EMF: Saturday Shockwave

*EMF comes on with Wasabi sitting on a couch in the locker room. Suddenly a fly starts to fly around him. It lands on his arm and Wasabi smashes it!*

Wasabi-wooooo I bashed someone!

*Wasabi gets up to celebrate, but trips on something and goes flying into AN ARKIE who for some reason just happens to be there. Wasabi crashes into AN ARKIE and knocks him out*

Wasabi-....I'm 2 for 2!

*We go to the outside as Chucky Atkins of the IBL Detroit Pistons is looking very pissed off. Along with someone else*

person-Now Chuck, I know your angry about your family issues. But you need to find something to release your anger...on let's say...

*Wasabi walks out from his locker room*


*Chucky charges at Wasabi and beats down on Wasabi. Then says....*

Chucky Atkins-Yeah!! that was worth faking the family issues!!!

person-You mean your not really having family issues?

Chucky Atkins-Na, I just said that to get a chance to beat down this son of bitch

*Chucky and the person runs off the camera commando style. The camera says with it as Wasabi gets up, Wasabi stumbles up and turns around to a kick in the gut by Mr. Perfect. Mr. Perfect hits the perfect plex on Wasabi*

Mr. Perfect-That was the PERFECT bash!

*we fade away into the arena*

JR-were not even started and Wasabi already go bashed...

King-I knew Chucky Atkins really didn't have family issues...I just wasn't going to tell you!
JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Dreg Head!!! (crowd cheers ****)

["I'm a Dreg Head" blasts on the PA system as Dreg head walks to the ring wondering just what in the FUCK he is. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Wasabi!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Wasabi walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Dreg Head drops Wasabi with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Wasabi checks his boots. (ring, ring, ring) Dreg Head mule kicks Wasabi. Dreg Head hits Wasabi with a rolling elbow smash to the face. ]

JR - Dreg Head executes a rolling elbow smash.

[Dreg Head is hit with a backward kick. Dreg Head stands up. Wasabi knifehand chops Dreg Head. Wasabi gets drilled with an inverted back breaker. Dreg Head sends Wasabi to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]

King - Dreg Head is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[Dreg Head chokes Wasabi. Dreg Head takes Wasabi into the ring. ]

JR - They're moving back to the ring. Dreg Head can get the pinfall at the ring.

[Dreg Head picks Wasabi up in a fireman's carry and flapjacks him. Dreg Head chants start. Dreg Head climbs to his feet. Dreg Head and Wasabi go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Wasabi stands up. (..2) Dreg Head gets hit with a dragon scerw from Wasabi. Wasabi is back on his feet. (...3) Dreg Head gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Wasabi. Wasabi stands up. Dreg Head moves back to his feet. Dreg Head punches Wasabi in the gut. Dreg Head picks up Wasabi and drops him neck first on the ropes. Wasabi takes Dreg Head into the ring. Wasabi clotheslines Dreg Head. Dreg Head catches Wasabi leg, but Wasabi reverses it with an enzuigiri to Dreg Head's head. Dreg Head gets back to his feet. Wasabi with the Flying Elbowdrop on Dreg Head! Wasabi pins him with a backward bridge. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3

JR - The winner of this match, Wasabi!!!

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Jake Jeckyl!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Jake Jeckyl comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Raptor!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[Raptor walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Jake Jeckyl drops Raptor with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Raptor drops Jake Jeckyl with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (ding, ding, ding) Jake Jeckyl hits Raptor with a heart punch. Jake Jeckyl executes a corkscrew legdrop on Raptor. Now Raptor standing. Raptor goes for a handspring bodyblock but Jake Jeckyl dodges the attack. Raptor and Jake Jeckyl go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Raptor short-arm clotheslines Jake Jeckyl to the floor. Jake Jeckyl climbs to his feet. (...3) Jake Jeckyl goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Raptor. Jake Jeckyl moves back to his feet. (....4) Jake Jeckyl gets tiger suplexed by Raptor. Now Raptor standing. (.....5) Raptor takes Jake Jeckyl into the ring. Raptor knees Jake Jeckyl and rolls back to his feet. Jake Jeckyl stands up. Jake Jeckyl hits Raptor with the crotch slam. Raptor gets hit with the shooting star press from Jake Jeckyl. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Raptor kicks out. Now Raptor standing. Jake Jeckyl goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on Raptor. Jake Jeckyl is up again. Raptor climbs to his feet. Jake Jeckyl kicks Raptor in the groin. Jake Jeckyl uses a snap mare takeover on Raptor. Jake Jeckyl stomps Raptor. ]

JR - stomp!

[Raptor gets hit with the shooting star press from Jake Jeckyl. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 Raptor kicks out. Raptor gets up. Jake Jeckyl hits him with a back fist. ]

JR - Raptor takes a back fist.

[Jake Jeckyl low blows Raptor. Raptor gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Jake Jeckyl. Jake Jeckyl climbs to his feet. Raptor gets up. Jake Jeckyl takes Raptor down with an Arabian Facebuster. Jake Jeckyl chants start. Jake Jeckyl locks Raptor in the odd octopus hold. Earl Hebner asks Raptor if he quits. ... Raptor is fighting the hold. ... Jake Jeckyl tightens the hold. ... Raptor trys to escape. ... Jake Jeckyl breaks the hold. Raptor climbs to his feet. Raptor grabs Jake Jeckyl's leg and takes him down. Now Jake Jeckyl standing. Jake Jeckyl gouges Raptor's eyes out. Raptor gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Jake Jeckyl comes over and smashes Raptor's head into it. Jake Jeckyl gets sidewalk slammed by Raptor. Raptor chants start. Raptor hits Jake Jeckyl with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Raptor thrust kicks Jake Jeckyl in the head. Raptor hits a screwdriver on Jake Jeckyl. Jake Jeckyl is pinned. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3

JR - The winner of this match, Raptor!!!

*we cut into Prez Mike's office, Prez Mike is watching a monitor and then turns to the camera.*

.::Prez Mike::.-Well....well....well looks who is trying to scam her way back into the EMF. It's everyone's favorite reason to puke Ashlee. Now Ashlee you have been asked to stay away, we had enough of you to last a life time. So I'll keep this short and sweet, because honestly you aren't worth time. Though when I heard that "everyone's favorite President Mike can't do a damn thing about me returning as a manager." I want to ask you something Ashlee, just what the fuck were you smoking when you came to that logic? Managers earn money too you know, they are apart of the Extreme Measures Federation and last time I checked your contract was suspensed and will continue to do so. So Ashlee volunteer your services to Badd Boy and Wes, because that's exactly what it is volunteering. You are not going to see a damn cent out of me and you try to fuck with me. I'll show you just what I can do to stop you to being a manager here in the EMF. But for now Ashlee your of no concern of mine, so I'll leave it at that

(OOC-eeerrr Ashlee just saying with this that Prez Mike isn't going to do anything with you being a manager....for now, so you don't get the wrong idea about it.)

*EMF goes back* Finkel:"Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first from St. Louis, Missouri. He is being accompanied to the ring by Ashlee...Wes Ikeda!"

*"Cocky" by Kid Rock starts to play and Ashlee walks out onto the stage. When she makes her appearance, the crowd starts to boo and chant obscenities about her. She simply smiles and shrugs it off as she turns around and points to the entrance. A few moments later Wes walks out runs to the edge of the stage. He stands there, posing for the fans, but the only recognition he gets for it is a chant of "Jobber". Wes and Ashlee head down the ramp to the ring, trying to ignore the fans as best they can as Wes slides in the ring and watches Ashlee circle around to the side oposite the entrance.*

Finkel:"And now introducing his opponent, he is acompanied to the ring by Titan...Big Mastadon!"

*Biggy's music starts to play as he and Titan step out onto the stage. Fans react with mixed emotions. Some greeting him with boos, and others cheering for him. Biggy and Titan walk down to the ring and Biggy steps up onto the ring apron, and then over the top rope into the ring. Wes backs into a corner, as does Biggy, and the two men stare each other down with a vicious hunger in their eyes.*

J.R:"Well, this has the potential to be a show stealing match if you ask me. This is Wes' first match in the EMF in quite sometime, and Biggy is looking to make a come back after that loss to Hobo last week. So there is no doubt in my mind that both of these men are prepared to do whatever it takes in order to win this match."

King:"Shut the fuck up J.R! This match is gonna suck. Big Mastadon is, well hes...I'm not sure what he is. But I do know that Wes is the only person here who is a bigger jobber than Jarred Carthallion is."

*Referee Charles Robison calls for the bell, and as it rings the two men step out of their corners and head to the middle of the ring. They stand there, staring each other down, well as best they can considering Wes' face was in Biggy's chest. After a few moments of jaw jacking, Wes slaps Biggy, which causes Biggy to grab Wes by the face and shove him across the ring. Wes springs back to his feet and rushes at Biggy, only to find himself met by a massive knee lift to his stomach, and as he doubles over, Biggy delivers a powerful head butt to the back of his head. Wes falls to the mat, but before he can roll away, or even grab the back of his head, Biggy grabs a handfull of his hair and pulls him to his feet. Biggy jerks Wes' head back and starts to scream at him, as he charges him across the ring and sends him flying over the top rope to the outside. Wes hits the floor hard, and Ashlee rushes over to him to check on him. Charles Robinson leans through the ropes and warns Ashlee to get away from Wes, which prompts her to head back around the ring.*

J.R:"Well, if the opening moments are any indication, it looks as if Wes has gotten himself in a mess that he can't get himself out of."

King:"Yeah, if you say so J.R. But I will tell you this, there is no way in Hell that Wes will able to match power with Big Mastadon."

J.R:"Thank you for pointing out the obvious."

King:"Anytime J.R. Anytime."

*Wes gets back to his feet and starts to climb up on the ring apron, but Biggy reaches over the top rope and grabs him by the head, pulling him up onto the ring apron, and then pulling him back into the ring by his head. Wes hits the mat hard and grabs his back as Biggy laughs at him. Biggy leans over and grabs Wes by the hair again, pulling him back to his feet. As Wes stands up, he manages to knock one of Mastadon's arms away from him, allowing him to start landing a few punches to his head. But Biggy simply shrugs it off, and knees Wes in the gut again, doubling him over. Biggy stands him up right again, and whips him into the ropes. As Wes makes his return, Biggy attempts to hit him with a big boot, but Wes ducks it and quickly turns around, landing a drop kick to the side of Biggy's leg. Biggy stumbles for a few steps, and grabs his knee. But Wes delivers a second, and then a third drop kick to his leg. But Biggy stands there, clutching his leg in pain. Wes runs and bounces off the ropes, and again delivers a drop kick to Biggy's knee, this time taking the big man off his feet. As soon as Biggy hits the mat, Wes is back up and stomping on his knee. Wes grabs Biggy's foot, and raises his leg up, then dropping an elbow across the side of his knee. Wes does this a few more times, before stepping over Biggy's leg and falling back, locking it between his legs, pulling back on his leg in an attempt to hyper extend it. Charles Robinson drops down to his knees by Biggy's head, asking if he wants to continue the match."

J.R:"Well Wes is doing the smart thing, if you ask me, by taking the big man off his feet and eliminating his vertical basis."

King:"Do you have any idea how stupid you sound?"

*Biggy cries out in pain as Wes pulls back on his leg harder. Charles Robinson asks him again if he wants to end the match, but Biggy sits up and grabs him by the shirt collar and screams at him. Wes jerks back on his leg harder, and Biggy lets the ref go, and falls back in pain again. But he sits right back up and starts reaching towards Wes, trying to grab him. Wes sits up, mocking Biggy, but its a mistake. Biggy grabs him by the head and starts to lay punches into his forhead. Finally, Biggy rocks him with one and Wes loosens the hold enough for Biggy to get free and slide away from him. Wes grabs the ropes and starts pulling himself up, shaking the cobwebs out of his head. Biggy does the same on the other side of the ring. As the two men get to their feet, Biggy takes a few steps out towards the middle of the ring, and as he does Wes charges at him, attempting to spear him, but Biggy steps out of the way and Wes ends up spearing Charles Robinson instead.*

J.R:"Oh my god! Wes just speared the spit out Referee Charles Robinson!"

King:"Wooo Hoo! This means that somebody is gonna cheat, and that makes for a good match."

*Wes slowly gets back up, a shocked look on his face. Big Mastadon stands behind him, waiting for him to turn around, and as he does Biggy blasts him with a kick to the gut. Big Mastadon picks Wes up and nails him with the Biggy Bomb, and immediatly makes the cover. But the ref is down and out and can't make the three count. But as Biggy starts to get up, he looks outside the ring and sees Ashlee standing before him, and before he can stand up Ashlee throws a handful of a white powdery substance in his face. Biggy stumbles to his feet, clutching his eyes and screaming. Wes grabs the ropes and slowly stands up, while Ashlee shakes the referee back to life. As Biggy stumbles around, rubbing his eyes, Wes eases around behind him and grabs him a full nelson, barely picking him up and nailing him wih a Full Nelson suplex. Wes bridges into a pin, and Charles Robinson slowly makes the count...1..2....3. But as the count goes down, Titan grabs Ashlee by the air and spins her around, only to get kicked in the groin. Wes lets go of the hold and stands up as the bell rings. Ashlee rolls into the ring and raises Wes' hand as "Cocky" begins to play again. The fans begin chanting "Jobber" again as the two roll out of the ring and start backing up the ramp to the stage.*

J.R:"Well Wes pulled that one out of his ass, but only thanks to Ashlee's help."

King:"I knew somebody would cheat, but I was hoping it wasn't him."

*Titan rolls into the ring and starts to help Biggy up, but as the two men get to their feet, Kevin Nash and Jarred jump out of the audiance and roll into the ring. Nash imediately nails Titan with a kick to the gut and throws him over the top to the outside. As Kevin turns around, Biggy trys a big boot, but Nash ducks it and turns around, kneeing Biggy in the gut doubling hiim over. Big Kev picks Biggy up and Jacknifes him in the center of the ring and then drags him closer to the corner. Jarred climbs to the top turnbuckle and leaps off, nailing Biggy with the Legendary End. Jarred springs back to his feet, and he and Nash roll Biggy out of the ring. As Mastadon hits the floor, Jarred grabs a microphone from Howard Finkel....*

Jarred:"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! Hold up there Wes, and you as well Ashlee. You know, I sat here and I watched what just happened. And I must say, I'm a little bit impressed Wes, well not really, but I thought it would seem like the nice thing to say. Anyways, I heard what you said about A.J. Detmer, and I think that what Mike said earlier really sums it all up. I mean, you can do whatever you want. If you want Detmer next week on Shockwave, then thats great. Cause you got him Wes. I think that a match with you two next week on Shockwave would make for some great television. I mean, you being the jobber you are, and him being the new comer and what not. But, before you start celebrating because you got your way, you need to hear me out Wes. You see, I heard what you said about Ashlee being your new manager, or actually it was what she said. And I know that Kat is at home with Blane. But I'm wondering what she thinks about you being his manager Ashlee. I mean, everybody knows that Wes has the hots for you, and we all know that, well never mind, none of that matters right now. Anyways, Ashlee I agree with what Mike said earlier in the night. If you want to take money from your husband and brother in law to be their manager, then we can't stop you. But you see Ashlee, Tony and Wes work for the EMF. And that means that they work for Mike, Wasabi and myself. And with that being the case, it technically means that what we say goes. Ashlee, I'm the CEO of this company, and although I can't change what Mike said to you earlier, I can expand on it. Ashlee, I saw what you just did, and due to your actions here tonight, Ashlee, next week during Wes' match...you are barred from ring side. I won't have you interfering in the match next week and helping Wes beat A.J Detmer. And just to make things completely fair, I'm going to give the match a special guest referee, but you'll have to wait till next week to find out who it is. You see, I have a little bit riding on that match myself, because I want to see those two destroy each other. Now, as for this giant bag of crap goes down here. Biggy, next week, if your open for a match, and I know you are. Next week, I'm feeling a little froggy, and I'm gonna jump. Boy, I've got that old feeling back, and I want you on Shockwave next week. Because Biggy, everybody comes full circle. And its time that the world learned to fear us, revere, and never to doubt us!"

*"Break You" by Drowning Pool plays as Jarred and Kevin Nash taunt the crowd from the ring for a few minutes as the EMF cuts to a quick commercial for First Blood...*

"Franchize's theme" blasts on the PA system as Franchize walks to the ring

King-you know JR...I just thought of something to put on my "I hate" list...

JR-What's that...


"Here comes the money" blasts on the PA system as Hobo walks to the ring

King-Hopefully he knows he can cheat legally now..

[Franchize and Hobo pace around the ring, then finally lock up. Franchize takes down Hobo with a firemen's carry and locks Hobo in a arm extension. The ref asks Hobo if he wants to give it up, Hobo refuses and slowly pulls himself up off the mat and gets Franchize in a pin for the 1........2.....kick out right back into the arm extention. Knowing that the arm extention won't be effective, Franchize lets go of the hold and then keeps hold of Hobo's arm who's still down on the mat and then drops a leg drop on arm of Hobo. Franchize then lets go of the arm and then looks into the crowd blankly and then goes to the outside and looks under the ring. Franchize pulls out a ladder from under the ring and then slides it into the ring. Franchize then takes a chair and then slides it into the ring. Franchize then sets up the chair close to the middle of the ring. Franchize then puts the ladder in the corner. As this is happening Hobo is getting up in the corner opposite where Franchize is and looks very stunned. Franchize then turns to Hobo and then goes over to him and then starts to hammer him with a few hard fists to the head. Hobo slumps down a little bit. Franchize pulls him the rest of the way and then trys to whip him to the other side of the ring where the ladder is set up in the corner. But Hobo reverses the whip and Franchize goes back first into the ladder. Franchize comes out of the corner fast in pain as Hobo stumbles to about the middle of the ring as Franchize comes near him and then hits a drop toe hold that sends Franchize's face into the steel chair. Franchize is somewhat able to block some of the blow with his hands. But it still has a effect as Franchize rolls around in pain, Hobo then goes into the cover and gets a 1.......2.....kick out. Hobo goes to the corner and then sets up the ladder up while still in the corner. Hobo goes to close the top step of the ladder and waits for Franchize to get up. Franchize stumbles up and Hobo leaps off and attempts his finishing move the Hobocanarana. But it's blocked into a hard sit down power bomb that Franchize can't follow up to. Both wrestlers remain down, Franchize then slowly gets to his feet and see's that Hobo is still down and is seemly not getting up for a little while. Franchize steps to the outside and climbs to the top turnbuckle and then to the top of the ladder. Franchize leaps off and then goes for a big splash off the ladder and Hobo is able to move out of the way and avoid contact and Franchize goes crashing to the mat.]

JR-It's a good thing Hobo moved out of the way of that move...or we may have had a new Extreme champion

King-Franchize must have gone to the Hardyz school of Xtreme too

[Franchize gets up holding his gut near the ropes, Hobo gets up and clotheslines him over the top rope. The force in the clothesline is so much that both Hobo and Frachize go over the top rope. Though Hobo is able to land on his feet. Hobo then goes to the ring steps and then kicks off the top piece of it and leaves the base. Hobo then goes to where Franchize is and then puts Franchize on the base of the steps. Hobo raises his hand to the crowd and sets up Franchize for a piledriver. But before he can hit the move, Franchize counters with a low blow. Which as you can probably picture stops Hobo in his tracks. From there Franchize gets Hobo on his shoulder and drives Hobo back first into the base of the steps with a whiplash spinebuster.Hobo is hanging over the edge of the steel steps. Franchize pulls Hobo's head on the base of the steps and then grabs a steel chair from under the ring. Franchize then puts it on Hobo's face, Franchize goes to the apron and then charges and leaps off and hits a double leg stomp on the chair that crushes Hobo's head between the chair and the base of the steps. Franchize takes the chair and Hobo is a bloody mess, Franchize would go for the cover. But kind of thinking of more ways to inflict pain instead of finishing Hobo off]

King-Franchize really is the sick FUCK


King-SHUT UP *King knocks JR out with a iron glove*

[Franchize just decides to finish it off, Franchize rolls Hobo into the ring and then rolls into the ring as well. Slowly Franchize pulls up Hobo and then sets him up and nails the tombstone piledriver. Franchize goes into the cover and gets a 1..........2..........3]

JR-we have a new Extreme champion

"2 Badd" blasts on the PA system as Badd boy walks to the ring

King-I wonder if that's a real song

JR-why wouldn't it be?

King-Well Road always said "Fuck the world" was his theme song, but yet he didn't even know if it really was a song!

"Steelhart's theme" blasts on the PA system as Steelhart walks to the ring

JR-Steelhart is here on more than questionable terms

King-aw who cares!

[Steelhart puts on a head lock on Badd boy, Badd boy looks for a way out of this hold and then Badd boy hits a few fists to the gut of Steelhart to weaken his grip with the head lock and forces his hand up into a top wrist lock. But Steelhart uses his other hand and yanks Badd boy down by the hair while the ref isn't looking. Steelhart now has Badd boy down to the mat in a arm bar. Badd boy says something about yanking his hair to the ref and then slowly gets up, Steelhart turns the arm bar into a hammer lock. Badd boy hits a elbow into the face that makes Steelhart finally break the hold. Badd boy runs to the ropes as Steelhart stumbles around, Badd bounces off the ropes and Steelhart stops acting like he's stunned and uses Badd boy's own momentum against him and throws him up in the air. But Badd boy is able to use this to his advantage and then hits a drop kick on Steelhart as he's coming down. Steelhart gets up really stunned and stumbles right into Badd boy who picks up Steelhart and slams him in a body slam. Badd boy then backs to the ropes and then leaps in the air and hits a knee drop on the face of Steelhart, Badd boy goes into the cover and gets a 1........2......kick out. Badd boy waits for Steelhart who gets up near the ropes, then Badd boy hits a few fists that has Steelhart reeling on the ropes. Badd boy then trys to whip Steelhart to the ropes . But Steelhart reverses the whip and Badd boy goes to the ropes, Steelhart lowers his head with for a back body drop, but Badd boy counters it with a hard kick to the face. Steelhart pops up holding his face and stumbles to Badd boy and Badd boy hits a t-bone suplex. Steelhart is stunned, but trying to keep off the mat so he won't get pinned. But has to use the ropes to do this, Badd boy waits and charges at Steelhart. But Steelhart is somehow able to counter the charge with a back body drop over the top rope. Badd boy crashes to the arena floor. Steelhart has to go to the mat due to the amount of punishment on him. Badd Boy recovers on the floor after crashing hard on the arena floor. Steelhart gets up and sees that Badd boy has gotten up with the use of the apron and is just kind of standing there trying to recover more. Steelhart backs to the ropes and charges at Badd boy outside of the ring and then goes for a baseball slide on Badd boy. But Badd boy moves at the last second as Steelhart slides under the bottom rope. Badd Boy takes Steelhart's head and then smashes it against apron. Badd Boy then takes Steelhart and leads him a few steps back and then sets him up and then goes for a snap suplex which is blocked by Steelhart. Steelhart then reverses where Badd boy and Steelhart are orinigally standing and then hits a snap suplex on the metal entrance ramp on Badd Boy.]

JR-That might be the deciding factor in the match

King-Of course it was...it wasn't legal, thus it was good!

[Steelhart gets up after having to get up slowly, because he's still very stunned with the beating that Badd boy has been giving him. Badd boy is able to stumble to his feet, Badd boy charges at Steelhart who is trying to get back into the ring. Steelhart is able to counter this move by using Badd boy's own momentum against him and then has him go crashing face first into the ring apron. Badd boy holds his face in pain as Steelhart waits for him to turns around. Once he does Steelhart takes Badd Boy and throws him hard into the steel steps shoulder first. Badd Boy just sits there in a lot of pain, Steelhart charges at Badd Boy and goes for a seated drop kick that would crash Badd Boy's head between the steps and Steelhart's boots. But Badd boy moves out of the way at the last second and the steps go flying off the base as they usually do if hit right . Steelhart crawls away and then sees that Badd Boy is getting up somewhat still stunned, so he charges at Badd Boy. But Badd Boy was only acting stunned and counters the charge with a drop toe hold that makes Steelhart go crashing into the base of the steel steps. Badd Boy slowly gets up as Steelhart is seemly out of it and rolls him to the inside of the ring. Badd Boy goes to the top rope and leaps off the top and nails a top rope flying elbow drop. Badd Boy goes for a pin and gets a 1......2.......kick out. Badd Boy questions if it was a 2, Badd boy then gets up trying to think of something else to do to Steelhart. Then Badd Boy signals for the full nelson slam.]

JR-Looks like Badd Boy is going to try to finish off Steelhart!

King-Yeah....what you think of this KoRnBoT

KoRnBoT-Go Arizona.....eeerrr.....ST. Louis Cardinals

King-I always knew you were a Arizona Cardinals fan at heart....

[Badd boy then whips Steelhart to the ropes, Steelhart bounces off the ropes and into a set up for a full nelson slam. But before he can hit it, Dark Talon jumps on the apron and gets the refs attention enough for Steelhart to hit a low blow. Steelhart then stumbles to the ropes, then CRACKED over the head with a singapore cane by Justin Franchize as the ref isn't looking still. Steelhart stumbles back dazed as ever into a full nelson slam and Badd boy goes into the cover, the ref finally turns around and counts the 1..........2........3] (Franchize leaves the ringside area and as he's walking up the ramp Shockwave goes off the air)