?

King-No Chaos is not dead…he just went home.

[Shockwave closes with a shot backstage, as Amy Jericho steps out of Tyson Tomko's locker room. She laughs to herself, and walks down the hall way as Saturday Shockwave goes off the air]

(OOC-I think that was agreed on ending if Tomko were to win.)