EMF: Saturday Shockwave

Jeff Hardy vs. Kane (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Kane!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Kane comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Jeff Hardy!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Jeff Hardy walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Kane tests out the ropes. Jeff Hardy tests out the ropes. (ding, ding, ding) They lockup. Kane sends Jeff Hardy to the corner of the ring. A flying shoulder block send Kane to the mat. Jeff Hardy moves back to his feet. Kane climbs to his feet. Kane punches Jeff Hardy repeatedly. They lockup. Kane sends Jeff Hardy to the corner of the ring. Kane gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. ]

The King - elbowsmash!

[Kane with a powerful choke lift on Jeff Hardy. ]

JR - What an outstanding match!

[They lockup. Kane sends Jeff Hardy to the corner of the ring. Jeff Hardy whips Kane's feet from under him with a side kick. Now Jeff Hardy standing. Kane stands up. Kane punches Jeff Hardy repeatedly. ]

The King - weak move!

[Kane punches Jeff Hardy repeatedly. They lockup. Kane sends Jeff Hardy to the corner of the ring. They lockup. Kane sends Jeff Hardy to the corner of the ring. Kane clotheslines Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy places Kane on the turnbuckle and executes the top-rope DVD! Kane is down. Kane is up again. Jeff Hardy drags Kane to the floor. ]

The King - If Kane or Jeff Hardy could get a weapon it would change the course of this match.

[Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Jeff Hardy swings a Steel chair and hits Kane. Kane is bleeding as a result. (..2) Jeff Hardy attempts to kick Kane, but Kane catches his leg. Jeff Hardy flips around and kicks Kane. Now Jeff Hardy standing. (...3) Jeff Hardy hits Kane with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Jeff Hardy climbs to his feet. Kane stands up. (....4) Jeff Hardy hits a jumping elbow hrust on Kane. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Jeff Hardy flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop. Jeff Hardy whips Kane into the corner and follows up with a huge splash. Jeff Hardy chants start. Kane stands up. ]

JR - The WWF is the only place for entertainment like this!

[Kane gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Jeff Hardy executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Kane. Kane clotheslines Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Kane. Jeff Hardy moves back to his feet. Kane gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Jeff Hardy. ]

The King - diving elbow smash!

[Jeff Hardy gets up. Flying somersault drop kick by Jeff Hardy puts him back in the match. Jeff Hardy climbs to his feet. Kane gets back to his feet. Jeff Hardy hits Kane with an earringer. Jeff Hardy on the turnbuckleKane rising from the mat,Jeff Hardy leaps from the top rope with a bodypress. Jeff Hardy climbs to his feet. Now Kane standing. Jeff Hardy connects with a somersault slam on Kane. Jeff Hardy is back on his feet. Kane clotheslines Jeff Hardy. They lockup. Kane sends Jeff Hardy to the corner of the ring. Jeff Hardy hits a flying karate chop right to Kane's neck. Jeff Hardy gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Kane. Jeff Hardy puts Kane on the turnbuckle and delivers a huge powerbomb on to the mat. Kane gets elbowed to his midsection by Kane. Jeff Hardy leaps from the top rope! YES! And he pulls off a 5 Star Frog Splash! Handspring hurricanrana by Jeff Hardy has Kane pinned. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

JR - Jeff Hardy has won the match!

JR - The winner of this match, Jeff Hardy!!!

(The Shockwave video starts as it goes to the end, fireworks blasts on the stage in the darken arena. When it ends the lights turn on and the fans yell and hold up their signs.)

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave

King-Well this is the altenate quick version…

Kris Gaffney-So we get two tries…that’s better than any Chargers kicker

JR-I’m sure if there any charger fans, they will kill you soon

“Can you dig it sucka” blasts on the PA system as Booker T comes to the ring doing his usual entrance

Kris Gaffney-It’s Rocky T!

JR-No that was just in the last days of WCW

King-Don’t remind me, it brings up people like Kwee wee

Kris Gaffney-But Kwee Wee was all man

*King goes normal to psycho in 1 second flat*

“Hardy’s theme” blasts on the PA system as James Hardy comes to the ring

JR- Hardy had a hell of a match at First Blood

Kris Gaffney-Man if Gene Snitsky hates babies…he should find Mrs. Hardy…she had too many

King-Well Snitsky might see it as a good thing…a lot of football practice.

[Booker T and Hardy lock up and then Hardy puts Booker in a head lock and then Booker T looks for a way out of the move and then slowly he moves back and then whips Hardy out of the head lock. Hardy bounces off the ropes and then Booker T goes for a harlem side kick. Hardy ducks it and then Booker tries to recover with a high spinning heel kick, but then Hardy ducks that too and hits a back heel trip that sends Booker down to the mat and then Hardy tries to drop an elbow drop and then Booker T moves out of the way and then they get up and then Hardy charges at Booker T and then Booker T counters with an arm drag take down and then Hardy spins it around into a hammer lock and then into a side head lock on the mat and then Booker T spins out of it and then puts him in a scissors lock and then Hardy nips out of the move and then Booker T gets up and then the two wrestlers have a stare down as the crowd claps for the chain wrestling. Booker T and Hardy lock up and then Hardy drives Booker T into the corner and then the ref asks for the clean break and then Hardy backs up and then Hardy hits a chop into Booker T and then follows it up with a fists and then Hardy. Hardy then backs Booker T out of the corner and then whips him to the ropes and then Hardy gets ready for Booker T as he bounces off the ropes. But as he’s bouncing off the ropes, Booker T hooks the top rope and then taunts Hardy and then Hardy gets angry and then charges at Booker T who counters with a back body drop. But Hardy is able to control it and then lands on his feet on the apron and then Hardy waits for Booker to turn around and then goes for a fist on the apon, but it’s blocked by Booker T and then Booker T hits a few more to add to the effect and then hooks him to suplex him back into the ring and then he gets him up. But Hardy is able to slip out of the back and then quickly hit’s a germen suplex into a bridge and gets the 1………………………..2…………………kick out Hardy looks up the ref thinking it was three and then Hardy hits a few hard fists and then tries to whip Booker T and he reverses the whip and then twisting Hardy’s arm and then Booker pulls back Hardy to him and then picks him up and then hits a quick spinebuster on Hardy and then Booker T falls away from Hardy]

JR-Booker T was looking for an opening and seemly had to make one himself

King-Yeah, I thought for one time that this match was not going to be totally predictable

Kris Gaffney-You know…I just thought of something, you always bitch about how the matches are “totally predictable”…yet you lose so many bets on them, why is that?

King-shut up Kris

[ Booker and Hardy get up and then Hardy tries to hit a few fists trying to get the advantage back and then Booker T blocks it and then hits a few hard fists and then tries to whip Hardy off the ropes and then Booker T bounces off the ropes and then leaps in the air and then hits a flying forearm and then Booker waits as Hardy stumbles up and then Booker T hits a hard thrust kick into Hardy and Hardy goes down to the mat and then Booker T goes into the cover and then gets the 1……………….2…………kick out. Booker T puts on a chin lock and then Hardy looks like he’s fading away for a few moments and then slowly starts to get up and then Hardy hits a few elbows into the gut and then Hardy breaks the hold and then Hardy runs to the ropes and then bounces off trying to get the match back into his advantage. But it would seem that Booker T is not as stunned as once thought as Booker leaps in the air and then hits the harlem sidekick and then Hardy stumbles up and stumbles around like a drunk man Booker T picks up Hardy and then hits a body slam and then Booker T calls for a move and then runs to the ropes and then hits one of his pattern knee drops and then goes into the cover and then gets the 1………….2…………kick out. Hardy gets up and then hits a eye poke and then Hardy tries to whip Booker T into the ropes. But then Booker T reverses it and then Booker T hits a knee into the gut of Hardy as he is passing by and then Hardy is doubled over and Booker T runs to the ropes and then hits the scissors kick and then does the spinner a roni to get up]

JR-Wow, when is the last time Booker T did do the spiner a roni as something worth while…

King-WCW on regular basis, I know that

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, too bad the WWE made it a joke.

[Booker T goes into the top rope and then hits the missle drop kick and then waits for Hardy to get up. Once he gets up Booker T hits the missile drop kick and then goes into the cover gets a 1……………..2……..kick out. Booker T then calls for the Book End and waits for Hardy to get up. Hardy stumbles up and then goes into the cover and then Booker T seeing that there is no chance for his finisher goes to the corner and then hits a few knife edge chops and then tries to whip Hardy to the corner and then gets reversed and sent into the corner and then Hardy charges at Booker and then before he can hit a move. Booker leaps and falls behind him and then into a jack brisco (sp, not even sure that’s the name of the move) roll up and is able to hold Hardy shoulders down for the quick 1………………….2………..3]]

*EMF comes back from commercial and then camera gets a shot of the band members of Linkin Park who are set up to play a song somewhere on special stage near the entrance. Then they start to playing the song “one step closer”, they get in a certain part of the song where Sierra comes out on the stage followed by her body guard Tazz to a very loud reaction. Sierra smirks as she stops on the top of the stage and then holds up the RWA-WCW womens title up to the crowd*

ring announcer-Coming to the ring, along with her body guard Tazz…New York’s own Sierra Van Der Pohl!!!!

(The crowd gives another good cheer and Sierra continues down the ramp with Tazz trailing and then Sierra and Tazz get on the apron. Tazz opens up the bottom rope to allow Sierra into the ring, then she goes into the ring and then Tazz follows and then Sierra holds the title up to the crowd as Tazz climbs to the second turnbuckle and does his arm cross pose. Sierra goes over for a microphone and then signals for the music to stop)

Sierra: *she looks around the arena. All in all her hometown crowd was accepting her, she patted the RWA-WCW women's title on her shoulder then smiles an arrogant grin..* Well, I must say it is nice to be back near my hometown. I mean New York City isn't exactly my idea of great, but I have noticed a bunch of my fellow Queens natives here. Hey Tazz look, Red Hook is in the house...Anyways back to why I'm out here Tazz hold this please.*she handed him her title* Now what kind of homecoming would this be if I didn't grace you all with my presence and once again tell you all how I beat Chris Jericho 1...2...3 in the middle of this very ring..I Know its great, exciting, and a great achievment for myself.. Which leads me to what Jericho said last week.. He would do anything including going to extreme measures to get a match with the chance to get Amy's job back. Jericho I've got news for you that will never happen, you couldn't beat any of us if you tried Jericho, we proved that to you, yet you refuse to believe it. It has to be some manly pride thing, you lost to a woman and that has got to hurt your pride..so you keep coming back trying to redeem yourself, but it will never happen Jericho..NEVER...

(Suddenly "Line in the Sand" blasts on the PA system as Vice President Randy Orton walks to a bunch of boo's as Orton ignore's them and then goes into the ring. Orton grabs a microphone.)

.::Randy Orton::.-You know what Sierra you are right, it probably it's a pride thing. But the fact of the matter is Jericho probably shouldn't have even beat even one of us, I mean Prez Mike got luckly rolled up, I mean I myself only got eliminated because his girlfriend interfered, because we know that Jericho on his best day could not beat me. Destroyer got DQ, but I got to say the way you beat him was even better than if we went in there and slaughtered him. I mean he came oh so close to getting his girlfriends job back, only to lose to the one and only womens champion of the RWA-WCW Sierra!

Sierra: I know what you mean Randy. It was great, he thought he had it won then I shattered that dream and I loved every minute of it. I suffered through the Walls of Jericho and not many people can say they withstood that move and came back to beat Jericho, But I did..What more can I say except give it up Jericho you will never EEEEvvvvvEER get Amy's Job back..

(She starts to get a few boo’s from that Orton looks around and then says)

.::Randy Orton::.-You know I wouldn’t start booing Sierra. I mean she’s the only true sports hero you got. She is like what Randy Orton is to St. Louis with all the pathetic losers that come out of there, I’m the only real success there is. But enough about me, let me go back to Seirra, I mean take a look at your New York Yankees, all they needed to do was win one game against the thousand time loser Boston Red Sox and they couldn’t even do that. What about the Knicks, their not going anywhere fast people. I mean seriously “Starbury”, well I would like to tell that egomanic that the only star to come from New York is standing in this ring with “Legend Killer” Randy Orton and the rightful RWA-WWF hardcore champion Tazz!! Giants….please, don’t let me get started on them. What about the Rangers, well it looks like they aren’t going to be playing for a long, long time. So each and everyone of you should praise Sierra, because she’s all you got in this pathetic town..

(Suddenly the Y2J count down starts on the EMF tron as the crowd gets up and cheers “Y5J, Y4J, Y3J, Y2J” and “break the walls down” blasts on the PA system as Chris Jericho is standing in the isle with his back turned to the ring and then turns around pumping his fist while turning and then he looks over at the crowd who is giving him a lot of cheers. Jericho grins as he signals for the theme to stop, suddenly a “Y2J!! Y2J!! Y2J!!” chant starts as Jericho lets it go and Sierra is looking pissed in the ring and then Jericho begins to speak.)

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.- WELCOME TO…….NEW YORK……….IS…………JERICHOOOOOOOOOO *crowd says it along with Jericho, and cheers at the end* and it seems to me that there are tons Jerichohalics here..tonight *crowd cheers*

Sierra: New York isn't Jericho...New York IS SIERRA...Thats right these fans ARE MINE.You know what, I know who my true fans are and these people here, they aren't my fans, no they aren't even worthy of being in the same arena as me...

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-You know Sierra, I can't help to realize that your upset. Could it be that all these Jerichohalics are actually not behind you like you thought they would? Are you a little mad that they actually gave me the same response. Well last week, while you were going on and on about how things would be different when we got here and really it wasn't any different than when we were in Florida. So why would you think that is Sierra...oh yeah I know, you see I have history in this city and this arena. I mean let's look at the list of reasons of why this crowd is cheering for me, maybe it's because my father played in this very arena for the New York Rangers *crowd cheers*. Possibility, or how about the fact that I myself was actually born here *crowd cheers*. If you want to go into the recent, a few months ago I beat the legend Triple H in this very arena, ended his career and became the world champion of the RWA/EMF!! (crowd cheers and Jericho smirks) Or it could be the fact that....hell, there are Jerichohalics no matter where you go. As far as you go, New York is different for you. I mean this is your hometown, and you are entitled to hear a few cheers. But the reason they are really cheering for you is at least you probably slept with half of this crowd....if not all...*someone from the crowd makes a remark*...oh yeah, even the women, because if you forget, Sierra swings that way too.

Sierra: *Flipping out she walks over kicking the bottom rope almost in Classic Ric Flair Mode if she had a blazer on she would probably rip it off and swing it around wildly..She shoves Orton away when he tries to calm her down..Then lifts the mic back to her lips..* H..H...How very clever of you.Yes so clever, that fact of the matter is I don't need any of these people who are in this arena, the truth is I've never been proud of being from New York, this is just one of the many prime examples, why this town can't keep anything great. Like Orton said, Yankees, Mets, Rangers, and heaven forbid the Knicks win a game..My god People you let Boston beat you..Now thats is sad, now you turn your backs on the RWA-WCW women's Champion, thats fine..ITS just DAMN FINE!

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-*laughing at Sierra* ....it seems that really hit home didn't it, but hell Sierra I'm just telling the truth. I thought that was something you enjoy doing, but all I hear you do is talking about things you do is lie and talk about things you know nothing about. I mean you really think that me trying to get a rematch is *mocking voice* some manly pride thing *end mocking voice*. Sierra, let me remind you that it was 4 on 1 to begin with. The very fact I could last through 3 dangerous wrestlers and one STD filled hoe says that I have nothing to have hurt pride over. But you know as I talked about my win over Triple H, it brings back memories. Memories of me getting pedigreed through a table, memories such as the RWA closing as I was out with the injury. But what did I do Sierra, I didn't quit. I came back and asked for more right here in the EMF, and accomplished my goal. Now at First Blood, I can say all I want about how Tazz was the real reason I lost that match. But the fact of the matter is I did fall short of my goal, it doesn't matter how. But you know if history have taught us anything about myself Sierra is that I don't back down until my goal is completed. Amy's job, a job she loved to do was unrightfully taken from her, and Chris Jericho is here to make sure that she gets it back. Now last week Or TON and Prez Ike refused my request. So...

Sierra: *mocking Jericho* I'm Y2J Chris Jericho, I'm a god, I left RWA injured and Now I'm back to avenge my girlfriend's job loss..BLAH BLAH BLAH..*end mocking* Oh and Jericho, I hate to burst your bubble, a little thing called protection, you should try it sometime if you can ever admit your feelings long enough to score...prevents a lot of unwanted things. not like I have to defend myself to you and these jackasses, I mean its obvious I'm clean, and thats saying alot being amongst all this filth..

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Nice come back, but I'm sure all of the crowd will disagree....come to think of it, so would all the boys in the back...as well as the girls...as well as the production crew...but enough of all that. Let's cut the chase shall we? Before I was interupted, I was about to say exactly what I meant last week. It all revolves around this saying in the wrestling business Sierra, you know the saying "the ref can't call, what he does not see"

Sierra-Yeah, yeah I have heard that one...what's your point?

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Well my point is that when I was looking at the tape of First Blood, and I had you in the Walls of Jericho. I noticed something that I myself did not realize as the actual events were taken place, I mean we all know what you were doing at the time. But what about the official ref of the match, what did he see? So I would like to bring out the official in that match...Earl Hebner!!

(Earl Hebner comes out on the stage)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-So Earl, we heard that little saying about ref's can't call what they can not see? So what exactly was the last thing you saw at First Blood.

Earl Hebner-Well I was outside the ring after being tossed out, you had Sierra in the Walls of Jericho...and I saw....*points at Sierra*...YYYOOOOUUU (Hebner style YOU)..TAP OUT!!


.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-So what does this all mean, well that's not the half of it. I mean let's go back to how you actually pinned me, your one millionth fuck buddy Prez Ike came down to the ring and counted the 3. Now I understand he's the owner, but on that particular night he was a competitor, what type of federation would that be if Road Van Toad could knock out the ref...well...bad example...what type of federation would this be if Batista could knock out the ref and call a match he competed in. So with that said...I think the result was in question enough, and hell the courts thought so too. That's why I was able to get this so easy.

(Jericho holds up a piece of paper)

Sierra-And that would be??

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Oh just a court order forcing Prez Ike's/Orton's hand and at Unleashed, whether you like it...or you don't...I'm going to get the rematch for Amy's job. Now I was ready to take on 4 of you, but they also thought since that I was on unfair terms last time that I should just pick one of you. So I figured since it is for his job, it would only make sense that it be...Chris Jericho...vs....Randull...Or TON.

Sierra: *Putting her hands to her head reacting to the You tapped out chants* I didn't Tap out....I was psyching myself up...The books can't be changed Jericho you still lost to a woman. That is why you picked Orton for a rematch because you know I could beat you again. I could you know..

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-haha...well Sierra, I knew you say that. I did consider you to be in the match, but then someone stopped me and said that rather have myself destroy you. She wanted you to be in one piece when she did it herself, besides you have something of her's and she wants it back *Jericho grins*

Sierra: *smiling an psychotic grin and nodding* This Is Mine..*She points to the title Tazz is holding* Its mine, and your little girlfriend can't do a damn thing about it. I'll humor you though, even though I know you fear the fact you could lose to me again...I understand though..so its okay you get your ass kicked by Randy Orton, the Legend Killer and I'll cripple your dear sweet Amy...

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Sierra, I don't have to worry about "my dear sweet Amy" as you put it, because I know she can take care of herself. But you know what Sierra, go on..and try to make yourself believe that. But watching Amy's career in the RWA, and the way you have pissed her off lately, I will say...good luck, because your gonna need it, jack ass. Now as for Randull Or..

Randy Orton-That's enough, I heard just about enough!! You know Jericho, I'm tied of listening you talk or seeing you around the EMF for that matter. Sure I may not be able to do anything about the match, but I sure the hell can add to it...if I have to do this match, then I want your career.

(Jericho laughs, and shakes his head)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Really is that all? I mean while your at it, why don’t you throw your career as well.

Randy Orton-Your not the one putting up his job in the match, I am. It’s my job, for your career!

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Well in that case giving Amy back her job will make me more than happy, now Sierra...Orton. Now that you know what is ahead of you, I got one last thing to say....prepare...because the Other World awaits you

*”Other World” blasts on the PA system as Jericho throws down the microphone and goes to the back*

“Who I am” blasts on the PA system as Chyna walks to the ring

JR-Chyna and Trish have not gotten along within Revolution

King-Yeah, didn’t she say if “Revolution didn’t win, she wouldn’t back them up”

Kris Gaffney-Something to that effect

“Tori’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Tori walk to the ring

King-Tori is looking for someone else to beat

JR-like you…


[Tori runs down and then tries to hit a few forearms on Chyna, but she’s easily pushed down by Chyna and then Tori gets up and then Chyna goes for a fist and then Tori ducks it and then goes for a school boy and gets it and then she gets the 1…………….2……..kick out. Chyna gets up and then Tori does as well and then Chyna hits a quick clothesline that knocks down Tori and then Chyna hits a few hard stomps on the downed Tori and then Chyna picks up Tori and then whips her off the ropes and then she bounces off the ropes and then Chyna catches Tori and then she hits a back breaker on Tori and then goes into the cover and then gets the 1………………2…………kick out. Then Chyna puts on a chin lock, almost a sleeper and then Tori looks around for a way out of the move and then slowly before she can fade away (due to the fact it’s early in the match, she hasn’t been really beaten down just enough to go down so easy so you know…) she gets to her feet and then Tori moves back and then whips Chyna off the ropes and then she bounces off the ropes and then Tori catches Chyna in a sleeper hold and then Chyna moves around looking for a way out of the hold, but slowly starts to fade away and then the ref goes over to check her arm once…………….twice………….Chyna rises her arm up the third time and then Tori looks around worried and then slowly Chyna gets up and now has Tori on her back holding on to the sleeper hoping she can drive down Chyna once again. But then Chyna backs Tori off in the corner and smashes her and then Tori breaks the hold and then Tori pulls herself on the second turnbuckle and then puts Chyna in the sleeper once again and then Chyna backs Tori into the corner again and then breaking the hold and then Chyna follows it up with a few back elbows into the corner and then Chyna whips Tori to the opposite side of the ring and then Tori goes hard into the corner and then Chyna rises her hand to the crowd and then does her chartwheel/back flip combo into a back elbow and then Chyna comes out of the corner as Tori stumbles out and then Chyna waits for Tori and then Tori stumbles out and then kicks her in the gut for the Chyna bomb]

JR-Chyna may want to end it here

King-*King is on the phone* hey Ric Flair just called…and he wants his man boobs back Chyna

Kris Gaffney-That will never get old


[Chyna goes for her finisher, but then Tori blocks it and then counters it with a back body drop and then Tori goes down to one knee and then tries to recover. But is then grabbed the hair by Chyna and then Chyna hits a few hard forearms and then whips her to the ropes and then Tori bounces off the ropes and then Chyna lowers her head and then Tori kicks Chyna in the face. Chyna stumbles up and then Tori kicks her in the gut and then hits a quick DDT that sends Chyna on the mat on her face first and then Tori is now on the mat not being able to follow up as the ref uses his standing 10 count 1…………….2…………..3…………….4…………….5…….both Chyna and Tori get up and then Chyna goes for a wild fist that is ducked by Tori and then Tori answers with a few hard fists and then Tori tries to whip Chyna off the ropes and then Chyna reverses it and then sends Tori off the ropes and then Tori bounces off the ropes and then Tori leaps in the air and hits a cross body block into the pin and then gets the 1……………….2……….kick out by Chyna that throws Tori a little ways across the ring and then Tori gets up as Chyna and then Chyna charges at Tori and then Tori hits a release arm drag and then Chyna gets up and then Tori hits another release arm drag and then Chyna gets up dazed and then Tori sets her up and then hits a northern lights suplex for a 1……………….2…………kick out]

JR-Almost three

Kris-Is it time for the ending of the match

King-seems about that time…

[Tori then calls for the Tori plex as Chyna stumbles up to her feet and then sets up for the Tori plex and then Chyna hits a knee to the gut and then Tori stumbles back and then Chyna goes for a wild fist and then Tori ducks it and then goes behind Chyna and then pushes her into the ropes and then rolls her up and then bridges backwards and then is able to hold Chyna for the 1………………….2…………….3]

Backstage Sierra is seen with Prez Mike. He is holding her close and running his fingers through her hair...

Prez Mike: Its okay.

Sierra: he...he..He made a fool out of me. In my Hometown.

Mike: Its okay really, those idiots are probably so high they won't remember this tomorrow.. Besides you can't let this get to you, you will just appear an easy target..

Sierra: Now you are calling me Easy..

Mike: NO NO...No I'm not..lets just get out of here..

Sierra: Okay lets go...*Both leave as the camera fades to black..*

“Revolution” blasts on the PA system John Cena and Rhyno walk out to the ring

JR-Revolution was screwed out of the tag titles

Kris Gaffney-You mean they could have…it wasn’t for sure that they would have beaten the Dangerous Alliance anyways

“Taker’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Taker does his usual entrance with Snitsky follows

JR-This team has less experience than Revolution, it should be interesting to see how the they function of the team

King-Well if they don’t function well..it’s not Snitsky’s fault.

Kris Gaffney-That’s for sure…

“Steal,Lie and Cheat” blasts on the PA system as four competitors look surprised as a low rider with the returning Neddie Geurrero and the IC champion Michael De Kreek.

JR-What is Neddie doing back?

King-Maybe he’s here to make a other wise hossarific match, entertaining

Kris Gaffney-Wow, that’s some smark logic right there.

[Cena comes into the ring fast and then Cena and Taker take turns trading fists and then Cena is able to somehow get the upper hand due to the fact that he’s so pissed. Taker taken back by being over come by the fury of Cena quickly rakes the eyes and then slides out of the ring and then the crowd boo’s this as Snitsky and Taker start to rethink their strategy. Then Taker slowly gets into the ring and then Cena comes at him gain, but then before he can get the advantage Taker hits a knee into the gut and then Cena stumbles back and then Taker measures up and then hits a hard fists and then whips Cena to the ropes and then Cena bounces off the ropes and then Taker hits a standing shoulder block as Cena comes running back. Cena stumbles back a few steps and then falls back and then looks out of it and then Taker hits a few hard stomps on the downed Cena and then Taker pulls up Cena and then brings him into the corner and then tag in Snitsky and then Snitsky comes into the ring and then Taker leaves him open and then hits a fist into the ribs of Cena and then Cena goes down to one knee and then Snitsky hits a few hard fists and then whips Cena to the ropes and then Cena bounces off the ropes and then Snitsky lowers his head and then Cena hits a kick into the face of Snitsky. Snitsky stumbles up stunned and then Cena hits a few fists and then Snitsky stumbles back and then Cena tries to whip Snitsky to the ropes. But Snitsky puts the breaks on and then Cena tries again. But Snitsky doesn’t budge and then Snitsky pulls him back and then into a set up and then Snitsky hits a belly to belly suplex and then Snitsky not wanting to end the pain just there see’s that Cena has crawled over towards the corner and then Snitsky hits a few stomps in the gut on Cena who is in the corner that takes Cena down and then Snitsky starts to choke Cena with his boot and actually stands on his neck until the ref makes him stop and yells at him and then Snitsky says something to the ref amused and then goes over to the corner and then pulls up Cena and then gets ready and then hits a big hip toss out of the corner and then Cena stumbles up in pain holding his back and then Cena stumbles into the corner and then Snitsky then measures up Cena and then charges at him for a clothesline in the corner. But then Cena gets his boot up and then Snitsky goes crashing into the boot of Cena and then Snitsky stumbles back dazed and then Cena pulls him on the second rope and then leaps off and then hits a bulldog on Snitsky. Both wrestlers are down.]

(MDK and Neddie are in lawn chairs with beer hats on watching the match

JR-Their enjoying themselves

King-I wish my job was that…instead I get stuck with commentating with you *referring to JR*

Kris Gaffney-Did anyone see that coming? Because I sure didn’t

King-Well you’re a rookie, pretty soon nothing will surprise you

JR-Just as long as he doesn’t start beating the hell out of me

King-I’ll be sure to make sure he learns that too


[Rhyno has his hand out stretched for the tag and slowly Cena crawls over and then makes the tag to Rhyno. Rhyno comes into the ring and then hits a few hard fists on Snitsky and then whips him to the ropes and then Rhyno hits a back body drop as Snitsky bounces off and then he tries to whip him again and then Snitsky reverses the whip and then Rhyno bounces off the ropes and then Snitsky tries to get some measure of revenge and then lowers his head for a back body drop. But it’s countered by Rhyno with a swing neck breaker and then Rhyno goes into the cover on Snitsky and then gets a 1………….2…….Taker runs into the ring and then hits a stomp on Rhyno and then Taker pulls up Rhyno and then hits a few hard fists and then tries to whip Rhyno to the ropes and does, but as Rhyno is bouncing off the ropes. Rhyno hooks the top rope and then Taker gets pissed and charges at him, but Rhyno ducks Taker and low bridges the ropes and he goes flying out of the ring and then goes crashing on the mat on the outside and then Rhyno goes into the cover and then goes for the gore and then Snitsky stumbles up and then he goes for the Gore, but then Snitsky moves out of the way and then is trying to recover on the outside but Rhyno hits a baseball slide that sends Snitsky to the guard rail and then Rhyno rolls out of the ring and then throws Snitsky in the ring and then waits for Snitsky who stumbles up and then when Snitsky does, Rhyno picks up Snitsky and then hits a back breaker and then goes into the cover and then gets the 1………………………2…………..kick out]

JR-almost three

King-If Snitsky loses this match, I wonder what he’ll Taker

Kris Gaffney-*in his best Snitsky* It wasn’t my fault

[Rhyno gets into the corner and then motions for Snitsky to get up and then Rhyno charges and then goes into the cover on Snitsky and then gets the 1……………….2……….Taker pulls Rhyno off the cover, but it appears (or so it seems) that Snitsky had rolled his shoulder up anyways Taker then goes back into the corner and then Rhyno goes over and then knocks Taker off the apron and then turns around into Snitsky and then Snitsky kicks Rhyno in the gut and then sets up and then gets him up for the pump handle sitdown slam and then Rhyno is able to get down Snitsky turns around into a small package Snitsky tries to get out but Rhyno is able to hold on for the 1………………2……………3]

JR-Snitsky was surprised by a roll up!!

(Snitsky looks up with a pissed off look and then Rhyno puts his hands in the air and then Snitsky runs Rhyno down with a clothesline and then waits for Rhyno to get up and then Snitsky hits a spear on Rhyno and then looks down as Taker is still brawling with Cena as Shockwave goes off the air.)

(OOC-Really I had a staff/former staff vote on this one, they voted 2 - 1 for Cena/Rhyno which is why I went with them.)