EMF: Saturday Shockwave

The Saturday Shockwave video starts out, when it ends the picture goes into the arena as the Shockwave theme keeps on playing as pyro blasts on the stage. It stops and the camera sweeps around the crowd as people hold up their signs.

Announcer - The following match is sceduled for one fall. Coming to the ring first is Triple X!! X's music hits as he appears on the entranceway. He heads down the rampway looking toward the ring. He steps up onto the apron and ducks under the top rope as he enters. X hits the far corner and stand on the bottom rope. As he over looks the crowd the Announcer continues.

Announcer - His opponent making his way toward the ring... Justin Franchize!

Justin Franchize's music hits as he appears on the ramp. He runs down to the ring and slides under the ring ropes. He stares down Triple X as he paces.

The bell sounds and Triple X starts the match with a strong forearm smash backing Franchize into the ropes. Triple X takes Franchize and whips him to the far side. X bounces off the ropes himself and leaps in the air connecting with a back elbow. Franchize gets to his feet and moves to the corner. X follows and receives a boot from Franchize. Franchize jumps to the second turnbuckle for a high elbow smash. X drops to the mat and Franchize grabs his leg in a modified single crab. X quickly shifts his weight and gets free.

Jim Ross - Well doesn't he move fast! Quickly out of that submission hold.

The King - Franchize was just letting Triple X know he's still in this match. He wasn't going to hold that to long it's to early.

Collar and elbow tieup, X gets the upper hand with a headlock. Franchize quickly grabs X's waist and hits a small belly to back suplex breaking the headlock. Franchize gets up and scoops up X for a modified piledriver. Franchize goes for the cover. X kicks out quick at the two count. Franchize takes and tosses X into a corner. Bull rush charge from Franchize X moves and Franchize hits the top turnbuckle. He turns and X lifts him in the air. X spins around and drops Franchize's face into the turnbuckle again.

Jim Ross - Just what I'd call that move I haven't a clue.

The King - Reminds me of the Snake Eyes. Whatever it is Franchize will be feeling it tommarrow.

X picks Franchize up and hits a russian leg sweep. He lifts Franchize up again. Franchize is bleeding from his forehead somewhere. X tosses Franchize into the ropes and hits a spinebuster on him. X goes for the cover. Franchize kicks out. Franchize rolls to the outside and takes a moment for a breathe. The ref starts a ten count X rolls out after him and gets a punch to the gut. The ref gets to one. Franchize quickly drops X with a ddt. The ref counts two. He then gets up and starts to remove the padding exposing the concrete. The ref counts three. Justin grabs a chair from the announcer and swings it at a downed X. X rolls out of the way and legsweeps Franchize. The ref gets to four. Triple X grabs the chair Franchize had and places it under Franchize's head. He takes a second chair and climbs the apron as the ref yells the five count. Triple X jumps and nails Franchize with the chair.

Jim Ross - That's one hell of a one man con-chair-to.

The King - Damn that had to hurt. Where is X going?

X grabs a chair and picks Franchize up in a firemans carry and starts around the ring. The ref counts to six. X travels up the ramp with Justin still out cold. The ref gets to seven as X sets up the chair near the edge of the entranceway. He sits Franchize in the chair. The ref gets to eight. Triple X looks to the ring and then dashs at Franchize with a spear. The Spear takes them both off the side and through some tables setupp for sound equipment. The ref gets to nine. Then he calls for the bell.

Announcer - The ref has declaired this match a double countout.

Medical personelle arrive and assist Franchize and X to a nearby Ambulance. Commercail Break

5.....4.....3....2....1 the lights go out, pyrotechnics blasts off on the stage as "Break the walls down" blasts on the PA system. The lights comes back on and Chris Jericho is standing in the entrance way and walks to the ring

JR-This is more personal, than is about the Attitude Internet title

King-Well if you remember right, when Jericho faced Chyna for the IC title in the WWF. He lost, so I predict that curse will stay with him

"walk this way" blasts on the PA system as Ashlee walks to the ring with the attitude internet title

King-Why would anyone want to be champion of the internet

JR-don't know King

*ding ding ding*

[Jericho comes out and knocks Ashlee down with a running clothesline. Jericho waits for Ashlee to gets to her feet. Jericho kicks her in the gut and trys for a fisherman suplex and hits it 1....2..kick out, Ashlee gets up only to get hip tossed. Ashlee gets up and gets knocked down by a running clothesline, Ashlee gets up fast and gets hit with a few knife edge chops and Jericho whips Ashlee to the ropes. Jericho ducks his head for a back body drop, but Ashlee turns it into a swinging neck breaker. Ashlee gets up as Jericho stumbles towards her, Ashlee kicks him in the gut hooks and hits a double arm DDT on Jericho. Ashlee rolls into the cover for the 1....2..kick out. Jericho gets up and backs into the corner, Ashlee kicks Jericho in the gut a few times. Ashlee whips Jericho to the oppsite side turnbuckle. Ashlee delays running in and does it. Jericho gets his boot up, Ashlee stumbles back and runs back into the corner and Jericho gets his boot up once again. Jericho climbs to the top top as Ashlee makes it to her feet, Jericho leaps off and hits a missile drop kick that takes Ashlee down. Ashlee backs up to the ropes, Jericho trys for a clothesline. But Ashlee counters with a back body drop. Jericho lands on his feet on the apron, Jericho reaches to try to suplex Ashlee over the top rope, but Ashlee drives her shoulder into Jericho's gut, Jericho doubles over in pain as Ashlee sling shots herself under the bottom rope and sets Jericho up and Jericho falls right into a powerbomb to the outside. Ashlee kicks Jericho while he's down and pulls him up, Ashlee trys to whip Jericho to the steps. But Jericho reverses it at the last second and hits a knee to the gut, Jericho takes Ashlee by the hair and then throws her face first into the steel steps. Ashlee spins around in pain as Jericho charges at her and hits a running knee into her face. Jericho pulls up Ashlee's limp body and rolls her into the ring. Jericho slides back into the ring once again and pins Ashlee for the 1.....2...Ashlee puts her foot on the ropes. Jericho just shakes his head and waits for Ashlee to get up, Ashlee slowly makes it to her feet. Jericho hits a few forearms in her back, Ashlee goes back to her knee's. Jericho pulls Ashlee back up and starts to hook her for the break down, but Ashlee spins around as Jericho has a half nelson on her and turns it into a hammer lock, out into an arm bar. Then Ashlee hits a fireman carry and into a arm extension, the ref looks for a tap. But Jericho does tap, Jericho doesn't tap and stays in the arm extension for a while. Ashlee keeps the hold as Jericho starts to move up and turns it into a roll up for a 1....2...Ashlee kicks out back into the arm extension, Jericho then lifts up for the roll up once again. But as Jericho rolls Ashlee up, Jericho hits a eye rake out of the sight of the ref as Ashlee lets go of the arm extension. Jericho gets up in a bit of pain, Jericho shakes his arm and gets back to his feet as does Ashlee. Jericho hits a few knife edge chops and trys to whip Ashlee to the ropes, but Ashlee reverses the whip. She still doesn't have her sight back, Jericho bounces off the ropes and leaps in the air and hits the flying forarm.]

JR-It would seem that Jericho is holding back no punches, but you got to give credit to Ashlee. She is holding her own in there.

King-You know if Ashlee wasn't in this match I would a sleep already.

[Jericho gets to his feet and waits for Ashlee to get to hers. Jericho kicks Ashlee in the gut sets her up and hits the under hook back breaker. Jericho hits a few stomps to the back of Ashlee, Jericho runs to the ropes and hits a quick knee drop into the back. Jericho slowly pulls Ashlee up and whips her to the ropes, Jericho puts his head down for a back body drop. But Ashlee counters with a knee lift, Jericho goes up and gets a clothesline to the face. Ashlee pulls Jericho up, hooks him runs up the turnbuckle and hits the acid drop. Ashlee goes for the cover and the 1......2...kick out.Ashlee pulls Jericho up and trys to hook him for the full nelson slam, but Jericho reverses the hold on Ashlee. Jericho then hooks and hits the break down on Ashlee. Jericho goes into the cover for the 1....2....kick out by Ashlee, Jericho looks on in amazement. Jericho then grabs Ashlee's legs and trys to turn her over for the walls of Jericho. But Ashlee grabs on to his leg and won't let go thus blocking the Walls of Jericho. Jericho falls and Ashlee brings Ashlee to her feet, Ashlee hooks Jericho and puts on the figure four. Jericho is in a lot of pain, Jericho looks for a way out. But can't quite turn her, Jericho puts his shoulders on the mat for the 1.....2...Jericho gets his shoulders off the mat. Jericho starts to turn Ashlee slowly and finally gets the hold on Ashlee reversed. Ashlee breaks the hold as Jericho and Ashlee make it to their feet. Ashlee charges at Jericho who ducks as Ashlee trys to clothesline Jericho. Jericho then hits a waist lock take down into a sit out. Ashlee strumbles to the the ropes and the ref makes Jericho break the hold. Jericho waits for Ashlee to get to her feet, Ashlee stumbles towards Jericho. Jericho kicks Ashlee in the gut and is seemly getting ready to hit the double powerbomb, but Jericho shakes his head and hits a elbow to the back of the neck. Jericho then looks around thinking of the next thing to do, Jericho then runs to the ropes and trys for the lion sault, but Ashlee rolls out of the way. Jericho is able to land on his feet and go to one knee to recover, Ashlee is slowly getting to her feet. Jericho runs to the ropes and hits a one handed bull dog. Jericho then ropes to the ropes and trys for the lion sault once again. But Ashlee gets her legs up at the last second.]

JR-It's a good thing that Ashlee got her legs up, if not it would be over

[Ashlee and Jericho slowly get to their feet, Jericho stumbles to where Ashlee is. Ashlee then hits the Ashlee slam, but instead of going for the cover. Ashlee falls to her knees trying to recover from the attack that Jericho has done. Ashlee slowly starts to climb the ropes, Ashlee takes another moment to recover and then leaps off for a moonsault. But at the last second Jericho moves out of the way. Ashlee gets up in pain, Jericho leads her to the ropes and rolls her up. But Jericho stunned from moves before pushes Ashlee on top of the roll up. Almost out, Ashlee falls over limp in the pin and puts all her body weight on Jericho as Jericho trys to get out. But can't as the ref counts three.]

King-Fluke!! Fluke!!

JR-Well I guess it's better to be lucky than good King

King-hhhmmm maybe

*Saturday Shockwave goes off the air with that*