EMF: Saturday Shockwave

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds, from HEEL, KANE!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[fire blasts on the stage, but KANE walks through it. KANES on fire, but he seems to not to care. Until it registers in his head and he starts jumping around in pain. The ring crew puts him out and rolls him into the ring ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Booker T!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Booker T walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. KANE tests out the ropes. Earl Hebner checks Booker T's boots and knee pads. (ding, ding, ding) KANE hits Booker T with a heart punch. Booker T gets up. Booker T jabs KANE. KANE with an Aztecan suplex on Booker T sends him to the mat. KANE climbs to his feet. Now Booker T standing. Booker T with a headscissors takeover on KANE. Booker T chants start. Booker T gets back to his feet. KANE gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Booker T. Now Booker T standing. Booker T measures KANE up and drops a closed fist. Booker T gets up. Booker T executes a corkscrew legdrop on KANE. ]

The King - corkscrew legdrop!

[Booker T gets back to his feet. KANE hits Booker T with an atomic drop. KANE puts Booker T in a reverse chin lock. Earl Hebner asks Booker T if he quits. ... ... ... Booker T is fighting the hold. ... Booker T escapes. KANE sends Booker T to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) KANE cuts Booker T with a blade. Booker T is bleeding as a result. ]

JR - KANE's momma would be proud!

[KANE leg drops Booker T. Booker T moves back to his feet. (..2) Booker T goes for a scissor kick but KANE dodges the attack. (...3) (....4) Booker T kicks KANE in the groin. (.....5) KANE takes Booker T into the ring. KANE with an illegal chokehold on Booker T. KANE clotheslines Booker T. KANE gets hit with a back heel kick. KANE gets back to his feet. Booker T leg lariats KANE, sending him to the mat. Booker T then measures up KANE and then hits a spinning heel kick and then measures him up again and then kicks him in the gut and then hits the scissors kick and then goes into the cover and gets the 1………………..2……………..3] JR-Booker T has won it! The Shockwave video starts, once it ends we go into the arena as pyrotechnics blasts off on the stage and then once it finishes the lights turn on and fans yell and wave their signs

JR-Welcome everyone to a new year of EMF wrestling, I’m good ol’ JR along side Kris Gaffney and Jerry

Kris Gaffney- I can’t believe the EMF went on this long without me

King-Yeah…it was years of the same old intro by JR for years…

“Snitsky theme” blasts on the PA system as Gene Snitsky walks to the ring

JR-Snitsky!! Snitsky!! Snitsky!!

Kris Gaffney-Snitsky!! Snitsky!! Snitsky!!

King-BBBBBBLLLLAAAAAAHHH *to the name Snitsky*

Maven- Snitsky!! Snitsky!! Snitsky!!


Maven-Why do I get a blah HARDCORE?

King-Because it’s Maven saying the name Snitsky BBBBBBBBLLLLAAAAAAAHHHHHHH

“Batista theme” blasts on the PA system as Batista walks to the ring

JR-Damn those Evolution bastards

King-um…JR…Evolution has been gone for months

Kris Gaffney-Stupid alternate realities

[Snitsky and Batista stand in opposite turnbuckles Batista yelling a few things and then Snitsky looks on not really caring and then Batista and Snitsky lock up and then neither can get an advantage and then they break the lock up and then Snitsky pace around the ring and then Snitsky is able to turn the lock up into a hammer lock and then into a head lock and Batista tries to turn it into a top wrist lock. But then is pushed back by Snitsky and then Batista looks for another way to get out of this hold and then he pushes back Snitsky to the ropes and then whips off the whip and then Snitsky bounces off the ropes and then hits a shoulder block that doesn’t move Batista but a few steps back and then Batista stare down each other and then they go the ropes and then bounce off opposite sides and then hits two big shoulder tackles as they both falls on the mat. Though Snitsky is a bit less effected and then is able to get up quicker and less effected and then Snitsky drives Batista into the corner and then Snitsky hits a hard knee into the corner and then follows it up with a few hard fists and then Snitsky takes Batista out of the corner and then picks him up and then drives him once again into the corner and then hits a few more shoulder blocks into the corner and then Snitsky whips Batista to the ropes and then Batista bounces off the ropes and then Snitsky hits a spinning Arn Anderson spinebuster and then Snitsky goes into the cover and then gets the 1…………..2………kick out. Snitsky looks pissed at the ref, but doesn’t say anything any then hits a few hard stomps on the downed Batista and then Batista stumbles up to his feet and then Snitsky pushes him into the corner and then starts to choke him with his boot as the ref counts to five and then Snitsky breaks the choke and then tries to whip Batisita to the opposite side of the ring and then Batista reverses and then sends him hard into the oppiste side of the ring and then Batista charges into the corner. But then Snitsky counters it with almost a flap jack into the turnbuckle and then Batista stumbles around and then right into Snitsky who then hits a belly to belly suplex and then goes into the cover then gets a 1……………..2………kick out]

JR-Snitsky is firmly in control in the early going

King-The fact Batista was once a baby must help things

Kris Gaffney-so was Snitsky…will that mean he’ll start beating himself up soon?

King-hhhhhhhhmmmm good point.

[Batista stumbles up and then Snitsky waits for him to get up and then Snitsky kicks Batista in the gut and then sets up for the pump handle sit down slam and gets him up, but before he can hit the move he then Batista slides out the back and then Snitsky turns around only to get kicked in the gut set up and then hits a swing neck breaker from a vertical suplex set up. Both wrestlers are down as the ref uses his standing 10 count 1…………………..2……………..3……………4……………..5…………..6………Snitsky is able to get up and Batista pulls himself up with help of the ropes and then Snitsky hits a few fists and then Snitsky tries to whip Batista off the ropes. But Batista reverses the whip, Snitsky bounces off the ropes and then Batista who is on one knee stands up and then hits one of his pattern double leg spine buster. But then he falls back on his knee’s trying to recover and then Snitsky also gets this time. Snitsky stumbles up seeing dazed and then Batista hits a few fists. Then Batista hits a few hard fists and then whips Snitsky off the ropes, Snitsky bounces off the ropes and then Batista hits a back body drop, Batista gets ready and then kicks Snitsky in the gut and then sets him up for a Batista bomb. But then it’s countered by Snitsky with a back body drop, which Batista counters into a sun set flip and then Snitsky seemly is about to fall. But then regains his balance and then tries to punch Batista. But Batista moves out of the way and then Batista gets up and then hits a belly to back suplex on Snitsky and then quickly runs to the ropes and then hits a pretty high knee drop across the face of Snitsky and then goes into the cover and then gets the 1………..2………kick out. Batista hits a few stomps on the downed Snitsky and then starts to choke him on the mat as the ref uses his 5 count]

JR-Snitsky is a loose cannon

Kris Gaffney-Hey, remember when everyone thought he was just a random jobber for Kane?

King-No that was in a different reality…here it would be the other way around. By the way…why was Batista singing Randy Orton’s theme from the WWE reality

Kris Gaffney-Because if he sung his, this is what it would sound like….da na, da na, da na da na nana, dddddduuuuurrrr, DDDDDDDDUUUURRRRR, DDDUUUUUUUUURRRRR, DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDUUUUUUUUUURRRRRR

King-hhhhhhhhmmmm, another good point…

[Snitsky lets Batista up…slapping his head a few times and then Snitsky tries to whip Batista. But Batista reverses the whip and then Snitsky hits the corner hard and then Batista kicks Snitsky in the gut and then sets him up for the Batista bomb and then before he can Snitsky counters with a back body drop and then Batista goes into a sun set flip. But before Snitsky can fall, Snitsky traps him in a pin and then gets the 1…………Snitsky grabs the ropes as the ref is looking at the pin..2………………3]

(OOC-Won’t say what they didn’t have, both were really focused, had good storyline/interactions as the Gates rules allow. But I felt the second RP put Snitsky over the top (like I said, I won’t point out the flaws on here, I’m just saying two pretty good RP’s, should beat one good RP in Gates standards) , but regardless great effort by both RPers. LOL I feel like this is an eco for you Batista. Though Batista, I do kinda feel bad for you not getting a win…because I do see an effort, so don’t think it’s gone unnoticed..cool? (which is kinda why I had Snitsky use the ropes…that and I figured Snitsky is a heel so it wouldn’t hurt his character.)

JR-Snitsky used the ropes

King-calm down JR

(Snitsky rolls out of the ring, Batista glares at the ref, gets up trying to tell the ref that Snitsky had the ropes.. Suddenly Snitsky comes back and then nails Batista with a chair and then Snitsky looks down crazed and then hits a few stomps and Batista rolls out of the ring and then Snitsky grabs a microphone)

GENE: Soon a certain superstar or superstar(s) lives will be turned upside down...niether of you will see it coming...and one of you especially grates on my every nerve flaunting what i dont have...so instead of asking im just going to take it...let it be a lesson to those who ever think of crossing gene snitsky

The Camera pans in on the name plate on a door, it reads RWA-WCW Women's Champion Sierra. A shadow is cast upon the door as the camera turns to see Vince Russo Standing there. He looks at the gold name plate and knocks fixing his hair quickly and a quick breath check as Sierra opens the door..

Sierra: For the last time Rita knock that shit off...*she looked at Russo* Oh, sorry, What do you want?

Vince: First I want to tell you what an honor this is.

Sierra: Okay, who are you?

Vince: I'm Vince Russo, and after I give you this envelope you will remember me.

Sierra: Um, Okay sure, but If its an autograph request I charge 10 bucks. Anyways I was just on my way out, I gotta address a certain someone in the ring.

Sierra walks past Vince as he looks dejected. In the arena Sierra's new music hits as she walks out onto the stage. the Fans booing but she seems to enjoy it. She proudly displays the RWA-WCW Title fo them. She gets in the ring and sets the envelope on the mat, and walks over grabbing a mic..

Sierra: Keep booing people, I love it. Why would I let in-breeds like you get me down. After all I am the RWA-WCW women's champion, I'm involved with the most powerful man in Sports Today, and this is the best part, I beat your hometown Hero Chris Jericho last week in the middle of this ring in front of a PPV audience. Yes go ahead and boo, I knew that would strike a nerve. We told you Jericho give it up, you wouldn't beat us. Were we lying, No unlike you and Amy hiding your true feelings we didn't lie to anyone. We told you straight up what would happen if you accepted the match against us. Stupidly you accepted still, will you ever learn? You just can't accept the fact that we exposed Amy for the lier she is and put a better suited person in the VP's Chair. That man being the one and only Legend Killer, Randy Orton.

("Iron Man" blasts on the PA system as Sierra turns around expecting Prez Mike. But it's once again Vince Russo steps on the stage. Sierra looks confused.)

.::Vince Russo::.-Sierra, now I'm not here to rain on your parade or anything. But to congrauate you and the rest of your team on your victory over Chris Jericho. Now I know you still have that envelope I gave you backstage and haven't looked at it yet. Look I know that you been trying to show the world what really going on between Chris Jericho and Amy Dumas. I think what you will find in that envelope is very interesting. Because that was not just an autograph request, what is in that envelope is from Chris Jericho friend Christian's camera, so I would like you have a look at it?

Sierra: Umm okay...*she bent down picking up the envelope and opening it pulling out first a note attached to a studio shot of Sierra requesting an autograph, she smirked as she pulled out the other object and her jaw dropped until a smile took over..* Oh let me tell you for getting me this..The autograph is on me...

.::Vince Russo::.-*with a grin* I knew you would find that interesting, but really it was nothing. I just want to help you show these moron's *crowd boo's* the truth.

Sierra: Oh this will help greatly. Plus Mr. Russo from your accent I can tell you are another New Yorker like myself and that in itself makes you a million times better than these Florida Idiots. Cameraman come in here and get a close up of this picture..*its a picture of Jericho and Amy asleep on a couch in a hotel room and Jericho has his arm around her..Sierra just smiles..* Looks to me just another tid bit of proof showing that We are right and exposing the truth..

(Russo comes into the ring and then before anything else can be said the EMFtron lights up with the Y2J count down "Y5J, Y4J, Y3J, Y2J" as "Break the Walls down" blasts on the PA system the crowd goes crazy as Jericho spins around with a microphone in his hands. Jericho looks around a few seconds, then he signals for the music to stop. As a huge "Y2J" chant goes up, Jericho lets it die down and says.*

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Let me see if I heard this right....you want to expose the truth. Well I got some truth to expose of my own and that is you never beat me. So I'm here for one reason and one reason only...

Sierra: Ahemm..You are Mistaken Chris, you see if you look in the official Record books it shows my name as the winner and you as the loser. I think thats proof enough. You just can't accept that I'm better than you, that my team was better than you.. These fans refuse to see it because they are your hometown fans. Now if we were in Queens where I am from you'd hear a different sound.

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Aw yes as the official record book will claim is that you did pin me. But it would never mention that you brought another friend with you, you hired Tazz. Being that Tazz was my spy, I know to hire that thug is not cheap. So I had to wonder just how you were able to pay it. Then it hit me, obviously you at some corner in Redhook and you offered your services for Tazz's?

Sierra: OH thats so funny.. Tazz was just waiting for the opportunity to get back at you guys. But thats not important Chris, oh no, but this is..*she holds the picture up again* Now this is one hell of a photograph..man..So clear..You know they say a Picture is worth a thousand words.. So Chris what would you say about this picture..

(Jericho gets a look at it and has a blank stare for a few moments, then rises the microphone.)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-First of all, I'm not sure how that picture even exists. Second, there is of course a good explanation for it, but you wouldn't believe me if I told it to you, so why try?

Sierra: yeah you are probably right, making excuses to try and hide the truth..its okay Jericho, we know the truth, the picture just adds to it...

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-hahaha…excuses, Sierra I don’t have to make excuses. Let’s just say your not worth the effort to try to explain it. But to more important matters at hand, I’m not going to make excuses for First Blood. Oh yeah, there is nothing I can do about that win. But you know what, it would seem that we both made promises Sierra before First Blood. Mine to Amy who I said I wouldn’t get seriously hurt, and you who said your team would end my career. Now after First Blood, I can’t say I was in the best condition, I would say that I just about went to hell and back, but in the end…I forfiled my promise, because here I stand and guess what Sierra….I’m asking for more. So Sierra it would seem that you didn’t forefil your promise, and I still got some unfinished business myself. So how about this…I don’t care whether I have to go all 4 of you jackasses one more time. I don’t care where, and I don’t care when. All I want is a rematch for Amy’s job!

Sierra: I'm Sorry Jericho, Prez Mike and Vice President Orton said no rematches no matter what , but if I could I would, because we wouldn't hesitate to beat you again...we just don't believe you deserve another chance.

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Oh is that how it's going to be, then you leave me with no choice then....you know Sierra I gave you the easy way out, you refused me...and now I gotta take some extreme measures so to speak.

Sierra: Oh yeah and what would those be? *she looks at Vince and shrugs*

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-*Jericho gives Sierra a cocky grin* Well...suppose you will have to wait and see won't you? But let me promise you something Sierra, and you better listen because if First Blood taught you anything...it's that usually forfil my promises. I will have my rematch, and I will get Amy's job back. Because like you Sierra have always said....one time is just not enough!!

Sierra: Yeah, Oh Yeah?...*she glares as he is walking backstage..the crowd laughing*

.::Vince Russo::.-Oh well, I'm sure whatever Chris Jericho has planned, you will be able to get through it. After all you are Sierra, the RWA-WCW womens champion!

Sierra: Yeah, Yeah you are right about that...*she glances at the title, and pats it confidently..*

.::Vince Russo::.-Now...about that autograph...

Sierra: *she turns and gives him a weird look and punches him in the arm...as she walks by him and getting out of the ring, leaving the picture to autograph in the ring with no signature on it..*

*Russo watches as Sierra leaves, and then almost smiles a little as he gets out of the ring as well*

“Some kind of monster” blasts on the PA system as Kaedon walks to the ring

JR-This is the 10 thousand dollar challenge

Kris Gaffney-Their wrestling for money now?

King-The booker must have been playing Smackdown vs. RAW while he was making the card

“Dewey Pond theme” blasts on the PA system as Pond walks to the ring with Tori

JR-Dewey Pond had an impressive win at First Blood

King-Whatever…I’m sure Tori had something to do with it…she beats everyone

“MDK theme” blasts on the PA system as MDK walks to the ring

JR-We found out that before the show came on the air that MDK was going to be the special enforcer


Kris Gaffney-boy that seemed rushed…

[Pond comes firing with fists and then Kaedon pie faces him and then Pond goes flying and then Pond gets back up and then tries again and then he gets pie faced once again. Pond gets up and tries again, but he’s meant with a big boot by Kaedon that doesn’t catch him at full charge so Pond stumbles back to the ropes and then Kaedon goes to where Pond is and then goes for a few fists and then Pond ducks it and then Pond hits a few hard sting fists and then Pond tries to whip Kaedon to the ropes. But then Kaedon puts on the breaks and then pulls back and then Pond goes flying over the top rope and crashing on the ground. He is a little effected, but more fustrated than anything as Kaedon waits for him and then Pond gets to the apron and then Kaedon tries to follow up. But Pond counters with a hang man on the top rope and then Kaedon stumbles back and then Pond jumps back on the apron and then goes to the top rope and waits for Kaedon stumble towards him and then once he does Pond jumps off and then nails a cross body block on Kaedon and then goes into the cover and then gets the 1………………2………..Kaedon powers out of the cross body block and throws Pond across the ring and then Pond gets up and then see’s Kaedon sit up and then Pond charges and then hits a low drop kick into the back and then Kaedon falls back to the ground and then he kicks Kaedon in the ribs and then stomps Kaedon. But Kaedon is able to stumble up and then Pond then hits a few hard fists and then is able to stun Kaedon enough to whip him to the ropes with no probably and then Kaedon bounces off the ropes and then Pond kicks him in the gut and then Kaedon doubles over and then Pond runs to the ropes and then tries to go for a swing neck breaker. But then Kaedon gets up and then tries to go for a clothesline, but then Pond saw it coming so he ducks it and then hits a low drop kick into the back of Kaedon’s leg that takes the big man to his knee and then Pond waits for Kaedon to get up. Kaedon stumbles up and then Pond runs to the ropes and then his a shoulder tackle that takes down Kaedon and then Pond waits for Kaedon to do the exact same thing, but before Pond can hit the move. Kaedon lifts up his leg, Pond gets up and goes right into the grip of Kaedon and then Kaedon hits a quick chokeslam. But it would seem his leg gave out and Kaedon is far away from Dewey Pond.]

JR-What a choke slam

King-*mocking JR* that was a hoss slam

Kris Gaffney-u r a hoss Kaedon (acting like a smark)

King-meh…I can’t deal with this smark talk *jobs*

[Kaedon slowly starts to crawl towards Pond who isn’t moving on the mat and then Kaedon throws an arm over Pond and then he gets the 1……………..2……….kick out. Kaedon then gets up and then as does Pond and then Kaedon hits a few hard fists and then Pond falls back into the corner and then Kaedon hits a few back elbows into the corner on Pond and then Kaedon starts to choke Pond with his boot as the ref counts to 5 and then Kaedon lets up and then Pond slumps in the corner and then Kaedon goes back on the attack and then Kaedon whips Pond to the opposite side of the ring and then follows him into the turnbuckle for a clothesline. But then Pond uses the corner and his momentum to get over Kaedon. But Kaedon stays and waits and Pond lands on Kaedon’s shoulders and then Kaedon charges and then hits a big running powerslam and into the corner and then gets the 1………….2………kick out and then Kaedon picks up Pond and then whips him to the ropes and then Pond bounces off the ropes and then Kaedon lowers his head and then hits back body drop and then Pond stumbles up and then Kaedon charges and then hits a clothesline that takes Pond over the top rope and then Kaedon goes to the outside and then Kaedon picks Pond up by the hair and then smashes him into the ring steps and then he takes Ponds head again and then smashes Pond once again into the steps and then rolls him into the ring and then Kaedon goes into the ring.]

JR-smart move to break the count

Kris Gaffney-When is the last time the count out was REAL factor.

King-Oh…I would say…1995…which was 10 years ago, god what I have done with my life…

[Kaedon is in the ring and then waits for Pond to get up. Once he does Kaedon kicks Pond in the gut and then sets him up for a power bomb and then Pond counters with a hurricanarana into a pin 1…………….2……..kick out. Kaedon and then Pond get up and then Pond goes for a quick clothesline. But Kaedon ducks it and Kaedon goes behind Pond and hits a easy germen suplex with a bridge. But doesn’t check where his shoulders are and then the ref shrugs and then uses both hands and then counts the 1…………………..2…………………3]

JR-What just happened?

King-Seems both their shoulders were down

JR-Well that no good…who gets the money in this case

(JR gets handed a card)

JR-Guess the money goes to Kris Gaffney

King-But it was suppose to go to me!! Let me see that card…*looks at the card* YOU BASTARD…you scratched out my name

Kris Gaffney-Believe me, it will go to a good cause…the Miami Heat Free Agency fund



(Pond and Kaedon agrue. Then MDK comes into the ring and then try to break it up and then Pond and Kaedon push him away, then a brawl happens between MDK, Kaedon and Pond. We then go to commercial and come back)

“Dangerous Alliance theme” blasts on the PA system

JR-You have to wonder if anyone can really beat these two Kris Gaffney-Not unless there is some super team comes along

King-We can take them Kris!

“Revolution” blasts on the PA system as Cena and Rhyno come to the ring along with Trish Stratus

JR-This is a very formable tag team

King-You know I’m pretty sure I have heard their theme before

Kris Gaffney-and why does it always sound like Cena singing when the word “Revolution” has to be involved..


[Punisher and Cena lock up and then Punisher pushes him into the corner and then the ref asks for the break and then Punisher does Punisher hits a knee in the gut and then follows up with another and then Punisher hits another fist and then Punisher takes Cena out of the corner and then whips him off the ropes and then bounces off the ropes Punisher goes for a clothesline but then Cena ducks out of the way and then Punisher turns around to get a diving clothesline to knock him down and then Punisher stumbles up and then Cena hits a few hard fists on Punisher and then Punisher backs up and then Cena whips Punisher to the ropes and Punisher bounces off then Cena lowers his head and then hits a back body drop on Punisher. Punisher stumbles up and then Cena knocks him down with a fist and then Cena who is close to his corner tags in Rhyno. Rhyno comes into the ring and then hits a few stomps on the downed Punisher and then picks him up and then sets him up and then hits a snap suplex and then Rhyno gets up and then takes a few steps back and then hits a knee drop into Punisher and then goes into the cover and then gets the 1……………….2……..kick out. Rhyno then puts Punisher into a chin lock and then the ref asks Punisher if he wants to give up. Which he obviously refuses (I mean who would tap to a chin lock…unless it’s Randy Orton’s chin lock of HARDCORE DOOOOMM), but then Punisher starts to fade away and then the ref goes over and then drops Punisher hand once…..twice…Punisher arm shoots up before it can be dropped for the third time and then Punisher gets to his feet and then Punisher looks for way out of the hold and then hits a few elbows into the gut and then he is able to break the grip of Rhyno and then Punisher runs to the rope and bounces off and then hits a big shoulder block. Rhyno goes to the mat and then Punisher charges to the ropes and then bounces off and then Rhyno gets up and then tries to hip toss. But it’s blocked by Punisher and then Punisher goes for a spinning neck breaker, but then Rhyno is able to push him around and then spins around and then Rhyno is able to get into a set up and Rhyno hits a northern lights suplex with a bridge for the 1……………….2………kick out]

JR-Almost three

King-And you almost owed me money

Kris Gaffney- Yeah, well wait until Pun finds your betting against him

King-Oh I’m sure he won’t mind, no one pays attention to the announcers anyone…expect Chyna who still has man boobs

[ Punisher is having a hard time getting up and then stumbles into the corner and then Rhyno hits a few shoulder blocks and then whips Punisher to the opposite side of the ring and then Punisher hits hard and then Rhyno charges at Punisher for what seemly going for a gore in the corner. But then Punisher gets a boot up and then that floors Rhyno and then Punisher stumbles around and then makes the tag to Angelus and then Angelus comes into the ring and then hits a few hard fists to Rhyno and then Rhyno stumbles back and then Rhyno gets whipped to the ropes and then Rhyno comes off the ropes and then Angelus hits a spinning heel kick. Rhyno stumbles up and then Angelus hits a few hard knife edge chops into that force Rhyno into the corner and then Angelus hits a few hard kicks into the gut of Angelus and then Angelus backs off and then hits a low drop kick into the gut. Rhyno stays on his feet for a few seconds and then falls to the ground. Suddenly Cena comes into the ring and then tries to sneak up on Angelus with a clothesline, but then ducks it and then Angelus hits a upper cut to the chin and then Cena stumbles back and then he whips Cena to the ropes, Cena bounces off the ropes and then Angelus hits a drop toe hold and then Cena goes throat first into the second rope. Cena bounces up and then Angelus kicks Cena in the gut and then hits a DDT and then Cena bounces off the mat and then rolls out of the ring to the outside. Punisher comes into the ring and then go over towards Rhyno and then they start to take turn hitting fists on him and then they double whip him to the ropes, then once he bounces off the ropes and then Punisher and Angelus hit a two man flap jack]

JR-Good team work by the champions

Kris Gaffney-But their cheating right?

JR-Yes they are…BAH GAWD

King-Oh well, cheating is gooooooooooooooooooood *does the James Hetfield hand thing from the Napster bad series*

[Rhyno gets kicked in the gut and then Punisher and Angelus set up Rhyno and then hits a double suplex and then Punisher goes into his corner and then Angelus goes into the cover and then gets the 1…………..2……….Cena pulls out Angelus and then throws him into the steel steps. Cena hits a few hard stomps. Than he see’s that Punisher is coming over to help, so he rolls in Angelus. Rhyno then stands in the corner and then waits for Angelus to get up, Angelus stumbles up and then Rhyno goes for the gore and then Angelus jumps out of the way and then Rhyno gores the hell out of the ref. Angelus goes for a running clothesline, but Rhyno ducks it Angelus turns around and then gets hit with a gore (that’s obviously not as strong). Rhyno goes into the cover, but there is no ref to count, Rhyno gets up and then looks at the ref and looks fustrated. Suddenly the lights go off and a gonk is heard]

JR-What just happened?

King-Well let me see JR…the lights went off and we heard a gonk…what else could it be

Kris Gaffney-Well…could be the Other World..though then the lights usually fade. That only leaves one more possibility….OOOOHHHHHH YYYYYYEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS

King-I would roll my eyes if anyone could see me…

[Sudden the lights turn on suddenly the camera gets a shot of Gene Snitsky and the Undertaker in the ring. Snitsky has a chair looking down with very intense/insane. Everyone at ring side is down, Angelus is in the cover on Rhyno Snitsky and Taker jump out of the ring and then a new ref comes and counts the 1……………….2…………3]

JR-Damn it, this match was ruined by Snitsky and Taker?

Kris Gaffney-This must have been what Snitsky was talking about after his match.

(Snitsky, scares Trish for a few moments and then laughs. Then he and Taker grab the tag titles and then hold them up as Shockwave goes off the air)

(OOC-I’m sure people may or may not think differently, but I got people to back up…I won’t go into detail like usual of what I didn’t see in Rhyno/Cena RP. Like Cena pointed out on the OOC board, I thought Pun RP was very good and was just enough to give him the edge over Cena and Rhyno (though the DQed part didn’t help Cena/Rhyno any…I will say that. But hopefully the run in starts a good storyline between the two teams. Also Angelus getting the pin was not to discount the way Pun carried the team for this win, just that when I was writting it, it came out that way.)