EMF: Saturday Shockwave

The scene opens to PRez Mike's office. Where a female voice can be heard.

Mercedes: Think about it MIke whats better than this. Its the Best way to settle this.

Mike: You against your husband, Eric BIschoff?

Mercedes:Yes. The way I see it, I was insulted and treated bad, so he must pay.

Mike: Okay I'll see what I can do, but did you just try not giving any to him..

Mercedes: Thats so Old Fashioned Mike, Besides its not as if He can put out himself...

they both share a laugh and Mercedes stands up shaking his hand and walking out...

We go into the arena where fireworks blasts off on the stage and then fans scream and wave their signs )

["Iron Man" then hits on the P.A. as fans begin to stand to their feet as they know they are about to soon see, EMF President, Prez Mike. Fans boo and chant "asshole" as Mike just gets a kick out of it all and continues his walk to the ring. Howard Finkle, who was ready to announce the next match stands in the ring, as Mike demands him to hold the ropes open for him, Finkle does so, as Mike gets in and turns around pushing Finkle out of the ring as he sits on the 2nd rope allowing Mike to get in. Mike chuckles a bit as he request a mic.]

Prez Mike: You know, you know, normally I wouldn't even give you jackasses a chance the pleasure of seeing me, but I was sitting in the back and me being the nice guy, I am I decided to give you guys a treat.

JR: Since when has he been a nice guy?

Prez Mike: You see I came out here to announce the main event for Unleashed, and on January 25th, I think I have scheduled a match which will undoubtably be a blood bath, and a all out war. And you know, I have no problem watching two guys beating the living hell out of each other, just as long as it isn't me. And at Unleashed we shall see fight, we shall see a all out war, and I am damn sure will see alot of blood. And I wouldn't have it any other way, and that is why at Unleashed, we shall see in one corner, the world heavyweight champion, Wes Ikeda versus a very sick individual, a man who could possibly the most dangerous man in EMF today, I am talking about Angelus!

[Some fans cheer, some boo wanting someone else to get the shot, as Prez Mike lets them react as he brings the mic back up to his mouth.]

Prez Mike: And on January 25th...

[Prez Mike is then cut off as over the P.A. comes the sound of "TIME TO PLAY THE GAME". Prez Mike seems very ticked to be interrupted as Triple H and Ric Flair stand at the top of the ramp shaking their heads at Prez Mike. Triple H begins to slowly limp down the ramp suffering from his injuries he subtained from X-Cold in the Hall of Fame Battle Royal. Triple H who has a large bandage on his head takes a drink from his water bottle as he climbs the apron, Triple H goes for his normal routine entrance as he spits the water in the air, throwing his arms in the air, Triple H quickly drops his right hand clutching his injured ribs. Triple H slowly gets in the ring as he goes to the corner to pose but, Mike begins to get tired and yell over the mic.]

Prez Mike: Alright! Alright! Thats enough, turn that damn music off, I said turn it off. Enough of your little posing. I want to know something right now, Triple H! I want to know, who do you think you are? Who the hell do you think you are to interrupt me? You see this company belongs to me and no one, I mean no one cuts off the boss!

[Triple H request a mic as he just gives a big smirk at Prez Mike, Flair stands in the corner laughing to himself a bit. Triple H then gets the mic as he begins to pace a little bit.]

Triple H: Funny you would say something like that, because you see Mike, this company went from me to we, you might be a helluva president, Mike. But, you are a terrible business man, cause you see you didn't read the fine print in my contract for the Hall of Fame, battle royal. Cause if you would've read the contract Mike, you would've seen that it stated if I won the Battle Royal, and I did win that battle royal even though the decision was a bit messed up, and everyone in the business knows, X-Cold's feet hit first!

[Crowd boos as they chant "X-Cold", this just brings a smile to Triple H's face as he holds out the mic wanting them to chant.]

Triple H: Keep chanting, cause you won't be hearing that name before long. Now, while the decision of the match was split as me and X-Cold was named the winners, that still gives me the win and also gives me what I wanted if I won the match at First Blood, you see if your dumbass would've read the contract Mike, it stated that if I won the battle royal, I would not only win the name of "Best EMF Legend Ever", which everyone knows I am anyway. [Boo's] But, you see Mike, I won much more... And what I won was 50 percent of this company!

[Prez Mike then has a face of total shock, as Triple H just gets up in Mike's face and gives a big smile.]

Triple H: Now Mike, I know what your thinking and I just want you to know that as long as you follow my lead and don't get in my way, we won't have a problem. But, Mike take the other path, the path of fucking with the Game, and it will be the last mistake you ever make. Even bigger then signing that contract, that gave away 50 percent of your company. Now, Mike you came out here earlier and made a big match for Unleashed, now while I can't do nothing about that match as it is already set in stone, I can make matches of my own. And earlier today I signed a very big match, you see on January 25th, at Unleashed its gonna be the winner the world champion either Angelus or Wes, whoever wins the match earlier in the night taggin' up with the IC champ, and Wes or Angelus won't be the only one pulling double duty at the PPV. Cause I have booked a match for Unleashed putting the IC champ, Shady Shane against the man who stole his title, CM Punk and the stipulation? Ladder Match! And the winner of those matches of the world title and IC title will then go on to tag up against the television champion, Tyrant and the Extreme Champion, Twilight and thats not all but, those 2 teams will have a second team to contend with and that is the world tag champions, Jarred Carthallion and Messiah! And in this match the one who gets pin shall lose their title. And not only, can you pin your opponents but, you can pin your partner. If the IC Champ, Shady Shane wants the world title, he can pin his partner and win the belt. And as far as the tag champs goes, if Jarred pins Messiah or vice versa, that person will then become number 1 contender for the world title and will get their shot at the next PPV. Got that? Well I really dont give a damn, if you got it or not but, I will promise you one thing and that is at Unleashed, we will see titles change hands and we will see gore, cause this match will be Death Cell!

Triple H: Now Mike, I know your sitting there shitting your pants knowing that I now own half of what you built, but learn to accept it because for me its Game on, and for you, Mike...Its...GAME OVER!

[With that Triple H kicks Prez Mike in the gut as he then delivers a pedigree leaving him laying, Triple H spits on the fallen Mike, as he gives Ric Flair a high five as they begin to get out of the ring and head to the back.]

[Kaedon's theme hits as fans begin to immediately boo, Kaedon gets inside the ring as he jaws off to some of the fans in the front row. Kaedon paces back and forth as you can tell he can't wait to get his hands on his opponent.]

JR: Kaedon looks to be ready, but will he be ready for a man we hardly know anything about and that man is Sychophant.

King: Ahh he'll probably suck...

[Sychophant's theme hits as he comes out to a mixed reaction from the crowd, fans really dont know what to make of him as Sychophant just slides in the ring and leans on the ropes laughing over at Kaedon.]

[Charles Robinson signals for the bell, getting the match officially underway. The two men slowly make their way to the center of the ring and tie up. Kaedon quickly takes the advantage, nailing Sychophant with a big knee to the gut, doubling him over. Kaedon pulls back and nails him with a huge double ax handle. Sychophant collapses and falls to the mat. Kaedon reaches down and pulls Sychophant up, before whipping him across the ring. Sychophant bounces off of the ropes and comes charging back at Kaedon. Kaedon quickly grabs the charging Sychophant and brings him over with a huge powerslam. Kaedon stays on Sychophant for the cover as Charles makes the count (1...2...KICKOUT)]

JR: Kaedon taking the early advantage with his pure, but Sychophant managed to just kick out of that devasting, quick powerslam.

[Kaedon gets to his feet and jerks Sychophant up. Kaedon quickly whips Sychophant into a corner. Kaedon charges in and leaps into the air, smashing into Sychophant, sandwiching him into the turnbuckle. Kaedon takes a step back as Sychophant staggers out of the corner, falling to the mat. Kaedon reaches down and once again starts to pick Sychophant up. Suddenly, Sychophant comes to, landing a series of rights and lefts into the stomach of Kaedon, staggering him back a bit. Sychophant gets all the way to his feet before lunging forward with a brutal looking clothesline. Kaedon somehow manages to duck under the clothesline and slide around behind Sychophant. Kaedon grabs Sychophant in a waist lock before tossing him back with an overhead release German suplex. The fans erupt into "OHHH's". Kaedon quickly rushes over and makes a cover on Sychophant. Charles Robinson makes the count (1...2...KICKOUT)]

JR: Kaedon is in total control of this match, but Sychophant is still hanging in there!

King: Hopefully Kaedon will finish this thing soon!

[Kaedon gets to his feet. He reaches down and pulls Sychophant to his feet. Kaedon whips Sychophant across the ring. Sychophant bounces back and comes charging at Kaedon, but is quickly leveled by a brutal clothesline. Kaedon stands over the downed Sychophant, Kaedon reaches down and pulls Sychophant to his feet. Kaedon grabs Sychophant as if to lift him for a suplex. Kaedon lifts Sychophant into the air and holds him vertical. The fans cheer wildly at this sight. Suddenly, Sychophant begins to kick wildly. Sychophant somehow manages to wiggle free and slide down the back of Kaedon. Sychophant lunges forward and nails Kaedon in the back with a big forearm, causing him to stagger forward a bit. Sychophant takes a few steps back and bounces off of the ropes as Kaedon turns to face him. Sychophant leaps into the air with a big cross body block, but Kaedon somehow manages to catch him in mid-air. The fans cheer as Kaedon walks around the ring, holding Sychophant. Kaedon then suddenly falls forward, planting Sychophant with a brutal looking fall forward slam. Kaedon hooks Sychophant's leg and makes the cover as Charles Robinson makes the count (1...2...Kaedon picks him up), Kaedon then gets set as Sychophant slowly gets to his feet, Sychophant slowly turns around as he is met with the Kaedon Crush. Kaedon hooks the leg (1...2...3!!)]

“Break Stuff” blasts on the PA system as Carnage walks to the ring

King-Oh…it’s just Crae, I thought it might have been someone worth while

JR-…well he has a chance to get a shot at the TV title, which he lost at First Blood

“Wilts theme” blasts on the PA as Wilts walks to the ring

JR-It would seem that Wilts is now getting advice by Hardcore legend Mick Foley

King-Yeah, but if Wilts was looking for knowledge on the wrestling business, he isn’t going to get it out of Foley. There isn’t anything in that head and their never has been!


[Carnage and Wilts lock up and then no one really can get the advantage. Then they break up the lock up. Then they go in and lock up, Wilts then hits a knee to the gut that doubles over Carnage. Then hits a elbow to the back of the head that sends him down to one knee and then Wilts pulls him up on his feet and then measures him up and hits a fist on Carnage and then backs him to the ropes and then whips Carnage off the ropes. Carnage bounces off the ropes and then Wilts goes for a big boot and then Carnage ducks it and continues to the other side of the ring and the bounces off the ropes. Wilts goes for a back elbow, but Carnage ducks it and then continues to the other side of the ring and bounces off the ropes and then Wilts knocks him down with a running forearm. Wilts then hits a few stomps on the downed Carnage, Carnage stumbles to the corner and then Wilts goes into the corner and hits a few knee’s into the gut in the corner and then backs out a little after the ref tells him to and then hits a few hard forearm shots to Carnage in the corner and then Wilts whips Carnage to the opposite side of the turnbuckle. Wilts takes his time to mock Carnage and then Wilts charges in and then goes for a clothesline, but Carnage moves out of the way. Wilts stumbles back and then Carnage takes Wilts head and the smashes his face into the turnbuckle and then Carnage puts Wilts on the top rope and then puts him down in the tree of woe. Carnage then stomps on Wilts and then backs up a little bit and then backs up and then goes for a baseball slide. But at the last second he can Wilts pulls up and then Carnage goes sliding to the outside. Wilts unhooks himself and then Wilts sees Carnage. Carnage climbs to the apron and then Wilts hits a few fists and now stuns Carnage. Carnage. Wilts then goes for a suplex into the ring, but Carnage blocks it and then Wilts tries to suplex Carnage over the top rope again and then it’s blocked. Carnage then is able to get Wilts over the top rope with a suplex of his own. But Wilts is able to get on a the apron and then hits a few fist and then sets up Carnage once he has him stunned enough and then Russian leg sweeps him right off the ring apron. Carnage looks like he’s in a lot of pain. Wilts then gets up and then climbs to the apron again and then leaps off the apron and hits a leg drop on Carnage off the apron.

JR-What a move by Wilts

King-…7 seven foot guys in a match…this is a smark’s nightmare…GOOD!

[Wilts then pulls up Carnage and then puts him in a bear hug and then drives his back into the ring post and then he lets Carnage drop and then Wilts rolls Carnage into the ring and then rolls into the ring as well. Wilts waits for Carnage to get up, once Carnage gets up. Wilts hits a few hard fists and then whips Carnage off the ropes, Carnage bounces off the ropes and Wilts goes for a big boot. But Carnage ducks it and then Wilts turns around as Carnage gets ready and then Carnage grabs Wilts by the throat and quickly lifts him up and then nails a choke slam and then Carnage goes down pretty beat down from everything Wilts has done so far. The ref uses his standing 10 count 1...............2...............3..............4........5 both Wilts and Carnage get to their feet. Wilts is still dazed from the choke slam wants to get the advantage back and then throws a wild punch. But Carnage is able to block it and then hit a few hard punches and then Carnage whips Wilts to the ropes, Wilts bounces off the ropes and then Carnage runs to the ropes and then hits a flying clothesline on Wilts. Both wrestlers get up get up, Carnage waits for Wilts to stumble towards him and then Wilts stumbles towards him Carnage hits a body slam and then hits a quick elbow drop on Wilts and then Carnage pulls up Wilts and then sets him up for a power bomb, but Wilts reverses it into a back body drop. Carnage gets up and Wilts charges at Carnage, but Carnage turns it into a front spinebuster and then Carnage falls into the cover and gets a 1……………….2………..kick out. Carnage takes a few moments to recover and then this allows Wilts to get up. Carnage hits a kick to the gut and then Carnage is able to put Wilts over his head for a few seconds in a body press and then drops him into a drop behind him. Wilts gets up holding his gut and then Carnage picks him up and then drops him into a side walk slam]

JR-Carnage has taken control of this match

King-Whatever…don’t care who wins…Crae…or that crazy guy

[Carnage calls for the electric chair drop, Wilts stumbles up and then Carnage gets Wilts on his shoulders and then is able to get him up. Wilts is able to hit a few fists and then Carnage drops him and then Wilts hits a germen suplex with a bridge. The ref uses both hands and makes a count for a 1…………2……….kick out. Wilts gets up and then argues with the ref thinking it was a three, while his back is turned Carnage is up. Wilts turns around and then Carnage grabs his throat, lifts him up and then nails a chokeslam. Wilts get up, Carnage is able to get under him. Wilts tries to fight out of it, but Carnage drops him into a electric chair drop Carnage goes into the cover and gets a 1…………………2……………3 Wilts is able to kick out, but not in time. Carnage gets the win]

(OOC-I hope you either don’t hold anything against me, Wilts I know I went to you asked if I could do the double pin. But it seemed to me Tony didn’t want that, so I had to go with what I thought. You were both very well matched under these rules and the only thing that separated you both was that I slightly liked Carnage insults a little more….but good job to both of you and you made this too hard on me, lol)

In the Arena Eric BIschoff's music hits as he makes his way to the ring not dressed to compete, but rather taking things lightly. He gets in the ring and takes the microphone.

Eric: This is Crazy, Me vs. My Wife, Its not happening.

As he talks a sound of typing can be heard and on the screen shows a search engine site and being typed is Mercedes Version 1.0 then headstrong plays and she walks out onto the stage in her wrestling gear, her left hand in the air. Her gear Blue and silver pants and a matching top showing her stomach. Her long hair down, on the Screen showing a Mer Fact: Mercedes Doesn't Need Eric Bischoff, Eric BIschoff Needs Mercedes. As she gets to the ring another Mer Fact pops up. Mer Fact: Mercedes is more Talented than Her Sister Katrina. Mercedes gets into the ring and walks over taking the microphone from Eric Who is seemingly laughing....

MErcedes: Whats So Crazy Eric? The Match or that you know I could kick your ass. See I've decided that maybe you do need your space you need to be you. Well I need to be me too so here you go. What I've Got is Merittude. It's a way of Life. Laugh all you want Eric, but we've got a match now so lets go.

She tosses the mic aside as he smiles turning his face to give her the first shot. She rears back but instead of punching him drives her knee into his groin, dropping him to the mat. She grabs the mic again putting her foot on his chest.

Mercedes: You Lack Merittude and one more thing...YOU LOSE.

She takes her foot off of his chest and sets the microphone down on him holding up the V.1 hand sign and gets out of the ring walking backstage...as The microphone picks up Eric's cries of pain...

King: Does this mean she is single now?

JR: .................

[The scene then goes to a door which has a Triple H logo on it, the door then opens as it shows Hunter's luxary office.]

Triple H: You know I never really got around out there to explain new rules in a new era of EMF, the new era being that of The Game's and whatever I say well goes. And rule number one is one, I feel is very necessary, one which I have to make. You see everyone knows, I have had some very bad history with one individual of the EMF, and that is X-Cold [Cheers]. Well never again will we hear the name X-Cold, because as of today the word is banned from the mouths of the wrestlers and commentators. Anyone who breaks this rule shall be punished by all my being and all my power. So I want you security guards right now, to go out into that San Diego crowd and search for X-Cold signs, if you find any dispose of them immediately. You see while you came out on the winning side along side me at First Blood, X-Cold, you won't come out on the winning side as of today! Because I guaranteed to end your career and as of right now, I am doing just that. X-Cold you are dead to the EMF, and hell so is the rest of the family, so no more Stephanie, No more X-Cold, no more of your piece of shit children. You are all as good as dead to the EMF, as long as I have power here...And I don't plan to resign anytime soon.

Triple H: Next on the agenda is man who messed with my money at First Blood, a man who decided family over gold and well Badd Boy its gonna cost you, it cost you dearly. You see many advertisers and many fans didn't like the plan you and your brother, Wes had. Now, while it was really heart felt what you did, letting your bro keep his title, it don't do nothing for a heartless son of a bitch like me. See, we lost alot of money when you decided to just take the fall at First Blood. And well Badd Boy, you gonna have to be taught a lesson, a lesson you better soon get or you will be on the same end as X-Cold. And what to do for punishment?, what can I do to really mess with you and teach you a lesson? Well since your such the family man, how about I fuck with the family. And what I am gonna do is book a match for Shockwave and since I gave Prez Mike a concussion, looks like a run the show alone next week. And next week we shall see the match of Badd Boy going one on one against Angelus, but since you took from me and rob me of some money at First Blood, well how about The Game takes from you and put it all on the line. Because you see it won't just be a normal singles match, but it will be a topless, over the top rope match. You see your wife will be on the stage along side Angelus' woman, Sierra. And everytime your tossed over the top, the woman you represent with lose a article of clothing and after 3 times being of the top well lets just say King is gonna have a excuse of yelling "Puppies". But, you know Badd Boy/Angelus I am a fair man, hell I am a pretty nice guy when you get to know me. So I am going to give the winner something, if you win Angelus, I am going to allow you to pick the stipulation of your title match against Wes at Unleashed. And if you win Badd Boy, I am going to let you help little ol' brother again keep his title, cause if you win Badd Boy, you will be the special guest referee of the Wes and Angelus match. But, if you lose boys..And believe me you won't want to lose, but if you do lose, your girl Sierra or Ashlee will become my personal assistant, and we will get very, very personal...[Laughs] So, Badd Boy you best be winning because if you don't, YOUR wife shall become MY bitch! [Laughs] Good Luck!..Because in my era Badd Boy, your gonna need it!

[Triple H laughs some more as he spins around in his chair, the camera zooms on the back of his chair as there is a Triple H logo on it. Camera then goes back out to the ring.]

“Punks theme” blasts on the PA system as Punk walks to the ring with the IC title.

JR-It would seem that Punk has declared himself the IC champion

King-Well he stole it fairly god damn it *King flips off JR *…hey I wonder if Punks related to the Guerrero’s

“Dirty D theme” blasts on the PA system as Dirty D walks to the ring

JR-I would guess that Dirty D is trying to get revenge on CM Punk

King-Better watch out…Punk may steal something of Punks NEXT

[Punk and Dirty D hammer away at each other exchanging fists. Dirty D pissed off Punk holding his friends championship is able to fight enough to get the advantage. Punk is reeling on the ropes, the ref tells him to back off. Dirty D backs off before he gets dqed and then moves back in. But Punk hits a rake of the eye rank and then turns the tables on Dirty D and then hits a few knife edge chops to Dirty D. Dirty D is reeling on the ropes and then Punk whips Dirty D off the ropes and then Dirty D bounces off the ropes and then Punk hits a spinning back elbow on Dirty D goes down and then Punk goes to the ropes and then hits a quick running elbow across the face of Dirty D. Punk gets up and then hits a few stomps on the downed Dirty D. Dirty D slowly gets to his feet and then as he does Punk hits a knee into the gut and then backs off as Dirty D is doubled over and then charges at Dirty D and hits a running knee lift that sends Dirty D to the ground. Punk thinking he already has this match in the bag calls for the DDT, Dirty D stumbles up and then Punk kicks Dirty D in the gut and then goes for the DDT. But Dirty D twists his arm and then goes right into a diving clothesline that puts Dirty D and Punk down. Just for the hell of it, Dirty D goes into the cover and then gets a 1............2......kick out. Dirty D slowly pulls himself up with help of the ropes and then Punk sees Dirty D getting up and then charges at Dirty D to try to get the advantage back. But Dirty D counters with a back body drop over the top rope, Punk goes crashing into the arena floor (of course into the padding at ring side). Dirty D takes a few moments to recover and then climbs to the top rope and then waits for Punk to get up. Once he does, Dirty D leaps off the top and hits a cross body block on Punk. Both wrestlers are now down, Dirty D then pulls up Punk and then smashes his face against the announcers table and then Punk bounces off the table still on his feet and then Dirty D hits a few fists to try to get him off his feet. Punk stays on his feet and then Dirty D goes for a drop kick and hits it. Punk goes down after the weak drop kick, Dirty D goes for another one and then Punk moves out of the way and this buys Punk some time to recover. But not a lot as Dirty D is up quick, Punk then in desperation leaps in the air and then goes for a drop kick of his own and then Dirty D blocks it and then sets up and nails a sling shot into the ring post face first]

King-Punk just went flying

JR-Well guess that will teach him to steal stuff…

King-un…I doubt it JR

[Punk is bleeding somewhat, Dirty D rolls Punk into the ring and then climbs to the top rope and then leaps off the top rope for a flying shoulder block. But Punk ducks it and then it goes crashing into the ref. Dirty D gets up and can’t believe what he just did and then Punk hits a low blow on Dirty D and then Dirty D turns around and then gets kicked in the gut and then sets up and lifted in the air and then nails the brain buster. Punk notices that the ref isn’t getting up anytime soon and then Punk goes and grabs the IC title belt and then slides into the ring with it and then waits Dirty D to get up. Dirty D stumbles to his feet and then Punk goes for shot to the head with the IC championship, but Dirty D ducks it and then Punk turns around and gets super kicked by Dirty D. Punk goes down and drops the title, Dirty D takes the IC title and then looks at it and then waits for Punk to get up. Once Punk stumbles up, Dirty D hits a belt shot to the face and then goes into the cover. But the ref is out so he can't count the 3, Dirty D then gets up and throws the title belt on the side of the ring and then waits for Punk to stumble up. Once Punk stumbles up and then Dirty D hits the rebel stand and then goes into the cover. Suddenly the ref slowly starts to crawl into position to make the count and then counts the 1...................................2............kick out!]

JR-Almost three!

King-Oh come on, like it was ever in doubt...The rebel stand might as well be called the "please kick out of me" move

[Dirty D can’t believe he didn’t get the 3, he then waits for Punk to get up. Once he does Dirty D hits a few fists and then whips him to the ropes. Dirty D lowers his head, Punk kicks him in the face, and then kicks him in the gut and hits the DDT. Punk then falls to the mat, suddenly the camera shows Shane jumping over the barcade and then sliding into the ring. and punk start brawling, each one delivering punch after punch to each other. Shane whips CM PUnk into the ropes and boom! he hits CM PUNK with his own move! Shane just hit CM PUNK with a DDT! The ref calls for the bell. Sahen see's the dropped IC belt outside of the ring. He slides out as the crowd pops loudly as he raises up the IC belt. Shane slides back into the ring and looks at the downed punk and yells "THIS IS MY TITLE!". Shane celebrates and raises the tyitle over his head....He celebrates in the ring for a few minutes but punk starts moving a bit, but shane doesnt see this. Pnuk slides his hands into his trunks and pulls out a pair of handcuffs, before shane can even turn around punk nails him in the head with the handcuffs! Shane drops to the ground like a sack of concrete mix. Punk still sorta dazed pulls shane over to the ropes and handcuffs him to them. Punk unwraps the tape on his own arm and tapes Shanes other wrist to the rope. Shane is completely helpless! Punk rolls out of the ring as shane is draped in a crucifix like position to the ropes. Punk looks under the ring and grabs a six pack of beer from under the apron. He slides back into the ring with the beer. He stares at Shane and then motions for a mic. The mis is rushed to him.*


*CM PUNKS stomps shane in the gut*

CM PUNK: WELL FUCK YOU SHANE! fuck you and all your god damned drug habits.

*CM PUNK opens up a few cans of the beer and pours them all over Shanes face and mouth*


*Punk slams his bot into shanes gut again and pours the remaining beer into Shanes mouth*

CM PUNK : you disgust me Shane you're not half the man I am, look at you, you're a drunk waste of human flesh and fuck you buddy boy this is my title you degenerate drunk

*CM PUNK stomps Shane one more time and smashes a beer can over Shanes head busting him open. CM PUNK holds the title up over his head as the crowd boos. Punk backs up to the ropes and uses them to flip out of the ring. He back tracks his way up the ramp and stops right at Jr and the kings announcing booth. CM PUNK flips them off*


*CM PUNK heads toward the back*

*"Just 2 Badd" is playing as The Badd Boy Tony Ikeda walks out from behind the curtain. The fans boo loudly making the arena almost deafening. The Badd Boy just looks around then gives a shrug. He walks over to the announcer's booth and has a seat between JR and The King.*

The Badd Boy: Good evening guys. How is everyone?

JR: Like you give a damn.

The Badd Boy: You really need to just learn to like me JR, I'm your partner a color commentator, we're colleagues.

King: Yeah JR, lighten up, he's one of us.

JR: You have no right to be here, you should be in the ring.

The Badd Boy: Now now JR, if I were in the ring right now I'd be interrupting a great match up. Let's watch this.

*"Messiah's Theme" is playing as Messiah walks out from behind the curtain. A sea of boos engulfs him as he walks down to the ring. He rolls in and goes to his respective corner.*

The Badd Boy: Ah Messiah, Primetime let him win the world championship, then I took him to school for the world championship. Those were the days.

JR: Yeah, but your days as champion are gone.

The Badd Boy: Minor details Jimmy, minor details.

*"Jarred's Theme" can be heard, but the boos only grow louder than they've been as Jarred Carthallion steps out onto the rampway. He walks down the ramp and rolls into the ring and throws his arms into the air just to get boo'd more. Jarred walks over by Messiah, the two talk for a moment then Messiah climbs out onto the ring apron leaving Jarred in the ring.*

King: You have a lot of history with this man.

The Badd Boy: What do you mean a lot of history? I've beat his ass almost as many times as he's changed gimmicks. One of those was my first world championship reign. Ah, you have to love the memories. He did get a backhanded W over me in a three way tag match that I turned on my partner Justin Franchize and left him out to dry.

JR: Damn it is this going to be praise Badd Boy night or are you going to actually accomplish something?

King: Don't mind him Badd Boy, he's getting Senile.

JR: I'll show you senile.

The Badd Boy: You need some prozac.

*"Dirty Deads Done Dirt Cheap" begins to play as Shady Shane Mortsyn walks out from the back. The crowd doesn't give a large pop and is mixed with only a couple of cheers and still a number of boos. Shane runs down the ramp and slides into the ring. He waits in his respective corner.*

The Badd Boy: This man is doing so well people almost remember who he is.

JR: Is there anyone in the match you are going to talk good about?

The Badd Boy: Hmmm, no, I don't think so why?

JR: Why do I even bother?

King: Good question JR.

*"Twilight's Theme Music" is being playing when he comes out from the back. Twilight looks around at the crowd and heers them boo. He runs down the ramp and like the rest slides into the ring. He talks with Shady Shane and Shane steps through the ropes to the ring apron. The referee holds up the tag team championships then hands them off to the time keeper. The bell sounds and the match gets underway.*

The Badd Boy: The relgious zealout. This dude is just weird. That wicca stuff he loves is the biggest load of crap I've ever heard of.

JR: Oh, kind of like you.

The Badd Boy: ...................

[Twilight locks up with Jarred Carthallion and the two dance around the ring for a moment then Twilight drops down to the ground and gives Jarred an arm toss. Jarred jumps up and runs at Twilight who gives him another one. Jarred once again jumps up to his feet but Twilight stops him with a dropkick. Twilight helps Jarred up then whips him into the corner hard. Jarred stumbles out as Twilight bounces off of the rope and gives Jarred a bulldog. Twilight leaps up onto the turnbuckle with his back to the ring. He looks behind him and Jarred stumbles to his feet Twilight leaps backwards with a flying cross body twist. Twilight gets on one knee, grabs the back of Jarred's head and starts with some right hands. Jarred Carthallion is lifted up via the hair by Twilight. Twilight grabs him around the head, but Jarred grabs a hold of Twilight's body and suplexes him back. Jarred breaks free of Twilight's grasp and stands up. He bends over and puts his hand on Twilight's chest holding him down then kicks his legs up into the air then drops the knees down onto Twilight. Jarred gets up and pulls Twilight up. He grabs Twilight then nails him with a snap suplex. Jarred stands up and walks around the ring taking a breather and awaits Twilight. Twilight starts to get back up then Jarred charges in and knees Twilight to the stomach, then follows up with a european upper cut. Twilight reels back as Jarred pulls back and hits a haymaker.]

The Badd Boy: Jarred not starting this one off too well, but making a come back with Twilight here.

JR: I think Jarred is looking to make a tag.

King: I like ducks.

[Jarred Carthallion walks over and tags in Messiah. Messiah steps through the ropes and Twilight leaps for the corner and tags in Shady Shane. Messiah runs over as Shane begins to climb into the ring. Messiah hits Shane with a double axe handle smash into his back. Messaih grabs a hold of Shane and throws him into the ring. Messiah starts stomping on Shane not giving him any chance to mount an offense. Messiah drops an elbow into the back of the neck on Shane. Messiah then helps Shane up, but grabs him around the head holding tightly. Messiah the starts to hit a succession of knees into Shane. Shane drops down to one knee as Messiah steps back then pushes Shane onto his back. Messiah runs against the ropes and drops down for a leg drop but Shane rolls out of the way. Both men climb to their feet quickly but Shady Shane hits a clothesline taking Messiah down. Shane straddles Messiah and starts hitting a succession of right hands. Shane then stands up and starts stomping on Messiah. Shane then gets onto the mat and locks Messiah into an arm bar. The referee checks to see if Messiah gives up but he tells the referee no. Messiah reaches out behind him and falls just short of the ropes. Shane pulls the arm tighter and Messiah lets out a grunt then reaches again and gets the rope. The referee forces the two to break. Shane tags Twilight then picks up Messiah and whips him into the ropes.]

JR: A blind tag was made there. Messiah has no clue yet that there was a tag.

The Badd Boy: I'm thinking he'll be in for a rude awaking here soon.

King: Quack.

JR: .....................

The Badd Boy: .........................

[Twilight jumps up onto the turnbuckle and Messiah hits the ropes and starts come back then Twilight leaps off with a flying lariat clobbering Messiah. The beat down on Messiah continues as Twilight helps him up then throws him into the turnbuckle. Twilight runs and jumps up onto the middle turnbuckle, springboards up into the air from that, wraps his legs around Messiah and throws him back to the center of the mat completing a hurricanrana. Twilight gets right on his feet again then climbs back onto the top turnbuckle. Twilight leaps off and smashes Messiah with a senton bomb. Twilight is pumped and full of energy as he picks up Messiah and throws him to the outside. Messiah is on all fours and takes a moment to collect his thoughts. Messiah then jumps up onto the ring apron. He starts taunting Twilight, and Twilight gets a head of himself and goes for Messiah. Messiah ducks down and shoulder tackles Twilight. Messiah then grabs Twilight's head and runs towards the turnbuckle and slams his face into it. Messiah steps back through the ropes and puts his arm around Twilights head. Messiah walks towards the turnbuckle, climbs up on it then swings around and plants Twilight with a tornado DDT. Messiah gets up and drops a leg drop across Twilight's throat. Messiah then picks up Twilight and whips him into the ropes. Twilight is on his way back when Messiah leaps over him. Messiah runs for the opposite ropes both men bounce off opposite sides of the ring then both go for clotheslines. They nail a double clothesline and both men are out of it in the middle of the ring.]

The Badd Boy: Is this match over yet?

King: ZzZzZzZzZzZz...

The Badd Boy: What in the hell?

JR: He'd stay awake if you'd stop talking.

The Badd Boy: ..................*Slaps King in the back of the head.* Stay awake, who's side are you on anyway?

King: JR's moms.

JR: You son of a bitch you know I loved my momma dearly and God rest her soul she died years ago.

[The referee starts a count. ...1...2...3...4...both men start moving and crawling towards their corners...5...6...7...they are getting closer...8...9...Messiah gets the tag on Jarred Carthallion ending the count. As Jarred starts to get in Shady Shane is tagged in by Twilight. Shane goes for his own clothesline on Jarred but Jarred ducks it and puts a spinning heel kick on Shane. Jarred picks Shane up and throws him into the ropes but chases right after him. When Shane turns around Jarred is there to hit a knee lift that throws Shane down. Jarred lifts Shane up off of the mat then locks him in a sleeper hold. He holds it tight and the referee checks the arm ...1...2...Shane starts fighting back. Shane starts to stand up and Jarred Carthallion tries to hold it off. Shady Shane wraps his arm around Jarred's head and drops Jarred's chin across Shane's shoulder. Jarred bounces back as Shane gets up. Shane stumbles back for a second then gets it together and awaits Jarred to stand. Jarred finally does make it to his feet as Shane charges in and tackles Jarred to the mat. Shane is getting pumped as he picks Jarred up and backs him into the corner. Shane grabs Jarred's arm and whips him into the opposite corner. Jarred slams into it hard. Shane runs and jumps up onto that turnbuckle and hits ten consequetive right hand punches to Jarred's face. Shane then hops down and sets Jarred up for the Shady Tree! Shady Shane covers Jarred Carthallion for the ...1...2...3!]

The Badd Boy: Oh how nice, new tag team champions. Well it's time for me to go.

JR: Where are you going?

The Badd Boy: You alway ask that, and the answer doesn't change.

JR: Come back here you ignorant bastard don't you do it, don't go down there.

King: Why do you bother? You aren't going to stop anything.

*Jarred Carthallion and Messiah rolled out of the ring and walked off to the side of the ramp exiting. The referee hands Shady Shane and Twilight the tag team championship belts. The two men jump up onto the turnbuckles and raise them into the air to listen to the crowd's reaction. The Badd Boy runs down the ramp. He looks to the side guard rail, walks over to it, pushes a fan out of his seat then Badd Boy takes the steel chair. He quickly slides into the ring and runs up behind Twilight and smacks the chair into Twilight's back. Twilight drops the belt and falls over the top of the ropes and lands on the mat on the outside. Shane sees what happened and drops then belt hopping off of the turnbuckle. He charges at The Badd Boy only to receive a superkick for his efforts putting him down. The Badd Boy picks up Shady Shane and throws him over the top rope near Twilight. The Badd Boy picks up the two tag team championships and place them over his shoulders.*

JR: Somebody needs to stop that man. That's just not right. Bah Gawd!

*The Badd Boy has an arrogant grin on his face as he spreads his arms out open wide and embraces the loud boos as Shockwave goes off of the air.*